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12.67% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 352: 14

Capítulo 352: 14

Chapter XIV: Assault On Arkham.

Last Time.

Later, Warden's Office.

Hugo threw Amanda's nameplate away as he puts his new one on the desk with 'WARDEN' on it. "Belle Reve will be fully operational tomorrow. All prisoners are accounted for. Except for the Riddler and Cluemaster. They manage to escape. Still, you must be disappointed?" He explained as Sr. walked out of the shadows smiling.

"Me? You smuggled everything in... You had as much to lose as we did. We may have been beaten. But the main objectives were reached." He finished shaking Hugo's hand.

"And the Light will be pleased," Hugo said as Sr. walked out, neither noticing a small microphone in the vent above them.

Mount Justice, September 18, 20:00 EDT.

Naruto, along with Batman looked at the audio playing on the screen of what transpired in Belle Reve. "This will give us heads up on some of their plans... And Hugo will take any blame if we're found out." Naruto said as Batman nodded.

"Yes... We'll just wait for any good leads from it.. Or find out why getting control of the prison is vital."


Mount Justice; September 21, 14:00 EDT.

Naruto was sitting on the couch in his civilian clothes the girls walked in.


Naruto looked back and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Donna?"

Donna, M'gann, and Starfire flew over in front of him. "We were just wondering... How did you meet Killer Frost?"

Naruto looked at them as he turned the TV off. "OK... Why did you want to know?"

"Because she has a big crush on you, and we just wanted to know how that happened." Naruto shrugged before beginning to tell the story.

"OK. I told Artemis already. Why don't I start at the beginning.. when Batman and I were tracking down the Riddler…"


(A/N: This chapter will be a 'flashback' but it won't be in Italic.)

Unknown Location, Gotham City December 14, 2008, 21:30 EDT. (1.)

The Riddler is now wearing a colorful two-piece suit. It's comprised of a dark green shirt and a lighter green jacket with a high collar; the shoulders are a darker green and a question mark is emblazoned on his left shoulder. He has a purple tie with a green question mark tiepin in the middle, black pants with a green belt and question mark buckle, and triangular green glasses with a purple frame.

He's talking to Amanda Waller on a monitor.

"Riddle me this. When is a door, not a door?" He asked interlocking his fingers together. "It feels like drowning doesn't it? When the answer is at the edge of your cortex. But you can't seem to grasp it." He finished with a smirk as Amanda just stared at him.

"You're trying my patience." She said as he sighed.

"The answer. When it's ajar."

"Here's an easy one. What runs around the city. But never moves? No… It's a wall."

Amanda sighed before speaking. "What do you want Enigma?" She asked as he stretched, and rested his head on his hands.

"I'm in charge here so I'll be asking the questions. Riddle me this. What belongs to you. But other people use it more than you?"

"Your name." She answers making him look up in surprise.

"You've heard that one before?" He asked making her shake her head.

"No... I have Google, like the rest of the world." She answered as he pushed away from the computer.

"Why do you talk to me like this Waller?" He asked making her smirk.

"Simple. I needed to keep you babbling long enough to pinpoint your position."

Suddenly the windows on the ceiling shattered and bunched of armored men dropped down and aimed their guns at him. "Hands in the air."

Riddler complied as one man ran up, and roughly slammed him down on the console. "He's secured."

Suddenly, the power went out, and the men heard a voice speak up.

"The Riddler is ours."

The men turned on their night vision and looked around. One man looked to his left before looking to the middle of the room and saw both Batman and Naruto. "It's Batman and Kage!"

They dropped flash bangs down disorienting the men before attacking the men around them as the ones on the edge of the room shot at them. Naruto threw a tri-pronged kunai over to them, flashed over, and took them out with a fury of punches, and kicks. Batman jumped on one man and grappled up in the air leaving him hanging.

The men holding Riddler started shooting at them, and Naruto jumped over, grabbed one's head, and pulled him down on his knee. Batman threw a batterang at the other destroying his gun before running over. The man dropped Riddler and pulled out a knife. He swung at Batman who dodged and blocked his attack before pushing him to the council.

The man tried to stab him but Batman turned his arm, broke it, and slammed the knife on the keyboard. Naruto glanced to see a tied-up Riddler trying to escape through a vent. He ran over, grabbed him, and pushes him up against the wall.

"We know you helped him Nigma. Tell us everything… NOW."

Gotham City; Bank December 15, 7:00 EDT.

Killer Frost, wearing a dark blue sleeveless leotard, shoulder-high fur-trimmed gloves, boots, and white stockings ran out of the bank as her car drove away.

She heard clicking, turned around, and saw Kage with a S.W.A.T. force. She brought her hands up as they shot at her before freezing several men.

Naruto dodged her blasts before running over to her. "Come on beautiful. How about we go out and-!" He stopped as she shot him again.

He jumped over and wrapped her hands behind her back before snapping a collar on her neck. 'I swear I must have inherited an interest in dangerous women from dad.' He thought before picking up a struggling Killer Frost.

"Put me down!" She yelled before Naruto dropped her in the van.

"There happy?" He asked before closing the door, not noticing the driver's smirk before going the opposite way of Belle Reve.

Doll Shop; December 15, 20:00 EDT.

Naruto and Batman jumped over the broken window and saw a Caucasian woman. She's wearing a harlequin headpiece and her top is a checked tank top, exposing her midriff and navel, as well as a loose black glove on her left hand, and a black sleeve on her right. She has tight black and red pants, with a red diamond pattern on the right, and a loose belt with a diamond buckle. And she has black boots that ended halfway between her knee and ankle as shoes.

"You know where he put it don't you?" Batman asked having the woman turn around showing white face makeup, black eye makeup, and red lipstick.

"Where is it, Harley?" He asked making Harley narrow her eyes.

"No idea what you're talking about Bats." She started throwing dolls at him as he walked up.

She slapped him with one drawing blood from his nose before bringing out retractable batons. Batman threw two battarangs at her; forcing her to lean back letting them pass, only to see Naruto standing behind her. He grabs her and pushes her up against a support beam.

"Where is it?" He asked making her look confused.

"I swear I don't know! I don't know where he keeps half his things… Honest." She said as Batman's eyes glowed.

"She's telling the truth." He said after checking her heartbeat, and pulse.

The police showed up, and they took Harley to them. "Take her to Arkham."

A Few Hours Later.

(A/N: Everything taking place until they get to the warehouse is close to canon and will be skipped.)

Naruto walked through the window of the Arkham warehouse and saw Killer Frost open a box. "Mr. Freeze's gun... Score~" Killer Frost said trying to pick it up.

He saw other people including Harley, and Black Spider looking around. "Deadshot." Naruto thought as he saw a man in black armor with a mask covering the top of his head with a red lens covering his right eye.

"Captain Boomerang.'

He saw another man with brown hair, and a mutton-chop wearing a blue jacket, and a long scarf with another man with a missing left hand with a mask.

"KGBeast." (2.)

Naruto heard something break before looking to see an African-American man wearing jeans, and a leather jacket with metal claws retracting into his gloves. He turned around showing a tiger-headed mask.

(A/N: Picture him in Arrow but with a tiger-themed helmet, and the claws retracted like in Arkham: Origins: Blackgate.) (3.)

"Bronze Tiger? What's he doing with criminals? And for that matter, why is Black Spider with them?" Batman walked over and looked down. "Let me handle this. I am kind of new to the scene. They may think they can beat me, or keep from contacting whoever on the other end of their link." Naruto said before dropping down.

He kicked KGBeast away before kicking Killer Frost in the stomach, sending her flying.

He ran to KGBeast, and punched his stomach several times before jumping up, and avoiding an ice blast from Frost.


She yelled shooting at Naruto who jumped on the boxes surrounding them. Deadshot used his gauntlets to shoot at Naruto who threw several throwing knives at him causing them to blow up, and sending Deadshot through a box. Naruto quickly jumped up on a rafter before blocking a strike from Black Spider. He kicked Spider away before dashing and forming a blue ball in his hand.

"Rasengan! (Spiraling Sphere!)" Black Spider was sent down onto a box and groaned. 'Glad I used a weaker version.' Naruto thought before jumping down.

He suddenly dodged several exploding boomerangs before pulling out his bow and shot at his feet. It exploded sending Captain Boomerang away into a beam. Suddenly, KGBeast charged him and rams him into several boxes before putting a gun in his left hand. Naruto quickly threw down several smoke bombs before jumping back up on the rafters.

He quickly dodged a swipe from Bronze Tiger before kicking him in the chest and was about to rush over, only for a missile to hit in front of him causing him to fall. He got up showing tears in his coat before looking up. Eyes widening, he jumped out of the way as the rafters came down before Black Spider grabbed him, and held a knife to his throat.

"Denpō Sekka (Telegram Flash.)" Lightning covered Black Spider as a red light flashed on the back of his neck.

Outside the room, the others coughed before getting up and looked at the smoke coming out of the door. Suddenly, a figure walked out showing Black Spider holding his side, and Naruto's bow and quiver. "Spoilers of war." He said with a shrug as Deadshot brought up a gold ball.

"The U.S.B. is in here." He said unscrewing it, showing nothing's inside.

"What the hell?" Boomerang asked looking down as Deadshot growled.

"We've been had." He threw the ball down as Harley looked around holding a large mallet.

"Where's Frosty?" She asked as everyone looked to see she's missing. "

"Frost? Damn it." Deadshot said before trying his earpiece. "Frost come in!"

"She must be going after Riddler."

They all ran down the hall before Harley looked at him. "How do you know she's with Riddler?" She asked as Deadshot caught up to her.

"She was eyeing him back in the security room." Later, they came to an empty cell with a puddle of water, and a riddles book on the floor.

"They're gone!" Harley yelled as Captain Boomerang looked at her.

"We can see that." He said before hearing a ring.

"It's Waller," Deadshot said before answering. "Yeah." After a second, Amanda spoke up.

"What are you trying to pull Deadshot? You're not checking in." Deadshot looked around the cell before speaking up.

"Had a run-in with Kage... But we're past it and got your cane. We're just looking for a way out." Amanda was silent for a moment before speaking.

"So you're all together?" She asked as Deadshot narrowed his eyes.

"Of course why wouldn't we be?" He asked her before turning around.

"Then why is there security at the Medical Room?"

Arkham Catacombs.

The Squad saw Frost and Edward/Riddler hiding behind a wall as guards shot at them. Deadshot shot several guards as Captain Boomerang threw one of his Boomerangs hitting several others.

"You alright?" Bronze Tiger asked as they came up to them.

"Yeah." She replied as Deadshot shot more bullets at the guards.

"This better be good." He said as Killer Frost pointed at Edward.

"He knows how to deactivate the bombs." Edward turned around showing an 'X' shaped scar.

"I can do it but I need to get in there." Bronze Tiger brought up his claws.

"If we had a way to distract them, I can take them out." He said as Black Spider looked at Naruto's quiver.

"If I remember correctly, Kage has smoke arrows in his arsenal. I can use a couple, and we can take them out."

KGBeast nodded before glancing over the wall. "Do it." He said in a Russian accent.

Black Spider picked up two arrows and threw them at the guards. KGBeast shot the guards on the left side as Bronze Tiger attacked the ones on the right having the Squad run inside, and lock the door.

"So… How does this work?" Bronze Tiger asked Edward who was mumbling as he turned on several machines.

"Grab a chair, and lose your masks." He said as Deadshot, KGBeast, and Bronze Tiger removed their masks and pulled chairs up.

"I'll keep watch." Black Spider said looking out the window.

"We use electroshock," Edward said as Harley laughed.

"Oh, I love electroshock. It's like a shiatsu massage for your brain." She said as Edward started hooking wires up to everyone.

"Police are here." Black Spider said before Deadshot spoke up.

"Waller's calling. Hello." He greeted before Amanda spoke up.

"There's a report of a break-in at Arkham. You're on red alert." Deadshot shrugged before replying.

"News to me." Amanda sighed before speaking.

"What part of 'Off The Books' do you not understand!? Are you in the Med Center or not!?" She yelled through the earpiece as Edward broke a broomstick, and giving a small piece in each of their mouths.

"We hit a snag. Spider needed medical treatment." He heard Amanda growl over the earpiece.

"Spider is in... Don't screw with me Lawton, you got that?" Deadshot grunted a reply as he bit down on the piece of wood.

Edward turned the electric on having them groan through the wood, and Harley laughs as she spits hers out. After a minute, he turned it off.

"Did it work?" Bronze Tiger asked before hearing a beeping sound coming from KGBeast.

"Why didn't it work?" Killer Frost asked as Edward looked to see a burnt spot on the floor where the metal on his left hand is pointing to.

Suddenly, his head blew up making the Squad gasp. "The metal on his left arm must have taken the brunt of the electricity," Edward said as Captain Boomerang looked to Black Spider.

"What's his excuse?"

Edward started laughing at that. "Don't you get it? That's Kage."

Suddenly, Batman crashed through the window and knocked Edward out as smoke engulfed Naruto revealing him in his trademark costume with Black Spider's mask on. He pulled his hood up before pulling the mask off and walked up to Deadshot. "Why are you here?" He asked as Deadshot scoffed.

"Amanda Waller wanted the Riddler dead."

Suddenly, Naruto was shot in the arm before rolling over to the console and hid behind it. He looked up to see a tall, slender man, with chalk-white skin, ruby-red lips, and ahead of bright green hair falling down in a mop style. He is wearing a purple suit with a flower on his lapel, skinny leg pants, a skinny purple tie, and a silver chain at his waist.

"Joker," Naruto said as Joker laughed.

"I'm here bitches! And I brought party favors for everyone!" He yelled dropping explosive marbles.

As Naruto and Batman hid from Joker firing at them, the Squad let.


Naruto and Batman dropped in front of Frost, Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, and Captain Boomerang.

"Where's the Joker?" Batman asked making Captain Boomerang scoff.

"We don't have to tell you anything." He said pulling a boomerang out.

Only for an arrow to explode in glue covering his hand. Deadshot aimed at him as Batman spoke up. "Lawton. We can settle our business later. Where's the Joker."

Deadshot lowered his gun and sighed. "He and Harley disappeared with their mallet." Batman narrowed his eyes at that.

"That must be where the bomb is."

Suddenly, Joker came upon several TV screens around the room. "Testing. I know you can see me Bats. Hope you've brought protection. Because I'm going to give Gotham a taste of... Tainted love."

He pressed a button that opened every cell in Arkham. "I'm going after Joker," Batman said as the Squad looked out the window.

They looked back to see that both Kage and Batman were nowhere to be seen.

Outside with Naruto.

"Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Multi Shadow Clone Technique!)"

Naruto created clones to handle the inmates before focusing his attention on someone dressed as a scarecrow with a noose around his neck, and needles over his right hand.

The man tried to jab him, only for Naruto to jump up, and kick his head down creating a small crater. He looked to his left to see Killer Frost get in a patrol car, as Bane lifted it over his head, and threw it. "Damn." Naruto shot an arrow up and flashed to the car.

He grabbed her through the window and jumped off as the car landed near Deadshot who's running to a helicopter. The car exploded having Naruto shield them as the fire covered them. Naruto jumped down as Killer Frost puts a hand on his cheek, smiled, and fell limp in his arms. "Too much for you huh?" He asked checking her pulse before putting her down and ran towards Bane.

He jumped up on the air above him and formed a big Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere.) "Odama Rasengan! (Big Ball Spiraling Sphere!)" He hits Bane creating a big crater, and hits a big group of inmates around them.

Naruto ran over to Batman who's talking to the Commissioner, a man with graying hair, and a mustache.

A Few Minutes Later.

Batman and Naruto flew beside a smoking helicopter with Joker, Harley, and Deadshot fighting inside. "Take the controls," Batman said before opening the window and grappled up to it.

Naruto pulled the wheel over just as the helicopter crashed with Batman, and Harley roping down a couple of floors. Naruto puts the Batwing in hover before jumping over to see Batman fighting Harley. He wrapped his arms around her making her drop her mallet.

"It's OK Harley... It's OK." Naruto said to the former physiologist who struggled before calming down as Batman looked at the bomb in the mallet.

As he walked over to disarmed the bomb, they heard Joker laughing before seeing the helicopter fall to the ground.

A Few Days Later, Amanda Waller's Office.

Amanda poured herself a glass of whiskey before hearing a voice.


She looked up to see Batman, and Kage walking in. "You knew to send your Suicide Squad in they would go off script."

She sighed before taking a sip. "Oh... It's just you two." They stopped in front of her desk and crossed their arms.

"When your bombs didn't dice them. You figured the S.C.U. would." Batman continued as she swirled the alcohol in her glass. "All that. Just to kill the Riddler." He finished making her smile.

"Let's just say I break a lot of eggs to make an omelet." She said looking out the window.

"And because you're a messy cook. The Riddler escaped." Naruto said before noticing something outside.

Walking over, he turned his glasses on and zoomed in to see Deadshot out of his costume laying on his stomach working on a sniper rifle with a five-year-old girl playing behind him.


He yelled pushing her down as the glass shattered. Getting up, he saw Deadshot pick the girl up, and ran down the stairs.

"We'll catch him later," Batman said before leaving with Naruto following.

"Just leave Riddler alive, and we'll call it even. Don't send anyone after him, and he won't deactivate your bombs." Naruto said over his shoulder before walking out, and closing the door.

(Flashback End.)

"Joker was able to escape…survived obviously. The deranged clown was actually the reason the League can't use Mount Justice anymore." Naruto finished as M'gann floated in front of him. "Are those stars in her eyes?" He thought before she spoke up.

"That was soo romantic... Saving Frost I mean." Naruto nodded at that.

"Yes... Plus I couldn't let her die like that." He said with a smile. 'And it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact I was a hormonal teenaged boy again and was single at the time.' He thought before Kurama spoke up.

"Keep telling yourself that."

They continued to talk until Batman came in through the tunnel. "Wait... I thought Waller was a warden wasn't she?" Donna asked as Naruto nodded.

"That's her punishment from her superiors... Since she's not the Warden now I guess she's back with them."

To Be Continued.

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