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42.85% Cavorting with Death / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6

Hello! Apologises for the late upload. Work has really been picking up lately and so my schedule has changed :( I'll try and post a chapter once every two weeks instead of once a week from now on. Hopefully I can stick to that but if I do have an update regarding uploads, be sure to check out my profile because that's where it will be. Most likely, uploads will be for a Tuesday or Wednesday from now on so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Also reviews! I've been sooooo busy lately so I haven't had the chance to respond to the many reviews I've received but I do read them so even if I can't respond, keep sending em through!

Biggest chapter yet! Things may seem slow but if you've gotten this far into the story, you're basically locked in so you can't go anywhere :)) Eventually, things will begin to pick up in speed so stay tuned!



Chapter 6


July 4th 1996

Harry awoke to an odd but amusing scene as he took in his surroundings.

It seemed that he had been moved from the room he was in when they had conducted the exorcism ritual and now was in a place that looked oddly familiar to the Hogwarts hospital room. However, instead of hearing the humming he was so accustomed to back at Hogwarts, courtesy of the Matron, Madam Pomfrey, he was instead privileged to an odd sort of snoring coming from the woman on his right.

He sat up, being mindful of his sister in all but blood, sleeping with her head on his bed. Her hand was in his as drool slipped out from the corner of her mouth which was twitching in a weird, goofy grin, at some absurd dream she was probably having and Harry couldn't help but lightly snort at the rather funny sight.

He reached out to the bedside table, automatically patting around for his glasses and found them neatly sitting next to a vase which contained a bunch of beautiful rose thrifts. No. Daphnes?

Picking up his spectacles, Harry placed them on the bridge of his nose and blinked once, twice, thrice and frowned. He couldn't bloody see!

He took off his glasses and his eyes briefly widened at the sight. Everything was so clear!

It was like looking through his glasses and yet he didn't have them on. He slowly took them off and stared at it for a moment or so before putting them back on the bedside table and instead reached for the jug of water and poured himself a glass as quietly as possible.

It was an awkward thing to do seeing as the table was on his right and his right hand was currently occupied by Tonks but he somehow managed. He took a few swigs of the cool water, which instantly brought relief to his dry and apparent sore throat and then reckoned it was time for some answers.

A grin slowly came across his face as his emerald eyes shone with mischief as they locked onto the sleeping form of the bubbly metamorph. He outstretched his arm with the glass of water in his left hand and tipped it over her ear, allowing the water to drip down into her orifice and mentally prepared for the upcoming onslaught of one angry Nymphadora "call me Tonks" Tonks.


Andromeda Tonks regally, strode down the grand bank halls towards the hospital wing with two cups of muggle coffee she managed to persuade the guards to let her through with, floating behind her.

Her black heels clicked audibly in the otherwise silent hallway; her face an impassive, cool mask and yet her mind was focused with worry on the young man that currently lay unconscious in a lone bed at the other end of the hall.

It had been over six hours since the completion of the ritual and still, Hadrian had not woken up. The Goblins did not know how much longer it would be however, for every second he was still unconscious, the unease that had been festering within her about his survival, increased ever so slightly.

It was silly. She was supposed to be a healer for Morgana's sake!

Since she received her credentials after the First Blood War, she had been made witness to many medical situations. Both, the complete benign and some of the most horrific magical accidents any mundane witch or wizard would likely ever see and yet, the thought of her losing her Hadrian brought forth a feeling she wouldn't even wish on her worst enemies: the loss of a child. Her child.

Andromeda paused her stride as a familiar memory resurfaced. Ever since Hadrian had entered her life again, she would frequently think about the memory and couldn't help the grimace from appearing on her face as it played in her head.

The luxurious hallway of the bank gave way to a large room and within it, stood two furious women who, if looks could kill, both would be dead. Quite brutally.

"How dare you Andromeda! Harry is mine. Mine and James' son, our child! I'm his mother. Me, not you!" Lily Potter hissed; her red, crimson hair swayed harshly with the movement of her head as she glared daggers at the silver eyed woman.

"How can you stand there and tell me that he is yours when not a day goes by where you can't spend more than ten minutes with him?" Andromeda shot back; her impassive mask was nowhere to be seen as she glowered at the younger woman.

She continued, "James I can understand, the man's an Auror and yet, even he at least makes some sort of effort but you? Is whatever pointless research you're doing day in and day out at the Department of Mysteries more important than your barely one year old son Lily?! It's been almost a year since he was born, and nothing has changed! You, haven't changed!"

Lily's face became cold as her body shook in fear and anger as she dropped her head so that her face was obscured by her hair as Andromeda carried on.

"I feed him, I bathe him, I take care of him. When he cries for you, I comfort him because you are nowhere to be found. Is that the sort of mother you want to be for him Lily? Is that the sort of mother he would want when he's older?! Someone's who's never there? Someone who pretends his existence is a burden?!" She whispered scathingly.

The eldest of the Black sisters stormed past the younger woman except, not before catching Lily mumbling something under her breath.

"You have no idea of the things we have been told… Of the situation, we're in. I will do everything and anything to ensure my baby lives…"

The voice was incredibly quiet but the ominous undertone of the words sent chills down Andromeda's spine as she slammed the door shut behind her.

Andromeda never understood it then. She only carried on what she had been doing and that was taking care of Hadrian in Lily's steed.

She had started feeling some sort of vindictive satisfaction from the moment Hadrian began crying for her and not Lily for all the times when she would pick him up.

To her, it felt like Lily deserved it. For everything she didn't do when it came to Hadrian. For putting her own needs above her son's.

But now she knew. Oh, how she knew now.

Bringing up her hands, she rubbed her face as a few tears escaped her eyes.

"Oh Lily… I'm so so sorry." She whispered.

The guilt of the argument had begun eating her alive the moment she had slammed that door but now, after all these years, it's still hadn't gone away. It had only gotten worse.

It would be not long later when Potter Manor was attacked and Charlus and Dorea killed.

She and Lily saw each other a couple times after that but they both never spoke to one another more than what was necessary. It was then ultimately decided that the Potters would move to a small cottage somewhere in Somerset whilst she and Dora would move to a house that was gifted to her through Charlus and Dorea's Will.

That was the very last time she saw the Potters. The last time she saw Lily. Never did she get to apologise for the things she said.

"Andromeda Black." A scratchy voice interrupted her thoughts as she looked over and saw the elderly Director of Gringotts standing behind her.

She watched warily as he slowly approached her, a grimace appearing on his wrinkled face for every other step he took.

"Tonks. Andromeda Tonks." The witch corrected as she straightened her back and said a little haughtily.

Ragnok grinned, "Yes , yes. Madam Tonks. My mistake. You are a very intriguing witch Madam Tonks. Well, it's no surprise. That bastard's blood flows through your veins after all." He cackled, the sound causing her to tense.

"Forgive me," Rangok began as he saw the woman stiffen, "Your Grandfather's blood, Arcturus Black, I mean. We have quite a history."

He eventually stood in front of her, his one beady black eye locking looked up into her grey orbs.

"You emulate him quite a bit which is good. The Blacks are the most notorious clients that we, at Gringotts, have taken care of for many, many years now."

"May I be frank Director?" Andromeda cut through, her face turning into a perfect mask of neutrality as Ragnok smirked.

"But of course."

"What do you want from me?"

The Director laughed.

"Nothing at all, young witch. Merely wanting to satisfy my curiosity."

He continued, "We at Gringotts handle all kinds of wizardry business especially Inheritances and Wills. It's, as you may say, a speciality of ours. Naturally of course, we are privy to the contents of any Will but because of our Vows, unless the Will has been executed, we, personally, cannot reveal its contents hence, why my curiosity would be spiked for the Will of one James and Lily Potter."

Andromeda's face grew guarded as Ragnok's remaining eye narrowed slightly.

"It was quite public, your betrayal of your family, after all, it must've been quite the incident if someone had set a bounty for your life."

"Arcturus was a very dangerous man, not to mention his shrewdness," The Goblin watched Andromeda closely, "If he wanted someone killed, there was not a person on this world that would've escaped him."

Ragnok grinned viciously as Andromeda's eyebrow twitched whilst she clenched her jaw.

"Imagine my surprise, when I found out that the Potters had named you potential guardian of the young Lord, Hadrian Potter. I have done business with Charlus Potter in the past and despite his more… lax views compared to his brother-in-law; I find it hard to believe that he would allow for his son to have any kind of relationship with a betrayer of blood." He queried, asking the unasked question.

A moment passed as the two stared at each other before Andromeda broke the silence.

"My sincerest apologies, Director Ragnok, I must tend to my son." She gritted out as she turned and walked away, her coffee floating behind her dutifully.

"Your son?" The Goblin crowed.

Ragnok's amused reply fell on deaf ears and yet his smirk never went away as he watched the tall witch move away from him, a sense of urgency in her steps.

Son? He snorted. What an entertaining group of individuals but perhaps, this will be useful. The future of the House of Black is on the line after all… hm.

«"Guard!"» He snapped in Gobbledegook.

«"Overlord."» A fully armoured guard appeared from behind a false wall, its body covered in silver armour and in his hand was a menacing looking gold axe.

«"Summon Bloodfang immediately!"»

«"At once Overlord."» It said before clanking away as Ragnok looked towards the direction of where the witch had gone.


As Andromeda reached the final hallway that led to the magnificent doors of the hospital, a scream that came from within abrupted her worried thoughts.

Panic set in as she ran the final steps leading to the doors and slammed them open. Her emotions spinning like a wheel at what she could find on the other side, yet she couldn't help her eyes going wide at the scene she saw.

Hadrian was sitting up on the bed, his pillow propped up behind him to support his back, a loving smile graced his handsome features as he held her crying daughter in his arms. His hair had apparently grown longer, his emerald irises seemed to be glistening, the gaunt look still was there but that was nothing a good healthy diet couldn't fix. At least that frightening paleness of his skin has all but gone, she thought gladly, but other than that he looked exactly the same.

The coffee that had been floating behind her was already forgotten as it suddenly dropped from the air as she strode instantly to his bed.

The sound of something crashing caused Harry to look up to the source of the sound. He just about saw the coffee on the floor before his vision was obscured by dark black hair, the nostalgic scent of her shampoo invading his senses caused him to involuntarily lean into her embrace.

This was it. This is why he returned. To be with the two he currently held in his arms. To be with his family. To keep them safe.

"Can't help but notice you have a habit of dropping beverages whenever you see me Andi." Harry teased as he placed a kiss on the elder woman's temple.

A twitch was felt on his left which he associated with pain causing him to yelp.

"Oh, be quiet you." Came the tearful response through the giggles and hiccups of the younger Tonks whilst the older Tonks raised her head up and locked eyes with her son. She cupped his right cheek and smiled warmly when he leaned into her touch.

Harry looked up at Andromeda and saw tears of happiness trailing down her cheeks which he gently wiped away with his thumb.

"I'm back Andi."

"Welcome back Hadrian."


"Any issues?"

"Apart from the fact that I can see without my glasses and my hair seems to be longer, I feel fine." Harry responded as he ran a hand through his long bangs to move them away from his eyes. He began to inspect himself but was limited to only his upper body as he was still seated on the bed. "Though, I don't particularly mind the long hair to be honest." He said with a roguish grin causing the women to roll their eyes with a fond smile on their faces.

Elder Shaman Xenox began waving his staff over Harry's head as the others, including Director Ragnok watched in rapt attention.

"It truly is astonishing Overlord. The Horcrux has been completely exorcised. His magic although completely drained, has seemed to have also stabilised and is slowly replenishing."

A collective sigh was heard from the two witches that stood next to the Director as he nodded towards the elder.

"So, it seems."

"Regarding your eyesight," Xenox started as he turned to face Harry and waved his gnarly hand over his eyes, "The Horcrux seemed to have blocked the majority of your sight causing the weakness in your vision."

The Goblin walked back to the other observers as stood just in front of Ragnok.

"Rise Lord Potter. Let us see if there are any other changes to your body."

Harry nodded and took a deep breath before swinging his legs over the mattress. He ignored the feeling of embarrassment as he looked down and noticed that he was still in his boxers that felt a little tight. He steeled himself as he slowly rose from the bed but instantly fell back onto the mattress with a confused look on his face.

Tonks broke rank as she walked towards him. She gave him a kind smile and sat on the bed next to him, asking him the silent question. He nodded in response and put his arm around her as she placed her arm around his bare waist. He squeezed her hand that held his above her shoulder and they both slowly rose.

It was different he supposed. It was only a couple of hours ago that he was shorter than Tonks but now he was a whole head and a bit taller than her.

"Somebody had a little growth spurt." Tonks exclaimed as she steadied the taller boy in her arms.

"Everything seems kinda odd from this height. I wonder if this is how Madame Maxime feels." Harry replied with a nervous chuckle causing Tonks to guffaw.

"Oh? And what makes you think I was talking 'bout your height?" Tonks grinned salaciously as she slowly looked down his body which eventually turned into full blown laughter when Harry's face lit up like a firework in embarrassment.

Andromeda glared at her daughter for her crudeness. "What your very inappropriate sister was trying to say is that no one can complain that you did not inherit your father's height anymore. How do you feel dear?" Andromeda asked as she walked up to the pair and slid her arm around the younger man's waist causing him to slide his own around her shoulders.

"Fresh? Not sure if that's the right word. Like a newborn? Oh, and a little cold too." He added sheepishly.

"Wimp." Tonks coughed.

He pinched her cheek in retaliation making her squeak in pain.

"Behave children." Andromeda rolled her eyes as she went to pull out her wand but abruptly stopped and looked over to the two Goblins asking them for permission to use magic. After another nod from Ragnok, she pulled out her wand and summoned his clothes from where it was kept on the other side of the room. She also placed a warming charm over him for good measure earning herself a smile from the grateful, young man.

Xenox cleared his throat causing the three humans to direct their attention towards him.

"I have prescribed you several different potions that have been merged into one and you are to take that potion for approximately six months. You are welcome to cross-check them yourself Madam Tonks." Xenox began as he brought out a small box which held a bunch of multi-coloured potions inside and handed them over to Harry.

"These will help you adjust to the changes your body is undergoing quicker, and I have also added several nutritional potions which will assist you in the long run to get your body where it is supposed to be. Right now, you will receive a batch of fourteen. On the thirteenth day, a fresh batch will be delivered to you and so on until the treatment is completed. You are to make sure you take these potions every day. Your body will naturally adjust to the changes over time as it seems that you have already adjusted to the change in your height. If that is all, I shall take my leave. Good day Overlord Ragnok, Lord Potter, Tonks'." Xenox finished as he bowed and began walking away.

"Thank you Xenox. For everything." Harry quickly said as he saw the retreating figure.

Xenox paused, turning around, he gave a toothy grin at the emerald eyed wizard. "No, thank you Lord Potter. The results of the ritual have been most useful in our advancement of Soul Magic." He gave one final nod and left the room.

Ragnok chose this moment to speak up, "And with that, our business has concluded. I expect great things from you young Potter. All costs have been forwarded to your vault as per our agreement and will be listed in your statement that you will receive at the end of the month. Griphook has been notified as you had requested yesterday and will meet you at the entrance of the bank to escort you to your vaults. I shall now leave you and your family."

"Thank you Director, you have been most helpful. May your enemies die viciously by the edge of your blade." Harry said with a grin.

Ragnok smiled widely in return, causing chills to run down the spines of the two female witches that stood beside Harry. "And may your enemies die a truly gruesome death by your hand." With a nod, the elderly Goblin swept away from the room, the fully armoured Goblin guards following closely behind.

Believe me, they will, Harry thought darkly.

"When did you get so morbid?" Tonks interrupted with a frown as she helped Harry down the hall with Andromeda on their flank, checking out the box of potions that was given to Harry with a meticulous eye.

"I'm not. Its apparently one of their customs. To wish the other a gruesome death. You should try it on Griphook." Harry said with a grin.

The Metamorph grimaced.

"Er no thanks. I'd rather not become sliced up flesh."

"Pfft. Who's the wimp now?"

"Shut up."


After a short ride with a lot of screaming and cursing most notably from Andromeda, the three who were accompanied by Griphook, eventually made it to the Potter Heirloom vault which was right next to his own vault that was set aside for him by his parents.

It seemed there was some sort of magic at play that didn't allow him to notice the Heirloom's Vault when he had come down here previously to withdraw gold until he was emancipated.

"Potter Heirloom's Vault. Place your hand on the area near the handle. Allow it to take a few drops of your blood and then open the vault by the handle." Griphook spoke as he gestured towards the vault door.

Harry nodded in affirmation and walked towards the vault leaving Andromeda and Tonks a few steps back.

After the magic of the bank confirmed Harry's identity, the vault door creaked open as Harry pulled the door towards him by the handle. He could feel the magic within the vault singing to him, his signet ring slowly heating up in remembrance to the familiar magic.

Harry walked backwards until he was once again standing next to the two smaller women. He interlaced both his hands with them and squeezed reassuringly.


"We're family Andi, Nym." Harry interrupted simply.

He received radiant smiles from the two witches and the three walked past Griphook and into the large vault.

"Wow! Just look at the place. It's huge!" Tonks exclaimed as she looked around the large vault.

"Usually, most vaults that are seeped with such a long history as the Potters, are like this Dora."

"I bet. Some of these things look ancient!" Tonks replied as she reached for an old looking book that stood on a bookshelf.

"Uh Nym, I have the strangest feeling that if you touch that particular book…well… let's just say the effects can be unpleasantly permanent." Harry said with a grimace which was all it took for Tonks to violently pull her hand back as if she got burned.

"H-how did y'know?" She asked wide eyed.

"He's the Lord Potter Dora," Andromeda chided, "The magic here answers to him and only him. He would naturally know whether something in his own family vault is dangerous or not." Andromeda replied curiously as she looked around, her fingers still intertwined with Harry's.

Harry brought his hand up and looked carefully at the crimson ring on his finger. "It's weird. It's like it's speaking to me, but nothing is being said. I just know if that makes any sense at all."

"That my dear, is your family magic. As you are the head of your house, everything you see here is yours and yours only. It may seem sophisticated at first, but you will naturally begin to understand your family magic and how it works."

Harry nodded and continued his observations as the three continued walking deeper into the vault.

There were bits and bobs of the Potter heritage scattered around the vault. A few large piles of gold were seen, couple of armours and swords and what seemed to be a bunch of old clothes that were covered in dust, causing Tonks to sneeze when she held up an archaic-looking dress to her body.

The sound of her sneeze caused a deep, sharp voice to cut through the otherwise natural silence from the vault making Andromeda who walked beside Harry to stiffen.

"Who's there?!" Came a deep voice from within the vault.

The trio went quiet as they stood rooted on the ground.

"I know you're there! Show yourself!"

"N-No. It can't be… Uncle Charlus?" Andromeda asked tentatively.

"A-Andromeda? Is that you, dear?" This time it was a female voice who spoke with a soft tone.

Andromeda broke her grip with Harry's hand and began walking towards the voices causing Tonks to jog to reach her mother with Harry trailing behind her at a more sedate pace.

His mind was reeling.

Charlus? And that female voice. This must be them. My dad's parents; my grandparents.

The two witches in front walked at a quick pace and eventually reached a corner of the vault and on the floor, lay a marvellous painting of an older wizard with the signature Potter hair however, without the glasses, and next to him was a woman who was similar in age but had dark thick hair with sharp aristocratic features.

While her eyes were kind, after a look, one could tell there was a special intelligence behind those familiar grey orbs.

"Uncle Charlus? Aunt Dorea?" Andromeda questioned when she reached the painting, her hands slightly trembling.

"Andromeda?" Charlus Potter exclaimed as he was surprised by her appearance.

"But of course, child. Who else would it be?" Dorea Potter née Black replied as she smiled widely in recognition.

"Be a dear and pick us up and put us on something where we can actually see you better." Charlus said.

Tonks quickly rushed past her mother and picked up the large painting before putting it on a wide cabinet that was roughly a little bit taller than the two witches.

"Ah, that's better, much bet- My my and is that my little Nymmie? Merlin's balls! You've gotten so big!" Charlus shouted as he guffawed at the mirage of colours Tonks' hair was changing as she paused mid-step on the way back to her mother's side.

"Behave Charlus." Dorea lightly admonished but couldn't keep the large smile off her face as she saw her pseudo-grandchild.

"It's Tonks Uncle Charlus. Just Tonks." Tonks said curtly with a scowl.

"Yes, yes. I see your terrible choice of name hasn't changed one bit." Charlus said dismissively with a wave of his hand.

"Terrible?! Nymphadora is a terrible name Uncle!" She replied indigently, her everchanging hair settling on red.

"I must say Andromeda, this reunion is all well and good but unless you've changed your mind from before, I do remember this being a Potter vault." Dorea cut in with a gleam in her grey eyes as she raised a single eyebrow.

Andromeda scowled, "I hope you're not insinuating what I think you're insinuating Aunty."

"Oh? And what's wrong with my darling James?" Dorea replied, her eyes slightly narrowing but one who knew the woman well could easily find the humour that danced in those eyes.

Before Andromeda could respond, Charlus spoke up with a chuckle, "Oh, it has been too long indeed." He began but suddenly, his face lost all of the jovial emotion he had displayed and his eyes started to glow with a certain power, one that Andromeda knew meant he was serious.

"My love…" Dorea looked over to her husband and frowned at him, placing her hand on his forearm.

Charlus ignored his wife and looked directly at Andromeda. His piercing, brown glowing eyes bored into the witch who looked uneasy.

"Andromeda," The tone in his voice caused her to tense up as it was the exact tone she remembered her own grandfather using when someone was treading on extremely dangerous waters, "How did you get in this vault?"

For Andromeda, his question seemed simple enough and yet, the threat was more than evident in his voice. Although Charlus and Dorea had treated her as family and had given shelter to her when her husband, Ted died, especially when she had nowhere else to go, she was still not related to the Potters directly and so, she had no business being in their Heirlooms Vault.

Her mind flashed Harry's image and eyes instantly softened as she slowly turned her head around. She saw her son watching the scene and with the way he was fidgeting about, she didn't need to know him to know that he was unsure on how to approach the situation.

"Come dear." She held her hand out and beckoned him over.

Harry stared at her hand for a second or two before slowly walking over and grasped the witch's hand which he realised for the first time that it was smaller than his own now. Andromeda interlaced her fingers with him and lightly tugged him into the light where his grandparents could see him properly.

A sharp intake of breath came from the older man whilst a gasp that sounded more like a sob came from the witch that stood beside Harry's grandfather.

Harry looked at the painting which housed his grandparents and he found that he was at a loss of words.

Shocked brown, glowing eyes locked onto bright, emerald eyes that seemed to flicker in the light as grandfather and grandson looked intently at the other.

"Er, hello."


The trio eventually left the vault and then was escorted by Griphook back to the front of the bank where Tonks applied some carefully casted charms to change Harry's appearance once again as the charms itself was beyond his current capabilities.

Once all three of them left the bank, they were completely new people.

Before Harry could get his bearings, a small clearing of someone's throat came from behind him.

Andromeda stood there with her arm out towards him, with a patient look on her beautiful face.


Andromeda sighed good naturedly as she walked over to him and threaded her arm through his and pulled him forwards. After his little growth spurt, she now stood a head and a bit shorter than him.

"When walking around in public, it's important to escort the lady that you're with." Andromeda said as the three descended the stairs into the now generally quiet alley.

Harry had a bewildered look on his face but nevertheless shrugged and acquiesced.

"Well, what about Nym?" Harry asked, ignoring the smiling woman behind Andromeda and him, who followed them along closely as she kept a keen eye on their surroundings.

"She's the guard." The older woman answered primly.

"I'm the guard."

Tonks' amused reply for some reason ticked him off, so he scowled at her causing her to grin wider before he turned around and carried on walking through the small crowd of people.

A few minutes later, Andromeda eventually stopped, pausing as the threesome had made their way through the large, slightly subdued crowd and came to a small shop that was named Twilfitt and Tattings.

"Right, seeing as it is not too late, it is better we get this over and done with." Andromeda said as a matter of fact.

Harry had a weird feeling that he wasn't going to like what the answer to his question was, but he asked anyway.

"And what exactly is that?"

Please don't say shopping, anything but shopping. He silently begged.

"Well, you can't expect to walk around in those rags you call clothes now can you. This means shopping. A whole new wardrobe should be sufficient." Andromeda replied while Harry let out a large groan, as she nodded the last bit to herself.

"Aww stop crying Harry baby," Tonks cooed, "We gotta cover you up and make you look presentable before Hermione swoops in and steals your scrawny ass away. I'm too young to be an aunt!" She swooned as she pretended to wipe a tear away with her hand on her chest.

"Hermione is not going to steal me away Nymph-a-dora." He replied heatedly, a strong blush appearing on his cheeks as he attempted to swivel around to face the irritating woman but before he could do so, he was held back.

Harry winced as he realised the presence of the other woman that currently had a death grip on his arm. He slowly turned his head with a sheepish smile on his face and met the impassive look and glare of one unimpressed Andromeda Tonks.

"We will speak about this… Hermione… later but for now, we cannot be distracted. Come along children." Andromeda replied briskly, pulling on Harry's arm as they walked towards the clothing shop.

Harry sighed knowing that the future conversation about Hermione was inevitable and walked with Andromeda into the store, soundly ignoring Tonks' loud laughter coming from behind them which caused some of the crowd to look at them oddly.

"By the way, if we're going to buy clothes, why aren't we at Madam Malkins instead of this place?" Harry questioned as he peered around. His eyebrows climbing higher and higher as he noticed the expensive garments and robes placed around the store. It was obvious to him that the shop catered to the wealthier clients.

"You're part of a Noble and Ancient house Hadrian and not only that, but you are also now the Head and Lord of said house. I am teaching you how to act the part but now, it is important that you dress it as well. In our world, if you have power, then your image is substantial to you keeping that power." Andromeda turned around and looked up to him with resolve in her eyes as she held onto his hands.

"You have always held a position of power within our world Hadrian and yet, you were too young to grasp and utilise it. Now that you are older, you can finally induct change. I know that you are not particularly fond of your fame, and I would not be either, especially with how it came about, nevertheless, now is the time. I realise this is all very heavy and can be extremely nauseating, yet this is who you are. You have a responsibility to your future family and to yourself because I know you can win this war. The question is, do you yourself believe it?" She finished with a gentle squeeze to his hands as she turned around and walked towards the shop owner leaving a pensive Harry behind.

He had been pretty clueless in regard to the whole politics which surrounded his family. Not to say that he didn't search up about the Potters during his first year when he was in the library at Hogwarts yet unfortunately for him, he didn't find much and so he pretty much gave up. Apparently they were a pretty secretive family.

It was hard to think that not long ago, apart from following Hermione around like a lovesick puppy no matter how many times he denied it, he was still the naïve little boy that had terrible things happen to him. He always knew he was different, ever since his first bouts of accidental magic yet he didn't know how different he was until he received his acceptance letter from Hogwarts and knew the complete truth.

Harry sighed as he threaded a hand through his long black locks but looked down into the now emerald, green eyes of Tonks who appeared next to him.

"Y'know, we wouldn't think any less of you if you decided that you wanted to leave this all behind. Of course, we would be with you no matter where you wanted to go or what you wanted to do but still, no one wants a crazy megalomaniac after their existence, not even me." She finished with a nervous chuckle.

"Thanks, Nym. That makes me feel so much better." Came his sarcastic reply but couldn't help the genuine smile that appeared on his face. Her way with words was worse than Hagrid's nevertheless, he couldn't help the feelings of happiness growing within him knowing her and Andi would be with him.

Harry regarded his now visible House ring that sat on his finger.

He could feel the magic thrumming through him as he concentrated on the ring. Whispers and sounds which couldn't be heard for others sung to him like a sweet lullaby and he felt worthy, powerful. This was the same ring his grandfather wore and his fathers before him. This was his legacy. The starting line of one long race that would conclude on his death. He had been given a second chance and it was time to prove it not just to himself, but to others as well. He would not be a forgotten name in one long family tree that inherited the title of Lord Potter, no, he would be the greatest and others around him would either have to keep up or get left behind.

With new resolve, he walked over towards Andromeda, leaving a smiling Tonks behind, and stood next to her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Andromeda turned to the side and looked up to the determined eyes of her son, his eyes shining with purpose and instantly she knew that he had made the correct decision. Giving him a proud smile, she turned back to the shop owner who was looking at the two curiously.

Her impassive mask smoothly came back in place and she addressed the curious man with a raised eyebrow.

"Your discretion?"

The shop owner who had a measuring tape placed around his shoulders instantly stood up straight.

"Of course, Madam. We at Twilfitt and Tattings conduct business for the wealthy. Our discretion towards our clients is our utmost importance. May I ask for whom we are catering towards?"

The shop owner Donovan had a curious eye ever since he took over the family business. He was able recognise the rich and wealthy from a glance and so obviously, he made sure his employees were to as well. Profit was of course paramount, and so it was important for him and his employees to identify the big fish from the truly large ones and that was why he was a bit stumped.

Normally, he would've outright told the people in front of him to leave as they clearly didn't scream wealthy and noble, especially the rather tall man that wore those hideous muggle clothes he thought with a mental sneer, but stopped himself as he recognised the tell-tale signs of Occlumency that came from the older woman before him and so naturally, he was curious. Very curious indeed.

Andromeda slowly slid out her wand from her sleeve and waved it over her face with a silent finite. Her beautiful, aristocratic features came into view with her signature steely grey eyes staring right at the now wide-eyed man who broke out in a cold sweat as he stared at the oldest of the infamous Black sisters and nervously licked his dry lips.

"Madam B-T-Tonks, it has been a while. H-How can Twilfitt and Tattings help you today Madam?" He managed to finish, mentally scolding himself for stuttering in front of the drop-dead gorgeous woman.

Donovan Tattings of course was aware of the big scandal that took place years ago when he was just a wee assistant for his late father that involved the unnerving woman that looked incredibly like her insane, bitch of a sister, Bellatrix Lestrange.

It was rather public after all, and although she might be disowned by the House of Black, even he couldn't deny the faint chill that crawled up his back as he looked at those same steely grey eyes that the Blacks were so famous for.

It was like old, Arcturus Black had returned from the grave in the form of a younger and infinitely more attractive woman, he thought to himself rather lustfully, especially as he couldn't help his eyes as they travelled down her beautiful, wrinkle free face, her long slender neck and reached her busty che-

He blinked a couple times as his pleasant train of thought was rather forcefully stopped as he could feel faint tremors starting to grow from under his feat. It was like there was a bloody earthquake! In Britain of all places!

A real chill went through his spine as he slowly raised his eyes and looked towards the woman who wasn't even looking at him but rather was staring at the bland looking man next to her with amusement dancing in her eyes, her lush lips slightly quirking up in a smile.

Donovan moved his eyes and looked up into the lowly glowing, brown orbs of the younger man.

A dangerous look was etched on his face as he stared holes into Donovan's eyes. He gulped audibly as his face paled, knowing he got caught staring at the attractive woman and thought he was going to die a truly gruesome and painful death.

He barely heard the amused voice of Andromeda Tonks due to the blood thumping in his ears who had raised her hand and had brushed the younger man's cheek and instantly, it was like a fire was snubbed out, the younger man's face relaxed but that predatory look never left his face.

"Although, I would love to get some pretty new baby blue robes, I am here today for my son." She paused as she waved her wand over his face. The young man's features turned into arguably the most famous individual currently in all of Magical Britain, killing curse eyes and all.

If possible, Donovan became even paler as he stared at the now burning emerald eyes of the Chosen One.

"M-Mr P-P-Potter." He spluttered; his eyes wide in absolute fear and awe, all at the same time.

"Lord Potter." Andromeda smoothly corrected, as she once again fixated back to the stuttering man as coincidently, Harry's lord ring appeared on his finger, providing the proof.

"My sincere apologies L-Lord Potter," Donovan quickly corrected as he took a deep breath to calm himself, "How may Twilfitt and Tattings be of service to you today?"

"Hadrian requires a full wardrobe. All above-standard wear for high society occasions in dark robes and a few in some lighter tones. He also needs two sets of full Lord robes for when he sits on the Wizengamot. Naturally, all robes must be of the highest quality with all necessary enchantments in place. Oh, and custom made, of course." Andromeda finished sweetly.

Donovan, during the time Madam Tonks was explained the order, had managed to calm himself down and slipped his business mask smoothly in place just as she finished, a self-writing quill hovering above him as it took her order. He could already visualise the large bag of galleons that could be made from this transaction floating around in his mind.

"Certainly, Madam Tonks. As you have requested custom made robes, measurements must be taken to the smallest degree. Our products are of course, made of the highest quality." He finished with what he thought was a charming smile, asking the unasked question.

The eerily smooth but deep voice of the younger man cut through, causing the shop owner's smile to falter as he continued to stare daggers at Donovan, "Gold will not be an issue, charge everything to the Potter vault."

"Of course, Sir. As the order is quite large, it can take up to three days for it to be completed. Will you be coming again to collect it?"

"No," Harry replied curtly, "My elf will come by to collect it in my place."

"Very well Lord Potter. If you would, please follow me, let's get you measured and then we can start picking out some materials."

And so began the long and tedious process of Harry getting measured and Andromeda commenting about absolutely everything.

One hour turned into two, and two into three as Harry was made to play dress up as there were quite a lot of robes that were already made. Just when he was about to lose his last minuscule amount of patience, Andromeda called him over from where he sat next to a sleeping Tonks who had conveniently made his shoulder in to a pillow.

He was now decked out in a pristine dark blue shirt with midnight black slacks and some dark black dragonhide boots that fit snugly on his feet that he had found in the Heirloom's Vault.

Apparently some ancestor of his had made it and although he couldn't place what dragon skin was used for the boots, he couldn't deny its quality or look and so he snatched right up. It was basically his now after all.

Unceremoniously standing, leaving an indignant Tonks behind who spluttered about her pillow growing legs, he marched over to Andromeda who had a fulfilled sort of expression on her face and instantly his mood did a flip on its head. She looked so content and so how could he remain annoyed at his Andi?

"Everything is all done dear, just need to pay and we'll be off." She finished as she smiled up at him and he couldn't help but return the smile back.

"Finally." Harry said. He couldn't quite keep the exasperation out of his voice but nevertheless shooed the apologetic looking woman away as he handled the payment, not noticing the aristocratic looking woman walking in to the store behind them.

"Women huh. Don't think there's anything they love more than to shop." Donovan spoke good naturedly at the handsome man opposite him, hoping that time had healed his momentarily lapse of judgement.

Harry ignored the idiotic man and gave him the stink eye instead which clearly told the man that he was still on Harry freaking Potter's shit list.

"How much do I owe you?"

Donovan cleared his throat, "That'll be 12,550 Galleons Sir."

Harry gave an annoyed look towards the man as he could tell he was being overcharged the normal rate but nevertheless grunted and began the process of reading through the parchment he'd been given.

Andromeda looked over to where her daughter sat, well, more like lay as she was currently fast asleep across two chairs as if she was a little child.

She shook her head with a smile.

Nymphadora may have advanced in terms of age, but the child in her would probably never go away and contrary to belief especially with the way Andromeda would act towards her daughter, she was completely fine with it. Nymphadora was definitely just like her late husband Ted; carefree, bubbly and not to mention loud. She clearly inherited all those characteristics from her late father and Andromeda was as her daughter would say, cool with it.

Her daughter was proof that the love between herself and Ted existed which was further proved with how she basically inherited everything that was Edward Tonks, and she would never change a thing. Ted was her soulmate. She willingly ran away from her family for Morgana's sake! And not just any family, she happened to be born into one of the most prestigious families in the magical world!

One of the famous Coloured families no less!

Andromeda sighed as she skimmed her fingers through the many expensive garments of the store. She truly believed that there is someone for everyone and her someone was Ted Tonks.

She was aware that she was beautiful. Even at her age, even if everyone knew that she betrayed her blood, one of the biggest sins a pureblood could do, she was not oblivious to the way those of the opposite gender lusted over her. You could take the Black from her name, but you could never truly take it from her after all.

She looked over to where her son in all but blood was stood across the counter from the nervous looking owner and couldn't help the amused smile that appeared on her face.

She remembered how she could feel his oppressive power curl around her like a warm blanket when he caught the foolish shop owner leering and to her, that was adorably endearing.

Hadrian, like Nymphadora, was everything to her. Ever since he came back to her, it was like he had never left. All this time she had known, felt, that there was something missing and here he was. The other half of her heart had returned, and she hadn't felt so happy in many, many years and she couldn't wait to learn more about him.

As she was casually perusing the many different garments and robes, a tinkering sound came from the store's entrance signalling someone had entered. Andromeda had just about realised this when a snide voice she hadn't heard in many years decided to destroy the good mood she was in.

"Well, well, if it isn't Andromeda, as I live and breathe."

She could practically just hear the sneer coming from the mouth of the woman that she was unfortunately related to and had to physically clench her fist to calm herself down from her raging torrent of emotions as she slowly turned around, her perfect passive mask sliding into place as she looked at the sneering face of one Melissa Rosier.

Melissa Rosier stood just a little shorter than Andromeda. She had brown, curly hair and light blue eyes but where Andromeda had practically close to no wrinkles, Melissa unfortunately, did not receive the same luck however, her beauty was still very much evident.

"Cousin Melissa, it's been a while. Over two decades I believe. Time has truly done wonders though; you're looking as radiant as ever." Andromeda gushed falsely and with the way the opposite woman's eyebrow twitched from her otherwise impassive face, it seemed her jab hit the mark right in the middle.

"Yes… what a happy coincidence that I happened to run in to you of all people Andromeda." She replied sarcastically. "How unfortunate that you seem to be looking worse for wear these days if I may say so. Surely they aren't overworking you at your job at St Mungos are they?" She mocked unpleasantly.

Andromeda clenched her fist tighter if it were possible.

Her cousin Melissa was her aunt's daughter on her mother's side. She was everything her father wanted her to be. Docile; never questioning what she was told and had to accept that all the aspirations and goals she had in her life was moot and instead, she was to be foddered to strengthen ties between families, a little thing that they called marriage. But Melissa was different, she was cruel and vindictive.

Ever since they were children she had an unforgiving mean streak. This was extremely severe when Andromeda had found out that, during a lapse in her judgement, that Melissa was the one who told her mother about herself and Ted's relationship back when she was in school.

A cruel smile came upon the wrinkled face of the older woman as she watched Andromeda's nose flare in anger. "It seems you haven't changed much over the years Andromeda. Though you continue to act as the perfect embodiment of a pureblood heiress, it is such a shame you forsook your entire heritage over dirty blood all those years ago and where did that leave you? Andromeda Black became Andromeda No-Name. Not to mention a widow now I hear." She tutted condescendingly. "How far the oldest of the infamous Black Sisters has fallen." Melissa mocked.

Andromeda was furious. Her ex-family was always a touchy subject but bringing the fact that her husband had been killed so early in to her marriage was the final nail in the coffin. She had been ridiculed and humiliated when news broke that her husband of just over two years had been killed during a Death Eater raid in Diagon Alley. It was easily the worst coming months of her life.

The war was getting extremely dangerous, muggleborn witches and wizards were being killed left and right and not to mention the amount of muggle villages that were constantly being razed to the ground. She was getting extremely frightened for herself and her small family. A muggleborn husband, a halfblood daughter she had conceived outside wedlock and her, a pureblood witch who had been cast out of one of the most prestigious families in the magical world.

She had a feeling he was targeted because of her and so she had decided to trust her instincts and left the magical part of Britain and ventured into the muggle world.

How she survived with a multi-colour, hair switching toddler even she didn't know. That time period was always hazy to her. Constantly looking over her shoulder, an obliviation there, a confundus charm here. And if that wasn't enough, it was the fact that she had to find her way through the muggle world as a pureblood witch who had been taught nothing about muggles apart from the fact that they were a disease and to not get involved with them under any circumstances.

If it wasn't out of sheer desperation that she had sent a letter to her Aunt Dorea one day, she knew deep down that she and Nymphadora would've died in a ditch somewhere.

As she returned to the present, she realised with a start that her very own Nymphadora somehow had mysteriously appeared next to her and was having a very heated argument with Melissa.

"-Yes yes, I know all about you. To think a woman as an Auror. How uncouth! But then again, now that I think about it, I am not all surprised. You are her offspring after all. The knut doesn't fall far from the hand clearly." Melissa jeered as she looked with contempt at the two.

She kept rambling on, completely oblivious to the growing ire that was growing from the two witches with every word that she spewed from her mouth.

"Yeah well, at least I get to live a life of my own you shrivelled up bat. Tell me, when was the last time you actually got to the do something of your own choice without getting hounded on by your bigoted family? No. Instead, you'd rather be paraded around on the arm of some dogmatic fool like a stuffed peacock!" Tonks snarled.

"Nymphadora!" Andromeda exclaimed scandalised.

Tonks was furious and the fact that this bitch had the gall to insult and judge her mother for her choices when she chose the easy way out infuriated her.

The older looking woman's eyes glinted dangerously at Tonks before completely ignoring her and instead turned to face Andromeda.

"Clearly, there's no doubt that the child is yours, the ill-mannered little chit." She sneered, "I'm surprised you'd even be willing to show your face in our world after all this time Andromeda, especially in a well-respected, pureblood establishment such as this. Here to sightsee are you? Not like you'd be able to afford much if anything at all here." She sniffed haughtily.

"On the contrary madam" a voice smoothly answered, "My wonderful aunt is here for me today."

Melissa's haughty eyes turned towards the source of the sound that somehow materialised behind Andromeda and couldn't help herself from faltering slightly.

He was tall, skinny and quite pale but that couldn't discount the fact that he was incredibly handsome and had some of the most powerful eyes she had ever seen.

He was also extremely familiar looking she wondered until her eyes widened comically when she realised who was standing in front of her.

Gone was the scrawny, defeated looking child that stood next to Dumbledore she saw recently in the papers and instead was a completely new Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived.

"Oh, where are my manners? Andromeda has been trying to iron them out, but I do seem to forget them sometimes." Harry continued as he stalked past Andromeda and stood directly in front of the wide-eyed witch.

"Hadrian Potter, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter." He intentionally didn't bow which was a strong breach in etiquette as the Rosiers were a much older house than the Potters.

Shock became more evident on Melissa's face and that coupled with the fact that the Potter brat was now the head of his house made her pause. She would have to play this very carefully. Insulting blood traitors was one thing, but here was a Lord of a prestigious house, no matter what other people would say about the brat's mudblood mother.

She managed a cool mask of indifference to appear on her face as she stared up and couldn't help her lips curling up in a sneer as she responded.

"Lady Melissa Rosier, Lady of the Noble and Ancient House of Rosier." She didn't offer her hand for him on purpose. Two can play that game you halfblood cretin.

She looked past him and watched as Andromeda's eyes narrowed and couldn't help the glee from appearing within her. Time to put a halfblood like him in his place.

She expected some similar reaction from Potter but wavered when there was a smirk instead. What really threw her off was when she looked up to his eyes and found them to be shimmering, as if they were glowing and couldn't help the uncomfortable, tingling sensation from appearing on her nape and it was only then when she felt it.

A wall. She didn't know how else to describe such a feeling. She could feel her knees shaking as she felt like she was being squished down from the very top of her head down to the very soles of her feet by an invisible wall-like feeling.

Magic the likes of which she has never experienced, weighed down on her forcefully and she didn't need to be a genius to know where it was coming from. She saw into his eyes and couldn't help herself taking an involuntary step back.

He looked feral, utterly, and explicitly dangerous. She could feel the hairs on her arms standing up as Potter's smirk grew and couldn't help herself visibly cringe when he took one step closer to her.

"Rosier," He hummed, "I hope you don't take any offence when I say that you don't look like any Rosier I've seen. They all seem to have a rather distinct looking nose." He spoke softly, asking the unasked question.

Melissa vaguely managed to look past the intimidating man and had noticed Mr Tattings looking extremely uncomfortable, almost as if he was about to pass out and it was when she realised that Andromeda and her brat also seemed to be struggling.

She could see the sheen of sweat building up on Andromeda's forehead, the sharp rises of the auror's chest as if she was struggling to breathe. She could feel herself acting the same way also, as if she was going into shock.

She tried watching him as he started taking small, measured steps, circling her and no matter how much she wanted to move, she couldn't. She wasn't able to speak either, as if he had casted a wandless and silent silencing spell on her!

Potter stopped once he was directly in front of her, blocking her view of the people behind him and she realised how tall he actually was. Though he was skinny, unbelievably so at that and yet, that did not diminish the utterly dangerous aura he exuded.

Harry tutted condescendingly at her.

"It seems nobody taught you manners Lady Rosier, when someone is speaking to you, it's good manners to look them in the eyes."

She felt powerless as his finger pushed up her chin so that her eyes connected to his and she couldn't help her eyes widen, her breath becoming short and slightly ragged.

"That's better! Now I remember asking you on how you know my lovely Aunt and sadly, you forgot to answer." Harry spoke down on her mockingly and his smile grew as he watched hers struggle to answer.

"Cousin. First cousin on my mother's side." She croaked as she felt his finger trailing across her jaw.

"Interesting. I happen to have a first cousin myself, on my late mother's side. Awful little shit he is though. Unlike me however, you must've been lucky to have a wonderful cousin like my Andi in your life Lady Rosier." He said. His voice smooth like never ending glass.

Harry slowly walked around her again until he was stood behind her.

"And yet, I couldn't help but overhear some of the comments you said about Andi and Nym, and I was reminded about the similarities between you and my very own cousin. Well, less on the physical attributes that is," Harry chuckled as he leaned in over her shoulder, "Compared to my troll of a cousin, you look simply exquisite."

"Not surprising. Andi is simply stunning. It would make sense if her cousin was the same. You know, in a sense, albeit very distantly, we are somewhat related. What does that mean you're probably wondering? Allow me to give you some advice and I'll explain it so that even a troll would understand Lady Rosier. By insulting my aunt and Nym, it is effectively, the same as insulting me."

Related?! To a half-blood disgrace like yo-

Melissa's thoughts were interrupted violently as Harry appeared by her side and watched sadistically as her blue eyes widened even more as he grabbed her chin and made her look towards him.

"Now you can insult me directly as much as you want, I'm sure I can give you a few choice words myself, however, the day you insult my family again might be the very last day anyone will be able to hear your pretty little voice again. Do we understand each other Lady Rosier?" He asked softly, his emerald eyes glowing malevolently.

She couldn't respond, the magical pressure was too much that she felt as if her bones were going to shatter.

The soft grip on her chin grew painful. "I sssaid, do we underssstand each other Lady Rossssier?" Harry's voice slipping into Parseltongue causing the others in the shop to gasp.

"Y-Yes my L-Lord." Melissa whimpered, her eyes widening in absolute fear.


As if a switch was flicked, the moment Harry stepped back, the oppressing magic vanished as quick as it came. He watched Melissa as she fell into a heap on the floor, her chest rising up and down rapidly as her eyes filled with tears.

Harry frowned minutely, briefly closing his eyes as he placed a hand over his scar before looking over towards Andromeda and Tonks and saw them slightly swaying on their feet and instantly he was at their side.

After reminding the clammy looking store owner that Dobby would come collect his purchases which seemed to fall on deaf ears, he turned around and put each arm around their shoulders.

Tonks' hair seemed to slowly be returning back to the disguise she had used before which he had suddenly realised had gone back to her natural black locks however, his frown grew slightly as he watched Andromeda grab the front of his shirt in extra support as he slowly lead them towards the exit.

He gave one last curious look at the whimpering Melissa Rosier before he hastily left the shop with Tonks and Andromeda, the former just managing to do the necessary charms on her mother and Harry to cover their identity as they joined the hustle and bustle of the crowd.


"Are you Lord Hadrian Potter's family Madam?" Elder Shaman Xenox asked Andromeda off to the side where the subject of the question was blissfully sleeping away.

Andromeda looked over at Harry for a second or so before looking back at the Goblin.

"Yes." She replied resolutely.

"Then it is only right you know about everything regarding the ritual we conducted on him."

Andromeda warily gestured to the Goblin to continue as Xenox gripped his staff a little tighter.

"We are positive we have purged the Lord Voldemort's soul from the young Lord's body but I do warn you, it wasn't without any side effects."

Xenox continued, "Lord Voldemort's soul was stuck to Lord Potter's soul as if it was a parasite; feasting and draining its host's magic and life energy so that it could live. So that it could survive. Due to the ritual, there is a possibility that some of the features of Lord Voldemort's shattered soul, may have been absorbed into Lord Potter." The Goblin finished, as Andromeda placed her hand on her chest; her face turning white as a sheet as she had a shocked expression on her face.

"He's becoming him?" She whispered.

"No. Lord Voldemort, from what I know, is a prodigious and dangerous individual but nevertheless, still a human with a soul. A small part of an entire soul cannot house all of a person's 'information', if you would, as it is, after all, only part of the whole soul." Xenox began before his face grew solemn.

"I do warn you, there is a slight probability however, that Lord Potter's personality may change as he gets more used to his life without Lord Voldemort's soul attached to his own… A small probability that some of the characteristics of the Dark Lord will manifest into Hadrian Potter…"


"Y-Yes?" Andromeda said with a startle as she looked at a worried looking Tonks and a concerned looking Harry.

They were sat in a small café in the muggle world that they had apparated to after leaving Diagon Alley.

They had briefly spoke about Harry's confrontation with Melissa Rosier and the effect his magic had on Melissa and them.

Not to get him worried over him hurting her and Dora, Andromeda had said it was just his magic trying to adapt to essentially, a new body which managed to somehow assuage him of his fears though, that didn't stop his apologies which fell on deaf ears.

And yet Andromeda still had a sinking feeling, that the warning the Goblin Shaman had given her, was turning true.

This is not the time to be thinking of such things you foolish woman! She mentally chided herself.

With a silent sigh, she eventually changed the subject after giving a small squeeze of the hand to her daughter and Harry.

"So… tell me about this Hermione." Andromeda asked as she watched Harry carefully as he choked on his tea causing a grinning Tonks to smack him a couple of times on the back, much to his displeasure.

"There's nothing to say. Hermione is a friend."

"Who is a girl." Harry added unhelpfully when Andromeda raised an eyebrow.

"Okay that was simply pathetic," Tonks said loudly causing Harry to groan at her, "She's basically a girl who our little Harry goes googly eyes over, like all the time."

"I don't go googly eyes at her you idiot!"

"So, you don't like her?"

"Wha-" Harry began confusedly.

"You just said you don't like her."

"Did you accidently morph your brain into a troll's brain? When did I tell you I didn't like her?"

"So, you do like her." Tonks shot back, a gleam dancing in her eyes.

Harry gave Tonks a look he normally gave to Dudley when he would say something stupid which was about ninety-nine percent of the time.

"Well of course I bloody like her!" He exclaimed before his eyes widened.

"A HA!"

Harry placed his hands on his face as Andromeda watched the entire interaction amusedly as she bit daintily into a cinnamon bun.

"I can't believe I got outwitted by Nym, of all people." He said sullenly.

"Hey!" Tonks exclaimed as she smacked him on the shoulder.

Before he could retort, the other woman's voice interrupted.

"Well Hadrian? Aren't you going to tell me about this Hermione you like?"

Harry grimaced before deflating with a sigh.

"Fine but you can't say anything." He supplied looking directly at Tonks who looked as if she was going to deny.

"Dora." Andromeda sternly at her daughter who sulked petulantly.

Harry fiddled with his ring for a second before rolling his eyes at himself and began the tale.

"Hermione Granger. She's my best friend, the second one I made after I came to Hogwarts. She's a little bratty, a complete know-it-all and she absolutely despises it when I do better than her in certain subjects but she's loyal, brave, caring and so very kind." He began with a fond smile.

"She always looks out for me, always wanting to see the best in someone. I guess what made me finally realise that I had liked her more than a friend was after the whole basilisk incident. I was devastated when she was petrified and I'm a little ashamed to say it but I mainly went into that chamber to kill the basilisk out of revenge for her." He said, as Andromeda squeezed his hand worriedly before yelping, when she pinched him as he rolled his eyes.

"As I was saying," Harry gritted out as he mercilessly rubbed his skin, "We've had so many adventures throughout our years and yeah sure, Ron would tag along and it would basically be us three vs the rest of the world but most times, it would just be me and Hermione."

"The whole Sirius situation, the bloody tournament, even the DA last year-"

"That's Dumbledore's Army Mum. Harry named it after his esteemed and very beloved Headmaster. He's such a good little boy." Tonks cooed, guffawing at his annoyed stare.

"You're so very helpful and for your information, I didn't name it Dumbledore's Army. That was actually Ginny."

"Same person."

"ANYWAY, before I knew it, I was asking her out to the Yule Ball in our fourth year and she said yes, and so we went together." Harry began with an affectionate smile as he thought of that evening's memories before his smile faltered and slowly disappeared altogether.

"What's wrong dear?" Andromeda commented as she noticed his mood change.

"Uh…" He looked at the two women before he focused on the older of the two who was giving him an encouraging nod.

Harry cleared his throat as he threaded a hand through his hair.

"I-I don't really know. The evening was going amazing. We danced and danced, and essentially, had a wonderful time. At one point, I had gone to get drinks for the both of us when we had stopped dancing. When I returned, it was to the scene of Ron and Hermione arguing about something quite heatedly but by the time I could get close enough, Ron had looked at me like I was the last person he wanted to see and walked away."

"The argument ended once I reached them and then I asked if everything was okay in which she agreed it was. Nevertheless, it was obvious she was crying and although I was really close on pummelling Ron, I didn't want to make a scene and so I tried my absolute hardest in making sure the rest of the night went perfectly for her and I did. I truly did though, I never did find out what they were arguing about." Harry added with a frown as unknowing to Harry, Andromeda and Tonks briefly looked at one another.

"We had a really good time and I really thought that she liked me back especially with the way we would act towards one another even before the night of the ball. Little touches here and there, constantly seeking each other's gaze, and the way she would blush when I told her how beautiful she looked at least twenty times. When the evening ended, we walked together, back to our dorms and I had finally found the courage to ask her out and yet…"

"She said no?" The older woman answered softly, rubbing the back of Harry's hand as he nodded in affirmation.

"Her answer was that she didn't know how she felt and that the 'timing was difficult'. Whatever that meant. Hermione said that she would have an answer for me soon so at least that was something." Harry said with a nervous chuckle before sighing deeply.

"I was… confused, upset yes, but was, I guess, satisfied that she didn't completely reject me. We agreed to have the conversation another time, when she was ready to give me a proper answer though, it's annoying to say that not much has happened between us since that day. She never brought it up and we practically went on with our lives as if that intimate evening between us never happened."

"Granted, with the whole situation with Voldemort during the end of my fourth year and then the whole issue with Umbridge and the Ministry, add onto the stress of Voldemort attempting to possess me during my fifth year, I guess, I wasn't in the right frame of mind. I'm sure she herself had bigger concerns than me i.e. her OWLs, although, during the times where we were by ourselves, I've tried broaching the topic of us two but she had kept changing the subject and since then, I haven't really brought it up again." Harry finished with a half-hearted shrug before looking down into his swirling cup of tea.

Tonks gave a pointed look towards her mother who ignored her with an impassive face.

"Hadrian darling, would you get me a refill please?"

Harry blinked at Andromeda for a few seconds but nodded as his etiquette lessons that was being drilled into him by the very same person, kicked in.

"Mum. Shouldn't we do something." Tonks broke the uncomfortable silence once Harry walked away.


"Wha- The git seriously likes her and she-"

"Believe me honey, I want to do something too but we just can't. Hadrian's happiness is paramount to me but at the end of the day, no matter how much of a responsibility is put on his shoulders, no matter how mature he acts, he is still a barely sixteen-year-old child." Andromeda sighed, "This is something he needs to experience himself and who knows, things might change."

"I like Hermione and all but if she hurts him…"

"You will do nothing Dora." Andromeda said sternly, looking directly at her daughter who growled in return.

"You will," Andromeda began, interrupting Tonks, "Stay out of his personal affairs and you let him live a little. Only get involved if and only if, he asks you to. It does, however, makes me so very happy that you care so much for him my wonderful daughter." She finished with a warm smile as Tonks' hair switched from a mirage of colours before settling on pink, matching the colour of her cheeks as she bashfully looked away.

Thank Morgana for privacy charms! Andromeda thought with a mental chuckle.

"Now that I think about it," Harry began as he placed Andromeda's cup of tea in front of her as he took his seat, "Something else happened during the ball back in fourth year."

After thanking him, Andromeda looked at him curiously as she blew into the liquid a couple of times before taking a sip.

"Well not during the ball, more like after the ball."

"Well?" Tonks asked.

"Well, what?"

"WELL, what happened?" Tonks probed with an irritated voice as Harry smirked.

"I honestly have no idea. I was outside near the lake. The whole place was covered in snow and it was still snowing pretty heavily, not to mention the fog. Basically, I was just there to get some fresh hair after walking Hermione back to her dorm when someone popped up."

"Who?" Andromeda asked as she placed her cup down and went to go take another bite of her cinnamon bun.

"Daphne Greengrass."

The older woman's eyebrows shot up as the bun that was halfway to her mouth was placed back on the small plate, completely forgotten.

"Greengrass?" She whispered, loud enough for the other two to hear.

"Yeah. Odd right? Anyway, she kind of just walked into me, quite literally in fact," Harry chuckled though sobered up, "It was quite strange. Normally, from the times I would see her and of the handful of times we'd spoken in our various classes, she was always very distant. She would never show an ounce of emotion but on that night, it was almost like she was upset, no… vulnerable even." He added with a frown as he looked down into his crimson family ring.

"Did anything happen?" Andromeda asked in an odd tone, causing Tonks to look at her in confusion. Andromeda nevertheless continued to stare intently at Harry who had not seemed to notice.

"Uh sort of. So, remember how I said she walked into me," He asked as Andromeda nodded, "Well she just stood there, leaning her head on my chest. I think she must've thought I was a tree or something because she didn't move away. Only when I cleared my throat did she move and even then, she only looked up at me." His frown deepened as he remembered the absolute helpless look she had on her normally emotionless face. It made his stomach feel funny for some reason.

"Maybe it was because of how I was feeling, especially with the way the ball ended with the whole Hermione situation," Harry began again with a grimace, "But I just asked if she wanted to dance. She just stared at me but eventually agreed. It was so surreal that at one point, I had thought I had imagined the encounter because I was pretty sure Daphne Greengrass does not smile."

Harry remembered the smile she gave as he slowly twirled her around the snow. They never spoke after he asked her for a dance, instead, just rotated around in front of the giant tree, its branches protecting them from the falling snow.

From an outside perspective, he thought, it was perhaps an intimate moment between him and Greengrass but that couldn't have been further from the truth.

They didn't know one another at all and he didn't know what compelled him to ask her for a dance. All he knew was that he was somehow glad he did so for some reason and perhaps they both needed the release after his disappointing ending to the night, and whatever she was going through.

Harry closed his eyes and he could've sworn he was transported again, back to that same night. He could still remember the heat of her breath against his neck, the enchanting smell of jasmine and vanilla assaulting his nose and her luscious blonde hair that seemed to have had unknotted during the dance like a gentle, flowing river. She looked mesmerising.

But all in all, it was her eyes. The alluring, half lidded eyes that slightly stared up at him. Eyes that held so much depth, so much emotion. Emotion, that normally, he would never see her exude. It was all laid out for him like an open book, like it was a privilege for him to see her in such a state.

He knew she was beautiful. Hell, the whole school knew she was perhaps the prettiest girl in Hogwarts and yet, there was something about her that made the others stay away and he never cared to know because, he simply didn't care until that evening when she walked into his arms.

That vulnerable look that was present in her eyes reminded him of someone. Someone he knew very, very well.


Perhaps there was more to the Lonely Beauty, Daphne Greengrass.

"See. What did I tell you Mum; heartbreaker this one." Tonks wiggled her eyebrows at Harry who blinked as his thoughts were disturbed before making a face at her in response.

"Please, it was one dance besides, I have Hermione. One witch is enough for me."

"Look at you, staking your claim on your know-it-all girlfriend." Tonks teased.

"Yeah well…" Harry started with a small blush.

"Stay away from her."

Startled, Harry looked over at Andromeda who was looking at him seriously.


"Greengrass. Stay away from that Greengrass girl."

The young Lord stared curiously at Andromeda.

"Why?" He asked after a moment.

"Just trust me Hadrian, her family are people you do not want to get involved with." Andromeda sighed.

Harry tilted his head at Andromeda, his emerald eyes glowed slightly in the light of the café.



After all their shopping was done, the trio grabbed a quick meal on the way before arriving back at the cottage to a familiar guest.

"Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed, jogging past the other women to reach his trusty familiar who stared owlishly at him.

He noticed she had some blood on her talons.

"Bloody hell Hedwig! What happened to you girl?" Harry began fretting over his owl as she hooted at him sharply, nearly biting his finger off when he almost poked the poor owl's eye out.

"Look I'm sorry for not calling for you yesterday, I was a little bus- would you stay still for a second, please! I need to find out where you got yourself hurt."

"Language Hadrian! Besides, she's not hurt." Andromeda rolled her eyes as she walked over to the boy and his owl and pulled out her wand.

Hedwig eyed the wand and the older woman sharply; her large round, amber eyes regarded the woman carefully before she looked over at Harry and then back at Andromeda.

Bobbing her head at the older woman and hooting softly in acceptance, Andromeda gave a grateful smile to the snowy owl and waved her wand over Hedwig, a few colourful spells escaping from the end of stick.

"It's not her blood, though it's still an owl's blood." Andromeda said after a moment as Hedwig looked away as bashfully as an owl could causing Harry to narrow his eyes at his owl when he put two and two together.

"Hedwig, I've told you multiple times not to attack other owls! One day, you'll attack the wrong one and it'll be you who's all bloodied up." Harry exclaimed.

Hedwig huffed before flying over to an envelope that was sitting near a window, picked it up with her beak and flew back over to her owner, dumping the letter on his head as she flew over him and back outside the open window, into the night.

"Well done squirt, now you've pissed off your creepy bird. I'm off to bed, nighty night." Tonks said with a yawn before squealing when a stinging hex hit her arm.

Harry put his wand back in his pocket. "She's not creepy. She's just… sensitive. That's all."

He scowled at Tonks who scowled at him back before starting on the letter that was conveniently dropped on his head by his pouting owl.

"Language Nymphadora!" Andromeda said crossly.

"Muuuum, I'm twenty-two years old!"

"Well excuse me. As long as you're staying with me, you'll be following my rules." The older woman sniffed haughtily.

She rolled her eyes. "Urgh, I'm too tired for this. Love you." Tonks added before scrunching her nose at Harry, who did the same to her, as she stomped away.

"Love you too sweety, sleep well." Andromeda's focus went to her other child, "Hadrian, I've already told you not to use your magic until you've properly healed."

"Sorry, force of habit." He said absentmindedly as he read through the letter in his hands.

"Important?" Andromeda asked inquisitively after he set it back on the kitchen table and stretched with a yawn of his own.

"Not really. Just about this stupid Ministry Gala they're having in a few weeks' time. It was an invite to that. Doesn't matter anyway, I definitely won't be going."

Andromeda looked confusedly at him before asking if she could read the letter in which he shrugged.

She scanned the invitation; her face turning impassive and Harry had the same sinking feeling he felt when she told him that it was time to get new clothes.

"You most definitely will be going!" Andromeda stated with a nod as Harry moaned loudly.

"Hadrian, you are now a Lord and Head of the Potters who are a very prestigious house, not to mention your fame. You have to start acting like it and that includes in public too."

"I can't even dance properly Andi."

"Dancing lessons then." She shot back.

"I don't even have a date."

"I'm sure your sister won't mind."

"Nym?! Absolutely not. She'll drive me insane! No way, I'd be better off taking an ugly hag rather than her."


"NYMPHADORA TONKS!" Andromeda hollered before she glared at the smirking fifteen-year-old who grinned innocently back at her.

She paused for a second as she collected her thoughts.

"Fine, you can escort me."

The young Lord made a face causing Andromeda to smile really sweetly. "Problem with your date, Hadrian?"

Harry's already pale face turned paler as he immediately backpaddled.

"N-No, o-of course not. I'd be honoured Andi." Harry chuckled nervously as Andromeda narrowed her eyes at him.

"Good, now go brush your teeth and head off to bed. We'll get started on those dance lessons first thing tomorrow morning. And no dawdling, you're exhausted as it is and the potion won't work properly if you're not getting a full night's rest." Andromeda lectured.

"Fine. Nigh-"

Harry stopped himself before turning around and walking over to the smaller woman.

Andromeda's face softened as she embraced him; Harry's head leaning down against her shoulder.

"In such a short amount of time, you've gotten so big." She whispered, just managing to run her hands through his hair. "You need a haircut though." She added as he chuckled.

"Goodnight Andi. Thank you for being there for me today." Harry said softly as he melted into her arms.

"Always. Goodnight sweetheart, I love you." She said just as softly, as she felt him squeeze her tighter at her declaration.


In a room at the top of a very old castle, a blinding red flash occurred causing the occupants in various paintings to shield their eyes while a lot of choice words were muttered by the more temper-filled residents.

"So, our most esteemed Headmaster has returned from Helvetia." A snide voice mocked as the subject of the voice chuckled.

"It's good to see you too Phineas." Headmaster Albus Dumbledore smiled as Phineas Nigellus Black sneered.

Dressed in purple, flashy robes, the Premier Mage of Magical Britain looked especially fatigued.

After the aftermath at the Ministry with Voldemort, Dumbledore was summoned by the ICW in Switzerland. After hours and hours which eventually turned into days, the committee was ultimately, somehow content, with how the situation at Magical Britain was being handled.

Their logic?

Well, you're there aren't you? As long you're still the Premier Mage of Magical Britain, there is no need to worry. Budding Dark Lord or not, they have no chance against the Defeater of Grindelwa-

In the end, the confederation voted that they would not get involved but somehow, with Bernard Delacour's support, thanks to his eldest daughter's involvement in the war front, an agreement was put in place that if the civil war spilled into foreign soil, then the ICW will deploy their Hit-Wizards with whichever invaded country's Premier Mage, as backup.

It's better than nothing. Dumbledore thought with a sigh as Fawkes gave a mournful cry.

"Albus, Albus!"

"Yes Niamh dear." Dumbledore smiled tiredly at the overeager headmistress, Niamh Fitzgerald.

Usually, the youngest headmistress' jovial personality would never fail to put a smile on his face but today, Dumbledore was ready to simply allow Morpheus to take over for the night.

"Your odd little mechanism Albus. It sort of just went poof the other day and it just stopped spinning!" The sixteenth century headmistress exclaimed happily.

Dumbledore's smile vanished as he looked sharply at the object in question. He picked it up and inspected it thoroughly, panic setting in as waved the Elder Wand over it in an attempt to fix the object to no avail.

The Blood Wards on Harry's residence had fallen.

Whatever fatigue he felt, instantly vanished.

"Amrose my friend, send Severus immediately to Harry Potter's residence. I fear we may be too late." Amrose Swott quickly rose from his chair, his sleeping cap half way across the back of his head as he went off the painting.

"Fawkes if you would old friend."

The eternal phoenix stared curiously at its owner's outstretched arm before flying down on it, its claws gently grasping Dumbledore's robe.

Just before Dumbledore was about to give Fawkes the command to flash them, a familiar snide voice interjected.

"You have escaped the cage. Your wings are stretched out. Now… fly." The once Black Lord whispered, his voice echoing across the now quiet room."I warned you before, Dumbledore. It'll be on your head if anything happens to the brat." Phineas Black crowed at Dumbledore, as the other headmasters and mistresses began heckling the rebel ex-Headmaster who yawned loudly, the insults from his fellow colleagues falling on deaf ears as he fell asleep on his chair.

Dumbledore's shoulders sagged. He felt all the years of his very old life pressing against his back hard.

"I have a lot to answer for Fawkes. I only wanted to keep the boy safe…"

Crimson fire eyes regarded the old headmaster sorrowfully before giving a large, musical cry as bird and wizard vanished in a flash of fire from the large, beautiful room.

Their destination?

4 Privet Drive.


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