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17.17% Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction) / Chapter 17: 14 – RR Is A Female or A Male?

Capítulo 17: 14 – RR Is A Female or A Male?

As soon as they got back to San Francisco, Miranda was dumbfounded to know that Samael was the true owner of both LD, the behemoth who consumed Earth's market in the last few years. She was even more surprised it was them who tried to recruit her.

But, Miranda learned her lesson and used her intellect to learn about the strength of Last Defense, down to its small details, to try and find if they are an evil organization. She was surprised at how much money they had and at the number of mercenaries scattered across the galaxy. While still not at the level of a superpowerhouse, it wouldn't take long for the group to arrive there.

They could definitively protect her from Cerberus and her father.

She was a little curious about Samael's ultimate goal, so she asked Samael, "What is your goal?''

To her surprise, he replied with conviction in his voice, ''To live a happy life!''

Although she didn't understand why he needed Last Defense for that, she decided to follow him, as it would mean her protection. Then she continued reading some files and was shocked by what she discovered,'' You are the person who made the Advanced Med Gel?! I spent a few months doing some studies on it, and it was something amazing.''

She thought he found someone or something along those lines, and that person made the Med Gel. But no, it was him.

Meaning he was, at least, on her level of intellect or above.

Samael smiled mysteriously, '' And that is only the one where I launched in the market. You should see the better one, which only Last Defense, the mercenary group, uses... By the way, did you manage to make a better version of it?''

Mirando shook her head, '' While I did progress in that direction, I escaped home in the middle of the research. I don't know what happened with it, as I was the one leading it, but it would take a few years for them to replicate it, even more so to upgrade it.''

'' Is that so?'' Samael wanted the progress of those things to be faster, as it would save lives against the Reapers, but it seems the slighter weak Med Gel wasn't enough to advance the research, ' Well, while Miranda and humans didn't manage to upgrade it, others races like the Salarians could have. Let's hope.'

Miranda then saw a file named: Future Home. When she clicked on it, she saw Samael had bought a few planets. It wasn't that weird, as her father also had a few planets under his name, but the location Samael chose to buy was weird. ''You've bought three planets near the Perseus Veil. May I ask why?"

The Perseus Veil was home to the Geth, a synthetic race that drove off the Quarians from their home planets, forcing the Quarians to live in spaceships and away from home. After the Geth War, they went beyond the Perseus Veil and hid there.

The planets Samael bought were near it, and in Miranda's perception, it meant danger. The price was cheap because of it.

'' Of course. Those planets have an atmosphere almost identical to Earth's, and because they were so far away and close to the Veil, nobody bought them. So I bought them.''

''Do you intend to use these planets? Even with the Geth nearby?''

'' Yes. In the future, one of them will be my and our group's home planet. I intend to take my mother to live there when everything is settled.'' Samael wasn't afraid of the Geth, as he would have them under him in a few years. He would not let the Reapers have them, as they are a formidable opponent and even better allies.

Samael currently owns three planets and will own more in the future. Money opens a lot of doors, after all. Buying those planets could mean trouble with the Council in the future, but he wasn't afraid of them in the slightest.

He would populate these planets with many humans, Krogans, Asari, Quarians, etc. Anyone who wanted to live there could. Except for the Batarians, they can die in a trashcan for what he cared.

Also, he chose those 3 planets because he knew they had abundant natural resources, thanks to his past cycles. He always bought them in all his past cycles.

Miranda nodded as she thought about the possibility of owning three planets with an atmosphere close to Earth's. 'He's planning so far ahead, but at the same time, I have no idea what he is planning.'

It was both refreshing and frightening to Miranda to see a plan she could not figure out, even though she was right in front of the person who made said plan.

She looked at the last file and noticed that several billion credits had been spent on rather strange materials. As she was quite curious about her new employer, she asked, ''May I ask why so much money is being spent on these things?''

Samael looked at the files she was looking at and smiled mysteriously, "Of course. RR, tell her.''

To Miranda's surprise, she heard a voice coming from her omni-tool, meaning someone or something had hacked it, "Those things are to create a body for me and to make some improvements to the ship he owns/made."

Miranda's jaw dropped, as she knew what this meant, "You have an AI?! Are you crazy?" She knew the danger of one and what others did to those who had them, so she was shocked.

"Not only do I have it, I was the one who made it. And don't worry, I've got everything under control." Samael then looked at Miranda and smiled. "We're in this together now, so follow me and make sure I don't make any mistakes along the way.''

''It looks like I've already failed at that." Miranda sighed, but soon continued, "I'm already part of your team, so as long as you don't commit any atrocities, I'll take care of it."

'' Good.''


A few days passed, and Samael finally received his ship and the materials to make RR's body. He let Veronica fly around with it while he went to talk with Miranda.

'' Did you see inside the ship and how it's made?''

Samael asked that because he saw Miranda looking at her Omni-tool with the specs of the ship.

Miranda looked at him with a burning gaze, '' You created this, right?''

While he had interacted with her in other cycles, it was already later in life, so seeing a young Miranda looking so fired up, contrary to her ice queen persona he interacted with, was nice.

''Not only did I create it, but I'm also planning on realizing it in the market. A not-so-powerful ship, but I will do so. How much do we think we can gain with that?''

As always, while Samael was glad to help the galaxy get better ships/armor/guns, he also wasn't dumb enough to not control the knowledge he released. He was doing his best to consolidate his powers first, then arm the entire galaxy.

He still has a few years to do so, and it was progressing nicely, according to his plans.

'' You got to let me see your brain one day, I want to see what more incredible things you thought.'' Miranda calmed down a bit.

Samael chuckled, '' Maybe I'll create a machine that lets normal people see other memories.''

Well, the Asari already does that, but not the rest of the galaxy.

'' Well, regarding your question before, we can make a lot of money. A lot.''

In the past couple of days, Miranda had already checked the finances of the company and knew they were swimming in money. But, if they launched the ship or its blueprint on the market, there would be another revolution in the market, just like when they launched the med-gel years ago.

Samael nodded, '' Then I'll leave that to you.''

Miranda looked at him puzzled.

Samael smirked seeing her face. '' From today on, you're the CEO of LD. You will gain shares of the company, and you will only need to answer to me, and I'm pretty lenient with the things I let you do. As long as you don't make the galaxy suffer with your decision, you're free to go ahead.''

Mirada was so shocked her mouth was open. She did not know what to say. They had met only a few days ago, and he already let her in charge of a trillion-Credits company. It wasn't normal.

She was going to start speaking, but Samael put a hand on her shoulder and said in a serious voice, '' I trust you, Miranda. I went against your father and Cerberus just to hire you because I know your potential. You can become one of the best humans in the galaxy, in all points.''

'' Think of this position akin to training, for you to get better and better. I trust you enough.''

To say Miranda was getting emotional was an understatement. She went from running away from her father to running away from Cerberus to now being a CEO.

She could see the sincerity in Samael's eyes, so she could only retribute that trust by working hard, '' ... Thank you.''

'' Don't mention it.''

Just then, Veronica landed the ship, got out, noticed the strange atmosphere, and asked in a confused tone, '' What happened while I was gone?''

Samael eyes twitched, '' Nothing. Now, tell me how is the ship?''

That made Veronica forget the scene and her eye shone, '' It was amazing, really. The performance was far above anything we have now.''

'' I expected nothing less. Now, I'll make some adjustments to it. You can stay or go do your thing.''

Samael immediately started putting in the upgrades he had made beforehand and, at the same time, made RR's body.


Today, he was at the workshop in a place close to the slums where he lived. It was easy to buy this place, as Tarzan had the whole town under his thumb, and by proxy, so did Samael.

The ship and RR body just needed a few more adjustments, and then they were good to go, and Samael was doing just that. While he was in the middle of putting an upgrade on the ship, Veronica approached him. '' I don't see Miranda.''

'' She is busy doing a few things I asked.'' Miranda was a godsend to Samael, as it helped him quite a lot regarding his whole operation. While he was good at it, she was even better. ''What are you doing here?''

"Just checking on you.'' Veronica then looked at the ship in front of her. ''Have you thought of a name for it?''

''Not yet.'' Samael didn't want to call his ship Normardy because that would be too cliché, and he wasn't that fixated on the name, so he left it to fate. '' Do you have any in mind? ''

''Not really, but I'll tell you if I think of a good one.''

'' No problem.'' Samael then focused his entire being on putting the upgrade on the ship. It wasn't a stretch to say that those upgrades are a matter of life and death. The majority of them are a few years more advanced than the one on the market right now and focused more on the Reaper threat than anything else.

Samael didn't even notice Veronica eyeing his body. As it was quite hot in the workshop, he was shirtless, so his upper body was exposed. Thanks to his routine, his body was at its peak in terms of appearance and strength, and it was showing.

Veronica gulped a little, and she started to get some naughty thoughts, 'Since when did I begin to think of Samael like that?'

Ever since she was little, she had a little crush on him, but now, as they were already considered adults, the crush was evolving to the next step.

She shook her head after a few minutes of staring, then went to help Samael, who did not reject her help.

'' Put it there..... Hold it steady for me.....Thanks. ''

After a few more hours, all upgrades were installed, and the ship was good to go, meaning they could leave Earth at any moment. But there was one more thing to do.

'' RR, answer me something,'' Samael called his AI from his omni tool, and immediately there was a response.

'' Ask away.'' The AI, as always, sounded androgynous and robotic.

'' What kind of body would you like to have? Female or male?''

Samael gave the AI a choice. He didn't mind what it would choose, but to be honest, a female android that would follow him around was nice. He only ever got EDI to do that, and she was taken by the Joker anyway.

Veronica was a little surprised by the question, but her interest peaked, as she now too wanted to know what the AI would choose.

''Hmm, let me think for a few seconds.'' RR then went silent, probably using the network to reach out a bit. After a few seconds, it asked, ''Would you possibly use my body for sexual pleasure?''

As it was hot in the workshop, Samael used the time RR went away to drink water. But when he heard what it said, he choked on it and was forced to cough.


Wiping the drop of water coming out of his mouth, Samael asked RR in a strange tone, '' Why did you ask?''

RR answered, '' I read in the database about what kind of androids other people buy, and the majority of them are female, so they could have intercourse with them. So, after collecting all the data possible, the conclusion I arrived at is that you want me to be female so you could use me sexually.''

Samael's lips twitched a little. While some parts were true, some were not. At least for now, he didn't have that in mind. So, he answered truthfully, '' No, RR. I don't want to have sex with you.''

RR's voice almost sounded disappointed. '' Is that so? Regarding this, I would still like to choose a female body.''

'' No problem.'' Samael then pulled out the materials necessary to make the necessary changes. He looked at Veronica and said, ''Do you want to watch?''

Veronica nodded. She wanted to see the process.

'' Ok.'' Samael then started the process.

Right at the beginning, RR interjected, '' I want it a bit bigger..... Yes, just like that. My waist is too wide, narrow it... Perfect...What kind of face do I want? Hmmmm, I'll trust you on that one.''

After a few more hours, a naked android was in front of Samael and Veronicaa, the latter blushing quite a bit and saying, 'That is pretty real.'

While the whole body was made of metal, it was still quite an somehow erotic scene.

'' RR, you can start the process of transferring yourself to it.''

All AIs had to have a place where their central stayed, like a core, to ensure it was running all the time. The core right now was in the Samael omni-tool, but now it was going directly to that body, leaving only a small part of it in the omni-tool. Of course, it would still work the same way regardless, but RR would now have a way to fight.

'' Ok.'' RR then started the transfer. The whole process took a minute or so, and in front of Samael and Veronica, the android started to move around. '' How do I look?''

'' Amazing!'' Samael didn't hold back the praise. He was quite proud of what he had made.

Veronica nodded at what Samael said,'' It definitely looks amazing.''

RR nodded her head and said, "Thank you."

''Now, can you give me some clothes? Or, if you want, I can go around naked.''

'' ... Veronia go grab a few clothes for her, please. And, while we wait, use this.'' Samael passe a blanket to RR.

'' Ok.'' RR then covered herself with a blanket while Veronica went to grab some clothes for her.

Only RR and Samael stayed at the workshop. ''So, what now?'' asked the AI.

'' The Reapers are coming. You getting a body will help us in the long run, as you would be more active than before, and could go on solo missions. Just trust me on this journey.''

The only other 'person' who knew about the reapers was RR, as Samael had told it since the beginning. It was also the 'person' he trusted the most right now.

'' Don't worry, we will stop them. Whatever it takes.''

'' Whatever it takes.''

After Veronica returned with some clothes, RR put them on, and Samael looked a little sad. '' What is wrong?''

'' The ship is ready, RR has a body, San Francisco is my turf, Earth's Market is dominated by LD, my mom is protected, meaning I can leave Earth at any moment now.''

While Samael already went through this process a few times, it was never easy to leave home, as it would mean he would almost not see his mother anymore. ' In the other cycles, I only talked to her after everything was finished, save for the ones where I didn't follow the plot. But, even so, I missed or will miss my mom.'

But you have to make sacrifices if you want to defeat the Reapers, and he knew that now was the time. He even thought he was behind in schedule, as in a few years Sovereign, the first Reaper sent to see how things are in the current cycle, would arrive at the galaxy. He could still remember the day he saw the bastard. It was very different from the game, seeing a machine km meter long, that shot laser beams capable of killing thousands in a single shot.

It was terrifying. But, he had managed to defeat them in other cycles, and he would do so again in this one!

Veronica also started to get sad. Different from Samael, though, this was her first time leaving home, and she felt it would be a long time until she saw her family again.

''... Let's have a get-together.'' Samael decided on the spot to have a 'farewell party' for them. '' Call your mom and a few of our guys who will leave with us tomorrow.''

While the Last Defense ( mercenary group) was doing okay, there were still some recruits on Earth, but it was Samael who delayed their deployment because their talents would shine better on his ship, which was still unnamed.

'' On it.'' Veronica sounded a little more happy about it.

'' RR, order a few drinks and food and have it delivered to my house.''

'' No problem.''

Samael then went home with his new android companion.

Pop0 Pop0

One more chapter and Samael will leave Earth!

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