This woman is a different species.
I stare in awe at the lady completely passed out on my bed, sleeping with an oddly wide smile on her face, completely naked in my duvet like a satisfied cub after having a good meal.
Or a cat after doing a naughty deed, knowing it can get away with anything.
She intrigues me though. Way more than she should. I can’t get over the fact that she’s a teenager and she’s attracted to everything she shouldn’t be. She’s drawn to everything she should run away from.
She’s drawn to me even when she shouldn’t be. My eyes rests on her shoulder which glistens due to the moonlight reflecting through the window into my room.
I mean, who on earth sees someone with a gun and the first thing she asks is to be threatened by it in bed?
Maybe I should rectify that question, which normal nineteen year old does that? A crooked smile forms on my face, still adoring my little angel. It’s one of the reasons I love her though.
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