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Capítulo 3: Mingling among Prey (1)

Chapter 3: Mingling among Prey (1)

The mountain scenery of the Styria Region had a certain allure to them, reminiscent of the Swiss Alps, but it was certain that those 'mesmerizing' sights amounted to nothing for the fleeing shadow of a youngster.

Along the trail of the spring, the young man wearing a Knight's Armor was constantly trying to move in an unpredictable fashion, alternating his tracks to mislead his chasers. To Carl a future clash with the followers of Karnstein was a matter of 'when'.

'Since taking that forced nap, I feel better about my chances of survival. Could this be the effects of Awakening my Sacred Gear?'

[Your Magic Power has recovered a bit, which makes the recovery process of your body be faster. It's also true that by awakening one's Sacred Gear there's bound to be chances to your Magic Power relays and output.]

'Ahh, now that you remind me. Has the Blood Absorption ability managed to boost something in me? I couldn't tell.'

[The ones you've absorbed didn't cause much change to your Magic Power. At best, it gave you a boost to your Strength and Regenerative Abilities since they were Vampires.]

'I'll have to experiment around with the Sacred Gear's powers, but for now let's get out from this cursed place.'

Continuing his discussion with the old Soul presiding over his Sacred Gear, he didn't abate from his path, following the spring of water. As if wishing for this neverending expanse of trees to end, he spotted the semblance of civilization which triggered a comical response from Carl.

Existing the forest as he spotted the Asphalt Road, he crouched down and started caressing the coarse bitumen.

"I would have kissed you if I was just a tiny bit desperate." Carl's previous hoarse voice rejuvenated, returning to a charming, adolescent tone.

But then as he spoke his first words out loud after repurposing the memories belonging to the one called Krassius, the words escaping his mouth were in German.

"This still feels strange. Unless I focus on switching my thoughts to English, they will flow into German." This time words came out in English, and with a slight British accent in them.

[Boy, you're a weird one. Can't you even compartmentalize the languages you've learned and just use them when needed? At least this is how I'm doing with the ones I know.]

'I'm still a mess. Give me some time to adapt, and I'll probably be fine? Maybe? Ugh, I need to record myself to understand how I sound since it will be annoying if my accents are out of place.' 

[You sound just fine with your German. Though, it feels a bit strange? Maybe because it's been hundreds of years of continuous evolution of languages?]

[Right, kid, is Latin still big in this Age?]

'I doubt. It's mainly used by the Clergy, but even that is restricted to Italy and even there is dying out.' 

[Good. Good. Just what it deserves. Always hated being taught Latin, although it made it easier to communicate with the other Lord's of that time.]

Carl could smell the biases from Nosferatu's words, but he wasn't in the position of judging him. It wasn't his problem to begin with, and he didn't care if Latin as a language would die down. Nevertheless, it put a small smile on his emotionless expression, having company regardless of the form was better than none.

With a Checkpoint achieved by him, he began rushing along the path of the road, and again got amazed at his enhanced agility that would put Olympic Athletes to shame. A random thought surfaced in his mind, and he didn't bother to hide it from his metalscape roommate.

'Wouldn't it be funny if I registered as some athlete? Maybe I will start playing soccer, and instantly climb the ladder to riches. Afterall, I'm basically a Lv.1 Crook.'

He laughed in his mind like some deranged villain, and Nosferatu didn't perdue or care to understand the modern terminologies. From the Warlord's perspective it was better to leave Carl to himself and sort out his emotions, since one year of confinement inside a coffin wasn't something you would wish to experience, 99.9% cases it leads to asphyxiation.

['He doesn't seem like a psychopath, I can register emotions from him. Poor guy must be a wreck inside, but still remains headstrong in getting out from this mess. It's appreciable.']

['What I'm more interested in is how he would react and behave while undertaking my training. Huhuhu, I can't help but get excited since it's been ages. No one managed to awaken 'Bloodbound Dominion' beside me and that old ghost that haunts me…']

Unlike Nosferatu who could pry into Carl's thought if he so chooses, it wasn't possible for the opposite, but the circumstances didn't call for boundary breakings, nor that it was needed. 

The signs of civilizations along the way as Carl "galloped" like a Warhorse injected a small dose of adrenaline in his expanding veins. It started with a rare, small vacation house, then this recur for more often, but it wasn't just houses, there were also lumber processing stations.

'No people in sight. Not even in the house.'

'I should alternate my escape.'

To lose his tracks, mainly to confuse his enemies, he enters the dense forest, and continues onward, reminded of the direction the road was taking. In his craftiness, he proceeded back on the road from the forest, only to pause at a board sign. 

(Aufforstung Des quellenschutzgebietes 2016) - Reforestation of the spring protected area in 2016

'Yep. This confirms it. I can speak and read German. Now it feels just as if I synchronized perfectly with the body.'

From the blood-red pendant around Carl's neck, Nosferatu spotted the writing, and it was something he could read even with his old language skills.

[That's an honorable action from those people. But why would you reforest? Isn't the natural growth cycle to replenish what was lost?] 

'Well, not really. Unlike your times, mister, in today's age, we're 8 billions of people, humans. I'm not counting the supernatural beings since I have no clue on them.'

['How many zeroes are there? 7..8…9. Nine? Nein? Fuck me! You little bastards sure procreate like swines. There should be some wars to keep in check the number.']

'What wars, mister? If we go crazy now, fuck the dragons and other bullcrap, we can blow the whole planet with apocalyptic weapons.'

'Don't worry, I doubt those supernatural beings would sit quietly if the humans would start self-destructing themselves. I mean, there's me, a Vampire who wouldn't mind sucking them to bones just so I can strengthen myself.'

[Hahaha, to think that one day, God's Curse, would amount to any good. Aren't we turning into pest Control?]

'I think it would be a fun experience. I myself wouldn't mind enjoying this slow process with some ladies.'

[... Are you a womanizer?]


'That was surely random. You can think whatever about me, but I sure do like playing with women. As much as they like to play with us men, I just do it in reverse.'

'Haha…But, this mentality probably got the better of me.'

With all of that said about himself, Carl suddenly got all quiet, pestering about that dark night where he went out at the club, an unsuccessful evening in hooking up with some women, you lose some, you win some, in his case he got stabbed to death.

Passing the second checkpoint of the Reforestation Signboard, he dashed like a phantom under the sun's watch, undisturbed by the damaging effects of the Sunlight. Such debuffs wouldn't afflict a Dhampir, and it was a morale boost knowing the big shots of the Vampire World wouldn't be capable of cashing him.

Returning back to the forest and abandoning the road, in 10 minutes of nonstop running at the top of his capacity, he finally emerged into society. From the forest's exit, his sight overlooked a small town from the high elevation of the mountainous forest.


Looking around, based on his new memories this small Town was called Aflenz Kurort, and giving it an inspection from the bird's-eye visage point, Carl could only shape his head.

'It's too small to be a hiding spot… Vampires have an insane sense of smell, so I'm pretty sure they'll sniff me out if I choose to camp here.'

'Besides, with how small Austria is, I can get far even by foot. Sooo, what now? I have multiple options for sure.'

'Continue on foot going South toward Italy… Switch to Nord-East and settle temporarily in Wien. Go North toward Germany or Czechia? Or go South and camp inside Graz, it would be closer to my current location.'

[Are you waiting for my suggestion?]

'Not really. It's just that I have too many options from which to choose.'

[Aha. Tell you what. The faster you get to a safe location the better. Pick the closest one, so you can begin recovering.]

'So Graz is it.'

Removing his knight armor that was uniquely crafted for the Vampire Guards of Karnstein House, he was left with the clothes of the Guard he killed that were slightly oversized. However, compared to his dregs that he was forced to Slumber Eternally, those new clothes were a new breath of air.

Scattering around the forest those pieces of metal plates, he then chooses to jump from his visage point and check out the small town. 

In essence, Aflenz Kurort boasts of picturesque alpine surroundings. The town is characterized by charming traditional architecture, with colorful houses in German Style nestled against the backdrop of lush green hills. The Mur River flows nearby, adding to the scenic beauty of this tranquil Austrian town.

Going two rounds around the Town, he was more scared about this tranquility that he wasn't adjusted. How could a Londoner be at ease in such picturesque sceneries and tranquil atmosphere? Blasphemy.

Arriving into what he thought to be the main road, Carl looked left and right, as if he was a lost puppy, and at natural path of actions for him was to get a Hitchhiking to the next town or city, at least get some distance between himself and the vampires of Karnstein family. While signaling with his thumb for the hitchhike, he couldn't help but stare at the car that passed by, ignoring his pitiful state.

'First attempt… Hopefully I'll not be left here for hours, otherwise, I'll be forced to ambush them and steal their cars.' mused to himself Carl while his crimson eyes followed the shadow of the vehicle.

[Kid, what is that metal box carriage?]


'Old man, welcome to modernity. We're in the 2000s not your 1400s, that's how long has it been since your departure from this World. Ahh, and you can call that 'carriage', a car.'

Carl, appearing pitiful and frail, stood on the roadside in Aflenz Kurort. The first car whizzed past, indifferent to his plea for help, and the second followed suit, dismissing the weakened figure. 

'Yeah, there's no way I'll leave it to chance. I'll go back into Town and steal a parked car. Random skills I learned online sure can be helpful in this situation. Hot wiring a car isn't that complicated.'

[I don't get what you're scheming, but whatever takes you to live, do it. Nothing is off the table in this wrecked world. Killing can also be considered.]

'Whoa, easy there. No need to get so extreme. I'll not kill innocent people just because I have the power. Only crazy fucks would do that.'


Leaving Nosferatu silent with his comment, Carl contemplated his strategy and its validity. He never Hotwire a car to start the engine without his car keys, but at some point he looked it up on the internet.

But, as if God was taking mercy on the human that might get entangled with this twisted Vampire, a change of events was triggered. Carl's hopes surged when he spotted a gray Skoda Fabia approaching.

The gray Skoda Fabia eased to a stop just a few feet away from Carl, and the window on the passenger side rolled down, revealing the kindly face of a woman in her early 60s. She looked at Carl with a mix of concern and curiosity, "Are you alright, young man? You look like you've been through a lot."

'What route of the story should I go? Hiking in the mountain version? Or camping? Mhmm, I guess from what I remember Austrian's are hot on mountain hiking.'

Carl, projecting an air of vulnerability, nodded appreciatively, "I've had a bit of a rough time in the mountains. Lost my way, encountered some wildlife. Your help means the world to me."

The elder at the driver seat glanced over his shoulder, said with a reassuring smile, "Well, you're in luck. We're heading back to Graz. Hop in. We'll give you a ride."

Grateful, Carl approached the car cautiously, "Thank you so much. I was starting to worry that no one would stop."

As he settled into the back seat, the old lady offered a reassuring smile, "It's no trouble at all. We couldn't leave someone in need by the side of the road. I'm Gertrude, and this is my husband, Ernst."

Ernst gave a friendly nod, "Nice to meet you. What's your name, son?"

Carl, creating a name on the spot, replied, "I'm David. Thank you again for helping me out."

The car pulled back onto the road, and Gertrude turned to Carl, "So, David, what brings you to Aflenz Kurort? It's not the usual spot for young folks."

Carl, weaving a tale, explained, "Just trying to find some peace and quiet. Nature has a way of calming the mind, you know?"

Ernst chuckled, "True enough. We were doing the same. Aflenz Kurort is a lovely place for a peaceful weekend. Didn't expect to find a stranded hiker, though."

As the car continued its journey, the conversation flowed effortlessly, building a connection between the unlikely trio. Carl, maintaining his façade, felt a sense of relief to this couple who unknowingly provided him a safe passage back to Graz.

Gertrude, seeing the state Carl was in, couldn't help but hand him a bottle of water from the backseat, insisting he rehydrate. But as the youngster took that bottle of water, he stared at it for long, giving the impression he was beyond thankful for the gesture.

'I don't even remember when was the last time I drank water? Compared to drinking water, blood is more viscous and has this thick consistency. Hah, I wish my neck wouldn't tense up as if I got rabies.'

[Nonsense. You can drink water just fine.]

Doing the act of drinking water, there was a noticeable contrast on his palette from the metallic viscous blood to the simplicity of drinking water, and that was owed to its neutral, almost refreshing taste.

Carl took another sip of the crisp, clear water, reveling in its simplicity. The neutral taste washed away the lingering echoes of metallic viscosity that clung to his palate from the blood he had consumed earlier. 

Closing his crimson eyes for a moment, he savored the refreshing sensation, surprised at how pleasant and rejuvenating water could be.

"Spring water?" inquired Carl, curiosity evident in his voice as he ran his tongue over his lips, savoring the lingering taste. 

The contrast between the mundane purity of the water and the intense flavors of blood left him momentarily entranced by the ordinary yet extraordinary act of quenching his thirst.

Gertrude, glancing at Ernst with a smile, replied, "Yes, it's from a local spring. We always keep a bottle or two in the car. Comes in handy, especially on road trips."

Carl nodded appreciatively, maintaining his facade as David, the lost hiker. This simplicity was something he missed for one year since getting abducted by the supernatural and turned into a Dhampir in a World that might not be the same as his previous life.

The Müllers were found by this youngster who talked respectfully, answering their curiosities about what happened in the Mountains. At the same time, this perception Carl built on himself as David, made them unaware of the supernatural nuances surrounding this mysterious passenger 

Continuing to share anecdotes and engage in casual conversation as they got closer to their destination, Graz, at the past tracks of the Dhampir in the harsh daylight, shadowy figures appeared surrounding the high visage point overlooking Aflenz Kurort town.

The relentless sun cast long shadows over the forest, complicating the pursuit of the hunting Vampires of Karnstein House. 

"We lost that abomination, Krassius Bloodriver. In which direction did he go? Could it be he's on his way to Wien?" questioned one vampire, shielding his eyes from the intrusive sunlight.

Another, squinting at the scattered knight's armor pieces, sniffing around akin to a hunting dog who lost its mark, then responded, "If he's going to Wien it would simply be a lot of things. That's where the branch of the Tepes Faction is located, but even with Queen Carmilla on watch in Wien, Bloodriver would be soon found."

The leader of the group, groaning while looking up at the blazing sun, feeling the oppressive heat, added, "That's not our jurisdiction. And if that bastard goes for another city in the region, he'll just get hunted by the Church dogs."

"We should report back to Lord Karnstein. We tried our best, but this annoying sunlight makes it hard to track him. Those Dhampir are tricky to chase in broad daylight."

As they gathered the discarded armor under the unforgiving sun, the vampires exchanged frustrated glances. "DAMNED Trash! He played with us, and even dared to walk out while I was on watch. Such a shame!"

The challenges of pursuing Carl were exacerbated by the brightness of the day, and the realization that their quarry could slip away more easily in the sunlight weighed heavily on them.

With a sense of defeat in the daylight, the vampires reluctantly collected the remaining pieces of knight armor, and prepared to return to Karnstein House, acknowledging that they failed their task and would be punished by the Lord of the Castle.

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