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21.42% Cavorting with Death / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3

Just wanna say a massive thank you for all the support! I'm glad you're enjoying my story just as much as I enjoy writing it. Your reviews really mean a lot so keep em coming!

Chapter is a bit longer than usual so let me know if you like it that way. If not I'll stick with 6k words per chapter that seems to be the general norm.


Chapter 3


July 3rd, 1996

"Mercy my Lord! Mercy…!" The writhing body of a man screamed out in unimaginable agony. The ferocity of the torture curse driving the twitching man into the throes of insanity.

"I grow tired of failure after failure my slippery friends." A silky voice drawled as he reluctantly released the Unforgivable Curse as crimson eyes burned with unadulterated malice.

The voice sneered before banishing the whimpering man back with a wave of his wand; the body scraping across the floor until it reached the gap in the ranks of where all the other Inner Circle members looked on fearfully.

"Get up Jugson."

"Y-Y-Yes M-Master."

The commanding presence gave one last look of contempt at the staggering man before he raised his eyes at the rest of his black-clad followers.

"Events are moving too slowly and that angers me my followers. No longer do I have the prophecy because you all, my most faithful, failed to acquire it and the half-blood upstart who continues to escape from my grasp has still not been brought before me. Both of which, were at the Ministry the day the country had found out I… had… returned." He growled, his aura rolling off his body causing the individuals in the room to asphyxiate slightly.

The Dark Lord Voldemort twisted his bone-white wand between his thumb and index finger, its tip sending out dangerous green and black sparks, as he stood in front of his Inner Circle. His faithful familiar Nagini busy away in the corner, consuming the last house elf of Malfoy Manor.

"Have I not been a forgiving and merciful Lord?" Voldemort asked no one in particular.

"Y-Yes my Lord." An unfortunate voice replied unaware.

Voldemort's eyes narrowed at the voice, his ire was already palpable.

The familiar sound of hissing echoed off the walls causing the individuals in the room to tense up as the ancient language of Parseltongue swept through from his yew wand like a bullet, impacting the foolish Death Eater in the middle of his forehead.

At once, the ill-fated man's head caved in from the middle as if it was falling into itself. A nauseating, putrid odour secreted throughout the room like a plague causing the other Death Eaters to retch and gag. Its smell was so horrendous that even Nagini paused her eating just to hiss violently at the source of her discomfort.

Voldemort looked dispassionately as eventually the voice that was screaming itself hoarse, suddenly cut off. All that was left of the foolish Death Eater was a glob of blood and mushy flesh. Bits of hair and bone peeked out from what remains of skin that was visible.

Lucius Malfoy grimaced as the blood and gore seeped through his once pristine floorboards, his already pale face, even paler after the devastation he had just witnessed.

"Wormtail." The cold voice said in a soft but deadly whisper.

The disgusting human-rat immediately prostrated himself in front of the Dark Lord.

"Yes M-M-Master."

"Clean up our…friend."

Wormtail made to get up, taking out his wand.

"Without…your wand." Voldemort added with a sinister grin.

Peter Pettigrew whimpered pathetically as he bowed low before making his way to remove the body.

"Does anyone else have anything to add like our dear friend Travers?" He questioned, secretly hoping one of them would respond but frowned when none did.

His Inner Circle were powerful. His strongest apart from certain individuals within his rank but Voldemort had no problem disposing of fools who didn't know their place. After all, most could be replaced.

"Kneel. Lord Voldemort is a merciful lord and so I shall give you all another chance to redeem yourselves." He commanded with a vicious smirk. He got up from his high-backed chair and walked over to one of the Death Eater's as they all knelt before him.


"Yes, my Lord." Came the reply as Severus Snape kissed the hems of Voldemort's robes.

"What news of the muggle-loving fool?"

"Nothing of substantiate to report my Lord. While, Dumbledore did leave the castle at one point, I believe it is nothing of importance." Snape briefly responded; his eyes still cast down.

Voldemort didn't respond as Snape felt the Dark Lord's powerful red eyes boring down on him. Snape maintained his impeccable occlumency shields under the pressure but knew that if his Master were to attack his mind fully, there was a chance his shields could shatter.

After an uncomfortable silence that felt like it lasted hours, the Dark Lord responded.

"Continue your observations, you will report to me when I call. Do not give Dumbledore an opportunity to find out your true allegiance my slippery spy."

"Yes, my Lord." Came the reply as Voldemort slowly moved onto another Death Eater. Snape let out a breath he did not know he was holding as he briefly turned his head to gloat at the woman next to him, but the expression died on his face when he looked at her.

Bellatrix Lestrange surprisingly had a vacant expression on her face. Usually, the foul woman would be seething in anger over the fact that he had received praise but here she was, not an ounce of emotion displayed on her still beautiful features.

"Corban, what news of your contacts in searching for the residence of the Potter boy?" Voldemort demanded.

Yaxley stammered a bit before replying as clearly as possible, "Still nothing my Lord. I have reason to believe the people who do know about his whereabouts, have taken magical vows to remain silent." He answered, terrified.

"Crucio." The Dark Lord snarled as he launched the curse.

"That's not good enough Corban. I have given you over a year to locate his residence and that's the most you could find?" He spoke at the screaming man below him. "Have I not made it more than clear how imperative it is to find the boy?" He asked fiercely, his toxic aura beginning to grow, denser and denser.

He cancelled the curse and turned his back on the still twitching man who he could hear his sobs bouncing of the walls of the large, darkened hall.

"Harry Potter. You may think of him as just a no good, foolish boy but that is dearly not the case my friends. Allow me to give you some insight on how important the child is to me. Magic, as you all know, is as natural to me as is breathing. I have scoured the entire magical world, learning, and discovering all kinds of magic, magic, that even your very small, feeble minds could ever wish to comprehend. Well," Voldemort drawled, "Apart from one or two of you perhaps."

He glanced over Augustus Rookwood and Severus Snape both of whom had impassive expressions on their faces.

"Nevertheless, it is safe to say, I have an expertise over many obscure and arcane magic and so, during the first Blood War, I came upon knowledge through a prophecy no less, that a boy born at the end of July would become my… downfall." Voldemort snorted, his Inner Circle listening attentively.

"How foolish was I to ignore the subtle tell-tale signs of danger that I had felt before I attacked the Potters that night. Prophecies are part of a very obscure piece of magic that regrettably, during my travels, I had not paid much attention to. It requires a gift, something, which I do not have." Voldemort paused as he sat back down on his throne, Nagini slithered along the dark wood floor until she came to rest by his feet.

"And so, here I was at a loss. What to do about the child prophesied to defeat me? And this is where it gets complicated my slippery servants. I have faced dear Harry numerous times and yet he seems to always slip from my fingers. Fate, it seems is adamant in playing a cruel and irritating joke on Lord Voldemort." He chuckled darkly, sending shivers down his follower's spines.

The Dark Lord abruptly stood up; his dark, ominous aura washing over the room causing it to vibrate as raw, oppressive magic swished about in the air.

"The boy is mine." Voldemort began with a whisper as he slowly stalked towards his Death Eaters who were literally shaking on the ground due to the immense pressure being emitted by the Dark Lord.

"He has been chosen not by that fool Dumbledore and not certainly by the naïve populace that gave him the moniker of the Boy-Who-Lived." He mocked. "No, he was chosen by Fate herself, for when She made that prophecy that dictated my downfall."

"I am no fool my followers," Voldemort hissed, "There is no being stronger or more benevolent than me. Fate deemed Her right to ensure myself and dear Harry's destinies are intertwined in a complicated thread of death and destruction, and it will only end when I have taken everything Harry Potter holds dear, when I have completely broken him and made him pay for his ignorance, and that, is when I will grant him peace."

"Harry Potter is the key, the objective, the purposssse. Until he falls, I cannot rise and claim my rightful place at the pinnacle of unchallenged power." He said, a maniacal look on his face as if he could see the future happening.

Voldemort took a moment to pause as he sneered at his Inner Circle; all hints of manic disappeared from his face in a blink of an eye.

"Redouble your efforts and when you do find him, I hope you'll remember that he is mine and that he should be brought before me. The consequences will be…unpleasant for the one who kills the boy. I hope I made myself clear."

"Yes, my Lord." Came the reply from them all.

Voldemort shifted towards an older looking man. The man was different from the others. More aged, more grey, and yet the sharpness and intellect that was held under thinning, greyish brown hair was as clear as day. Hailed from a bloodline nearly as old as his ancestor's, it was no wonder he wouldn't have recruited the now weathered old man. That and his resourcefulness mixed with a subtle splash of abject cruelty one would have to look deep to find, appealed him immensely to the Dark Lord.

"Thaddeus. What news of the ministry?"

Cruel blue eyes looked up in deference. Eyes which always looked up to him ever since they were in their Sixth Year of Hogwarts many, many years ago.

"My Lord, since the public have learned of your return, Fudge has been under constant pressure. Denying your return after all this time and then for you yourself to appear before the Ministry; the fool is beginning to panic as there have been talks for a vote of no confidence. He is attempting his best at damage control, but unless something substantiate occurs that shifts the public and the opinions of the Light and Neutral factions, I estimate it will not be long before an emergency Wizengamot meeting is called for his removal." Thaddeus Nott replied, the displeased expression on his face showed how much the situation in the Ministry annoyed him.

Voldemort nodded, compared to Lucius who had most major players around the world in his back pocket, Thaddeus was a shrewd man who rather stayed in the shadows observing. He was after all, the very first individual Voldemort recruited back during his days at Hogwarts.

"Fudge's naivety has gained us an entire year to rebuild the army. It is imperative we maintain the advantage we have in the Ministry until we take control of it, so that when we do take over, the transition is seamless. Once Fudge's use has ended, it is vital we have one of our own take his place until we are ready to take control of the Ministry. Make sure that is done Thaddeus. If Fudge becomes a liability, he must be terminated."

"Yes, my Lord." The mousy haired man replied.

"What news regarding our international associates Thaddeus?"

"The ICW have not given a verdict on whether they will join the fray against us. The next ICW meeting will commence the day after tomorrow and it is highly likely that some sort of decision will be made. My contacts believe that they will not deploy their allies until given a major reason to." Nott said.

"And your contacts would be correct. The ICW will not join the battle." Voldemort spoke knowingly. "They will not join because they have absolute reassurance that Dumbledore is able to handle the situation here." He chuckled darkly.

"For now, the ICW will not be any hindrance to our plans. When we conquer Britain and cross the Channel to France, that is when they will react however, by that time it will be far too late. Continue your monitoring. I want to know their verdict as soon as it is announced."

"At once my Lord." Nott finished.

"The Giants and Werewolves have once again joined the cause. The Dementors are ready on my command also. The issue are the Vampires as they are the next major, sentient creatures that have showed defiance in the last war. I am sure the more volatile of them can be persuaded but the others, especially the ones within the Vampire High Lord's faction will not be easily persuaded. Walden."

"My Lord?" Macnair replied as he bowed low.

"Re-check on the more questionable beasts in the army and then go and take a few recruits to the Vampire Colony in Bulgaria. Request for an alliance and their requirements for their services. If and only if, negotiations fail, then summon me."

"It will be done my Lord." The deranged executioner replied, a sickening smile on his rotten teeth.

"My Lord." Antonin Dolohov spoke, his tone unnaturally smooth for someone who had spent more than a decade in the maximum-security zone in Azkaban.

Voldemort lazily looked over to the duelling master. "Antonin."

"My informants at the Continent have replied to the letters you had asked me to send."

"Indeed?" Voldemort perked up a bit as his crimson blood eyes bored intently at the man. His pale face extraordinarily still, a calm mask set up on his snake like features.

"There have been whispers circulating through the channels of your return and it seems India and especially China have shown interest above the norm." Antonin finished; a small tick of his jaw was the only way one could tell that he was a bit unnerved with the way his Master was staring at him.

Voldemort snarled as he hissed harshly in Parseltongue causing his followers to tense. Nagini had started to hiss back at her master in effort to convey reassurance in which he ignored.

"You are positive Antonin?" The Dark Lord whispered in a way his voice carried over the entire room.

"Absolute my Lord." He replied, this time with a nervous tone easily detected in his voice.

"This is troubling." Voldemort said as he leaned back on his chair.

"Master?" Augustus Rookwood, being one of the few who were able to speak freely to Dark Lord questioned. His beady, intelligent eyes regarding his Master adoringly.

"This is most troubling indeed my slippery friends." Voldemort stated as he raised his hand at Rookwood in a motion to silence him.

Voldemort stared down at his Yew wand in contemplation. He was clearly in deep thought and whatever he was thinking about was clearly agitating him and so wisely, no one even dared to breath too loudly in case they broke his train of thought.

Eventually, he spoke in a whisper, "Battle Mages were always irritating little individuals."

"So it's true." Rookwood whispered, his face passive yet his eyes betrayed how intrigued he was.

The Dark Lord looked curiously over at Rookwood, "Thought to have been extinct perhaps in Europe which is what the ancient texts once said but no, they were incorrect. Battle Mages do still live especially in the Americas and Asia. The more notable families, however, are located in East Asia. Humour me Augustus." He asked, crimson eyes bore into black eyes.

"The Li's."

Voldemort raised an eyebrow. "Again, you continue to surprise me Augustus. I had thought the throes of Azkaban would have addled your once brilliant mind, but that is clearly not the case. Not many know of Battle Mages as their history have become lost through the ageing of time but to know of one of the most profound families of the art…" The unasked question was clearly being asked to the ex-Unspeakable.

"Your kindness knows no bound Master." Rookwood started with a bow, "Battle Magic was once of legend my Lord, it was only natural that I would look into it, yet regrettably, I did not find much, if anything at all. For what little information there was on the art, the bastard Croaker kept everything close to his chest."

Voldemort nodded, "And you wouldn't have my friend. Battle magic after all is family magic and it is usually forbidden for anyone apart from the Head of the family and their Heir to know the art. Nevertheless, it is of no concern as long as we do not involve ourselves too early against the Chinese and Indian. Make no mistake, they will be crushed like every other but in due time. I believe the only reason they are intrigued in the climate of this land is because they grow bored of peace." He chuckled darkly.

"They are aware the situation here is volatile and so they are looking for a reason to enter the battle, why, I believe there is a Li and Patil currently enrolled in Hogwarts and in Harry's year no less?" Voldemort questioned as he looked over at Snape.

"Yes my Lord, there is the Patil twins. One Padma Patil of Ravenclaw and her sister Parvati of Gryffindor," Snape's lips curled in distaste at the mention of Potter's house, "and Su Li of Ravenclaw."

"Interesting." Voldemort said as he drummed his fingers on the arm of his throne, contemplating everything he knew about the two families. The Patils, although dangerous, it seems are laxer as compared to the Li's. Clearly, as they had sent two of their daughters to the same magical school so far away yet, the risk remains as long as they continue to stay here. The real threat was the Chinese girl.

Voldemort, during his travels to eastern Asia had heard about the infamous Li family of China. The most influential family in the East as they had their hand in every major business, plot, or scheme. Very powerful, very dangerous. Although Voldemort was confident in his power, it was still much too early to even begin envisioning the downfall of the Li family. They held too much influence, and he would need the control over multiple countries before he began his invasion of Asia.

Yet this whole situation screamed conspiracy to the Dark Lord. What are the chances that there happened to be two different, yet influential families of practitioners of Battle Magic enrolled at the same school at this current time no less. What is even more intriguing is the fact that they are in the same year as Harry Potter. Coincidence? Perhaps, but Voldemort had not got into his position of power through brute force alone. No… there was something he was missing… Something he had only heard whispers about.

"Augustus, look into the Potters, specifically Charlus Potter." Voldemort commanded with a gleam in his eye.

"My Lord?"

"Some rumours I heard," He waved his hand dismissively, "I believe, if there even is such a connection between the three families, we will find it with him." He finished as Rookwood stood and bowed before leaving through the double doors as the rest of the Death Eaters watched curiously and some enviously at the trust their Master had for him.

"Antonin, continue communication with your associates from the Continent. I sense some things are not adding up and we must find out the reason for why that is. The Patil's and Li's are up to something, something I have yet to completely understand and this cannot be ignored. Thaddeus, you will coordinate with Antonin regarding this. The two families are serious threats and until their motives can be understood, they cannot be allowed to be another thorn on our side." Voldemort ordered to which the two Death Eaters nodded in acceptance.

"What of the children my Lord?" Snape questioned.

"Naturally they will not be harmed especially the Li girl. Out of the two families, the Li's are the more dangerous and I would not want to fight a battle on three fronts due to some incompetent fool's mistake. I will personally eliminate any who attempt to harm those three children. Severus, you are to find out the relationship between the three children and their families. I need to know how much the Patil's and Li's are involved with this country."

"Yes my Lord."

Voldemort grinned evilly as his moved to a familiar face.


The blonde-haired man gulped before bowing low.

"My Lord?"

"I have a task for you. Well… specifically for your brat."

"D-D-Draco my Lord?" Lucius stuttered; his eyes wide.

"Ah yes, Draco. Yes you see, I require him to do something for me, something paramount to our victory in this war and to ensure the success of dear Draco's mission, your boy will be trained. Bella."

"Yes, my Lord?" Came the unusually devoid voice of Bellatrix Lestrange.

Voldemort stared at Bellatrix for a second or so but nonetheless, did not comment.

"You will train the child. Teach him a few things that'll help him on his endeavour." Voldemort commanded.

Bellatrix hid a scowl at the fact that she was being forced to play teacher but reluctantly, agreed.

Lucius' eyes were wide in disbelief and fear as Voldemort chuckled forebodingly.

"Now, now Lucius it is nothing too extreme. In fact, think of this mission as a privilege. If your boy completes it, your past transgressions will all be forgiven."

"But my Lord… I beg of you my Lord, he is just a boy. He's not-"

A grey spell zoomed towards Lucius at blistering speeds and struck directly on his chin. He hands instinctively went towards his face as he began to foam at the mouth. Losing control of his lower body, a crack could be heard as his face slammed on the once immaculate floor as he began to convulse.

The other Death Eaters instantly shuffled away from the shaking man as Voldemort's eyes narrowed into slits.

"I hope you did not refute what I asked of you." He asked softly. "I gave you a responsibility Lucius. You should be fortunate that you are even given this… opportunity. You seem to have forgotten that it was me who ensured you did not get carted off to Azkaban when you failed to retrieve the prophecy. It was me who made sure none bar children and Dumbledore's Order know of your true allegiance and so, I shall remind you again, failure will not be tolerated. Do you understand?"

"Yes…my Lord, it'll be…done." The man gasped out before losing conscious.

He look down at the unconscious wizard in disgust before moving swiftly on.

"The rest of you, plan and organise with Rodolphus and Amycus regarding the continuous attacks. We must gain every advantage possible so that when we do rise to take over the Ministry, the loss of magical blood will be minimal."

The inner circle bowed down at his command.

"Leave me and tend to your…injuries, my friends. Wormtail." He commanded before snapping his fingers at the unconscious man. The rat bowed low before levitating Lucius out of the room followed by the others, some of whom, staggered out of the room after them, wincing at their pain due to high amounts of exposure to the Cruciatus Curse.

"Severus." Came a hiss from the throne like chair.

Snape stiffened and instantly went back to the ground and knelt. Voldemort waved his hand to the door, slamming it behind the others who had left.

"My Lord?"

"I sincerely hope for your sake, that you do not need reminding where your loyalties lie Severus." Came the quiet but deadly voice of the Dark Lord. His red slits blazing at the potential traitor in front of him.

Snape instantly paled as his forehead began to lightly perspire but luckily for him his greasy hair had covered the view. He took a silent breath to steady his voice before replying. Surprised himself that his voice remained steady.

"My Lord, my allegiance has always been to you and you alone."

Voldemort hummed after a minute of silence, "Good," he drawled, "Make sure you keep an eye on the boy when he attempts his task and assist him if necessary. If, he is to fail, I hope you will pick up the pieces." He replied with disdain at the muggle saying.

"At what is his task my Lord?" Snape questioned.

"Something which is of no concern to you until the next school year begins."

Snape discreetly gulped as he bravely looked up at the dangerous dark wizard and couldn't help noticing a slight tinge of green that surrounded Voldemort's irises. He quickly looked back down at the floor in fear of being caught before he replied, "I will not fail you, my Lord."

He nodded. "Call for the new recruits to come in three days. They shall be honoured with the Mark. Send for Thaddeus on your way out."

Snape stood up, bowed low from the waist, and left the room as quick as possible.

Neither of them realised a young wizard was watching with wide eyes. He had only been able to watch the scene between Snape and Voldemort before being forcibly ejected out of the twisted mind of the Dark Lord. He slowly came back to his own mind; a ton of questions ran through his head at the so-called mission that Snape was to assist.

Another quiet year at Hogwarts. Harry sarcastically thought to himself as he slowly opened his eyes.


Time passed by as Tonks sat vigil at Harry's side. She could see the sun from a large window and realised that it had been a couple of hours since Harry fell unconscious and the worry began to gnaw away at her for every second his eyes remained closed.

She rubbed her eyes for the hundredth time before she felt something in her hand begin to stir causing her to instantly sit up from her seat next to him.

Harry's eyes fluttered open but instantly shut due to bright light as he groggily mumbled incoherent things.



"Yes, that is my name Nym." He groaned as he slowly opened his eyes and made to sit up.

Tonks noticed his entire body seemed to be covered in sweat. He looked deathly pale, if not even more so than how he looked when he walked into the bank hours before and his once emerald eyes were dull.

Harry gingerly accepted Tonk's help as he sat up on the bed, his back resting on the backboard as Tonks propped up a pillow behind him. White walls surrounded him with all types of contraptions and medical equipment he had never seen before. He noticed a dozen or so old Goblins talking animatedly to one another with Director Ragnok near the door, occasionally glancing back at him.

"Where are we?" He rasped.

"A medical ward in the Bank." Came the reply as she held up some water to his lips for him to drink.

"What happened?" He asked after gulping down the cup, the cold liquid helped clear the cobwebs in his mind.

Still with the visions. He thought, sighing mentally. Snape and his useless lessons seemed to have done fuck all.

"Y-You started screaming and then you clutched your scar Harry, while we were in the meeting with Director Ragnok and Griphook. You began to bleed, and everything just happened so fast. The Director shouted something towards the doors and suddenly, those Goblins over there just poured into the office. T-They began to wave their staffs over you and then I was told you were to be transported here because you were under the influence of some kind of foreign magic." Tonks stammered out as her eyes began to swell with tears.

Harry noticed she was extremely shaken by the whole ordeal which made it obvious by the death grip she had on his hand as if he were to disappear right in front of her.

He didn't know what compelled him to do it, he was never much of a hugging person. The abuse he suffered at the hands of the Dursleys had emotionally scarred him from any type of physical contact though, it had lessened over the years. To be honest, it wasn't like he was completely devoid of human contact especially a woman's touch. Hermione's hugs had been a constant in his life that although was extremely breath-taking…literally; he would look forward to experiencing repeatedly.

He couldn't help but smile at the memory of when they went together as a couple for the Yule Ball during the Tri-Wizard tournament. That was the turning point in their relationship and yet, the aftermath of the time at the ball caused him to deflate. Things between him and Hermione were odd. He knew how he felt but it seemed to him that she didn't and that caused the weird tension that they both just decided to ignore throughout the rest of the year.

Harry pulled on Tonks' hands, grabbing her in a fierce but gentle hug and rubbed her back as she buried her face in his chest and began to sob. It was always awkward for him whenever he was involved with a crying girl, however, at that moment, he just wanted to offer comfort to the woman he had come to recognise as his sister. It just felt natural. Like he had done so numerous times in the past, but it was usually the other way around he pondered.

A cough from Ragnok ended his musings. Harry placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head as he broke the hug. He held her at arm's length, searching her face to see if she was okay, just as she had done so back at the Dursleys.

He had scared her. Frightened her enough that every one of her altered features were in their natural form. Her breasts fuller, her face more angular, her body thinner. Every unnatural blemish she had placed on her skin to look more unasuming had disappeared and here, in front of him, was the face of someone that had inherited all the beautiful qualities that the House of Black was known for. He had only ever seen her like this at the aftermath of the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and he never wanted to see her like that again and yet here it was again. He felt sick.

Wiping the last remaining tears from her cheeks, he managed to muster a warm smile to Tonks which she responded with a watery smile of her own.

Glad that she had calmed down, he held her hand as he looked over her shoulder and gave a nod to Ragnok.

"Heir Potter."

Harry stiffened at the tone Ragnok addressed him which made it clear to him that this was not going to be pleasant. He steeled himself for the oncoming conversation.


"Enlighten us on why you are housing a Horcrux."


"I'm sorry what? What's a Hor-Horcrux?"

Ragnok took a moment to stare at the young man's pale face as if he was staring right through his soul, searching for any form of deceit. After a minute of silence, he spoke.

"Heir Potter, may I introduce Elder Shaman Xenox. Shaman Xenox is the head of our Curse-Breaker Unit we have stationed in the Middle East." He gestured towards an old Goblin in black robes with a brown staff the size of his height in his hand. The Shaman inclined his head and spoke in a deep voice with a Middle Eastern accent.

"Good day Heir Potter, how are you feeling?"

Harry nodded in greeting. "Better than usual. Well, better than all the previous times this has happened. My head feels a little stiff though." Wincing, he absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair.

"It seems the temporary block that we placed on your mind seems to be working for now." Xenox nodded.

"Huh?" Harry replied so eloquently.

An uncomfortable pause settled into the room and just when Harry was beginning to get irritated at the lack of conversation, Xenox spoke.

"Tell me young Heir, what do you know of Horcruxes?"

His confused face clearly told the two Goblins that he had no clue on what they were talking about.

"I take it, from your expression that you have never come across such a term?"

Harry nodded.

Xenox sighed as he snapped his fingers and two seats appeared for both himself and Ragnok.

"In essence, a Horcrux is a container of sorts made using a certain abstract of magic one should never meddle with. It is simply a fragment of a soul taken from the user, and hidden in a vessel thereby, granting the user a form of immortality should they be attacked, and their body destroyed."

"Okay…" He slowly responded. Unable to think of a better response to the information he had just received.

"The last known user to create a Horcrux was the Dark Wizard Herpo the Foul many centuries ago however, he had only created one which was until now, the maximum number of soul containers one could create."

A brief pause ensued the room as the two young people considered the information they had learnt.

"And how are they created?" Tonks asked with a broken whisper.

"Through a ritual which is prepared prior to the splitting of the soul. Though an act must be done to serve as the catalyst. An act that has no honour, no pride. An act against nature and magic, Miss Tonks." Ragnok replied seriously.

"Murder." She all but murmured out, her face the same shade of colour as Harry's.

"In cold blood." Rangok added stiffly. The old Goblin had seen much bloodshed in his time but imagining the act of murder to create such an abomination made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge. If there was one thing Goblins hated as much as oath-breakers, it was killing without justification.

"It is our belief, that the Dark Lord Voldemort has managed to recreate the ritual that was first used by Herpo the Foul and has created more than one Horcrux, yet we can only estimate how many he has made." The Elder Shaman spoke.

Harry raised his eyebrows in alarm. No way.

"These… containers. Do they have to be something specific for instance; a cloak, a stone… a diary?" He asked with a sense of foreboding as Tonks looked at him confusingly.

Ragnok fixed him with a penetrating gaze, his black beady eye narrowed in mistrust as Harry looked him dead in the eye unfazed.

Ever since his First Year when he unknowingly confronted the horror that was Voldemort and stared at crimson, blood eyes which promised unending suffering and pain, he had realised something. He had never seen or will likely ever face something as utterly malevolent as someone like Voldemort. Be it man or creature, paled to the fear he felt when Voldemort returned in his Fourth Year. Not for himself, but for the ones he would hunt down just to get to him. Just the way the man cut down his parents for the sake of a stupid prophecy.

"No. They could be from common objects ranging from a common knife to a blade forged from a True Dragon's breath. The possibilities are endless." Xenox answered as he watched somewhat warily between Ragnok and Harry who looked away in deep contemplation.

Harry wouldn't even begin to wonder what a True Dragon was but Xenox's answer gave him the clarity he was lacking.

The fucking Diary! Of course. Harry sighed as he ran a hand down his face. He had seen how one could re-view memories in a pensieve and so whatever Tom Riddle did to that Diary of his was definitely not just his memory he preserved for over fifty years. After all, the bloody thing practically took on physical form after nearly depleting Ginny of her soul!

His eyes widened at the realisation.

"That's how he came back!" Harry exclaimed as the comprehension dawned on him.

Xenox nodded, "Until the moment a Horcrux is destroyed, the individual, in this case Voldemort, cannot die completely should he be attacked."

The news shocked Harry and Tonks to their cores. It meant that unless all Voldemort's Horcruxes were destroyed, the bastard wouldn't die. It finally made sense to Harry. The Diary that he had painstakingly destroyed must've been a Horcrux but how did it get into Lucius Malfoy's possession? Surely, such a precious artefact would be hidden so no one could find it but the person who hid it.

"But what's the got to do with Harry?" Tonks asked, interrupting his thoughts.

The two elder Goblins glanced at one another, the tension that was present earlier gave way to an uneasiness that did nothing to ease the feeling of dread that Harry and Tonks felt.

"Your scar," Xenox said as he pointed his sharp finger at Harry's forehead, "Has housed one of his Horcrux's for almost 15 years."

"M-My s-scar's a Horcrux?" He stammered out. The fear evident in his voice as his mind started whirring with thoughts.

"That's why isn't it? The reason I've been seeing visions, the reason I have been able to see into his mind." And he into mine. Harry croaked out as he tightened his grip on Tonks' hand trying to take in what little comfort that still remained.

"On the night of your parents' deaths, it seems you were made into a Horcrux…unintentionally. It is our belief that Voldemort had been planning on using your death to create a Horcrux and so when the Killing Curse rebounded due to some unknown reason, the Horcrux was created using the original body of Voldemort as the sacrifice instead of yours. The fragmented soul then needed a host. You."

Xenox continued, "Your body being immature and vulnerable from the magical backlash, practically opened its doors for the soul to hijack. Though this wasn't without issues. A magical being simply cannot house more than one soul. It is not probable. And so, it is curious on how you survived. Your soul was infantile and weak especially after the trauma. It is certainly a mystery on how your soul was not overwhelmed by Voldemort's."

"My mother's protection maybe." Harry whispered. "Dumbledore said that it was her sacrifice that protected me that night.

"And the mystery is solved. It is a likely story." Xenox answered as Ragnok nodded. "Sacrificial Magic was always highly temperamental. Though her sacrifice itself wouldn't have been enough to deter the Curse. There must have been something more she had sacrificed."

"Her death as a condition wasn't high enough?" He asked bitterly as Tonks squeezed his hand gently.

"You misunderstand young Heir. Her death was certainly the catalyst, that is true. To survive a curse so profound as the Killing Curse, however, is no easy feat. If that was the case, many mothers or fathers could stand in the way of the curse for their children and their offspring would be protected. No. Lily Potter must have found a way to circumvent the Killing Curse using Sacrificial Magic." Xenox theorised.

"Lily Potter was an Unspeakable before she passed." Tonks added. Harry looked over thoughtfully at Tonks as she gave a sympathetic smile to him, "It could be possible she found something in her research."

"Perhaps you are right Miss Tonks. It certainly seems logical."

"How does this help my situation?" Harry questioned.

"Ah yes. In regard to the Horcrux in your scar. Judging solely on the scans we have done of your head and what we know of Horcruxes, a user can only split their souls a certain amount of time before their being shatters." Xenox said gravely.

Harry's mind was scrambled. "I-I don't understand, does that mean you can find out how many Horcruxes Voldemort made?"

The other Goblins who had been listening intently the entire time in the background snarled and spoke harshly between them, throwing dirty looks towards Harry's direction. He heard one of them say something on the lines of having the intelligence of a troll and he didn't need to be intelligent to know who they were talking about.

He gripped the bedsheet with his hand as he dropped his head in embarrassment.

Maybe if I studied more, I wouldn't feel so clueless.

Ragnok turned his head towards the group of Goblins and narrowed his eyes and they instantly became quiet.

Xenox started, "We can reason that it is anywhere between three to seven. This is because of their properties as highly powerful, magical numbers. For a ritual as volatile as the one to create a Horcrux, the arithmancy must be accurate. You are however, very fortunate that the ritual failed that night. This allowed for your complete, pure soul to overpower the impure fragment and forced some of its more despicable qualities to become dormant but not without help; whatever protection that your mother had used, greatly aided in defending your soul from being taken over by Voldemort."

"Unfortunately, the Horcrux has been blocking your natural development of your magic and physique all these years and instead has been feeding from it to survive as that is their basic instinct. In essence, it has been keeping you alive so that it, itself, doesn't die. It's what makes them so vile, so deplorable."

Xenox scratched his chin. "Nevertheless, it seems that recently, the Horcrux has become unstable and some qualities that had remained inactive have now awoken. The Horcrux is draining your magic and you are dying."

"When did this change begin?" Harry questioned as he found himself rubbing circles over a trembling Tonks' hand. Her face was as white as a sheet and it looked as if she was about to pass out.

Xenox raised his staff and waved it over Harry's head, muttering in some foreign language and causing a cold shiver to wrap tightly around Harry's forehead briefly, before going away.

"Approximately just over one week ago."

"The battle in the Department of Mysteries." Tonks replied with wide eyes as she looked at Harry.

He gave a subdued nod back as he turned to stare at their joined hands. He began to fiddle with her fingers as the anxiety and pain from that night resurfaced like a freezing cold, bucket of water being poured over his head.

"That was the day Voldemort possessed me but somehow, I managed to push him out." He said bitterly. The feeling of utter helplessness that he felt when Voldemort invaded his mind was an emotion he likely would never forget.

Xenox leaned in eagerly, "Did you experience any pain when you pushed him out? As if something snapped inside of you?"

Harry nodded.

"It felt as if I was being torn apart."

"Interesting." The Shaman hummed as he leaned back on his chair. "That concurs with our calculations on why the Horcrux has turned parasitic all of a sudden."

"It seems that when Voldemort possessed you, the Horcrux attempted to return to its original body during the connection. Somehow, during the transfer of the soul back to its host, the connection was severed unwillingly, causing the Horcrux to become unstable as you forced the Voldemort's mind out of yours. The qualities that had remained dormant during your youth have now awoken. That is the reason you feel weaker than normal. I can sense your magic diminishing and your health is deteriorating. You, Heir Potter, are dying and it is remarkable that you have not breathed your last yet."

Harry swallowed deeply. It all made sense. Everything made sense. The reason why Dumbledore didn't try to prepare him, to train him, is because he had to die. In the end, for Voldemort to be destroyed, he had to die. And the old man knew. He must've known about the Horcrux in his head. For neither can live while the other survives.

He turned his head towards Tonks and saw her face completely ashen at the revelations that the two elder Goblins had revealed to them.

"Can it be removed?" Harry finally asked in a downcast voice as he dreaded the answer.

"It is…complicated, young Heir."

Xenox continued, "We have encountered Horcruxes in the past mainly in Egypt and Nepal while recovering treasures. We do have at our disposal an ancient, arcane ritual that allows us to purge a container of the soul leaving the vessel unharmed. But we have never tried it on a live specimen."

"How does the ritual work?" Tonks asked nervously as her grip tightened almost painfully on Harry's hand. There was hope.

"In theory, it is simple. The exorcism ritual identifies the foreign soul on the object and terminates it leaving the object unharmed. The complication occurs when there is more than one soul in the container." Xenox replied as he turned his gaze onto Harry.

"Additional steps will need to be taken for this to work and if this were to fail, you will die. It will be painful, excruciatingly painful, that I can guarantee. It may also take days for the ritual to be completed or merely a few hours, nevertheless, the experience will not be enviable." Even the Goblins behind the two elders, if possible, looked pallid at the thought of going under such a procedure.

"Let's do it." Harry instantly replied as he felt Tonks stiffen next to him. Determination and the will to survive overpowering the fears he felt for such a task.

"Harry are you sure? T-The pain Harry, it'll be unbearable, and you could die!" Tonks shook her head back and forth, her dark brown locks moving in time with her head. "Please, I can't lose you. Not after everything that has happened. Not after I just got my baby brother back." Tonks choked out as the unshed tears began to flow down her cheeks. She felt as if this was all one big nightmare that she couldn't wake up from.

Harry's heart swelled with emotion at the care that was being shown by Tonks. She had always been a bubbly, exuberant character and to see her so distraught made the pain he had felt from Voldemort's Cruciatus as though it were a tickling charm.

He knew everything that she had learned in a matter of half a day had been life changing and that emotions were high but despite all that, this was something he had to do regardless of the risks.

Harry turned his head and looked at the elder Goblins, "Could you give us a moment please?"

They both nodded and got up and left the two alone.

"Hey, who said anything about dying?" He smiled weakly as he brought her to a soft embrace.

He sighed as he inhaled her nostalgic scent and just spoke to her. Barely registering the words that came out of his mouth. He felt truly and completely detached.

"Nym, I grew up with no one. No parents, no love, no happiness, no friends and definitely no joyful memories. Just pain. I found out when I was 11 that I belonged to another world and thought that this would be where my life changed. That I'd finally belong somewhere." He whispered. "And yet, things didn't go the way I had thought. I was hurt, betrayed, slandered, mistreated. The last family I had was taken from me prematurely and ever since then, I felt more alone than ever."

He took a breath as he cleared his mind of the bad memories that haunted him and broke the hug so he could stare at her chocolate brown eyes.

"However, recently, I found out I do have a family. A family that I should've been with for a very long time now. You, Dobby, Winky, Hedwig and hopefully Auntie Andi are the only family I have left, and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to any of you. I finally have something worth fighting for and I won't be able to do much fighting if I'm 6ft under, now will I?" He said, giving her a lopsided grin before unexpectedly, his face grew serious and cold.

Tonks shivered as stony, emotionless eyes stared at her. She had never seen such an expression on his handsome features before and it frightened her down to her bones.

"I made a vow to myself Nym. I will do anything to ensure I and those I care about survive this war. If it means I have to undergo ritual after ritual, and kill, and kill some more, then that is what I will do. Anything Nym."

The wave of coldness gave way to the warmth of the room again, as Harry's posture relaxed and he gave a smile that danced on his still, dull, emerald eyes.

"Now dry those tears Nymmie, you're supposed to be the adult you know, not some whiny first year that cries as if they lost their homework." Harry teased.

"Shut up." She mumbled as she smacked him on the shoulder as her frown slowly turned into a faint but hesitant smile. She decided to push the memory of his detached face into the very back of her mind. Just thinking about how expressionless he looked caused her to mentally shiver in fright.

Tonks moaned, "I feel so pathetic. I swear ever since I met you again, I've become so damn emotional. It's usually me making the other person cry, not the other way around." She said, attempting to pat her cheeks dry.

"Yeah well, I seem to have the unfortunate effect of making girls cry." He snorted.

"A story you want to share?"

"Not at the moment, no." He grimaced.

"I'll hold you to that promise then."

Harry mock scowled but had to agree to tell her another time.

After a moment to compose herself, she returned her features back to what they were when they entered the bank earlier and her face turned serious once more.

"Harry, are you sure this is what you want to do?" Harry held her hand, his grip tightening. A fire burned behind his emerald eyes as they began to glow seemingly brighter as he looked directly at her.

"I am." Came Harry's calm and collected reply. Vibrant emerald eyes that she loved seeing returned momentarily before they gradually faded away.

Tonks nodded with a smile in acceptance. His demeanour giving her newfound confidence.

"Apologies for the wait Director Ragnok, Elder Shaman Xenox."

The Director waved off their concerns.

"So young Heir, have you sorted out your affairs?" Xenox questioned as he and Ragnok returned to their seats. Xenox especially looked eager.

Harry nodded. "Let's do it."

"Very well, the exorcism ritual will take place tomorrow at nine o'clock sharp. We will need a few items regarding the ritual. The Bank will take care of that though, they will be quite pricey, and yet, Overlord Ragnok has assured me that it shouldn not affect your coffers one bit." Xenox gave a toothy grin.

"Even in my potential demise, gold still needs to flow eh Director?" The eavesdropping Goblins looked scandalised for the way Harry spoke to the old Goblin.

"But of course. Everything has a price Heir Potter and even though you are a peculiar little wizard, the same rules apply to you as well." Ragnok replied as he gave a vicious grin.

Harry thought it was rather ironic of the Goblin seeing as he was taller but he chose not to voice his very humble opinion. "Very well, take whatever you require."

"I shall relay it along with Griphook. Pleasure doing business with you Heir Potter." Rangok inclined his head.

Xenox pulled out a gold quill and waved at it with his staff which encased the quill in a white light.

"This portkey has been set for nine am tomorrow. The portkey will deposit you in this room where we will be waiting. It is secure so you need not worry for your safety." He said as offered the quill. "If that will be all, I shall take my leave, I have much to prepare."

Harry grabbed the offered quill and put it in his pocket.

"Thank you, you've been most helpful."

"Do not thank me yet Heir Potter." Xenox replied as he bowed low to Ragnok and gave a brief inclination of his head to Harry and Tonks and left the room with his entourage of Shamans behind him.

"Now that that is out of the way, let us return back to my office so that we can complete the true reason for your visit."


The trio returned to Ragnok's office not a moment later and were joined by the Potter Account Manager Griphook who held in his hands the same gold basin and dagger from earlier before placing it down carefully in front of Harry and Tonks.

"Heir Potter, let us waste no more time. Please pick up the dagger and place your right hand over the basin. Prick your right ring finger and allow your blood to flow into it."

"How many drops of blood is required?"

"The family magic will guide you." Came the vague reply.

Harry simply nodded as he stood up from his chair, picked up the red and gold dagger and pricked his right ring finger and hovered his hand over the object which was as wide as his hand stretched out. The moment he did so, he felt a powerful wave of magic flow from his chest to the tip of the cut on his finger. His eyes began to glow eerily, and his hair began to slowly sway as if there was a draft flowing through the office. The power of his magic began to flow from his body in waves causing Ragnok's office to vibrate due to the pressure.

The old Goblin merely exposed a frightening smirk at the power that was being displayed in front of his eyes and could only wonder how much more powerful the young man before him will become once the abomination is purged from within his head.

Tonks just stared in awe at that events that was transpiring right in front of her. She knew Harry was powerful but didn't quite know how powerful he truly was. Definitely more powerful than her when it came to raw power, and she could only wonder how much more formidable he would become once he learns to properly harness his magic.

"Virtus inexorabile!" Harry suddenly exclaimed as the blood stopped dripping from his finger.

A blinding white light emitted from the bowl that slowly went away and all that remained was a dark maroon ring which was adorned on Harry's right ring finger; the Potter coat of arms he had only seen on passing, displayed majestically.

"On behalf of Gringotts Bank of Magical Britain, I congratulate you on your ascension to the Head of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter, Lord Hadrian Potter." Ragnok exclaimed as he gave a slight inclination of his head as did Griphook. Harry nodded at them both.

"Hadrian huh?"

Harry shrugged at Tonks. "It seems to be my birth name. My parents must've shortened it to Harry I guess." He said as he and Tonks stared curiously at maroon band on his finger.

"You know, I kinda like it. Your name I mean. Makes you sound more mature." Tonks teased.

"Yeah well, you're on your own on that. I personally, don't particularly like it. I've always been known as Harry and now all this Hadrian nonsense is kinda weird. Besides, it makes me sound like a certain little cousin of yours." He frowned.

Tonks grimaced.

"Way to ruin the fun."

Harry chuckled.

Griphook cleared his throat as he began to speak. "The ring should provide you knowledge concerning your House. In regard to the Ancestral Home of the Potters; Potter Manor, was partially destroyed during the last war. Fortunately, however, the damage was minute. The east wing can be rebuilt within a week but to do so will be up to your discretion on when to place the order for reconstruction."

Harry looked excitedly at Tonks who beamed at him. He could finally get away from the Dursleys! He finally had a real home waiting for him!

The younger Goblin consulted his folder, sifting through parchment after parchment.

"Moving on, the heirloom vault that was once locked until you were to become of age has now been unlocked due to your ascension. Additionally, I will take the liberty on your behalf to contact the Potter Charter Group to let them know that you have taken your Lordship and for them to continue their work. You will begin to receive reports concerning your finances from them and so it's important that you make sure you contact me for any issues you have. Here is a list of the businesses you own and have shares in and these are the lists of the contents of the two vaults you have access to. The only thing you can take out of the main vault are the galleons that are in it."

Harry and Tonks' eyes widened at the absurd number of galleons main vault contained.

"I-I own all of this?" Harry squeaked out.

Griphook simply grinned.

"Your grandfather's older brother, Fleamont Potter was a very affluent businessman. His numerous investments and inventions, most notably Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, quadrupled your family's already high wealth and even more so when he sold the company after he retired. Your father added his own ideas once he and your mother decided to invest in a few muggle businesses which as you can see, is getting a healthy amount of galleons in return."

"There are only a few other houses who have nearly if not more wealth than the Potters. The Black's, Malfoy's, Macmillan's, Greengrass', and Selwyn's to name a few." Griphook finished.

"Like you said, I think leaving the business side to you and the Potter Charter Group will be wise for the moment Griphook. I do have a suggestion; It could be useful to invest in some more muggle businesses, especially the technological ones. They seem to be on the rise I've heard."

"Regarding the Manor, I would like to have it rebuilt. I want to learn about my ancestry as I have clearly missed a lot and hopefully, if I get through this war-" He was interrupted by a jab to the rib and a piercing glare from Tonks.

"When, I get through this war," He corrected as he massaged his side with a grimace, "I would one day want to raise a family there." He finished with a small smile which made the Metamorph beam with joy.

"It will be done. I shall inform the accountants and will also send a contract to the contractors so that they can begin work immediately. The paperwork will be finalised within the hour. They will need to be approved by you and usually it would be wise to hire a lawyer to look over such documents but for a fee, I am willing to temporarily take over that role until you find someone suitable." Griphook replied as he quickly scribbled something on a piece of parchment before raising his eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

Harry mentally rolled his eyes.

"Fine, what is your rate?"

"Five hundred Galleons for each document."

"Five Hun-?! Isn't that a bit much?" He goggled.

"Legal documents is no easy task Lord Potter, especially when working with your kind." Griphook growled.

"Three hundred Galleons." Harry countered.

Griphook gritted his teeth but Harry remained unfazed. "Four hundred, no less. Take it or leave it Wizard."

"Done." Harry replied happily as Tonks looked in wonder at her bespectacled companion and Ragnok watched on amusedly.

"I would also like to check out the heirlooms vault but, it's best if I do that the next time I come here." Harry added.

"Very well."

Harry nodded, "Is that all?"

"Ah yes, there was one more announcement. The Black's Account Manager Bloodfang has reminded me to tell you that the late Sirius Black's will is being finalised. There are still a few more things for the bank to confirm but when that is done, he will send you a letter regarding the will reading. As you have been named Sirius Black's heir, you are required to attend where after the reading, the ascension ritual will take place to find out who the next Lord Black will be."

"How interesting!" Ragnok interrupted with a gleam in his black eye. "To think that there is a possibility that a single wizard could be the head of two prominent houses! The House of Black nonetheless! One of the Famous Colours! Oh, how I wish that conniving old crypt Phineas was still alive just so I could see the look on his face!" Ragnok cackled up uproariously. The sound unnerving even Griphook as he, Harry and Tonks looked at the Director bemusedly.

The Director certainly is a bundle of emotions. Tonks thought before shrugging. But then again, all old people seem to be like that.

"Phineas… I swear I've heard that name before." Harry mumbled with a frown.

"But I thought you just said Harry was named Sirius' heir." Tonks asked.

Griphook glanced at his senior before answering, "That is correct Miss Tonks however, there is a possibility that the Scion of the Malfoy's may have a right to the Lordship due to the connection with his mother."

Harry jolted from his thoughts before scowling. Allowing Draco Malfoy to become the next Lord Black would be disastrous. He'd rather have Dobby become Lord Black than the annoying little ferret.

"Nevertheless, the family magic eventually makes the decision, and as I am the Potter Account Manager, you would have to take this up with Bloodfang."

Harry nodded.

"That concludes everything Lord Potter." Griphook concluded.

"Thank you for all your help today. You have been most helpful." Harry gratefully said.

It had been a long day and a lot of drastic changes had happened. A lot more changes were also going to happen in the coming months as well. He just needed to make sure he survives the ritual tomorrow.

Easy enough right?

After saying farewell to the Director who merely grunted as his focus had switched onto something else, the trio, escorted by Griphook, made the way out the opulent office and into the hallway leading into the hall to the entrance of the bank.

"Just one more thing Griphook. Will my ascension be made into public news?" Harry asked as he paused outside the doors, prompting Tonks to as well.

"But of course." The Goblin replied as if it was the most obvious question.

"You will eventually sit in their government so it is in their right to know. The certification proving your ascension would have already been submitted into the Ministry's Legal Department. Though, in usual capacity, the ascension of a new Lord wouldn't be revealed until the next Wizengamot meeting where he or she is introduced to the Body. However, if I may be crude Lord Potter, I do not think it will be long at all before someone within the Legal Department leaks it and especially to that rag of a paper. More times than not, I wish I could rip the throats out of a few, certain witches and wizards. Good day." Griphook finished with a snarl as he trudged off and Harry couldn't blame him. The Daily Prophet was almost as corrupt as Fudge.

"Spectacular." He replied sarcastically as he watched the Goblin turn the corner, growling all the way.

"There, there Hadrian," Tonks cooed as she slung her arm around his thin frame and yanked him towards her. As he was on the short side, shorter than Tonks even, his face smashed onto the side of her breast causing him to scowl at her, his cheeks tinting with pink.

"Do you mind?" Harry said testily, his voice muffled.

"Not at all."

"Well I do so, so get off." He pulled out of her arms.

"Aww is little Harry getting flustered?" Tonks sniggered as she jerked him back into her breasts which she enlarged to perfectly accommodate his reddening face, ignoring his feeble protests.

"I'm not getting flustered!" He said with a gasp, the blocked air from being smothered by a pair of giant breasts suddenly returning, allowing him to breathe briefly.

"Aww, this reminds me of you back when you were a wee little thing in your First Year. You with your gigantic clothes and your big glasses, not to mention that mop of hair that completely covered your head. You were so cuuute!" Tonks squealed as she squeezed him tighter.

"Praying on an easily embarrassed, innocent eleven-year-old is real smooth Nym." Harry replied good naturedly, rolling his eyes at older girl's antics.

"Pfft, you're acting as if you hated it." Tonks replied knowingly.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Harry stammered out of her arms, causing Tonks to laugh rumbustiously.

Tonks knew him like the back of her hand. Her Harry was definitely a tits man.

"You better get used to women flinging themselves at you, even more so now milord. Now that you're the brand-new Lord Potter, who's not only single and so adorably adorable," She said pinching his cheeks, "But the youngest, most eligible bachelor in the country, that is not yet, attached to a lady of his own. Since your popularity is as high as it's ever been, the moment the news 'bout your Lordship gets leaked, you better watch out for the crazies who'd want to jump your little pants to get the chance to make little Harry's and Harriet's." Tonks guffawed as she pulled back a now suddenly pale Harry into her side and dragged him towards the doors.

"Just when I thought things were going well." Harry moaned morosely, running a hand through his hair.

Tonks tried not to for about a second, before all but giving up. An indulging grin danced on her beautiful face as she looked at him. She swore that Harry was born to be teased by her.

She gasped dramatically, "Merlin's wrinkly balls! What would Hermione think? Some sexy, blonde bombshell stealing away her future boyfriend right under her very nose."

"Why blonde?" His mind unwillingly, travelling back to a certain blonde.

"Have you even seen Fleur?"

"Fleur's taken plus, she's special." Harry rolled his eyes.

"So, you're saying if Fleur wasn't stolen away by the oldest Weasley, you would have your wicked way with her despite having Hermione already?! Harry you lecher!"

"I hate you."

"Pull the other leg, four eyes! Everyone knows you absolutely love me." Tonks giggled as she jumped on his back and began peppering him with kisses much to Harry's displeasure.


It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when the duo finally left the bank. Harry's episode with his vision and all the relevant conversations he had with the Goblins taking much longer than usual and in that time, the alley had once again filled with people bustling around. It was a lot more subdued however, as an air of uneasiness seemed to be permanently etched into the atmosphere than the other times Harry had visited. A lot more shops had clearly been bordered up or straight up abandoned causing him to frown.

"Ready?" Tonks excitedly asked, cutting through his thoughts, her energy drowning out the gloominess in the air.

"Wait, where we are going?" Harry questioned dumbly pushing his brown-charmed hair out of his eyes. His stomach doing flipflops at the impeding answer.

"Harry, it'll be fine so just relax will you. You don't know this but sometimes mum would have these episodes where she would just shut down and I could never find out why. I bet even she didn't know why and it didn't help that she looked absolutely miserable every time. Poor thing. Come on, no time to waste. Deep breaths now squirt." Tonks spoke softly, easily seeing through his panic.

Harry took a deep breath before nodding. It was finally time to see the person he was most nervous about seeing ever since he remembered her again. He had been in all sorts of adventures, faced all types of creatures and fought Voldemort multiple times, nearly lost his life a couple times too but, he had never been more nervous than he was at this moment.

He just didn't want to be rejected like he was at the Dursleys. He didn't know if he could take another rejection.

Before he could properly compose himself and reply, Tonks grabbed his hand and apparated them both and instantly the hustle and bustle of the alley gave way to a small gate that led to a modest sized cottage.

She spread her arms out and exclaimed, "Welcome to casa Tonks!"


Virtus inexorabile – Unyielding virtue

*Don't bash me too much on the translation if I get it wrong, blame ChatGPT x.x

Next time: Black and Green gets introduced ;)

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