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100% Trash of the Royal Castle / Chapter 102: Chapter 102: The Harmony Awards (Bonus)

Capítulo 102: Chapter 102: The Harmony Awards (Bonus)

"We've never been to an awards ceremony before, Friend Blueblood!"

Riding in a magical carriage, Princess Luna was going over her makeup for the fortieth time that day, her long silver evening gown rolling down her body as if made of liquid moonlight, her legs kicking up and down in excitement at the ceremony she was going to be in, "It's so exciting!"

"Let's see how you feel after the first four hours, Luna." Prince Blueblood said tiredly, wearing an expensive dark blue tuxedo, having decided to forgo covering his face with an Illusion he wore a light covering of makeup on his face in order to make himself seem less tired than he actually was.

"It's all just a popularity contest anyway." He told her as he felt the carriage stop moving.

"We know... But it's got to be gratifying to be acknowledged by your peers, right? Its like, who better understands what you go through all year long?" Luna smiled at Blueblood, turning her head to the side and showing off some new earrings as if to ask "What do you think?"

"I suppose." Blueblood simply nodded at his friend before he turned to the door and stepped out once the chaperon opened it for him, once he stood outside he smiled at the many flashing cameras and turned back to the carriage to give Luna his hoof as she too exited the carriage, briefly squinting her eyes at the shower of flashing lights as the many photographers took pictures of the Royal Duo.

"Just promise you let me go to the bar if Pinkie Pie starts giving a speech about space dolphins." He whispered underneath the smile plastered on his face as the duo waved to the many ponies standing outside, making their way up the red carpet into the expensive hall where the Award Ceremony was taking place.

"Did you spot Celly or Cadance yet?" Luna whispered back to Blueblood, smile on her face as her eyes scoured the crowd of the many other visitors that were invited to the ceremony.

"Not yet, they're probably already inside," Blueblood whispered back over the sounds of flashing cameras and journalists calling out to interview the visitors, "You remember our table, right?"

"Table C, right?" Luna responded as the duo made it to the entrance of the building, where the Red Carpet finally ended.

The two royals turned back to the crowd to give one final cheerful wave with a picture-perfect smile.

"We love you Prince Blueblood!"

"Marry me, Princess Luna!"

"You're so adorable together!"

"Has someone seen my daughter?! She's in there somewhere! Chipmunk can you hear me?!"

"Prince Blueblood! Is it true that you're in a relationship with the Second Queen of Caninia?!"

"What are you talking about?! He's obviously with Princess Ambereyes! Not Lanterlight!"

"Are you two daft?! It's obvious that he and Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan are having a secret affair!"

"Who said that?! The Prince is the Number One bachelor! He's Mine!!!!"

"I'm serious! Starlight! Daddy's here! Are you in there?! Chipmunk!"

Ignoring the crowd, Luna and Blueblood stepped inside the building, taking a few steps deeper into the entrance hall, so the crowd outside will no longer be able to see them, and then dropped the smile.

"Is dealing with those Ponies always so tiring?" Luna let out an exhausted breath as her head slumped forward tiredly.

"You get used to it..." Blueblood said with an annoyed twitch in his eye, "Let's just get inside, The Ceremony should be starting soon."



"Do you have eyes on the Crown?" Starlight Glimmer asked the pony she was sitting beside at their table near the back of the hall, Each table in the hall had eight seats, but none of them actually had eight people, leaving each table with at least a few seats empty.

Her black dress was decorated with blue diamonds near the back, complementing the aquamarine streaks in her hair.

"I do, Princess Luna and Prince Blueblood just entered the hall, they are on their way to their table, where Princess Celestia is already waiting." Raven Inkwell answered, the white Earth Pony wearing a simple red gown.

"Princess Cadenza is sitting over at table H, with Captain Shining Armor and the visitors from Thicket, King Aspen seems to be drinking to combat some form of stress, and Prince Bramble seems to be staring in awe at everypony around him," The third member of their table answered, The Majordomo of Canterlot Castle, Kibitz, took a sip from a wine glass before he leaned back in his chair, content to take the rest of the night easily as if it was a vacation.

Not even the white and red suit he wore, making him look like someone from a toothpaste commercial, could make him take this night seriously.

It was a vacation for him, let the younger generation deal with protecting the crown for now.


"Lulu, Bluey, you made it!" Princess Celestia smiled at the duo, her body covered by a long white and gold dress reminiscing of the morning sun, "We only have two more ponies at this table and then we're all here, Are you two excited?"

"We sure are! Ooh, we can't wait to win the big award for Best Princess!" Luna said cheerfully as she took her seat to the right of Celestia.

"And what about you?" Celestia turned her head to Blueblood, watching him carry a large plate of food from the catering and place it on the table before taking the seat to the right of Luna.

"Eh, I'm just here for the free food mostly," Blueblood said without care before coughing and clearing his throat, "I mean- Of course I am excited, This is an award ceremony for... A Ceremony to celebrate the... Actually, What are we doing here?"

Whatever answer he was about to get was dropped as the final two members of Table C finally arrived, "Princess Celestia, Sorry we're late, Rarity wanted to make sure everyone's dresses were perfect," A Purple Unicorn with a starry blue dress said with an apologetic smile as she took the seat to the left of Celestia.

"Ahh, if I take the seat to your left I'll be facing the back of the hall..." A small purple and green baby dragon complained as he turned away from his sister and took the seat to the Right of Prince Blueblood, allowing him to be able to see the stage where the awards would be given, "You don't mind me sitting here, right?" Spike asked the Prince.

"Nah, go ahead," Blueblood waved him off as he poured some wine into his own glass, before levitating the bottle into his mouth and drinking from there.

Twilight Sparkle waved to her friends, the other five members of the Elements of Harmony all sitting at a table a bit further to the back.

"Oh ooh! It's starting It's starting!" Luna excitedly started tapping Blueblood's shoulder, causing the "Totally not an alcoholic, I can stop whenever I want" Stallion to lower the bottle and turn to the stage, not noticing the potato fries on his plate being grabbed by the Baby Dragon and the Princess of Dreams in some sort of Competition to see who can eat more chips before Blueblood notices he has no more food.


"Ladies and Gentlecolts, Thank you all for coming here tonight to the first ever Harmony Awards Ceremony," A Blue Earth Pony with a short white mane said in a monotone voice as he stood behind the podium on the stage, "My name is Flour Dust, the judges might remember me as the Royal Guard who stood outside the Canterlot Castle Library during the first chapter of this story and who has never been mentioned again after," He continued speaking in his monotone voice.


Somewhere in Canterlot City, a Brown Pegasus cheered as he stared at the screen, hugging a small Filly close to him as they jumped excitedly at seeing their Husband and Adoptive Father on stage hosting the first portion of the Harmony Awards.

"Yeah! You go Flour Dust!" Funnel Cake, Flour Dust's husband, cheered excitedly at seeing his husband getting the recognition he deserved.

After working at Canterlot Castle as a Guard for years, and dealing with the Annoying Prince Blueblood, it was amazing to see his hubby finally being recognized for his achievements.


"First chapter? What is he talking about?" Blueblood asked in confusion, receiving a tap on his back in response.

"Who is it- What the fuck!?"

"Hello Nephew," A tall Pony covered in wispy darkness smiled at the Prince, "Allow me to explain!"

"No- Wait a moment! Why is everything acting like this is normal!? Aren't you supposed to be in Limbo or someshit? What is going on?!" Blueblood turned to Luna and Celestia, hoping to see the two Alicorns agreeing with him, but they just acted like everything was normal.

"Please, Do not ignore your dearest and #1 best Uncle in the world," The Pony of Shadows said with a mock hurt tone, "Besides, this chapter is not canonical to the actual story, and is a celebration of the 100 chapters that lead up to here," Pony of Shadows smiled through glowing white eyes, grey flames of shadow flickering over his wings and mane.

"None of this actually matters in the grander scheme of the story, and is simply harmless fun," The Pony of Shadows shrugged his shoulder before turning away from his Nephew, "Anyways, I'll be sitting over there if you want to chat, You won't remember a thing, but we can still act like family," 'Uncle' gave a cheeky smile, "I know you never played catch with a father figure, maybe we can fix that?"

"I will play catch with my hoof and your face, get away from me," Blueblood said dryly as he stared at the Pony of Shadows.

"Oof, So cold, Being threatened by your own Kin," 'Uncle' Smiled at that, "How Poetic indeed... Ciao!" And with that, he disappeared in a cloud of shadows and smoke.

Turning back to his Table, Blueblood's eyes zeroed in on the bottle of wine.

It was going to be a long night.


After a few useless awards and the changing of the host several times, Blueblood decided it might be nice to at least listen to what was going on instead of wasting the entire night with a bottle.

Up on the stage, One of the Royal Guards, Flash Sentry or something like that, read out the nominees to some award nobody gave a care about.

"The nominees for the best single parent award are: King Aspen-"


Princess Cadance turned to look at the disheveled White Deer sitting beside her table, His eyes darting around the hall, full of paranoia and fear.

"He's not going to win," the young brown Deer Prince Bramble said as he rested his head on the table, the yellow bird-like creature on his head chirping in agreement as both Royals looked at the King of Thicket.



Outside the hall, a Purple Unicorn with Aquamarine hair was trying to convince the security that he was supposed to be inside.

"Look, I'm telling you, I have the invite, It's just not on me right now, But I need to get inside there, my Chipmunk needs me!" He tried to move past the two large bouncers.

"Sorry sir, You're not on the list," One of the bouncers pointed to a list of names behind him.

"Yes, I am! It's right there! I'm nominated for an award!" Firelight pointed at his name on the list.

"Sir, that's Firelit, Your name here says Firelight, And an event like the Harmony Awards will never make a mistake like getting somepony's name wrong, You're not on the list, move aside,"

"But my baby needs me-"


"-Chancellor Neighsay-"

The head of the Equestrian Education Association tidied up his tie and straightened his suit, making sure his EEA badge was shining perfectly as it should.

Back home, his daughter was cheering at the mention of his name on the screen, likely hurting the babysitter's ears in the process.


"-And our very own Princess Celestia!" Flash Sentry read out the last nominee, before taking a deep breath.

"And the award for the Best Single Parent goes to..." He paused for dramatic effect, "Clean Squeak! Wait why wasn't she listed as a nominee if she won, I don't get this wha-" Before the Pegasus could continue, he was pulled off the stage by the next host as the Earth Pony mother went up and collected her award, giving a small speech where she talked about the hardships and joys of raising her son on her own, thanking the many ponies who helped her along the way and so on and so forth.

It would have brought a tear to Prince Blueblood's eyes if he wasn't currently drowning himself in his fourth bottle for the night.


Standing upon the stage was a Spirit of Chaos who should have been currently trapped inside a statue.

"But I'm not, this is a non-Canon bonus chapter, did you really think I'd miss this chance to wear a fancy suit and stand on a big stage? With lights and cameras and a microphone on top of a podium? Please, This stage was made for me," Discord struck a pose before he opened the note with the nominees he was supposed to read out.

"Anywho, The most fabulous nominees for most Anticipated Character who has yet to make an official appearance are- Me, Who only really had two lines of dialogue and never interacted with the main cast directly, I should be winning this award on principle," Discord smiled as he read the next Nominee.

"Prince Scorpan, who is definitely still alive somewhere, It would be stupid if he wasn't, Like, he's Starswirls former lover, how tragic would it be if they were never reunited after all these years? Really bring a tear to my eye," Discord smirked, knowing full well he was not tearing up as an image of the Gargoyle Prince's face appeared behind him, A head resembling some sort of ape with a mane of thick brown hair surrounding his head like a Lion, a pair of leathery brown bat wings could be seen in the background extending from his back.


Down in Tartarus, a Red Centaur threw a rock at the projector screen in front of him, tearing a hole in the middle of the screen.

"Curse you Scorpan! You dumb flying baboon! When I escape here, You will surely perish! Raagh!" Lord Tirek yelled before he was tackled to the ground by the Earth Pony and Pegasus guards that now stood around Tartarus, dragging the angry Centaur back into his cell.

"...This is why we can't have nice things," Nightmare Moon complained quietly as she sat on a cushion, her small form sinking into the cushion as her single blue eye stared at the hole currently in the middle of the screen, before sighing tiredly at a shadow covering half the projector, "Pooch, you're covering the screen again..."




"...Imbeciles..." Nightmare Moon sunk deeper into her cushion as she listened to the voice coming from the projector.


"King Sombra," Discord read the next nominee, "Specifically the one from the Reflections Story Arc from the comics? Oooh, spicing things up here? nice!"

Princess Celestia coughed as the name was read out loud, a dusting of pink covering her face as she grabbed the collar of her dress and started fanning herself with it as if she was heating up.

"Is everything alright Princess Celestia?" Twilight Sparkle asked her mentor and teacher.

"Everything is fine Twilight," Celestia smiled reassuringly at her student, "I'm just feeling a little hot, perhaps a little cooling spell could help me," She said before her horn glowed, releasing a small cloud of frost to float down onto her.

"See? Much better," Celestia smiled as she shivered in the cold air.

"Oh..." Twilight nodded before she turned to see the other three people at her table, Watching her Brother stuff his face with the food from the catering table, Staring at Prince Blueblood building what could only be described as the Prench Eyefell Tower out of empty wine bottles, and looking on in horror as Luna rocked her head from side to side in a drunken stupor, having only drunk half of a single wine glass, the extreme lightweight was out faster than it took Rainbow Dash to clear the sky over Ponyville from clouds.

And she could clear clouds really fast...

Was... Was Twilight the only normal person on her Table?

She thought for a moment, before remembering her travesty of a first impression with half the people on her table, From Blowing a hole through the roof of her Academy to blasting one of them with the Elements of Harmony to breaking into an extremely private and dangerous corner of the castle in search of a spell to go back in time, perhaps none of the ponies at her table were normal.


Reading a few more nominees. Discord finally opened the letter saying the winner.

"And the winner of the Most Anticipated Character award is... Sunset Shimmer? Drats! Foiled again by the nature of popularity competitions!"

"Yeah yeah, quit your yapping," An Orange Unicorn with a Yellow and Red mane and wearing a black leather jacket said as she stood up onto the stage, a smirk on her face as she looked at the crowd, Grabbed the award from the Chaos Spirit's claws, who immediately turned back into a statue now that he was no longer needed to read the letters and crashed onto the floor, slowly being dragged off by the staff of the ceremony.

"All I want to say is-" Sunset Shimmer gave a look at the crowd before she locked eyes with a specific table, "Fuck you," She pointed at Spike, "Fuck you," She pointed at Twilight Sparkle, "Fuck you," She pointed at Prince Bluelood, who was too busy ignoring her and drinking his problems away to listen, "You're cool," She pointed at Princess Luna, who was trying her best to look sober, despite being almost blackout drunk.

"And most importantly-" Sunset Shimmer pointed at Princess Celestia who was giving her ex-student an unamused stare of disappointment, like a parent who was watching their child make a fool of themselves in front of a large crowd, "Fuck you specifically,"

She turned to the rest of the crowd, "Fuck you all too, that's all, You lose, I win, Bye Bye!" She raised her front leg and showed her hoof, before staring at it in amazement, as if wondering where her fingers disappeared to, before her horn glowed with a flash of red and orange magic, and the Unicorn with the Sun Cutie mark teleported away.


"Princess Celestia, Who was that?" Twilight turned to her teacher once more.

"You don't need to worry about her Twilight, She's just an angry child who has yet to grow up, Just ignore her for now," Princess Celestia said, not bothering to wipe the frost and small piles of snow from her mane.

"Okay..." Twilight decided to trust her teacher and turned back to the stage, watching as a pair of Diamond Dogs got onto the stage.


"Good evening Ladies and Gentlecolts! This is your favorite host of the night speaking to you!" Blueblood couldn't stop the tired groaning leaving his throat as he slammed his head on the table, causing the tower of empty bottles to fall over.

"Why is he up there?" He turned to Luna, only to find her snoring in her seat, the single glass of wine turning her from the Princess of the Moon to the Princess of Dreams in only a short few hours.

"Stop questioning things, Dearest Nephew! It is my turn to read the favorite Arc of this Story!" The Pony of Shadows said loudly as he opened the note with the nominees.

"From our wonderful cast of forty-nine judges, the nominees for the Best Arc of this story are: Nightmare Stars, where we got introduced to everyone's favorite princess of the Night, Nightmare Moon!" The Pony of Shadows yelled into the microphone, causing Luna to suddenly wake up, as if she heard him call her the second favorite.

"Next we have Mysterious Missing Mare and the following Tundra Terror, really influential that one, brought us both Starlight and Cosmos, very popular!" 


"What is he talking about? Who invited this guy?" Hiding in the vents near the ceiling, A certain Queen of the Changelings was waiting for the Award for Best Love Interest to come up so she could win both the award and the heart of her beloved Prince.


"Next we have the oh-so-wonderful Business Trip arc combined with Of Diamonds and Stars, making up the oh-so-controversial Caninia Arc, I do enjoy that one, introducing yours truly into the mix, really, if any arc deserves to win it's that,"

Princess Moonbeam Twinkletail of Caninia tapped her paw on the table as she sipped from her wine, her magical staff rested on her knees, as she stared blankly at the Shadowy Pony on the stage.

"Is he that egotistical or is he just plain stupid? The introduction of Cadance and the Changelings, combined with the discovery that Cosmos could control Prince Blueblood if he's wearing the amulet while being knocked out were all much more important than the introduction of his character, what did he even do? He's just been sitting in the background ever since talking about 'Oh, It's all part of my master plan, I will kill you, dearest Nephew, I'm actually the big bad of everything,' It's Minotaur Shit! He hasn't done anything! Do you know who did do something? Chrysalis! She's actually been doing things, instead of sitting in Limbo all the time talking about 'Oh, It's so Poetic, I'm so evil and Shadowy and I want to kill my family and take over the world' Chrysalis actually got to fight the Prince, TWICE!" Moonbeam slammed her paw on the table and pointed at the Pony of Shadows.

"Get off the Stage! Fraud!"


"I'll pretend I didn't hear that!" The Pony of Shadow pointed at the Diamond Dog Princess, who was being pulled back into her seat by her younger sister.

"Anyways, The final nominee is the Grand Galloping Gala arc! Where we got the Prince's first semi-introduction to half of the Elements of Harmony, Pinkie Pie gets thrown into prison, and the romance with Raven Inkwell began!"


"What is he talking about?" Starlight Glimmer turned to look at Raven, watching the Earth Pony seemingly turn into a blushing red sphere as she balled up in embarrassment, "Are you and Blueblood-"

"No! Yes! It's complicated..." Raven Inkwell whimpered as she hid away from the world.

"There there, It's no need to be embarrassed, Why, back when I was still a young Stallion, I had this secret affair with the Head Chef of the Castle, she was a sweet little lady, always making sure things were in working order in the kitchen," Kibitz pat Raven on the back as the table for the Castle Staff comforted the blushing secretary.

"Did... Did things go well with her?" Raven peeked her eye open to look at the old butler.

"Oh not at all, once her husband found out it became a huge mess, I'm pretty sure she ran away after that!" Kibitz coughed into his hoof, "Now, in my defense, I did not know at the time she was married, If I had, I would not have gone through with it all,"

"That doesn't help at all..." Raven mumbled as she curled up into a ball of White fur and red silk.

"I didn't say it would help? Who do you take me for? Casanova?! I've been single my whole life! Why would anypony take romantic advice from me?!" Kibitz laughed at the idea before he returned to rubbing Raven's back.

"I feel like we're ignoring the part where we just found out that Raven and Blueblood might be sleeping together!" Starlight tried to bring back the original topic.

"Miss Glimmer, I must say, it is incredibly rude to delve into the private life of two consenting adults- You were consenting, right?" Kibitz quickly turned to ask Raven.

"I consented, yes..." Raven whispered back, her face burning red.

"Good, The private life of two consenting adults! Why miss glimmer, how would you feel if your secret love affair was suddenly outed to the public like this?!" Kibitz harrumphed as he looked at the Purple Unicorn.

"I don't have a secret love affair!" Starlight yelled.


"I do like that conversation back there! Really juicy stuff, but we need to move on with the show! The winner for Best Story Arc or whatever this award was called is... Drumroll, please? No? Fine... The Mysterious Missing Mare/Tundra Terror Arc! Who could have seen that coming!? Wooow? But, seeing as this isn't an actual person winning the award, I'll just leave the stage so we can move on to the next award!" The Pony of Shadows laughed as he disappeared in an explosion of magic and darkness.

"...What an asshole..." Blueblood whispered groggily.

"I heard that!" The Pony of Shadows yelled at him from his table beside the statue of Discord and a black and white picture of Tirek that one would usually find at a funeral.

"Yo Yo Yo! Good evening Equestria!" An Energetic Golden Retriever Diamond Dog said as she ran onto the stage, wearing a light blue dress with a lot of room for her legs and arms to move in, "I'm Fiona Floppyears! And this is my Sister, Indiana Ambereyes!" She pulled closer to her a Malamute diamond dog wearing a black and grey women's suit, "And we're here to read for the award of... I can't read this, the letters are too small."

"The Judges Preferred Romantic Ship... Is this about boats all of a sudden or?" Indiana read the topic before rolling her eyes and opening the letter.

"Oh, I know what my preferred ship is, It consists of You, and a very specific Prince who also likes to fight things... You know the one! Let's read the Nominees!" Fiona jumped into the air and snatched the list from her Sister.

"Give me that!" Indiana snapped and grabbed half of the note, pulling her head closer so both sisters could read together.

"The Nominees for the preferred ship are: Blueblood x Cosmos, Blueblood x Raven Inkwell-"

In the back, the sounds of whimpering could be heard coming from the Castle Staff's table.

"Blueblood x Starlight Glimmer, Ooh I do enjoy a good enemies to friends to lovers kind of story, how about you Indiana?" Fiona asked her sister, a wide smile spread on her face as her tail wagged in excitement.

"I think we should continue reading the nominees, Blueblood x Chrysalis" As the Princess of Caninia said those words, a loud rattling sound was heard from the vents near the ceiling.

"Is there some sort of rat infestation up there?" Indiana asked as she turned to stare at one of the staff members who was standing off stage, who shrugged in response.

"No silly, There's an infestation of Love!" Fiona said cheerfully, "And the final nominee is Blueblood x Nightmare Moon, ooh this one's my favorite, think about it! Once sworn enemies, now tortured lovers, unable to touch each other through the cage over their hearts, one is imprisoned, but more free than ever before, the other, out in public, yet feeling trapped without his one true love... Oh, how tragic! I want Nightmare Moon to win this one!" Fiona cried as she turned to hug her sister, "Please tell me she won! I need this tragedy to have a happy ending!"

Princess Indiana sighed as she opened the letter, "The winner of the Judges Preferred Boat-"

"Ship." Fiona quickly corrected.

"What's the difference- The Judges Preferred Ship award goes to... Blueblood x Cosmos!"

"FUCK!" A loud yell could be heard from the vents.

"Woohoo!" Princess Cadance cheered loudly, grabbing the crystal necklace and giving it a kiss, "You won!"

"...You know what, Come here, take the award," Hearing those words, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza walked up to the stage and took the award in the name of her friend.


"I don't know why I'm up here for this, But I don't really have a choice now, do I?" Time Turner smiled awkwardly, trying his best to not wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Back at his home, Zephyr Breeze, Trixie Lulamoon, Torque Wrench, Dinky Doo, and Derpy Hooves, all excitedly pointed at the screen, watching their friend up on stage.

"So, I'm here to read the Best Villain Award," Time Turner gulped and stretched his tie a bit, "Is it just me or is it getting hot in here all of a sudden, Haha... Ha... Heh..."


Back in Cantelot Castle, a trio of animals were sitting in front of a huge flat-screen television.

"Is there not going to be a best pet award?" Tiberius the Opposum asked as he laid his stomach on the back of the couch.

"Why would there be?" A haughty voice told him, causing the young Opposum to turn and look at Philomena the Phoenix, "Everyone knows that Cerberus would win, there's no drama or suspense in that, nobody would care," The Phoenix said as she combed her head feathers with her wing.

"Okay..." Tiberius turned away from the Phoenix, "What about you Comet? What do you think?"

"..." The Golden Spider-like Plant Monster stayed silent, simply sitting there, quietly listening to the television, her lack of eyes not allowing her to see her Prince on the screen.

Tiberius could almost hear heavy guitar music and the sounds of screams the longer he looked at the silent creature, so he quickly turned away from her.

Tiberius doesn't fear a lot of things, It's thanks to his lack of fear that he managed to get noticed and then taken in by Princess Luna.

But Comet?

If Tiberius Fears one thing out there, Then the only thing he fears is her...


"Okay, So now with the nominees out of the way," Time Turner tried his best to ignore the stares of the people in the crowd, "The Winner for the Best Villain Award is... Chrysalis!"

"Thank you, Thank you," The Pony of Shadows smiled as he stood up to accept his award.

"Really, Thank you all! I would be so grateful if I could, But I do intend to kill or enslave most of you, so I can only give you so much thanks," He grabbed the Award and teleported Time Turned away in an explosion of Shadow Magic.

"Really, I want to thank my father, which I killed, and my Sister, Who I somehow didn't kill, And my teacher, Who I am still going to kill, and-" His speech was interrupted as a staff member walked up and whispered something in his ear.

"What... What do you mean Chrysalis won? What the fuck?! I'm The Big Bad! I'm supposed to be winning this! Not the Crazy obsessive Stalker who's trying to turn into Princess Amore or whatever the fuck her plan is! What the Fuck is this shit!" The Pony of Shadows threw the award onto the floor, nearly breaking the leg of the staffer who told him the news in the process.

"I'm going to the bar... Nephew! Come and drink with me!" The Pony of Shadows yelled before he grumbled off the stage, dragging himself toward the bar near the back.

"Ahem, Now I can give my speech, thank you," Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, stood up on the stage, her hair was cut to a shoulder-length bob, and she wore a long ripped dark-green dress with many black leather straps around her body, and her eyes were staring directly into the eyes of a certain Blonde Unicorn.

And as she started to give her speech, the crowd cringed back in discomfort at the words coming out of her mouth.

"You can't hear this," Cadance told Prince Bramble as she held her legs and wings over his ear, trying to block the Changeling's words from entering his young mind.

King Aspen was too busy staring blankly ahead to do anything.

"Is she allowed to say any of those things?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she turned to look at her fellow Elements of Harmony, who all were disgusted by Chrysalis's Speech.

"To want to do all those things..." Rarity whispered as she closed her eyes, clenching her hoof tightly as she bit her lips.

"It should be me! Not her!"

"Umm, Prince Blueblood," Spike turned to look at the Unicorn he was sitting besides, "What do you think of what she was saying?" Spike asked the Prince, trying his best to hide the cringe on his face as Chrysalis kept talking about what she would do to the Prince if she could.

"Holding hooves before marriage..." Fluttershy shivered in disgust, "How scandalous..."

"Huh?" Prince Blueblood blinked suddenly and turned to look at Spike, "Did you say something?"

"Eh, what do you think about what the lady up there is saying about you?" Spike pointed at Chrysalis.

"Oh, her? I wasn't listening," Chrysalis spat out the water she was drinking in order to hydrate her throat for a longer speech, "I learned early on that there are only two types of Crazy, Those that are Hot, and those that have nothing worth listening to, And Chrysalis is both, and you should never stick it in both."

"I have nothing worth listening to..." Chrysalis repeated the words before a large and goofy smile spread on her lips, "What else?"

"Well, Your hygiene is awful on account of you never showering properly, so you must smell as bad as you look. Furthermore, Your attitude is horrible, I am currently physically holding myself back from slamming my hoof into our face just at the mere sight of you," Blueblood started listing off things he didn't like about Chrysalis.

Chrysalis meanwhile was holding on tightly to the podium on the stage as her legs started to give out, Her smile turning euphoric as her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she continued to be degraded in front of the crowd.

"And worst of all," Blueblood pointed at her "Is that your appearance matches my type, so this leaves a massive hole of confusion inside me! I hate you and you're evil! But if you're evil, why are you sexy-shaped? I Hate It!" Blueblood suddenly downed an entire bottle of Wine in one go!

"That's my Nephew! WOOHOO!!!" The Pony of Shadows cheered as Blueblood stood up from his seat and walked to join him at the bar.

"I'm probably already drunk enough if I said those words out loud, But I need to be even more drunk if I want to forget this ever happened," He said as he sat beside his Uncle at the bar.

"Don't worry Dear Nephew, As I already said, this chapter is non-canon, nothing that's happening here is going to be remembered, This event doesn't exist!" The Pony of Shadows pulled Blueblood into a hug, "You won't be able to remember that my name is Stygian! Ha! Now you have information that will cease to exist once you return to your regular chapters! Isn't this so poetic?!"

In response, The Pony of Shadow, or Uncle, or Stygian Platinum, however one might want to call him, received a fist covered in illusionary blue flames to the face, Pluto's gift.

Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis was being dragged off the stage, her body unresponsive as the words the Prince shouted drunkenly played in repeat in her mind.

She did not even respond when she was thrown outside, her body landing inside a dumpster, the lid falling close, trapping her inside.

Her existence was an embodiment of Disgust.

A Dead Worm inside of a Rotten Fruit.

If only It could see her now, The Queen of Changelings might be able to finally die happy.

But she couldn't, She was going to be the Disgusting Truth that mirrored Its Perfect Lie.

"Heeheehee! He said I'm his type! Kyaaa!"

That is correct, Prince Blueblood has a type.

Girls who will ruin his life.


"Wait a moment! I want to have some line of dialogue before this chapter ends!" Pinkie Pie suddenly exclaimed.

"Here I go! Blah blah blah! Bloough! Woop Woop Woop! Bowowza! Applejack has a big butt! Season 2 is going to end soon! I ship the Pirate Wizard with Nightmare Moon! Ehhhh...." Pinkie Pie paused as she tried to think of more words to say.

"Ermmm... I don't know... Thanks for reading! Congratulations on supporting this story through over one hundred chapters, and two hundred thousand words! You readers behind this wall must be pretty cool!

Hey, Quickly! Ask your parents where babies come from-"

Thanks for 100 wonderful chapters!!!

Netapel Netapel

We are currently less than 20 chapters away from catching up with the rest of the story.

After I'm done with the Arc I'm currently working on, I'll be taking a Hiatus.

Hope you enjoyed!

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