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100% DC: The Absolute / Chapter 13: The Darkest Knight

Capítulo 13: The Darkest Knight

In the hallowed halls of Wayne Manor, Alfred Pennyworth, the faithful butler and caretaker, went about his duties with practiced efficiency. As he moved through the grand estate, his keen eyes caught sight of something amiss in the Batcave.

Descending the hidden staircase, Alfred's heart skipped a beat as he beheld the sight before him.

There, sprawled on the cold stone floor of the Batcave, lay Ken, transformed into a goopy mass of black sludge. Alfred's heart sank at the sight, his concern for the young man overriding all other thoughts.

Rushing to Ken's side, Alfred knelt down beside him, his experienced hands gently checking for signs of life. But there was no response, no movement from Ken's inert form.

Fear gripped Alfred's heart as he realized the gravity of the situation. "Master Ken, can you hear me?" he called out, his voice tinged with worry. But there was no reply, only silence echoing through the cavernous chamber.

With a heavy heart, Alfred carefully lifted Ken into his arms, his mind racing with thoughts of what could have caused this sudden transformation. He began chest compressions, his hands pressing rhythmically against Ken's sternum, hoping to jump-start his failing heart.

But as Alfred worked, a sense of dread crept over him. Despite his efforts, there was no response from Ken, no sign of life returning to his motionless form. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Alfred realized that he was facing an enemy unlike any he had encountered before.

Forcing himself to push aside his fear and uncertainty, Alfred continued to fight, his mind racing as he considered his next course of action. With grim determination, he turned to the medical equipment at his disposal, each machine and tool becoming a weapon in his battle to save Ken's life. With trembling hands, he reached for the defibrillator, his fingers fumbling with the controls in his haste.

"Clear!" Alfred shouted, his voice tight with tension, as he placed the paddles against Ken's chest and delivered a shock of electricity. But instead of the expected response, Ken's body seemed to absorb the energy, the black goop pulsating with a sinister blue glow.

Carrying Ken with all the care of a concerned parent, Alfred made his way to the medical bay, his steps quick and determined. Inside, he set about examining Ken, his skilled hands working methodically to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

But even as he worked, Alfred couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at his insides. The fate of the young man lying before him hung in the balance, and only time would tell if they could bring him back from the brink.

The man's hands moved swiftly yet with precision as he carefully stripped Ken out of his costume, revealing the goopy mass that once resembled a human form. With a furrowed brow, Alfred began his examination, his medical knowledge guiding his every move.

First, he checked for vital signs, his fingers searching for a pulse, but found none. His attempts to measure Ken's blood pressure and oxygen saturation were met with frustration as the monitors displayed nothing but flat lines.

Concern etched deep lines into Alfred's face as he pressed on, determined to find a way to help Ken. He decided to subject Ken to an X-ray scan, hoping to gain insight into the mysterious transformation that had befallen him.

As Ken was placed inside the X-ray machine, Alfred watched anxiously from the control panel. But as the images began to appear on the screen, Alfred stared in horror at the results of the scan, realizing the truth of Ken's condition. There were no bones, no organs, only millions of tiny tendrils that writhed and twisted within him, moving within Ken's body like a nest of snakes,

Before Alfred could process this shocking revelation, Ken's body began to convulse violently, his skin boiling with black goop as cancerous growths erupted from within him. Panic surged through Alfred as he rushed to shut down the machine, but it was too late.

Ken's seizure worsened, foam bubbling from his mouth, mingling with the black fluid that oozed from his pores. With trembling hands, Alfred reached for the defibrillator once more, hoping that Ken's body would once again absorb the electricity of the device, stopping the seizing.

As Alfred reached for the defibrillator once more, his hands trembling with a mixture of fear and determination, he braced himself for what lay ahead. With a deep breath, he pressed the paddles against Ken's chest, delivering another shock of electricity.

This time, as the energy surged through Ken's body, a black growth suddenly burst forth from his skin, shooting towards Alfred's face. Instinctively, Alfred recoiled, his heart pounding in his chest as the tendrils brushed against his skin. But to his surprise, nothing happened. The tendrils retracted back into Ken's body, leaving Alfred unharmed but shaken.

Despite the unsettling experience, Alfred couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope as he looked down at Ken. There was a noticeable change in his condition; the convulsions had ceased, and the black goop seemed to recede slightly, as if retreating from the onslaught of electricity.

Relief washed over Alfred as he realized that Ken was in a better state than before. Though the situation was still dire, there was now a chance, however slim, that they could save him. With renewed determination, Alfred continued his efforts to stabilize Ken's condition, refusing to give up hope until the very end.

Alfred swiftly reached for the communication device, his fingers moving with practiced precision as he dialed Bruce's encrypted frequency. With a heavy heart, he awaited Bruce's response, knowing that the news he was about to deliver would shake him to his core.

"Master Bruce," Alfred's voice echoed through the comms, the weight of his words palpable even through the digital connection. "I regret to inform you that Master Ken has encountered a most unusual predicament."

Bruce's voice crackled over the line, tinged with concern and urgency. "What happened, Alfred? Is Ken all right?"

Alfred hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the right words to convey the gravity of the situation. "Master Bruce, it appears that Master Ken has undergone a... transformation of sorts. He's currently in a critical condition, but I've managed to stabilize him to some extent."

A heavy silence hung between them, punctuated only by the static of the communication channel. Bruce's mind raced with questions, his thoughts consumed by worry for his friend and ally.

"What do you mean, a transformation?" Bruce's voice was tight with anxiety, his fear for Ken's well-being palpable even from a distance.

Alfred's response was measured, his words chosen with care. "It's difficult to explain, Master Bruce. It's as if... his very physiology has been altered in some way. But rest assured, I'm doing everything in my power to help him."

Bruce's voice was filled with determination as he spoke. "I'm on my way back to the Manor. Keep me updated on Ken's condition."

With a heavy heart, Alfred nodded, though Bruce couldn't see the gesture over the comms. "Of course, Master Bruce. We'll be waiting for you."

(8 minutes later)

In the depths of the Batcave, beneath the towering skyscrapers of Gotham City, Alfred Pennyworth, the ever-vigilant butler and caretaker, moved with purpose amidst the shadows and echoes of the underground lair. Suddenly, the rumble of engines reverberated through the cavernous chamber, the sound of the Batmobile's approach echoing off the stone walls.

With a screech of tires and a cloud of dust, the Batmobile burst into the Batcave, its sleek form cutting through the darkness with the urgency of a predator on the hunt. Alfred's heart skipped a beat as he beheld the sight before him, the arrival of the Caped Crusader signaling trouble on the horizon.

Bruce Wayne, the enigmatic figure behind the mask of the Bat, emerged from the vehicle with a sense of purpose that brooked no argument. His normally stoic demeanor was replaced by a fierce determination as he made his way towards Ken's prone form.

Following closely behind, Dick Grayson, the young ward destined to become Robin, watched with concern etched upon his features. The sight of Ken, transformed into a goopy mass of black sludge, sent a shiver down Dick's spine, filling him with a sense of dread that he struggled to shake off.

As Bruce and Dick approached Ken's motionless body, the gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air. Bruce's voice cut through the silence like a blade, sharp with anger and desperation as he demanded answers.

"What happened to him?" Bruce's voice rang out, the anger in his tone tempered by a hint of sorrow as he took in Ken's slimy state.

Alfred stepped forward, his own voice steady but tinged with sadness as he sought to explain the inexplicable. "Master Bruce, it's better if you see for yourself," he said quietly, gesturing towards Ken's nano helmet, which lay nearby.

Bruce's demeanor softened slightly as he turned towards Alfred, his eyes reflecting a mix of grief and determination. "I thought they were ready… I thought he would be ready, Alfred," he murmured, the weight of the situation evident in his voice.

Alfred's heart ached at the anguish in Bruce's words, his own sorrow mirrored in the depths of his eyes. "Master Bruce, you and I both know that Ken is very capable," he replied softly, his tone filled with understanding and empathy. "The footage should prove that."

Dick stood nearby, his expression one of silent solidarity as he gazed upon his fallen friend. "Ken..." he whispered, his voice barely audible above the hum of machinery.

Alfred turned to Dick, a comforting hand resting on his shoulder. "He'll be alright, Master Dick," he said reassuringly, his voice laced with hope amidst the uncertainty. "He just needs time."

But even as Alfred spoke the words, a sense of unease lingered in the air, the shadow of doubt casting a pall over their hopes for Ken's recovery. In the heart of the Batcave, amidst the darkness and the unknown, Alfred knew that they faced a challenge unlike any they had encountered before. And as he looked upon Ken's motionless form, he silently prayed that they would find a way to bring him back from the brink. Hardening their resolve, they then made their way to the Batcomputer.

As the footage played out, revealing the harrowing battle between Ken and the vampires, Dick's voice broke the silence with a mixture of astonishment and trepidation. "Vampires... they're real. They're the ones who are responsible for hurting Ken," he murmured, his words tinged with disbelief at the revelation.

Alfred's expression grew somber as he nodded in agreement, the weight of the truth settling heavily upon his shoulders. "Indeed, Master Dick. It appears that Master Ken encountered adversaries of a most formidable nature," he remarked solemnly, his voice betraying a hint of concern for their young charge.

Bruce remained silent, his gaze fixed on the screen as he watched the events unfold with a growing sense of anger and determination. His fists clenched tightly at his sides, his jaw set in a steely resolve as he witnessed the brutal assault on Ken by the vampire horde.

The footage revealed Ken's valiant struggle against his supernatural foes, his transformation into various animals a testament to his resourcefulness and courage. But even as he fought with all his strength, the vampires proved to be formidable adversaries, overwhelming him with their relentless onslaught.

As the battle reached its climax, Dick couldn't help but marvel at Ken's resilience in the face of such overwhelming odds. "He's... he's incredible," he breathed, his voice filled with admiration for his friend's bravery.

But his awe was quickly replaced by a sense of dread as Dracula entered the fray, his dark presence casting a shadow over the already chaotic scene. With a wave of his hand, the ancient vampire unleashed his supernatural powers, bending reality to his will as he effortlessly subdued Ken with telekinetic force.

The sight of Ken being tossed around like a ragdoll filled Bruce with a simmering rage, his eyes blazing with righteous fury. "That monster..." he growled, his voice low and menacing as he clenched his fists even tighter.

Alfred placed a comforting hand on Bruce's shoulder, his gaze reflecting the same mix of anger and concern. "Master Bruce, we must tread carefully," he cautioned, his tone grave. "Dracula possesses powers beyond our understanding. We cannot afford to underestimate him."

Dick nodded in agreement, his expression grim as he turned to face Bruce. "We need to be smart about this, Bruce. We can't just rush in blindly," he urged, his voice filled with urgency.

Bruce's steely gaze turned towards Dick and Alfred, his expression resolute. "We? There is no 'we'. I'll be handling this alone," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

Dick's brows furrowed in concern, while Alfred scowled at the man he had raised since a child.

"Bruce, you can't take on Dracula by yourself! We need to work together on this," he insisted, his voice tinged with urgency.

But Bruce shook his head, his determination unwavering. "No… This is personal, Dick. Dracula hurt Ken, and I won't rest until I've dealt with him. Having you around would only slow me down." he stated firmly, his jaw set in a determined line.

Alfred stepped forward, his expression grave. "Master Bruce, I understand your desire for vengeance, but rushing in without a plan will only lead to disaster," he cautioned, his voice tinged with concern.

Bruce's resolve hardened as he turned to face Alfred, his jaw set in determination. "No, Alfred," he said firmly then turned to Dick. "I'll be the one to handle this. Me, and me alone. You aren't prepared to fight someone like that, Dick. On top of that, you haven't proven that you can evade me for 24 hours," he added, his voice carrying a note of finality.

"That's because Ken was hurt! I would have-," Before Dick could finish, Bruce stood up, towering over the boy.

Alfred's expression contorted, angered by his adoptive son. "Master Bruce, I understand your determination, but you can't do this alone. Dracula is a formidable opponent, and you'll need all the help you can get," he argued, his tone pleading.

But Bruce shook his head, his resolve unwavering. "I appreciate your concern, Alfred. I truly do, but I can't risk anyone else getting hurt," he insisted, his voice tinged with sadness, anger, and frustration. "I have to do this on my own."

Dick stepped forward, his expression one of determination. "Bruce, you're my mentor…, you said you were my friend… I can't just stand by and let you face this alone," he said earnestly, his voice filled with conviction.

Bruce's gaze softened as he regarded Dick, a sense of gratitude shining in his eyes. "I appreciate your loyalty, Dick. But this is something I have to do," he said solemnly. "I won't let Dracula get away with what he's done."

With a heavy heart, Alfred and Dick exchanged a glance, knowing that Bruce's mind was made up.

The sound of flapping wings then filled the Batcave, echoing off the walls and sending a shiver down his spine. Instinctively, Alfred reached for the shotgun stored beneath the Batcomputer, his fingers closing around the familiar grip as he braced himself for whatever threat may come.

Moments later, the swirling mass of bats coalesced into the imposing figure of Dracula himself, his crimson suit billowing around him like a cloak of shadows. Bruce, Dick, and Alfred watched in astonishment as the legendary vampire materialized before them, his presence casting a chilling pall over the already tense atmosphere of the Batcave.

Bruce's eyes narrowed with suspicion and apprehension as he beheld the ancient vampire standing before him. This was the first time he had encountered Dracula in person, and the sheer presence of the legendary creature sent a shiver down his spine.

Dracula inclined his head in a mockingly polite gesture, his lips curling into a predatory smile. "Ah, the legendary Dark Knight of Gotham," he said, his voice smooth and sinuous like the whisper of shadows. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh."

Bruce's jaw tightened with barely concealed anger as he regarded Dracula, his gaze steely and unwavering. "Cut the pleasantries, Dracula. What do you want?" he demanded, his voice cold and clipped.

Dracula's smirk widened, his eyes glittering with amusement. "Straight to the point, I see. Very well," he replied, his tone dripping with malice. "I want you, Mr. Wayne. Specifically, I want you to serve as a useful soldier in my plans."

Alfred's grip tightened on the shotgun, his expression one of grim determination as he stood ready to defend his master and his home. Dick's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his unease palpable as he faced off against the ancient evil that stood before them.

Bruce's gaze hardened as he met Dracula's taunting smirk with a glare of his own. "And what makes you think I would ever agree to such a thing?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Dracula's smirk widened into a malevolent grin as he regarded Bruce with a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Because, Mr. Wayne, I have something that you desire. Two things in specific," he replied cryptically, his voice dripping with sinister intent.

Bruce's brow furrowed with suspicion as he regarded Dracula warily, his mind racing with possibilities. "And what might that be?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism and hate.

Dracula, with a sinister grin, exploded into a cloud of crimson mist, swiftly materializing in front of Alfred, who instinctively aimd his shotgun. But before he could even aim, Dracula's hand moved like lightning, crushing the weapon with a deafening crack.

Alfred staggers back, stunned, as the vampire lord telekinetically flinged him across the Batcave, slamming him against a wall with bone-jarring force. With a groan, Alfred's world fades to black as unconsciousness claims him.

Bruce and Dick, witnessing Alfred's brutal takedown, cry out in unison, "Alfred!" Dracula then turned his attention back to the remaining 2.

Bruce lunges forward, attempting a swift high jump kick. But Dracula intercepted effortlessly, catching Batman's throat in an iron grip, lifting him off the ground with ease.

"Adorable," Dracula taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But did you really think your little pitterpats would harm me?"

Bruce struggled against Dracula's vice-like grip, throwing punches and kicks with all his might aimed at joints and pressure points. But each blow seemed to have little effect on the vampire lord, who merely chuckled in amusement at Batman's futile attempts.

With a cruel smile, Dracula slowly leaned in close, his fangs glistening in the dim light of the Batcave. "Your resistance is admirable…Pathetic, but admirable," he hisses. "But ultimately futile… oh. I almost forgot to tell you about the second thing that you might want… I'm taking your ward."

Bruce's eyes widened in shock as Dracula sank his fangs into Bruce's neck, rapidly draining him of his life essence. He then sliced open his hand, forcing Bruce to simp his crimson vitality.

Dick, paralyzed by fear, could only watch in horror, knowing he was powerless in the situation. As his mentor's body went limp in Dracula's grasp, something inside Dick began snapped.

With a primal roar, Dick launched himself at Dracula, fists flying in a desperate flurry of blows. "Leave him alone, you blood-sucking dill weed!" he shouted, his voice trembling with rage and determination.

Dracula, amused by the young hero's bravado, effortlessly swatted Dick aside, sending him sprawling across the floor of the Batcave, snapping a few of his bones as of they were twigs. "Little birdy…" he sneered. "So full of fire, yet so utterly powerless against me… but it's to be expected of the youth." Dick, now unconscious, laid next to Alfred, motionless.

Dracula's arrogance knew no bounds as he surveyed the scene before him, his eyes alight with cruel amusement. With a flick of his wrist, he dismissed Bruce's feeble attempt to stop him, laughing in the face of the Dark Knight's defiance.

"Ah, the legendary Batman, reduced to nothing more than a feeble mortal clinging to life," Dracula taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "I must say, I expected more from you."

But Bruce refused to back down, his grip on Dracula's ankle tightening despite the pain coursing through his body. "Stay... away... from them," he managed to choke out, his voice barely a whisper.

Dracula chuckled darkly at Bruce's feeble attempt to protect his allies, his amusement evident in the twisted curl of his lips. "How valiant of you, Wayne. But your efforts are in vain. You see, this world is mine for the taking. When you wake up, so will you be," he sneered, his tone dripping with mockery.

Ignoring Bruce's warning, Dracula turned his attention to Ken, his expression one of mild interest as he appraised the unconscious youth. "Ah... I had no idea that you two were acquainted," he mused, his voice tinged with amusement.

As Dracula approached Ken's prone form, Bruce's grip weakened, his strength waning with each passing moment. But even in his weakened state, he refused to give up, his gaze burning with determination as he watched the vampire's every move.

With a cruel smile, Dracula caressed Ken's body, his touch sending shivers down Bruce's spine. "I had hoped to make use of this one," he remarked, his tone casual yet filled with malice. "But it seems he's not quite up to par. His blood is rotted. Not very appetizing, I must say."

Without warning, Dracula knocked Ken's body aside, sending him sprawling to the ground in a pool of black sludge. Bruce winced as the viscous substance splattered across his own battered form, accidentally swallowing some of Ken's mass as creating the cold sensation sending a chill down his spine.

"Such a shame," Dracula sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "He would have made a magnificent tool."

With a disdainful glance at Bruce, Dracula turned and began to saunter away, but that was when he stopped in his tracks.

"To answer your earlier question, I found this location by following you in that armored vehicle you own. In all reality, your friends can thank you for my invitation. Thank you, dear boy. Also, last but not least, in 24 hours, I suggest you apply lots and lots of sunscreen. The sun isn't our friend," He chuckled, disrespectfully dragging Robin by his neck, leisurely walking away.

As Bruce lay there, his body sinking deeper into the viscous blackness, he felt a surge of rage coursing through him. Despite the pain and the overwhelming odds stacked against him, his determination burned bright like a beacon in the darkness.

With each passing moment, the burning sensation intensified, spreading through his veins like wildfire. The black liquid he had unwittingly ingested seemed to seethe within him, twisting and contorting his insides with agonizing ferocity. It was as if the very essence of his being was being consumed by the malevolent force that surrounded him, yet Bruce refused to yield.

Meanwhile, the bite mark on his neck from Dracula's fangs felt like it had been doused with liquid nitrogen, sending waves of icy coldness rippling through his body. The contrasting sensations of burning heat and freezing cold waged a merciless battle within him, threatening to tear him apart from the inside out.

Through gritted teeth, he whispered words of defiance, his voice a mere echo in the cavernous chamber. "You... won't... win," he growled, his resolve unbroken even in the face of imminent defeat.

But as the seconds stretched into eternity, Bruce's strength began to wane, his vision dimming as the darkness closed in around him. The world seemed to spin out of control, a whirlwind of pain and despair threatening to overwhelm him entirely.

Yet, even in his darkest hour, Bruce Wayne remained steadfast, his spirit unbroken by the horrors that surrounded him. With a final act of defiance, he reached out into the void, his hand trembling as he grasped for a sliver of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

And then, with a silent prayer on his lips, Bruce embraced the oblivion, his consciousness slipping away into the abyss as the shadows swallowed him whole. The black liquid continued its insidious work, corroding his insides and extinguishing the last vestiges of life within him, while Dracula's bite inflicted a coldness that seeped into his very soul.

(5 days later)

My eyes flickered open, greeted by an overwhelming darkness that smothered me like a thick blanket. Panic clenched my chest as I struggled to piece together where I was. The air felt heavy, suffocating, and my heart raced in my chest.

"Dick!" My voice cracked as I called out, the name reverberating in the silence around me. But there was no response, only the echo of my own fear.

As I attempted to sit up, a wave of dizziness washed over me, sending my head spinning. My senses felt heightened, as if every sound, every scent, every sensation was amplified tenfold.

I could hear the faint rustle of fabric, the distant hum of machinery, the soft exhale of my own breath. It was as if my ears had been tuned to pick up the smallest of details, each sound ringing in my ears with crystal clarity.

The air carried a myriad of scents, overwhelming in their intensity. There was the musty odor of the room, the tang of metal, the faint hint of something metallic. It was disorienting, leaving me dizzy and disoriented.

As I reached out to touch the bedside table, my fingers recoiled at the sensation that coursed through them. The wood felt rough and coarse, every imperfection magnified to an almost painful degree. Even the fabric of my sheets felt abrasive against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

And then there was the darkness. It pressed in around me, suffocating and oppressive, like a weight on my chest. But paradoxically, there was also a brightness that pierced through the gloom, blinding in its intensity.

I squinted against the glare, my eyes watering from the harsh light that flooded the room. It was disorienting, like trying to navigate through a blizzard with no sense of direction.

As I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, my thoughts turned to Alfred, Dick, and Ken. Were they safe? Were they even still alive? The uncertainty gnawed at me, filling me with a sense of dread that threatened to consume me.

With a shaky breath, I sat crossed legged on the ground to gain my bearings.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the rhythmic cadence of my breath, letting its steady flow anchor me in the present moment. With each inhale and exhale, I felt the tension in my body begin to ease, the chaos of my senses gradually receding into the background.

Drawing upon the teachings of the League of Assassins, I summoned the discipline and control that had been ingrained in me through years of rigorous training. I pictured myself surrounded by a cloak of tranquility, a shield against the overwhelming stimuli that threatened to engulf me.

With each breath, I visualized a calming wave washing over me, washing away the cacophony of sensations that assailed my senses. I focused on the sensation of my breath filling my lungs, the rise and fall of my chest as I surrendered myself to the stillness within.

Gradually, the chaos began to subside, replaced by a sense of calm and clarity. The darkness no longer felt suffocating, but rather a comforting embrace that enveloped me in its embrace.

As I focused on my breathing, the rhythm of my heartbeat echoed in my ears like a steady drumbeat. But as I delved deeper into my meditation, I became acutely aware of a subtle shift in my body, a sensation that sent a shiver down my spine.

Placing my palm on my chest, I was taken aback by what I discovered. My heart, once nestled slightly to the left of center, now beat with a steady cadence directly in the middle of my chest. And it wasn't just its position that had changed; it was also significantly larger, its size dwarfing what I knew to be normal.

As I explored further, I realized with a growing sense of unease that my ribs were fused together and even enlarged, forming a protective cage around my enlarged heart and lungs. It was a startling revelation, one that left me feeling both intrigued and apprehensive.

But despite the strangeness of these discoveries, I found that they did not hinder my movements in the slightest. If anything, I felt more agile, more attuned to the subtle shifts in my body's balance and alignment.

Turning my focus inward, I began to explore the depths of my chi, probing the very essence of my being for answers. And what I discovered shook me to my core.

My anatomy had undergone a drastic transformation. Even more of my bones were fused, even a few of my organs, fundamental shifts that defied all logic and reason. It was as if I had been reborn, my body remade into something both familiar and utterly alien.

As I grappled with the implications of this revelation, a sense of urgency seized hold of me. There were still so many unanswered questions, so much about myself that remained a mystery.

But one thing was certain: I was no longer the man I once was. Something had changed, something irrevocable and profound.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. Despite the darkness that enveloped the room, I could see with perfect clarity, every detail rendered sharp and distinct.

Curiosity gnawed at me as I approached the window, drawn by an inexplicable urge to test a theory that had taken root in my mind. With a steady hand, I reached out and pulled back the curtain, allowing a blinding shaft of morning sunlight to flood into the room.

The light pierced through the darkness, casting long shadows across the floor as it illuminated every corner of the space. I winced against the brightness, my eyes struggling to adjust to the sudden onslaught of light.

But as I stood there, bathed in the golden glow of the morning sun, I realized with a growing sense of astonishment that something was different. Despite the searing intensity of the light, I felt no pain, no burning sensation that heralded the touch of sunlight upon my skin.

With cautious curiosity, I extended my arm into the sunlight, half-expecting to feel the searing heat of its rays. But to my surprise, there was nothing. No heat, no discomfort, only the gentle warmth of the morning sun as it caressed my skin with its golden embrace.

A sense of wonder washed over me as I pondered the implications of this revelation. Dracula's bite had transformed me, of that there was no doubt. But instead of succumbing to the weaknesses of his kind, I had emerged from the ordeal changed in ways that I could not yet fully comprehend.

For one thing, my heart still beat within my chest, a steady rhythm that echoed in the silence of the room. It was a reassuring presence, a reminder that despite the darkness that threatened to consume me, I was still alive.

As I stood there, basking in the warmth of the morning sun, I couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism stirring within me. Whatever had happened to me, whatever dark forces had sought to claim me as their own, I refused to be defined by them.

With newfound resolve, I turned away from the window, my mind buzzing with possibilities. There were still mysteries to unravel, challenges to overcome, but for the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of hope flickering in the darkness.

Stepping into the walk-in closet, I couldn't help but scrutinize my reflection in the full-length mirror that adorned one of the walls. With a mixture of fascination and trepidation, I observed the changes that had been wrought upon my physical form.

Gone were the scars and bruises that had marred my skin, replaced instead by smooth, unblemished flesh that seemed to glow with vitality. My eyes, once a deep shade of brown, now shimmered with a golden hue, their intensity reflecting the inner fire that burned within me.

As I opened my mouth slightly, I felt the muscles in my gums shift and rearrange themselves, causing my canine teeth to elongate into sharp, pointed fangs. It was a strange sensation, like discovering a new set of muscles that I had never known existed before. With a conscious effort, I relaxed these muscles, watching as my teeth retracted back into their normal positions.

Turning my attention to the rest of my body, I couldn't help but marvel at the changes that had taken place. My physique was leaner and more muscular than ever before, every muscle defined with precision and purpose. It was as if I had shed every last trace of body fat, yet somehow my mass had increased, leaving me feeling stronger and more powerful than I had ever been.

Even my height had increased by a full inch, a subtle yet undeniable change that left me feeling slightly off-kilter. But despite the strangeness of it all, there was no denying the sense of exhilaration that coursed through my veins.

Shaking myself from the reverie of self-examination, I reminded myself that there were more pressing matters at hand. With a renewed sense of purpose, I turned away from the mirror and made my way out of the walk-in closet, my senses now acutely attuned to my surroundings.

Focusing my newly enhanced sense of hearing, I strained to pick up any sounds that might give me clues as to Alfred's whereabouts. It didn't take long for me to detect the faint clatter of pots and pans emanating from the kitchen, a telltale sign that Alfred was indeed in the house and busy at work.

Even from a distance so great, I could smell the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans that wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of other ingredients that Alfred was undoubtedly using to prepare his meal.

My mouth watered involuntarily as I mentally cataloged the ingredients, each one more delectible than the last. I could hear eggs whisked to perfection. I could smell them being seasoned with a hint of salt and pepper.

Crispy bacon sizzled in a pan nearby, its savory aroma mingling with the earthy scent of mushrooms and the sharp tang of grated cheese.

With each sniff of the air I took, my anticipation grew, the promise of a hearty breakfast beckoning me forward like a siren's call. But more than that, there was a sense of comfort and familiarity in the sounds and smells that surrounded me, a reassuring reminder that despite the changes that had taken place, some things remained constant.

I then tried to take a step forward, but a strange feeling washed over my body. Before I could respond accordingly, my body dissolved into a golden mist, and for a moment, I lost all sense of myself, only to reform moments later by my bedroom door. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting, leaving me slightly off balance but strangely agile. It was a power I hadn't possessed before, one that mirrored Dracula's own abilities.

As I stood there, trying to process what had just happened, a flood of questions surged through my mind. What other powers did I now possess? How had this transformation occurred? But I quickly pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that Alfred and Ken needed my immediate attention.

With a sense of urgency, I focused my thoughts on my ally and mentor, willing myself to prioritize their well-being above all else. The prospect of facing Dracula and his minions loomed large in my mind, but for now, my concern lay with those who depended on me.

Moving swiftly, I made my way downstairs, guided by an instinctual knowledge of where Alfred would be. The sound of clattering pots and pans confirmed my suspicions - Alfred was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

As I entered the room, I was met with a mix of surprise and concern on Alfred's face, his cooking forgotten as he took in my unexpected appearance.

"Alfred..." My voice wavered, barely audible, carrying with it a heavy burden of regret and remorse.

Alfred's eyes widened in shock, disbelief etched across his features as he struggled to comprehend the sight before him. "Master Bruce... I... I thought... I thought you were..." His voice faltered, choked with emotion.

Without another word, I moved swiftly across the room, a blur of motion as I closed the distance between us. Wrapping my arms around Alfred in a tight embrace, I held him close, my heart heavy with guilt. "I'm here, Alfred. I'm here, and alive," I whispered, the words catching in my throat as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

Alfred returned the embrace, his own arms encircling me with a fierce intensity. "Oh, Master Bruce... Thank goodness heart still beats and that you're safe," he murmured, his voice trembling with relief and gratitude.

For a fleeting moment, we stood there, locked in each other's embrace, finding solace in the warmth of our shared connection. In the dim light of the kitchen, surrounded by the familiar sounds and smells of home, the weight of our shared ordeal seemed to lessen, if only for a moment.

As we finally pulled away from each other, our eyes met once more, a silent understanding passing between us. "We'll get through this, Alfred," I declared, my voice tinged with newfound determination.

Alfred nodded in agreement, a small smile gracing his lips. "Yes, Master Bruce. Together, we'll face whatever challenges lie ahead.".

Alfred disappeared into the fridge, returning moments later with several bags of blood, which he handed to me with a solemn expression. "I've made these for you," he explained softly.

My eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the blood bags. "This is..." I began, at a loss for words.

"My own blood," Alfred confirmed, his voice steady despite the weight of his revelation. "I didn't know how long it'd take you to turn, but I've made this for when you'd gotten hungry."

Touched by his selfless gesture, I felt a lump form in my throat. "Thank you, Alfred," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

But before I could accept the offering, I shook my head. "I don't need it," I insisted, a wave of determination washing over me. "But if it's not too much to ask, I'll have some of what you're having."

Alfred's expression softened at my words, relief evident in his eyes. "Of course, Master Bruce," he replied, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

With that, we settled down at the kitchen table, sharing a meal together in the quiet comfort of our home. As we ate, the weight of the past few days seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of gratitude and camaraderie that bound us together as more than just master and servant, but father and son.

As I finished washing the dishes, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy cloak. My thoughts kept drifting back to Ken – still unconscious, his fate hanging in the balance. I couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility gnawing at my conscience, urging me to do everything in my power to ensure his recovery.

"How is Ken?" I asked, my voice betraying my concern as I turned to Alfred, hoping for some positive news amidst the uncertainty.

Alfred's expression softened, but there was a sadness in his eyes that mirrored my own. "Still unconscious, sir," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of worry.

A knot formed in my stomach at the confirmation, my heart sinking with a mix of frustration and apprehension. Yet, amid the darkness, Alfred's next words offered a glimmer of hope – Ken's physical form had returned to normal. It was a small victory in the face of adversity, but one that filled me with a renewed sense of determination.

"Thank you, Alfred," I said, gratitude lacing my words as I acknowledged his unwavering support. "I'll go check on him."

With a determined nod, I made my way towards Ken's room, where I found him sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if he could hear me in his state of unconsciousness. But then, with a deep breath, I spoke softly, my words carrying a weight of determination and resolve.

"Ken," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "I know you're in there somewhere, fighting your own battle. But I need you to know that I'm here now. And I'm not going to rest until we've set things right."

As I held Ken's hand, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Guilt gripped my heart as I reflected on the recent turn of events. "These boys' lives had been put into jeopardy because of me... if only I had known of the existence of Dracula, I would have never sent you on that mission," I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible over the silence of the Batcave. "If I hadn't taken you boys in to begin with, perhaps you would be safer."

But self-pity was a luxury I couldn't afford, not then, not when Gotham was threatened by an ancient evil. I shook my head, dispelling the tendrils of doubt creeping into my mind. 'No... I can't think like that,' I admonished myself, forcing my thoughts back to the task at hand. 'Not when I had to face an entire army of the undead.'

Alfred's reports echoed in my mind – people missing in droves, their disappearances a chilling mystery. Among them, a name stood out – Sarah Johnson, last seen in the company of Dracula's minions. The streets of Gotham whispered with fear as more and more reports flooded in, predominantly females vanishing without a trace.

With a heavy heart, I acknowledged the truth – Gotham was under siege by creatures of the night, and it fell to me to protect its citizens. I delved a little into Dracula's history, unearthing tales of Elisabeta, his former wife, who met her tragic end when villagers stormed his castle. The parallels between past and present chilled me to the bone… but my research wasn't done. I had more to discover.

Pushing aside my doubts, I steeled myself for the battle ahead, knowing that the weight of responsibility rested squarely on my shoulders. For Gotham, and for the countless souls whose fates hung in the balance, I would confront the darkness head-on.

"Tonight, I'm going to confront Dracula and put an end to this nightmare once and for all. And when you wake up, I want you to know that we'll never be put in this situation again… We'll be ready for whatever comes next time, rather our enemies be supernatural, magic, or more technically advanced beyond our wildest comprehension… We'll be ready…Together."

With that, I squeezed his hand gently, silently hoping that my words would reach him, even in his unconscious state. Then, with a final glance at Ken's peaceful face, I turned and made my way out of the room and to The Batcave, my resolve stronger than ever.

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