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72.09% Lady Stark / Chapter 62: Chapter 62

Capítulo 62: Chapter 62

He dreamed of her again. She was fire. Jon rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He liked those dreams. He woke up feeling warm; he smiled it happened every time he dreamed of her. She was fire, the most delicious fire. Jon sat up and looked around the tent. Robb was asleep still. He shivered from the cold. "Wake up. We must get going." Jon shook Robb.

"Father will be expecting us." Jon washed his face and almost regretted such action. His hands hurt from the freezing water.

"Up Robb." Jon yelled near his younger brother.

Robb sat up. "Bloody fucker." He dressed and forewent the water. Jon tied his hair back.

They walked to father's tent and saw him speak with Tommen in hushed tones. Both looked up. "Nice of you to join us." Tommen snapped. Jon frowned, it was very uncharacteristic of his brother to do such things.

"What is it?" Jon asked seriously.

"Stannis has refused our pleas for more men." Father said somberly. He looked haggard. It had been almost two years since they started the expeditions North of the Wall. Father and Robb visited Winterfell after every ranging or every month whatever happened first.

Stannis had steadily sent men over to the Wall but southron men had a tendency of not passing the Neck. Uncle Tyrion had proposed to send Wildfire. In fact, Tyrion was in the process of arriving to the North. Sansa in tow. Uncle Kevan ruled in the Eyrie. Uncle Tyrion would oversee the wildfire placement in case of battle. Jon and Robb managed to secure some holds in the North but the fact was that the white walkers were more than they ever expected.

"Has he gone mad?" Robb looked furious.

"He is not mad. He cannot spare men." Tommen said forcefully.

"So you agree with him. How stupid can you be? You have seen what lurks here. He should be here. He is the protector of the realm." Robb yelled at their younger brother.

Tommen lunged at him. Jon restrained Robb while father stood up. "Enough." He yelled.

"We will have to make do with the men we have and Tyrion's plan when he gets here." Father slapped Robb and Tommen.

"Gather your belongings we travel to Winterfell. Benjen will lead the next ranging. Tollett and Pyp will stay in Castle Black. We will wait for Tyrion and his men to get to our home." Father spoke no more.

Robb and Tommen glared at each other. "There is no need for all of us to go to Winterfell." Robb continued.

Tommen lunged once more. "What is taken over you?"

"You fucker! You get to see your wife and child. I don't even remember Myrcella's face." Tommen yelled. Robb sobered up and tried to apologize.

"Fuck off." Tommen left in a fury.

Jon went after Tommen. He was saddling his horse. "I don't need you to make excuses for him. I am tired of you fixing his messes. You have always done so but this is enough."

Jon thought his younger brother overreacted. "We have been fighting wildlings, others, white walkers and beasts. We are all on edge."

"You and I are doing our duty." Tommen spat.

"As is our brother." Jon replied trying to calm him down.

"He has fucked half of the wildling girls. He has no honor. His wife is home waiting for him and he whores around. He drinks. Robb does not deserve to have his wife and child so near him." Tommen said furiously.

"Robb loves his son. You have gone to Winterfell yourself. Tommen, it was you who said you have never seen Robb care for someone like he cares for little Eddard." Jon pointed out swiftly.

Tommen had no retort. "We're all tired. It'll be better once we are home." Jon supplied.

His brother chuckled, "since when did you become the peace maker and optimist of the family?"

Jon half smiled, "mother will be ecstatic to see us."

Tommen smiled too. "She will."

They rode for almost a fortnight. Robb and Tommen threw daggers at each other the whole journey. Jon served as buffer between the two of them. They reached Molestown when father ordered him to lead the party.

"Where are you going father?" Jon asked.

"The Free folk have some grievances. I set for the lands east of the Gift." Father explained.

Jon circled with his horse. "I will go with you."

Father nodded. "Tell Robb to lead our men to Winterfell. Talk to Tommen as well."

Jon rode ahead. "Father and I are going to speak with the Free Folk. Robb, you lead to Winterfell. Tommen you will ride back with the crows." His brothers marched without complaint.

Father and him spoke little while riding. "Your mother will be most displeased with me." Father said after a few hours.

"Mother could nerve be displeased with you." Jon stated clearly.

"Why have you not written to her? She worries. Even Robb manages to write a few lines here and there. She has not seen you since Bran left for the North." Father continued.

Jon wished his father stopped talking. The young man just started to forgive his father for what he had done. It helped that sometimes he dreamed of Bran. He was fine, bigger, stronger, his young brother could always walk in those dreams. "I am with the Three Eyed Raven. I will fly." He reassured him every night.

"It may have escaped your notice but I have not exactly had any time to write her." Jon excused himself. The fact of the matter was that he knew that as soon as he wrote to mother she would ask him to come to Winterfell. She would make him feel good. Mother would be affectionate and dissuade him from his purpose.

Father shook his head, "Your brothers will reach Winterfell in a few days' time if they hurry. We will be home in a few weeks. You will see your mother Jon. I have spared her the gory details and significantly reduced the amount of times you have endangered your life."

"We have to fight them." Jon knew he sounded like a green boy being scolded by his father.

Father hissed at him. "You attempted to take ten white walkers by yourself three missions ago. Jon, you ride into villages, unarmed, fight wights, hostile wildlings without care."

"I am fighting a war. I thighs that was what we were supposed to be doing father." Jon stated calmly, a little hurt by his father's observations.

Father frowned back, "we are but you want to kill yourself. It is as if you do not care about your life anymore. Your brothers foolishly admire your bravery as do the Free Folk. Do you know what they call you?"

"I don't have the faintest idea." Jon replied a little annoyed at his lord father.

"The fearless wolf. Tormund spread it around."

Jon did not see anything wrong with his behavior. He was trying to save people to fight the army of the death instead of praising him father chastised him. Jon remained quiet.

"I thought another name would fit you better. "The Reckless Wolf they should call you." Father hammered his opinion once more.

Jon remained completely quiet. He would not engage his father. Father, did not understand. Ned Stark would not understand that Jon missed something. There was something that he yearned for. Jon rode ahead and thought about Ygritte. He had been the happiest with her. He loved her dearly but Ygritte had died. Sometimes Jon thought about how his life would have continued had Ygritte lived. He would have gone back to Winterfell and kept her in a Keep. He laughed to himself because his wildling would have never stayed in a Keep. His father would have forbid him from taking up with her. Jon would have defied him. He would have enlisted uncle Tyrion's help to keep his Ygritte.

He thought of redheaded children. Ygritte had been kissed by fire. He thought of his children with her. Jon would have asked Stannis to legitimize them, every single one of them. He would not take a wife. Winterfell would go to his children, to his redheaded half wildling children. In his daydreams it all panned out. Ygritte, never became his wife but she was his. She raised their children, girls and boys to be free. All dreams, Ygritte would never return North. She had been adamant that there was nothing left in the North for her. She particularly liked the riverlands. His wildling would live there and have his children if he so wished. "You could stay here." She said after they made love. Jon shook his head and brought her close to him. "You will return North. We belong there. I will give you a keep." She laughed, a tinkling laugh and then pounced on him.

All he had were memories of her and his dreams. At first he thought he dreamed of Ygritte but it was not her. The woman in his dreams was fire, she had long blonde hair, her skin was porcelain and her eyes were the deepest violet. She was beautiful. Jon got near her in every dream. He dreamed of her every now and then since he went back North, it had been sporadically but now he dreamed of her with much more frequency. At first he could only see her hair but now he had seen all of her face and body. He knew about little freckle and spot. Jon had never known such desire as he knew for his dream woman. He would kiss and touch her all night in his dreams. They never made love; he would wake up as soon as his kissed trailed south or just when she would lower into him. It was frustrating. He had told no one about his dreams. He kept quiet and fought white walkers and wildlings alike. Robb noticed his state after the dreams. "You need to find a camp follower or one of those free folk women. You need to solve that problem." His brother had pointed to his erection. Robb frequented camp followers and other free women. Jon had no desire to do so. All those women paled in comparison to the woman in his dreams.

Jon was startled out of his musings when they reached the free folk village. His father was quiet. It was a good thing that Jon accompanied him. Father was not a very well versed diplomat. He was a warrior and so was Jon but the free folk liked Jon better. They liked him better because Jon never stayed back. He rescued women, men, children, the elderly. He tried to save everyone without care for his safety. Ghost trotted along and followed some children who petted his white fur.

Jon dismounted his horse. Tormund followed suit; father dismounted last. "The fearless wolf is here." Someone shouted from afar and Jon frowned at his father small smile.

His father spoke clearly, "My son and I will be hearing grievances for the rest of the day." They all looked at them with confused eyes.

"Father and I will hear what you have to say for the rest of the day." Jon said more plainly. "You will form lines and you will state clearly what you need or what has been happening."

Father smiled at him, "Let us begin."

They listened to the villagers for the whole afternoon. Some of the complaints were mundane, not enough chickens, lack of proper seeds. Others were of more importance; an older woman complained that her neighbor raped her daughter. The young girl could not leave her small hut anymore and feared for her safety. Father frowned; he signaled two men, "Find this man and send for me once you have him."

They heard the last of the grievances and once late evening fell they had captured the man in question. Father had all the villagers gather around the middle of the village. "You are accused of rape. Do you have any words to defend yourself?"

"No." the man growled.

"Did you rape the girl?" Father asked.

"She should be happy I put it in her." The man said.

Father looked fiercely at the man, "There will be no raping, raiding, no pillaging, or any other crimes in Westeros. You shall tell your lords as you have told us today and there will be justice."

Jon had seen plenty of executions before but this one seemed more important. Father readied the sword and had the men put in position. "Any last words?"

The man shivered, "you can't do this." Father swung Ice and the wildling was no more. the snows were tainted with red. "Burn the remains."

All the free folk watched, some with fear, some with respect. "I will not tolerate any crime. You will respect each other and learn to live with each other or you shall leave. I will not have any of you create any discord. You will be executed if you try. Tormund will stay here and hear the rest of your grievances. He is your lord. You answer to him." The redheaded man looked surprised for three seconds and then nodded at his people.

Jon made sure to have the body burned before they left for Winterfell. They rode silently. Executions were always hard on father. Jon remembered the first time he went to an execution. Jon had been very young and asked his father, "Why do you not let someone else do it?"

"He who passes the sentence should swing the sword." Father had said very seriously.

Jon kept quiet until they reached encampment. "Help me set the tent." Father stated. Their party was smaller now that the free folk had stayed in their village.

"We will be home by tomorrow late morning." Father passed him a wineskin. "Sleep, I need you sharp. I will have Gerard give you a haircut and shave you."

"I am not a child anymore." Jon growled.

Father laughed a little, "Aye, you are not, maybe just a haircut?"

Jon smiled at his father, "She will be happier if I look like her boy."

Father nodded, "You and your brothers will always be boys to her."

"Are we not boys to you father?" Father shook his head.

"You are men. I have fought beside you and your brothers. You have all made me very proud. You more than any of them but you have to stop risking your life. I do not attempt to comprehend what is going on inside of you but whatever it is you have to get past it."

Jon looked up at his father and explained, "I do not what is wrong. It is as if something big is missing. I have never felt this way before; like I am missing someone."

"Your lady friend perhaps; Ygritte" His father looked embarrassed. He remembered when father sat Robb and him to explain how coupling worked. Jon had been deeply embarrassed while Robb sniggered. Robb had already taken him to Wintertown's brothel and he had lost his virginity to Ros.

Father had never been good when talking about feelings. Father was their protector, the warrior and the father. They went to him when they were scared or when they needed something like a new horse or dragons to buy things. If they were sick or needed hugs they ran to mother. Only Joanna and Arya got kisses and hugs from father without father being gruff. Jon knew his father loved them all but he was far more affectionate with the girls. He was more delicate with them. Jon and his brothers rough housed with him. Father and them hunted together and they trained together.

Jon half smiled "maybe."

Father looked at him surely, "I have never loved any woman but your mother. Cersei is my world. She did not become my world overnight Jon. My love for your mother grew as we spent time together. Your mother was and is the most beautiful woman in Westeros. I was attracted to her from the moment I laid eyes on her. "The Light of the West" They called her. I grew to lover her dearly and cannot see life without her; the attraction I felt for her pales in comparison to the love we built. I do not know what you feel or felt for that woman but you knew each other very briefly."

Jon frowned, "My love for her is not as overpowering as what you feel for mother but I held her very dearly. Do not presume to tell me that Ygritte was unimportant because she was not."

Father shook his head, "You misunderstand me. As I said before; I do not presume to understand your feelings for that girl. All I want you to do is look elsewhere. Son, she is not the only woman in Westeros. You may meet more women. You are the Lord of Winterfell. You are handsome." Father chuckled and so did Jon. Everyone remarked Jon was the image of his father when he was young. Robb certainly looked like them but Jon looked like a carbon copy of his father.

"Mayhaps father." Jon sighed.

"I do not want you to give up on life when you have not felt life yet." Father said seriously.

Jon half smiled, "Father, I am older than when you fought the Targaryens."

"You have only begun to feel life son. Nothing compares to a kiss from your lady wife, the first time you see your children come into the world or when your children call you papa. Son, you have fought battles and war brilliantly with more elegance that I ever could but have yet to look into the eyes of the woman you love and smile at her because she gave you a healthy child. You have yet to live life fully Jon Stark. Do not give up on yours just yet." Father said with bright eyes. Jon had never heard him speak so plainly and so beautifully.

"You could never understand what it is like to lose…" Jon started trying to excuse some of his behaviors.

"To lose someone you love?" Father asked sadly, "I know it so very much. I lost my father, my brother and my sister. I know you love your siblings but imagine losing Robb and Arya at once. I know they are your favorites. Well, you do not have an older brother but Brandon you cannot understand what it is to have someone better than you at everything, someone that protects you and then lose them. I lost Lyanna, she was my sister and she loved me better than Benjen and Brandon. I was her favorite. Not only did I know my father and brother to be dead but I had my baby sister die on me. I saw the light leave her eyes. I was broken from then on. I had no hope. Surely, you remember the story. I was to marry Catelyn Tully"

"But you saw mother and had to have her be your lady wife." Jon supplied.

Father laughed, "Not quite, your mother of course was more beautiful than Catelyn but I had not even met her then. I had seen Catelyn and thought her to be pretty. I decided to marry your mother because of two things. First and foremost, your mother and Tywin Lannister were threats to Robert's rule. I had not yet met her but I knew her father had sacked the city and ordered Elia Martell's rape and the murdering of the young royals. Your uncle Jaime killed Aerys in cold blood. I could not let a family like that be so close to Robert. Second, I wanted to be miserable and surely your mother would be vicious, a southern lady filled with ambition. I had hoped your mother would make me pay for all my failures instead she was a delight. I sought her bedchambers every time I could. I stopped when she was pregnant with Joffrey." Jon blushed a little. He did not want to know what went on in his parents' chambers. Robb and him had made the mistake of going to Wintertown and were on their cups when they stumbled too close to their chambers and heard sounds that would forever traumatize them.

Father continued speaking, "Then we had you and I stopped as well. I will never understand what happened to me but seeing her love you. Seeing her feed my son brought certain feelings of protectiveness and desire like I had never felt. I decided to let them consume me after Robert visited us. He was sad, miserable, he had Catelyn, a proper beauty and two lovely daughters. I had you and Cersei who pleased me beyond belief. I cornered her and thus began our marriage in the truest sense of the word." Father looked happy as if remembering when he took mother. Jon shuddered at the thought.

The young man looked at his father and said honestly; "Father, I do not know if I want to." Ned stood up and bumped his forehead with his. Jon was surprised by the rare and very tender show of affection. "Sleep will come and you will find answers. I find that a good night sleep always clears my head. Think about what I have told you." Father left the tent to do his rounds. He supposed. Father liked to talk to his people before turning in for the night. He liked to take the first watch as well. Jon closed his eyes and held less contempt for his lord father. He loved his father. He had fought battles with him. Father taught him everything he knew. He taught him to be honorable, to be proud of who he was and to love his family.

Jon woke up feeling hot. He dreamed of her once more. He was close to entering her when he was rudely woken by his lord father. "Up, you need a haircut. We ride until we are home." Father yelled and yanked the covers off of him.

"No camp followers. Get rid of that yourself." Father laughed and left him. Jon groaned and looked at his wilting erection. He woke up and went to piss; that took care of his current state.

He went to look for his father and found him in a tent getting a haircut and a beard trim. "Have to look pretty for your lady mother." Father looked happy. This was the longest he had gone without riding back to Winterfell, about four months.

Jon smiled, maybe it was his talk with his father but he was happy to go home. "Give him a haircut; trim his beard as well. He needs to look like a person; his mother will have me head if her firstborn looks like a commoner. May the gods forbid her son looks anything but like the lord of Winterfell and future Warden of the North." Father japed with the men. They all laughed, all in merry spirits. Winterfell was large and they would all have a warm bed; some of them might see his families, others will have a warm bed and maybe and maiden to accompany them.

Jon pulled his hair back into a ponytail to keep the hair out of his eyes. He had been explicit that he should not cut too much. Mother might like him well-groomed but his hair served to keep his face and head warm. Father and him spoke of their lands and all the changes. Jon almost regretted not going home sooner. "Rickon is so big now. Looks just like Robb when he was little."

"Is he just as wild?" Jon asked when he saw the towers.

"No one can be as wild as your brother. Should have named him Brandon instead of Robb." Father said and kicked his stallion into full speed.

Jon's smile could not be bigger as the men opened the gates to his home. He was home and forgot to feel sad. He saw mother's beaming face first.

"Oh Jon." She cried and hugged him. Jon hugged and lifted her from the ground. "You should have come sooner." She admonished and pecked him on the cheek.

Father stood beside him, "Do I get a hug and a kiss as well my lady?" Father asked playfully, well as playfully as he could get.

Mother hugged and pecked him on the lips. "You brought him home." She laughed and hugged him once more.

Jon smiled. She looked as if father had hung the moon for her or slayed a dragon. "Do come inside you must be exhausted. I had your favorite made my love." She smiled.

Jon and his father shared love for kidney pies and roasted pigs. He did not know who she referred to. Robb and Tommen were in the great hall playing with Rickon and little Ned.

"So this is my nephew and heir." Jon said and smiled at the small child who ran around. Rickon looked at him and then looked at father. "PAPA" he yelled and launched himself at father. His father kissed his cheeks and launched him to the air.

Jon smiled at them. Mother looked at him once more and kissed him. She hugged him, "I am so happy you are here sweetling. I have missed you dearly. Come and tell me everything."

Tommen and Robb rolled his eyes, "How come we never got that treatment? We are your children too." Robb complained.

Tommen laughed, "Jon the Heir has always been her favorite. I think it's because we are more handsome and mother decided to love him best so he could not be jealous of our good looks." His brother finished.

Jon laughed, "Come mother. They are jealous because I am better than them." Mother laughed and kissed them too.

"I love all my children equally." She said all smiles and kisses.

Mother chatted and asked a thousand questions that he tried to answer to best of his abilities. She ordered late lunch and they ate merrily. Only the girls and Bran were missing.

"Cassana thinks uncle Tyrion and Sansa should arrive a week after her letter. Mother says she received the raven four days ago." Tommen stated.

"I will go South once we have put uncle Tyrion's plan into place." Tommen said with some finality. "At least for a few months. I have not seen my daughter and wife for almost two years now." Jon looked at his father who nodded. "I have faith that Tyrion's plan will buy us time to train more men and diminish the army of the dead."

Mother kissed Tommen's hand, "You could bring them North. How I wish to meet little Myrcella."

Tommen smiled at her, "Who would rule in Riverrun then? I have very good men there but Cassana is holding her ground there. I rather not lose what we have built there. I do not think the North is safe for my family."

Mother kissed his cheek. "We shall find a way."

Jon noticed then. "Where is your wife?"

Robb shrugged. Mother looked as if she had tasted something unpleasant, "The Tyrell girl is sleeping. She is indisposed."

Jon nodded and changed subject to little Eddard and Rickon. That topic pleased mother very much and she launched into a detailed explanation of their achievements and adventures. It was a pleasant dinner.

Jon retired after conversing with mother some more. Rickon hogged father's attention all evening. Father of course humored him. "Rickon will grow up as an only child." Mother commented. "Your father indulges him more than he ever did any of you."

Jon chuckled, "I have noticed."

"He looks like you and Robb. More like you I think." Mother said sweetly and kissed his hands.

"Why did you not come to your mother sooner?" She said and her green eyes filled with sadness.

Jon felt ashamed. Only mother could make him feel as guilty. He hated seeing her sad. He frowned, "I don't know. Father and I spoke yesterday, he made me realize I had been a fool to not come sooner. I promise I will come home whenever I can."

Mother smiled and kissed his forehead. "I am happy your father spoke with you. He said he would."

"I know you want to rest. I prepared your quarters. Go and sleep." She carded his hair back. "I like your hair out of your eyes. You look just like your father did when he was your age. You'll age handsomely Jon Stark." Jon smirked. "So that is why you love me better because I resemble father more than any of them." Mother laughed, "You discovered my secret. Never tell your brothers."

Jon entered his quarters and half smiled; his rooms looked the same. Mother was correct. He was dead on his feet. Jon undressed and watched as Ghost perched himself at the foot of the bed. Jon petted him until Ghost breaths evened out. Jon fell asleep quickly.

"Wake up." A little boy yelled.

Rickon stood near him. "Up Jon, we have to train."

Jon rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. "Settle down Rickon."

Rickon jumped next to him. Jon could see Lan and Ghost playing with each other.

"Robb said to wake you. We have to train. Papa and Tommen are in the yard. You have to teach me archery today. Robb said."

Jon yawned, "You are far too young."

Rickon frowned and shook his arm. "I am five. Papa said Bran was younger when you teached him."

Jon laughed, "Bran never said teached him." It was true Bran had been four when they started archery lessons.

"Very well master Stark. Would you please let your brother dress for the day?"

Rickon smiled, "I will wait outside with Ghost and Lan." The boy jumped out of the bed and ran out.

Jon pissed and washed his face and body. His quarters were warm and the water was cold against his face. He dressed to train in the yard. Jon grabbed some black bacon and some bread. He must have overslept. He passed through the great hall and did not find a soul there. Jon hurried to the yard and found Robb and little Eddard riding around the central courtyard. Father and Rickon were by the side readying the bows.

"Jon is here." Rickon yelled excitedly.

Father nodded and messed the boy's hair. "Your brother will teach you."

Rickon bounced up and down in his spot. Jon smiled and grabbed his brother's hand. "You are going to learn how to hold your bow first." Jon practiced with Rickon for three hours. He was better than Bran but no better than Joanna or Arya had been.

They went back inside the castle. Rickon ran to Eddard who played with blocks with a rather beautiful woman. Jon realized that it was his sister in law.

Margaery Tyrell smiled at him. "Lord Stark." She said as she stood up.

"My lady." Jon bowed.

"Rickon, we have to find mother. You need a bath." Jon picked Rickon from the floor.

"Little Ned needs a bath too. I will take Rickon with us." Margaery stated.

Jon knew better than to let her take his brother without mother's permission.

"I rather mother bathe him." Jon said pleasantly and then walked to mother's solar.

Rickon must have been tired because he felt the little boy's head drop to his shoulder by the time they reached the wing where father and mother held their solar. Jon opened the door to his parents solar and found mother and father kissing rather heatedly.

Jon must have blushed deeply. Mother climbed down from father's lap. She smiled and took Rickon from him. "I must go."

Jon ran out of the room and shook his head. He tried to rid his eyes of the image his parents provided. He spent the rest of the day with Robb and Tommen. They trained and took care of matters that needed immediate attention in Winterfell. Father would be occupied with mother for the rest of the day. It was always like that whenever he came back from trips. Tommen and Robb confirmed it as much. He spent at least a day hidden away with mother.

Father resurfaced two days later. Rickon just as wild while mother chased after him. Jon's impression of Margaery was tinted with mother and Robb's appreciations. He thought her pretty of course but also cold, polite but extremely uncomfortable to be around mother especially. She hid her uneasiness with polite banter and niceness but there was something off about her.

Jon watched the doors when someone yelled, "Lannister banners!!"

He ran down the towers and waited as the doors opened and revealed his favorite uncle's right hand man and the rest of their party. The rest of his family joined him just as uncle Tyrion's carriage open.

Uncle Tyrion waddled out of his carriage. He helped Lady Sansa out of the carriage. She had her arms crossed near her chest and she smiled to it. Uncle Tyrion greeted them first. Mother and him hugged for a bit. "I am so glad that you are here." Mother said with delight.

Uncle Tyrion guffawed, "I thought I would never hear those words out of your mouth."

"We must get inside. This cold is not good for the babe." Mother said happily. Uncle Tyrion smiled at lady Sansa who wore the biggest grin on her face.

Father smiled as well. "Tyrion." Father said and nodded at him. Uncle Tyrion nodded back, "Ned. I must speak with you at once."

Jon noticed that uncle Tyrion greeted the rest of the family rather quickly. He clapped Robb the hardest and then waddled off with father.

They moved to one of the hearths as everywhere admired the newest Lannister scion.

Margaery smiled, a fake smile when she was shown the babe. It was Jon's turn to look at the babe. He was just as golden haired as mother. He had the bright emerald eyes. "What is his name?

Sansa smiled prettily at him, "Jon Lannister."

Mother laughed; "Father would love that." Jon chuckled while Sansa looked delighted, "Tyrion said the same."

"Is he like uncle Tyrion?" Robb asked quickly as if not wanting to linger on the subject.

Lady Lannister shook her head, "No." there was a shift in tension. Mother held the babe to her. "He is very handsome." Soon the hall was filled with coos and admiration for young Jon.

Jon Stark left the hearths and went to father's solar. He knocked twice before father called him in. Uncle Tyrion poured his wine and invited him to sit by him. Father's desk had a map of the North, the Wall and beyond the North.

"Your father tells me you are popular amongst the wildlings." Uncle Tyrion drank his wine.

"They prefer to be called free folk." Jon said politely.

Father nodded, "Tyrion and I are discussing the key points where the wildfires will be set." They pointed to the lands where they had encountered the most white walkers.

Jon listened to the plans, "We will light the fires with exactness. I need the handiest and fastest men we have. They will need to know that it is likely they could die while lighting the fires. We have to train them. I need them sharp and quick."

Uncle Tyrion spoke for half an hour about the wildfire and the last rescue missions that would take place in the following weeks. "Tommen wants to go South." Father commented.

"No." uncle Tyrion stated.

Jon frowned, "Why ever not? He has not seen his child and wife for almost two years."

"I am afraid none of us will go South anytime soon." His uncle poured more wine.

"Daenerys Targaryen has left Essos. She has the unsullied behind her. She liberated Slaver's Bay. Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen have new rulers all appointed by her. They report to her. She has the Stormcrows with her. The dothraki have come to her aid as well."

"The dothraki will never cross the narrow sea." Jon stated quickly.

Father was quiet, "They call her the Great Khaleesi. She has convinced them to do her biding. Daenerys has ships and dragons."

"That is impossible." Father said quickly.

"They call her Mhysa; mother. She is the mother of dragons. Three dragons who are almost fully grown." Tyrion said with some longing in his voice.

"The last Targaryen is rumored to come and claim her throne. Father is sending his men to protect King's Landing but he knows." Tyrion looked meaningfully at father.

Jon frowned, "What does he know?"

"That I will not spare any men to fight for Stannis and he know that Stannis will not give up the crown. Winter is coming and with it the long night" Father said somberly.

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