What did I expect?
I step harder on the throttle, speeding as fast as I can.
Why did I bother to aid her and meddle with her business with S? I should’ve just left. I should’ve waited somewhere I wouldn’t have interfered till she was done doing her thing.
My fists clench on the steering wheel. I’m manoeuvring through every vehicle on the road, switching lanes constantly, as reckless as it sounds on high speed. I’m trying not to think yet everything my mind is trying to avoid replays in my head.
But if I left her alone, the chances of her giving up before it even ending would’ve been high.
My jaw clenches. The image of Asami’s torso flashes in my head again. The scars. I shut my eyes tight, then open them again, keeping them on the road. The bruises. Every single sewn stitch.
She took pride in her appearance and wellbeing. She took pride in having flawless, soft skin despite her line of work. I ruined that for her.
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