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50% Why Is My Group Chat So Broken? / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - The Strongest Today vs The Strongest In History

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8 - The Strongest Today vs The Strongest In History



[Group Chat]

[[Grave Warnings]]

(A/N: Chapter reward brought to you by batman_3_3_! He guessed the answer.)

(First POV: Eren)

I appeared in a dark gray room. It had no doors, details, or, well, anything.


[Choose a side.]


[Omni Gojo.]


A blue rectangular light lit up on the ground to the left of me.


[Azaogdesz Sukuna.]


A red rectangular light lit up on the ground to the right of me. And in front of me were the two names highlighted in blue and red.


The group chat seemed to allow answers with a hidden press of a button or by walking to your respective side. Without a hint of doubt, I pressed Azaogdesz Sukuna.


The red light that shone around the name grew brighter as Omni Gojo's name lost all its color.


[Azaogdesz Sukuna was chosen. You will be set down on his army's side of the battlefield.]

[All participants have chosen a side, commencing teleportation to the chosen side.]

"Wait, right now? I don't think I'm prepared enough for-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as my eyes immediately reacted to the new light source in the bright blue sky.


"-this mission... yet." As I finished my sentence, I realized that talking on a battlefield where perhaps no one is speaking while everyone has supernatural levels of hearing wasn't a good idea.


A small circle of space was given to me as every curse around me turned to look at me.


Some were monstrous with random pigments of skin, while others were more humanoid. There was one thing they all shared in common, though: they all wanted to kill me at this moment.

"We appear to be in the middle of an army of curses... There is nothing we can do." I solemnly whispered to myself. There was truly nothing I could do when faced with this much pressure.


Immediately, a curse charged me. It looked like a large, multi-eyed Komodo dragon, but its skin was a dark purple.


Its mouth was about as wide as half my body. 'So this would be where my story ends, huh? Wait, what?' Right as my brain told me to give up on that thought, I looked at the curse again.


The top of its jaw was gripped hard by another curse, as it was only a meter away from me.


"I told you all, in accordance with Lord Azaogdesz's orders, none of you are allowed to attack any human until his battle with Omni Gojo has ended."

The curse that had suspended my death was around my height. Short, messy black hair, green eyes, and teal lines that run down his face like teardrops. However, his skin was the palest white I've ever seen.


"Even you mindless cursed spirits should know better. Perhaps you were just too excited." As the humanoid cursed spirit finished his sentence, white fire came from his palm. His voice and the look on his face felt melancholic, with a hint of disinterest.


It quickly wrapped around the lizard spirit and then vanished. When the fire vanished, what was left was... nothing.


No ash, no dust, not even a scream of terror. Instantaneous death had been given out.


None of the other cursed spirits dared to look my way. I thought something had been weird when all they did was look at me with hate and disgust in their eyes. At least the curses with intelligence did.

I didn't know if I should keep quiet, but there was a rule against killing humans until Sukuna finished his battle, so I'm guessing it wouldn't hurt to try.


"Uh, so what exactly is happening right now?" My question was answered with a look of confusion from the humanoid curse in question. His white outfit was swaying in the wind.


"Do you not know? How?" As he spoke, he walked toward me before stopping just three feet away.


"I was kind of teleported here. And I have no idea what's happening." I spoke as truthfully as I could; after all, I didn't know if he could detect lies.


"Ah." A look of recognition flashed in his eyes. "You must be one of those 'reincarnators' Lord Azaogdesz kept mentioning long ago."


"Wait, you guys have those here?" I was shocked. My voice definitely reflected it, as I didn't think reincarnation would be something talked about in this world.


"We did. Back during the Age of the Gods. Reincarnators stopped appearing after the age ended, but somehow you are here." He gave me a look that I knew was studying me as if I were some rare disease.


"Alright, can you give me a background lore drop or something? I really don't know what's going on, and I would love to know." I knew I sounded stupid, but I just had to try. There was no way I wasn't going to try and get information about this world out of this curse!



'It was that easy?'


He suddenly turned forward, which was the direction every curse was looking.


"Currently, cursed spirits and humanity are in a war to determine who will be the last on this planet. Lord Azaogdesz has made a binding vow with Omni Gojo, with the contents being that his armies will not attack a single human until his battle with Omni Gojo has ended.


If Omni Gojo wins the battle, then all the cursed spirits on this continent will leave and give peace to the people here. The terms of the binding vow will be enforced by the twelve kings.


The twelve kings are the subordinates of the God of Cursed Azaogdesz. The ranking is in terms of strength, and the lower the number, the stronger the king.


Most call me by the nickname my mother gave me, Dev. But humanity knows me as the fifth king, the son of Azaogdesz.


I could get the fourth spot, but I find what I have now quite enjoyable." Dev had just dropped multiple bombshells of information on my head.


The twelve kings? If he was one that was only a few spots away from the top, then didn't that mean he was disgustingly strong? I had to know.


[Dev (████████)]

[Titles: The Nephalem, Son of Malevolence, Son of the White Dragon, The Demi-God]

[Race: Demi-god/Angel/Demon/Dragon/Cursed Spirit | Multiplier: 7.7x]

[Strength: 2,596]

[Constitution: 2,821]

[Dexterity: 3,170 - ∞]

[Intelligence: 19,777]

[Luck: 52]

[Feelings: Currently he is wondering how far the battle will go between Omni Gojo and Azaogdesz Sukuna. He also loves watching his mother fly in the sky; it reminds him of the times she would carry him and fly when he was younger.]

What the fuck were these stats? If I used the same equation of mana equaling ten per point in intelligence, then this mother fucker has over 190,000 points of it.


'Wondering about his mother?' As soon as I thought that, I looked up and... wow.


A massive white dragon with two wings and four legs. Horns that curved backward, and that's all I could see from the angle I was at.


"I forgot." Dev suddenly exclaimed in a monotone voice. "You can't see the fight, but their majesty Apallon has been broadcasting it using a cursed technique. Each curse has a personal invisible screen that allows them to view the fight. You should have one now."


As Dev said, the screen is different from the group chat as it looks like a TV that you can move with your mind and change the size of.


Right as I tuned into the fight.


""Domain expansion!""

"Unlimited Void!"

"Malevolent Shrine!"

Both Sukuna and Gojo had begun a domain clash. Right as it seemed Gojo was about to win, his domain suddenly shattered, and a large cut appeared on his neck.


I wonder how this will go.

(Third POV:)

For Omni Gojo, this was bad! The cut on his neck sprayed blood. Then numerous slashes began cutting into his skin and robes all at once.


It tore away his robes, leaving him with his black tight-fitting short-sleeve shirt and sports-tan baggy training pants with a black belt weaved through the waist.


Immediately, Omni crouched down, taking a pose where his knees were low to the ground and one of his arms was behind his back.


While his technique was burned out from using his domain expansion, he would use a simple domain to brush off the pressure from the malevolent shrine.


Activating his reverse curse technique to heal himself, Omni Gojo began running away!


Sukuna, who had been applying pressure using his domain, immediately began healing himself and chasing after Gojo.


Sukuna had begun to run after Gojo but suddenly blasted forward with a speed that wasn't possible.


Omni saw this and gritted his teeth. 'Akira's run attack! He managed to steal that too, huh?' Omni thought with a strained smile.


Akira wasn't like normal people. He had double-heavenly restrictions. This allowed his instincts and body to react and move even while his mind was occupied.


Akira had moves that increased his speed and strength output even further and acted like a cursed technique, which allowed Sukuna to copy it. It wasn't a cursed technique at all, but it was copied all the same.


There was one problem with the run attack that Omni Gojo noticed as soon as he fought Akira. When used, the user of the move was forced to attack 100 percent of the time!


Turning on his heel and falling backward, Gojo came face-to-face with Sukuna, who had his fist pulled back. However, Sukuna didn't expect Gojo to fall!


His punch decreased in power a bit in exchange for an increase in accuracy. This was all Gojo needed!

The punch was aimed at Gojo's head, which allowed him to turn his neck all the way to the left and dodge the punch!


Sukuna's face scrunched up as he quickly tried to retreat backward, but Gojo wasn't going to let it happen!


As Sukuna moved backward, Gojo instantly stood up and ran forward. Malevolent Shrine instantly threw another barrage of slashes.


The barrage of slashes landed all over Gojo's body, causing blood to spray, but to him, it didn't matter. Reactivating the simple domain, Omni Gojo rushed forward.


Wounds were still on his body. Gojo got into Sukuna's range. Sukuna's fingers pointed at Omni.




A smile appeared on Gojo's face as he heard the words. Activating infinity for the first time in the battle, Gojo took no damage from the dismantle!


Turning it off an instant later due to not wanting Sukuna to adapt to it, Gojo grabbed Sukuna's left hand which was still held out from the previous attack.


Pulling Sukuna in while still rushing to him, Gojo jumped. Wrapping his legs around Sukuna's waist and with his right hand locked to Sukuna's left, this looked... weirdly sexual.


Sukuna didn't get a chance to break the hold as Gojo's borderline insane smile took most of his attention, as he had no idea what he would do.


Extending the index and middle fingers of his left hand, Gojo pointed them straight toward Sukuna's face.


"Red." Omni Gojo said it in a whisper.


A red sphere was generated in front of Sukuna's face, and his eyes widened.




As Sukuna said one word, he was immediately blasted backward by red straight into his Malevolent Shrine!


The shrine broke the second Sukuna crashed into it. The move Gojo pulled was not only weird but also seemingly sexual, which stunned Sukuna for a second as he had to question if this was a fight or if his enemy was trying to do something he shouldn't.


Slowly standing up from the rubble around him, Sukuna began to heal himself. This battle was just getting started!

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