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80.95% Almost Invincible (Invincible SI) / Chapter 16: 16: Time to go

Capítulo 16: 16: Time to go

16: Time to go

"Won't you say anything?" Nolan asked, looking at Debbie. She had been silent since she entered his cell, just staring at him, perhaps cursing him, or maybe something else.

He couldn't know; she was always special in that way.

"I have a lot to say, but... I don't think any of it will help," she said with clear frustration in her voice. She looked at the man she had loved, the man she loved, and didn't know what to feel.

Was it a lie? Was it false? But that love, that love was real. He had chosen them, her, their son, but at the same time, he had killed those he called friends...

To say she was mortified would be an understatement; to say she didn't simply want to run up to him and hug him would be a lie. She loved him, loved him so much, but could she just run into his arms and forget everything? The lies? What he did?

How could she? She clenched her fists and bit her lip.

"Why? Why not just tell the truth from the beginning? Why do all this?"

Nolan looked at her, studying her features like no one else could. All those years on Flaxan, he had many thoughts, but above all, the time he spent with Debbie prevailed over everything else: her smile, her eyes, the way her eyebrows wrinkled in annoyance or when she found something funny and tried not to laugh, even though she always ended up doing so.

There was a lot to think about.

"For you," he replied, and it was the truth. If he had wanted to, he would have taken over the planet in the first year he arrived.

"At first, when I arrived on Earth, I studied its strengths and weaknesses, how it could be useful to the empire. They were so weak... Taking over Earth became too easy a task, so I wasn't in a hurry. I simply wandered around the world, not knowing what else to do besides blending in with the people and waiting for the right moment. Then I met you, and for some reason, time stopped mattering. I began to be more interested in humans; I started thinking that staying here for a longer time wouldn't be so bad. For a while, I forgot my mission, forgot who I was supposed to be, and became something else. You made me something else..."

Nolan looked into her eyes, took her hands in his, and spoke seriously.

"The only thing I regret is not realizing it sooner." Maybe it was because Viltrumites lived a long time, or maybe it was just Nolan, but even if it took him too long to realize it, he now knew what he had to do.

Debbie remained silent. Nolan sighed. There was much more to say, many things he wanted to do, but time had run out. Since Nolan communicated with the empire and informed them about Mark gaining powers, the empire had begun monitoring Earth.

Their communication systems, their news networks— for a space-faring civilization, it was extremely easy to do, even being light-years away.

That's why he had no doubt that they would know what he had done. That's why he did it too. He needed to get their attention, draw them in, become their target.

"I have to go," he said softly, pulling Debbie out of her deep thoughts. She looked at him with clear confusion and panic.

"What do you mean?!"

"The empire will soon send their agents for me. What I've done is a betrayal that completely violates everything the empire believes in. They won't hesitate and will focus on punishing me, making me pay for my crimes. If I let them come to Earth, millions will die. I need to draw them away, from you, from Mark, buy some time."

Viltrum didn't have enough agents to deploy a full-scale invasion without breaking the illusion they had been maintaining.

They would either attack Earth or attack him. Nolan knew them well enough; they underestimated the Earth and did not take seriously any attempt at resistance on their part. While there was some urgency, they could still postpone their invasion to deal with him, because in their eyes, he was the real threat.

"But, but!" Debbie tried to say something, needing more time.

"Listen, it's most likely that I'll die, but I won't do it without taking several of them with me. That's a promise. I know Mark is strong enough and he will find a way to win this even without me. I saw it in his eyes; he has that spark inside him, that spark of stubbornness he got from you, one that can make even monsters like me change." He looked at her deeply and smiled softly.

A long time ago, he thought he had been ready to die, to die for the empire, for Viltrum.

But now he realized those had only been simple delusional thoughts, because there had never been any real threat that gave him a sense of doom, of real death. It had all been empty words that anyone could say when everything was in their favor.

But this was different; he was going to die, he knew it. This was not like any other threat; he was going against his own kind, those who could undoubtedly kill him and would do so without hesitation.

It was a fight where he would have to kill them, or they would kill him. And while Nolan was strong, he wasn't invincible.

"I know it's not how you would want things to happen; you deserve better than this, but I can't give it to you. I'm sorry." Maybe apologizing was something foolish, but he felt he had to do it; at least, she deserved that.

"No! Your apologies are of no use to me!" Debbie stood up, gritting her teeth, and not for the first time, looked at Nolan with a stubbornness that had made him retreat many times in the past.

"I can't forgive you, and I don't know if I ever will, or what I feel right now. But I do know one thing: you don't lose, you don't give up, and you don't just accept what others want! You're not going to die! You can't! I want you to come back, I don't care how, but you have to come back! Even if not for me you must do it for Mark. I can't fight alongside him; I can't help him like you can. so you must come back and stop thinking you can just run away and die letting your son fix this whole damn mess!" She almost shouted, finishing with heavy breaths, tears welling up in her eyes but unable to fall.

Nolan remained silent, staring at his wife, astonished.

"Did you hear me?!" she said more forcefully and Nolan nodded quickly coming out of his daze, he couldn't help but smile, he almost wanted to start laughing but he controlled himself, even so, he couldn't help but look at Debbie with affection.

"Yeah... You're right, how can I let Mark take care of everything?" what was he thinking? be a martyr? just die in some nameless part of space? what would that do for earth? what would that do for his family?

"I promise you, no, I swear to you, I won't die." Nolan had thought he had come to accept death, but as quickly as that thought came, his wife made it clear how foolish it was. He couldn't die, not yet.

He still had so much to live for.

"Thank you," he said. Despite his thousands of years of existence, he still needed her to remind him of what was important.

Debbie growled, wanting to say something more but not knowing what. All this was causing her too much mental fatigue. She just wished to return to the days when her family was normal... or as normal as it ever could have been.

"I will come back..." Nolan said, not just to her, but to himself. Now that he had decided, he wouldn't let anything stop him.

After all, he still had a lot to teach his son.




"Heh, this place is interesting," Timmy said, looking around the GDA facilities. It had been a while since he had been in a place like this; a few years living deep in the woods tend to make you forget what modernity feels like.

"Don't get too attached; it's not ours," Mark said. Their unnamed team was just starting, so they didn't have a "headquarters," and using the GDA didn't seem right.

"I hope ours has better views," Timmy said, glancing at the windowless metallic walls. This place was completely enclosed.

"At least I hope we get some sunlight," Pitt liked feeling the sun's rays; it was relaxing.

"Well, maybe I can help with that," Eve said. While she wasn't an expert in creating structures, she had helped secure many of the materials used to build the Teen Team's headquarters, so she knew a thing or two about what needed to be done.

Mark had already told her they needed a place, and since the GDA was "funding" their team, they wouldn't have problems getting raw materials or labor. Even so, he had personally asked her to create the materials to build everything once the time came.

In his words, using conventional means would take too long, and Earth didn't have that "time." Mark preferred to rely on her and her abilities to move things along faster.

"Well, I certainly have some ways to make the sun our friend..." Mark smiled, thinking about his idea. A fixed headquarters was too inconvenient; they needed mobility. Therefore, he thought of using some Flaxan knowledge combined with Earth's advancements to create a "mobile headquarters," like a ship or a space cruiser, maybe a space station?

It was an idea that still needed to be discussed, but he believed he could achieve it easily. Now that he had the full support of the GDA, meaning Earth and all its governments, plus Eve's powers, he didn't feel limited in terms of raw materials and labor.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the center of the GDA headquarters, namely the "prison" where his father was.

Mark frowned slightly upon seeing his mother walking away from the place but decided not to ask for now. Instead, he looked at his father behind the glass. The man seemed much more animated for some reason.

"So, there you are. Well, you certainly haven't changed at all," Timmy said, looking at Nolan.

As if it were some kind of supernatural occurrence, Nolan turned toward them with slightly furrowed eyebrows. The glass shouldn't have allowed him to see them, but it was as if he knew they were there.

"Pitt..." he spoke with a grave and confused voice. Mark wondered how his father knew about Pitt, and seeing his doubt, Timmy responded.

"You know, I have some... psychic abilities," he said but didn't explain in detail; it wasn't the time.

"I'd call them annoying abilities," Nolan retorted, even though he shouldn't have been able to hear them.

Mark raised an eyebrow. Well, he'd have to find ways to counteract that kind of power. Great, more work.

In a flash of blue light, Cecil's figure appeared.

"I suppose everything went as it should," he said, looking at Timmy with clear animosity.

Timmy snorted.

"I thought you'd have fixed that horrible face of yours by now, old man, but I guess the scars still attract the ladies. Though, in your case, I don't think that helps much."

Cecil growled. "As rude as ever, but it doesn't matter. The only thing I need to know is if I can count on Pitt."

Timmy frowned, fully aware that Cecil hadn't mentioned him in his request for help.

Inside him, Pitt also growled.

"Help the Earth? Sure. Help them? Sure," he said, pointing at Mark and Eve. "Help you? I think old age is making you senile."

Mark almost laughed at how Cecil's face turned a bit green, but he resisted and decided to intervene. There seemed to be a history here, but this wasn't the time to dig into the past.

"Alright that's enough, fighting with each other doesn't do us any good, all that matters is that they are both on our side." Mark said looking at Timmy, he made sure to mention them as a duo, he didn't miss the blond's displeasure at the fact that Cecil ignored him.

Timmy and Cecil stared at each other for a moment before Cecil decided to stop wasting time and grunted in agreement.

"Mark" at the mention of his name, Mark couldn't help but turn to look at his father, even if he knew they couldn't see each other because of the glass, Mark still felt their eyes meet.

"It's time. I have to go," the declaration made the room fall silent for a few seconds.

Before anyone could say anything else, Nolan walked up to the glass that separated them and easily stepped forward. In an instant, the window shattered into thousands of fragments, and he stepped out of his cell.

He looked at Mark, then at Timmy, and finally at Cecil.

"I don't think I need to explain why I have to go, but I've changed my plans a bit."

Cecil looked at the broken glass and clicked his tongue.

Mark looked curiously at Nolan. Change of plans?

"What do you mean?" he asked directly.

Nolan walked to his side, smiled a little, and looked toward where his mother had gone.

"Your mother talked some sense into me. At first, I thought I'd die facing the empire to buy time and that would be it. But now I know that would just be giving up and leaving everything to you, and that's a big mistake. Because no matter what, I'm still your father and I won't let my son clean up my mess. That's why I've decided I'll come back victorious, no matter what it takes," Mark raised an eyebrow, seeming to have missed an important conversation.

Timmy beside him looked at Mark curiously. Pitt inside him chuckled. It seemed his senses were still sharp; he had guessed the relationship between them a while ago thanks to his psychic senses, but having it confirmed was even better.

"so what, you'll go and somehow hope you can defeat whoever they send after you and then you'll come back?" that sounded too optimistic in Mark's opinion, they didn't know how many or who it would be that would go after his father, it could be some average Viltrumite or they could send someone strong enough to kill him easily.

Whichever way you looked at it, it was too risky.

"It seems like you don't trust your father?" Nolan asked.

"I'd rather be cautious. Maybe we can come up with a better plan, one that doesn't potentially get you killed," Mark preferred to have Nolan alive and by his side.

They both started discussing it, ignoring everyone else in the room for a moment.

"It seems like you've changed," Timmy couldn't help saying, looking at Nolan with a slight smile. It had been difficult to tell through a screen, but being in his presence made it easier.

He remembered their meeting years ago, that arrogant superhero who seemed to have a stick up his backside was nowhere to be seen. It's not like he'd disappeared, he was just different, more pleasant.

He felt Pitt stirring inside him, his thoughts reaching him easily, making him want to laugh at his request.

He looked at Mark and put a hand on his shoulder, smiling slightly with his eyes closed.

"A warrior doesn't run from battles, Mark. If your father has decided to face this, then as a warrior, he must, even if his life is at stake."

Nolan looked at Timmy, remembering his brief chats with Pitt. He knew those words must have come from him, probably due to his annoying psychic powers, but somehow he knew the big gray man was present, even if he couldn't see him.

Timmy smiled at Nolan, then opened his eyes, his dark blue eyes were replaced by deep red ones, a toothy and fierce smile appeared followed by a deep and grave voice.

"Tell me, do you want an extra hand?" Nolan blinked, recognizing those eyes, Mark looked at Timmy, or Pitt?

"What do you mean?" he asked uncertainly.

"I think a real fight to the death is what I need to stretch my muscles, that's all," he said, making his intentions clear even if he didn't explicitly explain.

"Do you want to go with him?" Eve asked, and Cecil quickly shook his head.

"No, absolutely not. If both of them die, we'll lose much more than if only Nolan dies," perhaps it was a bit cold to say it like that, but Cecil didn't care to be direct.

Pitt growled, looking at Cecil with amusement and spoke mockingly.

"Did I ask you?" the older man clicked his tongue, that's why he hated dealing with these guys, they didn't follow common sense at all.

Meanwhile, Nolan began to seriously consider the suggestion. If he went alone, his chances of returning, while not impossible, would certainly be low. With Pitt at his side, those chances would become more than just a maybe... and he had swear Debbie that he would return, no matter what it took...

He smiled and looked into the red eyes.

"I think I'll accept the help."








It's been a while! Well, not that long, but it feels like it. I have a love-hate relationship with this fic. I like it, but at the same time, it gives me headaches because unlike my other fics, this one didn't start as a serious project. So, there were many things I wrote without much thought that I now have to slowly correct.

Fortunately, all of you have been patient with me, and your support helps me not to throw myself on the floor lamenting about it, haha.

Now, speaking of the chapter, writing sentimental conversations is always difficult! But there should be character development or something like that, right? I still wonder why I didn't stick with the plan for a bad porno...

Well, this still has NSFW elements, so we'll just change the demographic. This is porn with plot! More plot than porn so far (disappointing), but hey, that's what happens when you start a NSFW story without knowing how to do NSFW...

Things are progressing well for Mark; he's starting to pave the way toward his future and his plans. On the other hand, the members of the new team aren't exactly the type to follow protocol.

Cecil will have many headaches in the future.

Lastly, remember that you can find the next chapter of this story on Patreon ( If you want to read the next chapter in advance and get some other benefits, you can go and check it out. All the support received helps me a lot ;D

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