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72.72% Monarch of Shadows in Marvel / Chapter 14: 14 - The Beast Flash

Capítulo 14: 14 - The Beast Flash

<X Men Mansion>

Everyone is shaken up from yesterday event. The fear and helplessness they felt can not be described.

They had barely got a wink of sleep last night.

Charles is still sweating while sitting inside air conditioned room, wiping his shiny head time to time. Drinking water from time to time as well

Ororo is clenching and releasing her hand, finally able to stop it from constant shaking.

Logan is uncharacteristically trying to take deep breath and releasing it while keeping his eyes closed. A breathing exercise to calm his nerves.

Hank is just sitting and staring at the two bracelet on the table. He trying to stop his leg from shaking under the table. He had already cleaned up and wearing new pants, just not the one gifted by Shadow Monarch.

The only one completely fine is Jean, with Scott coming in second in best condition who is now taking a cold shower.

"Jean, is everyone okay? What happened yesterday? You all came back pretty shaken up and didn't replied to anyone."

Rogue asked as she can see everyone trying to calm their nerves.

"Its because of him. When we went to meet him, he seemed unsurprised and invited us inside his mansion. We thought he was not outright trying to attack and we thought of him as someone neutral. When he just turned around to go inside the mansion, he suddenly stopped and turned his head towards us."

"And Professor screemed while holding his head. Just were about to make a move, He just kind of released his power or aura. The space around him distorted and we all were frozen."

"Not all exactly as i was able to move but something inside of me felt. I don't know what it was, i just felt curious looking at him."

Charles looked at her in concern. He recently had 'session' with her regarding her mental problems.

"He gave some of us gifts and used telekinesis to put us inside the jet."

Jean pointed at table, where two bracelet, a pant, a bouquet and two crate of beer was present.

"I was the only one able to freely move so i just immediately took every back here."

Jean recounted her story.

"Is he a bad guy then?" Rogue asked but more likely told herself. The little bit of hope she had in her heart is shattered.

"I think its my fault." Charles confessed as everyone looked at him. Even logan who has been silent till now opened his eyes.

"What do you mean by that Charles?" Ororo asked as she was confused what he might have done to piss someone that badly.

"When he turned around. I tried to read his mind to see whether he holds any ill intent towards us. What i didn't expect is to be surrounded by total darkness. I just felt my whole being being judged and saw two bright purple eyes looking at my whole being. Telling me to leave the mind. I was forcefully thrown out and the backlash caused me to scream in pain."

"So that's why froze all of us."

"Its more than that" Logan interjected and standing up.

"He may have just froze you but it was different for me. I have a strong animal instinct, stronger than hank. What i felt was nothing as i lost my consciousness. I was totally on my instincts."

"I don't remember what actually happened but i can feel my instinct even now, telling me to make myself small as possible and avoid attention on me. I never felt like that. I am aplha who reigns over other but i just felt extremely small in his presence. Like i wasn't even recognised as prey."

Logan recounted his story and Beast felt the similar as well.

"I too felt somewhat similar. While i kept my consciousness, it just smelt like death, literal death. An unsurpassable strength that my instinct forced my body to bow down and obey. I couldn't even handle my body as i peed my pants"

Beast also recounted his experience, although embarrassed at the last part as he pissed his pant.

"But he gave you guys gift right? He can't be that bad." Rogue tried to reason.

"She might be right. He didn't even attacked us. He just put us in the jet gently with the gifts."

"He gave Hank two bracelet and a pant. I don't know about bracelets but pants was given as he soiled his old pants"

Logan said as started recounted everyone's gift.

"Please forget that and don't tell everyone. Its embarrassing as adult." Beast said as he tried to hide his face. Now even Rogue knows he pisses his pants.

"And he gave Ororo flower bouquet." Logan continued.

"I also got scared. It was similar feeling as Jean described but mine was of fear. I couldn't even look him in the eyes yet he gently out flowers in my hands." Ororo shared her experience. She didn't know why she felt something inside of her was scared so badly..

Charles again looked at Ororo with questions running inside his mind. 'Is there entity inside Ororo as well? Do i have to seal my friend mind as well'

Charles was in dilemma. First his student and then his friend. He knows what he did was wrong but it was all for greater good.

"And he got me bear." Logan said as he went near the crates of bear. He picked one out in his.

"Its cold even when it was out outside all night"

Logan studied as he popped open the cold one, watched as tiny bubble rushed to rise up.

*Sniff* *sniff*

Logan takes a double sniff, smelling a beer like a expert and enthusiastic.

"Smells really good"

He then tipped the bottle in his mouth, trying to take a single sip.

But as he did, he eyes widened in shock and symphony. The sip turned into gulps as Logan didn't stopped till he got every drop down his throat.

"~ahh. I never had a beer like this. This is just unworldly. He is not a bad guy"

Logan replied as reached out for second bottle.

"Really Logan. Just because he gave you nice beer it means he isn't a bad guy." Ororo asked in disbelief. She didn't expected Logan to be sold out just because of beer.




Okay, she might have thought it might be possible but it was really small percentage.

Logan didn't replied till he finished his second one.

"Anyone who gifts beer like this has low chances of being a bad guy. He even gave you flowers and Hank new pants"

It was right for all wrong reasons. And he already opened a third one.

"Then we can meet him right? We can be more peaceful" Rogue asked she turned her head around, especially counting on Logan.

"He did say he will be visiting us in school. He seemed to know about us."

"Really!! why didn't you said that first!!" Rogue exclaimed at Jean. Not believing why would Jean tell such important information at last.

"Rogue, we still don't know much about him. I might have been wrong in first place but we still must be vigilant."

Charles replied while thinking how to deal with him. His stunt yesterday definitely backfired. He has to be careful now.

While they were discussing more about him, the door bell rang. Indicating some rang the door bell from the gates.

As they watched from CCTV footage on TV. They saw a purple sports car outside the gate, with window rolled down and man with purple eyes looking at the camera.

"Its him" Jean said as Rogue's eyes looked at the purple eyes of the Shadow Monarch.

"Rogue, go to your room. I'll call for you if we deem it safe." Charles as he prioritised Rogue safety first.

"But .." before she can protest, she got immediately cut by Ororo.

"No buts, young lady. We will first check him then you'll meet him if we think its alright"

Rogue had no choice but drop her shoulders and go to her room which is shared with Kitty.

"Hank open the gate and let him inside. Ororo, can you fetch him and bring him to office. Jean you can stay as you didn't felt scared by him, you might be able to help us if things go south. And Logan, stop getting drunk in the morning."

Logan was already on his 7th bottle, feeling little light and keep going.

He again got hit in the shin by Ororo who is glaring at him.

*Grumble* "Fine, I'll finish it later."

He just picked up the crates and put them away from Ororo, fearing she might confiscate them again.

Charles can only sigh at this.


The gate swung open and I heard a voice, telling me to come in. I guess its Hank voice.

I drove in as i can see kids in the garden and inside the classroom peeking out and looking at my car.

I soon arrived at the mansion and saw chocolate mommy standing at the door.

She isn't shaking and avoiding eye contact which is good.

I stopped my car at the front of door and got out.

"Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Mr. Dev. We are extremely sorry for what happened yesterday. I assure you professor didn't meant any disrespect."

Ororo welcomed me and tried iron things out.

"Its alright, don't worry about it. I hope you are fine as well, you were shaking quite a bit yesterday."

"Oh, i am alright now. I have calmed my nerves already" Ororo replied with wry smile.

Yeah its kinda awkward and inside its gonna be more awkward.

"I see, then i hope you can accept this" This time i made new flowers bouquet instead of picking them out from the garden.

"Oh you didn't have to but I'll accept this sincere gift from you."

Ororo accepted flower bouquet. Holding it close she can smell the fresh red and white flowers which matches her lips and hair.

"Is there a place where i can park my car, i don't want to park directly in front of door if someone else wants to use it."

"You can park at this side" Ororo said as she pointed with her other hand.

I pointed my key fob at the spot and clicked auto park button before putting it in my pocket.

The reason i did not use this feature at party yesterday is because it only works on small distance and parking at the party was at different spot, where itself would take time to find spot so it was better to give it to valet.

She watched as car roar to life by itself, and moved slowly as it parked where i pointed my key fob before. She is clearly impressed.

"Thats a beautiful car. I have never seen car parking by itself."

"Oh yes. It was actually gifted to me."

"I see. Please come inside, professor is waiting for you" she led me inside as we walked inside.

The white shirt and black leather pants brings out her all curves nicely.

As we walked, she explained me about Xavier school. She tried to gauze my reaction as i saw many mutants with different physical appearance.

Nothing change on my face. I also saw teenage Colossus and he is holding his sister hand who is holding a doll.

I hope that Limbo dimension doesn't happen and she doesn't lose her precious years of childhood. I might as well pop Belasco head like how Monarch of white flames, Baran got his head popped like grapes.

Soon we arrived at Principal room.

Ororo knocked and we heard Charles voice.

"Come in"

And we entered here he was, mind fucker who isn't actually trying to read mind now. I'll slap it back like how i did it to Emma if he tried again. No need to make him suffer again.

There's also logan in corner, standing in front of his beer crate. Few bottles already empty.

Jean Grey, she wasn't looking at me curiosity like she did yesterday but she is still acting normal curious, not pheonix curious.

Also our blue furry with bracelets and pant on the table, he hasn't tried them yet.

Hmm... I expected Scott here too, wagging his tail at Jean.

I don't actually hate scott or anything. I just know he is being mind fucked by Mr. Sinister so I'll have to act cocky with him to make Mr.Sinister doesn't know that i know about him. Beside whooping someone ass for no reason helps in my digestion.

Anyways, the atmosphere is tense and awkward. I'll be humorous here.

"Mr. Dev, welcome to our school. Before we begin, i would like to sincerely apologise for what happened yesterday." Charles said as he tried to bury the past. Doesn't matter to me anyway.

"Its alright." I replied to him.

"Thank you. Please take a seat."

I sat down, Ororo stood beside Charles and put the flowers on window side vase.

"I believe introductions are in order since we didn't get chance to do it properly."

Charles said as he took the reign of conversation.

"My name is Dev. I am King of the Dead and Monarch of Shadows."

"I apologise, we didn't know you were a royalty."

Charles replied as he and other(except logan) tried to bow in respect but i immediately stopped them.

"Please, don't bow. I am already tired of people bowing to me and I don't like this as well. No need to treat me like a royalty as well. Just treat me as everybody else you all would treat."

"I see. Thats very amicable of you. Other Monarchs might have already gotten angry at this point."

I am sure we are not talking about same monarch but i guess he is right. Well except Tchaka if he is MCU version. I hope he doesn't have arrogance like his people or I'll whoop his ass in front of all Wakanda.

"You are right. By the way, i already know about all of you so theres actually no need of introduction."

"I see, i didn't expect us to be this well known." Charles said with doubt in his shiny head.

I just rolled my eyes at him and started revealing everyone's identity.

"You are Charles Xavier. Omega level Mutant Telepath. You made this school in dreams of peaceful coexistence between human and mutants."

I pointed at Ororo

"That sexy chocolate mommy is Ororo Munroe. Omega level Mutant with Atmokinesis ability. A great teacher who loves her students."

"Dr Henry 'Hank' McCoy. Alpha level Mutant with Beast abilities. Great scientist and good in genetics and technology. Pissed his pants yesterday."

"That guy in corner with already 7 empty beer bottles is Logan. Real name is James Howlett. Alpha level Mutant with alpha beast abilities and adamantium skeleton and claws. He is the best there is at what he do, but what he do best isn't very nice. "

That brought more shock in their already shcoked faces. He being the best at very not nice things is what he said before. It is not something many people know about.

I turned him and asked.

"You don't remember your past right?"

This brought him out of shock.

"I don't" Logan said in serious voice.

"I know about your past. We can talk later whenever you like. Alright moving on."

"That cute tomato there is Jean Grey. Omega level Mutant with Telepathy and more. She is currently being simped upon by Scott Summers. Who is alpha level Mutant with optic blast abilities. As i said, he is simping on Jean."

"Also your team name is X-Men."

Jean totally had red face, she didn't expect Scott simping on her would leak out of school.

While X Men were on edge from where did i know so much about them.

Logan about his past, ororo about being called chocolate mommy which she never expected to be called that. As she sometimes victim of racism cause of being dark coloured in America. Charles is worried about how many more people know about them. He has been thorough in covering up incidents. Beast is just embarrassed about called for pissing his pants.

"I see, you seem to know about all of us. It save us time. As i can see, am i right to assume that you are a mutant as well. With telekinesis and flowers that you made them appear out of nowhere."

Trying to get me sympathize with mutants by calling me mutant as well.

"No, i am not a Mutant. As i have said, i am a Monarch."

"Okay.... as you already know about mutants and my dream tied with this school. Can you tell your view on this topics as an Monarch."

"Hmm... Mutants and Humans are basically same. The only difference is their X-gene awakening. Now what abilities you get is like lottery as it can be good and bad as well."

Beast nodded on the side as from scientific point of view, its accurate. Charles also seems to agree with this.

"Now about you dreams. Its admirable and i also hope it comes true. But the problem is that you are too pacifist. You need to take more solid action. You need to have your guy inside the government, who is also a mutant itself"

"Just simply wishing for coexistence and being all goody isn't gonna work. Doing all this goody from outside while people from the inside are controlling is gonna make it more hard and cause loss of lives. Take more action and try to change public narrative. You know how media and government are deliberately making mutants look bad. You need to get your foot inside and try to take a stance. I am not telling to have full control over media and government but just enough control that you can steer the direction."

It is something everyone agrees and had same thought at least once in their life. But they also know Charles is too passive.

"I see. We will try to have someone inside government and media. What you said having little control in media is good. As you know, there is also other side of Mutant face who is more aggressive. I guess you are aware of them, the BoM"

Yeah, his first part is just bullshit.

"Yeah, led by your toxic boyfriend Magneto right" i said with a smirk and Ororo and Logan are trying to cover the laugh they are about to have.

"He isn't my boyfriend but yes, i am talking about him and his group."

Charles replied with wry smile.

"I haven't met him and media narrative isn't something i believe in so I can't give accurate answer as much i can give about you. But what i would say is that he is more agressive more than required. I know how he doesn't like mutants to be experimented on and how they have to live in fear. I can understand where he is coming from as i know he survived Auschwitz."

"So basically, Eric is too much while you are too little. You both need to work on middle ground."

There was silence for a while. I know what i said is right and they should too feel like that. But Charles being the leader, they can't do much unless they really want to break free.

"So anyway, you people came to me first so there must be you guys need? I also needed to talk to you guys about something but that can come after."

"Yes, we like you to thank you for saving one of our student, she was thrown away and you caught her. I guess you already know her name and her abilities."

"Rouge, real name Anna Marie. She can absorb the powers, energies, memories, knowledge, talents, personality, and physical abilities of another being through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person."

"Yes. Rogue has told us that you were able make physical contact with her without being affected. We would like if it possible for you to help her. She is very nice girl and has been yearning for physical contact. We would be extremely thankful of you if you can help her."

"Sure, call her here."

Feeling safe that the person hasn't shown any aggression, Charles decided to call Rouge through Telepathy.

"Rouge, you can come. He has agreed to help you."

Rogue who was sitting with Kitty, immediately stood up.

"Rogue, what happened? Did Professor called you?"

Kitty asked beside her.

"Yes!! And he has also agreed to help me."

"Then lets go fast and see the person who touched you, pun intended". Apparently Kitty was more excited than Rogue and she just grabbed Rogue gloved hands and smack opened the door to her room and pulled Rogue directly to Principal office.


They both have completely missed Scott who got door slammed on his face and has bleeding nose.

While they were waiting, Hank decided to ask about bracelets.

"Excuse me. I would like to ask about the bracelet you have given to me. Also thank you for the pants as well."

Hank said as he brought bracelet up close.

"Oh, you haven't tried yet? Remove your shoes and try wearing one bracelet on your wrist. I'll put the big mirror for you to see."

I stood up and made a full body mirror so Hank can see his reflection. Hank looked at professor who nodded and he did as he was told. Jean, Ororo, Logan also paid attention to see what was about to happen.

Hank put the bracelet on his wrist and as soon as he did , his fur started to retact back into his body, the blue skin being turned into normal skin colour, and his feet changing from animal like to human feet.

His body shrunk down to his original human size and his pant and boxers dropped down as it was for wider waist. Thankfully his shirt was also for larger size and helped to cover his crotch just enough.

As he looked at mirror, he can't believe his eyes, nor can others present in the room. He touched his face and felt normal skin without any fur, he looked at hands and his human feet. He just blew up in joy.

"HAHAHA!! I AM BACK!!! I AM BACK TO NORMAL!!!" He threw his arms up in the joy. And as his arms raised up, show does his shirt.

The curtain has been raised for everybody to see.

At the same time, Kitty smashed open the door up as she dragged Rogue with her.

"Professor!! We are he- oh that's smaller than i expected."

Hank just flashed in front of everybody. Me, Charles, Logan, Ororo, Jean, Kitty and Rogue saw his tiny wiener. Not exactly micro but tiny.

"Hank, would please cover your thing."

Charles said to not traumatized himself and others any longer.

Ororo closed her eyes, Jean and Rogue saw their first dick in life and closed their eyes too. Kitty just nodded at the sorry little thing. Me and Logan just smirked at fun.

He immediately put his arms down and covered his crotch.

"I am sorry, i-i will cover it up. I'll turn around."

Hank embarrassingly tried to cover up.

The girls opened their eyes and it was too early.

As Hank turned around and bent to pick up his pant, he flashed his unshaved asshole to everybody.

Yeah, everybody needs to bleach their eyes with holy water.

"Oh God Hank!!! Just cover it up quickly!!" Ororo shouted at him as he tried to quickly pick up his pant and hold it as it was too big for his waist that even belt won't work.

"Man, you really flashed everyone twice huh. In front of children as well." I joked as i leaned on the mirror.

"Sorry, its just that i got excited."

Wow, he came up with this excuse with such a wrong phrasing. Everyone winced at what he just said.

"It sounds so wrong, you know that."

"No!!! I mean yes!! But this isn't what i mean!! I - uh"

He just fumbling to cone up with right words.

I just turned to Charles and told him jokingly.

"Charles, i didn't knew you employ a furry pedophile as an teacher."

"Its not like that Mr.Dev, it's an accident and he just got..... Surprised"

At least someone knows how to phrase properly.

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