It’s getting late. I avert my eyes to the rear mirror to catch a view of the lady seated in the back seat. She looks very uncomfortable.
I sigh. I don’t want her to be. I know I messed up big time by being secretive but it’s these secrets that keep her life together and normal. The last thing I’d want is for her to suffer with the knowledge of what I am and the things I’m entangled with, so, even now, despite how hard it is, I can’t give her any information past the ones that she already knows. I don’t want her to be like Kate. . . Or live like Kate.
My fist clenches on the steering. I can’t wait till everything is sorted out and there will be no more secrets. At least, no more obvious secret than my involvement in the underground world, which I hope will be well over, soon enough.
I park my car. The air in the car seems thin as tension rids us of any form of joy.
“I’m here.” I say to her. Hazel peers out the window, taking her seatbelt off.
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