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79.61% Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 81: Meta Essence CYOA 81

Capítulo 81: Meta Essence CYOA 81

Essence of Idle Trainer

Upon drinking this normal-looking water bottle you feel...nothing? 

"Welcome to the realm of Idle Training, where you can gain the results of training while being a couch potato."

●With this extraordinary power, you can create a perfect virtual simulation of yourself training in your mind.

●Within this simulation, your virtual counterpart possesses the ability to train and learn any skill or discipline that you are capable of.

● By simply selecting the desired focus for training, the simulation engages in rigorous practice without rest, while the time within the simulated realm moves three times faster. ●Once you drop the simulation, you absorb all the benefits gained as if you had done the arduous process yourself, whether it's muscle, skills, expertise, and everything else, as if you had personally undergone the training.

●Optionally, you can "Open" Dungonen Worlds that are similar to fiction that you have seen/read so your "Avatar" can Idle Training in the Dungon of your favorite Fiction, as a side-effect of this your Avatar has an affinity to everything it does not matter if it is Black or White Magic you can have all of it, the countless energy does not clash when they are brought back to the real world. But the Opening of World-Dungones is costly and has a Cooldown.

BUT BE WARNED if you mess with a Powerful Entity in the simulation like let's say an Outer God "It" will break from the simulation and confront you so "It" can gain Freedom (but if you are Strong like a specific Protogainst that Confronted the Seer of Fate who broke away from the simulation, you do not have to worry), nevertheless, the system will warn you so you can be prepared.

●Optionally, you no longer need to drop the simulation to gain the benefit of the simulation training. The benefit you receive from the simulation is provided to you in real-time.

●Optionally, you can have all your companions from the Simulation as a Reward for each Conqoured Dungeon, You may choose if they have a history in the Real World and what relationships they have with you. You can select if they have the memory of the Simulation they come from or not, in the case you chose the latter they will think you have summoned them to you.

●Optionally, You are not bound to create 1 simulation, you can now create up to five in total. Each simulation can be directed to train and study different things or have an additive effect when directed to train in one specific thing. For example, if you have 2 simulations dedicated to sword training then you would reap double the benefit. As you continue to use this power you will gradually gain the ability to create additional simulations over time

●Optionally, you can go to novels like "AFK-Farming Software" where the Protoganist too has a similar system, maybe you both could become friends(couch potatoes).

Essence of Tower of God

Upon drinking this tower-shaped bottle you hear a calling from the distance 

●You gain a free age and appearance change to whatever you want. You may also be any normal humanoid race found in the Tower of God.

●You have mastered a fighting style or weapon of your choice, be it swordsmanship, martial arts, guns, or something else.

● You have the Following Perks like:

●Shinsu is the lifeblood of the Tower and now it flows endlessly from within you, although you are not able to manipulate much Shinsu at once as you are restricted in quantity, quality, and concentration.

●Shinsu Manipulation limits can be raised through use and experience. By manipulating the Shinsu inside yourself, you enhance your physical capabilities (an initial increase of 50%), heal yourself at a faster pace, and various other abilities, you are only limited by your lack of experience.

●You can form one Baang at the start, the unit of measurement of Shinsu Manipulation. Eventually, you will be able to perform feats that put even the best Rankers to shame, handling more Baangs than Enryu himself, signing deals greater than those of the Administrators, and even the possibility of creating life through Shinsu.

●Your lifespan is dramatically increased to a thousand years, this can be further increased as you improve your ability to control Shinsu.

●In addition to your newfound Shinsu Manipulation capabilities, you can either naturally develop or choose your own Shinsu Quality or Shape, whichever you desire. Regardless of your decision, you will be able to work with whatever Quality and Shape you have as if you were perfectly aligned with them.

●Be aware that you can only have one Shinsu Quality or Shinsu Shape.

●Skill with Shinsu is broken down into three categories, the amount of Baangs you can produce at once, Myun, being the size of your Baangs, and Soo, the density of your Baangs. ●You are unique, at base, everyone is subject to the Minus Tendency, which links their Baang, Myun, and Soo together in an inversely proportional relationship, you have the Plus Tendency, unlike others without this ability, you can increase your Baang, Myun, and Soo proportionally. While this does not allow you to create an infinite amount of Baangs, you will be able to produce techniques like the Shinsu Loop that require the user to the Plus Tendency. You will start with the ability to produce a single Shinsu Loop if you wish.

●Optionally, You are a unique entity in the eyes of the Tower's residents, unbound from the Tower's natural rules.

◦Your Irregular status hides you from all forms of precognition as well. Shinsu loves you, and it shines through.

◦Your talent with Shinsu is on par with The 25th Baam.

◦You can learn new abilities, skills, and techniques in a sliver of the time it would take others, beyond this you can absorb all abilities, skills, and techniques that are used on you. If you survive, you will find that you can replicate the copied skill instantly, however, this does not grant you the experience of copied skills.

◦ Your innate Shinsu Resistance is tremendous, increasing the amount of Shinsu you can withstand both offensively and defensively astronomically while also granting you total immunity against Spells.

◦No longer are you limited to a singular Shinsu Quality or Shape, with a moderate amount of effort you can adapt to new forms, witnessing the Quality or Shape you desire can make this almost instantaneous. Additionally, you have all of the knowledge necessary to use Shinwonryu both normally and with your Shinsu Quality or Shape.

●Optionally, You are the Fisherman, it is the vanguard for their team who charges forward to fight their opponents and defeats them with their overwhelming power.

◦This gives you talent in close combat on par with Androssi Zahard who is considered the strongest Fisherman among the known Regulars.

◦You are not her equal in natural physical ability, but in skill and talent you are her match. You must train to keep up though because she grows incredibly quickly as she completes her climb up the Tower.

◦The Fisherman is considered the most powerful and dangerous Position of all. All eyes focus on what the Fisherman does and strategies on both sides are centered around the abilities of the Fisherman on the field.

◦You are recognized as one of these threats and all eyes are on you. You are incredibly skilled at drawing aggro and keeping attention focused on you and off your team. This can be toggled off if you want to take others by surprise but it automatically turns on while performing the Fisherman position for your team. Additionally, there is a legend in the Tower, a title that only a few could ever claim to hold: The Fishermen.

◦The Fishermen is a single fighter that is capable of defeating entire teams of fighters at once. You are now capable of a similar incredible feat as your reaction time speeds up to always be a match for whatever or whomever you are fighting. No matter the number of foes, no matter how quickly they move, you can track their movements perfectly. Moving your body to keep up with them is another thing, however.

●Optionally, You are the Spear Bearers, they are the long-range masters of the Tower with them able to strike their targets with deadly precision from hundreds of meters away as a baseline.

◦Ranker Spear Bearers are capable of hitting targets from tens of kilometers away. You carry this legacy with ease as your Spears can strike your targets with deadly power and up to five hundred meters away with perfect accuracy.

◦ Spear Bearers fight from a distance and are incredibly skilled at keeping track of their foes. You have the ability to designate an opponent as your prey. Once you do so you will be aware of that prey's location within a ten mile radius around you.

◦Your strikes targeting this prey are more likely to hit but they can be dodged or blocked. This effect is broken if you designate another enemy as prey or they move further than ten miles away from you.

◦Spear Bearers are incredibly useful for taking down a single target in one all mighty blow. The more powerful denizens of the Tower have incredible durability and resistance to Shinsu and are only affected by the most powerful blows.

◦You are capable of designating a single target in a battle and making a single strike against them can ignore most of their resistance. This isn't an instant one-shot ability, but the strike does significantly more damage than a normal strike would. This reflects the ability of a master Spear Bearer to make one decisive strike at the perfect moment in a battle. Your attack does not grow any stronger, it's just more effective. For Example: If you have the strength to obliterate a building, then you cannot obliterate a mountain but you might be able to cause a mudslide that changes the shape of the mountain.

●Optionally, You are the scouts, they are the eyes and ears of any good team, the ones responsible for gathering information.

◦ In order to fulfill this role you must have a good set of eyes and ears yourself. All your senses are enhanced to pick up more subtle and small pieces of information that would otherwise pass you by.

◦You can also determine whether information is useful without needing to think about it too much. Finding the necessary information is a very difficult and dangerous task. If a Scout is caught in enemy territory then it alerts them of their team's presence and puts the Scout in incredible danger. Scouts have learned to not get caught in response to this.

◦You are incredibly skilled at moving silently and not alerting the attention of others. The Scouts are considered the Darkness of the Tower. The brave individuals that enter combat the most out of any of the positions and risk fighting the enemy all alone. They hide in the shadows to gather information that will give their allies an edge and make decisions that change the shape of the battlefield.

◦You are capable of making those hard decisions and know when it is the opportune moment to strike. Ambushes, Assassinations, and Traps are all things that you have mastered. Strikes that you make from the shadows deal significantly more damage, even if they might be considered cowardly. Your teammates never seem to think any less of you for taking such actions so long as they are for their benefit as well.

●Optionally, You are a Light Bearer, they are the control center of the battlefield and the ones that the other positions look towards for guidance and strategy.

◦You are very skilled at such things and are capable of keeping track of everything going on across the battlefield with ease.

◦You can only keep track of things that you are aware of so you still need a skilled Scout to make the most use of this, but you will not be straining your mind to keep track of all the different pieces on the board. This also gives all the skills necessary to use a Lighthouse and expertly use them to bring light to the Tower which is needed for many battles.

◦You know all the pieces on the board, all you need to do is move them. Your mind is incredibly skilled when it comes to commanding others' ability to their fullest and also predicting how other people will behave outside your control. With this you are a brilliant battle strategist innately with lots of room to grow. A good Light Bearer helps their team fight at a significantly higher level than they would without the Light Bearer. Spear-bearers are far more accurate and can throw their spears a far longer distance, Wave Controllers can control more bangs further from their bodies, etc. You too are skilled at enhancing the abilities of others.

◦Those under your command have their abilities enhanced by about twenty percent. This boost grows the longer you've worked with a person and the more familiar you are with that person's abilities.

◦You will start with a basic level Lighthouse that will scale with you no matter how far you go. This Lighthouse is able to split itself into as many parts as you can handle, although it will start with only one instance of itself, each sliver being considered a Lighthouse in its own right.

●Optionally, You are the Wave Controller, it is a unique position in the Tower, it's a position that denotes someone being a Shinsu specialist who focuses on using Shinsu to help their comrades in battle. This gives you a special skill and talent for using Shinsu in a specific way. This just gives you enough skill to use it and talent to more easily learn the more advanced applications of these specialties.

◦This is the most common form of Shinsu manipulation where the user simply alters the natural course of Shinsu that flows through an area. ◦This is the most destructive form of Shinsu control since the user can control massive amounts of Shinsu with little effort. This is the other type of Shinsu manipulation, where the user completely dictates the flow of the Shinsu in an area. It is mostly used to 'destroy ' or 'stop' enemies.

◦This takes significantly more skill and awareness to use since altering the flow of Shinsu can cause massive amounts of unintentional destruction.

◦You can stop individuals in their tracks within the flow of Shinsu or cause internal damage using the Shinsu inside their bodies, but you must be more powerful in Shinsu than the target to use this effectively. A Shinsu Quality is the innate form that Shinsu takes.

◦By having a Shinsu Quality, you can change the quality of Shinsu you control into a form that is easier for you to control. Achieving this is an incredible feat that very few individuals in the Tower have been able to complete.

◦Once you're capable of changing the Quality of Shinsu, your skill and power with Shinsu will increase dramatically. Both the number of Baangs you can control and their density grow significantly as both feats become easier as your mastery of Shinsu increases.

◦The Tension of Shinsu is the strength and density of the Shinsu you control. Tension is something that everyone has a different innate level of Tension, but it is something that can be trained to be stronger.

◦ You have a high level of Tension innately which makes all your Shinsu techniques more effective and you are capable of increasing it through training.

◦The number of Baangs one can control denotes the skill level of one's ability to manipulate Shinsu. You start with the ability to manipulate two Baangs which is an incredible feat of skill and talent.

◦You are also very talented at manipulating Baangs and can increase the number of Baangs with less training than others. Only a few Regulars can manipulate three Baangs and only one is shown controlling more than that.

◦A Ranker is shown to be able to control thirty to sixty Baangs. Enryu, the second strongest being in the Tower, was claimed to be able to control nine thousand Baangs at once. To be able to reach this level would take hundreds of thousands of years of training.

●You may have any characters of your choice from the Tower of God universe become your companions. You may choose what relationships and history you have with these characters (such as them being in love with you, being your friends, or whatever else). You may choose Baam gender in the story/timeline.

Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Tower of God universe, at any point in the story/timeline. By default, you appear on the First Floor where Baam woke up, but you may start in any other floor of your choice(it is better not to go above 4 Floor). Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart). You can replace Baam or any Character in this story/timeline that you want."Good luck climber, you will need it"

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