I’m in. I hold myself from chuckling out loud in front of the little brat. After so long, I finally have access to the one home I was forbidden from entering.
And Killian can’t do shit about it.
I cock my head to the side, looking at Hazel rant certain things I’m not interested in knowing. This girl should shut up already! I’m nice to her but I’m not that nice in reality. I’m nice because I have a reason to be but after seeing those photos of she and Killian together, every time I see her, I want to strangle her till that life of hers is gone.
But I can’t. I annoyingly can’t even though it’s frustrating not being able to.
“Want any snack? I can get some from the kitchen.” Hazel says. After a very tiresome conversation with her which was forced on my end, we decided to watch something together. Well, she decided, I’m just here to observe. I roll my eyes.
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