"...Damned old bastard, working so hard for what? This place is still a rancid hell hole either way," He pushed the hair out of his face, though it had started to stick due to the sweat, he frowned, "What is even his problem? Have we ever robbed anyone? Is it wrong to warn people? That old sack of shit."
"The ball rolls wherever it pleases," Another man shrugged, raising his arms over his head, stretching and letting out a groan from his chest, "You know he's just putting on airs for the lord. We all do, so why get mad? It's not like anything'll happen. He's just there for decor."
Kodak scratched his neck, he let out a sigh, "Yeah, yeah... yeah, your right. But he's still such a bastard even though your right. I mean, fuck, if your going to do something, do it. If not, stay home. It's their damned fault this place is so dangerous that we have to warn new people, and then they act like they're useful? It's infuriating."
Good evening!
It is a bountiful day to be alive!
I never really thought about it, but my friend brought it up to me just today, that someone has copy and pasted the novel onto their website!
In lieu of the fact that this is likely going to keep happening, I will say it once again, to all of you here with us...
...Thank you all for your support, really. And as always,