I stretch. It’s morning. I have a lot of preparation to do in the library today so I’m heading there. One week with Killian was truly all I needed to feel alright. It’s amazing how much has changed since then.
For one, I’ve not gotten a text from Asami. That alone is a big win. Maybe she got tired of it and considered me not worth it. If that’s the case, then that’s a good thing. I won’t be the one reaching out to know what’s going on. I’m not that stupid, if anything, I’m glad not to hear from her.
Every time she messaged me, I was faced with severe anxiety and depression. At least I was able to do a good amount of reading while having a good amount of daily love. In every way that word ‘love’ entails, I’ve had it all.
A smirk paints my lips.
“Thinking about something?” Killian’s voice makes me avert my gaze to him. He just walked out of the bathroom and a towel is tied around his waist. “Or a certain someone?”
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