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52.38% Almost Invincible (Invincible SI) / Chapter 10: 10: From another world

Capítulo 10: 10: From another world

10: From another world

Mark had forgotten how good it felt to kiss a girl, spending years alone with the company of another man hadn't been pleasant at all, so maybe he let himself get carried away too quickly.

"Mmm!" Amber writhed in his arms, her legs wrapped tightly around him, yes, Mark was really starting to enjoy his life once again.

She easily took off his shirt, if he didn't have super durability he probably would've scratched his back too, to return the favor he was about to rip her clothes off, of course at that moment his cell phone had to start ringing.

Mark didn't stop, who cared who was calling? he had better things to do, without hesitation he took off his pants ready to continue.

but Amber seemed much more aware than him and reluctantly pulled away a bit.

"A-aren't you going to answer?" in response Mark grabbed his phone and threw it into Amber's trash can.

then it rang again... no, Mark stopped, it wasn't his regular phone that was ringing.

"Shit! give me a moment" with frustration he picked up his pants from the floor and pulled out the phone he had bought specifically to be contacted when he was invincible and which he kept in his back pocket.

Amber raised an eyebrow at the other phone but Mark didn't have time to pay attention even if he was dying to.

he saw the name on the caller ID, gritted his teeth and answered.

"it better be important or I'll turn your metal ass into space junk"

that was a promise.

robot stayed silent for a second before speaking, deciding to get to the point and skip the greetings

"my detector has picked up a dimensional breach, it's small but a portal to another dimension was opened a few seconds ago, I've tracked the source and I hope you can help me investigate it, I'm afraid the Flaxans might be back" and just like that all the good mood Mark had vanished suddenly.

without hesitation he put on his pants and picked up his shirt.

"point the way" Robot sent him coordinates by message after hanging up and Mark quickly located the place.

"what's wrong?" Amber seemed somewhat concerned and Mark sighed.

"uh, something came up suddenly so I have to go" making excuses wasn't his thing so he was straightforward.

Amber didn't seem as upset as he expected her to be, instead she seemed understanding in some way.

"it's okay, just be careful"

Mark stayed silent for a moment before smiling.

"I'll make it up to you, tomorrow, let's go out again tomorrow"

Amber seemed to consider it for a moment before responding with a bashful smile.

"only if there's a kiss at the end"




Mark fell from the sky with force, dust spreading upon his landing, his guard up ready for battle.

He looked around the dark and silent warehouse, no portals opening everywhere or alien army seeking revenge.

He tapped the communicator in his ear.

"Hey robot, are you sure this is the place? There doesn't seem to be anything here" Mark walked slowly around the place, it seemed almost abandoned.

"The alternate dimensional frequency is coming from there, there must be something"

Mark frowned and closed his eyes for a moment, letting the speedforce within him vibrate for a second, allowing his sixth sense to try to feel something.

Whether anomalies in time or space, the speedforce gave him some ability to detect them, of course the larger the anomaly, the easier it was, but from what the robot said this was a small thing, still as long as he was close enough he should be able to notice something.

Step by step he could feel how the frequency at which the particles vibrated was slightly altered, he opened his eyes seeing an empty space in front of him.

He looked down and on the ground he saw shoe prints, human shoes, they seemed to have appeared out of nowhere as if a person had simply emerged from the void and stepped on the ground, he followed the trail left to the exit of the warehouse where it vanished upon reaching the road.

This wasn't Flaxan, Mark had lived long enough in the Flaxan dimension to remember the frequency signature it had.

This frequency was different, very similar to Earth's frequency, just a little different, like a parallel dimension.

Mark thought deeply about it, he remembered something, there was something in the back of his mind that had to do with this.

Was he the first? Yes, the first chapter of the second season of the series, a crazy guy who wanted to create a multiversal utopia by putting the knowledge of all possible dimensions in his head.

As if that wouldn't end badly.

"I think I have an idea of what happened, robot, but I'll need some help, I'm heading there"

He couldn't remember everything but enough, now he just needed to know, had the original Mark from another dimension already encountered this guy or not yet?

Depending on the answer things could get too complicated.




"So, a dimensional traveler?"

Mark had returned with Robot and had explained his suspicions, he didn't tell him everything he knew or mentioned that he was already convinced of it, he just mentioned some clues, like the shoe print, the trail left behind, and the way the dimensional journey seemed very different from how the Flaxans did it.

"It's my theory, but I need to see the record that your detector analyzed when the portal opened, I'm familiar with the spatial frequency of Flaxan, so I can recognize if this comes from there or not that way"

Robot nodded and began to display the data on one of the giant screens in the Teen Team's headquarters.

Mark quickly analyzed the data and pointed with his hand.

"Look at this, the frequency here is at least 97% similar to that of Earth, there's no spatiotemporal difference either"

It was easy to notice once you looked in the right places, Robot noted everything and began to make comparisons with the scant data collected during the Flaxan invasion, at that time Robot hadn't yet managed to create a spatial detector capable of noticing when portals to other dimensions opened, so he didn't have the exact data to immediately notice the differences that Mark pointed out.

For that reason, he had sought his help, Mark had already mentioned being familiar with Flaxan technology, before issuing a full alert Robot wanted to be sure of what was happening, and it seemed he had been right to wait.

It would have been quite complicated to have to explain to the team, Cecil, and the army why he had issued a false alarm.

"Do you have access to nearby security cameras?" Mark needed to see it, real life was different from a 2D series, even if he had a mental image of what he was looking for, seeing it in reality was very different and maybe he wouldn't recognize it even if he had it in front of him.

Robot quickly displayed dozens of images from nearby security cameras, Mark focused, analyzing each image until he found a match, dark skin, black hair, and something fluffy along with a goatee, he couldn't be 100% sure but in the timeframe since the portal opened until now it was the closest match.

"Here, He's coming from the same direction as the warehouses and seems to be looking around with curiosity and suspicion" he gave what he thought would be a plausible excuse.

Robot focused on the image and began working, searching for matches in the database it had access to.

Soon a profile was displayed with a 97% match.

"Levy Angstrom, a former American scientist who died three years ago in a workplace accident, with no living family or relatives."

Mark compared both images, they were similar, almost twins but at the same time different, like blood brothers.

He guessed that's where the difference of that 3% showed, even if it was a parallel universe or dimension it didn't mean that everything, even appearance, was totally similar, for one reason they were different, alternate.

The best part was that he didn't seem like a deformed monster, that meant that an invincible from another universe hadn't turned this guy into a villain yet.

"So what do you say, visitor from an alternate universe or not?" he asked with a smile.

Robot looked at the images before nodding.

"It seems most likely"

Mark set off, with the security camera images he now had a decent idea of where he was, maybe he could catch up to him and talk to him.

"I'll see if I can have a friendly chat, if things get complicated I'd appreciate the help"

Robot agreed, having contact with someone who had the technology to travel to other universes was extremely interesting, maybe, out there existed a world, a world where he was normal.

He looked at the images on the screen and couldn't help but dream of that, a world where he could live as a human.




Mark stood in the sky watching his target walk among the crowd; he seemed to have gotten used to the environment once he perceived no danger.

Now, how could he approach him without seeming like a threat?

He waited until the man entered a deserted alley and decided to land in front of him in a friendly manner.

"Lost?" Perhaps not the most clever greeting.

Levy took a few steps back with wide eyes.


"That's my name, don't wear it out" He didn't approach him; he didn't want to antagonize the man.

Levy nervously swallowed, looking around as if searching for an escape route. A trick? Mark knew the man would only need half a second to open a portal and flee, regardless of the direction.

He was a smart guy; if he were anyone else, his actions would have fooled him somehow.

"Hey, no need to alarm ourselves, I'm just here as part of the Teen Team to check the situation. You see, not long ago, some guys from another dimension came to attack the planet, and people are still somewhat alarmed about that. So, Robot, you know Robot, right? Well, that smart kid from the Teen Team created a device capable of detecting dimensional rifts, and, well, it activated just a few minutes ago, which alarmed him quite a bit. Fortunately, we realized that this was a different situation from an attack, and that's why I'm here"

He explained the best he could, without pauses to prevent Levy from running. The man stopped his act of a cornered cat upon hearing his explanation.

He looked at him with some doubts.

"You're part of the Teen Team? Uh, that normally never happens" The last part seemed more like he was telling himself.

Mark decided not to correct him; maybe he wasn't an official member, but considering the team would soon disband, it didn't matter much.

"So, if you could answer a few simple questions, I can leave and get back to my date. You know, I was having this extraordinary encounter with a hot girl before coming here"

He tried to seem even friendlier; he didn't believe a serious conversation would be enough to win him over, but trust needed to start somewhere.

Levy smiled; he was intelligent and could grasp what was needed from his words. This world seemed more aware of visitors from other dimensions or universes, and his arrival had been detected. Having questions for him was normal in that regard.

Still, he didn't feel too comfortable talking to Invincible; he hadn't been to all the universes, but he had been to several of them, and many of them had been destroyed in one way or another by the person in front of him.

"You say some questions? Fine, why not? Go ahead."

Maybe other people would cower in fear at the presence in front of him, but Levy had escaped from more dangerous situations before, much more dangerous ones.

He had come to this world by chance, and so far, nothing screamed danger; his instincts had sharpened quite a bit in that regard. He could recognize when things were about to go in the wrong direction and escape before his enemy could even blink.

Mark smiled.

"Do you want to grab a coffee?"

He pointed outside the alley.

Levy relaxed his posture, or at least seemed to.

"Sure, it's a bit cold anyway"




"So, were you born with this power? That's awesome. I mean, I can't imagine all the worlds you could visit, all those possibilities"

Levy nodded and took a bite of his pastry before speaking.

"Believe me, the worlds out there, all those wonders and horrors, I could live a hundred lives and still not see it all"

Their conversation had been going well so far; Levy had been talking a bit about his abilities, and Mark had been listening. Of course, he didn't believe the man had told him everything, just enough to satisfy his curiosity.

"So, do you want to explore it? Navigate through the multiverse?" Mark tried to delve a bit.

Levy smiled and nodded.

"Most of my variants are scientists; I guess curiosity is in all of us in one way or another. For my part, I prefer to call myself an adventurer or an explorer. When I was young, I loved to go walking in the woods and hiking; this is similar, just on a much larger scale"

Did that sound different? He didn't know much about the original Levy, as he had only seen him for two episodes, but his discourse about seeking utopia or something like that was something he vaguely remembered.

This Levy... didn't sound like someone who wanted that.

"So, is that what you do? Go to other dimensions just to explore and have fun? I thought you'd, you know, have greater aspirations" He hoped he hadn't been too direct.

Levy chuckled.

"Nah, I'm not someone who seeks grand things. Sure, I have infinite possibilities at my fingertips, but... I prefer to live my life enjoying every moment rather than worrying about complicated things. Most of my alternate versions don't quite agree with that, but they're all boring. They keep prattling on about responsibility and those things; they really don't know how to enjoy the moment, so I don't get along with most of them"

Mark furrowed his brow even more deeply, but thanks to his mask, it wasn't too noticeable. This guy didn't sound like the Levy who sought to gain all the knowledge of the multiverse. Had something changed? Was it too soon for those ideals to reach him? Or was it something else?

He didn't know, but since he couldn't understand it, he would just take what was in front of him. If he could prevent Levy from being a problem, then it was okay if he wanted to be a multiversal adventurer without responsibilities.

"Well, I think that's enough. I know knowing that there's no dimensional invasion to deal with will cheer a lot of people up. If you want, you can stay here as long as you want; I'm sure Robot can give you a place to sleep or something like that"

Levy thanked him.

"I might take you up on that offer at some point, but for now, I think I should also get going; I still have some things to do" Levy didn't blindly trust Invincible, but he left the door open for future interactions. Having a peaceful world to go to when he needed a little break never hurt.

Mark watched as a green portal suddenly appeared, and Levy entered through it, waving goodbye.

Then he left. Mark looked at the empty space before relaxing a bit, glancing to his left where dozens of people at several tables away were taking photos and videos. He smiled and waved, making a peace sign with his hand.

Talking in a public place might be a bit dangerous, but he believed it would give Levy more confidence. After all, if he were really a hero, he wouldn't try anything stupid with so many potential witnesses. On the other hand, he had also made sure to be far enough away from people so that their conversation wouldn't be overheard by just anyone.

Anyone other than Robot, who was still on the communicator. After all, Robot was the one who had discovered Levy's arrival; Mark couldn't just leave him out for no reason.

"What do you think? Do you think we can trust him?" Mark asked, hoping for Robot's input.

Robot seemed to consider it for a moment before responding.

He always did that; it was weird, but he attributed it to his personality.

"So far, he doesn't seem malicious. I haven't detected any lies in his words, obvious omissions, of course, but no lies. Still, it never hurts to be alert"

Mark nodded. One of the reasons he wanted Robot in this was that, apart from him, Robot could be the best solution against Levy. Robot was a genius; Mark wasn't. Mark had cheated by stealing the knowledge of a more advanced race, but even with that knowledge, Mark was still limited to what he knew. Discovering new things, creating unique inventions, all of that was something he couldn't easily do.

If the time came, he was sure Robot would find a way to counter Levy's ability, only if necessary, of course.

"Hey, Robot, uh, I might need your help" Mark glanced at the bill and then at the waitress who smiled at him somewhat nervously.

He really needed to start putting pockets in this suit. Maybe a Batman-style belt?




Mark didn't return to Amber; when the whole affair with Levy ended, it was already late, and he decided to head back home. He'd see her tomorrow; then, he'd make sure nothing interrupted them.

Even if the Viltrum Empire suddenly decided to attack.

When he entered the house, his parents were watching TV in the living room. They greeted him as they saw him arrive, and Mark returned the gesture.

"How was your day?" Mark's mother asked. Mark considered his response before speaking.

"Well, I had an amazing date that got ruined, but I sorted it out. I'll have a second date tomorrow"

"Oh? Have you fallen in love with a girl, Mark?" His mother rose with obvious curiosity at the revelation; had her little boy found love?

Mark laughed and scoffed.

"Come on, it's just a date. I'm not going to marry her or become her boyfriend or anything like that" Amber was cute, but it was just a casual date. Mark didn't really think much about her beyond being interested in her body.

Maybe it was a bit cruel to her, but Mark wasn't one to fall in love. Having a good time? Sure. commitment? what is it, can it be eaten?

His mother didn't seem to like his response.

"Mark, if you really aren't interested, don't play with her. We raised you better than that"

His father blinked confusedly and decided to stay silent; talks like this weren't his thing.

Mark stayed silent for a moment; it was because certain memories came to mind, just fragments that quickly disappeared.

Debbie was right; she hadn't raised Mark like that. It was a pity then that he wasn't the Mark she had raised.

"Of course, I'm interested. I wouldn't go out with her otherwise" He decided to give her some slack, and he wasn't lying; he was quite interested in her body.

His mother looked at him with narrowed eyes for a moment before looking away.

Mark sighed and shook his head before starting to climb the stairs to his room. Who was he, a teenager, to keep getting lectures from his mother?

He stopped and considered it for a moment.

It seemed like that was the case?

"Mark" his father's voice pulled him out of his thoughts, making him turn to look at him.

They stared at each other for what seemed like years before Nolan spoke again.

"The funeral for the Guardians will be soon. After that... I need to talk to you, in private"

Debbie raised an eyebrow from the side, obviously curious.

Mark looked at his father; something had changed, there was something different, a spark that hadn't been there before. He clenched his fist slightly before smiling.

"Of course"





This chapter is sponsored by Lamig on Ko-fi, who decided not to back down against Anonymous and confront them with another $50 USD donation!

Seriously guys, the support is amazing!

At this point, I'm seriously considering whether I should open a (P)atreon. I've never had one, but many people have suggested it to me privately. What do you think about it? Do you think it's a good idea, or that I'm going too high? getting ahead of myself?

I wanted to include some of that 40% smut I promised (of which there hasn't been even 1% so far... it's all been plot, haha, damn), but I spent almost two hours trying to write a convincing scene without results that didn't seem horrible and make me cringe.

I never thought about sex beyond the act of doing it and enjoying it with passion and heart, so describing it is weird. But I'll do it because I said I would, and otherwise, this story wouldn't make sense. I just want to make a disclaimer: if it's bad, please tell me. I can rewrite it or just cut it from the chapter since the explicitly described NSFW scenes won't affect the overall plot of the story beyond the fact that they happened and the characters involved know about it.

You don't need to know how something happened to know that it happened, or something like that, they said?

Well, leaving that clear, I say goodbye. Give me your comments on the chapter, what did you think? What do you think is coming next? What do you think of Levy? What do you think happened to him? because it's different? All your support and criticism are welcome :D I read everything you send me when I have free time, so don't hesitate to leave your honest opinions (but not too honest because there are sites where you can get banned for it, haha, remember to moderate your language if necessary, I don't want to lose readers because they were banned)

remember that you can support me in ko-fi if you wish. Ko-fi /emmapress

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