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4.76% Mark of the Multiversal Pretender / Chapter 4: Ch. 4 - The Great Pretender's System

Capítulo 4: Ch. 4 - The Great Pretender's System

Thankfully, Leo didn't have to wait and it seems like his gift waited for him to be alone before showing itself to him.

"A System?" Leo spoke out loud while staring at the transparent screen in front of him.

[Good afternoon, Host! I apologize for the delay as I noticed that you were quite busy.]

"I see. Thank you." He nodded his head in gratitude, though Leo can only read the text, he'd prefer if he could hear the voice rather than reading them.

[Would you like me to switch from text to voice inside your head?]

"Yes please." Leo sighed in relief.


This time, thankfully Leo heard it inside his head. Though the voice sound neither male or female. It's kind of hard to explain unless you hear it yourself.

'Can I also talk to you like this?' Leo asked but this time, inside his head. Since the system could speak to him inside his head then that means he can do the same, right?

[Yes. It'll be best for you to speak this way hence people might think you're crazy if you talk to me out loud.]

'You have a point.' Leo nodded his head in understanding, never once feeling offended by it.

'Anyways, since you're the so-called tool in making me the Greatest Pretender in the entire multiverse, you must have the ability to do so, right?'

[You're right, Host. As the tool that was created solely to help you become your greatest dream, it is time for me to introduce myself to you.]


'Did you just?'

[You must've heard it wrong, Host.]

'Okay. Though I prefer for you to call me Leo. Being called a Host is like being a host of some kind of parasite.' Leo stated, feeling a bit of awkwardness, maybe he just watched too many sci-fi films but still.

[Sure thing, Leo. In return, I ask of you to refer to me as Genesis.]

'Sure thing, Genesis.' Leo agreed.

[Now, let's put those things aside and let me introduce myself properly.]

[I am the Great Pretender System, after a scan on your memories, I'm a hundred percent sure you can have a gist of my functions.]

'A System, just as I thought.' Leo said to himself, not surprised by the introduction of Genesis.

Unlike some, he's not oblivious to the existence of such concepts. As a Con-Artist, it is a must have the knowledge of every interest there is to humankind, even if it is stories such as japanese fantasy novels or fanfictions.

'What kind of system? Do I get to have quests and tasks to do and get punishments if I fail them?'

[Not exactly. You will only be given one task throughout your entire journey.]

[As a Great Pretender System, you would be able to access templates of different fiction characters and assimilate them to yourself through percentage. In order to increase the assimilation of the character, which is also your one and only task is to influence the world using your current template character. If you get a villain character, you must act like them and if possible, implement the character's background into yourself.]

[In order to make this more easier, I have implemented a quest function where finishing them would increase your template percentage as a reward, of course there's no consequences for failure, the quests are voluntary after all.]

[The more influence your character template has on the world, the more assimilation percentage you'll gain from the said character. And the higher the percentage, you'll access more strength from the template character, reaching 100% will successfully integrating them to yourself. As a Great Pretender yourself, isn't this a dream come true?]

The more Leo hears about the explanation of Genesis, the more excited he gets. This system is definitely custom-made for a person like him!

[You will only get a basic status unlike other systems. It's too old fashioned and I consider it ancient.]

[Here's your status.]

Leo then watched as another screen popped up in his vision.


Name: Leonard Skinwalker

Current Templates:

Template 1: None

Template 2: [Locked]

Reputation Points: 0



'Is that.....' Leo's eyes widened in surprise and fear while his irises were looking at a certain word on the screen.

[Yes, Leo. It is Gacha.]

"Fuck!" Leo cursed out loud before realizing his mistake and quickly covered his mouth, hopefully curse words don't exist in this universe.

It's a children's film, surely there aren't any curse words here?

[Don't be too shocked, Leo. Gacha isn't that bad.]

'....If you say so.' Leo said with a doubt.

'How about the inventory, can I insert anything inside or?'

[No, Leo. You can't. Only items from the Gacha.]

'It says here that I have Template 2, does that mean I can use two character templates at the same time?'

[Yes, you are right. However, it is still locked and you must unlock it first with your Reputation Points. And before you ask about the Reputation Points, I'm going to explain it now.]

[Reputation Points are your currency to use in buying Gacha tickets and template slots.]

'Let me guess, I'll be able to earn it from becoming famous?'

[Almost. You can gain Reputation Points from the intense emotions the people of this universe when performing several acts that are related to your current character template the more important they are, the higher reputation points you can gain from them.]

'I see. Anything else you want to add?'

[Just accept your gift from the inventory so you can now start your journey of becoming the Greatest Pretender in the multiverse.]

'I have a novice gift? Thank God, and here I was already thinking of ways on how to earn reputation points.' Leo mentally sighed in relief before opening the inventory function through the use of his mind.


- Gift.]

'Open!' Although Leo felt like he could've opened it with a silent command, he wanted to make it a bit dramatic and intense.


Leo didn't know where the gush of wind came from as his eyes were too focused on the opening of the gift.


Followed by the sound of an explosion inside his mind, the gift finally opened itself.

[Congratulations! You have received the following gifts.

- Black Panther (MCU) Template

- Free 10% for the Black Panther Template

- 1 Gacha Ticket

- Panther Habit (Locked until 80% template)]

As soon as Leo read the contents of the gift, he almost passed out due to happiness, though when he suddenly felt something streaming on his chest, he felt as if he was growing strong.

Removing his upper shirt, Leo's eyes widened in surprise at seeing his previously average build start to have more muscle lines albeit not too noticeable similar to those bodybuilders, but it's still there.

'This is just pure fantasy.' Leo gasped in pleasure, closing his hands into fists as he felt immense power coursing through his veins.

He felt like he could now rip a tree out of its roots with this kind of strength.

'Hopefully, increasing the percentage would be easy.' Leo said to himself, clearly excited towards the fact that he could feel this feeling again by increasing his percentage.

Leo then opened his status once again, just to see the change in it.


Name: Leonard Skinwalker

Current Templates:

- Template 1: Black Panther [10%]

- Template 2: [Locked]

- Reputation Points: 0

- Gacha

- Quest

- Inventory]

'Just 10 percent and it's already this good? I wonder how strong Black Panther truly is? If 10% of his whole strength can make me feel as if I can conquer the world.' Leo was surprised upon seeing the two digits on his Black Panther Template.

'Should I introduce Wakanda as my homeland now? Just to increase my percentage?' Leo pondered to himself, deciding whether to do it or not. Since he technically have an amnesia, he could play his cards right and make Wakanda an unknown tribe of his.

'Let's just keep it in mind. Maybe I'll find it in a quest.' Leo then darted his eyes towards the Quest function before mentally pressing on it, showing a new panel screen in front of him.

[Quest Tab

Quest Title: Make Wakanda Great Again!

Main Quest: - Introduce Wakanda as your background and homeland.

Bonus Quest: - Make Wakanda a real tribe / Country.


Main Reward: 0.5% of Black Panther Template, 5 Gacha Tickets

Bonus Reward: 10% of Black Panther Template, 10 Gacha Tickets.]

'This....' Leo was stunned, the Main Quest is easy for someone like him as to him, lying is like playing with dough. However, what stunned him was the bonus Quest.

Such a juicy reward yet the quest itself is very hard.

How is he supposed to make Wakanda a real country? What? Hope that some Vibranium would miraculously fall from the sky?

Even if that happens, what could he do about it? He got the Black Panther Template not Shuri, Black Panther's sister.

'No use thinking about it, maybe I should just pass it and do the main Quest.' Leo shook his head and stared at the main quest's reward.

'Just 0.5% isn't this too low?' Leo complained slightly.

[It's already high enough, Leo. Usually, most rewards would be 0.001 or 0.1 only, I'm already being generous with the rewards this time and besides, you believe in the motto of 'No Pain, No Gain', right? You always used to say that in your past life.]

Hearing Genesis's explanation, Leo realized that Genesis is indeed being generous with him.

'You have my thanks then.' Leo nodded his head in gratitude before standing up.

'It's time to test this shit up.' Leo said excitedly, having a grin plastered on his face.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 5 - The Great Pretender's Black Panther]

You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. ( don't forget to change @ to a.

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