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48.93% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1359: 24

Capítulo 1359: 24

Mineta stared down the throat of this monster of stone. Many things ran through his mind as warmth ran down his leg, just then the world was yanked to the left and the creature before him blurred.

Iida gripped tight to Mineta's collar as he snatched the small boy out of the way of this creature hearing it crash into the tree Mineta had been standing in front of to pee. Iida hadn't even realized he was moving until he'd gotten right next to Mineta only then did he have the presence of mind to grab hold of the boy. Iida landed his feet skidding on the dirt. Damn I should have worn my high traction boots I bought at the mall. Iida thought as another stone monster appeared. It had horns similar to a triceratops and a sharp stone beak that was looking to peck at Iida.

I-I can't get out of the way I don't have any grip! Iida thought as he continued to skid right towards the deadly beak only for the creature's head to burst apart in a cloud of dust and chunks of rock as the body crumbled to the ground. Iida came to a halt holding Mineta who was clutched to Iida's chest like an infant chimp to its mother's breasts as the two looked back seeing Izuku pulling out of his stance shaking dust from his blackened fist.

"Are you two ok?" Izuku said walking up with the rest of the class.

Iida nodded prying Mineta off his chest as he looked at the remains of the stone beast. "It's hollow, guess they're not alive." Iida said as more crashes could be heard as other golems appeared advancing on the students.

"All that means is we don't have to hold back." Bakugou said walking forward as each student prepared to fight as they began plowing through the golems. Izuku took a moment to look at each of his classmates knowing where they were before taking drastic measures.

I need to get my focus back be aware of my surroundings and everyone else. I won't be caught off guard again. He swore as he took the tie from his uniform and tied it around his eyes before taking off his jacket and shirt tying the two around his waist and walking forward into the melee. Take everything in, Listen, feel the air against your skin, smell for the scent of turned earth. Izuku dodged to the left before sending out a punch shattering the creature next to him before raising his arms just in time to block a punch from one of the monsters and shatter it's skull with an uppercut kick.

Bakugou looked from the stone beast he'd just blown to bits taking notice of Izuku fighting blindfolded. "You shitty nerd you think you can outdo me!?" He shouted before closing his eyes and sending out blasts in several directions as he rushed forward.

From their perspective on the cliffside Aizawa, Mandalay, and Pixiebob watched the student's progress. "Oh you cheeky so and so, if you're going to do that, then I'm going to do this! Where do you think you're going girly get back here!" Pixiebob said to herself as she manipulated her golems against the students. Aizawa watched with a pair of binoculars taking notice of his students and how they dealt with this obstacle. As he expected Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya were the front runners, but amongst the three was Iida. Obviously his run in with the Hero Killer has caused him to grow, it couldn't have happened at a better time in my opinion. Coming off of such an experience he'll be more open to our training. Taking down the binoculars Aizawa smiled.

"I can't wait to mold your minds."

The students began to filter out of the forest in various states of disarray. Izuku took off his blindfold wiping sweat from his forehead as he panted. His body hurt, but the pain was worth the learning experience. On his left stood Iida with his pant legs torn below the knee as he placed his hands on his knees panting, next to Izuku on his right was Todoroki shivering slightly as steam erupted from his mouth, and finally to Todoroki's right Bakugou stood standing tall, but panting as his shirt and coat were thrown open.

"Well done you only got here an hour late, we're really impressed, especially with you four; I think I'm going to keep you!" Pixiebob said as she circled Iida, Izuku, Bakugou and Todoroki. Seeing this the girls of the class acted as Toru moved and bumped into Izuku as he stumbled away from Pixiebob's grasping paws.

Keep your hands off our Izuku! Was the overarching thought the girls had staring at the blonde heroine. As Izuku rebalanced himself he noticed a kid standing off to the side. Seeing a chance to avoid Pixiebob he walked up to the boy in shorts a white t-shirt and a horned worker's cap. "Hey I'm Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you." He said holding his hand out as the boy pulled back and punched only to catch air as Izuku stood to the side of his punch. "Hmm let's try that again. I'm Izuku, and you are?" He asked for the boy to take another swing at him repeating the action as Izuku easily avoided his blows.

Growling the boy turned away from him and stalked off. Izuku stood up straighter watching the boy go as Mandalay walked up next to him. "Nice try, that's Kota my nephew. Don't take his attitude personally he's… going through some things." Mandalay explained as Izuku looked at her and nodded accepting her explanation before heading back to his class as they all entered the lodge they'd be staying in over the summer. After getting settled the students came down for dinner. The food was truly delicious thought Izuku though he couldn't take his eyes off the young boy sitting by himself with a scowl on his face.

"Are you worried about him Midoriya?" Jiro asked having snagged a seat next to him on his left. Izuku turned to her and shrugged.

"Kind of he seems so angry, and kind of sad. I'd like to talk with him more, but I don't think he likes me very much." Izuku said letting his worries out to the earphone girl who looked at him and smirked.

"You're just too nice for your own good you know that." Jiro said patting him on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll get him to come around, you're pretty stubborn in your own way." Jiro said as she went back to her meal leaving Izuku with a smile as he finished his own meal.

After dinner the guys were in their room preparing for the bath. "Hey Izuku are you coming with us to the bath?" Ojiro asked looking at Izuku perform handstand pushups.

"I-in a minute Mashirao I'll catch up later." Izuku grunted out as Ojiro sighed.

"You're a real workhorse you know that." Ojiro said leaving the room and heading to the bath. Izuku jumped up from his handstand position landing on his feet as he took a deep breath as he hefted the wrist and ankle weights he'd strapped on before the camp began.

"This is nothing compared to the gravity chamber. How am I supposed to keep up my regiment under normal gravity?" He asked as the thought of the gravity chamber brought with it the memory of Melissa Shield. "I haven't called her in a while. I should check in." He said a pulling out his phone and dialed Melissa's number. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hi stranger it's been some time." Melissa said barely holding back her excitement from hearing Izuku's voice. "So what's up?" She asked as Izuku smiled hearing how cheerful she always seemed to be.

"Oh nothing I was just thinking about you, and I thought I'd check in and see how you were." Izuku explained leaning against the window as he stared out at the darkened forest.

"How sweet you were thinking of me. Nothing's going on over here really. I don't think my dad's conference went well, but he won't tell me what happened, so there's that. How about you, any new developments?" She asked as Izuku thought about what had happened since he'd returned.

"Nothing really, oh I wore the Full Armor you didn't tell me it was so light, it feels like it's not even there." Izuku said before hearing Melissa laugh.

"Only you would think that Izuku, it feels light to you because you are able to withstand a hundred times earth's gravity. Anyone else who puts on that suit probably won't be able to move well if at all, but I'm glad you like it. There are no problems or concerns?" She asked as Izuku shook his head.

"Nope not any that I could see, but as much as I'd like to keep talking with you Melissa I need to hit the bath and get ready for tomorrow. Mr. Aizawa promised tomorrow he'd put us through hell and I believe him." Izuku said as Melissa pouted.

"Alright I understand, but call me again soon…when you're alone." She whispered huskily into the phone making Izuku's neck burn.

"S-sure um bye." He said and after hearing her response hung up and shook his head before gathering his toiletries and headed to the bath. Izuku came down the hall seeing the twin openings one marked with a red sign for women and the other marked with a blue sign for guys. He entered under the blue sign into the changing room and undressed before heading into the bath proper. He couldn't really see because of the steam, but the bath seemed emptier than it should be with thirteen other guys in it, but he assumed it was just the thick steam obscuring his fellow males.

Izuku sat down in front of the shower heads and began to scrub himself down before beginning to wash his hair and closed his eyes. As he sat there with his eyes closed he felt someone behind him and press their chest against his back. "Come on guys don't fool around in the bath." He said pressing his hand against the person's chest and gave a push only to hear a definitely not masculine yelp. Izuku's eyes bucked open as he stared at a completely nude Jiro with her hands pressed to her chest.

"K-Kyoka!?" Izuku shouted looking at the girl before noticing the other girls lounging around the bath.

"Nice of you to join us Midori why don't you come over? The water's fine." Mina said splashing a little water in the bath. Izuku didn't know where to look there was nothing but bare feminine flesh in front of him.

"W-wh-whaaaaat!?" He shouted as the girls giggled happily.

"Nice going with the signs Toru ribbit." Tsu said giving Toru a high five.

"Y-y-you thought I was a guy." Kyoka said falling to the floor and covering her face. "I pressed my chest against you and you thought I was a guy!" Jiro shouted looking at Izuku angrily.

"Kyoka, its n-not what you think!" Izuku said as the sound of Mineta's voice rang out. "Oh no if he sees me here the guys will murder me!" Izuku said getting up and heading for the door only to spot Kota up on the wall successfully putting an end to Mineta's scheme before catching sight of the girls and being shocked into unconsciousness and falling towards the other side of the wall. All thoughts of him being discovered in the girl's bath went out of Izuku'd head as he shot his arm out grabbing hold of Kota before he could fully fall and reeled him back towards the girl's side and himself.

"Oh my gosh is he ok?" Jiro asked all thoughts of her embarrassment gone as she looked at the unconscious child.

"I-I think so I'll take him to Mandalay." Izuku said wrapping a towel around his waist before bolting from the girl's bath glad for the reprieve. He had no idea what the girls had planned for him by switching the signs around.

"I need to have a talk with them, I understand they want to spend time together, but that was dangerous!" He said to himself as he arrived at the lounge where he found Mandalay.

"Um Ms. Mandalay Kota had a little accident in the bath. I don't think he's hurt just…stunned." Izuku said laying Kota on the couch as Mandalay checked him over.

"Thanks for bringing him here. We were told that the physical embodiment of lust was in your class, so I asked Kota to keep an eye out." Izuku nodded thinking of Mineta and shaking his head at the living grape's antics.

"Mandalay if you don't mind me asking, why does Kota always seem so angry?" Izuku asked as Mandalay sighs.

"Kota's parents were heroes you may have heard of the Water Hose Duo?" She asks to which Izuku nods.

"They were a pair of heroes who specialized in rescue right. They fell in the line of duty I heard." He explained to which Mandalay nodded.

"It was all over the news and though everyone said they died a hero's death to Kota it was like his parents left him behind. Kota doesn't like heroes because to him heroes are just people willing to leave behind the people that care about them." Mandalay explained as Izuku rubbed the back of his head. That was a lot to take in. For as long as Izuku could remember he'd loved heroes and couldn't imagine a kid looking at this world filled to the brim with them and not love them.

"You should get dressed you might catch a cold." Mandalay explained bringing Izuku to notice that he was basically parading around in a towel. His face erupted in red as he realized he'd been having a conversation with an adult woman while practically naked.

"S-sorry!" He shouted bolting out of the room as Mandalay watched him go and then looked at her nephew.

The next morning class 1-A gathered in front of Aizawa as he began to explain the purpose of this training camp. "You have all experienced several extreme moments during your time at UA, and I'm sure all of you feel as if you're much stronger than when you first enrolled. Why don't we have a demonstration of how strong you've gotten from our Class Representative. Midoriya throw this ball with all you've got." Aizawa said tossing the ball to Izuku who looked at the ball and nodded before calling up his full cowl and rearing back hurled the ball as hard as he could. There was a sonic boom as the ball left Izuku's hand and rocketed through the air at such a speed it sheered itself apart raining bits of metal across the forest.

Aizawa looked at his scanner as error read across it and then at Izuku. "Ok that was a mistake on my part." He said before retrieving another ball and tossing it to Bakugou. "Alright Bakugou throw it." Bakugou looked at Aizawa and then glared at Izuku before throwing the ball with all his might. The ball soared to a distance of 709Mt. Bakugou looked at the screen then his hand before clenching it and growling to himself.

"See what I mean the only progress you've made is mental. You're minds are more developed and geared towards hero work, but your quirks are lagging behind. The purpose of this training camp is to have your quirks expand as well. Like building a house brick by brick we'll strengthen your quirks." The students nodded ready for what Aizawa had in store.

Shigaraki sat at the bar swirling his drink as he thought about his new plan. "Every time I think about what's going to happen I can't help, but smile." He said to himself as Kurogiri cleaned a glass.

"I was quite surprised with this plan Shigaraki, it's good to see that you're thinking of the long game now." Kurogiri complimented as Shigaraki smiled.

"If you're surprised at this, wait until you see what's next." Tomura stated holding up a picture of Izuku and Katsuki before placing one in each hand as his fingers came into contact with the photos they slowly began to crumble away.

Dabi stood in a shadowy recess along with the fellow members of the Vanguard Action Squad as Toga appeared. "Tomura's shipment arrived there's enough for everyone!" She said excitedly as Dabi nodded.

"He's finally working towards Stain's philosophy; he might be worth working under after all."

"Who gives a damn!? When do I get to kill people!?" Shouted a hulking figure in a black cloak and mask. Dabi looked at the figure and shook his head.

"Just shut up and wait alright you'll get your chance soon enough." Dabi said looking out at the forest before them. "It's time we knock the heroes from their pedestals."

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