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7.45% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 207: 37

Capítulo 207: 37

Chapter thirty seven: A tight situation…

"Hell yeah!" – talks.

'Art is a blast!' – thoughts.

"Know your role!" – Yamato/Rebellion.

"Katsu!" – demonic/jutsu.


With Naruto…

"Come, Uzumaki Naruto. Your mission has not even started."

"Fuck!" Naruto woke up in cold sweat.

"That dream again?" Someone beside him asked.

"Wha…?" The demon turned his head. "Oh, it's you, Yugito…" He took a deep breath. "Yeah, it just can't leave me alone. Perhaps it's a sign of some sort…"

Yugito cuddled to him. "Tell me about that dream. What do you see?"

Naruto sighed. "Nothing, girl… I see nothing. I float in space, surrounded by darkness. And then someone's calling me… Saying something about my mission…"

"What mission?"

"I have no fucking idea." He stated. "Then there is golden light, and next moment I always wake up in cold sweat. Sorry for waking you up by the way…"

Yugito smiled kindly at him. "It's okay, I wasn't sleeping too."


"I was thinking about the future…"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Yeah, about the time when it will all be over… Will there be such a time?"

"Don't be silly, girl." He hugged her closer. "Of course there will. We just have to do things right."

Yugito remained silent for a while. Then…

"Don't die, Naruto…"


"Don't die, you hear me?" She whispered.

"Don't worry; I don't plan on dying…"

"Does anyone?"

"Well… maybe, I don't know. The bottom line is that I don't."

"You know… I have a bad feeling about the upcoming battle." The girl stated. "Like something terrible is going to happen…"

"Terrible huh…" Naruto muttered, staring at the ceiling. "Do you remember your promise?"

Yugito frowned slightly. "What promise?"

"You know what promise I'm talking about…"

"No, I don't." She lied.

"Yes, you do." He lifted her chin so she would look in his eyes. "Whatever happens, do not sacrifice your life… even if it is to save mine."


"You heard me, Yugito?"


Iwagakure no sato. Main gate…

"Why it is always the two of us who has to guard this gate?!" One Iwa jounin asked his partner. "I mean come on! We are guarding it for three days straight!"

"Calm down, Ryu. There is nothing we can do about it." Another jounin replied. "Tsuchikage-sama ordered, we do. That's just the way it is."

"I know, Haita, I know…" Ryu said. "But it's just so boring here. Not even a single intruder to catch and kill!"

"Shut up already. Or your next intruder will happen to be Uzumaki Naruto."

Ryu's eyes widened. "Don't joke like that, Haita!"

"Haha, you should've seen your expression… wait, did you hear that?"

"Yeah… looks like someone's approaching."

"Holy shit! Ryu, look there!"

"Oh my fucking god…"

There was an army of ninjas approaching the village.

"Shit! Go, Haita, inform Tsuchikage-sama at once!"

"What about you?"

Ryu smiled. "I'll try to at least stall for time. Go!"



"Tch…" Haita spat and jumped off.

"Come on, you fuckers!" Ryu drew his wakizashi.

"Wait!" The army stopped and one man stepped forward. "My name is Orochimaru, I wish an audience with Tsuchikage."

Ryu's eyebrows rose. "Oh…"

Tsuchikage's office…

"Do you think I made the right choice, Kurotsuchi?" Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage asked.

"I don't know, grandfather…" The kunoichi replied. "But what's done is done. We can't take it all back now."

"Yeah, I guess you're right…"




"What is it, Haita?"

"We have an army approaching!" The jouinin stated.

"What?!" Onoki rose from his seat. "Is it Uzumaki?"

"I… I don't know, sir…"

"Don't worry, it's not." Another voice said as office door opened. "Long time no see, Onoki."

"Orochimaru." The Tsuchikage glared. "You'd better have a good reason for coming here."

"Can't help it, Tsunade's orders." The sannin stated.

Then Sasuke and Gaara entered…

"Kazekage? And the Uchiha too?" Onoki asked. "Will someone finally explain what's going on?"

"We believe your village will be the next one on Uzumaki Naruto's list." Gaara began. "So we sent our armies for reinforcements."

"Wait a second, next?!" Kurotsuchi asked in confusion. "What about Moon Country? What about our men?"

Sasuke's eyebrows rose. "You don't know?"

"Don't know what?" The kunoichi asked back.

"Naruto went himself." Orochimaru dropped the bomb. "Your men are dead… and Moon Country is lost."

"Dammit!" Tsuchikage hit his desk. "And you think he will attack Iwa next…"

"Yes." Gaara said.

"Fine then, I will accept your help." Onoki stated. "How many of you are there?"

"Almost the entire garrison of both Konoha and Suna… with some addition from Kumo." Sasuke explained.

"What?! The entire garrison?! And what do you mean from Kumo?!"

Orochimaru sighed. "You'd better send someone for a coffee, because this is gonna take a while to explain…"

With Naruto…

"How long till we reach Iwagakure?" The Overlord asked.

"Let's see…" Neji looked at the map. "We are here, so I'd say about two days."

"That won't do…"

"Well, not everyone can teleport as you do." Mei exclaimed.

"Which is unfortunate." Naruto said. "I bet Konoha and Suna's forces are already there."


"Two days… That won't do."

"What do you mean?" Neji asked. "You can't teleport the entire army."

"No, but I can teleport myself very well." The demon stated. "You were right back then, our forces will be at a disadvantage there. So I guess I will simply go there and find out what's going on."

Neji's eyebrows rose. "Oh no, you don't! If you want to go there right now, you promise that you won't start a ruckus until we arrive!"



"Well I…"


"Fine, fine." Naruto waved his hand.

"No, you son of a bitch, I know you too well." Hyuga replied. "Say I promise."

The demon grinned. "You sly motherfucker. Alright, I won't start the battle until you arrive. I promise."

Neji sighed. "I still don't think it's a good idea. Perhaps you should…"

"See ya!" Naruto interrupted his speech, disappearing in a flash of black.

"…Listen to me for once…" Neji finished his sentence. "Why do I even bother…?"

"Hey, why did you let him off that easily?" Mei asked. "I mean, even if he said 'I promise', what's stopping him from just breaking it?"

"His demonic side does." The commander replied.


The Hyuga sighed again. "You won't tell anyone about it, right?"

"S-Sure… Why so serious all of sudden?" The Mizukage asked.

"Because this is one of Naruto's greatest weaknesses." Neji stated. "You see, an immortal can't break his promise. If he does… the punishment will be severe."


"Yes. Do you understand now why it must be kept in secret?"

"Yeah, I guess. But thanks for telling me anyway…"

Kumogakure no sato…

"Senju Tsunade." The Raikage rose from his seat. "I welcome you in Kumogakure."

"It's been awhile since I've been here last time…" The Hokage said, looking around. "Not much has changed."

"Was your road trip well?"

"Quite, but let's skip the pleasantries, Ay." Tsunade responded. "I'm actually surprised it's not a trap…"

"Don't worry, it's not." The Raikage said. "A trap is not necessary at the moment…"

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, nice to see you too, Danzou." Ay stated. "What I meant was your life is now depends only on your army's success. And you knew it before coming here."

Tsunade closed her eyes. "Yes, I did. But I have faith in my forces! They have their mission and I have mine. If either of us fail, we both are dead."

"You are determined, I give you that." The Raikage nodded his head. "And until I receive the word that Naruto is victorious, you are safe in this village. You have to understand…"

"I do." The Hokage interrupted him. "Enough of the chit-chat. We've got work to do."

"Right." Ay replied. "Our trap must be laid very carefully."

"Yes." Danzou nodded. "Knowing him, we must end it in one blow, because we probably won't get another."

"Agreed." The Raikage said. "Here is my plan. Tell me if you want anything corrected…"

Iwagakure no sato…

"And I was like 'Holy shit! It's Orochimaru!' But then I remembered what Tsuchikage-sama said about being friendly with Konoha for now…"

"So, did you shit yourself or not, Ryu?"

"Fuck you, Haita!" The Iwa jounin sighed. "Well, at least we're not guarding that gate anymore…"

"Yeah, and at least it was not Uzumaki…"

"Stop saying his name all the time, Haita! Our army is about fifty thousand ninjas! There is no way we can lose!"

"Oh yeah?" Haita frowned. "And I heard that Uzumaki fought alone against Konoha and won."

"Dammit, stop ruining the mood." Ryu shouted. "You heard Tsuchikage-sama, Uzumaki will be here soon. Then you will see how I'm gonna kick his ass!"

"Yeah, yeah. And I'm gonna marry Tsunade." Haita replied with sarcasm. "Keep dreaming, pal. The two of us will be lucky if we survive this battle…"

"Tch." Ryu scowled. "Fine, don't believe me, but I will…!"

"Enough, man. We have an appointment now."

Ryu's eyebrows rose. "What appointment?"

Haita waved his hand. "That Uchiha kid wanted to meet with all of us."

"Yeah, well I don't want to meet him!"

"Tsuchikage-sama's orders…"

"Fuck." Ryu cursed. "Fine, I need to drop at my place first…"

"To change your underwear?" Haita asked slyly.

"Fuck you!" The Iwa jounin said and jumped off. "Fucking Haita, I will show him… I will show everyone!" He rushed to his apartment jumping from roof to roof.

'Never seen so many people at once…' Ryu thought, looking down during his run. 'Uzumaki has no chance!'

Many was not actually the word. Iwagakure was overwhelmed with people. Most of them were shinobi, so you could see puffs of smoke wherever you turn.

The village was preparing for the biggest battle in its life.

"Made it!" Ryu stopped in front of his apartment. "Now a quick shower and…" He closed the door, just as…


"Woah, where am I?" The intruder asked.

Ryu's eyes widened in fear and realisation. "Y-You're…!"

"It doesn't matter who I am!" The stranger slapped his face. "Sorry, instinct."

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Ryu drew his wakizashi. "This is where you die!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I will kill you now!"

Naruto pointed his finger at his self-appointed killer. "Don't do this."

"I will!"

"But why would you do such a thing? I mean killing is a sin…" Naruto said as innocently as he could.

"Shut up! I don't care if I'll go straight to hell for killing you! Ha!" Ryu shouted and attacked.

"To hell, huh? In that case… let me help you just a little." With that the Overlord threw a fireball at charging shinobi and disintegrated his body completely.


Wakizashi fell on the floor.

"A shame, I never asked his name…" Naruto said, taking Ryu's form. "Well, at least I've got a sword…" He said, picking up dead ninja's wakizashi.

"Traitor!" Yamato shouted. "You got the sword?! What about me?! I'm your sword! Throw that piece of crap away or I'll…"

Naruto snorted. "Or you'll do what?"

"I'll… I'll… I won't talk to you anymore!" The demon blade stated.

"Thank god!"

"Fuck you!"

"Hmhmhm…" The demon chuckled. "Chill, man. I can't wear you around, disguised as this guy. Besides, he wore that wakizashi. His friends will be suspicious…"

"Fine. But I'm still pissed at you…"

"I got it, I got it…" Naruto muttered, putting wakizashi in a scabbard behind his back. "Well, here I go."

"You enjoy doing that, don't you…?"

"Enjoy what?" The Overlord asked, leaving the apartment.

"Playing with your enemy." Yamato said.

"Hmm… you might be right."

"It will stab you in the ass one time."

'Maybe… but enough of that, people are around. Talk to you later.'

And just like Ryu, Naruto noticed the number of people on the streets.

'Damn, they really took it seriously… Holy shit!'

"What? What?"

'Look there! I can't fucking believe this!' Naruto shouted in his head.

Haruno Sakura was walking towards him.

"Chill, buddy. She doesn't know it's you." Yamato said. "Just look away and wait until she passes through."

'Yeah, you're right.' Naruto leaned on the wall and looked away from her.

"Well, did she leave?"

"Umm… excuse me." A very familiar female voice asked.

'Does this answer your question?!' The demon thought, rolling his eyes. 'Just my fucking luck. Out of all people, she came up to me.'

"Are you alright?"

"What?" Naruto looked up. "Oh, sorry. What can I do for you…"


"Right. What can I help you with?"

"Well…" She began. "I was kind of looking for the ammunition store. Can you show me where it is?"

'Like I know.' The blond thought. "Sorry, I'm not from here…" He said… and struggled real hard not to slap his face again. 'IMBECILE! How can you be not from here with Iwagakure headband on?!'

"B-But you have a headband…" Sakura noticed it too.

"Haha…" Naruto laughed. "I uh… I just wanted to prank you. The store is right there down that street."

"There is no ammunition store there…" Yamato commented.

'Yeah, I know… But she doesn't.'

"Oh, thanks." Sakura smiled. "Can you walk me to it?"

'Fuck!' Naruto cursed. 'Save me! Anyone!'

"Tough luck, pal…"


"Ryu!" Another Iwa shinobi landed beside them. "Ryu, where the hell have you been?! I've been looking all over for you; we have an appointment, remember?"

'What fucking appointment?!' Naruto sighed. 'Well, at least I know what's my name is.'


"Yeah, I remember." Naruto replied. "I'm sorry, Sakura, but my duty calls. I hope we'll meet again."

"Me too, Ryu." Sakura nodded. "Take care."

"Come on, let's go already!" The jounin said and jumped off.

Naruto waved to Sakura and followed.

"That Konoha chick was good." The jounin stated with a sly smile. "I saw her with that Uchiha kid one time."

"Uchiha?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "He's here too?"

The jounin looked at him strangely. "Did you hit your head or something? We have a meeting with him right now."

Naruto raised his second eyebrow. "Oh… Sorry, I forgot…"

"You do remember that my name is Haita, right?"

'Stupid name…' The demon smiled. "Of course pal. Now let's kick up the pace, I don't want to be late…"

"To meet the Uchiha?"

'To meet the Uchiha…' Naruto thought, jumping from roof to roof. 'Looks like we'll meet in combat once more, Uke-chan. Let's see how you try to run this time!'

Iwa training grounds…

"I thank you for your time…" Sasuke started, standing in front of Iwa soldiers. "It is my duty to inform you that Uzumaki Naruto will be at the head of our enemies' army in this upcoming battle."

"Tell us something we don't know!" Someone shouted.

"Fine." Sasuke replied. "You are, under any circumstances, not allowed to go after him. If any of you see him nearby, flee immediately."

"Was that Tsuchikage-sama's orders?" Another voice asked.

"No, it is mine…"

"Why the hell should we listen to you?!" Random Iwa jounin exclaimed.

"Because I fought him more than anyone." Sasuke stated. "And I am still alive as you see…"

'Oh… my… god…' Naruto rolled his eyes. 'This guy has no shame at all.'

"Oh, I guess he just forgot to mention all those people who always save his ungrateful ass." Yamato added.

'I can't resist!' The demon grinned. "Were you able to defeat him at least once?"

Uchiha frowned. "I did… once. But I had help that time."

"Then who's going to fight him?" Haita asked.

"Defeating Naruto will be the duty of our special unit. It consists of Konoha special task team, joined by Kazekage and Tsuchikage."

Someone whistled at that. "That's a shitload of power! We'll bring him down alright!"

Sasuke glared at the speaker. "You!" He pointed his finger. "Two steps forward."

Unknown shinobi scowled but complied.

"Now I want you to attack me."


Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "You heard me soldier, I told you to strike me down!"

"Tch, you asked for it!" Iwagakure ninja ran forward, trying to punch Uchiha in the face… but he disappeared. "W-What?"

"You should be more careful of your surroundings." Was heard from… below.


"Shi-Shi rendan!" Sasuke kicked his opponent high in the air and delivered his signature combination.

"Gah!" The chuunin gasped in pain when Sasuke's leg pinned him to the ground.

"That…" Uchiha started, getting up from the ground. "Was the power of a man, who Naruto can defeat without even trying. I was there when the entire village of Konoha tried to bring him down! Right there he killed two of our best men in front of our very eyes! And now he has more power than ever…" He paused and looked down. "Do you still think we can bring him down…?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow at this. 'Now that was… fatalistic.'

"You don't say." Yamato commented. "I think he even sounded desperate for a moment…"

The demon shrugged. 'Perhaps. After all, I am the one who ruined his life. I am the one who took away his family. And I am the one who he desperately seeks vengeance against. But this is different from Itachi…'

"How so?"

'Itachi was mortal.'


"I thank you for your time." Sasuke muttered. "Stay safe…"

"Hmm… He sounded sincere…" Haita stated.

"…Huh, what?" Naruto replied.

"Snap out of it, Ryu!" Iwa jounin shouted. "What's the matter with you today?!"

"Sorry, I think I got a little nervous about the whole Naruto thing…" The Overlord said. "Do we have any more appointments?"

"Actually we do…" Haita pointed at the approaching Tsuchikage.

Naruto scowled. 'I'm really starting to lose my patience. I wonder if staying with Neji and the rest would have been more boring than that…'

"Okay, men, listen up!" Onoki started. "According to our intelligence, we have at least three times bigger army than Uzumaki has! And as you already heard from our Uchiha… friend, we will deal with Uzumaki personally. In the mean time, you will deal with his men. Your battle will take place outside of the village…"

"B-But why outside, Tsuchikage-sama?"

"Because we will be fighting him inside… and we might accidentally kill all of you in the process." The old man stated. "There probably won't be a standing building left when it's over…"

"Then why won't you just fight him outside?" Some jounin asked.

Tsuchikage scowled. "Because I'd like to see you try going to him and persuading him to go outside!"


"Idiot. Now, I will appoint commanders of each squad…"

Three hours later…

'Do you see any hard stone wall around here?'

"Why do you need one?" Yamato asked.

"Because I really want to bang my head on it!" The demon stated. "Well, at least I got away from this annoying…"

"Ryu! Hey, Ryu, are you there?"

"Damn!" Naruto cursed, looking around the corner at approaching Haita. "That moron again…"

What's the big deal?! Just transform into someone else!" The demon blade suggested.

'An excellent idea!' Naruto thought and…

"Ryu? Oh, sorry, Uchiha-san. I thought I saw my friend here…"

"That guy with wakizashi?" 'Sasuke' asked. "He went that way."

"Thank you." Haita bowed and jumped away.

"Thank god…" Naruto muttered in relief. "That guy needs to loosen up a bit."

"Nice save." Yamato commented. "However I think that turning into the Uchiha was not the smartest idea…"

'No shit?!' Naruto thought with sarcasm, walking down the street. 'Sigh, I guess I'll simply go to sleep right now, it's late already… Besides, I have a headache from listening to this old motherfucker for three hours.'

"Well, at least you know all their shitty plans…"

'Fucking Neji, you'd better get your ass here quickly, or I'll…'

"Out of the way!"


Small squad almost ran over Naruto, but he managed to throw himself aside in the last second.

"Shit, did no one inform them about my 'Uchiha Sasuke' status?!" The demon asked, dusting himself off.

"I guess not… it's still not too late to return to Mei and the others you know…"

"Well, I guess…" Naruto was about to reply… when the door nearby suddenly opened and two arms dragged him inside. "What the…?"

His question was interrupted by a kiss.

'Mmm… feels nice…' He thought… only for his eyes to widen in horror when he realized who it is he was kissing. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!'

"I missed you." Sakura whispered in his neck.

'Shit, shit, shit! Not now!' Naruto cursed. 'What's wrong with me today?! Always getting in some shit!'

"I told you it was a bad idea to take Uchuha's appearance…" Yamato commented. "Umm… she's waiting for a reply you know…"

'Oh, right!' Naruto forced a smile on his face. "Y-Yeah, I missed you too."

"I thought you wouldn't come tonight…"

'Sasuke' raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I?"

Sakura smiled sadly. "I thought you don't want to be distracted… with this battle and everything."

"Well, I did… I mean I didn't. But I always can find some time for you, Sakura."

The girl's eyes widened. "Do you really mean that?"

"Remember, you're the Uchiha!"

Naruto paused. "Of course. You're the only thing I have right now." 'How was that?'

"Excellent! They should give you an Oscar for this!"

'Heard it somewhere…' The demon shrugged mentally.

Sakura hugged him tightly. "Please, I know you're worried about the battle. But it will happen tomorrow. We still have tonight. Stay with me, let me make you forget all your worries."

Naruto's eyes widened in realization. 'I don't want to fuck her!'

"Duh, you're the Uchiha." Yamato replied. "Think of it this way, do you want to see her face when she will learn the truth?"

'Sasuke' grinned evilly. 'Oh hell yeah!' He thought and wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist. "Alright, Sakura, I will do as you wish."

"Mmm…" The kunoichi moaned and closed her eyes when he kissed her neck.

"Make me forget." The demon whispered in her ear and laid her on the bed, continuing his assault on her neck.

"Ah… ah, Sasuke…"

'Wha…?' Naruto stopped instantly. His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Well that's a first! I can't believe you were so terrible that girl actually moaned another guy's name in bed with you! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

'Grr… you will pay for that remark!' Naruto thought, beginning to massage Sakura's breasts.

"Yes, Sasuke, don't stop!" The kunoichi moaned again.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I just can't help it!"

'Shut up!' The demon cursed. 'That bitch is just pushing it! I'll show her how to scream other names in a bed with me!'

"Duh, you ARE Sasuke, pal! So it's only naturally for her to scream his name."

'Dammit, well, I'll just have to finish it off quickly!' He removed himself from her and started to remove his gear. 'I guess today is your lucky day, Sakura… though you probably will curse it afterwards…'

"Wait, let me help." The kunoichi sat up and began to remove his clothes for him. "Forget everything." She said, kissing his chest. "Let me make you feel good."

Naruto tried hard not to snort. 'Sorry, girl, but to make me feel good you need the entire harem… or Mei and Yugito… together… in Jacuzzi… with bubbles… and cola. Mmm, cola…'

Meanwhile Sakura has finally succeeded in removing all of his clothes… and actually almost removed hers.

"Sasuke, umm…" She bit her lower lip. "It's my first time, so… would you mind if I do that myself?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Sure, take your time."

Sakura gulped. "W-Well…" She straddled him and placed her hand right on his… "Oh my…"


"I… I never expected for it to be this big." She admitted. "Will it fit inside?"

Naruto sighed. "You sure you want to do this yourself?"

"Y-Yes…" The girl shut her eyes tightly and lowered herself down on him. "Aaah!"

"You okay?" He asked when she fell on top of him.

"I am, it just hurts a little…" Sakura stated. "Give me a few seconds."

Naruto sighed again. 'I'll probably hate myself in the morning, but…' He picked her up and rolled over.

"Kyah! Sasuke, what are you doing?" Sakura asked.

"Sorry, Sakura, but you won't feel any good this way." The Overlord said, entering her as deeply as he could.

"Aaaaaah!" Sakura gasped. "Sasuke, wait! You're too rough!"

'Sasuke' grinned at her. "Don't worry, just trust me." He said, picking up his pace.

"Sasuke, ah! Oh my god!"

Naruto gritted his teeth. 'She's just pushing her luck by calling out that name…'

"Haha, true. But she's gonna die tomorrow anyway."

'Well, at least she won't die a virgin!' Naruto thought, grabbing Sakura's shoulders and pushing himself deeper inside.

"Ah, you're hitting my womb!" She screamed, wrapping her hands around his neck. "Sasuke, I can't… I'm gonna go crazy!"

"Does it feel good, Sakura?"

"Yes, god yes!" She yelled in pleasure. "Please don't stop!"

'Like hell I'll stop! After all those times when you hit me back then?! Eh-eh!'

"Ah! Sasuke, I… something is coming! I can't hold it!"

He felt her body tense. "Don't worry, let it all out, girl." The demon replied. 'Too bad, I'm not even close…'

"SASUKE!" Sakura's back arched as she reached her very first orgasm.

"Holy shit!" Naruto suddenly cursed. "What is… gah!" And despite being 'not even close', he exploded right away when her walls tightened around him as she came. 'Huff… Huff… what in the blue hell was that?'

"What happened?"

'I don't know… For some reason, when she came, I just felt too good. I think she somehow managed to channel her chakra down there…'

"Was it good?"

'Damn right it was! I even feel sad about killing her now…'

"S-Sasuke…?" Sakura asked, regaining her brain functions. "Did you feel good?"

Naruto stroke her face. "Yes, girl, I did…"

"Good." She rested her head on his shoulder.

The Overlord paused for a moment. "Sakura?"


"Tell me… what do you think of Naruto?"

Sakura's eyes widened at this. "Naruto…" She whispered. "I… I don't believe he's lost, not really. I will do everything I can to bring him back."

The demon sighed. "You do understand that if you do that, he will simply be executed as a traitor, right?"

The girl fritted her teeth. "We'll think of something…"

Naruto grinned. "Sure you will. Now get some sleep, you'll need it."

"Thanks." She cuddled to him and closer her eyes.

"So, what do you think?" Yamato asked.

Naruto wanted to snort. 'What do I think? What do you think! You think something has changed?! Hell no, I'll still kill her if she gets in my way. But she just made me think about what's next…'

"What do you mean?"

Naruto sighed. 'What if I win? No, not just tomorrow battle, but everything! Defeat everyone! I mean, will I be able to live in the world without fighting? Of course, I won't commit a suicide, but it will be extremely boring…'

"Afraid of peaceful life, aren't you?" Yamato commented slyly. "You can always go to the Netherworld. A plenty to destroy there…"

'Yeah… Alright, enough of this shit!' Naruto looked at Sakura's face. 'Aww, how cute! I wonder how that face will look tomorrow when she realizes that Sasuke was not quite Sasuke.'

"I bet it will be priceless… But you should probably leave right now."

'Yeah, I guess you're right. And I know it's not about simple destruction, it just brings me joy…' Naruto removed himself from his ex-teammate. 'Sweet last dreams, Sakura…'

Next morning…





"Ryu, open this damn door!"



"Ryu!" Haita busted in… to find Ryu sleeping peacefully on his bed. "Wake up, dammit!" The jounin shouted, pushing his friend off the bed.

"Yeow!" Ryu landed with a thud. "What the fuck!"

"Get your ass up this instant!" Haita stated. "They came earlier!"

Ryu's eyes sparkled. "Who came?"

"Uzumaki's forces!"

Ryu sighed. "At last!"

"What do you mean?" Haita asked in confusion.

"Hadou #4 Byukurai!" Ryu shot a beam of purple light from his hand and watched in satisfaction how Haita's lifeless body fell to the ground with a hole in its forehead. "That's what I mean. Time for my grand entrance!" He said, disappearing in a burst of flames.

Iwagakure no sato. Main gate…

"Are they here? Are they nearby?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes, they are." Orochimaru said, narrowing his eyes.

"Get ready, men!" Onoki shouted. "You all know what to do, may the luck be on your side today…"

"Wait a second!" One jounin jumped in front of everyone.

"Ryu?" Tsuchikage asked. "What are you doing?"

Ryu looked over his shoulder at approaching army and grinned. "You know, there's that joke about Uzumaki Naruto you just have to hear!"

"Silence!" Orochimaru shouted. "Get out of the way, now!"

Ryu pouted. "Not in the mood for jokes, huh… Well, then how about a question then? What is the most electrifying phrase in the world?"

Everybody stared at him in confusion… everybody except Sakura.

"Art is a blast…" She muttered with horrified face.

"Damn straight! KATSU!"


The hospital and Tsuchikage tower exploded.

"You!" Orochimaru yelled.

"Ah, at last I can say FINALLY!" A burst of flames and instead of Ryu there stood Uzumaki Naruto. "NARUTO HAS COME BACK TO IWAaaaaaaa who gives a crap!"

"Uzumaki!" The Tsuchikage gritted his teeth.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it like who gives a crap about Iwagakure. I mean who gives a crap about the fact that Naruto is here. I mean come on, I've been here a whole day and no one even noticed!" He glanced back once more. "So, I waited long enough?"

"Pretty much." Neji grinned at him. "Anything worth our attention?"

"Of course! Tsuchikage-chan wears a thong!" The Overlord stated.

Neji slapped his face. "I don't even want to know if that's true, or how you managed to find out if it actually is…"

"Really? I wouldn't mind to know." Mei said with a smirk.

"Still full of jokes, are you, Naruto?" Sasuke asked dangerously.

"Oh? And you think I should be a stuck up imbecile like you? Eh-eh! Emo just won't fit with me."

"Naruto, please!" Sakura suddenly yelled. "Stop this insanity, it's not too late!"

"He won't listen to you, girl." Orochimaru replied. "He only understands the language of force."

"Nah, I also understand Swahili, but I doubt any of you speak it…"

"Enough!" Onoki shouted. "Today is your final day, Uzumaki Naruto! You will pay for everything you've done!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "That so? You know, just before I came here I used the restroom. Must I pay for that as well? And if I do, then how much? I have money you see…"

"Enough! Men, attack!"

Naruto's grin widened. "Just bring it, bitch!"


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