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76.19% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2116: 46

Capítulo 2116: 46

Mina cuddled closer to Izuku as the trio lay in bed. It was a mandatory rest day, so they were sleeping in. "How's Yaomomo?"

Izuku hummed as he thought about the question. It had been a few days since her confession and his rejection. The most they had done was exchange a quick glance a couple times. "She seems to be doing ok. I ran into Kendo in the halls yesterday, and she said Yaoyorozu seemed to be doing fine during the rep meetings. Have you two seen anything?"

Toru shook her head as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. Mina gently patted her invisible girlfriend's head. "No, every time we see her, she seems fine."

Izuku sighed and rested his head against the pillow. "I'm glad it seems like she's doing ok."

The trio was silent for a bit before Mina said. "I haven't heard from Hitoshi in a bit. I kinda figured he would have contacted us after you got kidnapped."

"Yeah, I noticed that," Izuku said. "Maybe he's busy. We could always ask Aizawa about it since Hitoshi hasn't responded to us."

"Yeah, but... it feels weird to ask Aizawa about his son. The guy never mentions him." Mina said as she continued to pet Toru.

The invisible girl groaned suddenly and sat up. "Quiet both of you. We are supposed to be sleeping and cuddling, but I can't because you two are suddenly all chit-chatty."

The duo chuckled and took turns peppering their invisible girlfriend's face with kisses and apologies making her squirm and try to get away, only for them to grab her and pull her between them. "No, stop. We were supposed to sleep, not this."

Mina squeezed Toru's thigh gently and slowly slid her hand up as she said. "Oh, you just wanna cuddle? We have a whole day of nothing to do. Why would we just sleep the whole time?"

Toru squeaked as Izuku kissed her jaw and slowly moved to her neck before saying. "She has a point. We have all been pretty busy training. I think we've earned a reward. Don't you agree, Toru?"

Toru fidgeted as Mina kissed her collar bone and bit her gently. "Y-yeah, I guess we have."


Hawks glared as his feathers pinned a large rhino-headed man to the wall. "You gonna give me my info or not?"

The man struggled, but his limbs were pinned completely. "I-I don't know shit. You're a hero, ain't you. You can't do this to me!"

Hawks drove his fist into the man's gut. "Shut up. We're not here to talk about my job. We're here to talk about the blonde girl who you sold knives to."

The man scoffed. "Sold is a strong word for that crazy bitch. I'd be dead if I didn't give her everything I had."

Hawks glared at the man and pulled some feathers from his wings. They hovered dangerously between them as he asked. "Where did she go?"

"Fuck if I know-" the man yelped as a feather dug into the concrete next to his head.

"Don't bullshit me, you unicorn wannabe. I know your kind. You follow bad customers and warn your friends, so tell me where she went." Hawks said as his feathers swirled faster. "Talk now; my feathers are getting restless."

The rhino man swallowed and said. "S-she headed for Musutafu. S-she was rambling about some kind of beach or something. I don't know, man. She was talking nonsense."

Hawks huffed and released the man as he walked away. As the pro skulked the back allies, he pulled out a burner phone and texted Nezu asking if he knew about a beach in Musutafu.

The pro shifted and ducked behind a dumpster as a couple heroes walked by. It had been a few days since Hawks ditched his tracking devices and went awol. The Commission was probably freaking out that their poster boy had disappeared. That on top of the UHD having to go into lockdown because of Himiko had them scrambling, which meant they were making mistakes which made it easier for Hawks to move. Now all he had to do was get to Himiko before the Commission could pull themselves together.

Hawks checked his phone and saw Nezu's message talking about Dagoba beach where Izuku, Toru, and Mina did their training before UA. Hawks checked to make sure the coast was clear before moving. It would be so much quicker to fly there, but then the HPSC would find him in no time.

Hawks sighed. "Please be there when I get there, Himiko."


Izuku sighed as he sat next to Minoru. The shorter boy handed him a notebook. "What do you think about this?"

Izuku looked over the design. "This is pretty good, but are you sure about changing your costume now?"

Minoru shook his head. "Not until after the license exam."

"Well, I will say getting rid of that armored... diaper? Is a good idea. You'll look better like this." Izuku said bluntly as Minoru chuckled.

"Yeah... I um. I was scared about getting hit in the nuts, so I kinda went overboard with the protection."

Izuku chuckled. "You know a standard cup nowadays can take the average super-strength hit."

"I was very scared," Minoru said simply as Izuku looked over the redesign.

"Well," Izuku said as he patted his friend on the shoulder and handed the notebook back. "I'm glad to see you're getting some courage."

Minoru chuckled as he closed his notebook. "It's thanks to you, man."

Izuku smiled and held his fist up. "We're gonna pass the exam and become heroes."

Minoru bumped his fist. "Hell yeah."

As Izuku got up to head to his room, he looked over and caught Momo's eye as she entered the common room. The two paused for a moment, and Izuku watched as she seemed to pull her courage together and smile. "Hello, Izuku."

Izuku gave a small smile. "Hello, Momo."

That was all they said to each other. Momo headed over to the kitchen for lunch, and Iuzku went up to his room to look over and organize some notes.


Class A looked up at the stadium that they were going to be taking their test in. Denki whistled. "Holy shit, this is big."

Kyoka slapped the back of his head as she got off the bus. "Quit staring like the idiot you are. You're gonna make the rest of us look bad."

Izuku chuckled a bit as he tightened his grip on his hero case, and his girlfriends flanked him. Before they could get moving, a woman's laughter caught their attention, and they watched as Ms.Joke approached. "Hhheeyy Shota."

The class watched Aizawa stiffen and groan. "Hello, Joke."

Ms.Joke leaned on him. "Oh, no Emi? You always call me Emi."

Aizawa's eye twitched as a few of his students chuckled quietly. "We're working, Joke. Please try to be professional."

Joke snorter. "Fine, Eraser, we'll play by your rules for now." She leaned in and whispered. "Since we'll be playing by my rules later."

Kyoka and Mezo both choked, and after a quick glare from their teacher, they denied hearing anything while their class asked what had happened.

Joke introduced her class of second-year students, and Hanta snorted quietly as Yo Shindo introduced himself. "Holy shit, it's a generic brand Midoriya."

The class tried to contain their laughter, and Izuku couldn't help but smile as he shook Yo's hand and watched the older students' nice facade crack before he quickly recovered and excused himself along with his class.

"I see you're still the same as ever."

Izuku, Toru, and Mina looked over as they saw Shiketsu approaching, and at the front was Hitoshi with a large guy with a buzz cut and a curvy blonde girl flanking him.

The trio rushed in without a word and pulled their best friend into a tight group hug. Hitoshi chuckled. "Sorry I didn't get in touch sooner. My dad said you were going to be taking the exam today, and I was busy getting ready for it. I figured I'd just surprise you three. Also, I am glad you're safe, Izuku."

Izuku laughed as they pulled back from Hitoshi. "No problem man. How have you been?"

Hitoshi smiled. "Been good. Also been having to work my ass off to be here today."

The blonde girl leaned over and poked Hitoshi's shoulder. "Hito, my guy, are these three the besties you told me about?"

Hitoshi nodded. "Yeah. Izuku, Toru, Mina. This is Camie Utsushimi, a second-year... friend of mine."

The blonde winked as she said. "Just call me Camie. My last name is totes a mouth full."

Izuku gave Hitoshi a knowing look. The purple-haired guy motioned to the other Shiketsu students who were nearby, and Izuku remembered how strict the school was about dating. Izuku was sure the two had to downplay their relationship around others just to be safe.

Toru and Mina seemed to hit it off with Camie immediately as Hitoshi pointed at the big guy on his other side and said. "This is Inasa Yoarashi. He's a friend of mine and a fellow first year."

Inasa bowed as he said how excited he was to be there and nearly smashed his forehead into the ground. As he came back up, Izuku saw Inasa's eyes darken, and Izuku followed his line of sight to see Shoto staring off in a different direction.

"Come on, everyone. Quit standing around. We need to get going." Aizawa said as he started walking.

Hitoshi nudged Izuku and grinned before saying. "Hey, dad, I got some time off after the test. Should I come home for a bit?"

Aizawa stopped and stared at him as the Shiketsu and UA students processed what he said. Aizawa sighed and said. "Sure, why not. The cats miss you."

Aizawa ignored his students' questions as he walked towards the stadium and told them to move before they were late and failed the test.


Things weren't supposed to go like this. They knew UA's quirks and fighting styles. Their teachers had told them how every year, everyone went after UA and crushed them. They were first years; for fucks sake, how were they doing this well against second and third years.

Jaku University's hero course students all had the same thoughts running through their heads as the green gas poured from the canisters they had accidentally set off. The students could do nothing but watch the approaching figures. They weren't being affected by the gas, and the students realized it was because the UA first years were wearing gas masks.

As they were forced into unconsciousness by the gas, they could hear muffled voices talking about needing to hit another group to make sure everyone passed. Once their targets were hit, the automated voice told them they had failed and to wait for medical bots to collect them.

Izuku loaded his launcher as he watched a few of his classmates head for the waiting area after they had passed. Right at the beginning of the test, the entire class minus Todoroki had made a run for the residential district of the testing arena, and while using communication devices made by Momo, they kept in touch as they split up and lost their pursuers before regrouping and putting their plan into action.

With Izuku providing gas grenades and Momo providing gas masks, class A split up and went about ambushing other schools. Everyone was expecting UA to go out with a bang or stand their ground and brute force their way through the exam, but most test-takers didn't even see them coming until the gas was already in their lungs and they couldn't fight back.

As they sat in the waiting room, Camie pointed with her thumb and said. "So that snack over there standing next to Hito is dating the both of you?"

Mina nodded, and Toru said. "Yep."

"And you two are dating each other?"

The girls nodded again, and Camie hummed. "Well, you guys are totes adorable. We gotta hang after this, and you gots to tell me all the embarrassing stuff you know about Hito."

Toru giggled and looked over to Izuku and Hitoshi. "Will do... so you and Hitoshi."

Camie checked to make sure her classmates weren't around before saying. "Yeah. I wasn't too sure about a younger dude, not that I'm into old guys or anything. I just thought he was interestin, then I found out he was pretty easy to vibe with. After a bit, he asked me out on a date, and it's been goin smoothly. Though it's such a pain to hide it. My schools got such strict rules. It's lame as hell."

The girls giggled and continued to chat as Izuku nudged Hitoshi. "Hey, what's that about?"

Hitoshi looked over and saw Inasa looking like he was about to swing at Shoto. "That's Todoroki, right? Endeavors, kid."

"Yeah. Does Yoarashi have an issue with him?" Izuku asked as the second-year Shiketsu students stepped in and pulled Inasa away.

Hitoshi hummed before nodding. "Yeah, Inasa told me about it at some point. He's a loud, passionate guy. He thinks all heroes should have that same kind of passion for heroics. He met Endeavor once and saw how angry the guy was. Then during the recommended exam, he met Todoroki and saw he had the same look as his dad."

Izuku blinked and looked at Inasa. "Oh, that's where I remember him from. He was at the recommended exam."

Hitoshi smirked. "Yeah, he mentioned a green-haired guy who knocked out a bunch of people during the obstacle course."

Izuku shrugged and chuckled as the two continued to talk until the second test was announced.


Hawks stood in the shadows of two buildings as he looked across the street at the rundown apartments he knew Himiko was hiding in. He just needed to wait for the right time to strike-

Hawks' feathers twitched, and he launched himself up, barely avoiding the knife that was aimed for his back. "Aw poo, the birdie moved."

Hawks landed a few feet away from Himiko, who pouted before giggling and twirling her knife. "You've been following me around for oh so long. I'm flattered a birdie like you is interested in me but."

Her eyes darkened as she pulled a second knife out of her pocket. "I'm not interested in older men. Psion is the only one for me."

Himiko giggled for a moment before stopping and looking confused, then gripping her head in pain. "Argh! No, no, no Psion is bad, bad, and naughty, and I love Mina and Toru and Iuzku."

Hawks watched as she hit her head with the handle of her knife and growled. Her pupil fluctuated wildly, and after a moment, she stilled then started to laugh. Hawks tensed and felt his heart strain as her head snapped up, and tears streamed down her cheeks. "Who are you?! I-I don't know. I don't know, but I know. No no no bad Himiko you gotta cut. Cutting people is the only way to know what's real."

Himiko roared and charged Hawks suddenly, causing the hero to flap his wings and jump back. She swung wildly, and Hawks scattered his feathers. Himiko's eyes flicked around as she tried to keep track of all the projectiles.

The feathers stabbed into her clothes and attempted to pin her to the wall, but Himiko was quick, and she sliced several feathers with her knife and freed herself. Hawks cursed and sent more feathers at her. He really didn't want to hurt her too badly.

Himiko swung wildly as Hawks' feathers danced around her. None of her usual skill and flourish was present. She was more like a wild animal than a skilled killer.

Himiko grunted as the feathers sliced at her arms, leaving shallow cuts that made her stumble and Hawks took advantage of her sudden unstable footing. His feathers swirled faster, and before the blonde could recover, she was pinned to the ground and unable to move.

Hawks sighed as he walked up and pulled a needle out. "Sorry, Himiko. I promise we'll get you fixed up as soon as possible."

Himiko tried to thrash about, and as she went to scream, Hawks injected the contents of the needle into her, and she quickly became sluggish before passing out. Once she stopped thrashing around, Hawks made sure to take his time and search her for any knives or weapons. As he worked, he found a piece of paper in her pocket and smiled as he read it.

"Thanks, Himiko. This will help your case," he said as he patted her head and pulled his phone out. "Nezu. I have her, and I found something interesting. How quick can you get me a ride to UA?"


Izuku looked away from his new license and saw Shoto frowning a bit as he looked over his report of the second test. He had gotten into an argument with Inasa and nearly burnt Yo. Mina rushing in a wave of acid to block the flames was the only thing that saved him. After that, the two young men had managed to put their differences aside until the end of the test.

"Hey," Hitoshi said as he patted Izuku on the shoulder. "We gotta get going, so I'll see you around."

Izuku smiled and patted his friend's back. "See you around, and good luck with everything."

Hitoshi looked over at Camie, who was doing her best to purposely annoy one of her classmates who had failed the first test. "Thanks, I'll do my best."

Once Hitoshi rejoined his school Aizawa came over to Izuku with Toru and Mina in tow. He spoke quietly so that only they would hear. "Hawks got Himiko. Give us a couple days, then I'll be able to take you to see her. Though you may not be able to actually speak to her when you get there."

Izuku took a shaky breath and held his partner's hands. "Alright. Thank you for telling us, sir."

Aizawa nodded before walking off and saying loudly. "UA, get on the bus. We're leaving."


Hawks stood in a hallway of UA's medical wing. It was a small part of the main building, and most people didn't get to see it since Recovery Girls office was right at the entrance. He looked up as Nezu and Aizawa approached with Toru, Mina, and Izuku behind him.

"Glad you're here." Hawks said as he pointed at a door. "In here."

The group entered the room and saw that one wall had a one-way mirror, and they could see Himiko restrained in a straight jacket. She was sitting on a bed and seemed in a daze. Hawks looked at her for a moment before saying. "Recovery Girl called in a few favors, and some people came to help take care of Himiko. She's under the effects of an anesthesia quirk right now."

Mina looked at the blonde with worry etched all over her face. "Is she gonna be ok? Can they help her?"

Hawks sighed. "Sadly, no one in Japan is trustworthy or skillful enough, in my opinion, but I have heard of a doctor in Germany who specializes in putting people's minds back together."

Nezu hopped up onto a small table as he said. "I have gotten into contact with that doctor on Hawks behalf. It seems he won't be able to come to Japan for several months. He is quite busy, but he will come, so until then, UA will care for Ms.Toga until she can be healed."

The trio let out deep sighs, and Toru looked at Himiko as she said. "Good... do you mind if we come down here sometimes and check on her?"

"As long as you do not try to enter her room. Her mental state is fragile, and seeing people who she knew before Psion seems to agitate her greatly."

"Thank you, sir," Izuku said before turning to look at Himiko. "Thank you as well, Hawks, for putting in so much effort to save her."

Hawks shrugged. "It's fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to put together a raid team, and then I need to out the HPSC and UHD's crimes."

"A raid? What for?" Izuku asked as the number three hero walked towards the door.

Hawks held up a piece of paper. "I have the location of the League of Villains thanks to Himiko. I've already confirmed they're still there, so I need to strike quickly before they get away."

Nezu and Aizawa left shortly after Hawks. Izuku, Toru, and Mina stayed for a while longer, just watching their friend as she sat motionless on her bed with unfocused eyes. The trio simply sat close together with their thoughts and hoped the doctor from Germany would be able to get here sooner rather than later.


Arcane was really good and I can't wait for season two. also, I have almost no knowledge of LoL but I still thoroughly enjoyed the show.

I have two story ideas. the first is Izuku or Izumi I haven't decided yet. they have Air-Walk and live with an abusive dad. they do a lot of parkour and after getting saved by Kendo's dad they spend a lot of time with Itsuka at her family's dojo. I also kinda wanna introduce Momo to the story and have an Itsuka/Momo/Izu.

the other one is a gaming quirk but I don't have much beyond that. I'm trying to think of what unique or interesting way I could twist the gaming quirk trope.

been thinking about what will come after Hypno and Watching Over You. don't know what yet but it'll most likely be just one story instead of two or more at a time cause keeping storylines straight is rough sometimes.

I feel like I had something else I wanted to tell you but I can't remember. hopfuly it wasn't important.

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