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Chapter 11

Chapter 11: A Banquet

"I'm not interrupting am I?" Suddenly a man wearing a fancy watertribe cloth came in. He had three ponytails accompanied with his tanned skin and sharp jawline.

"This is my home, Councilman Tarlok, we are having dinner" Said Tenzin with fury. The latter just smiled and made himself home.

"That's nice timing, I am absolutely famished"

"Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?" And with that Tarlok walked further and stopped by in front of Korra.

"You must be the famous avatar Korra, it is an honor to finally meet you" Tarlok did a deep bow in front of Korra and his eyes wander on Jiran for a second before going back to Korra once again.

"I am Councilman Tarlok, representative from the Northern Water Tribe"

The United Republic Council was the governing body of the United Republic of Nations. It was a deliberative assembly composed of non-elected representatives from the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Air Nation, and both the Northern and Southern Water Tribes. The Council discussed governing and political affairs inside the City Hall, along with acting as the commanding body of the United Forces. The Council also served as judge and jury in the case of important trials.

Recently the Council have decided to make a special force to take down Amon, at first it was rejected but the council soon bended hearing the benefits.

Being taught basic courtesy by the White Lotus, Korra stood up from her seat and cupped her hands in a greeting.

"Nice to meet you" The two were about to sit right next to each other but Jiran pushed Tarlok away with a small wind. Then he stood up from his seat and sat right in between the two.

"Don't mind me." He said smiling politely to Tarlok which made Korra chuckle from his antics.

"I've read your adventures in the paper, Avatar Korra. Infiltrating Amon's rally, now that took some real initiative" He said, acting impressed.

"Oh!" Surprised, Korra said.

"Thank you. I think you're the first authority in Republic City who's happy I'm here"

"Republic City is now much better off now that you arrive"

"Enough with the flattery, Tarlok"

"What do you want from Korra?" Tenzin asked sternly and with a no-nonsense tone.

The latter, as a skilled politician, used his main weapon, his smile and replied.

"Patience, Tenzin, I'm getting into that." He turned his attention to Korra, bypassing Hiran who was in between.

"As you may have heard, I am assembling a task force that will strike at the heart of the revolution and I want you to join me!" Tarrlok said enthusiastically while pumping his fist.

"Really?" Korra muttered.

"What!?" Tenzin exclaimed.

"I need someone who will attack Amon directly, someone who is fearless in the face of danger and that someone is you!" Tarrlok proposed.

Hearing Tarrlok, the avatar fell into a deep thought. Many things come into mind, of course that also includes her fear of Amon but when she remembered what happened earlier; Jiran's assuring words, she decided that it's not time to run away from this responsibility.

She looked at Jiran who was eating his food, but saw the small and confident smirk on his face.

"What's my salary?"


A grand banquet was held in Korra's honor and her inauguration in the Task Force. Of course being the political mastermind Tarrlok is, he invited all influential and powerful people in Republic City to join. To cement her participation, so that she won't be able to back out.

In the most expensive venue in the entire city all of the important people gathered for the banquet.

In front of such a venue was Korra and her entourage. Korra wearing a long dress that emphasized her watertribe origin, along with Tenzin and his kid and of course Jiran who wore Air Nomad theme clothes.

Entering inside the venue, they were greeted with claps. Whether it may be hollow or genuine, it was yet to be known.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

"So glad you could make it Avatar Korra!" Amidst the bustling crowd of upper class people, Tarrlok came in and greeted with a politician's smile.

"If you wouldn't mind, the city awaits its hero" And so Korra was introduced to the powerful people of the City that also included Hiroshi Sato, the most successful industrialist of the city. Creator of Sato mobile.

"This is the most successful businessman in the City, Hiroshi Sato." Tarrlok introduced.

"Nice to meet you" Korra greeted.

"We're all expecting great things from you" Hiroshi Sato said with a genuine smile.

Then suddenly, she heard a greeting, not from the old people of the hall but from a young voice very familiar to her.

"Hey, Korra!" Greeted by the surprising presence of Mako and the girl latched on his hands.

Korra was struck with jealousy when she saw Mako being held by another woman. And that woman was spitefully beautiful, with long curvy black hair, a bottle figure, and sweet golden eyes. And it seems that this gal was Mako's date of the night.

"This is my daughter, Asami Sato" Hiroshi said with a smile.

"So nice to meet you, Mako told me a lot about you" Asama said, smiling gracefully.

"Really? Because Mako hasn't really mentioned you at all, how did you two meet?" Korra muttered with obvious spite and of course a sprinkle of jealousy.

Bolin butt in and answered her question:

"Asami crash in to him in her motor"

Hearing that, Korra became worried.

"Really? A-are you okay?"

"I'm fine, more than fine. Mr.Sato agreed to sponsor our team, we're back in the tournament!"

Team Fire Ferrets was almost out of the Pro-Bensing industry due to their financial stability but after meeting Asama and being introduced to her father, his problem regarding yuans were magically solved like it was magic. Till this moment, he still can't believe how lucky he is.

Hearing all of this, Korra became even more jealous. Her hands balled into a fist, she was feeling frustrated. That's when her eyes landed on Jiran who was silently eating on the corner.

"Oh, there's my date!" Making her voice purposely loud for Mako and Bolin to hear, Korra ran towards him and latched on Jiran's arm.

Mako saw this and like Korra he felt an unexplainable feeling of jealousy.

"What the hell, Korra? What are you doing?" Surprised by the sudden move, Jiran exclaimed in confusion.

"Just act like you're my date" Korra whispered to him.

Jiran looked at where Korra have previously been and saw Mako and Asama hand in hand and then he exclaimed.

"So you two are playing the jealousy game huh?" Caught by Jiran's blunt words, Korra went silent and her head went down in shame.

Then he Mako and the rest made their way towards them which made Jiran sighed.

"Sigh… okay, I'll play your game"

Immediately, as his specialty, Jiran's face went from disappointed to smiling. He smiled at Mako and Bolin, as well as to Asami. And with a smooth voice he greeted.

"Good evening to you gents and ladies. I'm Jiran. Korra's date, well I guess that's pretty self-explanatory" Jiran smiled while nudging at the koala latching on his arms firmly.

"Mako, right? I forgot to tell you job well done" He said to Mako pertaining to their adventure last night on rescuing Bolin.

"yeah… thanks…" Mako was still intimidated by Jiran's presence. Of course he would, he just made Amon run for his money of course he'd be intimidated by the guy.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" He said to the lady, completely ignoring Mako which made him frown.

"It's our pleasure too, Mr.Jiran" Asami said with a smile.

"Please, call me Jiran,"

"Very well, Jiran, you could also call me Asami"

"Your name is Asami? I must say, what a beautiful name befitting of your stature"

"Haha, Jiran you flirt. I already have my date" Hearing her response, Jiran smiled playfully.

"By the way, me and my date must go now. There's still a lot of food I want to taste with her" Jiran suddenly grabbed Korra by the waist, making Korra and even Asami red in blush.

Korra yelped in surprise but he let Jiran and just smiled while of course, blushing.

Mako and Bolin looked like they swallowed something sour at this dreadful sight. Then with Korra's waist on his hand, Jiran walked away with a charming smile while giving Asami a playful and flirty wink.


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