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95.69% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2488: The Wondrous Weaving of Wizardry ( Celestial grimiore Worm × fate × multi cross )

Capítulo 2488: The Wondrous Weaving of Wizardry ( Celestial grimiore Worm × fate × multi cross )

I sat at the kitchen table, finger tapping on the keyboard, blank google docs with the cursor blinking back at me. I was grumbling over the tongue lashing I had received and struggling to think of something to write. I closed the computer lid with a huff and walked up the stairs deciding that a small nap would be what he needed to get the creative juices flowing.

My foot bumped into a thick object as I slipped beneath the covers. Throwing the bedsheet off, I observed the moderately sized tome. It was bound in leather, and as I cracked the book open, the first page held an ornate script that described a relatively simple way to gain access to all the functions of an electronic device as well as a way to overclock a mechanical device both only requiring a touch and force of will.

Tucking the book under my arm, I padded softly downstairs and, setting the Grimoire on the table, flipped my computer lid open. Holding my breath, I focused my mind and twisted, seeing the computer scanning through half a dozen web pages, opening, and closing videos, and typing as fast as I could think.

I let go of the machine and let out a long breath as I gingerly, hands trembling, picked up the excellent book that allowed me to do magic or psychic abilities as my new knowledge insisted.

I bounded up the stairs and closed my bedroom door behind me with a nudge of my hips. I curled up under the covers and flipped through the Grimoire with a wide grin that showed my two front teeth as if looking at blank pages would conjure up new miracles.

Soon, however, I looked over at the small digital clock that read 10:30 and reluctantly set the book on my nightstand and shimmed into my pajama pants while tossing my shirt in my hamper. As I put my glasses on top of the tome, I curled under the covers and knew that sleep would come hard that night.

I woke up shivering, and as I stretched pulled back my hand with a hiss as they brushed the wall covered with a small layer of ice. Sliding out of bed and instinctively jerked my bare feet away from the frost-covered floor. I put on my glasses only to take them off as the lenses were coated with a thick layer of frost. I walked into the bathroom and flicked the light switch; after the lights failed to turn on,

I turned to leave the room, and I saw a flicker of something significant and covered in furry scales in the bathroom mirror. Stumbling back as the creature leered at me from the mirror, I ran back to my room as I could now see my breath fogging the air. Picking up the tome peered at its clean pages with bare eyes as I could pick up a shuffling noise slowly wandering to my bedroom.

However, as the door creaked open, there was a faint air displacement as frost started to creep up my pajama bottoms. I hurled myself under the bed, clutching the Grimoire tight to my chest as sounds of battle erupted from the hallway outside of my room.

A thin trickle of pee traveled down my right leg as the battling grew quieter before pressure built in the air then all noise stopped. Several agonizing minutes later, I crept out of my room and peeked around the house. Seeing my family's utter lack of presence, I held back the lump in my throat as I opened the door outside and froze as a winter wonderland surrounded me.

I saw dozens of corpses, and the snow was kicked up as whatever had brought me here was still fighting. I slowly closed the door and then, in between shuddering breaths, put on some clothes fit for winter. Before I left, I grabbed a few packs of ham and a water bottle. Trekking in the opposite direction of the fight.

I didn't know what was going on; however, I knew I did not want to be anywhere close to something that could fight a Warband and the person who would bring a Warband to kill a single being.

I walked long enough to be free of the snow and emerged into a small clearing. I stopped as I beheld the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was singing softly under her breath as she sat on a stump; however, her eyes snapped over to form when I stepped into the clearing. Letting out a melodic giggle, she gestured for me to sit next to her.

Dumbfounded, I staggered over and sat down next to her. As she started to run her fingers through my hair, I untensed and relaxed.

"So what brings you to my neck of the woods" her voice rang out like wood chimes from behind me.

"I was uh walking and found you miss," my nervous voice croaked out

"Please don't call me miss; that makes me feel old."

Letting out a small chuckle, I said, "Fair, fair, so do this with everyone you meet."

"No, just the most interesting ones; you are far from home, aren't you." Caught off guard from the sudden question, I slowly nodded

"Is it safe to presume I'm not on earth anymore?"

She answered with another tinkling laugh, "That is safe to assume. I could get you closer, back in the mortal realm and away from here." Gently detangling her perfectly sculpted hands from my hair, I turned to look her in the eyes and took in her elvish features for the first time.

"What would that cost me?" I enquired

"Nothing much. I would request you to use this and a single favor." She said, holding up my Grimoire before handing it back to me.

"What would the favor entail."

"Nothing much. I would not give you a task beyond your abilities."

"What are my chances of escaping from this plane unaided."

"Slim, and I doubt the next deal will be so generous."

I turned the bargain over in my head for a few minutes, keen of my dwindling supply of food and lack of information.

"Fine." I ground out, "It's a deal."

Her face brightened, and my shoulders relaxed as she held her hand. "It's a deal" as we shook on it, the world blurred around me as I found myself flat on my ass, fingers white-knuckled around the tome in a filthy alleyway.

Rising to my feet, I held the book under my arm and walked out into the streets. I knew that I would need to find a place to live before even starting to find a way back to my city. As I walked through the crisp spring air, I could see the shops, most of which were closed, and the sea of which an oil rig was covered with a shimmering blue bubble. That fact niggled at my mind as I kept an eye out for an ATM.

I found it around half an hour later and checked to see that only a few people walked about in scant morning hours. I placed my hand on the ATM and twisted, sending my mind into it and directing it to send out 5,000 dollars of assorted bills. I took a deep breath and started walking away and across towards the abandoned section of the city.

Picking up a newspaper, the date read Feburay 28th and the front page held the headline. Simurgh drove off by heroes Eidolon and Legend, Canberra, to be domed. At this, I froze because only one world I knew held a winged angel and costumed men named Eidolon and Legend. Taking a deep breath, I handed back the newspaper and speedwalking what I knew to be the Docks now. A brief 15-minute walk later, I found a building empty except for a few dirty needles and refuse.

Slumping down and holding my knees to my chest, I let out shaky and ugly sobs as I realized where I was and what happened washed over me. Making bargains with Fae, finding strange Artifacts, and finding myself on the hell world known as Earth Bet, where horrible monsters roamed, there is a conspiracy holding control over the world, and life is cheap. I shot to my feet as I remembered something possibly lethal, but I had to try anyway.

"Contessa," My raspy, choked voice forced out, I waited for a few minutes, and I sighed in relief when nothing happened. I knew that simply sitting around feeling sorry would do nothing for me, so I scooped up the Grimoire and opened it. As I started searching through empty pages, I saw nothing new however I felt something bubbling up under the book's pages, a feeling of potential.

Setting the book aside, I knew that the first thing I needed was to get set up, and while robbing ATMs would work, for now, a place to live would be a necessity, and while the warehouse could serve, for now, I doubted that it would remain safe for long.

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled, reminding me that I had not eaten for at least six hours, so some food would not go unappreciated. I pulled out the ham and water and made myself a ham sandwich by placing a ham slice between two other ham slices.

"Step one is to find a place to live and a stable source of income," I said in between sips of water and bites of ham. "Step two is to figure out what the hell this book is and how it can help me. Lastly, I suppose it would be to find a way home and don't die"

I let out a mirthless chuckle before standing up and sticking the water bottle in my pocket. I walked out and saw the streets start to fill with various people. Keeping my head down and my book tucked under my sweatshirt left me untouched as I headed into the better part of town. Jacking another ATM net me another few grand as I scouted for a cheap apartment.

Finding one with an old flaking sign that proclaimed that rooms were available and no questions would be asked—knocking on a ground floor office designated as the landlords' office. Rapping my knuckles on the door, I clasped my hand and waited as mumbled swearing erupted from the room. The door was cracked open to reveal an aging white man with a receding hairline and breath that stank of alcohol. I did my best to hold in my disgusted face.

"What do you want" he slurred out.

"An apartment, sir," I said with a slight bow of my head

"One grand a month you pay on the first of the month." He said, holding a hand out expectantly. I promptly placed the requested amount in his hand, after which he closed the door, and soon the sounds of keys ringing filled the hall. After a few minutes, the door was opened again, and a small grubby key was shoved roughly into my hand.

"Rooms 324, don't be too loud."

The door was then slammed into my face. Letting out an annoyed sigh, I started the climb to my new room. The apartment building had seen better days and looked only a sneeze away from collapsing. However, the upside was I now had a place with clean water and heat, which was the most important.

The lock took a few sharp turns to open before I could attempt opening the door, which to a firm shove from my shoulder before it would let me into my new room. Barebones and tiny, it still had a kitchenette, a bathroom I had to duck to access, and a lumpy bed with no pillow; however, it was still mine and a relatively safe place to lay my head.

As I sat on the bed, touching the book, I felt a burning in my thought as my vocal cords burned and my voice rasped before smoothing out into a melodious sound, not too unlike the Fae I met early. Letting out a slight hum. A small bucktoothed smile crept onto my face as I realized I could sing and do well at it. Checking the small clock in the hallway, I realized I had hours to burn before I could utilize my newest power.

Flipping through my book, I saw that my new ability enhanced my voice to truly potent portions enabling me to sing to cause people to forget their fear and fight to the death for my cause. As I let out a Do Mi So in perfect tune that resonated slightly, I remembered a new issue, Canary, the superpowered singer sent to hell on earth for many reasons; however, the main one was her suggestive singing voice.

I should be safe as long I didn't sing on the battlefield. As if that would ever happen. With newfound confidence, I started to wander the city to get a sense of the city. A quick stop at the library turned into a several-hour-long Wikipedia dive as I went down the rabbit hole to find the differences between my earth and Earth Bet. The U.S used dollar coins instead of bills, did not use pennies anymore, the cold war ended earlier, nuclear weapons were nonexistent, and a partly built moon base.

While finding all of this out was fascinating, it did not help me out all that much, and I was shown out of the library as they closed up behind me. Walking back to my apartment in the dark, I heard an aborted scream, then a gasp as I passed an alleyway. A woman was on the ground clutching her stomach while a tall rat-faced Asian man stood above her and gasping.

I grit my teeth as I knew I should back away. However, I slipped the heavy tome into my hands as I stepped into the alley and belted out the first song lyric I could remember.

"Hey, Kid!"

My voice came out deep and self-assured as my hands trembled. The woman pushed herself up as the first lyrics swept over her with an almost physical force.

"Do I have your attention?"

The man turned and hefted his crowbar while dropping the wallet he had rifled through. The woman unknown to him mainly was to her feet, know.

"The fuck you want?" The man said in a nasal voice. Ignoring him and taking another step forward, the following lyric came out even better and made him twist his face into confusion.

As I walked towards him, music came out smooth and filled myself and the woman with confidence. The mugger just swung the crowbar towards me to scare me off.

However, in that moment of vulnerability, the woman grabbed his head and slammed it into the brick wall. A splatter of blood sprayed out as the man dropped his crowbar. I darted forward, the song still emerging from me as I picked up the crowbar and slammed it down twice and three times on the man's head, splitting it open like a watermelon.

At the visceral display, I dropped the crowbar and hurled it all over what remained of the man's head. As the mystical property of my song faded, the woman shrieked, face twisted into anger and fear, and ran past me, almost bowling me over as I gagged at the corpse and the copper taste of blood that had splattered all over my hands and a bit in my month.

I stumbled back home after picking up the tome. I slammed my door shut and washed my hands and mouth. Dropping the book on the floor next to my bed, I fell into it, dead tired after the adrenaline faded, and tried to sleep, knowing it would come difficult that night.

Powers Gained

Psychic Abilities - Cyberkinesis:The cyberkinetic will never need to remember another password again, as this level of power can override the need for one, and any other code besides. The psychic can force a computer to do anything it normally could, from granting them admin access, to erasing data, or forging emails with an account on the system. The more secure a given computer is, the harder it is to manipulate thus

The psychic can now force a computer or other machine to outperform itself, making it more effective at its function than should be possible for it, at the cost of damaging the electronic

Song-Maiden:You were born with a beautiful voice and an amazing talent for song. Other people picked up on this, and all your life you've received formal training to enhance your singing even further, and turn it to more nefarious purposes. When used on the field of battle, your songs can fill soldiers with vast amounts of courage, hope and a will to fight, clearing them of any concerns like surrender, retreat, or hesitation and ensuring they'll fight to the death for your cause or the cause of your superiors as long as you continue to sing. Your voice alone can turn the very tide of battle. Restrained and judicious use can mitigate the downsides to this and be used heroically, but abuse will see you reviled as a witch or a monster for all the senseless death you cause.

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