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27.27% DXD: Inconvenient / Chapter 6: Who?

Capítulo 6: Who?

Yo, author here

.Anyway... I tried guys, I really tried... but it didn't work, I couldn't do three chapters in advance, I felt like my brain was going to explode, it just didn't work, but there's a good side, my vacation started this month, so I'll have more time to write... Y-Yay... well here's my patreon, for anyone interested, for now there's only one chapter there


As you already know, just delete the hyphens after the p, I'll leave the link in the comments too, anyway, that's it

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time 👍




...Just why?


...Seriously, what are the chances?


A week ago I was literally talking about how despite everything around me i was living a normal life...and just a week later this it a joke?

I mean, I know I said I felt like something shit was going to happen at some point, and I always believed that, but damn, I also spent my whole life doing this and nothing ever happened, so why only now?

No, seriously, why now of all times?

Although the thoughts in my mind were anything but calm, outwardly i looked the same, a calm face, with my hands in my pockets, facing a scene that was definitely murder

How did things end up like this? - let me see, i woke up, took a shower, got ready, had my breakfast, went to school, when i left i said goodbye to Saji because he had another commitment and i went home alone, everything was normal until i noticed something strange

As i walked along carefree, i noticed how strangely silent the streets were, with no one around, not even an animal, i couldn't hear the sound of a bird or anything, everything was strangely silent

Now, if there's one thing that horror movies have taught me, it's that in situations like this you don't question, you don't waste time trying to understand, and you only do one thing - "Run, bitch! Run!!!"

And considering the kind of world i live in, and considering everything i know, i didn't have to wonder if this was some supernatural shit, because it sure was, and even if it wasn't, i wasn't about to test my luck

So, turning in the direction I came from and taking a running pose, intending to use my trained body to the fullest, I didn't even have time to take a step when the sky turned pale purple, coming from complete nowhere

Now, I don't remember if high school dxd had something like the ability to draw people to other dimensions, like the mirror dimension or something, maybe it did and I just forgot, but I remember there were barriers, and I probably just walked to inside one of them

Well, as Murphy said – "Nothing is so bad it can't get worse"

Let me see, it's all silent, I still don't see anyone or any animals, uh... yeah, no matter where I look, there's not a soul in sight

Okay, one of two things, the being that brought me here, whoever it is, and who is probably a devil, either brought me here intentionally and already knows I'm here, or i entered his barrier by accident... which is It probably wasn't, considering my luck, and even if it was an accident, it doesn't matter because i still have no way to escape

Sigh, one of the downsides of you not having any supernatural powers, you can end up in shitty situations like this and not be able to do anything

...Haaa, whatever, think Micael, think! - what can you do to-uh?

Pausing for a moment, i turn in the direction I intended to go and look toward an alley...was that alley always there? - ok, there's something strange about this, maybe i should take a look? - no, it's better not, i better get out of here...or maybe i should take a look?

Okay, just a quick look won't hurt, right?

Then, making a decision, i take controlled and silent steps towards the entrance of the alley

Getting closer and closer to the alley, i can almost feel there's something wrong with it...i don't know what it is, it's like an invisible force is coming out of the alley...i don't know, it feels like-


Stopping in front of the alley, i can only see a bizarre scene, a middle-aged man, wearing clothes that resemble a priest, standing in front of the fallen body of a girl, a teenager based on her school uniform, and in a pool of blood and the hole in her chest she is definitely dead

...But that wasn't what surprised me, it was something else


...The fact that I came here, even though I felt something was wrong, i still came here, something i would never do in my normal state of mind...yes, what happened is obvious

I've just been mentally manipulated, haven't i?

It must have been the barrier...or it was this guy, either way i don't know, and i still can't do anything

Sigh, it's okay, stay calm, you literally trained for this kind of situation, control your thoughts, keep your exterior indifferent, as if the situation doesn't affect you, don't let him know what you think

There has to be something I can do to get out of here, I haven't lived through all of this so far just to die to some random crazy person, there has to be something...

The crazy man, perhaps noticing my lack of reaction, or perhaps he just got tired of looking at the girl's corpse, raised his head and looked in my direction and holy shit, when he raised his face his expression changed from expressionless and completely devoid of any emotion for an extremely friendly smile and a kind face...

...Yeah, this crazy guy is a psychopath

And all of this brings me to the current situation, with that crazy guy in front of me, looking at me with this strangely friendly face and his eyes shining as if he had seen something interesting and did I mention his face was red? - Yes, his face had a big blush

What the hell is this guy doing, is he excited or what? - Is this crazy person also a pedophile? - fuck, just my luck


The madman, perhaps taking my silence as a cue, finally spoke

And, by God, even this crazy person's voice sounded strange, especially with that syrupy tone

"How are you, little one~? - aren't you going to say anything~?"

"...Can i leave? - i can pretend i didn't see anything"

"Oh~ no, no, no, that can't happen~"

"Oh...i see..."

After hearing his words and me saying mine, silence returned, while I remained in the same position and so did he, both staring at each other without saying a word



After a few seconds of silence without saying anything, I finally speak, moving my hand to the bridge of my nose and letting out a sigh

"Sigh, okay man, what do you want? - are you going to kill me like you did this girl?" — I say, as i lower my hand and give him a blank look

 "Umm~, you're strangely calm, aren't you~?" — He says, tilting his head a little and keeping that strangely friendly expression

"This matters?" — I speak, keeping my face expressionless and my right arm loose at my side

"No, not really, you know, it's just that normally ordinary people in this situation would already be panicking, you know~? - like, 'no! no! Help! Someone save me!', something like that, understand~?" — He spoke, even giving a brief physical and theatrical demonstration of how people would normally react

I, on the other hand, did not react or respond

"Do you understand what I mean? - you're very quiet, very calm, in fact, shouldn't you be trying to escape or something? - not that this will work~ haha~" — He said, as he brought his hand to his chin, making a thoughtful face and finishing the sentence with a laugh

"Hah~hahaha~, hic, oops, sorry~" — He said after his laughter was interrupted by a sob

...He is drunk?

"Hehe~, hic" — Letting out another sob and a laugh, he moved his hand to the back of his head as he made an apologetic expression

If this guy is drunk, does that mean the hypnosis I experienced came from the barrier and not him? - I don't know if human magic has any visual effect or not, but if he was really drunk my chances of survival would increase

After all, drunks don't reason correctly

"Uhm~, sorry, sorry, I'm a little drunk, but it won't bother me~, don't worry~" — He said as he took a staggering step towards me

I realized he wanted to get closer, i took a step back

"Oh~, no need to be afraid, come, I'll be quick~" — He spoke in a carefree tone while waving his hand reassuringly

When I saw the crazy man taking slow steps towards me, I realized that I didn't have much time to think about my next actions

I don't know what all of this guy's capabilities are, I don't know what type of magic he can use, I don't know if he has any hidden weapons and I don't know how physically strong this guy is

I'm at a total disadvantage, there's also nothing here that I can use as a weapon, running is useless, I can't let this guy hypnotize me again

The only positive is that he is drunk, which makes him cognitively disabled

So i only have one option left...

...I have to take this guy down, with one quick and decisive blow

Okay, weirdo, do your worst

[Pov: 3rd Person]

Micael remained motionless, in the same initial pose, with his right arm relaxed at his side, the other arm in his pocket and his face expressionless without any discernible emotion

He watched the crazy psychopath approach him with slow, shuffling steps, keeping that same smile and strange expression on his face with a blush

He stood still, without reacting, as he let the crazy man get closer and closer...

"Well, well~, don't make that face, little boy~" — That's what the crazy guy said, as he raised his arm as he approached

His right arm was extended as if he intended to touch him

Meanwhile, Micael remained motionless

"Come on, come on~, come closer~, I promise that-"

A kick

At that moment, with his body reaching the appropriate distance, Micael didn't hesitate for a second before attacking him, it was a quick and brutal attack



His attack interrupted the man's speech, causing him to let out a sort of groan

His attack even had a thud sound, demonstrating the strength behind

It was a Mawashi Geri Chudan, the karate front kick, a kick that is normally performed in a basic karate pose, however, Micael performed the kick directly in his immobile pose

Which meant that the kick didn't have its maximum strength, but that didn't matter, because even so, his kick was very fast and with a lot of force behind it, a force that in addition to breaking the opponent's nose would probably also knock him out...but that's not what happened here

Despite all the force of the kick, his opponent was not knocked out, much less fell to the ground

His kick only caused the man to take a few steps back, his upper body leaning back slightly

The man remained there, standing in that position for a few seconds, before returning the upper part of his body to the starting position, making visible the slight trace of blood running from his nose and the mark of the sole of Micael's sneaker on his face

"Oho…how unexpected~" — It was the man's reaction, as he raised his hand to his nose and touched the trail of blood

 "You're quite aggressive, aren't you~?" — The man then said as he lowered his hand and licked the trail of blood while returning the strange smile

Micael on the other hand did not show any reaction, he was standing with his right foot a little in front of the other foot because of the kick, while his arms were no longer in his pockets, his arms were in a loose guard, however, his mind was thinking in something else

'As expected'

That was Micael's thought at that moment

'This son of a bitch is much stronger than he looks, the difference in weight and height between us is not much, damn, this guy must weigh the same as me, but he is definitely much stronger physically'

'My kick would have knocked out someone taller and heavier than this guy, but this guy didn't even lose a tooth'

'My concern turned out to be true, so I only have one thing to do, I have to take this guy down quickly, so that he can't even think straight!'

"Um, so~, you don't-" — The man was about to speak, but he didn't have time to complete the sentence before being attacked again by Micael

With a lunge followed by quick steps, Micael attacked the man with a punch to the face

The man, without any surprise, dodged the blow without difficulty, moving his body to the right


Without saying a word, Micael continues attacking, continuing with a left punch in a quick sequence of blows

The man once again dodged, this time taking steps back

Micael, without giving him time to breathe, continued the attack, resorting once again to a quick front kick

This time the man didn't dodge, but ended up blocking the kick with one arm

But then, to the man's surprise, Micael didn't follow up the attack with another kick or punch, instead, he leaned forward while extending his arms, as if he intended to hug the man's waist

The man made a slight expression of surprise for a brief moment, before returning the smile and slowly extending the arm he had raised towards Micael's head, as if he were going to grab it

But, once again catching the man completely off guard, Micael, in a quick and absurd change of movement, raises the upper part of his body at once, executing an attack with his elbow and consequently trapping the man's forearm between his shoulder and neck


The attack that occurred, an elbow to the side of the forehead, caused the man to bow his head while making a vague expression of pain

Micael then followed up the attack with a punch with his other arm, hitting him straight in the nose


At the same time, when the man's head was pushed back by the punch, Micael moved the arm he used to throw the elbow and grabbed the man's hand that was on his shoulder

And with one swift movement he twisted the man's hand, causing the man's wrist to dislocate with a snap



The man didn't even have time to let out a groan of pain when he was met by yet another relentless attack... a direct kick to the balls

Once again, with speed and precision, Micael executed a kick with his dominant leg, hitting directly between the man's legs


Followed by another dull thud, along with a slight pop, the man finally changed his expression to something different than usual, with his eyes opening to the extreme and his mouth completely open as if he was about to scream

Micael, with no intention of letting him rest, had already moved his arm above his head, intending to follow up with another elbow, this time it would be straight in the middle of the forehead and with the full intention of killing him

However, in that brief second, when his arm rose to the limit and was about to come down with all his strength, Micael felt a shiver, as if something was wrong, so without hesitation, he let go of the attack and immediately jumped back, continuing for more steps

And then, after Micael walked away, the man, who finally had time to breathe, let out a deafening scream, as if he was in tremendous pain... and he certainly was


Micael stayed away from the man, maintaining a guard pose, waiting for the man's reaction and any attack he could make, he knew that giving the man space was not a good idea, but he had no choice because he felt that if he got closer at that moment he would would definitely die

He didn't understand how or why, but even against his better judgment, I decided to follow this intuition that came out of nowhere


At that moment, he saw the man, after letting out one last groan of pain, slowly move his hand to his private parts and lightly touch them with trembling hands

And then raising his still trembling hands, it was possible to see the slight red stain he had on his fingers

Micael didn't know if he was bleeding or not because the man's clothes were completely black, but with that he confirmed, he didn't destroy the man's balls, he crushed them completely and apparently it wasn't just the balls

"You...piece of...shit!" — The man said, as he shook his shaking hand and his expression contracted into pure anger

If the redness of his face before was a blush, now the red that enveloped his entire face was one of pure fury

With his fist shaking near his face and his clenched teeth visible next to his bulging veins, the murderous, death-seeking look was obvious

Micael, on the other hand, remained focused, his face still a mask with no discernible emotion, his gaze unwavering and his mind focused on any attack the other could launch


"You..." — At that moment the man made a movement — "son..." — His arm moved behind the cloak, as if he were going to grab something — "of a..." — Taking light steps, he approached, before taking an extremely quick dash forward — "...bitch!"

With a quick movement, drawing a light sword from who knows where, the man attacked him with an extremely predictable horizontal cut, however... it was too quick for him to react

As mentioned, Micael was only able to follow the blow because it was predictable, but the speed was too high for him to dodge, even with his absurd reaction time

So he could only watch in slow motion as the sword got closer and closer to his face, it felt like being about to die made things seem slower, Micael felt, wait a minute, the sword is literally slower!



With a tilt of his head and body, along with a step back, Micael managed to avoid the blow by a hair's breadth

After this brief exchange, both the man and Micael pause for a moment, with the man looking surprised and Micael, despite maintaining the same expression, was also internally surprised

'What the hell happened, did I have a cheat? and just awaken now?!'

"Did" — The man spoke, giving him a doubtful look — "Do you have sacred gear? No, it doesn't matter, you won't be so lucky!" — He spoke, before moving again, proceeding to attack

Micael, seeing the man coming to attack him again, stood ready, waiting for his supposed "cheat" to activate again

'A sharingan or whatever, it doesn't matter, I just hope it helps me survive!'

And then, once again, as the man continued the attack, this time with a thrust, Micael braced himself as his perception of time changed again

And he noticed that as his perception changed, his eyes also began to heat up, indicating that he probably had a very low threshold, and that he certainly wouldn't be able to use it for very long, at most a minute or two, or maybe less

Then, with the idea that he didn't have much time, he dodged the man's thrust to the side, already moving with the intention of counterattacking

Then, with a punch, Micael hit the man straight in the face, and then continued the attack, intending to follow up with a low kick, straight to the knee

However, suddenly, Micael saw from the corner of his eye how the sword, which was at his side, moved strangely quickly, with the man executing an attack using only his hand to move the sword

Using just the rotating force of his fist, the man made the sword move to his side, and since the position was already suitable, the attack was difficult to dodge, but not only that, this attack was faster, as if something had accelerated the sword

Micael, knowing he wouldn't be able to dodge, willed his perception to become even slower, and it did, followed by the growing sensation of heat in his eyes, with him feeling as if he had placed his eyes above a campfire

Thus, for the first time since the beginning of this meeting, Micael changed his expression, almost closing his eyes as a result of the pain in his eyes, followed by clenching his teeth, due to the physical effort he was making, with his body inclined in an almost inhuman way to avoid the attack


Accompanied by a brief sound caused by the sword, Micael barely managed to dodge the attack, with the sword only cutting through his uniform

With Micael's evasion, which forced his ribs and spine to the point of feeling pain in the side of his torso, he ended up crouching at the end of the movement, with his hand grabbing his side

Despite this, however, he was still focused on the man, waiting for his next move, and the man made his next move, but it was not what he expected

The man, instead of continuing to attack him with his sword, retreated, taking a large step back

Micael watched the man, who now had a big smile on his face, with a movement of his arm throw the sword towards him, as if it were a spear

Micael was surprised, he didn't expect the man to attack him like that, but his surprise wasn't over yet

The man, right after throwing the sword, still with a wide smile and a nose dripping with blood, moved the arm that had thrown the sword towards his back once again

Micael watched the sword move towards his face, and the man at the same time pulled his arm forward along with what appeared to be a pistol

Micael was speechless, the man had pulled out another weapon, who knows where, the tactic he was employing was obvious, as long as Micael was busy dodging the sword, the man would have enough time to shoot him

It was, in fact, a good tactic, but not the best, and as the man was not in his best mental state, he was not able to reason the action that Micael would take, even if it was not something difficult to predict

Then, Micael, watching the sword approaching his face, dodged it effortlessly, however, at the same time as he dodged the sword, he caught it, taking advantage of the momentum of the sword itself and spinning around on himself, sending the sword back, throwing it back at the man

The man, who was still pointing the gun in his direction, still with a smile on his face, couldn't even react when his own sword pierced him


Paralyzed in mid-action and with the same expression, the man stood still, before coughing out blood and slowly looking down, seeing his own sword piercing the middle of his chest

But the man wasn't even able to reason the situation well because Micael didn't give him that chance, as he immediately got up and ran towards the man, kicking his hand to free the firearm and then grabbing the hilt of the sword and at the same time kicking the man, causing him to fall to the ground

With a light thump, the man's body fell to the ground, and with Micael standing, now with his sword in hand and full of blood, he looked in silence at the dying man, who would soon die

The man, perhaps still in shock, slowly moved his hand to the blade hole in his chest, then, upon seeing the blood on his fingertips, realization seemed to finally hit him, with Micael having the impression that his drunkenness had perhaps even passed

"I...will die?" — Those were the words that came from the man's blood-covered lips

"I see...a miserable death for a miserable man...fair enough" — The man spoke, as he lowered his hand and his expression changed to a completely emotionless one

His expression remained like that for a moment, before slowly returning to his wide, manic smile

"Cough...haha, it doesn't matter, I've already fulfilled my role, as one of the great messengers of the chosen one!" — The man spoke with his maniacal smile as he looked at the space above him, his eyes were wide open, making him look even crazier

And then, suddenly, the man turned his crazy gaze to Micael

"You, boy! Be proud that you managed to kill a messenger!" — The man said as he raised his arm and pointed his finger in Micael's direction

"But don't be fooled! - your fate is already sealed, my brothers will find you! - and you will pay for your sins! - cough! cough!" — The man said as his outstretched arm began to shake, losing strength, and finished the sentence with two strong coughs

The man was obviously already at his last strength, but he still intended to say his last words

"Listen...cough! - he will find you! can't hide!...our lord...the firstborn!...will find you and you won't be able to do anything! - Hahaha-cough..." — The man said these words, finishing his sentences by moving his arm towards the sky, with his gaze doing the same

"My lord...forgive me...for being weak...and...not being!" — With his last strength, the man proclaimed his last words with difficulty, his outstretched arm falling to the ground, his gaze losing focus and his breathing stopping completely

Micael watched all this with a neutral expression, without saying a word, with the sword in one hand and the other against his ribs, however, internally, his mind thought only of one thing...










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