I can feel her breath hard on my face as she stares at me. I take my hand off her arm and let it rest behind her back then with a sharp pull of my hand, her body shoves forward, closer to mine. This makes her gasp.
I cock my head to the side. My gaze lowers to rest on her face. I crawl a finger, of my other hand situated between her thighs, up her mid section just above her pussy lips which are soaking with need. “Come on Hazel,” I whisper, peering my eyes down her skin. “Don’t make me ask twice.” I say to her. With a lazy finger, I tap her pussy lips.
This small invasion leaves her gasping into the handkerchief stuck in her mouth. I want to hear her. Hear her whimpers loudly in my ears when she takes me in, which she will.
I take the cloth off her mouth, leaving it dangled around her neck. There’ll be use for it much sooner.
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