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12.19% How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game / Chapter 25: Morning Cats

Capítulo 25: Morning Cats

In the early hours of the morning, I made my way to the cafeteria, beating the majority of students to the breakfast rush.

Despite the somewhat inflated prices of the food, there was an undeniable satisfaction in the taste that somehow justified the cost.

Yet, selling out nearly a thousand gems for a single meal still felt like a blatant display of corruption and a thinly veiled scam. It was hard to shake off the feeling that something was inherently wrong with the system.

But dwelling on the intricacies of academy logistics wasn't something I could afford at the moment. Perhaps the administration allowed this pricing system to persist to incentivize students to strive for A-class status. After all, rankings were in constant flux, recalibrated every semester.

Alternatively, they might be subtly pushing students towards part-time work, encouraging them to earn money alongside their studies.

Both scenarios, however, posed a grim reality for those in the lower to mid ranks.

For students like the OG Riley, who situated somewhere in the middle of the hierarchy, the road to the upper echelons of A-class seemed dauntingly narrow.

The coveted top 10 spots were fiercely contested, with little room for newcomers to break through. The possibility of being surpassed by unknown contenders was slim to none.

The only semblance of change came in the form of personal advancement within our respective classes, a mere shuffling of positions among familiar faces.

Looking around the cafeteria, the only noticeable activity came from a group of seniors engrossed in what appeared to be their thesis work for the imminent mid-graduation.

The sparse population of students at this early hour made perfect sense, I should come here early from now on as the afternoon and morning rush can be quite annoying.

With my tray in hand, I sought out an unoccupied table, paying little heed to the subtle glances directed my way.

Settling into my seat, I began to dig into my egg and sausage breakfast, my thoughts drifting toward the impending scenario.

[Act 1, Chapter 2: The Forest of Monsters]

A small duo-type exam in which the profs would send us into a densely packed forest near the academy filled with verified monsters that they considered as 'Educational'.

This was just a small arc to establish and allow players to have a look at the general overview of what the main heroines can do if they ever want to optimize their party, which gives players the option to choose between 5 different main heroines they could follow along with, which then changes which boss you face in the exam.

[Snow White route: Inferno Bear]

[Janica Mortelina route: Scythe Mantis]

[Rose Brilliance route: Tempest Wolf]

[Seo Gyeoul route: Bandit Tortoise]

[Clara Luminaria route: Acid Viper]

Initially, I didn't think much about this act, considering it didn't directly impact me. However, upon deeper reflection, it became apparent that it held significant implications.

When Lucas chooses a particular route, it confines him to facing only one specific boss along that path, leaving the other four bosses lurking elsewhere in the forest unchallenged.

While I could opt to avoid these bosses altogether, being aware of their precise locations, I can't overlook the valuable experience points they offer, especially since I don't have the early level experience boost now.

Additionally, it's imperative to secure a reliable partner before the exam commences, which I would probably have trouble finding,.

I'm really hoping Lucas opts for the most challenging boss, which would undoubtedly be Clara's route.

Although I'm in the dark about what transpired between him and Princess Snow after yesterday's cafeteria encounter, I'm fairly certain that Lucas's overly talkative nature has already piqued the interest of the other two heroines he hasn't met yet—Clara and Rose. They must already harbor some level of curiosity or attraction towards him now.

Adding to the complexity is the fact that most of the heroines Lucas doesn't choose will have to confront the bosses on their own. If memory serves me right, depending on how much damage Clara sustains from her boss, her route could be completely severed. Therefore, it's crucial for Lucas to possess a high Luck stat if he entertains any aspirations of achieving a harem ending.

Ah, but regardless, dwelling too much on this won't do any good. I need to stay focused on my upcoming placement exams today. Since it's essentially a battle royale, I have to strategize carefully. Should I deliberately lose and operate from the shadows thereafter? Or would it be wiser to openly display my strength and aim for a high rating to secure a spot in class A?

Both approaches have their advantages, but I find myself leaning towards the latter. I'm not keen on embarking on mundane missions just for the sake of earning money. That monthly allowance of 50,000 gems for class A students is undeniably enticing.

Screw it, why should I worry about garnering attention if I show off a bit? It might actually save me trouble in the long run. Better to establish a reputation now and deter any potential troublemakers or bullies from targeting me for no reason. It's proactive to build my reputation early on to prevent such incidents from occurring.

Opening my status screen, I began allocating points to my Power stat this time. Winning the upcoming battle royale hinges on utilizing my mana effectively to make proper use of my unique item.

[Available stat points: 59]

[Power: D] [05/50]

[Power: D] [50/50]

[Power: C] [0/60]

[Available stat points: 14]

With each point allocated, I sensed a lightness in my body, akin to the feeling when I increased my strength stat. Warmth radiated from within me.

[Mana has increased!]


Despite feeling a brief surge of happiness, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment.

'A C-rank stat with only 250 mana? It seemed a bit unfair. '

But dwelling on the system's fairness was futile. I wasn't the main character of this romance fantasy game, so I should be content with the opportunity to grow stronger.

For now, I had roughly 25 seconds to utilize Tears of Chronos before it entered cooldown.

Equipped with this newfound power, I mused over the possibility of facing Janica without so much as a scratch.

Of course, that assumption only held true in a one-on-one scenario, which was practically impossible in a battle royale setting.

Taking on Lucas, on the other hand, remained out of reach for me at this point.

 I simply lacked the strength.

Perhaps I could level the playing field with him despite my trash like stats and level, by taking advantage of some broken items and abilities he found and learned in the game, but that would require cheating—a route I wasn't willing to take at the moment.

Besides, most of the cheat-like items and skills belonged to Lucas in every sense and form, as they were all woven into his main scenarios.

Interfering with Lucas's growth wasn't an option; I needed him to progress, If I wanted to survive in this world and reach my happy ending.

However just because I can't take advantage of most things from the future, that didn't mean I was devoid of other options for growth.

If I monopolized all the upcoming bonus dungeons that would emerge in the future, my strength would be assured.

"Ow…" A twinge of pain shot through me as I inadvertently tightened my grip on my arms. Despite having healed my hands with the low-level potion courtesy of the school nurse yesterday, they still throbbed slightly whenever I moved them or exerted too much pressure.

Seo had literally crushed my bones yesterday.

Though I was relieved she seemed happy about us becoming friends—or in her case, best friends—that didn't mean I enjoyed the sensation of pain.

Apart from the casually weird conversation about friends she initiated yesterday, Seo was surprisingly more talkative than she was in the game.

However, her expression remained emotionless, which was a bit disappointing.

Glancing at the time, I realized I should probably finish up my meal now. The battle royale would be starting soon, and the training grounds were quite far away from the cafeteria.

Just as I was about to indulge in the last piece of sausage, a familiar voice broke through my thoughts.

"Wow~ Junior, what a coincidence! What are you doing here this early~?"

Turning around, I spotted Alice, adorned with her witch hat and sporting an impeccably beautiful, uniquely designed uniform.

Her smile was warm and reassuring as always as she approached, curiosity evident in her gaze before she settled into the empty seat across from me.

"Senior Alice…"

"Ah— that's right are you alright now? I'm sorry about what happened last time. I never really got the chance to personally apologize; student council duties got the old of me, you see."

"No, it's okay, senior. It was basically my fault for being weak anyway." If anything I'm ashamed to show my face in front of you right after what happened last time.

"Tsk, tsk, don't say that, Junior. It was my fault for not adjusting my strength, and you ended up in that state. So just accept my apology, okay? I'm really sorry Junior~" she said, bowing her head in front of me with her hands clasped together.

"…Apology accepted."

"Yay~! You really are nice, Junior. Most students would hold a grudge after being humiliated like that."

"Is that so?"

"Mm-hmm," she nodded her head excitedly. "When I was a first year, I can still remember that time when most of the opponents I've faced would say something like 'You better watch yourself' or 'Just you wait!' but they all ended up in the same place as you though, hehehe~" she said proudly, mimicking their voices—presumably ending up in the infirmary, just like me.

"Ah, by the way, why are you here, Junior? It's still quite early, you know? You should get some proper sleep. Trust me, as a senior myself, you probably will miss the notion of sleep once you enter your third year," she said with a frustrated face, earning nods of agreement from the other seniors nearby.

"I just wanted to avoid the breakfast rush."

"Oh my, you know about that concept already? Do you perhaps have a sibling here?"

"No, it's just something I realized would happen after the rush from yesterday…"

"Ah~ I see. Even still, that's quite attentive of you, Junior. You get 10 extra points from me!"

10 extra points? For what though?

Seeing her all smile with a smirk like that, while staring directly at me made me want to grab onto her cheek but I refrained as she would probably think of me as a creep.

"Hehehe~ you really are fun to talk to, Junior~" Alice remarked with a mischievous grin.

"Thanks?" I replied, feeling a tad bewildered.

What was all this about now?

"You're also quite handsome as well~" she added casually.


Okay, was she blatantly teasing me, or was she serious?

I couldn't quite decipher her intentions.

"Have you explored the school yet, Junior?" Alice inquired.

"No... not really," I admitted.

Truth be told, I hadn't really bothered exploring much. I already knew the layout of the school like the back of my hand, so there wasn't much need for exploration.

"Then, would you like this Senior to guide you around~?" she offered, her smile oddly intense as she gazed at me.

I couldn't help but feel a bit perplexed. Why was she looking at me like that? What was with all the compliments and sudden kindness? Alice's behavior today was a bit out of character, and it was starting to mess with my head. This sudden attention was definitely doing a number on my heart.

It seemed like she was having fun teasing me, but I couldn't quite grasp the reason behind it.

"No, I don't want to bothe—"

"Are you sure~? It will be just the two of us, you know~? Walking 'together~'" Alice interjected, her voice trailing off into a slight whisper at the end.

Okay, something was definitely up. This was doing a number on me right now. In the game, Alice was always playful, but not this playful. Seriously, what was going on?

I tried to adjust my breathing, attempting to come up with a proper reply, but before I could, a sudden voice broke through my thoughts.


With her usual emotionless look and a katana placed on the left side of her hip, Seo appeared, as cute and beautiful as always. Especially with the uniquely Eastern-styled black uniform she wore, reminiscent of a sexy kimono.

She approached us slowly, her eyes shifting between Alice and me, before she promptly took a seat in the chair next to me.

"Good morning, Riley," Seo greeted me.

"Good morning, Seo..." I responded, feeling an awkward tension settle over the situation.

Seo then turned her gaze towards Alice, and Alice reciprocated the look. I couldn't quite understand why, but a sudden tension seemed to fill the air as they locked eyes. It felt like a storm was brewing right across my face, a tingling sensation of electricity crackling through the otherwise empty air.

Simultaneously, they both posed the same question:

"Who is she, Riley?"

"Who is she, Junior~?"

Feeling a bit nervous about the whole situation, I answered cautiously.

"Seo, this is Alice Holloway. She's our senior. And, Senior, this is Seo Gyeoul, my fri— I mean, best friend."

"Senior...?" "Best friend?" They both mumbled in unison, their voices carrying a hint of confusion and curiosity.


"I see…" they both said simultaneously once again before having a nod of satisfaction.

What was that about?

Seo then redirected her focus back to me, her gaze fixed on my half-eaten sausage.

"You should eat that faster, Riley. The exam is about to start," she urged, inching closer to my fork before swiftly devouring the last piece of meat.

"Uh— Seo?" I stammered, caught off guard by her sudden boldness.

"Ah... I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. But it's okay, right? Since we're BEST FRIENDS and all?" she said with a sheepish look while shooting a glance at Alice.

"Hehe~ You shouldn't do that, you know, Junior Seo. That's very rude, you know?" Alice chimed in, her tone playful yet chiding.

"We're BEST FRIENDS, so it's fine, right, Riley?" Seo pressed, looking at me expectantly.

"...Yeah?" I responded tentatively. Honestly, I didn't think that was the case exactly, but I didn't know what else to say. It felt like swords and magic would fly if I didn't agree for some reason.

"Hehe~ You two must be very close then if you're already in that stage of openness," Alice remarked, her tone light but her eyes giving off a fierce, red glare. She only ever showed that look when she was annoyed or in fight mode, and she seemed really pissed off right now.

"Yes, we are very close, right, Riley?" Seo turned to me again, her expression expectant.


'Woman, why are you asking for my opinion every time? Can't you see the situation?'

'Don't add more fuel to the fire, please!'

I silently pleaded with Seo, but she seemed oblivious to my unease.

Seeing me not confirming anything this time, Seo looked at me with the same intensity that Alice had directed towards her.

I cursed inwardly, realizing I had no choice but to nod in agreement.


Suddenly, the metallic table started cracking and breaking apart as Alice pressed her hands on it, causing my water to spill onto Seo's skirt.

"Ah~ I'm sorry, Junior. I didn't mean to do that~" Alice apologized to Seo, but her tone didn't sound genuine for some reason.

"It's fine…." Seo replied calmly, standing up and taking my arm as she helped me to my feet. I was surprised by her monstrous strength; I couldn't have stood up voluntarily just now, yet she managed to pick me up effortlessly.

"Let's go, Riley. The professors and the other potential classmates are already there," she said, holding my hand tightly and pulling me along.

"Ah, wait, Seo... I'm sorry about this, Senior" I managed to say, casting a final glance at Alice as Seo hurriedly walked me out of the cafeteria.

With a mixture of relief and anxiety, I bid farewell to the tense atmosphere and followed Seo towards whatever awaited us at the exam.


Meanwhile, back in the cafeteria, a mysterious-looking cat head suddenly popped up, laughing hysterically near Alice.

"Hahahaha~ Best friends, best friends, she said! Hahaha~" The cat's head rolled around Alice, its iconic ear-to-ear smile plastered across its face.

"That kid got you good, Alice. Didn't I advise you yesterday to make a move first? He's quite handsome, you know, so he was bound to get some unwanted attention," Cheshire continued laughing while offering a reprimand.

But Alice remained silent, her gaze fixed menacingly on the two figures getting further away from her.


"Hmm? What is it? Are you ready to listen to the love master's advice now?" Cheshire inquired.

"Junior is a cheater."

"Eh? Come on now, Alice. I know he's your fated one, but calling him a cheater when you aren't exactly in a relationship yet is a bit much, you know?" Cheshire chuckled lightly.

"His heart, it fluctuated in intense pink whenever he looked at her"

But at Alice's last words, Cheshire stopped his intense laughter and adopted a more serious expression, as he looked at the fleeing Riley… before circling around and glancing at Alice's face.

"Oh my…."

He didn't notice it before… but blood might just spill soon.

For the first time in his life Cheshire felt genuine worry for Someone other than his master.

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