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57.14% Almost Invincible (Invincible SI) / Chapter 11: 11: Existentialism

Capítulo 11: 11: Existentialism

11: Existentialism (R18)

Mark found himself unable to sleep, tossing and turning in his bed in a vague attempt to find the best position, but sleep seemed to elude him. He ended up sighing and sitting up.

For some reason, his mother's words kept swirling in his head for no apparent reason. Why did it matter? Why did he care about what she thought of him or his actions?

Mark looked at the palms of his hands, pondering another question somewhat related. Why didn't he kill Omni-Man in Flaxan? He could have done it, not at the beginning, of course; at that time, he was still too weak. But later, when the man finished teaching him what he knew, when he trained him to become stronger, much stronger.

When he was sure that even without the speed force, he could have a chance to win.

Why, then, didn't he deal with the problem at its root?

He could give a thousand excuses, say that it was better to have him as an ally, say that he might have useful information about the Viltrumite Empire, that killing him was less useful, pretend that his thinking was logical and pragmatic, but none of that was true.

The reality was that deep down, he knew that his will had been waning.

How many years did he spend in Flaxan? 10? 50? He didn't want to calculate it, but during that time, he had been dealing with a persistent annoyance.

"Why do you keep coming to me?" he spoke to the air; there was no hallucination, no imaginary image or ghost.

He simply spoke to those stupid memories that kept coming to his mind without him being able to do anything to stop them.

Mark, the original Mark, was still there, perhaps not in the same way a living person would be, or a soul. Calling him a remnant wouldn't be incorrect, but saying that was all he was would be underestimating him.

What makes up a person's being? Isn't it their experiences? Their memories? So if he had the body and memories, did that make him equal to Mark? Or was he less just because he also had the memories of another person?

"It's been a while since I had an existential crisis" Mark rubbed his chin thoughtfully. It was during an exhausting day in Flaxan that he began to reflect on himself, where doubts began.

What should he choose? Embrace these memories and live with them, thus fully accepting his life in this world?

Or reject it and seek a way to get rid of the ties and feelings of the original Mark?

He looked at a poster on his wall with the image of Omni-Man flying in the skies with his fist raised.

"Soon, huh..." Whatever his choice, he would know it after the funeral of the Guardians, once he heard what his father had to say, he would know what to do.




"You look tired, man" William looked at him with concern, noticing his tired face.

"I haven't slept at all. I've been questioning my existence and place in the universe. Why are we here, William?"

At the question, William blinked in confusion.

"Um, did you accept the offer from those weird kids in the hallway? Drugs aren't the way, brother."

Mark sighed.

He shook his head and looked at the crowded school halls, normal boys and girls living their day-to-day lives without worries, unaware that at any moment, a bunch of space Nazis would fall from the sky bringing them "Freedom."

In hindsight, he didn't envy them as much anymore.

"Hey, Will, have you ever thought about the consequences of your actions?"

William furrowed his brow.

"First of all, don't call me Will! Secondly... maybe? I've done things without thinking, and when everything went to hell, I regretted it. But other times, things turned out really well, and everything was great... what I'm saying is, why think so much about the actions you take if in the end, you don't know if it'll turn out good or bad? You get me? I'm just saying, we can't control our future; it's like a game of chance. We can only choose and hope everything turns out great, and if everything goes wrong, just face it"

Mark pondered it; that seemed to make some sense. Had he been overthinking things too much? But at the same time, he remembered who he was now and the power he held in his hands. His actions weren't as simple as choosing to sneak out of the house to go to a party or stealing a dollar from his mom's wallet.

Unlike Will, he couldn't afford to play games of chance; he already had his cards dealt and had to use them to win with absolute certainty.

But maybe Will was right about one thing, no matter what happens, he must face it.

"You're not so bad after all" he patted Will's shoulder, making him look at him strangely.

They entered the classroom and parted ways, each going to their seats.

Mark sat down without paying much attention, debating whether he could take a short nap.

"Are you okay?" the familiar voice made him turn; Eve looked at him from the side. He had forgotten they sat together in biology class.

"Do I look that bad?" Mark rubbed his face.

"Like a panda. Did you not sleep well? I heard from Robot that you worked on something together yesterday. Did something important happen?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual stuff. A guy from another dimension came by for a stroll, and Robot thought Flaxan had returned for revenge" Mark said absentmindedly.

"Since we're not in the middle of a war, I'll assume everything ended well."

Mark waved his hand.

"Well, we're friends, I guess. He'll probably come to visit later, but that's not why I'm tired"

Mark looked at Eve, thinking that maybe a girl could help solve one of his current problems.

"Tell me, what do you think about casual relationships?"

His question seemed to catch her off guard, and she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"You know I'm still dating Rex, right?"

Mark laughed.

"Of course, the guy is an idiot, but not stupid enough to leave you over a misunderstanding. He knows you're too good for him."

Eve wanted to be a little offended on Rex's behalf, but she couldn't find any arguments that would help him.

"I mention it because I met this girl, and I think she likes me, and I kinda like her too, but I don't want to get into anything serious with her, you know? I might sound like a jerk, but I just want to have some fun. Does that sound stupid?"

Having dealt with Rex for so long, Eve didn't feel as offended as other girls might have been by Mark's words.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't say that in front of her if I were you, at least not in those words. If you just want something casual, why don't you just tell her that? If she accepts, then what's the problem?"

Eve didn't have much experience in relationships. Rex wasn't the boyfriend of the year; he hadn't even been a decent boyfriend for a long time. On the other hand, her parents weren't the best example to follow either. She wasn't sure if her advice was right, but she felt like the situation wasn't too complicated either.

"That was the plan from the beginning; I just forgot to tell her earlier. I'm afraid now she might be getting her hopes up, expecting more from this, and I'll have to be the bad guy who hurts her feelings"

This was his mother's fault. If it had been earlier, he wouldn't have felt so bad, but the original Mark wasn't a shit person, not at the same level he had been in his first life.

This was another of his problems: morality. Remembering how he had been raised by Debbie had made his words have more effect on him than he initially thought.

Eve frowned as she listened to him.

"It's not your fault that she expects more from you" her words came out a bit sharper than she intended. Mark turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. She blushed a little and cleared her throat.

"I mean, you don't have to meet other people's expectations. Just do what you think is right" she let out some of her irritation unintentionally; she didn't like it when other people wanted to dictate what you did with your life. It was annoying and one of the reasons she somewhat hated her parents.

"What I think is right, huh?" Well, the last time he did that, an entire civilization ended up dying, so he didn't know if it was a good choice.

'But that's not entirely my fault...'

"You know what? You and Will are right. Screw it, I'll do it my way, and if it doesn't work, then I'll accept it"

He would have to talk things out seriously with Amber. if she got angry? Well, he would accept it like a man and look for another way to get laid.

It's not like this world lacked beautiful women.

"Thanks, Eve, for that you are the best Girl" he raised a thumbs up, making her look at him with confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?"




Classes had finished, and it was time to head home. Mark wondered if he should go out on patrol; he was a Hero after all. But he didn't exactly know how to do that without ending up flying all over the place until something interesting happened. Perhaps he should ask Eve for advice on that or something.

As he walked out through the school gates, he couldn't help but gaze at the blue sky and take a deep breath. Oh, how he loved this place. While he enjoyed the clean air, a pair of slender arms hugged him from behind.

"Did you miss me?"

Mark smiled and turned around, almost returning the hug, but then he remembered his conversation with Eve and almost grimaced.

"Hey, Amber"

Noticing something strange in his voice, she raised an eyebrow and backed away slightly.

"Is something wrong?"

Agh! Mark knew he would regret this later, but it was time to be a little honest.

He hoped Debbie would be satisfied now.

He took Amber by the arm and led her to a secluded spot where they could talk without interruptions.

"Listen, Amber, you're great, you're cute, and well, pretty attractive, but I can't give you what you're looking for"

He sighed and looked her in the eyes; she had stopped smiling a bit.

"I know you want to go out with me, but I... I can't have a serious relationship, you know, I—" How did he explain this? It seemed like Flaxan had seriously impaired his social skills in the dating department.

"Is it because you're invincible?"

Amber's words left him stunned for a moment.

"You know? Wait, how do you know?!"

Amber smiled a little embarrassedly.

"The other day I saw you on TV, you know, when those green aliens invaded. I recognized you because your mask had been broken a bit. I thought I was mistaken, but when I saw you again at school after that, I couldn't deny it, it was really you"

She fidgeted with her fingers, searching for the words to express how she felt.

"I think it's incredible, you know, how you fought so hard and pushed yourself, seeming so brave and daring. When you entered that portal, I almost felt like my heart stopped, and I truly felt relieved to see you again"

She looked at him and took his hand.

"I know being a hero is hard; you hear about it all the time, how they risk their lives, how they face monsters and villains every day. I thought I'd never have to deal with it. I never really saw myself as someone capable of bearing such a burden"

There had been many heroes who died in human history; once they departed, there was always a wife or husband, a son or daughter, some close relative or friend. They talked about how difficult it was, how their lives were never normal, how the heroic life had distanced them from normal life.

Amber hadn't been much interested in these things before, but she had seen some interviews and read some books.

Not long ago, she thought that wasn't what she wanted, that maybe she wasn't cut out to bear such burdens.

"I thought I was a normal girl and that I'd always remain one. Then I met you. Before you were invincible, and I quite liked you. It took me a while, but I gathered the courage to give you my number. Then I realized you were invincible, and I still wanted to go out with you. Despite everything, I like you, Mark. I know being a hero is a big responsibility; I know things won't be normal, and maybe they'll be hard, but still, I want to give it a try"

She squeezed his hand between hers.

"I don't know how this will end, but I don't want to miss the chance just because it's difficult. So let's just give it a try, okay?"

Mark looked at her; she was speaking very seriously. She was a good girl; she deserved better, but he wasn't something better.

"You know, I'm going to break your heart"

Since he had decided to be honest about his desires, he would be honest.

Amber laughed; her face blushed a bit.

"I know. I've heard that heroes often have to leave their families and friends behind quite often"

Despite saying that, she didn't let go of his hand.

"I might suddenly leave for real, you know? There are many things I have to take care of, many dangers I—" Mark couldn't finish speaking as she put her finger on his lips.

"Come on, Mark, I've made up my mind. If you don't want to try, you just have to say it"

She had already been clear; they might not have a normal relationship, but she wanted to see where this would go because she liked Mark and she liked invincible, both parts of him.

Mark looked into her eyes; since she agreed, then why hesitate?

He embraced her, pulling her closer.

"Just don't regret it"

Amber smiled.

"You only live once, right?"

He liked her even more; without hesitation, he kissed her. She was much more enthusiastic in returning the kiss and hugged him tightly.

"A-and you know, I have the house to myself" Amber stepped back and said with a flushed face.

Mark didn't need to be told twice.


Amber dragged Mark to her bed, began to unbutton his shirt, and noticed the invincible suit underneath.

"Sorry, bad habit" Mark quickly prepared to remove it, but Amber stopped him.

"I think it's quite sexy, it makes your muscles stand out" she caressed his chest and gently traced a path with her hand down to the lower part of his stomach, she knelt down, her knees touching the floor, and took hold of the junction between the top of his suit and his pants and began to remove them, pulling them down to the ground.

Mark decided to let her have her fun.

"so this is what I felt as we were flying, it's bigger than I expected" Amber looked at the member she had just freed and tentatively took it in her hand, it barely fit in her palm

With her extremely flushed face, she looked up, her greenish-blue eyes looking at him for a few seconds before her head tilted slightly and she timidly stretched out her tongue to give it a gentle lick.

It was clumsy, there was clear inexperience, but Mark didn't complain; instead, he reached out and held her head, taking some of her blonde locks between his fingers.

At first, Amber slowly licked the head of his cock, her pink lips struggling to close around it, Mark helped by pushing her head forward, making her open her eyes as she felt it enter her mouth completely until it hit the back of her throat.

She trembled for a moment and had to struggle not to gag, her teary blue eyes looking at him with a slightly furrowed brow, Mark smiled, but since she didn't seem to resist, he continued.

Her head began to move back and forth slowly accelerating, Mark didn't have to do anything as Amber took charge of setting the pace eagerly, each time trying to take a little more into her mouth until she decided to try to take it all.

She got closer, her hands embracing his waist, pressing her face against his pelvis, she stayed like that for a moment before pulling away and taking a deep breath with a slight coughing fit.

"I-it's too big, I don't know if I can take it" she said as she wiped away a strand of saliva that still connected his cock to her lips. She pumped it with her hand, swallowing saliva as she imagined how it would feel to have it inside.

"Let me help you" Mark took her by the sides and easily laid her down on her bed, effortlessly removing her denim shorts and seeing her wet panties, which he pulled down her legs and tossed aside.

Amber settled in with a flushed face; it was the first time she had a guy do something like this to her. Nervously, she took off her blouse and got rid of her bra, looking at Mark as she spread her legs. She coped as best she could, letting him approach until she felt his warm breath hit her Pussy, making her grip her sheets tightly.

"Oh!?" she felt his wet tongue skillfully tracing her lower lips; there was something, a different sensation than when she did it with her fingers. It felt much better, a thousand times better. Seeing her start to squirm, Mark smiled to himself.

He had some experience giving oral to girls, but doing it while making his tongue vibrate in a way that stimulated every part it touched? Yeah, that probably made her feel like she was in heaven.

"Oh God, Mark!~" Amber couldn't help but scream and moan; her hands reached for Mark's head, trying to pull him closer to her. Of course, she couldn't move him, but Mark complied and delved deeper, his tongue going deep inside her, and his hand stretching out his fingers, starting to massage her clitoris.

Amber opened her eyes feeling his fingers working on her; it was an incredibly stimulating sensation. She didn't know why it felt so good, but she didn't want it to end.

"Oh, God!~ Oh! hmmm Keep going!~ Don't stop!~"

Unable to stop herself, Amber's legs clenched tightly, her back arched, and she felt her vision blur for a second, almost thinking she passed out. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and a clear liquid began to trickle down her legs.

Mark watched her writhing; it seemed that the combination of decent oral technique and the speed force was stronger than he thought.

Amber took deep breaths, looking dazedly at her ceiling, sweat trickling down her forehead.

'Where am I? Who am I?'

She quickly regained consciousness feeling Mark's fingers starting to massage the inside of her Pussy, she opened her eyes and stuttered trying to speak.

"W-WAa-it!~" a tongue eagerly licking her clitoris cut off her words, and before she could stop it, her body writhed again with spasms, her legs tightened, and in less time than before, she felt her world spinning until something seemed to release, and she almost seemed to lose all her strength.

Mark felt the clear liquid from the squirting hit his face, but he didn't bother to dodge it or close his eyes. He looked at Amber, who was trying to compose herself, and waited a bit. He didn't want her to pass out when they had barely started. Since she had been so understanding, he had decided to ignore his own personal desires and let her enjoy to the fullest what it meant to have sex with a superhero.

Superpowers were great.

Without further thought, Mark removed the top part of his costume, undressing completely.

Amber took a deep breath, feeling her trembling legs being held, and saw Mark adjusting his grip on them, taking her thighs between his arms until she could wrap around his torso if she wanted to. Their faces met face to face, and she felt the heat of his cock throbbing against her pussy, sending a shiver down her spine. Her already wet pussy seemed to moisten even more uncontrollably.

"Ready?" at his question, Amber swallowed hard, looking towards where her pussy was less than an centimeter away from meeting his cock. The scorching heat hitting against her was like an unbearable itch, and unable to bear it any longer, she used all the strength left in her legs to push her hips towards him.

The tip hitting the entrance of her Pussy made her shudder, but it didn't stop her. With effort, she tried to take as much of him inside her as she could. She gritted her teeth and breathed heavily, her teary eyes looking at Mark with frustration at not being able to do it alone.

"P-please~" she pleaded softly. Mark leaned closer to her and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Please what?"

Amber bit her lip, her cheeks red, sweat dripping down her face, her teary eyes along with her messy blonde hair were fascinating to behold.

With a frustrated and excited moan, Amber spoke with a pleading voice.

"Please make me yours~"

As she finished her words, Amber's eyes widened as she felt Mark thrusting fully into her, his cock sliding forcefully inside her. Her Pussy juices helped, but she couldn't help but let out a scream as she felt a small pinch of pain inside her.


Her back arched, and her hands squeezed Mark's back tightly; if he were an ordinary man, her nails would have threatened to leave some marks.

Amber buried her face between Mark's neck and chest, taking deep breaths as she got used to the new sensation assaulting her insides.

Mark lowered his hand, his fingers once again starting their stimulation, using pleasure to aid Amber.

The girl let out a muffled scream as all discomfort quickly faded away; she felt Mark massaging her chest with his other hand, and his mouth starting to lick her nipples.

The stimulation was several times greater than before; feeling him playing with her breasts, she couldn't help but let pleasure completely overwhelm her. How was he so good?!

"Oh God, Fuck! Yes!~" Forgetting everything else, she began to try to move her hips, but the moment she did, it was as if a dam broke; her juices started flowing once again uncontrollably.

Mark saw this and raised an eyebrow; either she was very sensitive, or the speed force was much more effective in this than he thought.

Nevertheless, she had already enjoyed enough; it was his turn to get some action. He massaged her breasts, squeezing and sucking her nipples, letting his fingers vibrate over them, making her squirm and release scandalous moans.

Without hesitating further, he started moving, thrusting into her again and again.

Why hadn't he done this before? Sex was the best.

Mark began to enjoy it, playing with her body almost as if she were a doll. Nevertheless, he didn't forget that she deserved to enjoy it too. He touched every part of her, making her scream louder and louder. Her eyes almost rolled back several times, and he had to take breaks occasionally to prevent her from suddenly fainting.

Amber had died and gone to heaven; that was the only explanation for why everything felt so good. Saliva ran from her mouth, dripping uncontrollably; her hands gripped anything she could find, trying to hold onto something, but every time she felt like she could regain a bit of self-awareness, pleasure returned to her with full force, making her delirious.

"agh?!~" she tried to speak, but her words no longer made sense; she just kept moaning in pleasure, unsure how she would walk tomorrow.

Mark was going too far unknowingly; a human could never have provided so much pleasure to another human. Amber felt like she was going crazy and then sane again at the same time.

The bed creaked, the mattress completely wet squeaked, and Mark had to remind himself that Amber was just a human; he shouldn't go too far, or he would break her.

He had already knocked over some pictures on the walls and probably shook several pieces of furniture.

Seeing the red marks he had left on her fair skin, Mark reminded himself to be a little gentler next time.

For now, he would let himself go as much as he could.

He moved his body, lifting her and pressing her against him; she barely protested. Then he firmly grabbed her ass and began to move her up and down.

In this new position, Amber felt like his cock went much deeper inside her than before, like with each thrust, it hit her completely inside.

"M-Mark!~" She hugged his head between her breasts as she let out choked noises every time her Ass fell and rose.

Despite everything, Mark felt like he could do this forever. He never thought he would say it, but lasting this long wasn't going to be good, not for Amber.

It had been almost an hour, and Mark decided that he had to let her rest, or he would really hurt her. He focused on the speed force and used his ability to accelerate time on himself, more precisely on his cock.

This had the side effect of making his member vibrate more intensely, causing Amber to scream in shock. Her back arched completely, and her head suddenly jerked backward; her trembling legs lost all their strength, and her consciousness began to wane, ready to faint at any moment.

Before she lost consciousness, she felt Mark give one last strong thrust inside her, his Cock swelling as if for a brief moment it grew a few extra inches suddenly. Then she felt something hot and thick start to gush inside her; her whole body shivered, leaving her paralyzed. Despite having climaxed a huge number of times, she couldn't help but do it once more, streams of clear liquid mixing with sweat.

The last thought she had before everything turned dark was that she needed to do this again.

Mark let Amber's body fall onto the bed and took a deep breath, swallowing some saliva and wiping the sweat from his forehead. Having sex hadn't tired him, but using the speed force to accelerate the ending had.

He slowly moved away from her, watching as semen dripped from her Pussy; another side effect of accelerating time was that the amount of semen he left behind was quite substantial. He saw it coming out of her in large quantities, somewhat exaggerated amounts.

He would seriously be worried about getting her pregnant, but he had long thought about such a problem and had found a solution in Flaxan.

Using the same principle of temporal acceleration, he had found a way to focus it on his "children" causing them to vibrate at high speed, damaging their cellular structure in a way that rendered them useless for fertilizing anything.

He had had too much free time in Flaxan.

(R18 End)

Mark stood up and stretched, looking at the sunset through the window; it was about to be dusk. He glanced at Amber again in bed and decided she could spend the night here. He should bring her something to drink since she had lost a lot of fluids, and also some food for both of them.

He removed the wet sheets and did his best to clean her up; she wouldn't wake up soon, and when she did, he doubted she would have the energy to tidy herself up.

He ended up searching through her wardrobe and pulling out a clean blanket to cover her with.

Mark smiled; he felt quite relaxed, quite good.

So many years without this had truly sucked, but now that he was enjoying it again, it seemed like all his doubts and worries had suddenly diminished.

Life was too good to waste time thinking about nonsense.

"Tomorrow is the funeral for the Guardians, huh. Well, no matter what happens afterward, right now I feel pretty invincible, so bring it on"

Did he plant a flag? Maybe. Did he care? Not at this moment.

Let the future Mark worry about that.

The present one had a dinner to attend to.






What did you think? I think I should add the "slice of life" tag to this; I know there are many great events in "Invincible," but most of them can be avoided by doing X or Y thing. I don't want to simply repeat the canon. At the same time, I don't want an empty story that just goes from major Event A to major Event B.

At the same time, I know there are other comics happening in the "Invincible" universe, but I'll be honest with you guys, I've only read the "Invincible" comic from Image Comics. Everything else I know from videos, spoilers, and wikis.

So, I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to expand the "Invincible" universe and cover all its aspects, but I'll try a bit. Still, I won't force anything. If it's useful to make the story more incredible, then it will be there. If not... well, I'm not going to write about something that won't contribute anything.

Moving on to more pressing matters, NSFW. I've read many of your comments, messages, and suggestions. This is my first attempt in that area, and it was certainly difficult. This scene took me a lot of time to write, more than making an average chapter. So, I've decided to change that 40% to 10% or 15%, as it seems that the vast majority of you are here for the plot rather than the smut.

My fault, I started this story as something serious instead of the porn practice I planned it to be, haha. But I guess it's okay. Sometimes you look for copper and find gold.

I'll probably do some omakes or canon side-stories with more NSFW scenes just for practice, but those will be optional if I think they're not good enough to be in the official chapters. Quality over quantity, I suppose.

You know, any criticism and suggestions are welcome.

By the way... I have (P)atreon now! Also, Ko-fi is available with memberships. You can check whichever you prefer. For now, there's only one tier on each. I don't plan to divide rewards into levels; if you support me on the only tier available, you'll get all the rewards I can offer with my limited capacity.

If I add another tier, it will have the same rewards as the first one, just with a different price, as it would only be a symbolic higher donation.

If you prefer not to have a subscription, you can also give a one-time donation via Ko-fi. Every donation, regardless of the amount, I'll consider as a pseudo-monthly subscription, and you'll get early access to the chapters I write during that month.

Again, I want to clarify this, although it's already indicated in the tiers of and Ko-fi.

Early access means a minimum of 12 hours to a week before being publicly published on the various websites where I upload my stories.

At least two chapters per week or more.

Having said that, I'll also clarify one more thing: this story is free! All stories I upload publicly will always continue to be updated publicly and for free. I won't hide chapters behind paywalls. While those who donate and support will, as mentioned, have early access, chapters will still be released to the general public between 12 hours to a week after being written, edited, and translated.

So, if you don't have money or simply just want to read, don't worry. Unless something serious happens to me, updates will keep coming.



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