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48.5% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1261: 9

Capítulo 1261: 9

Chapter Text

Five minutes of preparation. Not even close to the amount of time that Momo would've wanted to have against someone like Todoroki Shoto. While lower than her in terms of the recommendation scores, his quirk was on a wholly different level compared to hers. What it lacked in clear versatility, it had significant speed and range from what she has witnessed. A formidable combination, to say nothing of the skill that he displayed during the quirk assessment test. So five minutes to make materials wouldn't be too much, but she could make it work. Parker-san seemingly had the same thought, leading the way out of the monitor room towards their destination, their opponents following close behind.

Shoji Mezo kept his pace brisk but respectful as he followed Todoroki. The monochrome boy gazed unblinkingly at Parker. Possibly gauging threats and planning to counter their abilities. He would only know her own quirk by association to what she showed in the assessment. Barely a fraction of what it was capable of, but enough to make reasonable deductions. The same could not be said for knowing the capabilities of Parker.

Both of them had the opportunity to witness his prowess during the Practical Exam. Powerful, but not insurmountable.

She can see Parker looking away a couple of times, but would pause. Taking a look behind her, she can see why as they walked. Todoroki and Shoji were walking behind them, the former with a serious expression and the latter... being readless. Parker must want to talk, but can't due to their presence.

In the corner of her eye, Shoji perked up whenever Parker was seen making a gesture, and Todoroki's gaze sharpened. Parker paused, wisely stopping before he could say anything that could wreak havoc on any future plans. She shook her head. Not here, not yet.

The rest of the trip was done in silence, Momo and Parker stopping before the front entrance. Todoroki took a position against the closest wall, folding his arms but remaining vigilant with Shoji next to him.

Parker glanced to her, "... uh, now what?"

A query that Momo didn't have an answer for. Fortunately, that was unnecessary as Parker's gazed snapped to the street.

"I AM HERE!" All Might declared, little more than a red blur before sliding to a stop.

"Oh geez!" Parker gasped, jumping back.

"Fret not young Parker! For I am here to give you these!"

The Symbol of Peace handed over a box, one that Momo quickly opened. Inside was a detailed map of the building with a floor-plan, as well as matching short range radios.

"These are yours to use as you see fit," All Might explained, "Embody villainy, and think from the perspective of an evildoer."

Parker flinched, his fist clenching which gave All Might sensei pause. He grinned his famous grin, raising a placating hand.

"Worry not, I know what you four are capable of, but remember," All Might declared sternly, "The point of the exercise is only to simulate villainy for the sake of your classmates. If you so much as attempt the level of destruction that young Bakugo caused, I will intervene."

Momo nodded, a fair compromise considering the devastation that the previous match caused. Parker however, tilted his head mild confusion evident even through his mask. If their teacher noticed, he didn't give any tells, waving to the four of them.

"Your five minutes begins when you set foot into the building! Good luck!"

And with that, the Symbol of Peace rocketed down the street, no doubt returning to the monitor chamber. Parker's shoulders fell and Momo took hold of one of the radios and fixed it in her ear.

"Parker-san," Momo said, causing the American to turn to her. She handed the second radio, starting on a brisk pace, "We need to set up."

"Yeah, right, five minutes prep and all that," Parker said, his mask falling away long enough for him to put in his radio as he followed her into the building. Their five minutes start now.

With the map in hand, Momo started down the long hallways, careful not to say a thing until she was positive that she could speak without being overheard. One couldn't take any chances when discussing intel, especially with minimal time to plan. And with Shoji's Dupli-Arms and how versatile that Quirk can be.

First: recognize the terrain, battles are won and lost on the advantages that can be utilized.

"Parker-san, according to these plans, the first two floors are labyrinths, multiple corners and blank rooms to confuse our opponents."

Case and point, they passed an open door leading to an empty room. Parker looked in, "Think we should booby trap them on the early floors?"

An interesting thought, but Momo shook her head.

"We don't have the time. With our time limit, it would be more advantageous to defend our objective. Let Todoroki and Shoji waste their time learning the layout. Every second that we have to prepare gives us another advantage."

"Also gives them time to plan too," Parker points out.

"Fair assumption, but neither of them have quirks that will benefit from the extra time." She said, going up the first flight of stairs, "So long as we can stop them from getting a hand on the weapon, we can win."

That particular statement made Parker perk up.

"They've got to touch the bomb?" he asked.

Momo nodded, and she got the feeling that Peter was smiling.

"How about I web up the bomb? If it's covered in web, they can't 'secure' it," Parker said with air quotes.

That was a good idea. Momo remembered what the substance holding back the faux villains. Holding up a fake weapon was well within its capabilities. She nodded and showed the floor plan.

"Alright, take this and make sure the webbing is thick enough so they can't touch anything."

"Got it," Parker said, taking the offered plan, "What about you?"

Momo allowed a small smirk in response.

"Don't worry, I've already memorized the layout. I have a trick or two."

"You… okay, well, see you soon," he wiped his hand out allowing the pull of the webbing to rocket him away.

Soon enough he was out of sight, and Momo wasted no time, taking off full tilt along the path she remembered. First right, second left, up the stairs then fourth right and she would arrive. She began to make her traps, and proceeded to head up to the next floor.

As expected, her sense of directions didn't lead her astray. At the designated turn, she arrived to the sight of Parker hoisting the bomb upwards with three lines of webbing far enough that even Shoji wouldn't be able to reach it without assistance. With practiced precision, her foreign peer then swung around the weapon, covering every available inch in the white substance. A few moments later, the weapon resembled a rather large hanging egg. Cutting the line, Parker landed on the ground, glancing back at her.

"All done," he said, jerking a thumb at the completed project, "Now what?"

Momo looked around, several pillars that could be used for cover, but not much else beyond the weapon itself. It will have to do.

"I suggest we fortify this position." Momo said, "The door can be barricaded, I even placed some booby traps on the lower floor."

"Want me to web it up?" the young American asked and raising, but Momo held up a hand.

"That's unnecessary, save your ammunition for later and let me. No doubt you lost a great deal coating the weapon."

"I still got a good chunk left," Parker said, only for the eyes of his mask to blink, "Wait, ammunition?"

"Your…" she paused, "Web launches run on a limited supply, correct?"

Parker nodded, "Yeah, but how'd you figure that out?"

"It was during the quirk assessment," Momo said, "During the test, you never used your webs. There were plenty of chances, but you didn't while you used them regularly during the practical. So, the webs are a tool associated with your suit." She notched an eyebrow, "Is it that surprising to figure out?"

"Kinda yeah," Parker admitted, "Most people think it's part of my quirk, since, you know, my quirk being 'Spider'."

Reasonable. He does have the physiological traits of one, including strength and agility relative to their size. Momo had the advantage of seeing him with and without his suit, so the deduction came relatively easily. It would be a stretch to say anyone who didn't have those two pieces would figure it out. But moving onward, there was more that needed to be done.

Todoroki could freeze anything they put up, so any electrical grids would be useless. Basic reinforcements wouldn't do much, but it would have to do.

"Okay, we bar the door, how do we do that?" Parker asked, somehow, the mask looked like it was raising a non existent eyebrow.

Momo felt a smirk spread across her lips as she focused on her quirk. Iron and carbon for the base, coated with zinc for environmental protection. An inch thick for durability, 820 mm in length, and exactly a ¼ meter tall for efficanty. With the base set, the rainbow lights danced across her arm as the first of many rods came out.

"Whoa!" Parker called out. Momo ignored his surprise, focus on making each of the renforcement slides. They'll need to break off the doorknob, but the design would accommodate stacking with interlocking tops and bases. When all of them were out, Momo ignored the pang of tiredness that started to form in her stomach.

"How do you do that?" Parker asked. "I mean, I remember you making like, a moped, clamps, a pole, and a bazooka during the quirk test but uhh, do you have like, a pocket dimension where you store things to use on a whim?"

Momo blinked.

"Not... that fantastical I am afraid. My quirk allows me to recreate anything so long as it's non living and that I understand its molecular composition. I just need lipids and calories as fuel in order to create the materials."

Peter was speechless, "Anything?" he breathed. "That's even cooler! So you had to make like, the sulfur needed for that bazooka and the oil for the moped and... jeez, you're a genius!"

The surprise from him was palpable. And the praise from him, someone of his skill and technique was something to hear. However, it was nothing new. Her parents called her a genius when her quirk manifested. A prodigy, a straight shot to the top and so much more. The potential was limitless they said, so long as she remained diligent.

"Kind words, but we need to stay focused."

The eyes on Parker's mask went wide.

"Right, yeah," He jumped away as she hefted the first reinforcement, setting it up against the base of the only door. With a click, the first fell into place. Second it was done, she quickly made the others needed to fully cover the door. Behind her, she caught Parker grabbing the map from a nearby box.

"Hmm, they only got one way in, and they're gonna have to bust it down." he hummed contemplatively, "Oh, I got it! I think got something, you ever see that old movie Home Alone?"

Momo stopped and glanced back, tilting her head. "Is that an American film?" Parker paused.

"... it's a... an old classic, but we can work with that. You just need to make a mixture of..." His looked off, thinking, then he cupped his hands and whispered... chemical ingredients? Salicylic acid, touline, methanol, and more, all with differing amounts. Parker knows his chemistry!

He stopped, his mask dissolving away from his face so he could quirk an eyebrow.

"You get all that?"

Momo repeated the list back in her head along with the amounts he provided. What kind of compound was that? From what she could tell it would just be a liquid that would react rather poorly to air.

"Yes, but what does that help us-"

The timer sounded off, their prep time finished. Parker grimaced, "Ok, no need to panic, we can work with this."

"Yes, start putting the reinforcements in, I'll start making your compound. Does it need to be in a sealed container?"

Parker nodded, "Keep it pressurized. Could make for a good bomb. If Todoroki freezes it, he'll risk trapping himself." he said, clicking the reinforcements into place.

Another good idea, so with instructions, Momo combined the necessary compounds. The list of compounds made the creation slow, but the fruits of her labor came through in the shape of a globe. The container would shatter, spreading the compound in a burst of webbing.

"Uh, Yaoyorozu-san…" Parker says.

His voice trailed off and he looked at the door. Momo saw her breath in the air, but how? Then, a layer of frost erupted out covering the wall and spreading like a plague. Momo gasped, but Peter reacted. He jumped with more power than you would expect from someone of his frame. The instant he was close, the metal legs sprouted out of his back, pinning him to the ceiling and slicing away at the ice. In the same moment, a line of web grabbed Momo's hand and hoisted her up. She yelped as the wave of ice just missed her feet as he pulled her up, and one of the spider legs went down to cradle her. She held onto the glass globe in her ams too.

"You alright?" Parker called.

A moment passed and she suddenly realized she hadn't answered. Momo turned pink... with those metallic legs and webbing holding her up... she was very close to him! His chest was inches from her's!

"Y-yes I'm fine."

"That's good," Parker said, looking around as he descended, plopping Momo down on the floor as his legs slinked back into his back. Where, Momo couldn't find. "Wow, Todoroki doesn't mess around," he whistled. He didn't seem fazed in the act of saving her.

"He was probably hoping to take us out with that attack."

"But he didn't," The American said, tone evident of him smirking.

His eyes flash, and Momo could see the gears turning, "You want to use that."

"As best we can, he doesn't know that we're free, at least not immobilized or hampered" Momo said, holding up one of the makeshift grenades, "I can rig these to detonate when they breach the door. Does that movie you were talking about have anything else?"

Even through the mask, Momo knew that Parker was smiling. "Well, before I tell ya what the movie is about..."


"Jeez, you don't hold back do you." Shoji Mezo commented as he looked in from the outside. The entire building was encased in ice and frost, and inside the dual-haired boy looked back.

"It's nothing." he said.

Shoto felt a twinge of pride inside bloom forth. Parker may have all the gear and natural ability. But against a unique power with conviction attached, even he would falter. The minimal display that Shoto had shown so far would pay off here. They would never have guessed that he was capable of this. It wouldn't immobilize them, not with Parker's strength and Yaoyorozu's quirk at play, but it would give them pause. Perhaps even to immobilize Yaoyorozu completely and leave Parker alone in a two on one fight, or for him to fight Parker and let Shoji get to the bomb. Even so, he couldn't be cocky. Going in alone would be suicide. He gestured for Shoji to enter, and they walked into the icebox of a building, footsteps crunching under the ice below.

"Wait." Shoji called out, and Shoto whirled back on him with a raised eye. "I'm picking movement."

Shoto nodded, he was right, Parker wasn't frozen. He narrowed his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling.

"How many?"

"Two. Again."

Yaoyorozu broke free?! The girl either had some kind of gear planned... but he made sure his ice would even sink through the soles of shoes to their feet!

So much for expecting a two for one. They'll have to fight them on equal terms then, even if Yaoyorozu is injured.

"Want me to go outside again? You give this another instant-freeze?" Shoji asked from one of his mouth-arms. The Todoroki heir shook his head.

"We're wasting enough time as is. Relay their position. Once we find them we'll fight them head to head. We have to get to the bomb, or make sure those two are captured." Shoto warmed up his body to counteract the biting cold, his breath evident as he took an exhale.

"Got it." Shoji said.

The two of them made it to the second floor, but no sign of the bomb as they combed it, running about and stopping in order to get a clue on what the villain team was doing. Shoto wouldn't put it past the villain team to going go against the grain and not have the weapon on the highest floor. Wouldn't hurt to skim each floor just in case.

"Movement," Shoji called out again, his arm-ears perking up as Shoto stopped, his ice at the ready.

The ear's twerk once before one morphs to a mouth, "Several floors above us... One of them is in boots... the other is... not in soles?"

"Elaborate?" Shoto asked, turning around. The one in boots has to be Yaoyorozu trying to cover her wounded feet. Has to be, right?

"As if someone is digging into the ice and the wall with like, a mining tool." The red-white haired boy narrowed his eyes.


Another twerk, then a grimace. "The one in the boots is running around... they're climbing up the stairs, my guess to the top most floor. The second one is hard to pin down, it's high enough not be on the floor..." His ears throbbed. Shoji was trying his hardest to pin point it, given his human head had narrowed eyes in intense focus. "Maybe... not on the ceiling?"


'Those legs.' Shoto growled mentally. He began to think out loud. "Parker must be planning to ambush us from the floor below. His strength can be used to bust through from a lower floor, while Yaoyorozu has the top most floor littered with whatever she is creating. She could be protecting the bomb, or she's using those movements along with Parker's as a feint to fool us into thinking the bomb is on the fourth floor."

"We can know where they are, but the moment they stop moving I lose them." Shoji replied. "And they can hear us coming." He stepped on the ice, hearing the crunching to emphasize his point. "We move at the same time, the noise makes it hard to track. We stay still I can pinpoint them, but we lose time."

The dual haired boy grit his teeth. "The fact that there is movement on the top most floors means they moved the bomb to the fourth or fifth floor. Let's ignore the third floor and go right there." He began to jog towards the next stair way.



"You about ready?" Peter asked through his earpiece as he called off his mask, finger pressing to his ear.

"Just about. I made the items you suggested, along with some others. It's only a matter of time."

"Yeah. Get ready..." Peter's mask slinked on as he carefully crawled across the ceiling, his spider legs digging into the ice and crawling across as he got into a blind spot. This was the room beside the stair way... he was busy slinging and crawling to the wall and utilizing Momo's gadgets... now he has to wait... and then spring the trap!

At first it was quiet... and then he can hear the crunching of footsteps, and Peter could hear his heartbeat.

He made sure to keep his metal legs still, his hands however had a hard time clinging to the icy wall, so his best bet was to remain was still as possible.

If they check the fourth floor... he will be right on top of them. If they go to the fifth and ignore the fourth, he will only have a few seconds before he can climb up and get the drop.

Win win. What would a villain do.


What would Mr. Toomes do. He began to think...

Adrian Toomes was a clever and crafty guy, not a talker. Let his actions speak for him and played to his strengths whenever he could. When he did talk, it was more to the side...

Todoroki can freeze things. Shoji is strong and has multiple arms with mouths and eyes that can grow on them.

He remembered Mr. Toomes gunning for him hard back on Mr. Stark's plane, considering how they both knew each other's circumstances. Shoji is strong... but he can be handled. He's no Mr. Toomes.

Todoroki has to go down first, or take down Shoji fast and within seconds and then focus entirely on the Ice User. And Momo must have thought that through by now too.

Ice crunching. Peter held his breath. Here they come...

"Should we check the fourth floor?" Shoji's voice came out.

"Check for movement." It was Todoroki, and Peter remained still, holding his breath..

"I got a little bit of movement in the top level... nothing here. Should we split up to check? You on the Fourth and me on the Fifth?"

Peter bit his tongue. If he fought Todoroki head to head, he could handle him somehow. But if he went upstairs to fight Momo... she would have a hard time. Shoji is tough, but it would take time to stop him before helping Momo.

Come on... Stick together...

"No, change of plans. The previous team split up and look what happened there. We stick together."


He heard the crunching of footsteps, waiting until he can hear them climb the stairs. Ice breaking again and again...

"Using a Flashbang grenade. Come at them now." Momo whispered into his earpiece. That was his cue.

He then heard one of them shout, and then a bang. Momo's flashbang!

He fell down softly on all fours, slinking back his legs as the ice cracked up top. He fired his web, slinging towards the wall and then in mid-flight, firing upwards through the stairwell.

He pulled himself up with a strong tug and he arrived at a view...

Right down the hallway was Momo, shield on her arm and... a baseball launcher by her side. And several meters in front of him, within the hallway and heading towards her was Todoroki first, then Shoji second. Both of whom were stunned by the flashbang grenade Momo.

In that split second, Peter fired his webbing at Shoji's back. "Now!" He yelled.

The eyes on Shoji's arms flashed towards him, wide in shock. Todoroki turned spun, ice at the ready.

Then Momo flipped the switch on her detonator.

The floor below Todoroki gave out, and with a yell, the dual haired boy fell to the fourth floor below courtesy of the depth charges that were insulated and Peter pulled Shoji in, catching him off guard... but he used his arms to stop his pull towards the wall crawler, latching onto the hallway edges and stopping at the doorway.

Peter used that momentum to deliver a mighty dive kick, striking the tall boy in the back and sending him past the open hole and skidding along the icy hallway, Peter right behind the stunned Shoji. He saw Momo sprint towards the open hole, conjuring a massive steel plate right out of her stomach and slammed it on top of the hole. That will buy time against Todoroki, at least a little.

The brown haired boy skidded along the ice, sliding and almost tripping before his spider-legs sprouted to catch his fall. Shoji was up on all... his arms and legs and turned towards him. His eyes angled towards Momo who turned to the baseball launcher.

"No sir!" Peter fired some webbing, grabbing Shoji before he could dive into a sideways room and bringing him in. He used his spider legs to both support him and to bind him as Shoji grunted. He struggled, but Peter held tight, his spider legs tightening around him like an anaconda. Tried as he might, he wasn't getting out. So it came as a shock when Peter kicked him away, sending him stumbling over the ice. Right into Momo's line of fire.

"Fire!" Peter called.

With a clear shot, Momo fired the baseball launcher. Shoji grunted and yelled as he was pelted, but instead of baseballs it was... giant balls of white goo that was splattering all over him, hitting his legs and arms. Peter then tackled him, grabbing the capture tape he had around his neck and wrapping it around Shoji's waist... it only made the boy struggle more as he let out more yelps of pain before being brought to his knees from the onslaught of baseball-sized paintballs...

Filled of the webbing formula he gave. Peter gave it a tug, wrapping the tape around him and he turned his head.

Just in time to hear the sound of destroyed debris from the floor below. Todoroki was coming!

"Shoji captured! Parker-san, keep Todoroki busy while I finish setting up," Momo said through the earpiece.

She couldn't see it, but Peter nodded, firing some webbing and slung himself towards the stairwell, latching onto the wall...

He felt his goosebumps and head tingle, and he pressed his whole body against the wall. He felt the surging pillar of ice behind him as he punched the entire wall out. And not a moment too soon, as the spot he occupied was covered in ice.

Unfortunately, that led outside. Gravity took hold, dragging Peter down, forcing him to land on a crouch in the waiting ally. He looked up and blanched. This… this didn't could as excessive damage did it? Well, All Might hadn't said anything so it's good.

Yeah, totally good.

Peter fired another line, pulling himself up. His feet stuck to the wall effortlessly, letting him sprint up the wall and across the building. One last line to anchor himself, Peter jumped and used the line to sling himself straight through the boarded window on the other side of the building. It shattered against his suit, skidding on the fresh coat of ice on the floor stopping right at the end of the hallway.

And at the other end of the hall near the stairway, was a glaring Todoroki Shoto.

"Lets go popsicle!" Peter called out in English. Ack! Mr. Toomes wouldn't have said tha- "Oh shit!" Peter dived to the room he came from, avoiding a surging torrent of ice as it smashed against the wall before it began to travel inside!

Peter used his metal legs to spring himself towards the next wall, busting it with his fist as he did his best to avoid the incoming surge of ice behind him. Punch. Kick. Hole in the wall. He'll reach the end of all this ice before long! He'll get Todoroki soon!

Turns out, sooner than he thought. Peter skidded into the last room, seeing Todoroki on the other end with a wide eye. Peter aimed his arm, but the dual haired boy was on the move, using his ice to go down the wall as Peter latched onto the opposing room and slung, escaping the room-filling frost. Peter skidded, turning his head and seeing Todoroki look back at him, peeking from the edge of the door.

And a surge of ice exploded towards him again!

"Shazbot!" Peter yelled as he fired web at the wall and pulled, taking off and destroying it, jumping through another one or those annoying (but awesome) ice blasts. He rolled and glanced around. Good news, he wasn't frozen. Bad news, another wall was gone and Todoroki was moving... gliding on his ice as he gestured with his arms to target him! "Okay careful!" Another rush, and other wall destroyed, "We're gonna!" Peter charged forward, jumping up and latching to the ceiling and taking off before Todoroki could get too far. "Wreck the building!" And again, with Todoroki aiming with his arms, ice pillars shot out "Like the last one!" Peter jumped, narrowly avoiding getting trapped in another trashed room. "So can you please stop!"

Ohhh so much for being like Mr. Toomes! And this was the last room! No choice, time to go at him!

"Parker-san! I'm coming down to assist!" Momo shouted in his ear.

Good, he just has to buy his attention!

Peter pivoted towards Todoroki, and he used his spider legs to steady himself and then launch towards the gamut of ice, reared back his fist, and delivered a massive punch.

The blow caused the ice torrent to crack and crumble like a very crispy deep fried corn tortilla, and Todoroki's eyes widened as Peter closed the gap...

But he backed off, using a backwards ice surge and riding with it back down the hallway. He fired another pillar of ice...

And Peter jumped to the ceiling, latching on with his spider legs and looking at Todoroki as the ice surge missed him. The red haired boy was half-covered in ice, and his non-ice covered side looked super frosty to boot. He angled his spider legs and his limbs, and Peter took off towards him. Todoroki's eyes widened as he back off, sliding with his ice to avoid a dive kick before sending another surge.

Peter took to the ceiling inside, using the precious instants before the ice spread up from the walls. He crawled for all he was worth, and then slinked into the room.

"Come and get me hero! That all you got!" Peter shouted, adrenaline fueling him as he heard Todoroki move again on his ice, appearing through one of the ruined holes in the wall from another room. His face was a vicious glare of frustration and focus as Peter avoided an ice spire, launching and punching the ceiling-to-floor ice surge.

Got to keep buying time!

Peter used his web to sling himself into another room he caused via truck-sized hole, landed and saw Todoroki trying to recover. Is... is he slowing down?


His fingers twitched, but he couldn't feel them. Shoto gritted his teeth, desperately blocking out the pain from the few parts of his left side that haven't gone numb. A few streams were all he could manage before he had to even out again.

But that would take time, and right now, time wasn't a resource that Shoto had to much of.

Everytime that Shoto thought he could get a clear shot, Parker would dip dive through the air and even on and sometimes through the damn walls to avoid everything. He never stopped moving. When his hands couldn't latch on to something, his webs would pull him away. If ice so much as touched him, his legs would sprout out, slicing away any ice that came close. Or he'd punch or kick his way through the walls, weakened by his instant-freeze.

It was like trying to hold down the breeze from a hurricane. Faster than anything had the right to be, and far stronger than you could ever imagine.

Shoto clenched his fist, no. He was only psyching himself out letting the thoughts get to him. All he needed was one clear shot, and when he was trapped, no amount of strength would help him. With no leverage, physics wouldn't allow him to escape. Yaoyorozu would be far easier to deal with.

There was a chance, he hadn't lost yet.

Parker's red head popped out of the hole that he made. Not good, he was still recovering. Shoto glanced back, the stairs were behind him, perfect. He possessed the advantage in position for now. Frost spread across his left side with renewed vigor as he sent a massive stream of ice. With only his head in the wall, he wouldn't grab Parker.

But he wasn't trying to.

"Holy!" Parker called, wisely jumping back from the literal wall that Shoto summoned forth.

Within seconds, the entire room was filled with ice. A giant rectangular block, sealing Peter in the previous room and giving Shoto some breathing room for the floor above. Even if Yaoyorozu had more charges above, there was nothing to drop down to. Parker would be able to break through. He needed to move.

"OKAY I heard about chilling out but this is ridiculous!" Parker screamed from the other end.

Despite himself, Shoto felt his shoulders slump and gritted his teeth in annoyance. Did the American ever stop talking?

Even if he did, he didn't have time. Shoto's foot crunched on the ice and he bolted up the stairs. The air burned, freezing his lungs even as he drew upon the tiniest section of his left side to mitigate the effects, heating up as much as he could to try and fire more surges. He got to the top flight, and was met with Yaoyorozu coming down the far stairwell, a window to her back. She had a black visor over her eyes, as well as a paintball gun, a belt of white balls-in-plastic containers on her back no doubted created with all the free time that she was given.

They reacted as one.

She raised her weapon, Shoto slapped his right hand against the wall. The flash freeze that followed made Yaoyorozu gasp in surprise. She reached to her belt and threw-

A blast ripped through the wall, cutting off the stream as Shoto staggered back, his eyes burning and his ears ringing.

Another flash bang?

It was one way of stopping a ranged attack. Shoto couldn't see a thing. He dropped low, and forced a protective wall of ice in front of himself. Something splattered against it in rapid fire. He blinked through the haze and saw that she was prone against the floor. No, not prone, in a sniper position! She eyed down the sights of... some kind of sniper scope on the paintball gun! He ducked behind his makeshift barrier. Smart move, keeping him at a distance while buying time. He could barely hear a thing with his ears still ringing, and no doubt Parker heard the blast as well. He'd be coming straight for them, and from behind too. A two on one would be the end of him. With his agility, Shoto had seconds, maybe moments before Parker came in. She was on the upper floor, hand on her weapon and a fresh grenade next to her. The glasses protected her from the flash, but he didn't see any ear plugs. Maybe she didn't have any, but Shoto didn't think the girl was capable of making a mistake so obivous.

She was good.

But Shoto had to be better. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

He had to get in close and risk it anyway. If he freezed this hallway, he'd block off the only way up and have to go outside. That wasn't even an option. Outside with the open space, he could go all out, but Parker would be even more of a nuisance with more room to manuever. But he has time. Five minutes is an eternity while in combat. Shoto didn't have the stamina to fire off more ice thanks to the building-level flash freeze less he feel the aftereffects of frostbite. He could fire two, maybe three more streams before needing his fire inside him to recharge. It would be enough. Hopefully.

Shoto lept over his barrier, and willed another surge to carry him, sliding across the room weaving through shots, closing the distance. If he went for the bomb, he'd be walking into another death trap. Got to neutralize her, make an ice wall, than flash freeze the bomb room and get to the bomb. He'll have seconds left, but he can still win this. Yaoyorozu reached behind her and awkwardly pulled the pin at another flashbang. She threw it, but Shoto was ready.

He shot another wave, sending it up the wall and catching the flashbang in a prison of ice, smothering it before it could go off. Yaoyorozu yelped in surprise and Shoto had the advantage. His left side burned with frost, but it was worth it.

One more, and he was too close for her to use any other tricks.

Shoto screeched to a halt and aimed his arm. Yaoyorozu tried to push herself up, but she wouldn't be fast enough.

"I win." He uttered, getting ready to fire...

Which is when the window behind her shattered, Parker busting through like a runaway train, arms out stretched, along with the spider legs.

His hand whipped out, webbing pulling Yaoyorozu to safety before sliding down the hallway on the ice. Shit, Shoto only had one more stream left before he would suffer the effects of frostbite. Parker was closing in, Yaoyorozu was getting up.

He had to get them both, now or never!

Shoto stepped forward, forcing his stream to angle Parker to his right, only for the spider to jump to Shoto's left. He slide across the wall, five meters, three, and then lept at him, a fist raised to end it.

But just his fist. No spiderlegs, no webs, just him. Time seemed to slow down...

Shoto could hit him, he knows he can! He raises his hand, and for a second, a river of fire rages just beneath the skin. It melts the ice, sparks dance on his fingers, the frost on his right side hisses...

The hiss of steam….

The eyes of madness. One maddened by abuse and neglect, at wits end. The other obsessed with desire, burning with disdain.

The hiss grew even sharper. Louder.

And Shoto stopped, the sparks winking out.

And then Parker's fist met his stomach. He gasped for air, the hit sending him sprawling back. A kick to his ribs sent him stumbling into the wall. His head hit hard, throwing stars into his vision. And he couldn't breathe either.

What hit him? Shoto fought to keep his eyes open. He tried to move his hand, but it wouldn't obey him. It was stuck to the floor. When did that happen? His vision refocused looked down, and saw that the rest of his body was pinned to the floor with globs of the white substance. His one arm that was free was being held down by Parker. His fire-arm. Yaoyorozu lowered her weapon and Parker stared at him through that mask of his, holding out his hand as the black haired girl handed him something. He moved to the side and wrapped something around his hand. Shoto was struggling to breathe trying to get air in him, along with the pain his stomach was experiencing was making him lose focus.

The capture tape.

Did… did he lose?

"Villain team… WINS!" All Might's voice screamed at the edge of clarity.

Huh… guess that's that.

"Hoo man!" Parker sighed, "Not gonna lie, this was getting a bit crazy, even for me. That was intense!"

If he was expecting a laugh, Shoto didn't have it in him. Yaoyorozu didn't either. Between two stares, the American deflated but recovered fast. On his back one of the legs came out. It was a scary sight, not being able to move as a spider leg looked ready to run him through.

"Let's get you out of that stuff, so chill out."

The mask morphed underneath, no doubt smiling at the disbelieving looks of the two recommended students in the room. Yaoyorozu sighed, muttering something.

Shoto… had no words.

He lost… to this? This...easy going bumbling foreigner?

The leg flashed down, cutting the webbing and Shoto felt his other arm come free.

"Yeah that stuff is going to dissolve in about an hour." Parker said. "Sorry about that." He shrugged as he went about cutting and tearing the webbing from the floor using his spider legs as if they were surgical tools. "You know, gotta think like a villain and all. Tried to but... you really gave me a scare."

"It's fine," Shoto said iritibly, putting his left hand against the wall as he helped himself up, ignoring Parker's hand to help him up.

"Er, if you say so man. You fought great by the way. Thought I was gonna lose and get captured for a couple of times there."

"You were exemplary yourself." Shoto glanced back at the American shrugging from the look that Yaoyorozu had given them. Ignoring them, he brought the dregs of fire that he dared, keeping it within his body to warm himself. The ice hissed, making his eye burn in a phantom pain as the ice around his vicinity melted away.

"WOAH!" Parker screamed, "You can use heat too!? That's awesome! So like, your Quirk is Fire and Ice? That's so cool!"

Shoto stared at his hand as it defrosted, voice low. "Yes. Yes it is."


The hiss of the steam.

No it isn't.


"Haaa hahaha! A job well done students!" All Might declared, hands on his hips as he looked over the four students who returned from the building. The entirety of Class A was muttering and in hubub watching the fight take fold, and what a spectacle it was! Tactics and powers on full display! Truly and incredible performance from both parties! "You carried out your roles well! Take heart Young Todoroki, Young Shoji." He saw the taller boy and the dual-haired boy perk up. "While you suffered a defeat, in the end this is a lesson, and the point of it all is to learn from your experiences. Win or lose, you'll learn something. Now then class!" He declared, turning towards the mass of students. Young Midoriya hasn't returned yet. Must be resting due to Recovery Girl's Quirk.

If this keeps up, she's going to start lashing at him. Yagi knows it. "Who do you think amongst the Hero and Villain teams is the MVP?" Some of the boys in the class were hooting and hollering during the fight as if they were watching a sports event. Ahh the enthusiasm of youth! "Feel free to contribute!"

"Well... Parker's strength and speed was the biggest reason they wound up winning in the end right?" Kaminari stated. "Like, did you see how he moved using his web, legs and ability! Jeez, like, he is the closest here to being a pro than any of us!"

Young Bakugo, who only seemed to grow more despondent before going into pure panic and shock throughout the fight only seemed to keep deflating. A strong ego is usually one that is very fragile... he will need to console him after the Battle Training when he gets the chance.

"Well yeah, but Yaoyorozu was only saved by Parker because he somehow knew the ice was coming! Like, if it was anyone else, they wouldn't have been able to move!" Hagakure waved her gloves. "Plus Todoroki was able to fight effectively without, well, totally ruining the building. Well... he kinda did, but not to the level of destroying the weapon or the villain hideout!"

"Yeah, how about when Parker and Todoroki finally clashed! The Ace versus the Son of Endeavor! That was a fight worthy of a hero and villain clash! Real men in a no holds barred brawl!" Kirishima pumped his fists. Todoroki's eye twitched a little.

"I thought Parker was simply majestique with his acrobatic skills~" Aoyama said with a pose.

"Wait, but Shoji was doing a decent job scouting them beforehand... his Quirk would be super useful in hideout raiding." Sato mused. Throughout all this, Parker was biting his lip and looking sheepishly away from all the praise. Todoroki seemed neutral while reading Shoji was like reading a brick wall.

"I think the MVP is Yaoyorozu." Asui said with a raised hand, a wide finger on her chin. Yaoyorozu, who has been silent, perked up.

"Yeah... I'm inclined to agree too." Jirou added, the punk girl snapping her finger. "Like, sure Parker was able to react and save her from Todoroki's ice and he was able to get the drop on them when they got to the top floors... but most of him and Yaoyorozu's team winning was due to luck. Parker managed to bust himself out of the building he was going too fast."

Young Parker chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh? Anything else? Young Asui? Young Jirou?" All Might beamed, and the two black haired girls perked up.

"Plus, Yaoyorozu set up all those traps and tools. The depth charges. The Baseball launcher. The flashbang grenades. And that wierd white webbing too. All non-lethal, doesn't cause too much damage to the hideout, and it was those items that wound up being the different in the Villain Team getting the win." Jirou crossed her arms, taking a slow time processing it all as she said it. "That about right?"

"I think if Yaoyorozu wasn't involved, Parker may not have gotten the win against Todoroki either because of that too." Asui added. "Those depths charges knocked Shoji out of the fight, leaving Todoroki to fend for himself against Parker and Yaoyorozu."

"You are indeed correct you two! Both teams had integral functions and roles in their teams, and they performed them admirably!" Yagi stated with a hearty laugh. "Sometimes in battle, luck can determine the outcome, even with a match as close as Young Parker and Todoroki's!"

"Plus throughout the fight both of them were trying to hit each other and not be hit." Young Uraraka exclaimed. "practically a 180 when Deku fought Bakugo..."

"Deku?" Parker asked curiously, looking at the brown haired girl who laughed.

"Oh, it's the nickname Midoriya chose for himself! In fact he wanted it to be his hero name! Deku, the name of a hero!" Bakugo looked like he wanted to slink into a corner. "Plus I think it's super cute if you ask me!"

"Okay then... Well, Izuku could be read as Deku... Anyway, back on topic..." Parker rubbed the back of his head. "I knew if I got caught by the ice I was probably done for so... yeah. I was trying to tag Todoroki before he can tag me." He shrugged. Todoroki rubbed his middle, grimacing. He'd have some bruising, but there was no lasting damage. The crow-headed boy, Tokoyami Fumikage nodded.

"First strike wins..."

"Precisely! Sometimes even the most tense of encounters can be defined by whoever lands the first blow! And take heart to those who are on the Hero Teams, as young Parker stated earlier, we Heroes are at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting villains in their lairs, as they have time and preparation to thwart those who try to stop their evil-doing ways!" All Might beamed, looking at the four students. "You four aced this exercise in flying colors. Well done."

Shoji Mezo stood at attention. Todoroki Shoto perked up. While Yaoyorozu Momo and Peter Parker beamed as the Symbol of Peace praised them.

"Alright then. Let's get onto the next battle!"


"We did great, Yaoyorozu." Parker said as they watched the rest of the battles on the screen. Momo perked up, turning around and saw the brown haired boy looking her way. The girl nodded.

"Well, like how All Might-sensei said, we had time to prepare. Those depth charges we had basically set the outcome of the fight, that and your web fluid I used for the normal and giant paintballs." Momo smiled lightly. "I can see why you're fond of such a formula. It has so many practical uses!" Parker had a bit of pink on his cheeks.

"Well, yeah... I guess it does. My suit does have-I mean." He caught himself, looking down a little. "Used to be able to other things with my webbing. Like, fire web grenades or have them be electromagnetically charged to essentially be a tazer."

"How come it only is used to?" Momo inquired. Parker's suit was like nothing she had ever seen. And he says there are limits to it?

"Well, let's just say..." He reached around and grabbed his arm. "It got damaged a little in the past due to a dumb mistake I made and I lost..." Parker looked down, as if looking at his chest. "Something vital to me because of it."

"I see... well, maybe you can have your suit be inspected by the Support Department? I'm sure they would be able to look over your costume." The boy turned towards the brunette.

"Really? Think they would help?" He asked, and the girl couldn't help but nod.

"U.A. has some of the best facilities in the world, and their Support Department did design many of our hero costumes and equipment. I'm sure they can do something about your suit to improve or repair anything."

Parker seemed to brighten up. "I'll have to stop by them then after school. Thanks alot!" He looked up, seeing the screens and the battles unfold. "You, umm... were awesome out there too."

Momo blushed, looking aside. "Well, like I said... we won only because we had time to prepare and we had the necessary items. Without you I doubt we would have stopped Todoroki and the raw power he had. So we won because of you Parker-san, you don't have to be so modest. Plus you were able to keep up with Todoroki's attacks and be able to stun Shoji and eventually Todoroki in turn to get us the victory." And the boy took a deep breath, biting his lip and looking pink in the cheeks too.

"I mean, uhhh...looking at the rest of Class A," He saw Tokoyami and Asui glide and hop down the hall using their quirks as they engaged their opposing team. "I don't think I would not have been able to stop Todoroki on my own. Like, um, sure, I'm good but you're…" The two teens were looking away, unsure of what to make of their praise of each other. Peter then let out a soft laugh. "Tell you what... how about we, uh, both admit we did a great job. Equal credit all around? Fifty-fifty?"

"A-Agreed! I definitely concur! Now, we should pay attention to our classmates, Peter-san. After all, we do need to support each other and cheer each other on."

"If we want to be top heroes." Peter finished, and the two looked at each other...

Before focusing back on screen, the boy again biting his lip and Momo crossing her arms.


Did she just call him by his first name?

Oh goodness she did!

She was thankful she was in front of the class. Her face was becoming as red as her revealing blouse! And all of this was happening within the first few days of school too!

She didn't notice Peter sometimes... on occasion, would look over with his eyes at her crossed arms at her full chest, for just a moment before focusing back on the screens, and looking around scratching his head.


Finally… the day was fucking over.

Katsuki got out of that stupid classroom the second the bells tolled. Some of the extras in his class tried to stop him, to talk to him and socialize, but he didn't let them. He didn't even know who said what, and even only a few steps out of the hallway did he forget what they even tried to say.

Whatever, it wasn't anything important, Katsuki just needed to go. The sooner he could get away from today, the better. No one was around to stop him, and that was perfectly fine. All he needed was him to get home, do homework, put up with that old cow, kill the germs in his teeth and dirt in his hair with a shower, then get some nice sleep.

Away from this place. His first… loss.

Damnit, even thinking that word was enough to piss him off. He shook it off, it didn't mean anything. It was just a flook. He even won on a goddamn technicality.

Just like that redshirt getting in first place. That redshirt that won his match against….

He gritted his teeth, but even so, he could still see it. The ice coating the walls in an instant. The foreign bastard smashing through the walls and the ice like they were nothing.

And Katsuki? He looked down at his hand, the arm that couldn't stop Deku of all people. With a point-blank blast. It was still as stone, strong, ready to unleash an explosion at any second.

But it wasn't enough.

He clenched it. It was because he didn't know. All these years, all this time, Deku could do it. He could punch his way through a building. He could stand up for himself. His Quirk had so much raw power.

At least, he thought he could.

He thought he could…. Win.

"Tch." Katsuki thew his hand into his pocket. He couldn't even look at it anymore. What the fuck was he thinking? Of course he could win! His quirk could do more than any of these damn extras! The redshirt had power, but he had nothing on his blasts! Ice guy looked like he was slowing down around the end of the fight!

Except, the American threw further than him during the test.

Endeavor's brat had an ability that could have neutralized him from opening tap. He didn't have the foreigner's sixth sense somehow. His feet would have gotten stuck.

T-that didn't matter! He could still do more with a little thinking! Like that rich bitch, who thought up a way to beat that ice guy even when everything froze over.

It didn't matter. It didn't matter! It was irrelevant! Katsuki wouldn't lose to those freaks! All Might has never lost! And he plans to surpass him and be the greatest hero in the history of mankind! The man who never loses!

But he lost to-

He clenched his fist, smothering an explosion before it could blast away this stupid fucking entrance. It was one thing to see something like that, to know that he couldn't beat them.

The ice.

The speed.

He shivered, what…. What was he supposed to do? It so fucked up!


Why did-

"Kaachan!" a voice called.

'Oh for fucks sake.'

He kept on walking, he didn't need to hear anything from that little snake.

"Wait up!"

Katsuki stopped, he didn't know why. Did some fucked up part of him want to listen to Deku, his hanger on from days past? No, the little bastard was just going to keep running after him, screaming in his ear until he got what he wanted.

"What?" The blond boy demanded.

Deku slowed to a stop, that stupid fear in his eyes still wrapped in his stupid wrecked excuse of a suit. Was it homemade because it sure as hell looked like it. His lip trembled, why the fuck did he do that? Why does he have to act scared with a power like his? He should be proud and confident! And yet all he did was act like a meek loser. A quirkless ant.

Easy, just so Deku can laugh behind his back for making Katsuki look like a fool for the better part of a fucking decade. Was his lame looking mom in on it too? Did she help with this long con he pulled off at Katsuki's expense?

What more did he gain, looking down at him like this?

"I have to tell you something." Deku said, "Maybe then, you'll understand what's been going on."

Katsuki kept his face flat, but inside the urge to explode started to build. 'Going on? You've been lying to my face for years, what else is there to understand?'

"I wasn't hiding my quirk from you."

Katsuki gripped the inside pant leg. 'Oh you shut up. I never lied about my quirk once in my goddamn life you don't have that fucking excuse!'

"It was given to me by someone else. Recently."

The blond perked up. What was that? He was given a quirk? That's impossible, you can't just give someone a quirk. If a power like that existed, the internet would be all over it. Deku shrank under his stare, going deeper into his little act.

"But I can't tell you who I got it from so don't ask. I know, it's like something out of a comic book, only this time it's real."

Katsuki felt his teeth grit together. Deku was really going this far to sell his act? Just cut the crap! In fact, quit being a hero and be an actor! He'd finally be good for once!

"The thing is, I don't really have control over this power yet. I haven't figured out how to make it my own, but I'm trying."

The explosion raged just beneath the surface. Is Deku… was he seriously trying to feed him this crap!? Out of all the stupid lies he could've fed him, this is what he came up with? More fucking lies? Not one ounce of truth?

"That's why I didn't want to use it against you in the exercize. But it was the only way I had a chance at winning."

Katsuki was trembling now. A chance at winning, stop it.

"I've still got a lot to learn. I know that. "

Just stop, Katsuki didn't want to hear it! From anyone else he could ignore it, but coming out of... goddamn Deku, he couldn't.

This... stupid apology.

"You'll see, I'll work until I have control over this borrowed quirk. And I'll finally beat you with my own power!"

For a second, Katsuki couldn't believe what he was hearing. He just stared at the ruined victor in front of him. Deku, the quirkless kid that played hero when he couldn't even protect himself. The kid that followed him around for years because he was envious of the power that he had.

The kid that had more power than he did was serious, more serious than he remembered him being in years.

And he said, that he was going to use a borrowed quirk to beat him?

He said that, to his fucking face!


"How dumb do you think I am?" Katsuki seethed, startling the little bastard," Borrowed power?" he repeated, the words tasting like shit on his tongue, "Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot."

He gripped his pant leg tighter, but the trembling remained. He didn't want to hear it! Not from him.


"You already made a fool out of me," Katsuki admitted.

'Don't you dare...'

"Did you come here to rub it in? I LOST! And to make it worse it was to you! I fell for your fucking lie like a loser too!"

'Give me pity!'

"And that's not all!" Katsuki screamed, "I couldn't get first, I could just watch! When I was watching that Ice guy and that damned redshirt." Tears gathered in his eyes. "I realized I couldn't beat either of them in a straight fight!" he screamed. "I would have been trashed by them both!"

He didn't give a shit who heard him, it was the truth! Every word burned, but he couldn't stop them!

He remembered how it felt, standing there in that monitoring room as the redshift fought the ice guy.

He never felt so powerless in his life, so stupid.

"Damnit, damnit, damnit!"

Bakugo forced himself to look at him, the person who beat him with tears in his eyes. Deku jerked back. Yeah, go on, he could laugh it up. He got to see Bakugo cry.

'Is that what you wanted Deku? Satisfied you lying little shit?'

"Enjoy your victory Deku! You won't get another! I'm just getting started! Got that? I'm gonna be the number one hero, and there's no one that's going to stand in my way! Not you, not that ice guy or even that fucking redshirt! No one!" he declared.

And Deku, stared right back at him with wide eyes.

With that, Katsuki turned away, wiping the stupid tears out of his eyes.

"You'll never beat me again you bastard. D-Don't even try." Fuck now even his voice was cracking. Don't fucking cry... just don't.

Just how low could he get today?

"THERE YOU ARE! BA-KU-GO I found you!" The number one hero declared, putting his stupid hands on Bakugo's shoulders. God damnit what did All Might want? "Listen well my boy, Pride is a valuable asset to have, but there's plenty more that you need-"

"Let go of me All Might. Right now."

The symbol of peace glanced down, stupid confusion on his face. What did he need to know? Katsuki didn't need anything and certainly nothing from him! He's getting pity from that fucking snake. Last thing he needs his consolation from his idol.

"I'm gunna be even more famous than you, so back off."

Finally, the older hero took his hands off him and let him leave. Katsuki stormed out of the gate.

Finally, the day was fucking over.

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