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Capítulo 2: Chapter 2

POV: Sally Jackson

It's been 3 years and 6 months since that "incident" with the tartarus snakes, and in all that time there have been very few "visits" from monsters or Amphitrite. There have been a few from Poseidon and strangely Hera, but who am I to complain, they are helping me as much as possible, I remember the first visit from Poseidon and Hera, it was terrifying at first, but after the danger had passed it was funny.


It had been about 2 weeks since the attack on my little Percy, so far no attack or "visit" from any God or Goddess, not even Chaos or Poseidon. I was in my car, a 1990 Corolla in light blue, with Perseus asleep in the back seat, returning from the month's basic shopping, about 3 corners from home, I noticed an aura of a God in front of the house, well I live in a beach house, which looks more like a chalet, but I love that place, it was there that I met my little one's father, of course in person, because he is famous in my world, this cottage/house is in Montauk, my favorite place in the world outside of maybe camp half blood, it's very simple, blue outside and inside, blue is my favorite color, it only has 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms one for when Percy is big enough to sleep alone, which in my opinion is between 5 and 6 years, and a simple bathroom, simple kitchen and TV room, the land is very large. And I'm planning to renovate and make three bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, God willing.

As I get closer to the house and consequently to the aureole, I see a woman of around 25, white with greenish black hair, tall at around 1. As soon as I park the car in the garage and see that I'm surrounded by monsters, I leave Perseus in the car and go down to check my chances and see the monsters, 2 Dracaenaes, warrior snake-women They have the body of a woman and instead of legs, two tails of snakes, both with swords and 2 Empousais, white as marble, have a bronze leg and another of a donkey, fangs instead of teeth, red eyes and claws instead of nails. Like the succubi, they use their great charm to deceive and seduce men and then devour them. An empousa usually appears as a cheerleader, and that's exactly what I saw, two 16-year-old cheerleaders, one a brunette and the other a redhead. I knew that damned Amphitrite had only brought these monsters for a little distraction, so she could stab my little one, you bastard bitch. I activated my spear and prepared to say something, but there was no time. Soon the monsters attacked me, without even hesitating, the first red-haired imp came up behind me, hugging me from behind with a loose grip, with this I had a plan, I hoped it would work, because I had to put an end to it soon, my little one was in danger, and I didn't want to let this little goddess touch my son, while I was being held by the blonde Dracaenae said in a very reptilian voice.

"Your end has come." Saying this, she made a clean cut from right to left at the level of my neck, and I, anticipating this move, elbowed the red-haired imp in the ribs, which released me a little, just enough and in time to duck. And I heard the other two monsters gasp in surprise, but I didn't pay much attention, and with a quick and very precise thrust, into the heart of the blonde Dracaenae, who exploded into dust. I looked at the other two monsters and said loudly and firmly.

"Don't threaten my prince." Saying this, I set off to attack the brunette imp who barely saw my thrust and was already dust, and I dodged a sword from the blonde Dracaenae and thrust one into her throat and another into her heart, turning her into dust. However, only now realizing that I had moved far enough away from the car for that damned witch to get close to my son, I look towards the car and my heart freezes at what I see.

POV: 3rd person

Amphitrite, taking advantage of the cursed daughter of Athena's distance, passes unnoticed by the fight and finds her golden opportunity, but she found it too easy, she wanted to rub it in the face of that little girl, daughter of Athena, she takes the little one on her lap, getting out of the car, when she turns back to the fight she is impressed, seeing that there was the daughter of Athena breathing normally and removing the celestial bronze spear from the throat of the last Dracaenae to end her suffering by striking her in the heart.

"Congratulations daughter of Athena, I see you're still in shape." Says the Goddess Nereida with disdain. And she's not surprised by the hatred in the daughter of Athena's eyes; on the contrary, she finds it amusing "But you'll be no match for me, I'm a powerful goddess." He says with more disdain than he's ever used before.

"LET GO OF MY SON, YOU LITTLE GODDESS." Sally shouted, her gray eyes blazing with fury.

"DON'T YELL AT ME, you husband-stealing, unqualified, whore." The Goddess snarled , her eyes blazing with hatred.

"I AM NOTHING LIKE WHAT YOU SAID, you who don't know how to take care of what's yours, you can't satisfy him properly, LITTLE GODDESS OF THE SEA." She snarled at Athena's daughter. Smiling as she saw Amphitrite's face turn red with fury, she continued. "THAT'S WHAT YOU HEARD, HE TOLD ME YOU COULDN'T DO IT ANYMORE." Seeing Amphitrite's face turn red with hatred.

"YOU.... YOU.... AAAAA..... " The Goddess screamed when little Perseus bit her hand, and by reflex dropped the boy to the ground who hit his head on the floor with a deafening thud, and Sally despaired at seeing the blood coming out of the little head, of HER SON, so the demigod exploded.

"YOU FUCKING ...." Sally screamed, and at that moment the Goddess bent down on the floor next to the little unconscious demigod, and started screaming, screaming a lot. It looked like his head was going to explode, while Sally used her divine power, very rare among the daughters of Athena, which was basically to cause a severe headache, and when the person was very weak in "intellectual power" so to speak, they could be controlled by this divine ability, not exactly controlled, because that was more for Aphrodite and Hera, but to impose an idea and will on Athena's son or herself, but the goddess was strong enough to be controlled, but even so the fury that the demigod felt at that moment was too great, it was an instinct to protect, for something that she would give her life for, HER SON. At that moment, a blue-green light appeared with the smell of the sea wafting through the air, and out of it came a tall man, 185cm tall, apparently 22 years old, muscular and tanned, with unruly black hair, and eyes so sea green that they seemed to contain all the power of the sea within them, and that was exactly what was there. The man, seeing the blood dripping from the nose of his last mortal lover, and not caring about his ex-wife who had just tried to kill his son, who was now screaming and rolling on the floor in pain, went to Sally's side and immediately said.

"Stop Sally, you're going to kill yourself that way." Says the God with his thick voice, full of power, firmness and tranquillity, with that Sally stops using her powers and falls into Poseidon's arms exhausted, while Amphitrite lies on the floor with his ears bleeding Icor because of the pressure on his brain, Poseidon gently puts Sally down and walks over to the Goddess on the floor, he looks at his ex-wife with a mixture of hatred and pity, and takes his son on his lap, He looks at the wound on his head and soon sees that it was only superficial, with no permanent damage or after-effects, so he releases his divine healing power from the water and a sea-green light shines momentarily on the child's head, and the God spends a little of his power to heal the wound, which closes and our little Hero continues to sleep peacefully, he looks at Sally with compassion, then looks at Ex-Wife and says. "You've crossed the line Amphitrite, I should do it." He was interrupted by the Goddess's mad, psychotic laughter.

"And what are you going to do, Poseidon?" The Goddess asked with disdain and amusement, she knew that Poseidon would be incapable of hurting her, even though he no longer loved her. "Hit me?" She laughs again, the same crazy laugh. Just then a brown light appeared, and out of it came a very beautiful white woman with the posture of a Queen, with an athletic body full of curves, brown eyes and hair of the same color, Hera the Queen of the Gods, and she said in an icy cold voice that made even Poseidon shiver.

"He won't, BUT I WILL." The Goddess' cold voice made everyone shudder, especially Nereus' daughter. And she went over to Amphitrite and started beating her with her bare hands, while Icor, the blood of the Gods, dripped down the face of Nereus' daughter. Then she says a phrase that surprises and makes Poseidon very curious. "DON'T TOUCH THAT BOY ANYMORE." Shouted the Queen of the Gods in fury, leaving Poseidon and Sally more surprised. She went on to say. "That was your WARNING, next time I won't be so PEACEFUL." The Goddess shouts, and is satisfied with the assent of Nereus' daughter, who disappears into a greenish light, leaving a smell of rotten seaweed in the air. Poseidon hands little Perseus over to his mother, looks at his sister with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, and says

"Thank you sister, I don't think I could hurt you." The Goddess nodded, and the God asked the question that had been troubling both him and Sally. "Sorry sister, but don't you "hate" demigods?" Poseidon asks with a sarcastic smile on his face. The Queen calmly walks over to the Little Hero on his mother's lap. And looking at the Little Hero, her eyes with a mixture of love and protection, worthy of a mother towards her child, which made the God of the Seas look at his sister with astonishment. Then she replied.

"Yes, brother, I hate them..." She stretches out her arms and looks at Sally with a silent question, Sally thinks that if she wanted to harm her son she wouldn't have come to help her, so she passes the little one to the goddess, who takes little Perseus from her lap and the goddess continues. "All but this one." She said, caressing the little boy's face, who was sleeping peacefully. "You can rest easy Sally, he's fine, no trauma or sequelae."

POV: Hera

I'm sure this child is powerful and will make a difference, but that's not why I helped him, and I don't know why, but I helped him, without thinking, I just acted, but I feel something for him. Why did I help that demigod? But I don't know, every time I look at him I feel the need to protect him, teach him and educate him, not even Ares and Hephaestus felt that way. Could it be love? Not impossible, but I would kill anyone who harmed this little being, my gods I think this child has won me over.

"Well, I guess that ridiculous goddess won't be any more trouble, my dear." I said, handing the little hero back to his mother and turned to my brother. "Come on, Poseidon, we've interfered enough with this child, we have to go now." With the look on Poseidon's face, I can't believe he's still like that, so many years old, he looks like a child, I snorted and replied. "All right, all right, five minutes, you hear?" I ask, and he gives me a big smile. Certainly a super-powerful child, he never changes, I smile internally, with that I teleport to my palace in Olympus.

POV: Poseidon

After Hera left, leaving a delicious scent in the air, I looked at her closely, I was so like her, those gray eyes that made me soft, but still not like hers, I was brought out of my reverie when Sally said:

"Thank you, Lord Poseidon." Says the daughter of Athena. Bowing slightly, I stopped her and looked at her in a reproachful way, she shrugged and giggled, and I said:

"What's that for Sally?" Poseidon asked incredulously. "You mustn't bow to me." Said the god of the seas with disdain. "You know that I do everything to protect you and our little one." Says Poseidon, approaching and caressing Perseus' face. "But I can't interfere too much." Says Poseidon looking with fear and concern at his son and friend, yes friend, he was in love with another, but it was no use, and Sally remembered him of her so much, DAMN APHRODITE, thinks the king of the seas, and says goodbye to his son with a kiss on the cheek, and looks at Sally and says goodbye with a kiss, a chaste kiss, and says. "See you later, my Queen among women." seeing Sally blush furiously, he gave her a little smile and left for his palace on the sea.

Flashback end

POV: Sally Jackson

Exactly today, October 19th, it's my little prince's birthday, he's four years old today. We're here in Central Park, celebrating his birthday, it's just me and him. He looks so handsome, in a green T-shirt, black jeans and simple black sneakers, with unruly black hair, he's a little over 1 meter tall and about 35 kg, his eyes are shining so brightly, that gorgeous sea green, it melts and makes anyone wet, he's going to win hearts, I can see that I'm going to suffer with the women after him, ARGH, no one will be good enough for my baby.

"My baby's getting older today?!" I said, squeezing his cheeks, laughing at the face he made.

"Mom, I don't want you to call me baby, I'm not a BABY." He said sulkily, making a very cute angry face, I couldn't stand it and laughed.

"no-no-no-no-no- you'll always be MY BABY, understand?" I laughed and squeezed the pout he had made with my hands, he got more upset but nodded contrarily. "What about my smile, young man?" I said, knocking him to the floor and tickling his weak spot, his foot, yes, we were both barefoot.

"St...St...op...stop mo... mom..." He said laughing uncontrollably, I loved his laugh, it was so beautiful and contagious. "It´s...okay. " He said, taking short breaths because of his laughter.

"What's okay? That you're my baby?" I said laughing, his laugh was too infectious.

"Yes." He said after breathing normally again, and rolling his eyes he replied. "I'M YOUR BABY." He said with such a cute beak. "I love you mommy." He laughed and jumped into my arms.

"Good." Said his mother, feigning indignation. "I love you much more, more and more, than anything, the size of infinity." I said, tickling his tummy and laughing at the little one's grimaces and giggles. It was at this happy moment in our Jackson family that they heard a very loud mooing.

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