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75.58% Lady Stark / Chapter 65: Chapter 65

Capítulo 65: Chapter 65

Aegon pouted for a few days after they reached Winterfell. He asked about the walkers and the Others. Tyrion, she called him that at his insistence had explained all that he could and with as many details as possible. Every night the four of them reviewed the geography of the Wall and the attacks they had sustained so far. Aegon and Daenerys were ready to take her dragons and start the fight but Lady Stark and Tyrion advised to not do so yet. "You have to wait for Ned. The ravens we sent should reach them soon." And so Daenerys waited. She spent her afternoons in company of Aegon, and their hosts. Her nephew's temper cooled some and he carried polite, if short conversations with Lady Stark and Tyrion. He called Tyrion the Imp behind his back and Lannister to his face.

Daenerys liked mornings and afternoons better to be honest. She spent that time touring Winterfell, with her dragons and with Margaery, Sansa, and the children. Lady Stark joined them when she was not hearing grievances or managing Winterfell with Tyrion. Jorah and her men arrived three weeks after she reached Winterfell. It was one of those afternoons when she was in the company of the noble ladies. Rickon and little Ned ran around and Jon; a very blonde and chubby babe slumbered peacefully. Margaery worked on her needle point while Sansa tried to teach her a simple stitch as well.

"Try to move your fingers like this your grace." Sansa said patiently. She liked the redheaded woman. She was funny and always smiled. Daenerys of course had no need for embroidery but it was good to pass the time. Aegon trained with the men at the yard and it was tedious to listen to grievances all day. She tried to listen the first day and then realized she knew nothing of the North and it was best if she learned in the afternoons with Lady Stark.

They embroidered away that afternoon. Margaery wiped some berries from Eddard's mouth. "Rickon, please let me know before you and Eddard go raiding the kitchens next time." She admonished gently. Rickon, shrugged and played with Lan and Eddard who freed himself from his mother.

"Eddard, do sit down with mother." The little boy shook his head and ran after his uncle.

Sansa laughed with Jon who crawled on the furs, "those two are inseparable."

Margaery sighed, "I wish Robb would listen to reason and send me to Highgarden or the Eyrie." The woman then looked at her with confused eyes. "Is the Eyrie still ours your majesty?"

Daenerys had given much thought to who would rule the Eyrie, the riverlands, the West and the North. It would have to be people she trusted. Did she want more revolts? It was clear that the North would not yield to her. They would not accept another Warden but a Stark. No northern lords had replied to her ravens. Jorah's advice resounded in her then. "If your lord husband proves his fealty to me."

Margaery nodded, "Robb could not bear to disobey you're my queen. He will do as Lord Stark commands."

Sansa nodded, "they all will and Lord Stark does what Lady Stark commands." Margaery and Sansa giggled.

Daenerys smiled, "she is a rather strong woman."

Margaery sighed, "She is. Cersei Stark controls all; her children, her husband, and her brother. They all do as she says. I have heard many men call her the Northern Lioness. I think she prefers Light of the West."

"Tyrion said that Lady Stark could have been queen but Lord Stark fell in love at first sight when he saw her at Harrenhall." Sansa explained.

Daenerys spoke aloud, "she is striking." Sansa agreed, "She scared me at first. I had just married Tyrion. He rescued me from a Mountain clan."

Margaery smiled too, "Tywin Lannister arranged her marriage to lord Tyrion. She held the key to the Eyrie as she is the last Arryn. Tywin wanted the East to be controlled by his family. We all thought Lord Stark was dead and so the old lion had them come to Winterfell."

Sansa glared at the other woman, "In a gist. Well, Lady Stark intimidated me. She offered advice on Tyrion but I was too young, too scared. She's always liked me and made me realize how lucky I was to have Tyrion."

Daenerys liked Tyrion Lannister. She would never say that in front of Aegon; the queen would never hear the end of it if she did, but the youngest Lannister was smart and had a way of teaching her about the North and the Wall. He did not make her feel inexperienced or stupid. He valued her concerns and offered well-appreciated input.

Margaery laughed a little. "You are; he is smart and rich. Will he inherit the West?"

Daenerys had not made her decision yet but every day she was more convinced that it was better for the kingdoms to not uproot all of its lords. Tyrion was not his father. Aegon despised all Lannisters but he would have to learn to let go. She would appoint Tyrion to the West. "I shall discuss such matters with Lord Tyrion alone."

Margaery blushed, "I apologize my queen."

Sansa smiled. "He is going to be very happy. I think I am with child."

Daenerys smiled painfully as did Margaery. "So soon, Jon's nameday is not for another week." The other woman remarked.

"Tyrion and I love each other very much." Sansa blushed prettily.

Daenerys congratulated her, "May he be as strong as his older brother." Sansa nodded and smiled. They talked of baby names and such until a handmaiden alerted them of the news.

"There are men at the gates." She said breathlessly, "Lady Stark asks for your presence."

They left the embroidery rooms and made their way downstairs. Daenerys and Margaery linked hands and walked down the stairs while Sansa carried a sleepy Jon. They reached the great hall and stood in line waiting for the men she assumed. Aegon was off somewhere with Tyrion. "My brother wanted him to have some entertainment." Lady Stark said with a distasteful frown. Sansa frowned as well; Margaery smiled slyly.

They waited and in came her bear. Daenerys tried for her smile to be smaller but she felt like grinning and running to hug her bear. She had missed her friend. "Khaleesi." He said first and smiled at her. He bowed and kissed her hand.

"I am very happy you are well. How are the men?" She asked.

"Settling well. Tyrion met us by the gates." Jorah reported. It was then when he looked at Lady Stark.

"Lady Stark." Jorah bowed and kissed her hand.

Lady Stark smiled, "Rise Jorah the Andal. I owe you something. The last time we saw each other I was very rude." She said with a playful voice. The woman then curtsied and Jorah laughed joyously.

"My lady is still as beautiful." Jorah complimented.

Lady Stark's tinkling laughter resounded, "You have always been a silly bear. Come, we must converse and call me Cersei. Ned is not here to brood." She linked her arm with his.

"My queen must forgive us. We are old friends Jorah and I. I simply must tell you about our time in the Riverlands. I was so pregnant with Tommen and Joanna. Ser Jorah was ever so helpful."

Jorah smiled shyly at Lady Stark once more. "Let me introduce them to you. Lady Sansa Lannister and Margaery."

Her advisor seemed to remember himself and looked at her. "Khaleesi, I have a few things to report."

Lady Stark nodded, "Let me guide you into my solar." They walked the distance there and Jorah launched into his usual details. Lady Stark left them there. "I will be in the great halls."

"Prince Aegon and Tyrion advised to leave the unsullied in the keeps near Winterfell. They seem to think they can offer added protection and it would be easier to leave for the Wall." Jorah commented.

Daenerys nodded, "I have yet to treaty with Lord Stark. You are very comfortable with these people."

Jorah did not flinch. "I am of the North and the Starks have always been my friends."

"Eddard Stark exiled you." Daenerys mentioned trying to elicit something out of Jorah.

"He pardoned my life. I enslaved men Khaleesi. Ned let me live, he could have sentenced me to death on the spot. Ned was my friend; I fought alongside him. I hunted with him; Khaleesi, I played with his children. I hold affection for the man." Daenerys sometimes forgot that Jorah had a life before her. She forgot that he had been married; madly in love with a woman who did not deserve him and drove him to foolishly endanger his life and betray the rules of men.

"I understand Jorah." She held his hand and explained about the happenings of the North.

"Did Cersei mention my father?" Jorah asked. He wanted to know about his father and the circumstances of his death.

"A mutiny on the other side of the wall. It was all she said." Daenerys wished she could have more to say.

Jorah looked away. "I will speak to her." He left the solar.

Daenerys stayed there and looked at the maps of the wall once more.

They all had dinner in the hall. Jorah and Lady Stark laughed and spoke of the old times. Tyrion interjected here and there. "Jon had to have been one and ten the last time I saw him. He ran up and down with Robb and Dacey. They almost drove Maege crazy." Jorah recalled fondly.

Lady Stark laughed, "Do you remember the feast? The one after the Ironborn were subdued?"

Jorah nodded, "Eddard and me drank a casket of the finest arbor. A feast for Robb. He was a month old. Ned was so very proud of you and his newborn son. Greatjon egged us into drinking until dawn."

Daenerys laughed lightly when Lady Stark told a story about the Bear. "Ned and him took Jon and Robb hunting. They came back with the children wet and with wild crazy smiles. I asked Robb what happened and he said Ser Bear teached him to swim."

"Robb fell on a pool and almost drowned. Jon dove in and I had to grab them both. I thought they were dead for a few seconds. Ned almost killed me. I thought it would be a good idea to give them some honey to sooth them and before I knew it Robb and Jon were dabbing each other with honey. We had to throw them to the water and the children just laughed and laughed." Jorah finished his story. They had a lovely evening; even Aegon seemed to enjoy himself.

Soon it was time to retire. Margaery, Aegon, Sansa and Tyrion had exited. Lady Stark remained with Rickon. "Cersei, I must speak to Ned. I have to see my father." The older woman squeezed his hand. "I am so very sorry Jorah. They had to burn him. Ned should be here in a few weeks. He knows more about what happened."

"Cersei; what is this talk of white walkers? And wildlings south of the Wall?" Jorah asked finally.

Lady Stark stroked Rickon's hair. "Winter is Coming." She told him "We are fighting them. I did not want to believe. I have never seen one but Tyrion has and so have my Ned and the children. Jorah, this is bigger than our differences and us. We need to put a stop to these things or we will all perish."

"Now that we have the men. We should go to the Wall. It is time." Daenerys said.

"I think so as well." Lady Stark offered gently. "Tyrion believes this to be the best course of action. Ned is not due to be here for another month."

"We shall part in the morrow then." Jorah said decisively. "My queen, let me escort you to your quarters." Daenerys walked with him.

"Have you had any news from King's Landing?" Jorah asked.

"Ser Barristan is keeping the Capital at peace." Daenerys confessed happily.

They reached her quarters soon enough. "Sleep well Khaleesi."

Daenerys hugged him, "I am sorry about your father too."

He kissed her hands, "We will leave at dawn."

She noticed the handmaidens but not as much as when she first arrived. Daenerys requested a single braid and slept in a comfortable sky blue sleeping gown. Sansa had made it for her when she confessed her favorite color was blue. Daenerys woke up to the sounds of men shouting. She was scared and ran out of the room. The queen ran down the stairs and followed the shouts.

"Round everyone. Do not kill or hurt anyone." The man shouted imperiously. "Find Lady Stark and Lord Lannister." The man said again. A rough looking man grabbed her arm brusquely and dragged her to the Hall. She kept quiet and gasped when she saw them. There in the middle of the hall were what she supposed were the Starks. Eddard Stark was as tall as Lady Stark. He frowned when he looked at her; two other men were by his side. A light haired man and a darker haired one. He looked up and she almost froze. He looked almost like the man in her dreams.

There was a commotion by the door and in came Aegon and the man from her dreams. Daenerys gasped loudly this time. They locked eyes and the man let Aegon go. Daenerys found recognition in his eyes. They had met thousands of times; in her dreams. He dreamed of her as well. She was certain he did. The moment was broken when Aegon spoke. "What is the meaning of this? Who are you?" He yelled and tried to unsheathe his sword.

"Where is my lady wife?" Eddard Stark asked. Daenerys averted her eyes and addressed him. "In her quarters I suppose. "You must be Lord Stark."

"Where is my wife?" The man repeated forcefully.

"How would we know?" Aegon asked exasperated. Jorah appeared shortly after.

Lord Stark growled and attacked Jorah. He drew his sword and pointed at him, "Is this how you repay me? I let you live. Where is Cersei?" Stark roared.

"Ned, she is perfectly fine, as is the rest of your family. Cersei is well." Jorah explained.

"You were my friend. You know my children. You were there when Cersei gave birth to Tommen and Joanna. Jorah, you held Joanna in your arms." Ned Stark continued. "What have you done to her? Where is Cersei? You are alive because of her. She persuaded me to let you live. I should have executed you." Lord Stark raged.

Jorah looked at him with regret; "Ned, she is fine. I would never do anything to her."

The younger man behind Lord Stark looked at Jorah with anger, "What about her? What about your queen?" The Starks looked at her questioningly.

The doors opened once more and in came Sansa, Margaery, and their children. Little Eddard jumped from her mother's arms and ran to the man next to Lord Stark; "Papa" the little boy yelled and hugged his father's legs. The man; it had to be Robb smiled widely and lifted the little boy. "Where is Nana?"

Little Eddard shrugged, "Rick, Rick." Margaery walked to Robb and kissed his cheek. Robb barely acknowledged her.

"Where is my mother?" The man from her dreams thundered once more. Daenerys looked to the door. She could not stand to look at his face. She glanced at the entrance and in came Lady Stark and Tyrion side by side.

"Our queen has been our guest for a few weeks now." The older woman approached Lord Stark. Daenerys had never seen anything like it in her life. Lord Stark kissed the woman's hands lovingly.

"I thought you were gone." Eddard Stark looked relieved, worried, and happy at the same time.

"My love, did you not receive my ravens?" Lady Stark kissed his hands.

"Lioness, what is the meaning of this? What have you done?" The moment seemed to be too intimate, yet none of the people in the hall could leave. It was as if they were all rooted to their spot. Daenerys tried to make eye contact with sir Jorah but she could not look away from Lord Stark and his wife.

Lady Stark spoke softly yet there was no doubt in Daenerys mind that whatever Lady Stark uttered was going to either help or destroy her intentions to control the North. "I am doing what is best for us. We have lost Arya and Joanna. We are not about to lose any of our other children or what we have built together. This is the way Ned; this is the only way." She urged and touched her husband's chest. "It has to end; if we continue like this we will have no men, the Wall will be overrun. Our lands filled with them it would be the end of us. I will not let that happen. You have to trust me. I know how to play the game." Ned Stark lovingly touched his wife's cheeks and pecked her gently. "Cersei, this is madness."

Lady Stark shook her head, "The world is mad. She has dragons Eddard. She could wipe Winterfell with a simple word. Ned, the other kingdoms have yielded; this is the end. We have talked of this. They are safe, away; we will not get them back. Stop, think, this is the only way. What happens if we refuse?"

"The North will defend itself. A good thirty men of ours are better than a hundred of them." Lord Stark replied.

Lady Stark smiled sadly, "So we go to war. We fight her men and her dragons. Say we manage to win; we have wounded and dead. The dead are rising against us. We are running out of men, wildfire and resources. Every day you bring more wildlings. Cassana and uncle Kevan have not sent any men or any food." She looked at him and clearly said, "My love, we only have a good year of crops and food to feed our people if we continue like this. Soon we will not plant anymore crops. Tyrion calculates the same is true for the other Northern houses. I will not watch Rickon waste away. I will not let you go to war again. Robert's Rebellion, the Ironborn Revolts, the Baratheon war and now this war against the white walkers. I refuse Ned; I will not let you do this to me once more. I rather have you yield than have you dead my love." Cersei whispered harshly.

Daenerys listened attentively. She thought the lords of the house would discuss matters privately and it would take more time to treaty with the Starks but then Lord Stark looked at his wife and asked, "Is this what you want Cersei? Have you forgotten? Will you forgive?"

Cersei Stark's eyes glinted and she replied with fierceness, "I will never forget and there is nothing to forgive my love. We promised, we must remember, we promised Ned."

Lord Stark looked serious and pushed Lady Stark's golden locks back, "As you say my Lioness."

Daenerys was surprised and a little scared when Lord Stark motioned to his children. Aegon moved toward her and Jorah stood by her side as the Starks bowed in front of her. The men unsheathed their swords and offered them to her. Lord Stark intoned seriously. "Our swords are yours, my queen. Our lives are yours. We shall serve you and be loyal to you until our deaths. House Stark and the North are yours." Daenerys heard the clang that the swords made when they touched the floor.

"Rise my lords." Daenerys smiled at them. These were the first lords the dragon queen ever smiled upon while in Westeros. She remembered Sansa's words. Lady Stark governed these men and she had approved of Daenerys. She was the last option, the end of the line but it mattered little.

"I think introductions are in order my queen." Lady Stark said with a smile. It was uncanny the way she conducted herself; gone was her harsh voice. She behaved like the highborn lady that she was.

"This is Tommen, he holds the Riverlands for you." The woman said carefully.

"Cassana Stark is well. Ser Jorah reports the Riverlands are very well kept. She is holding your home and your lands beautifully." Daenerys replied. The young man nodded cautiously. Cassana did not offer any resistance according to Jorah. She would let them hold their lands.

"Ser Jorah, my daughter Myrcella?" The young man asked.

"She is well. Lady Cassana waits for your letters eagerly." The Bear said affably. Tommen Stark looked relieved.

Lady Stark then motioned to Robb Stark, "This is Robert. We call him Robb for short. He holds the Eyrie for you my queen."

The man smiled and bowed, "My queen." He said deeply.

"You will continue to hold the Eyrie my lord." The queen proclaimed with a smile.

Lady Stark then pushed the man in her dreams. She knew his name; of course she did. The woman spoke of her children often. She knew of Jon, Robb, Tommen, Joanna, Arya, Bran and Rickon. The queen was nervous. She felt out of place.

"This is Jon, our oldest." Lady Stark said proudly.

Daenerys looked at his eyes and felt hot; her heart beat faster. She could not form words and it seemed neither could he. They just started at each other for what must have been the longest time.

"Jon is heir to Winterfell. He leads the free folk and the rescue missions beyond the Wall." Tommen said while trying to break tension. Daenerys looked away from Jon Stark.

Daenerys nodded, "This is Prince Aegon; my nephew." They looked at Aegon and nodded as well.

"Well, I think it is best if we slept. Tonight has been trying on all of us. We must rest." Lady Stark dismissed everyone.

"I must speak to you Lord Stark. We must discuss what will be done about the Wall." Daenerys was not sleepy. The rest of the party stayed. It would not be appropriate for them to leave without the queen's permission.

"My queen; I beg your leave. My sons and I have travelled long without sleep. We thought our home destroyed and had to bypass the unsullied army nearby. Rest assured we did not engage in combat. We need rest and strategize in the upcoming week." Lord Stark stated patiently.

"Week? We thought of leaving in the morrow." Daenerys said a little confused.

Robb Stark spoke for his father, "We sent a ranging party North of the Wall. We had planned to come home for at least a fortnight. Your majesty; we have secured the Wall for the moment and need to rest." He said honestly and smiled at his child.

Tommen looked at her; "we can send your unsullied north of the Wall. There is also the matter of the other Northern houses. We need to hold a meeting and let them know House Stark has pledged fealty to the Targaryens."

Lady Stark kissed Tommen, "A small feast should do. The North needs some uplifting; what better way than a feast? Sansa, we will send ravens in the morrow. Ned, is correct, we have to rest." The woman curtsied and left. Sansa and Margaery followed her. Robb, Tommen left as well. She scanned the room and looked at Lord Stark and the man, "Jon, have our men settle in the southern stables. Send Pyp back to the Wall and have him explain these new happenings."

"Father, I think it best that I went to the Wall and explain myself." The man said and tried to leave the hall.

"You will stay here. I need you and your brothers by my side. Go rest; I need you sharp."

The man left. He did not spare a glance to her. Aegon and she looked at each other. "We must go aunt." Her nephew offered his arm. Daenerys took it.

They walked up to their quarters, "what do you think?" He asked seriously.

"We should trust them." Daenerys stated, "Jorah trusts them."

"And we trust Jorah." Aegon stared blankly, "I do not like that Imp."

Daenerys rolled her eyes, "We cannot have our Seven Kingdoms if we do not have control in the North."

Aegon stopped, "We can bring fire upon them. They will yield then." Daenerys looked at him and remembered Viserys. She touched his face gently, "and burn men and women alive. Burn our people, who have done nothing wrong? My sweet nephew; you must think not of you but of your people. You will be nothing but a pleasant ruler to these people Aegon." She pecked his lips gently. She felt nothing; Aegon did not reach for her or deepen the peck.

Aegon nodded, "I only aim to please you aunt." He walked her to her quarters and made to leave for his. "Sweet dreams."

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