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Capítulo 11: A goat who wants to become friend

Seeing the system notification, a look of utter bewilderment spread across Yuji's face. "What the fuck!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

"Beeeeeeee, Baahh, it was a mistake Beeeeeeeh," Yuji attempted to convince the goat with a series of bleats, mimicking the sounds he had heard goats make. However, to his dismay, the goat remained unresponsive as its gaze fixed on him.

As Yuji pondered his actions, a sense of realization washed over him. Perhaps, he mused, there were other ways to communicate with the goat, ways beyond mere imitation.

Realizing his attempt to communicate had failed and recognizing the futility of the situation, Yuji decided to escape the scene. Activating his strength skill, Ironclad Impetus, which granted him a 15% boost.

Was this the best decision? No. He just using available options on his hand. Maybe people will call his decision an act of cowardice, but after fighting with Gildir, his views toward the goat have changed. He has already lived a life and doesn't want to waste this second chance of his to prove himself a brave person, knowing he would die.

More importantly, he doesn't have a skill that can enhance his agility, or else he would have used that, and his jumping skill, Skyward Ascender, is no use in this situation.

As Yuji attempted to flee, the goat swiftly closed the distance, catching up to him with surprising speed. Its angry bleat echoed through the air, its expression fierce and determined.

Realizing escape was no longer an option, Yuji braced himself for the impending confrontation. With a mixture of resignation and resolve, he met the gaze of the adult goat, his determination unyielding despite the odds stacked against him.

"Fuck it, you want a fight? I'll give you a fight," Yuji declared, his voice tinged with defiance as he prepared to face the formidable opponent before him. In that moment, amidst the tension of impending battle, he embraced the certainty that sometimes, standing your ground is the only option left.

Soon, with a rumble that reverberates across the meadow, the elder goat lets out a resounding bellow. Undeterred, Yuji responds with a spirited cry, "Come," his determination unshaken as he braces himself for the confrontation ahead. After all, he has no other choice.

With a thunderous clash, the two goats charge towards each other, their hooves pounding against the earth. The ground trembles beneath their thunderous advance as they collide, their horns meeting in a fierce clash of titans.

Despite his smaller size, Yuji fights with ferocity and determination, his every movement fueled by an unyielding resolve to survive this battle. With nimble agility, he darts and weaves around his larger opponent, delivering swift strikes with his horns in a flurry of motion.

But the elder goat is a master of combat, his years of experience evident in every calculated move. With a mighty thrust, he repels the onslaught of his diminutive challenger, his powerful horns driving Yuji back with a force that speaks of unmatched strength and skill.

"Damnit, my attacks aren't even causing any damage." Thought Yuji as he checked his Health which has dropped to 5 from 10.

As the battle rages on, Yuji fights valiantly, refusing to concede defeat even as his energy wanes and his breath become heavy. But in the end, it is the elder goat who emerges victorious, his indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve carrying him to triumph against all odds.

With a weary but triumphant bleat, the elder goat stands tall amidst the battlefield, his victory assured and his dominance undisputed.

The adult goat didn't attacked. After looking at the defeated Yuji for a few seconds, the goat walks away. Seeing this, Yuji let out a sigh. He opened his system and looked at the new notification that appeared.

[ Mission Dominance of the Challenger ] Failed

Upon seeing the notification, Yuji calmly checked his stats and interface. Finding everything in order, a serene sigh escaped his lips, dispersing any lingering tension as he retrieved a pilpil grass from the inventory. As he began to chew slowly, the act brought him a sense of peacefulness amidst the tranquil surroundings. Each gentle bite became a moment of quiet reflection, soothing his spirit and restoring a sense of calmness.

He took a short break and thought about the battle he just fought. This goat was strong. The reason he is still alive is because that goat didn't killed him. But the question is, why can't this goat talk?

" Well, let's forget about this for now. Maybe if I can make a good relationship with some goat or find the elder goat, I'll ask him about this. For now," He looked at the sky. The sun had already reached the mid-sky. "I don't have much time. I have to find a suitable shelter and water before dusk."

Yuji started walking, he doesn't know which direction he should go, as he walk for a few minutes he noticed a group of kid goats playing.

Seeing this kids, words of the elder goat came into his mind. He already tried asking direction to the older one, it went bad. He doesn't even know which direction he is going and which direction he should go.

No, he wasn't interested in playing with the kids, Kids are less thoughtful and more playful, they might truly help him. All he wants is to try his luck. If he is lucky, he might be able to trigger a hidden mission. Most importantly this is the only choice he currently has or else he might die .

Ending his thoughts he walked close to the kids. There were a few goats. Among them was a few buckling , and a few yearlings. On average most of them look to be around 5 to 9 months old . All of those goats were running in a circle around a tree, sometimes giving one another a head-butt with playful manners.

Yuji felt strange. Actually, he wasn't good at making friends; as an introvert, he didn't have someone he could call friends in his previous life, and he felt more awkward when he thought he came to make friends, not human friends but goat friends. In one word he sucks at socializing.

After getting close to the goats, he took a deep breath and raised his voice. " Hey goa- friends, how are you all?"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, everyone looked toward Yuji. Yuji felt unwelcoming gazes. One of the buckling, walked close to him and raised his voice, " You're that outsider, what are doing here?"

"You know me?" asked Yuji, a little surprised. Maybe his plan won't work.

"I know you, mother said you came here to take blessing from our god. Not only that my mother said you eat head."

" Haha, no, no, no, I came here play to make friends, friends. I know a lots of games, we can play together."

" I don't believe you." Hearing about game voice of the buckling softened a bit. He become a little tempted. Kids never listen to their mothers.

"You can trust me. I am not like the other outsiders. I am good person. If you take me with you I can teach you guys new games. We will have lot of fun, we…."

"Don't believe him. I saw him doing all those weird thing." Before Yuji could finish his words a voice cut him off. "When I asked my mother she said this outsider summoning a great calamity. He wants to anger the god and kill us all."

"Yes, I also heard about it."

" No, I was just thanking god. For letting me come here."

"No need for that thing you call friend, go away you head eating monster, or we will beat you up." Their voice grow louder. From soft voice to one of anger, kids mode swing so fast. He thought maybe he can do it, but it's herder then it seems.

But before Yuji could say something a voice reached his ears.

"You outsider, you can't play with the kid. Go away." Looking back Yuji noticed a female goat with a broken horn. She slowly walked between him and the kids.

Yuji glanced the goat, he didn't said anything. He doesn't wants to anger this goat. She might not tell him to leave for second time. Without saying anything Yuji turned around and left.


"Mother, do they truly eat heads?" After Yuji left one of the kid asked.

"Yes, they eat up everything, they are monsters."

" Kids, if you see him again, you should give him a beating. Okay? Don't forget that outsiders bring bad luck. Only by punishing them this bad luck go away."

Yuji left the place, so he didn't hear what that female goat said. Even though he failed, he didn't lose hope. There are other groups of kids, and he will try his luck there. But he can't approach others like he did this time. But before that he decided to take a rest and recover his stamina.

After he recovers his stamina, Yuji starts to think which direction he should go in. As he chose his new direction, he felt a gaze. Upon looking to his left and right, he noticed a buckling much bigger than him in size peeping toward his direction from behind a tree. The reason Yuji feels this goat is older than six months is because of its horn. It has an almost 2-inch-long horn.

Compared to this Buckling Yuji's horn is very small.

Sensing Yuji's gaze, that little buckling hid behind the tree immediately.

"Should I avoid this one? No, my strength has almost reached one. I shouldn't be weaker than this buckling". Yuji decided to approach the buckling to see what this buckling wanted. His strength has reached almost 1, and from that sense, he felt he shouldn't be weaker than this goat, if not stronger. But the main reason he decided to see what this buckling wants is because he thought this buckling wasn't dangerous and a little fearful of him... If this one can talk, there's a chance he might be able to use this one.

As he approached, the buckling peeped once again. Seeing Yuji coming, he hid behind the tree, seeing that Yuji felt like he was dealing with a shy little kid.

"Hey, how are you?" asked Yuji with safe distance better him and the buckling.

"Y-you want to play with me?" the buckling peeped out his head and asked. There was a hint of excitement in his voice, and this made Yuji a little puzzled. He still remembers how he was rejected by the kids he approached before. Those kids even wanted to attack him, but this one was acting shy and wanted to play with him! But this is what he wants.

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