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56.52% Invincible: Beerus, Son of Thragg / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Experimenting the New Power

Capítulo 13: Chapter 13: Experimenting the New Power

Hey guys, welcome to chapter 13. I might take a small break from this story to write a few chapters for a new story I am cooking up in the DC universe and I will probably release the first chapter in a couple of days. Enjoy.

"Nature has no principles. She makes no distinction between good and evil" -Anatole France


In a dimly lit room deep within the GDA headquarters, Cecil Stedman and Donald Ferguson, along with a team of analysts, pored over a collection of documents and surveillance footage. The atmosphere was thick with tension, the air humming with the low buzz of computers and the rustle of papers. The focus of their scrutiny: the two most powerful beings currently on Earth—Omni-Man and Atlas.

Cecil leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in thought. "Alright, let's start with Omni-Man. What do we know about him?"

An analyst with short, cropped hair and glasses adjusted his notes. "Nolan Grayson, also known as Omni-Man. He's been Earth's protector for years. His psych profile suggests he's highly intelligent, strategic, and has a strong sense of duty. However, there's a distinct lack of transparency in his actions, particularly surrounding the deaths of the Guardians."

Donald, arms crossed, frowned. "We've suspected for a while that he's not telling us everything. His behavior after the Guardians' deaths was... off. Too controlled. Almost like he was trying to hide something."

Another analyst chimed in, "He's also been increasingly distant. His recent interactions show signs of agitation and impatience, which aren't typical for him. It's possible he's under stress, but the cause is unclear."

Cecil nodded, his gaze shifting to the next set of documents. "And Atlas? What do we have on him?"

The first analyst cleared his throat. "Atlas, or Beerus as he's sometimes referred to. Recently arrived on Earth. He's a Viltrumite like Omni-Man but claims to be 42 years old. His psych profile indicates he's incredibly strong, intelligent, and somewhat aloof. He shows signs of adapting to Earth's cultures but maintains a certain detachment. Despite his power, he doesn't seem as emotionally invested in Earth's well-being as Omni-Man."

Donald leaned forward, tapping the table. "From what we've observed, Beerus has a sense of duty but also an undercurrent of contempt for humanity. It's like he's doing this out of obligation rather than genuine concern. There's potential there, maybe we can exploit that."

Cecil raised an eyebrow. "Exploit how?"

Donald shrugged. "If we can play on that detachment, maybe we can turn him against Omni-Man. Make him see Nolan as a threat to whatever goals he has."

The room fell silent as Cecil considered this. "It's risky. If Omni-Man catches wind of our meddling, it could push him further away. But it's clear we need a contingency plan."

An analyst, with a map spread out in front of him, interjected, "We also need to consider their weaknesses. Both are incredibly strong, but they're not invincible. Omni-Man has shown a strong connection to his family. Beerus, on the other hand, might be swayed by a different approach—appealing to his sense of superiority."

Cecil nodded slowly. "We need to gather more intel. Surveillance, more psych evaluations, anything that can give us an edge. We need to be prepared for any eventuality."

After the meeting, as the analysts filed out, Cecil and Donald lingered.

"Sir, you think we can really turn them against each other?" Donald asked, skepticism in his voice.

Cecil sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't know. But we have to try. If it comes down to it, we need every advantage we can get. Keep digging, find out more about their relationship. We need to know what makes them tick."

Donald nodded, his face set in determination. "Understood, sir. I'll get the team on it. We'll find a way."

As they left the room, the weight of their task pressed heavily on their shoulders. The fate of the world might very well depend on their ability to outthink two of the most powerful beings on Earth.


A large man floated silently above an unknown canyon, the stark landscape stretching out beneath him in a series of jagged ridges and deep shadows. The air was eerily still, disturbed only by the occasional gusts of wind that stirred the dust at the canyon's edges. From his eyes, beams of intense red energy periodically lanced out, carving searing lines into the canyon walls and illuminating the darkness with a crimson glow.

Beerus's mind raced, processing information at a speed unthinkable for humans but normal for most Viltrumites. Each pulse of energy felt like a new revelation, a further exploration into the depths of his emerging abilities. He floated effortlessly, the sheer power of his being held in perfect balance by a mastery honed through years of relentless training.

This is the first time I've actually practiced using this new ability since I activated it, he thought, his eyes narrowing as another beam shot forth, slicing through rock with ease. The feeling was both exhilarating and disconcerting. His body hummed with energy, every cell vibrating with newfound potential.

His thoughts turned to his father. Did Father know what kind of powers I would gain, or is this completely unknown to him as well? Beerus wondered. The question gnawed at him, a persistent itch in the back of his mind. Thragg had always seemed so certain, so assured in his understanding of his potential. But this? This felt different.

The canyon walls bore the marks of his experimentation, scorched and carved by the energy beams. He focused on the smallest details—the way the rock vaporized upon contact, the slight recoil he felt in his muscles, the faint hum in the air after each discharge. The power was raw, primal, yet there was a finesse to it that he knew he could master with time.

With a deep breath, Beerus redirected his gaze towards a particularly stubborn outcrop of rock. He focused, channeling his energy, feeling the build-up of power behind his eyes. This time, he would control it perfectly, guiding the beam with precision and intent.

Beerus knew the basic applications of his newfound power. High beams of dense, unknown energy that shoot straight forward wherever his eyes look. He could adjust the force and speed at which it traveled, and even the heat levels, a discovery he made after an hour of experimentation. But he didn't think that was all his power could do.

Beerus closed his eyes, feeling the raw power coursing through his veins. His heat vision had become second nature, but he sensed there was more to it, a potential he hadn't yet tapped into.

"If it can shoot straight where my eyes and brain tell it to go, then why couldn't it change trajectories as well?" Beerus had asked himself this question countless times while contemplating his "heat vision."

He opened his eyes, focusing on a distant tree. A flicker of energy sparked in his pupils, and with a thought, twin beams of red-hot light shot out, cutting through the air with a sizzle. He watched as they hit their mark, the tree bursting into flames. The simplicity of the act didn't satisfy him. He needed more precision, more control.

Beerus took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, centering himself. He envisioned the beams curving, twisting mid-air, obeying his will rather than mere physics. He locked onto a boulder to his left, then quickly shifted his gaze to a stump to his right.

With a deep focus, he activated his heat vision again. This time, as the beams shot out, he willed them to bend. They veered off their straight path, arcing gracefully through the air. One beam circled around the boulder before striking it from behind, shattering it into pieces. The other looped towards the stump, slicing it cleanly in half.

A thrill of accomplishment surged through him. He knew he was onto something. Beerus repeated the exercise, each time adding more complex maneuvers—zigzags, spirals, and sharp turns. The energy beams responded with increasing fluidity, bending and twisting as he commanded.

He experimented with the heat levels next. He concentrated on a nearby pond, aiming to boil the water without causing an explosion. He adjusted the intensity of the beams, dialing down the raw heat until it was just enough to create steam. The water bubbled gently, a soft mist rising into the air.

Beerus smiled, feeling a sense of mastery over this aspect of his powers. The applications were endless—he could use his heat vision to perform precise cuts and incisions. For instance, if he needed to extract a specific component from a machine or device without damaging the surrounding parts, he could focus a thin, high-intensity beam to slice through metal and wires with surgical accuracy. 

With extreme precision, Beerus could use his heat vision for medical purposes, such as cauterizing wounds to stop bleeding.

With practice, Beerus could use his heat vision to lock onto multiple moving targets simultaneously. He could fire beams that zigzagged through the air, striking enemies hiding behind cover or those trying to flee, ensuring no escape.

Beerus's heat vision could be used for controlled demolition, allowing him to bring down structures with precision, minimizing collateral damage. Conversely, he could also use it to weld materials together, aiding in rapid construction or repairs.

These advanced techniques would require intense focus and control, but with practice, Beerus could become a master of his heat vision, utilizing it in ways that far surpassed its initial, straightforward application. However, after an extended session of experimenting and pushing his limits, Beerus felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. His energy was depleted.

He had forgotten the consumption of energy and felt foolish for not considering the fact. After all, the energy had to come from somewhere. As a Viltrumite, his body had incredible resilience and strength, but even he had limits. Beerus realized he needed to better understand the mechanics of his powers and how to manage his energy reserves more efficiently.

Reflecting on his oversight, Beerus noted that while his heat vision was a powerful tool, it required a significant amount of his own bio-energy. This wasn't just a matter of physical exertion; it was a drain on his very life force. He had been so focused on mastering the precision and versatility of his beams that he had neglected to consider the toll it took on his body.

For now, he needed to rest and replenish his energy. Food and proper nutrition were crucial. The Viltrumite metabolism was highly efficient, converting consumed matter into raw power. Beerus decided to take a break from his experiments to refuel and recover.

He flew and found a secluded spot near a waterfall, the gentle sound of cascading water soothing his mind. Nearby, he spotted a grove filled with fruit-bearing trees. The fruits looked similar to those he had seen on other planets, with vibrant colors and a sweet aroma that promised nourishment. Beerus plucked a few and sat by the water, eating thoughtfully.

As he ate, he contemplated the origins of his heat vision. Viltrumites were known for their immense strength, durability, and flight, but heat vision was not among their abilities. It was a power he hadn't possessed on Viltrum, which made him wonder if Earth's unique environment had triggered this latent ability. The radiation from the sun, perhaps, had a catalytic effect on his cells, unlocking new potential within him.

Beerus mused on this possibility. If the sun's radiation was the source of his heat vision, then understanding how to harness and store this energy efficiently would be crucial. He would need to experiment further, not just with the beams themselves, but with his own biology—testing how different conditions, such as exposure to sunlight or certain types of food, affected his energy levels and the power of his heat vision. But that couldn't be right since Viltrum also had a yellow sun, so where did this energy come from?

Beerus frowned as he chewed on a piece of fruit, pondering the discrepancy. Viltrum's sun was indeed similar to Earth's, so the explanation couldn't be as simple as solar radiation alone. There had to be another factor at play, something unique to Earth that had triggered this ability within him.

He considered the possibility of Earth's atmosphere playing a role. The specific composition of gases, the magnetic field, or even the unique microbial life on the planet could have interacted with his Viltrumite biology in unforeseen ways. Maybe it was a combination of factors—something in the air, the water, or even the food he was consuming that had catalyzed this new power.

Another theory crossed his mind: stress adaptation. The challenges he had faced on Earth were fundamentally different from those on Viltrum or any other planet he had encountered. The constant need to adapt and overcome could have pushed his body to develop new abilities as a survival mechanism.

But then, he reconsidered. On Viltrum, he had also been pushed to his limits in various combat scenarios designed to ensure his survival among his people. The rigorous training, the brutal sparring sessions, and the relentless expectation to excel had forged him into a formidable warrior. Yet, none of those experiences had awakened this particular ability.

So what made Earth different?

Beerus mulled over the question as he finished his meal, feeling his strength gradually returning. Perhaps it was the nature of the challenges he faced here. On Viltrum, the trials were mostly physical, straightforward tests of strength, speed, and combat prowess. Earth, however, presented a more nuanced array of challenges. There was an unpredictability to this planet that he hadn't encountered elsewhere—a complexity in its environments, its inhabitants, and its threats.

Could it be the psychological stress, the constant mental adaptation required to navigate Earth's diverse and often chaotic circumstances, that had unlocked this power within him? The need to adjust to high school?

He considered his encounters with Earth's various superpowered beings, the myriad of crises, and the delicate balancing act of maintaining his cover while aiding in the planet's defense. These experiences were mentally taxing in a way that the straightforward brutality of Viltrum was not.

As he mulled over these theories, Beerus realized he needed a more systematic approach to his experiments. He would need to isolate variables and test each one meticulously to determine its impact on his heat vision. This would involve controlled exposure to different environmental factors and careful monitoring of his energy levels and beam intensity.

He also recognized the need for rest and recovery. Viltrumites had remarkable endurance, but they were not invincible. Pushing himself to the brink without adequate rest would be counterproductive. For now, he would focus on replenishing his energy, but soon, he would dive back into his experiments with a clearer plan and a deeper understanding of the potential factors at play.

Beerus finished his meal, feeling his strength gradually returning. The food had provided a much-needed boost, but he knew he needed more than just sustenance. He needed a plan. He would seek out areas with varying environmental conditions—deserts, high-altitude regions, deep forests, and even urban environments—to see how each influenced his abilities.

With renewed determination, Beerus stood up, his mind racing with possibilities. He would become a scientist of sorts, experimenting with his own physiology to uncover the secrets of his heat vision. 

For now, he let himself relax by the waterfall, enjoying the tranquility. His mind, however, was already planning his next move. He was a Viltrumite, after all, and he would master this new power just as he had mastered every challenge before. 


A beep from his earpiece yanked Beerus out of his contemplative state. With a grunt of mild discomfort, he tapped the earpiece. Cecil's voice crackled through, filled with urgency. "Atlas, Invincible and the New Guardians need your help. I'll send the coordinates. Get there now."

Beerus grunted in response, tapping the earpiece again to end the call. The audacity of the human, daring to issue commands to him, ignited a spark of anger. His fingers twitched, longing to crush the earpiece effortlessly. Yet, as quickly as the anger flared, his rational mind took over. The human was right. His fellow Viltrumite, Invincible, might be in danger. It would be prudent to check on him—not only to ensure his future subject's safety but also to maintain his cover on this planet. 

Additionally, it was an opportunity to assess the abilities of Earth's new defenders, the New Guardians, and their capability to handle threats.

Beerus rose to his feet. He looked around the serene grove, taking a final moment to center himself. The sound of the waterfall, the rustling leaves, and the scent of ripe fruit grounded him. Then, with a deep breath, he launched himself into the sky.

The world below blurred as he accelerated, breaking the sound barrier effortlessly. The landscape of Earth rushed past—patchworks of farmland, sprawling cities, dense forests. Despite his detachment, he couldn't help but marvel at the planet's diversity. Each region seemed to have its own character, a stark contrast to the uniformity of Viltrum.

As he flew, he reviewed his plan. Observing the situation first would be wise. Charging in blindly wasn't his style; he preferred to understand the dynamics at play before acting. 

Approaching the coordinates, he slowed down, scanning the area from a high vantage point. Below, he saw a chaotic scene unfolding. Invincible and the New Guardians were engaged in battle with a group of supervillains. Energy blasts, debris, and shouts filled the air.

The fight was already in full swing. Machine Head, a cybernetic crime lord, stood at the center, orchestrating his goons with calculated precision. Surrounding him were his hired enforcers, each displaying a terrifying array of powers. But what caught Beerus's attention the most was the lion-like beast, a hulking creature exuding raw power and ferocity.

Beerus settled into a strategic vantage point, observing the battle from above. Invincible, despite his formidable strength and speed, was struggling against the overwhelming force of the combined villains. The New Guardians—Robot, Monster Girl, Black Samson, Dupli-Kate, and Shrinking Rae—fought valiantly, but they too were hard-pressed.

The lion-like beast, in particular, was a sight to behold. Towering over the battlefield, its muscles rippled with every movement, and its mane bristled with an almost electrical energy. It moved with a predatory grace, its claws and mace slashing through air and flesh alike with deadly precision. Each roar shook the ground, a testament to its immense power. Beerus noted the creature's strategy: it targeted the strongest opponents first, aiming to break their morale by sheer dominance.

Invincible was in its sights. The lion-beast lunged at him with incredible speed, its claws aiming for a lethal blow. Invincible managed to block the first strike, but the force sent him skidding back, crashing through debris. The beast followed up with a relentless assault, giving him no time to recover.

Beerus watched intently, analyzing the beast's fighting style. It wasn't just brute strength; there was a cunning intelligence in its attacks. Each move was calculated to exploit weaknesses and maximize damage. He saw Invincible being driven back, each defense becoming weaker than the last. The New Guardians tried to intervene, but the other goons kept them occupied, preventing any assistance from reaching Invincible.

As the lion-beast prepared for a final, crushing blow, Beerus decided it was time to act. He descended swiftly, landing between Invincible and the beast, his presence immediately drawing attention. The lion-beast paused, snarling as it assessed this new challenger.

Beerus met its gaze with calm intensity. "Step aside, creature," he said, his voice low and commanding. "You've had your fun, but this ends now."

The beast roared in defiance and lunged at him. With a swift movement, Beerus caught its massive paw mid-swing, his grip like iron. He twisted, using the beast's own momentum to slam it into the ground with a thunderous impact. The ground shook, and the beast let out a pained roar, momentarily stunned by the force.

Invincible, breathing heavily and bloodied, looked at his cousin with a mix of relief and awe. "Atlas… you came."

Beerus nodded, his eyes never leaving the lion-beast as it struggled to rise. "Stay back, Invincible. I'll handle this."

The fight was far from over. Machine Head's other enforcers saw the tide turning and moved to engage Beerus. 

The battlefield erupted into chaos. Furnace, clad in a formidable robotic suit, unleashed torrents of searing plasma, while Magmaniac, a towering figure of molten rock and fire, hurled blazing boulders with deadly accuracy. Tether Tyrant's writhing tentacles lashed out, seeking to ensnare Beerus and crush him with their immense strength, while Kursk crackled with electricity, sending bolts of lightning arcing through the air.

Beerus met their onslaught head-on, his movements a blur of speed and precision. With a primal roar, he charged at Furnace, his fists crashing into the metal plating of the robotic suit with bone-crushing force. The suit buckled and twisted under the assault, metal shards flying in all directions as Beerus tore it apart with raw strength.

Meanwhile, Magmaniac's fiery projectiles rained down upon Beerus, but he moved with a speed that no one could keep track of, dodging and weaving between the blazing inferno. With a thunderous roar, he leaped into the air, his fists wreathed in flames as he delivered a devastating barrage of blows that shattered the magma creature's form, sending molten chunks of rock scattering across the battlefield.

Tether Tyrant's tentacles lashed out, seeking to ensnare Beerus in their vice-like grip, but he was too quick, too agile. With a deft twist of his body, he slipped past the writhing appendages, his fists a blur of motion as he delivered punishing blows to the man's body. With each strike, he felt the satisfying crunch of bone and sinew, his blows sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

As Kursk unleashed bolts of crackling electricity, Beerus stood his ground, his body crackling with energy as he absorbed the onslaught with stoic determination. With a roar of defiance, he unleashed a surge of power, a searing beam of energy erupting from his eyes. The beam cut through the air like a scythe, slicing through Kursk's electricity with surgical precision, leaving the enforcer vulnerable to a series of punishing blows.

With most of the enforcers incapacitated, Beerus turned back to the lion-beast, who had recovered and was ready for another round. The two titans clashed once more, their blows causing shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield. Beerus ducked under a swipe and landed a powerful uppercut, sending the beast staggering back.

The lion-beast, breathing heavily, bared its teeth. "You are strong, Viltrumite. What is your name?"

"Beerus," he replied, not taking his eyes off his opponent. "And you?"

"I am Throkk, or as I am called, Battle Beast," he growled, his voice a low rumble that reverberated through the air like thunder. A twisted smile curled his lips, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light. "I have searched the cosmos for a worthy challenge. You might be it."

Beerus regarded him with a steely gaze, his expression unreadable. "Then let us see if you can live up to your reputation, Battle Beast."

With a fierce roar, Battle Beast lunged forward, his claws slashing through the air with blinding speed. Beerus met his attack head-on, their blows echoing across the battlefield with bone-shaking force. Each clash of titans sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the ground trembling beneath their feet.

Despite Battle Beast's ferocity, Beerus remained composed, his movements fluid and precise. He ducked and weaved through the flurry of strikes, always one step ahead of his opponent. With each exchange, Beerus gained a deeper understanding of Battle Beast's fighting style, anticipating his moves and countering with devastating efficiency.

But Battle Beast was no ordinary foe. With each passing moment, he seemed to tap into an untamed primal energy, his attacks becoming more ferocious and unpredictable. Beerus felt the weight of each blow, the force behind them driving him back step by step. Yet, he maintained his composure, his face a mask of stoicism even as he felt the sting of each slash and impact.

As Battle Beast pressed on, Beerus knew he couldn't rely solely on brute strength to overcome this opponent. He needed to adapt, to find a weakness in Battle Beast's relentless assault. With a focused mind and a steady resolve, Beerus analyzed his opponent's movements, searching for an opening amidst the chaos of battle.

After a particularly brutal exchange, both combatants paused, panting and bloodied. Battle Beast's respect for his opponent grew with each passing moment. "You fight well, Beerus. It's been a long time since I've had a worthy opponent."

"Likewise," Beerus replied. "But this ends now."

He unleashed his heat vision with unparalleled precision. The beams sliced through the air like lasers, cutting through Battle Beast's defenses with surgical precision. The lion-like creature let out a roar of agony as the searing energy seared through his fur and flesh, bringing him to his knees.

As Battle Beast lay there, struggling to rise, Beerus floated over him, victorious. "Stay down," he commanded. "There's no need for further bloodshed."

Battle Beast, breathing heavily, gave a nod of grudging respect. "You have bested me. Today, you are the victor."

Beerus turned his attention to Machine Head, who was frantically trying to escape. With a burst of speed, he intercepted him, lifting him off the ground with ease. "It's over," Beerus said coldly. "You are done."

Machine Head, realizing his predicament, slumped in defeat. "Alright, alright," he muttered. "You win."

With the battle over, Beerus released Machine Head and turned to check on Invincible and the New Guardians. They were battered but alive, thanks to his intervention.

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