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Capítulo 1363: 28


The finals days before Jon and the others leave for beyond the Wall.


This is the last chapter before we dive into the main game of thrones. Things will be picking up from here.

Edits: Random spelling and grammar mistakes across some chapters, mainly chapter 1.

Notice: If you need to re-familiarize yourself with the OCs or any of the other background details of this story, there is now an appendix for helpful reference. The only spoilers are some pairings.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

She was dreaming again, Sansa recognized that fact somewhere in her mind. The dream was another memory from a life that was to be so similar but so different. With each thing she learned about the future, the visions came more and more frequently at night, so much so that they were no longer connected to her knowledge of what could be. Sometimes it felt as if she was reliving entire days of a life she had forgotten.

In this echo of the future Sansa was attempting to dress a fussy toddler, trying to hold back her laughter until the others could see. It took hours of work and was a waste of time but she knew it would be worth it.

The girl under her mother's hands stopped squirming in favor of turning around to meet Sansa's sapphire eyes with amethysts. Laerra wore the most lifeless expression Sansa had ever seen on a child. "I want the dwagon one." Even her voice lacked any semblance of emotion.

"If you play along for a moment, you may have it and an extra lemon cake at supper," Sansa offered as a bribe.

"Eel!" Lya offered a tiny green hand with pointy fingers mimicking all the transactions she'd witnessed around the Red Keep.

Smiling, Sansa rose to her slippered feet. "Come along you two, let's go show the others."

Alsauna rushed into her birth mother's shadow mutely; she hadn't spoken since she was dressed. The girl had very nearly broken her silence when she had to hold back snickers at the sight of her little sister but succeeded in resisting the call to laughter.

The girls followed Sansa hidden behind her skirts. Laerra was shuffling slowly but their destination was just beyond the door. 

Sansa pushed open the door to the sight of her family looking at her in anticipation. She didn't keep them waiting and stepped out of the way before Lya could hide again.

Marg immediately burst out in laughter as she clutched onto Jon's arm and buried her face in his shoulder. Following his mama's lead the four month old blonde boy in her arms giggle-gargled.

The Dornish Targaryen covered her giggles with a hand, the other on her big pregnant belly.

A smile grew and grew on Jae's incredibly handsome face. His eyes crinkled in mirth and held a twinkle that was more precious than any glittering gem. Their sweet baby Jonnel was bounced on his knee. His sight moved from their children to Sansa's, speaking thousands of feelings he often struggled to express with his words. It was a language she learned to read over the years of their marriage, more beautiful than any spoken tongue.

Val brought her twins close to her chest as the three got caught in the contagious laughter. She too was round with child. "My my, I've never seen such a fierce flower!"

A tiny foot stomped. "I wanted to be the dwagon!" Laerra's fire came out again at being the cause of all the laughter. The girl was dressed in a leaf green one piece outfit. Her head was the bulbous bud of a winter rose and her body the stem. It looked comedically ridiculous and Sansa regretted nothing. Lya's pouting face in the ovoid opening of the headpiece made it all the more adorable.

The girl's sister had it easy with a little white direwolf costume resembling Ghost. It was also adorable with its little ears and tail. Alsauna was taking the role of the mute wolf to a concerning degree however.

"Come on Lya let's get you into the dragon one." Sansa felt bad for embarrassing the girl but it made a wonderful memory. She'd make it up to the little princess, it was cruel to shame her so.

Lya was much more compliant when escaping the torture garb that was the rose than she was getting dressed. Her excited bouncing was nowhere near the challenge of her thrashing. Soon enough the girl was charging out of the dressing room and into her father's arms while growling but soon left to chase after the direwolf for finally breaking her silence and giggling. The pitter patter of baby feet soon sounded like knocks.

A blink later and instead of the lovely sight of her future family in the bright South, Sansa was left with a slightly blurry view of the canopy of her four poster bed. The door opening without her permission made Sansa alert. Had the Baelish or the imp come for her? No, Sansa recalled none of that happened to her, she was in her home with all of her family and then some, and Margaery should be next to her in bed as they acted as ladies-in-waiting for each other.

But Marg wasn't there besides her, she was stepping through the door frame. The Tyrell took one glance at Sansa curled up through the azure drapes and her face turned apologetic. "Pardon me." Brown eyes flicked to Sansa's hands. "Perhaps the dagger should stay on my side at night, until you are over your terrors. I have no desire to be stabbed."

It took a moment for Sansa to realize Marg's words and look down at the blade held too tightly in white knuckled hands. The thing was still sheathed too. She had planned to give it to one of the departing party anyway; the Valyrian steel of the dagger could save one of their lives. After a deep breath she shuffled and placed it on the bedside table opposite her own.

"Are you alright? Bad dream? You seemed at peace when I left for the privy." Margaery joined her in bed.

Sansa hesitated for a second but answered, if anyone else could understand it would be Marg. Her friend also suffered under Cersei and she was imprisoned by the Faith. "Yes. It's just the bad memories from… they make me…twitchy?"

Arms wrapped around her, and Marg tucked Sansa's head under her chin. "I understand. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night with the fear that Cersei decided to kill me in my sleep. Something I catch myself being surprised at the mention of my living family."

"I had a good dream this time."

Margaery gave her a look. "Oh? Do tell. Was it naughty? I've had many of those. You have been in a few."

And so Sansa spent the time waiting for a bath to be prepared, repeating the story to her future wife. It would be their secret, one day they'd get to witness the other three's reaction, they wouldn't ruin the surprise. Though Sansa vowed to do it when the kids are younger and less aware but still adorable. When the tub was full Margaery let her wash first.

Sansa mused on her and Jon's children and the memory as she sat in the warm water of her bath and Marg fluttered around the room doing whatever. Their children were wonderful, beautiful and well behaved, for the most part. Robyn could be a little troublesome, doubly so with Aerea nearby. Brynnard was mostly quiet and respectful but he caused more trouble whenever he tried to help. If her dreams had anything to say about the topic then it was that Sara was the trouble in Sansa's brood. In her dreams a young Sara ,sometimes just a babe, would throw a fit that Rickon would be proud of if she didn't have a book to read, hug, sleep on, or look at.

Her focus then turned to Margaery's nameday, which was incredible. Even if it had been Marg's big day rather than her own, Sansa had found it amazing. She got to dance with Jon again, listen to Cailin's songs, and the afternoon atop the mountain was beautiful even if she had been sore from all the riding. In Jon's arms riding had been nice, being in his embrace had been enough to counter her distaste for the jostling of the horse and the wind ruining her hair. They had ridden fast and there was a certain thrill about it once she felt safe. Then there was the fact that she had sat in front of Jon, pressed against his chest… among other things. It had been awkward at first but Jon said nothing so she said nothing, eventually she had been able to put it out of mind though she still blushed when thinking about it.

The improper thoughts failed to leave her, so she tried to expel them in a different manner. "How was it? With Jon. On your nameday."

Frozen mid step, Margaery turned to her. "Oh. Well… I'd say completely blissful, a bit mind-numbing, and thoroughly mortifying."

"Mortifying?" Sansa didn't like the sound of that. 

With a nod, the brunette grimaced. "Yes."

That made her heart sink in her chest, Sansa didn't want 'mortifying,' she wanted love! Val had made it out to sound nice even if she'd done it in her rather crude manner. "What happened?"

"It started out wonderful. We kissed and then he kissed all over my legs, spent extra time on the birthmark on the inside of my thigh. And the way he looks at you…" Margaery trailed off dreamily as she sat behind Sansa. She gave off a moaning hum, the one people made when they were eating something delicious.

Hope returned and Sansa's heart fluttered back into place. Even though she knew she shouldn't be interested in the topic as it wasn't proper, Sansa couldn't resist the intrigue. "Like what?"

"Gods, his eyes! They get so dark like violet pearls in the light of a full moon and so smoldering with this storm of warmth behind them. The way he holds your gaze is just…mmm! And when he kisses you there, your body wants to arch your back and throw you head back but you just want to stare into him! Your toes curl and you just want to cage him there with your legs. He moans into you like you are the sweetest dessert he's ever had." Margaery melted into Sansa's back and gave a dreamy sigh.

"That sounds lovely." Though Sansa's attempts to imagine herself in Marg's place only made her feel like her face could boil her bathwater. It sounded romantic, intimate and sweet. Somewhere in her chest she felt a distinct hollow pain at the realization that it may be years before Sansa gets to experience such a thing. She was younger than Marg by two and a half years and the other two are even older.

Margaery continued. "Oh, it is. The whole thing was beyond pleasurable but…"

Sansa couldn't fathom how anything could ruin such a wonderful moment between the two. "But?"

"...Things went downhill when I peaked." With her face hidden in Sansa's shoulder, Marg made a whining sound.

Sansa reached out and took the brown eyed girl's hand. "What happened?"

Another pitiful groan shook where they touched, afterwhich Margaery gave a bitter laugh. "I think the fact Jon asked 'Did you just pee on me?' says a lot. It got in his mouth too."

Even secondhand, Sansa made a high pitched noise feeling her friend's embarrassment. She covered her face with her free hand. Sansa couldn't imagine…she couldn't even put what she felt into words. Sansa might have died, completely burned up into nothing. "Oh no, you didn't, did you?"

"Jon says it didn't smell like it and he didn't think it tasted like it and it was clear but I don't know what it was! I just peaked and squirted whatever it was in his face and all over without realizing, it was horrifying. I hadn't even noticed at first." The stress Marg felt was heavy in the air.

Turning, Sansa faced her future wife and hugged her over the edge of the bathtub. "Do you need to speak to the maester?"

Pulling back slightly from the hug, Marg had an incredulous look aimed at Sansa. "I can't talk to the maester about it! He'll think I'm no longer a maiden! What if he tells someone?" If she couldn't speak with someone who didn't know of her relationship with Jon then she could speak with someone who did.

"I suppose you're right. If you have this problem now, maybe you have it in the future as well. You could ask our children."

Once again Marg fiercely disagreed, shaking her head rapidly and throwing her hands up. "That is just as mortifying as the deed itself. They wouldn't wish to hear about that! Can you imagine Lady Catelyn speaking to you about such a topic?"

Her over eager mind imagined such a scene and Sansa reeled back wishing to burn the thought away and throw it in a river to take to sea, it was painfully awkward. "Oh gods! That would be horrible!"


After one last shutter, Sansa's forced her mind to more pleasant things, like Jon, which made her come to a realization. "What does Jon think of what happened?"

"Well…" Marg paused to choose her words. "Jae said he didn't care, and if it was health related we'd get through it. We talked yesterday and discussed trying again because it was still nice but we only cuddled. He claimed he was only surprised."

Sansa swooned at how sweet Jon was about everything. Though she was envious of the cuddles. "If Jon is alright with what happened then you should be too. You didn't do anything on purpose."

Marg snorted in amusement at something. "He said the same thing so I suppose you two have the right of it." She sighed again and leaned back. The candlelight made her brown eyes a glittery gold. After a few moments of staring Marg tapped the tub. "I do hope the Red Keep has larger tubs, Jon may even join. A shame really, we can't share one of the hotsprings with him. Unless... Your mother doesn't still use the lord and lady's private one, does she?"

"I-I don't know." Sansa was unsure she'd wish to go behind her mothers back on this. She didn't think she was comfortable bathing with Jon like that yet either.

As if inside Sansa's mind, Margaery read her hesitation and her gaze lowered. "You really have nothing to be ashamed of. Your breasts are nearly as big as mine or rather the little mounds I have resembling breasts. You are not even three and ten which is completely unfair in my opinion; my daughter has the biggest pair of the brood yet I'll have the smallest. If you are anything like your daughters, yours will be not only the biggest of us four but perfect too."

Shyly, Sansa covered up her budding bust with her arms. "...Uh. I-I don't. Thank you?" She thought Marg was being dramatic, the other girl was very pretty. On occasion Sansa had found herself admiring the Tyrell, on Marg's nameday it had taken all of Sansa will not to stare. "M-maybe Jon likes them smaller."

Again, they disagreed and Marg's shoulders slumped. "I don't think he likes mine."

"What makes you think that?"

Biting her lip, Marg looked down. "When he kissed me between the legs, I still had my dress on. He never wanted to see them."

Maybe it was because Sansa knew Jon longer but she knew he was too kind to ask for such a thing even if desired it if he thought Margaery was uncomfortable. It was rude but Sansa giggled at how silly the two could be.

"Don't laugh!" Marg lightly swatted Sansa's arm but the pain was clear in her eyes.

Sansa's humor died quickly. "You two are ridiculous. Jon probably thought you were self conscious or didn't want to be so forward as to ask. He is still a little shy."

It took a minute of Marg staring dryly before she snorted and chuckled. "I suppose he did like them well enough through my dress. And I may have been impatient and simply lifted my skirt for him. I've been a fool recently. Thank you." She sent a white smile at Sansa and stared with such a heat that made Sansa feel like the bubbly water of the hot springs.

While Margaery might think it was unfair Sansa might grow larger breasts than her, Sansa thought it unfair that she was so much younger than not only Jon but the rest of the girls. It seemed like she was years away from her wedding and even longer until she had her own children. How long will she remain separated as the other four spend their nights together behind a door that it would be deemed inappropriate for Sansa to cross? "I wish I was older."

"I do too." Marg's desire probably came from her lack of confidence in her petite appearance compared to the other girls. "Have you ever kissed another girl?"

The question came from nowhere and surprised Sansa. Red in the face, Sansa confessed the truth. "Yes."

Wide eyed, Margaery's jaw hung loose as if she hadn't truly expected such an answer. "Really? Who?"

"Jeyne and I practiced, we wanted our first kiss with our future husband to be perfect." In the end they hadn't been comparable, her and Jon's first kiss was worthy of a song, it was perfect. 

Giggles broke her away from the flawless memory. Marg had a mischievous smirk, the one that was as dangerous as it was charming. "So scandalous, I didn't think you had it in you!"

"Have you ever…?"

"Kissed a girl? Yes, one of my cousins likes kissing games, we've played it without boys on occasion. It wasn't as nice as with Jon, I didn't think much of those kisses."

Sansa gasped at the admission. "Jon wasn't your first kiss?"

"No, but he'll be my first for everything else. Or maybe you will steal some of my first as we are going to be the only ones left here." The brunette's tone was slightly resentful but also carried understanding and something else. "Technically, Poole has your first kiss."

With a sharp inhale, Sansa shook her head. "That doesn't count! It was with a girl and it wasn't romantic."

Laughing, Marg leaned forward and tapped Sansa's nose with a finger. "If things have to be romantic for it to count then Jon would be my first and a lot more women would still be considered maids."

"It is different with a boy!" Sansa's words fell on deaf ears.

The Tyrell only grinned wider. "Sex is, certainly. We ladies lack the parts to properly take another woman's maidenhead. Kissing though isn't much different, a little softer maybe."

Sansa didn't have many more arguments to use. "It feels different."

The older girl leaned close again, partially over the tub. "Perhaps. Want to put this to the test?"

With a stutter, Sansa gaped at the pretty brunette before her gaze dropped to the Tyrell's red-pink lips. "You mean…"

"Mm-hmm. I don't see the harm, have you not been practicing so your first kiss with your future wives will be perfect as well?" Graceful fingers came up to Sansa's jaw. Margaery tilted her head with a fond look as she caressed Sansa's face. Her round liquid gold eyes had the same warmth behind them as Jon's.

Under Marg's touch, Sansa was flustered. She imagined that she was not much different than the red hot metal worked on in the forge, soft and burning. "I-I suppose we can try…"

Margaery was kind, beautiful, and her friend. After a few moments to push drying locks of red hair out of the way and giving Sansa time to change her mind, Marg approached slowly.

Sansa's eyes fluttered shut when her future wife neared. Her heart skipped a drum or two when a soft pair of lips graced hers. She jumped at the touch but the gentle thumb on her face calmed her. Soon their lips were interlaced together and Sansa instinctively pulled her partner closer.

The kiss was different than with Jon, Margaery's lips were softer, her hands stayed on Sansa's face and didn't get lost in red hair. It seemed to carry Marg's gratitude for their earlier conversations as well as hints of all the things that made kissing Jon great. There was a taste of hope and trust.

When they parted Margaery continued to cradle Sansa's head in her hands. Her brown eyes were dark and half lidded. A bright pink tongue licked the lips pulled into a grin. Marg was still close enough that Sansa could feel the ghostly touch of her whisper on her flushed skin. "That was nice."

It was warm and welcome. "I liked it." Sansa wasn't opposed to more, they weren't Jon's kisses but one day Marg's might be able to to make her feel all that Jon's could. Soon Sansa and Margaery would be the only two at Winterfell and she thought that perhaps it wouldn't be as cold and lonely as she previously believed.

Jeyne Poole was her best friend but the newfound closeness she had with Margaery was something more. Sansa couldn't speak with Jeyne of many things, not her wonderful kids, not Jon, she can't even discuss marrying other women. Marg fit in a different role, one that Sansa needed, she was all that a friend was not exclusive to that title. Kisses with the older brunette weren't just meaningless experiments and practice between girls that were just good friends.

A part of her mind that spoke in Septa Mordane's voice called her wanton but Val's tone followed and asked what was wrong with desiring kisses from another woman. She didn't know who was right but Sansa knew she'd never be truly debauched. Sansa would never do anything with anybody but her husband and her wives, all they'd do would be with love and love cannot be bad.

"Do you think it is possible to make ourselves older?" Margaery asked suddenly.

Sansa blinked and came out of her musings. "What?"

By her tubside, Marg's gaze fell. "Our children traveled through time. Do you think that we might be able to age ourselves a few years? You thought it unfair earlier and I agree."

"I don't know." Sansa knew nothing of magic, she knew either the gods or sorcery brought her children to her and returned Jon to live in the other future but who was she to say what it was capable of. There was somebody who was very invested in the art though. "But I know who we can ask."

"You're plotting something and I like it." Elbows on the edge of the bath, Marg leaned forward with an inquiring brow. "Tell me while I wash your hair. You've been in long enough to be a shriveled prune already."

Scoffing, Sansa flicked some water at Marg. "That is your fault."

Margaery narrowed her eyes and pointed a non-wrinkly finger. "Don't make me get into that bath, young lady! Now turn around or I may have to bring Jon in here so we don't miss more of his last full day."

"Don't you dare!" She wasn't ready to be naked in front of Jon yet. Just the thought made Sansa cover her chest.

"Then turn. You know I think we should try and get Jon to sleep with us tonight." At Sansa's gasp and look, Margaery corrected herself. "I meant literally sleep with us, completely innocently, share the bed and cuddle. My my, somebody is having sinful thoughts. Anyway, tell me who may know how to age us."



It was harder to find him than Sansa had thought. She and Marg checked the Godswood, the Glass Gardens, the archery range but he was nowhere. The two had visited the dragons first, giving the beasts some leftover bacon from breakfast which bought their affection. In the library the two hugged Sara, which Sansa believed the triplet enjoyed even if she acted like they were a nuisance. The whole day they didn't see him but at supper where they couldn't speak of the topic. So they focused on Margaery's plan.

After their nightly reading, they walked Rhaenys back to her chambers as a group. When they returned to where the four of them normally splintered into twos, Margaery hugged Jon's arm after her goodnight kiss. "Jon. Sansa and I were wondering if you would like to cuddle with us for the night? We are going to miss you." Despite the innocent words, Marg added a pleading and slightly husky tone as she spoke into his ear.

Jon looked between her and Marg before gazing at Val. She didn't know if he was seeking permission or wondering if the invitation extended to the blonde as well.

Sansa had not interacted with Val much as they were so different. They spoke on Margaery's nameday when the young woman was drunk but haven't conversed between just the two of them since. Sansa didn't know how to feel about her, much less about having her join them in bed. She supposed the four had already slept together once, when they fell asleep in the family room after sharing stories. But she had heard from Marg that Val has taken to sleeping naked and that might be weird with Jon there too. 

The Freefolk woman had an amused brow raised and a smirk on her face. "I suppose I can spare him for the night but I'm taking his bed and the wolf." Even with Marg clung to Jon's arm, Val kissed him deeply before patting his cheek. "Have fun." She playfully slapped him on the rear before winking at the girls and slipping into her, or rather Jon's, chambers with Ghost at her feet.

"You're all ours now." One of Marg's hands roamed Jon's chest.

He caught her hand and held it softly. "Margaery." Even as he chastened the Tyrell, Jon had a fond look. "I need to rise early tomorrow, are you sure that you two want this? I may accidentally wake you." His words were directed at Sansa.

She blushed, well aware of her tendency to sleep in and being snappish in the mornings. But he'd be gone for almost three moons, she could wake early and spend the last few hours with him. Plus she needed to give him and Bran their nameday gifts as they'd be away. "Yes." Without another word she pulled the two into her room.

Together they spent a long time kissing Jon before they finally settled enough to get changed. Margaery had whispered her disappointment that they hadn't seen Jon turn his head to watch them slip into their night shifts. Sansa's subsequent half-giggle-half-squeak made his head twitch but that was the closest he came to peaking.

Jon wore only unblemished beaches and a thin tunic he wore beneath his jerkin. He was setting his other clothes down when a number of knocks came from the door. At her permission he answered.

Three girls were on the other side. "You weren't in your room!" Aerea jumped onto her father without warning.

Maenara joined and snuggled into the embrace. "We wanted to spend the night with you Kepa!"

"Because it is your last here." Robyn added her elder sister's words and joined the hug.

Buried under three of his daughters, Jon somehow managed to turn around. He had the brunette clinging like leech to his chest, a silver-haired blonde on his left leg and a redhead on his right. Over the girls, Jon gave them an apologetic face.

Sansa couldn't fathom how her heart somehow felt as if it was sinking in disappointment but also about to burst in affection. In the end she couldn't help but march over and join the group hug with Marg following her lead. From behind Robyn, she had a good view of Jon's face and in particular his misty eyes and soft smile. Since none of the children saw her steal one last kiss.

On the other side of the family, Margaery giggled. "I suppose the bed will be slightly crowded. Luckily for us, you three are so small." Sansa felt the older girl hold her hand where it rested on Jon's back.

As a group they cuddled up on the bed with Jon in the middle and Sansa and Marg on the outside. With Robyn nestled between them, Sansa couldn't help but fantasize about the future and how she had only experienced a taste of it, there would be more love, romance and family. So happy was she that she fell asleep with a wide smile while stories were still being told.



In the morning, Jon woke before the crack of dawn and even if he tried his best Sansa was still awoken by his efforts to escape the bed. Robyn too had been pulled to consciousness and ended up quietly demanding to be carried on his back while he did his last minute packing.

Watching him put on his boots with the sleepy redhead hanging on him made Sansa giggle and partially made up for their absent warmth. Before he left, Jon took her hand and squeezed it before raising it to his lips. Then the two were out the door and Sansa's romantic mind wouldn't let her fall back to sleep.

Sansa stared at the ceiling for minutes before Aerea bumped into her side. Still asleep, the girl had to have rolled over at least three times to reach her. Smiling, Sansa pulled the girl up to embrace her and fell asleep snuggling the baby of the family.

When she opened her eyes again her chambers were starting to become lighter and Aerea had rolled all the way back to Maenara and Margaery who were already awake.

Soon enough they were all up and dressed. Together they made their way to breakfast and Sansa mentally listed the things she needed to do before Jon's group leaves Winterfell. Looking around the table, she realized the people she needed to speak with were not present. After leaving Mae and Rhea in Lyarra and Alsauna's care, Sansa dragged Marg to the kitchens so they could grab food and eat while they sought out their target.

In the end it was fortunate that Sansa was too sleepy to realize she could have just grabbed their meal from the tables in the Great Hall because of all the places he could have been, they found him where she never would have checked.

Sansa gaped at the domestic scene before her, Brynnard, Robyn and Lady Ashara were in the kitchens baking. The staff gave them a wide berth which she put down to her strange boy. Robyn had white powder in her hair as she sat on the edge of a table watching her brother and eating strawberries.

In his usual black clothes, the flour caking Brynnard was as obvious as the sun in the sky. The mystical boy seemed so out of place, Sansa had never seen him inside besides when he read or was up to mischief. And of all things, her son was squeezing the life out of her poor lemons!

For that sin, Sansa stomped up to him. "What are you doing?" Her tone came out harsh and demanding, even she winced.

Brynnard though almost completely ignored her screech. "Making lemon juice," he explained dismissively.

Before Sansa could comment, Robyn jumped into the conversation. "It was supposed to be a surprise!" The little redhead had the saddest little pout.

"So surprise us now." Marg added from behind Sansa.

Perking up, Robyn hopped off the tabletop and spread her arms dramatically with a berry still in each hand. "Lemon and strawberry cakes!" She pointed at the oven. "And lemon juice! My cup is going to have strawberry juice too! Maenara's will have blackberry, Nissa and Cailin like theirs with raspberries."

Sansa couldn't resist hugging her babbling daughter! "What is all this for?"

"I thought that you'd be sad since Kepa is leaving so I wanted to make your favorites. Grandma Ash and Neddy are the best bakers so I got their help." Robyn just melted into Sansa more.

Lady Ashara just smiled fondly as she eyed the scene, her violet eyes twinkled with mirth. Even though she was dressed little better than a kitchen maid, the Dayne was absolutely beautiful. "Everything should be nice and fresh this afternoon." Behind the kind grin, Sansa could see the disappointment, the woman had attached herself to Jon quickly and he was already leaving.

Idly Sansa wondered if there were any songs about mothers waiting for their son to return from wars, they'd be so tragic but could end so happily. She blinked away her depressing thoughts and looked at Brynnard draining the life from another lemon. "Do I like this lemon juice?" She didn't think it was the same as lemon water.

"You do. It is your favorite drink." This time he looked up at her and gave her the same slight smile as Jon but with a different shape of the lips.

It made her feel fuzzy that her children were so thoughtful. "Are you already packed?"

Nodding, he juiced another of the fruits. "Nell made sure I was packed last night as if I was incapable."

She frowned. "I'm sure he doesn't think that. You just don't have the experience that he does."

"Just because he is older doesn't make him more experienced. I travel here every year for summer and the dawn of spring. Nell hardly leaves the Neck these days." Brynnard glared into the bowl of pale yellow-white water.

Sansa made to take his hand before remembering that they'd be sticky from the lemons and instead grabbed his shoulder. "I know you dislike being young but you are not going to use magic to grow, are you?"

He relaxed under her touch and even leaned slightly into it. "No. I am unsure how my current state of preservation might affect me should I try."

Margaery picked up on what Sansa was doing. "Such a thing is possible?"

Scoffing, Little Ned turned to look at his 'mama.' "Of course, the fuel for magic is often the essence of life. Many spells and such can age a person and claim their youth."

 That made Sansa gasp at the realization that there may be truth in the tales of women bathing in the blood of maidens; she hoped he didn't do such gruesome things. "And you are capable of this?"

"I've never tried much sorcery besides my attempt at making the Glass Gardens more fruitful. I'd have sought the Children or Bloodraven out to do it if my body wasn't partially frozen. I clearly erred on my last attempt."

"You wouldn't harm someone to be older, would you?" It might break her if he said he would.

He shook his head. "It is illegal to use an unwilling subject unless the process aligns with the legal punishment of a criminal, executing before a weirwood for example. To achieve my own growth I would need to be the one sacrificing a portion of my life anyway, I don't know what I'd use it for though."

Once again, Marg jumped in, her voice too carried concern. "And you believe the process would force you to grow?"

"I imagine so based on tales of witches stealing the youth and beauty from maidens but I would ask the Children beforehand. Have no worries I will be much the same on my return. I make no promises that I will not use anything I learn once I'm returned to my time but I suppose being young and small has some advantages in the sense of less responsibilities. But if war were to arise... Besides, without Bloodraven or any of the Children in the future I must be more cautious."

Sansa's grip tightened a bit on his shoulder. "Please be careful, now and later."

"That is one thing that all this has taught me." At her look, Brynnard sighed and nodded. "I'll be careful, Mother." Little did all the staff know that he wasn't joking when calling her 'Mother.'



She was glad that she left Jon's nameday gift in the chambers used for embroidery lessons, otherwise her gift would have been spoiled when he spent the night. The black and red bundle was held to her breast as she delved deeper into the Godswood where Jon was to be. 

Atop the rock that her father normally sat while cleaning Ice, Jon was already dressed to depart. The light breeze blew against his hair gently, even so at peace and relaxed his lips had a downward tilt. Below him, Ghost perked up with his ears twitching. A grin grew on Jon's face before his eyes popped open and he turned to her. "Sans."

The nickname made her clutch her gift closer. "Jon." From her side Lady bound over to receive a few pets from him before the direwolf lay next to Ghost.

Jon rose from the stone and offered a hand to her. When she gave him her own, he grasped it with his warm touch. His hold on her was so fond, after running his thumb across the back of her palm he brought her hand to his lips and kissed her cold knuckles. Beautiful violet eyes stared at her before glancing at her chest. "What do you have there?"

"Your present." At his raised brow, Sansa explained. "You'll be gone for your nameday, Robb and Bran as well." She smiled up at him as she barely came up to his nose. Because of the sudden decision to head beyond the Wall, Sansa had barely any time to create their gifts. She hadn't even been able to start on Robb's but considering his nameday was the closest to their reunion she'd give him his late rather than early.

He caressed her palm again. "You didn't need to get me anything."

Sansa fixed him a look. "Of course I did." She poked his chest in what she hoped was a playful manner. "You'd insist on getting me something so it is only fair. And don't you know it is rude to reject a gift."

"I'm not rejecting it. I just don't want you stressing over getting me something especially with me leaving. You had little more than a week to make me this."

"Minisa, Cailin and Dalla helped me make it. We wanted to make sure you were warm. Here." She held the bundle out for him.

Carefully he unfolded the thick layers until it revealed a sable cloak with a scarlet underbelly embroidered with a splintered-point scale pattern that resembled both dragonscales and fur. Jon marveled over the mixed Freefolk and Northern design. His voice carried his awe when he spoke up. "Sans, thank you." He halved the cloak over an arm and used the other to pull Sansa close.

She was surprised to find herself in a kiss but quickly reciprocated cradling his face. Even when it ended, Sansa was left dizzy. Her eyes remained closed as their foreheads leaned together. The kiss was as lovely as their first which happened just a few steps away and three moons ago. If he expressed his gratitude in hugs and kisses then he will need to get used to her gifts. "You're welcome."

Try as hard as she might, Sansa failed to keep thoughts of his immediate departure from her mind. She was glad his lips had distracted her during their kiss as she had one last amazing kiss to last her the next three months… She could feel tears well up in the corners of her eyes. He would return, Sansa knew he would, he was a hero like in the songs but real, he would come back to her. "Take Lady with you."

Jon held her by her waist, the pad of his thumb traced her rib. "Lady should be with you. Remember what happened to Robb and I when we were separated from Greywind and Ghost."

"This is different! They were caged. You said I can't spoil her, she must be allowed to be a wolf. She should be with her pack. Nymeria and Shaggy will be here and I'll be safe, I don't need protecting, you do." She forced him to lock eyes with her before kissing both corners of his lips. "Please."

His sigh felt warm against her neckline. "Alright, I'll take her."

"Please be safe. Please come back."

That lovely gaze of his couldn't meet hers. "I can't promise there will be no danger. We won't seek it though. You know that I'll do everything I can to return, hopefully with no new scars."

"Good." She slipped her head under his head into the crook of his neck to hide her tears. "You won't forget about me, will you?"

He pulled one of her hands from his face and moved in between them to place on his chest. "You will be with me, in more ways than one." She somehow knew he was looking at her silver direwolf. Sansa figured it had to do with all the practice warging she and her siblings had done.

Hope flooded her, she may get to see him on some nights afterall. He can't forget about her with Lady there. "Nell and Brynnard will be with you too."

"Aye. Sansa, I want you to look after Marg. Unlike you she won't be able to see me on occasion, none of her brood will even be with me to remind me of her. Take care of her for me." 

Her mind went back to the previous morning when she and Marg kissed. "I will." She recalled how the Tyrell had hugged her and comforted her after her panicked reaction to someone entering her chambers without being called in. "She will take care of me as well."

Jon kissed the top of her head. "Come on, let's see how the cloak looks." His free hand wiped the wetness from her cheeks when she pulled back. He passed her his old cloak, a slightly worn pitch black thing. Draped in her gift and his true house's colors, he had the look of a prince.

"Very handsome." She commented as she hid her blush with his previous cloak.

"Tell that to the girl who made it for me." He gave her a hint of a smirk. "Are Marg and the others coming here?"

After he mentioned it, Sansa remembered that Margaery would arrive at any moment. She had an idea of what may be holding them up and glanced at Jon with a smile and a nod. "Aerea must be up to something."

Chuckling, he removed her gift from atop his shoulders and folded it back up into his lap. "I guess we must wait. You can lay that cloak out if you wish, it is far from new."

As they bided their time for the others, Sansa followed his advice and pulled off her boots and stockings to dip her legs into the dark water. She shook their interlaced hands as she kicked her feet back and forth. "Do you think if we jump in we could go to the future? Meet the future versions of us and see us old."

From atop his rock, he looked into the hot murky water. "I don't think it is that simple. I wouldn't want to risk it either. We have a chance to keep everyone we love alive. There isn't much there for us that isn't here already."

Sansa thought on his words and agreed. They had already met their kids, they were to marry each other, their family was largely dead in that time, there was not much more to learn from the future. She figured leaving everyone behind here to see what she looked like as queen was rather selfish. Their song had a happy ending but was filled with tragedy, but things could be better this time.

After a talk with her mother and an hour of fun with their family in the Godswood, it came time for goodbyes. Everyone was in the courtyard. Many farewells had already been said and more tears had fallen. She and her mother had given Bran their gifts and promised Robb to have his ready for his return.

Because the main population of Winterfell believed her and Jon to be siblings, he was able to kiss the top of her head and she pecked his cheek. Though she had to do the same for her brothers, no one was any wiser to the truth. Margaery also kissing his cheek was what prompted many of the watchers to gossip. Nobody even paid attention to the writhing satchel on Jon's saddle.

Robyn and Aerea clinging to Jon had provided some amusement to lessen the depressing air. The goodbye between Jon and Ashara Dayne had been particularly sad, though watching her pepper a hundred or so kisses around his face as he squirmed would be a lovely memory. The Martell-Targaryens' bickering also proved to be amusing.

Rhaenys patted Aegon's bald head while laughing. "We'll be gone for a couple moons, Egg. So please, try not to burn the Winterfell to the ground."

"Shouldn't you be telling that to the lizards?" His voice was quiet so only their party could hear but his annoyed tone was unmistakeable.

The older sister glanced at the First Keep and then at Jon's horse before back at her brother with a smirk. "No, I trust them to be responsible."

Aegon clutched at his heart dramatically, emotionally wounded. "Ow. And people somehow think you're kind."

"I am very kind. Just not to you." With that said the Dornishwoman climbed atop her horse. "Brother, you may have a full head of hair when we reunite. Do take care."

Sansa smiled at the scene before meeting Jon's eyes one last time. He, some of their children, and her brother would be absent from her life for the next quarter of a year. The thought made her feel so lonely, as if she was losing her left hand. All too soon he was gone and all that she had of him was the sound of horse hooves and his old cloak that she wore.


Praise the lemon (fruit). Did I write another scene about lemonade? Yes, yes I did. Last one I promise.

Another mostly fluffy chapter and sort of a stepstone but I needed it to set up stuff and character development. I hope you still enjoyed it, if not we will finally be getting into the thick of things. Politics and action are coming.

Next chapter will be a multi perspective chapter with POVs from Stannis, Ned, Catelyn, and Jaime. I need to do some research and reading for Stannis' character so it may be a bit of a wait but I'll try to be quick.

Upcoming Chapter POV Order:

Multi IV

Mya I

Multi V

Realm I

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