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84.28% Just Another Chat Group / Chapter 59: I'm sorry officer there is not Shota here.

Capítulo 59: I'm sorry officer there is not Shota here.

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Gah, Why did you get another Longnius!?!]

A message popped up in front of me as I stared at my potentially kidnapped Lion. Figures Rias would be the first person to react to my Gacha. She knows the power of a Longnius so she was bound to say something.

Still, I rolled my eyes at her response. 

[Overdramatic Fool: Did you not say you were lucky? If you did not waste your points on name changes you could roll the Gacha and try to get one as well.]

Rias had an abundant amount of Luck so she might get something impressive if she tried. Instead, she wasted her points trying to change her username. It was a doomed effort from the start as the Chat Group must have some sense of humor. She had not spent her points since the last change so maybe she changed her mind.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say you are Regulus." I stated blandly as I looked over at the young child in front of me. The potential Lion blinked lazily at me as he took in my words.

"Yup." The now confirmed lion spoke with the same lackadaisical attitude. I felt my face twitch at the response. It was nice knowing that I was right about him but I expected a bigger reaction from him. If I did kidnap him should he not have some questions? Instead, the lazy lion just looked at me in silence. How was I supposed to react to this situation?

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I know that but I really hate this Username! Why are all of them about my breasts!?]

[NTR Victim: Because God hates you.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: That's kind of rude Ashley.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: You're kind of right?? ]

[Grade A Bottom: Huh? What is that supposed to mean?]

[NTR Victim: Wait I am? I was just being a snarky bitch.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: The fact that you know that brings so many things into question Ashley.]

[NTR Victim: Shush you know what I'm about. Magic tits needs to explain why God hates her.]

[Grade A Bottom: Ashley-san is as rude as always but I am a little curious as well?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I am a Devil? Of course, the G-man hates me. ]

[NTR Victim: For real?! When did you become cool Magic Tits?]

[Grade A Bottom: I'm friends with the Devil!?! The Devil is an OTAKU!?!]

[NTR Victim: Just like that my respect is gone.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: What have I got myself involved with!?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I'm not the Devil I am a Devil. Major difference. My brother is the Devil so I can't claim that title.]

[NTR Victim: Metal as fuck. You're still lame but metal as fuck.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: So many questions. Just so many questions.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Same.]

[Grade A Bottom: I think my brain needs to reboot.]

Well, it appears everyone was getting along better with each other. I guess that's a good thing I would even join in but I still had to take care of this situation. Should I try to return him? I kind of just yanked the guy from whatever the fuck he was doing before. His friends were probably freaking the fuck out about his disappearance.

The right thing would be to return the Lazy lion but when did I start to care about the right thing? I rolled for the dumb Lion fair and square. His unlimited potential was in my hands so why should I give that up for moral reasons? I was willing to do far worse if I could gain power why should now be any different?

Regulus even made an excellent guardian for my Mother. He fit the role perfectly as he was the Invincible Lion. I wish I could examine him more thoroughly but he appeared to be made with Divinity so I could not use the Alpha Stimga on him. It was a shame as the principles behind Sacred Gears would go crazy with my research into Noble Phantasms.

I froze at that thought. The Alpha Stimga could not inspect Divine Magic but that was just my Alpha Stimga. In the series, the main character could evolve their Alpha Stimga further. It may have happened because he had half of the Lonely Demon inside of him but it still happened. That meant that the Stimga could evolve under certain circumstances.

With time, effort, and some Luck I should be able to evolve my own Stigma. Then Divine magic would no longer be out of my hands. It was an idea that I never thought of as I was content to let the Chat Group increase my abilities. It never accrued to me to try to change these already overpowered abilities.

So many possibilities and it all became clear because I kidnapped a fucking magical Lion. God my life was screwed up in so many ways but I was completely fine with the cards Fate dealt me. 

I looked at the Lazy Lion with a more warm gaze. He returned my warm gaze with the same slow lazy movements. For someone that was potentially kidnapped this guy just did not give a fuck.

He seemed stable enough that I could ignore him for now. I needed more information before I could actually make a decision.

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: So your brother is not the actual Devil he just has the title of Lucifer in your world.]

[NTR Victim: Lame, you never fail to disappoint me Magic Tits.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: …. I know you are trying to rile me up. I'm going to just ignore you.]

[Grade A Bottom: It's a good plan Rias-san.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: I would say she does not mean it but she absolutely does. All I can say is you get used to her eventually.]

[NTR Victim: You guys are a bunch of Party Poopers.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I'm going to take that as a compliment.]

[Grade A Bottom: Same.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Same.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Same?]

[NTR Victim: Prince they are being mean!]

[Grade A Bottom: Gah! No need to bring out the big guns Ashley-San!!]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: No need to bring out the ultimate move Ashley-San! ]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: NO MORE DUCKS!!!]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: So much context. Just so much context.]

[Overdramatic Fool: You deserve it Ashley you know you do. Also hurtful I already said I was gonna stop fucking around with you guys.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Sorry Prince-san but it's a scary threat.]

[Grade A Bottom: The sheer panic I felt when she used her ultimate move can not be described.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: The pain, The humiliation, THE GOD DAMN DUCKS!]

[Overdramatic Fool: …Okay I deserve that but relax Ashley knows I was not going to do anything she just wanted to fuck around with you guys.]

[NTR Victim: The betrayal! Don't ruin my fun! ]

[Overdramatic Fool: She is feeling particularly bratty right now apparently. I'll take care of it.]

[NTR Victim: Sure you will.]

[Overdramatic Fool: Do you think what I did to you was the worst I was capable of? Did you forget Ashley that I'm Mister Magic Man? Can you imagine what I could do to you with some potions and some well planned spells?]

[NTR Victim: Fuck now I'm wet, you better take care of this Prince!]

[Overdramatic Fool: Brat.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: His NTR protagonist side is becoming more and more clear! ]

[Grade A Bottom: Scary, scary! SCARY!]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Poor Poor Kirto. He should have never had a girlfriend with a friend like this.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: So how does it feel being NTR Ashley? The biggest baddest bitch ain't so bad in the face of NTR right?]

[NTR Victim: Shut it Argo! Before I decide that Prince should show you his so called talents!]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: I retract all my statements. Ashley is the Badest Bitch and nothing will change that.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I know I am in a different dimension but I am really afraid right now. ]

[Grade A Bottom: Scary! SCARY! How did her threat get even worse!!?]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: I want to know what this NTR thing means but everyone's reactions are scaring me. Is it worse than the ducks?]

I came back to the Chat with a certain goal in mind but I kind of got caught up in the flow. Now I am kind of regretting not taking charge of this conversation. How the fuck did we get to this point? When did my sexual talents become a fucking threat!? Also what the fuck Izumi? I know the guy was scared about his butt for some reason but I never showed interest in the guy. Why was he so scared of me in that context?

I took a deep calming breath as I tried to ignore the chaos. What ever was happening in the Chat Group was not that big of a deal. I was like seventy percent certain that everyone was just fucking around. Ashley and Argo are definitely fucking around and it was a coin toss for Rias. I think Izumi might genuinely be scared I would fuck him, I was going to have to talk to the guy about this. I did not want to fuck the guy even if he was a Trap.

[Overdramatic Fool: I have so many things to say right now but I'm going to ignore all this for now. Y'all are giving me a migraine. Hey Rias-san you have a cousin called Sairaorg right? Can you check in on him and see if he is freaking out? I might have stolen his Sacred Gear.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Sairaorg had a Sacred Gear!? How the hell did that happen!? I'll go check right now Prince-san.]

Alright, now I did not have to worry about the Chat going even more insane. If I did kidnap Regulus I might have to return him if only to keep a good relationship with Rias. Sairaorg was her cousin after all if I kidnapped his Lion he would be searching all over the place for him. Rias would eventually find out and she knew I had Regulus so it might strain our relationship in the future.

Even if the kidnapped Lion in question was currently sitting quietly on the ground. It honestly looked like he was going to take a fucking nap.

As I looked at him I felt like I had a brain fart.

"Did I kidnap you?" I asked the sleepy child in front of me. I did not need to go to Rias for information I could get the information from this fucker. He looked over at me with those eyes that were already half-lidded.

"Nope." He spoke out slowly as he got more comfortable on the ground. I twitched again at his lack of fucking care.

" So no one is going to be freaking out about you being missing?" I asked calmly as the lazy Lion only nodded in reply. I wanted to kick this little shit but I was sure I would only end up hurting my foot. 

I was not sure what was going on here but I'm no longer in danger of being a kidnapper. Maybe the Chat Group just cloned the Sacred Gear? Or did it take him from a dimension that he did not have anyone looking after him? What ever the case I did not have to worry about returning him to Rias.

[Overdramatic Fool: Scratch that Rias, My Regulus was not kidnapped from Sairaorg.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Huh!?]

Right, she probably had a lot of questions right now. I guess I should get on that.

So far I have been keeping my foreknowledge on the down low. I had only touched upon subjects that the people in the Chat already brought up. I had a variety of reasons for doing so.

I did not want the expectations placed on my shoulders about being all knowing. If I suddenly told the Chat members their future they would expect that I could do so for others. That was not true, Ashley and Izumi taught me that as I had no idea who they were. So trying to play the all knowing prophet was doomed for failure.

I also did not want to deal with the existential crisis that knowing you were a fictional character brought up. Something like that affects people it changes their perceptions and makes them question everything they do. Some people would power through it because they had that inner strength while others would crumble. The whole prospect was not something I wanted to touch with a ten-foot pole.

I was lucky enough to avoid that crisis not because I knew I was a real person. That was a ridiculous sentiment the people that I have grown to know thought they were real so why should my situation be different? The only fact that made me more 'real' was my memories of a world in which all of these people were fictional. It was frankly absurd to figure you were the only real thing about the fantastic whimsical world around you. 

No the reason I avoided that crisis was that I simply did not care. The beating heart in my chest was real enough for me to move on. The emotions that swelled inside me were enough for me to continue. The actions I have taken may have been down under the will of some grand beings but I did not care. I was who I was and the fictional nature of my existence did not bring me any pain.

It was a strange concept to stand behind but I understood myself well enough to fall in line with it. I would continue to do what I planned simply because that was what I wanted and that was all that mattered.

So I did not plan on revealing the nature of our existence to the others to play a role I did not fit. I did contemplate sharing that knowledge that I had for some benefits but it was ultimately not worth the hassle that said knowledge would bring. I had shown my hand slightly before but it was not enough to bring about any real questions. Now Rias wanted some answers and it was entirely my own fault.

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: You can't just drop something like that on me and expect me to not react Prince-san!?]

[Overdramatic Fool: Sorry the situation was rather confusing for me. The item description told me that Regulus was reincarnated by a Devil named Sairaorg and I used magic to find some more information. I'm sorry about the confusion but I suddenly had a child in front of me and I panicked. I should have talked to the child first as I did not kidnap him.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: You can reincarnate Sacred Gears!?! How the hell did Sairaorg do that!?]

[Overdramatic Fool: Your guess is as good as mine, You probably have more information on that front.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: We going to ignore the fact that Prince-san can cast magic across dimensions!?]

[NTR Victim: He does that shit all the time it's not that big of a deal Argo.]

[Grade A Bottom: His magic is too Scary! One moment I was minding my own business and then there were birds EVERYWHERE!]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Same T-T]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: The was the only part of his explanation that made sense Argo-Chan. How can someone reincarnate an item that resides in someone else's soul!?]

I shared a plausible story and distracted Rias with some ridiculous information. What Sairaorg did in her world was something that had never been done before. The mere idea of reincarnating a Sacred Gear was so absurd that it distracted her from digging further.

My story had holes in it but that was to be expected it was entirely false. It was only good enough because I already had a penchant for casting magic across dimensions. Rias, Izumi, and Pyrrha knew that I was more than capable of doing so.

[Overdramatic Fool: I think the concepts behind Sacred Gears are already ridiculous enough. How did your God create weapons that would hop from human to human as their host died? Not to mention the sheer power behind them is ridiculous. Sacred Gears can evolve beyond what they were initially meant to be, how the fuck did he get it to work like that.]

[Overdramatic Fool: I understand a weapon like Regulus as he was made from a legendary creature. But Star Blaster Star Burster is a completely different beast. It was never meant to be so powerful but somehow it can now blow up planets now!?!?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: …..Fair but G-man is ridiculously over powered. How are the evil pieces able to reincarnate something G-man made!? Beelzebub-sama is a genius beyond compare but even he was never able to crack Sacred Gears!? How did Sairaorg manage to do something not even Beelzebub-sama was not able to do!? ]

[Overdramatic Fool: You could just ask him?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: How am I supposed to bring that up!? Oh, my friend from another dimension might have stolen your Sacred Gear so he asked me to check in on you. Turns out he stole a completely different Sacred Gear but he still knew about yours. WHO WOULD BEIELVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?!? ]

[NTR Victim: Chill the fuck out Magic Tits. If you don't want to ask the guy about his over powered bullshit you don't have to. The dude's your family he should not care too much if you do get the balls to ask him.]

[Grade A Bottom: I know I'm not the best at this magic stuff Rias-san but I'm sure you can work through this!]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: A ridiculous story can be trusted with enough Proof Rias. You might have to show him a lot but I'm sure he will believe you…eventually.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: This Magic stuff confuses the fuck out of me but it's not that big of a deal.]

[Overdramatic Fool: If you need someone to be there to prove some of this I'm willing to pop over. I needed a place to practice using Star Burster Star Blaster anyway.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: ….]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Thanks everyone, I needed to calm down and your words helped a lot. The world is crazy and I just have to get used to that. I'm surprised that you helped me Ashley-chan I thought you hated me. ]

[NTR Victim: Regret, Imendiate regret.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Aww Ashley is a big softie once you get used to her. If you get on her good side you can get her to stab people for you. It's fucking hilarious.]


[Overdramatic Fool: … I can see why you and Ashley are friends Argo.]


[Grade A Bottom: Scary.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Does it have to be a planet or could you blow up just a continent?]

[NTR Victim: Damn already planning a genocide I misjudged you, Hunter. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. ]

[Grade A Bottom: I thought you were normal Hunter-san!?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I get being angry Hunter-san but this is a bit much. ]

[Overdramatic Fool: I'm not saying no but I'm going to need a pretty good reason to blow up a continent Hunter-san.]

[NTR Victim: What if I do that thing with my tongue? Would you do it then?]

[Overdramatic Fool: …..Okay I'm going to need a decent reason to blow up a continent.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Prince!?!?!?!]

[Grade A Bottom: SCAAAAARY!!!]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: GENIOCIDE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!!]

[NTR Victim: Says you.]

[Overdramatic Fool: I'm joking….mostly if Hunter-san does have a good reason I might consider it but it is unlikely. Blowing up an entire continent is not really on my bucket list. A castle on the other hand is.]

[NTR Victim: Lame.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: The relief is so real right now.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I knew you were a good guy Prince-san… despite some of your actions.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: I did not mean to imply genocide. There is a continent on my planet that is full of monsters so Prince blowing it up would be really helpful.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Oh, that's fine then.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: IS IT!?!]

[Grade A Bottom:????]

[NTR Victim: Maybe you are not as lame as I thought you were Rias.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: She said my name!!! I need a moment.]

[NTR Victim: Why you got to say shit like that Magic Tits.]


[Overdramatic Fool: That is a pretty good reason Hunter-san. I just don't think you are thinking this through. If I blow up a continent the sudden vacancy of land would have disastrous consequences not to mention the energy from the explosion. I also do not have a good handle on my Sacred Gear so things would probably go even worse.]

[NTR Victim: Lame I wanted to see a continent being blown up.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: That does make sense. I really got to consider these things now that I am as powerful as my Brother.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Prince I knew you had some reasons left in you even if your taste in women is really fucking bad.]

[NTR Victim: Prince can I go stab a bitch, I'll be really quick I promise. Our fucking can wait!]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Hehehe you are kind of proving my point Ashley.]

[NTR Victim: Tough talk from a bitch who is about to be stabbed.]

I rolled my eyes at the Chat. It looked like everyone was back to a more stable mood. That was a good sign I did not have to worry about them too much. I was hoping that Rias would take me up on my offer to be there when she questions Sairaorg. I really wanted to test my Sacred Gear and her dimension is probably the only one that could help me there.

It looked like my relationship with Pyrrha was also on track for getting better. Her world was moments away from being a Death World so my abilities would be really helpful to her. She also knew that I was not against her on principle it was just a misunderstanding. So she was getting closer to relying on me which was good. Even if she had an innate fear of me.

I looked over at the Sacred Gear that caused all of this as he fully took a nap in front of me. This guy is going to be fucking annoying to deal with. I conjured a large amount of water and dropped it on him.

As soon as the water touched him he sprang up with a startled cry moving quickly away from the water. He was already wet so it was too late but he still wanted to move from his position. Once he was a fair bit away from his nap spot her turned to glare at me.

The kid was completely soaked and he looked like a wet cat throwing a fit so he was not exactly intimidating even if he really should be.

I snapped my fingers to dry him as this conversation would go better if he was not soaking wet. As he suddenly became dry his glare lightened but he still was shooting me a sour look.

"It's just some water you big baby." I spoke out lightly as I rolled my eyes at him. His sour look got even worse but he just narrowed his eyes and came closer.

He looked at me as if asking what I wanted.

"Look I need you to protect someone for me. They should not be in danger a whole lot so you should not have to do too much." As I continued speaking he looked interested in the prospect which was good enough for me.

I could introduce him to my mother and ask her to take care of him. It would give her some company and a massive amount of protection I just had to figure out a way to bring it up.

I was basically asking her to adopt a child, no big deal right?

I contemplated on how I was going to get my Mother to take care of Regulus. I usually had some sort of action already in the barrel. For this particular issue, I was finding myself drawing a blank. Asking someone to take care of a child is a rather large ask in most cases, she is my mother but she would need a reason.

The problem was I had none. I could not say that he was a relative that needed to be taken care of. My mother knew our family situation better than I did and she was not feeling particularly kind to any relative. If I claimed he was a relative from my father's side the outcome would be even worse. So the sudden relative route was out of the question.

What other reasons could I put up for basically adopting a child? Did I see him on the street and suddenly felt pity? It would be completely out of character but it was the only plausible route. I would just have to lie my ass off….Maybe I am being a little too hasty there had to be a better way.

I supposed I could be entirely honest. This small child is an incredibly powerful artifact that has sentience and he is tasked in protecting you. It would be a ridiculous story but one that I could prove. It would mean not lying to my Mother which would take a massive load off of my mind.

I bit my lip as that decision might be the best one but it was not an easy task to take up. I looked over at the lazy lion as he stood with a bored look on his face. I could give him the Death Cloak and have him follow my Mother. It would not be the best solution but it would give me time to figure something else out. This plan did mean I needed to give up the Death Cloak for a bit but that was not a big deal. I may have used it a ton but it was not needed all the time. I was more than capable of turning myself invisible.

I was going to run with this plan for now. Stalling may not be the greatest choice but it was the one I was going with. It was possible that all of this would blow up in my face but I needed time to think.

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Oh, Prince-san I got to thank you for dealing with Riser. Watching the chaos from the sidelines has been hilarious. It has gotten bad enough that even my father is having doubts about our marriage.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: So the hit is effective, No one knows what happened to Kayaba but if the hit was effective on Riser then it had to be effective on Kayaba. I wish people would tell me more stuff but everyone refuses to bring up Sword Art Online while I'm recovering.]

[Grade A Bottom: Prince-san is very effective.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Ducks…Ducks every where…]

[NTR Victim: Y'all are being babies. You recovering from something Argo? I can't stab you if you are already in a hospital bed.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Your priorities remain odd Ashley-chan.]

[NTR Victim: We did not have a moment Magic Tits.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: BUT WE DID!!!]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: ??? We spent two years trapped in a virtual world our bodies are pretty fucked up. It's going to take months before I walk properly again.]

[NTR Victim: Wow sucks to suck, get on my level with magical bullshit and you don't have to deal with shit like that.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Magic is bullshit!]

I looked at the screen in confusion for a moment before I realized the situation. Argo had been trapped in Sword Art Online and her body did not receive the same amount of care that ours did. Which meant she was malnutrition and had atrophy on most of her muscles. She was in a pretty bad situation and I kind of just forgot about that.

[Overdramatic Fool: I would offer to send you potions to fix your current situation but I am not sure if that is for the best.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: You can fix this!?! Why would that be a bad idea!?]

[Overdramatic Fool: Well do you have a way to explain your sudden and dramatic recovery? Or do you expect no one to care that you suddenly are in perfect health.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: ...….I hate that you make sense…..GAH, why can't magical bullshit help me!]

[Overdramatic Fool: I'm going to take Ashley's words here sucks to suck :p I'm glad that my hit is doing you good Rias, I'm interested in hearing about what is happening.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Gah!!! Curse you and your rational opinions !]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I might be able to help Argo-san but it is going to have to wait. I could only hypnotize everyone if I was there in person. Which means I would need to spend points to travel to your world. I'm saving up for something right now so I can't help just yet.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: It really has been fun to watch Prince-san. The other day Riser's teleportation got mixed up and he ended up in a garbage truck. The look on his face, when he realized that a crowd of devils happened to see him tear himself out of the dump truck was hilarious. ]

[Overdramatic Fool: It's good that you are happy with what is happening. Do you want it to get worse or are you happy with how things are right now? Also, the ability to hypnotize people is really interesting do you mind teaching me it?]

[Grade A Bottom: He is trying to become the ultimate NTR protagonist!]

[NTR Victim: Kinky.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: For shame Prince! Was Ashley not good enough did you need to further your fall into degeneracy!]

[Overdramatic Fool: I hate you guys. I'm mainly doing this for you Argo.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin:!?!?!?!?!?!]


[NTR Victim: !?!? Do I need to stab a bitch!?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: That is rather forward Prince-san. ]

[Overdramatic Fool:.... I meant that I would be learning to hypnotize people so I could go to Argo's world and heal her without anyone freaking out. I have enough points to take care of that.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin:....Do you promise that's all?]

[Overdramatic Fool: Come on Argo we have been friends for years I'm not going to hypnotize you.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin:....That does make sense, sorry Prince but you have a record.]

[Overdramatic Fool: I'm not a NTR PROTGAOINST!! Ask Ashley!]

[NTR Victim: My name begs to differ. I'm also still deciding if I need to stab a bitch.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Come on Ashley I'm sickly you can't stab me.]

[NTR Victim: It's not you who is on the chopping block. I was already going to stab you but it was postponed. I was deciding if I was going to stab Magic Tits.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: What did I do!?!?!]

[NTR Victim: Well I need to stab someone and you just so happen to be within stabbing range.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: ??????]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Your sacrifice will be remembered Rias-san.]

[Grade A Bottom: I will never forget you Rias-san.]

[Overdramatic Fool: It's always the good ones that die young. Rest in peace Rias-san.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: GAH! Don't write me off just like that!]

[Overdramatic Fool: I can swear that I could still hear her. I must be mad in grief.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: It must have been from something from Sword Art Online as I too hear her.]

[Grade A Bottom: Maybe it's the Chat Group, I'm hearing her as well!]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Ashley-chan hasn't even decided if she was going to stab me yet!!!]

[NTR Victim: I'm conflicted on one hand this is hilarious on the other hand is my knife. Decisions, decisions. ]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: …that does not sound very conflicted Ashley-Chan. I THOUGHT WE WERE BONDING!! ]

[Overdramatic Fool: Pffft alright everyone cool it, let's get back to some semblance of order.]

[NTR Victim: Lame.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Real party pooper that guy.]

[Grade A Bottom: The shenanigans have been put to rest instead of Rias-san.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Thank god. THE PAIN!!! …..worth it.]

[Overdramatic Fool: So what's the verdict? Are you willing to teach me Rias-san?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Sure why not, it's not that complicated. Although I don't know if you can learn magic from me. Devils cast magic rather differently.]

[Grade A Bottom: He is still becoming the ultimate NTR protagonist.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: He is making a deal with a devil to learn how to hypnotize people it's the perfect set up.]

[Overdramatic Fool: I'm begging to regret even offering to help Argo. Fuck it I would still like to learn new magic even if I don't help Argo.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Wait no! I have been trapped in a bed for weeks Prince! WEEKS, I WANT TO WALK AGAIN!]

[Overdramatic Fool: Say pretty please.]

[NTR Victim:Hehehehehe.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: His vengeance was swift and oh so humiliating. PRETTY PLEASE!]

[NTR Victim: What about Izumi, they joined in as well.]

[Grade A Bottom: Woah woah! No need to bring my name up! I'm just a side character. No need to worry about me!!!]

[Overdramatic Fool: I feel like you have so many misunderstandings about me Izumi-san. I know it's mostly my fault but I'm not going to suddenly pop into your world and do stuff.]


[Overdramatic Fool: ….I was not threatening you I was being serious. Relax dude.]

[NTR Victim: I dunno I kind of want to see you top him just because he squirms so much.]


[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin:...That tracks.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Run Izumi-chan don't make your username a reality! ]

[Overdramatic Fool: ….there is so much there to unpack but I don't even want to touch that topic….So changing the subject. When are you free Rias-san I would like to learn that magic and train my Sacred Gear as well.]

[Overdramatic Fool: Oh, I also have a lot of potions I want to run by you. I'm not sure what potions you have but I am a really skilled potions master. I was hoping to sell some of them to get skills from your world. I just finished a potion that should mimic the effects of Phoneix Tears. Well, I suppose that does not mean anything to you but they are highly effective healing items.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Wait, are you for real!?!?!]

[Overdramatic Fool: I have not tested them just yet but in theory it should work.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: It's like you were born to mess with Riser! I think you just became my new best friend. Sorry Izumi-chan.]

[Grade A Bottom: Shhhhhh I'm not here, I'm blending into the background.]

[NTR Victim: Don't seduce Magic Tits Prince you still need to dom Izumi first.]

[Grade A Bottom: Not here not here not here NOT HERE!]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I'm not that easy Ashley-chan your boyfriend can't seduce me!]

[NTR Victim: ….I kind of want to see him try just to prove you wrong.]

Great now I can visit Rias' world and increase my power further. I then laughed lightly at Rias' comment. She may think she was not easy but she was probably the easiest person in the world to seduce. Someone like Issei was capable of doing it, so anyone that was kind and powerful should be capable of doing the same.

I also had far too many tools under my belt for seduction. The group may have joked around about my NTR Protgaoinst status but they were hitting close to home. I had too many skills that would fall in that vein.

Not that I was planning on using them.

IHaveHidden IHaveHidden

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