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4.7% HP - Shadow Monarch! / Chapter 3: Chapter 03 - Diagon Alley.

Capítulo 3: Chapter 03 - Diagon Alley.

[Chapter Size: 3200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Diagon Alley.



Morou Kaind or Severus Snape watched attentively the strange floating screen that had appeared before him. The interface, similar to a digital display in his old world, was unlike anything Morou had seen in Snape's memories.  

He approached cautiously, his eyes scanning every detail of the screen. "This is amazing," he murmured, almost in disbelief. The display showed various information arranged in an organized manner: there were sections that seemed to indicate skill levels, statistics, and even a list of objectives or missions with a store.  

Morou touched one of the icons on the screen, clicking on Status, and another screen appeared in front of him:  



NAME: Severus Snape  

LEVEL: 1  



HP: 10/100  

MP: 250/250  






SENSE: 5  



Snape looked at the information surprisingly calm, "This kid is really weak, a normal human being would have at least 10 in status, but aside from intelligence, this body is mediocre in other areas," he analyzed.  

On another screen, he opened missions, but there was nothing; on the last screen, there was the system store, and this surprised him with thousands of items available for him to exchange with these system points, but he didn't know exactly how to earn these points at the moment.  

Morou spent some time exploring the system, and at that moment, something appeared to him with a missions screen: do 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and run 10 kilometers in 11 hours and 49 minutes.  

The mission that appeared before him was titled "Daily Exercises." The description detailed a series of physical tasks he was to complete. The list included activities such as running and a series of exercises that seemed intended to improve physical condition and agility; the mission would last until midnight that day.  

Snape, with Morou's mind, was perplexed for a moment. "Physical exercises? Is this part of how the system works?" He wondered what had triggered the mission, considering he had never interacted with something like this before.  

"This is easy, but I doubt this body can do it as easily as I would in a blink of an eye in the other world... anyway, let's set this aside for now," Snape murmured and closed the screen.  

After exiting the system and seeing that there was always an icon in a corner in his field of vision, to open it whenever he wanted, Morou focused on more immediate matters now: what to do next in this unknown world.  

"First, I need to understand where I am and what's happening in this world, the memories don't seem to tell me everything, but I know I'm in a place called Diagon Alley in an inn..." he murmured.  

Morou knew that to navigate successfully in this new world, he needed to understand the rules, social norms, and power structures that governed the magical society. "Hogwarts... the Ministry of Magic... these are the places where I should seek answers, but it's not good for me to go there now, in fact, I would like some time for myself... I want to reflect on everything that happened and I need a quiet place for that," he concluded, recalling Snape's memories of these central institutions of the wizarding world, but not wanting to get involved with them now.  

Another pressing issue was how he could use Snape's skills and knowledge to his advantage. As a master in potions and with an in-depth knowledge of the dark arts, Snape possessed skills that could be extremely useful and even quite remarkable among his peers. "Anyway, let's see about that later," pondered Morou.  

Snape decided he would go to a quiet place where he could think, then quickly removed that damned rope from the ceiling with the piece on the ground and threw it into the fireplace of the room to burn it, he began to search the room for his belongings, there was a cauldron stinking of herbs, Snape picked it up and put it in the magical bag, he noticed a notebook on the counter and went to it.  

"This is your diary... I don't have many memories of it... let's see..." Snape said opening it, "Lilly here, Lilly there. This guy is a maniac!" Snape shouted frustrated with the former owner of the body, the boy basically lived only for his potions and for that Lily Evans.

"From what I've seen, the girl is no saint either and even betrayed you, but you still cling to this sick love..." He said, a bit frustrated. Snape simply threw that diary into the fireplace as well. "I don't need this anymore..." He commented and began to pack the rest of his things, before leaving, he looked at the mirror seeing the mark on his neck from the rope finally fading.  

'I guess it's okay to leave now... let's go' He thought and opened the door of the inn and went to the end of the corridor, Morou, still a bit clumsy and getting used to Snape's body and movements, went down the stairs to the main lobby of the inn. The place had a welcoming air and was bustling at that hour, with a faint smell of something cooking and a decoration that reminded him of the traditional wizarding houses from Snape's memories, not that he was a big frequenter of the nobility, he was a half-blood after all.  

Upon reaching the counter, he was greeted by the inn's owner, a middle-aged man with a friendly smile and perceptive eyes. "Good morning, Mr. Snape. I hope you had a pleasant stay," said the owner, observing Morou with a curious look, Snape no longer had his suicide mark, so he spoke openly with the man.  

"Yes, it was very good, thank you," Morou replied, keeping his voice neutral to match Snape's. He knew he needed to act naturally to not raise suspicions about the drastic change in his personality.  

Morou then remembered the money Snape possessed. He took out the coin purse, feeling the weight and texture of the gold, silver, and bronze coins, known in the wizarding world as galleons, sickles, and knuts, money he had earned by selling some of his potions. "I would like to settle my account," he said, counting out the necessary coins to pay for his expenses.  

The inn's owner accepted the payment, making a small note in a ledger. "If you need anything else or decide to stay longer, we'll be here," he said, giving Morou a cordial smile back.  

With the expenses paid, Morou said goodbye. "Thank you, see you next time," he said as he left the inn.  

Stepping outside and breathing in the air of England, he saw Diagon Alley in front of him, with a crowd moving all over the place, looking for shops, carrying animals and goods, street vendors selling their magical artifacts and other strange things while shouting and making offers about their products.  

Morou, or rather, now Snape, started to move through the crowd in front of the inn, he began to look at everything he could along the way, strange products, people talking and shouting, some house elves walking with some nobles, the people were bustling and all focused on their own errands, this only strengthened the thought that Snape would need a more calm place to put his mind in order, he was still agitated by everything that happened and a system that came with him, he needed to relax and the big magical city would not be the best place.  

"What should I do now?", he wondered, while avoiding a group of Hogwarts students on vacation who were laughing loudly. "I need to better understand this world, find out how I can use my abilities here. And this system... what does it mean and how can I use it?"  

Morou also considered the possibility of returning to his own world. "Is that possible?", he questioned himself, pondering over interdimensional magic and if there would be someone in this world capable of helping him in that endeavor. "It's difficult, to start with the technology of this civilization is so primitive that even Snape never saw any article about someone leaving the planet."  

"Hey, watch it kid!" Shouted an old man Snape accidentally bumped into.  

"Sorry..." Snape said and continued on his way. 'Damn body, I'm not even able to coordinate properly...' He thought, but managed to avoid a man running.  

"Let's see... I'm in England, this country is known for many tourist spots, maybe I should find a place like that, more isolated, where I can adapt a bit better to my situation, do I still have a month and a half before classes start at Hogwarts? Should I go there...?" Snape was still debating as he managed to make his way through the crowd.

He stopped at some stores to look at some of their products, which offered an impressive range of magical items. There was the wand shop, Ollivanders, each of its displays showcasing wands of different woods and cores. Other stores sold cauldrons of all sizes, potion ingredients, and dusty old books with magical secrets. Snape noticed a magical creature shop, where creatures of all shapes and sizes peered curiously at passersby.  

'There's nothing interesting for me here. Let's find a travel agency.' Snape thought and began to make his way through the place, but it seems he had no success with that, Diagon Alley beyond the Floo Powder, which was an option Snape did not prefer at the moment, he just wanted to sit on a Bus bench and wait for his journey.  

Seeing that there were no results in Diagon Alley, he then decided to leave this place and look for a travel agency outside of it. Heading towards the exit, following his memories, he ended up encountering something quite unpleasant, his gaze was drawn to a familiar group at the entrance of a candy store near the exit. It was the Marauders - James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew - accompanied by Lily Evans. Morou felt a wave of conflicting emotions upon seeing them, memories of Snape's tumultuous relationship with them surfacing, but he was no longer the old Snape.  

The Marauders were known for their pranks and jokes, often at Snape's expense. Lily, on the other hand, was a central figure in Snape's memories, someone he had deep affection for and whose loss of friendship tormented him until death. Morou observed the group but wanted to ignore them; he had bigger concerns than dealing with a bunch of teenagers.  

James and Sirius seemed to be in the middle of an animated conversation, laughing and gesturing exuberantly. Remus, more restrained, smiled while listening, and Peter watched his friends with admiration. Lily, with her bright red hair, was laughing at something James had just said.  

As Snape passed by them, James Potter, always quick to spot Snape in the crowd, nudged Sirius Black and pointed in Morou's direction. With a mischievous smile typical of their usual antics, James called out, attracting Snape's attention.

"Look who's here, boys! Our dear 'Severus' came to visit Diagon Alley! Decided to buy a new cauldron to blow up, Snape?" taunted James, eliciting laughter from Sirius and Peter.  

Sirius followed up the comment with a laugh and added, "Or maybe you're looking for a book on how not to be a complete failure as a Death Eater, huh?"  

Facing the Marauders' taunting, Snape felt an impulse to respond, but without wanting to stoop to their level of remarks. He turned calmly to James and, with a penetrating look, said in a serene but firm tone, "Potter, always so quick to judge others. I wonder if you spend as much time honing your magical skills as you do trying to belittle others."  

Then, looking at Sirius, he continued, "Black, it's interesting to see someone so preoccupied with the failure of others. Perhaps it's a reflection of your own insecurities, aren't you the one dealing with being disowned by your own family?" He glanced at Lily for a moment, but his gaze turned disdainful for a moment before returning to the Marauders.  

"What did you say..."  

"What do you know about that!"  

After responding to James and Sirius and ignoring their remarks, Snape turned his attention to Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Looking at Remus, who always had a more reserved and sensible air, he said, "Lupin, always the voice of reason, but unfortunately overshadowed by these two. It would be a pleasant change to see someone with your sensibility taking the lead."  

And then, directing a cunning glance at Peter Pettigrew, he added, "And of course, we can't forget Pettigrew, always in the shadow, always following, even looking like a domestic rat."  

While everyone seemed quite irritated by Snape's words, James Potter, clearly the most aggravated by Snape's response, acted impulsively. With a quick movement, he drew his wand and advanced towards Snape, a challenging expression on his face. "Just going to stick to words, Snape? Or do you have the guts for more?" challenged James, his wand pointed in a threatening stance.

Morou, however, maintained his calm. Still facing James, he let out a scornful, carefree, and confident laugh. "Potter, always so predictable. Need a wand to feel strong? Is this what you call courage? Attacking another student outside of Hogwarts' bounds and using magic outside school?"  

James hesitated, clearly not expecting this reaction from Snape. Snape's gaze was challenging, and his posture, though unarmed, showed no fear. The other Marauders watched, uncertain how to intervene.  

Lily, who until then had been watching the scene with growing discomfort, spoke up: "James, put the wand down. This isn't necessary, you'll get in trouble if you use magic and attack another student."

James Potter lowered his wand but, still driven by anger and pride, decided to abandon the wand and resort to physical aggression. "This is for calling Peter a rat!" With a rash impulse, he advanced towards Morou, thinking he could easily overpower the slim Snape with brute force.  

However, he underestimated Morou Kaind's combat skills in Snape's body. Despite being in a weak body and not having proper motor coordination, Morou still possessed years of training and experience as a Guardian, skills that relied not only on physical strength but also on agility, reflexes, and combat tactics.  

When James tried to punch him, Morou reacted instinctively. With a quick and precise movement, he grabbed James's arm, using James's own force and momentum against him. In a fluid motion, Morou twisted James's arm, unbalancing him and throwing him to the ground with a controlled move.  

James fell with a cry of pain, surprised and stunned by the efficiency and speed with which he had been immobilized. Morou maintained a firm pressure on James's arm, enough to cause discomfort but without causing serious harm.  

"Potter, I think you mistook skill for arrogance," Morou said coldly, keeping James under control.  

The other Marauders and Lily were shocked by how the events unfolded. Remus and Sirius stepped forward, uncertain if they should intervene, while Lily looked at the scene with a mix of surprise and concern.  

"Let him go, Snape!" As the tension escalated, Lily Evans shouted for Snape to release Potter. The other Marauders, seeing James on the ground, advanced towards Snape. The young Slytherin wizard prepared himself for defense. When Sirius Black attacked first, Morou skillfully dodged and retaliated with a precise strike, hitting Sirius in the face. The impact was strong enough to break Sirius's nose with the technique he used, leaving him stunned and in pain falling to the ground.  

Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, trying to help, lunged at Morou in a coordinated effort. But, even in Snape's less robust body, Morou moved with impressive agility. With a series of defensive maneuvers and counter-attacks, he managed to knock both to the ground, causing back pain in Lupin and Pettigrew.  

The fight was quick and efficient. Morou not only neutralized but also did so in a manner that made it clear he was not someone to be underestimated. The Marauders, known for their skill and cunning, lay on the ground, feeling pains throughout their bodies after Snape took them all down. Potter tried to get up, grabbing his wand, but Snape kicked him in the face, knocking him out the next moment.  

Lily, shocked and horrified by the scene, ran to James to help him. "Snape, what have you done?" she exclaimed, looking at Morou with a mix of fear and disbelief.  

He just looked at her and walked up to her, Lily quite surprised by this tried to move away, but Snape was quicker and caught her by the arm. "You have something that belongs to me, and I want it now." Snape spoke, and his other hand went straight into the girl's bag. She was a Muggle-born, so she didn't have money to buy a spatial bag, the books were on display, and he opened her bag and took out a particular book, his potions book.

"You are truly repulsive to use my book after what happened, I hope this is the last time we ever meet, Mudblood." Snape spoke with disdain, Morou wouldn't act this way, but this girl irritated him with Snape's memories, he wanted to make it clear to the girl that they would never speak again after today.  

Lillian turned pale as Snape took the book and walked away, Lillian didn't even notice the crowd that had stopped to watch them as the only thing she saw was Snape walking away.  

"This body... is so fragile," Morou murmured to himself as he walked towards the end of Diagon Alley, feeling a mix of irritation and disappointment. "Snape did not take good care of his health, and now I am suffering the consequences."  

"I swear I will train this body when I get to one of the places I intend to go." He said murmuring softly, he passed the door from Diagon Alley to the non-magical world and followed the alley to an avenue in front of the place.  

"So this is the non-magical world... still so primitive..." Snape commented looking at the buildings of London and the cars passing by the avenue.  

He followed his gaze over everything analyzing and storing it in his memories, Snape despised the non-magical world before, but Morou knew that Muggles should not be looked down upon. His gaze stopped at a place he wanted a few hundred meters on the other street, a highway with a travel agency for England.


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