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16.66% smut collection / Chapter 3: chapter 3

Capítulo 3: chapter 3


The reptilian isekai's give their report to Phobos who welcomes Killer Croc into his service. Before heading to their rooms to chat and relax with a former rebel and a spider respectively~

Chapter Text

"Hehehe indeed" he turned to the girl "Well come along Piper...let me show you your new life" he flashed a fanged smile "and i assure will be quite the ride"

At this Piper gave another gulp feeling a chill fall down her spine as she wondered if perhaps death might have been the better option after all

(Next morning)

Dawn was breaking behind the mountains when Croc and Cedric found themselves in the throne room again with Phobos looking down at them.

"So...the rebels escaped?" he asked in dry tone

"Sadly yes." Cedric reported with a low submissive tone, "It seems that recent suspicions i've had about traitors in our midst have been confirmed."

He said looking up into Phobos eyes, "As someone snuck a key into one of the cells allowing the rebels their chance to escape." He explained before giving a smirk, "Fortunately I had prepared for this scenario with Croc."

He nodded his over at Croc, "If you'll allow me my Lord to explain." He said standing up and taken Phobos silence in the next moment as permission, "You see when you explained your planned test I realized that this was also a way to test to see if there was truly a taitor among our forces~"

He was careful to not let his eyes fall onto Vathek but could just hear the galhot swearing inside his mind from his position, "I realized if there was a traitor they would likely act to prevent their comrades deaths so."

He gave a vicious chuckle, "I arranged it so the rebels escape went a bit smoother till they walked right into Crocs waiting jaws~"

"Is that the reason why the cellar guards reported a delay on the relay?" asked the prince "you let them think they were escaping but in reality..."

"in reality they were walking directly into my jaws" Croc interrupted with a smile.

Phobos narrowed his eyes not liking being interrupted

"Indeed you highness." Cedric said bowing his head, "And I do apologize for acting without your orders or permission...but."

Here he gave a subtle glance over at Vathek seeing the galhot tight grip on his axe as he stood guard in the throne room, "I thought with no way sure to confirm the traitors identity or even if there was one it was best to keep this little operation between Killer Croc and myself as the rebels fell into our trap."

"Ummmm" the prince hummed "well for the bodies the guards found at the swamp...i will say this little experiment of yours worked pretty well" he narrowed his eyes "but dont even think on hiding things from me again Cedric...i would start thinking you are planning things behind my back otherwise"

"Of course my liege." Cedric said in a humble tone bowing, "But have no fear I would never dream of doing so." He looked up and did his best to put his most honest expression, "I only live to serve you and ensure your reign prospers my Prince."

Phobos narrowed his eyes at him before turning to Croc.

"So...Killer Croc wasnt it?" he asked.

"Indeed your highness" said the Croc with a smile "So...did i pass your test?" he asked "Or do you have more rebels you want me to meet?"

Phobos rubbing his chin giving Killer Croc a silent critical gaze with several moments of silent tension filling the throne room before he deemed to speak up again, "While it wasn't the test I had planned."

He began before sending a dark smile down at Croc, "I can't deny the results are pleasing." He said with a ruthless chuckle, "Though I am disappointed that two of the prisoners are left alive with one escaping.."

He added in blunt tone and arched brow, "I won't deny the merits of her delivering a message of fear to the rebel traitors." He said with a shrug, "So for now consider yourself welcome into my service Killer Croc."

He said but added with narrowed eyes, "Though if you intend to keep the last traitor alive as your pet you will be the one responsible for her." He ordered in steely tone before putting his gaze onto Cedric, "Just like Cedric will take responsibility for you if you disappoint me or think about betraying your master."

The reptilian nodded.

"You dont have to worry your highness..i think i can keep my pet well behave" he then pulled up a scroll "in fact...she had this little gift for you" a guard moved to take the scroll and up to the prince "the names of all the traitor rebels she knows about that live in your capital city"

At this the guard and all others in the room froze in surprise as Phobos arched a brow after giving his own blink, "Oh?"

He said covering up any surprise fluidly with a amused smirk, "Perhaps there is merit to leaving the girl alive than.." He said with a chuckle getting up from his thrown before frowning, "That's if those names are really traitors?"

He asked in a hard tone before Cedric spoke up, "I believe we can trust her information my liege." He said before sending a amused smirk, "Especially considering how terrified the girl was when she was begging for her life~"

"Fear makes one tell the truth im sure you have quite the experience there" said Croc "Plus after telling her the reward for her loyalty to you she was more that eager to share this with us"

"And what pray tale was the promised reward?" Phobos asked with slight tone of curiosity as the stepped down and up to Croc taking the offered scroll, "Being allowed to live?"

"and end up as my personal slave yeah" the Croc laughed "What can i say...chicks dig the scales" he joked

"Yes...quite." Phobos said with a dry tone before opening the scroll to read the names, "Now lets see who will be facing the executioners axe shall we."

He said with a amused grin as he started to read off the names not seeing Vathek subtle glare at his back

"Well if that all i think will tell my new pet the good news about she staying and find some clothing for her" said Croc "call me when you have a mission for me or someone you want me to snap in two your highness"

Phobos gave a slight subtle glare at the casual disrespect but allowed it for now, "very well consider yourself dismissed."

He said with a eye roll as he began to make his way to the throne, "We'll discuss proper behavior to the one you serve later." He said with a mutter before giving a dark grin, "Right now i have traitors to track down and a apparent spy to flush out~"

"My lord" in that moment Vathek stepped forwards "allow me the honor of going to the city in your name and hunt these traitors"

Phobos gave a hum before Cedric spoke up, "Forgive me for speaking out of turn your highness." He said with a frown while placing his hands behind his back, "But considering we have now confirmed the presence of a traitor among your forces."

He narrowed his eyes, "And while I wouldn't dream of accusing Vathek after his years of...loyal service." He said with a subtle smirk, "Perhaps we should have this particular hunt handled by someone who's loyalty we know is assured and wasn't aware of your test for Killer Croc."

He cupped his chin before suggesting in a thoughtful hum, "Perhaps Frost or maybe the Tracker for example."

Phobos hummed in thought.

"Umm thats a good im sure Frost would enjoy a good hunt" said the prince "call him and make him take a squad of guards to hunt the traitors"

"Consider it done my liege~" Cedric shooting a smirk over at the Vathek, "In the meantime Vathek why don't you stay here and guard our lord."

He said with a evil grin, "After all i'm sure you can be trusted to protect him from anyone foolish enough to betray him or make a attempt on his life~"

He said as he left the throne room to carry out Phobos orders with a slight undertone of laughter in his tone

behind him Vathek growled in anger glaring hatefull at the retreating snake.

(With Croc)

The reptilian opened the door of his room with a smile noticing Piper sitting on his bed.

the room was wide...enough space for him to move without problems, a window with a direct view to the swamp bellow; it wasnt furnished much but it was fine for him.

"Good to see you are here" said the Croc "would have been quite a downer if you decided to escape" he entered the room

The girl glanced fearfully up at him, "I'm not a idiot." She muttered lowly rubbing her arms and glancing away, "I know that if I tried to escape now than i'm a dead woman walking."

She said in bitter tone before sighing, "If not by your teeth than by the rebellions swords." As she knew very well after selling out the rebel members she knew about than she had burnt any bridges between the rebellion and her not to mention her own brother

"Umm true...but hey its not like you had any loyalty to them to begin with" said Croc "Plus if your brother is captured we might work on something for him depending on your performance up to that point"

At that Piper found herself giving a weak grin, "Yeah..that sounds nice." She said in subdued tone before sighing as she looked down her feet, "That's if he hasn't already disowned me or sworn to kill be me for betraying the rebellion and our people."

She said with slight bitter mutter and undertone of hurt

Croc hummed..ok going sad wasnt on his least not this time.

"Sigh...well on a positive note" he said pulling a cloth he had on his arms "i found this for you" it was a brown dress with a reddish pinafore...a typical wear for the maids on the castle "couldnt find shoes because i didnt know your size but think this will be enough for now"

Piper gave a blink examining the outfit as she stood up, "It looks...nice." She said unsure what to say before saying to herself mostly, "Suppose if i'm going to be a personal servant and maid need to look the part."

She expressed with slight sigh before sending Croc a tentative smile, "Thank you...sir."

"No problem, although if i was you i wouldnt thank me yet" he added with a dangerous glim on his eyes

Piper gulped taking a step back, "" She asked with slight stutter while not liking the look in his eyes and by some instinct found herself folding her arms over her breasts

"Umm i wasnt kidding when i said i found you attractive" said the Croc approaching the bed "and i think after sparing your life and letting you stay her i deserve a...small reward" he added setting the dress in the bed

Piper felt her eyes as a chill rolled down her spine, "W-what..kinda..of reward?" She found herself asking hoping he didn't mean what she thought he meant

"Hehehe dont worry is not fully what you think" he laughed "i just hope to see..and touch a bit...nothing more...nothing less"

Piper gave another gulp, "V-very..well." She said with a slight stutter and undertone of fear at what might happen if she refuse, " you want me to do...sir?"

The Croc hummed.

"Lets start easy" he said "stand up in front of me and take off those boots and your pants"

"As you..wish." Piper said with a low tone and moved to do just that with a embarrassed flush.

And once she stood in front of him she proceeded to kick off her boots showing her brown sock covered feet before unbuckling her pants and dropping them down to her ankles revealing her laid bare lower body and her lack of undergarments before looking nervously over at Croc reaction

Croc was actually growling in delight...the girl was really pretty.

"Not bad..." he said with a smile "although will probably need to find you a nice pair of bloomers unless you like being naked under your clothes" he said with a joking manner

The girl blushed looking down her feet as she muttered embarrassed, "They've always itched and felt uncomfortable." She admitted with her glowing face at what happening though despite the circumstance and who and what was eying up her body she did strangely find herself enjoying the compliment

"Umm well i suppose everyone have their tastes" he smiled "Now the me those breasts"

If possible Piper turned even redder as she placed her hands at the bottom of her bikini top and pulled it up before taking it off and throwing to the ground letting Croc see her bare tits for the first time with her looking away shyly

"Oh my..." the reptilian actually looked excited "i will say you are one pretty girl my dear Piper" he chuckled "bet plenty of rebels hit on you"

Piper though blushing gave a annoyed look as she snorted, "Pfft thanks but most of the boys I dealt with in the rebellion seemed more interested in helpless damsels they could impress with their battle tales than me."

She said with a bitter undertone as the most complimented she got was with drunks at camp

"Ummm interesting...oh well their lost i think" said Croc "Now come closer my dear"

Piper gave a gulp but followed the order silently as she stepped up to Croc looking down at her feet as she stood a foot away from him as he sat on his bed

Slowly the Croc brought a hand up. its sharp claw-tip graced the girl´s left nipple

Piper gave a soft gasp feeling a strange chill falling down her body at her touch feeling both afraid...but also excited? NO! That couldn't be right...could it?

"Ummm you have a nice pair" Croc said drawing circles on her nipple "Not too big not too small...just perfect"

"AH!" Piper let out in a yelp before finding herself giving out a loud groan, "uMMMMHMMM..tHAnk..yOU!" She said with moaning yelp while biting her lips

Croc laughed hearing her moans.

"Relax my dear after all we will be doing this often so learn to enjoy it" he added pinching a nipple and giving it a quick tug

"UMMmm..OfTEN!?" Piper squealed out in question finding her body flush at his actions as she gave a gulp asking herself imaging what else he might have planned for her

"Hehehe well as long as his highness doesnt sent me to a mission" he added letting her breast go and move his finger downwards caressing her skin towards her belly

Piper let out another gulp, "Ummma..and..and." She gasped out closing her eyes, "Exactly do you plan to do with me?" She asked with a nervous undertone of fear and worry yet also a tinge of curiosity shown in her eyes

Croc smiled.

"For now...not much" he added his fingers stopping on her belly-button "unless you want me to go further" he added

"Um..I..ah." Piper stuttered out with a blushing face actually finding herself tongue tied and unsure what to say in response to that

"Hehehe dont worry i like to be kind to those i like" said the Croc moving his hand away and standing up "you are a pretty girl...and i like we will go further when you are ready" he added "For now get dressed and go find the kitchen...bring me something to eat and drink"

Piper gave a bow of her head, "As you wish..sir." She said once again adding sir in unsure tone as she turned to her new maid uniform to get dressed and set about her task.

While silently asking herself while she felt strangely....disappointed~

And as the servant set out to fulfill her new position else where in the castle the soul that found himself as Cedric had undressed and was only wearing a pair of dark green pants and was currently laying back in the bed

Processing recent events while waiting for someone who was due to arrive back to the castle today after her latest mission for the prince.

It was good that he had someone else in this mess who in the same boat he could rely on, and his old online friend at that.

But if he was really going to survive through the show once things kicked off he needed to secure and tilt thinga bit more in his favor starting by cementing more help.



And at the sound of the door knocking he smirked thinking speak of the devil, "Miranda come in my dear i've been expecting you~"

"Excuse me lord...Lord Cedric!!!" a girl with short black hair wearing a yellow plain dress in green attachments entered the room...only to notice the dressing state of the man inside "I...i...Im sorry!!!" she turned around blushing like crazy "i didnt know you were changing

"Miranda please." Cedric shot a girl a grin, "Please no need to be embarrassed come in come in." He said raising up from the chair grinning at her, "After all i've practically raised you since you were little so there's no harm in seeing me like there?" He asked sending her a teasing grin

"I...welll....ummmm" the girl looked embarrassed as she tried to think in any excuse...although part of her really wanted to turn and admire the physic of her lord

"Hehe ah you always were so cute when you were embarrassed~" Cedric with a chuckle before smirking at her, "But please Miranda close the door and come in.." He gestured over at his bed, "Make yourself comfortable~"

"I...sure Lord Cedric" she said closing the door and walking to his bed "I...ummm i heard you were successful in your mission" the girl said sitting down and trying to keep down the ecstatic she felt

she was in her lord´s bed

"Hehe that I was my dear." Cedric said smiling over at her while subtle examining her form and he had to admit Miranda while not getting that much spotlight till season 2 was a looker, "I even made a new friend in the process."

He said before giving a slight laugh, "Though knowing you my dear i'm sure you learned about this before even stepping foot into the castle~"

Miranda looked at him in confusion.

"Friend?" she asked before looking away again at the sight of his naked chest "i dont think i have heard you before use that term in anyone" the girl said

Cedric paused for a moment before giving his most convincing mouse full sigh, "That's because until now the only people I believe I could trust are right in this room."

He smiled at her, "But I believe after you Killer Croc is the person I can trust the most."

Miranda was about to smile at the idea her lord thoughts on her as trustworthy when he mentioned the name of their guess "Killer Croc? Is that his name? Who is he anyways?" she asked "All i have heard is about them being some big lizard"

"He's a new arrival to Meridian." Cedric began to explain, "He's actually from Earth through circumstances even he isn't fully sure of."

He than shook his head as he added, "And much like ourselves and our people he knows very well what it's like to be treated as a outsider and monster."

Miranda looked up at that in surprise.

"Really? could it be the veil weakening? Does the time of the princess draw near?" she asked

"Indeed I believe so " Cedric said with a smirk and despite the danger in the path ahead he couldn't help but feel anticipation for it as well, "And as such I need to have a serious talk with you my dear."

"What..what do you need my lord" asked the girl wondering what his (secret) love will tell her

Cedric gave a hum before asking his own question, "Remind me my dear how long have we know each other." He stepped up and gently cupped her cheek, "And what am I to you?"

He asked with a arched brow

At that Miranda froze.

"What you are well umm" she coughed "We have known each other for years...since i was well...little" the girl said "and you are my...ummm" she took a breath "my..." she tried to said something but seem to regret it "my...ehh my lord and my superior" she finally said

"Really?" He asked with a raised brow, "Is that all I am to you my dear?"

Gently running his thumb over her cheek, "I hope i was like a father or perhaps at least a mentor to you after practical raising you~" He said with somewhat teasing grin

I...umm Lord Cedric...i" she tremble "you know...i are my superior...and..."

"I'm more than your superior Miranda." He gave her a intense look staring into her eyes, "I'm the man who took you in, saved you as a child, and taught you everything you know."

He said before sighing, "I'm also a fool and coward who's kept you at arms length."

"What?!!!" she looked scandalized, "My lord you are not a coward nor a fool!!" she said wondering why her lord was saying those things

"Hehe aren't I?" He asked with a arched brow, "If I wasn't a coward I wouldn't be afraid of taking a risk and trusting you more." He looked into her eyes, "And If I wasnt a fool I wouldn't have ignore something very special that's been right in front of me for so long."

"What? what are you talking about?" she asked feeling nervous, afraid, doubtful and other things at the same time

"Miranda.." He gave her a hard look, "If I asked you to choose between me or Phobos right now what would be your answer?" He asked in reply

"You my lord!" she quickly said "i will choose you everytime" she finished with a blush

Cedric smirked, "And that my dear my dear is why I've been a coward and a fool." He said with a smirk, "For not seeing more than a student or adopted daughter.."

He bent down and inched his face closer to Miranda's, "And for not doing this sooner." He said before locking his lips onto hers

"Ummmm?!!!!" Miranda´s eyes opened wide...was her lord...her hero...kissing her?!!! was she dreaming?!!!

Cedric took initiative licking st her lips probing it for entrance as he bent down and ran his hand through her hair

"Ummm ummm" dream or not she didnt care as her hands moved to wrap around his neck and return the kiss with fervor

Cedric himself wasted no time in deepening the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her letting himself fall to the bed with her

"Ummmm!" she didnt complained as both hit the mantress as she responded his kissing; her body pressing against him as they rolled with her on top of him

"Hmm Miranda ~" Cedric purred breaking the kiss only to lick up the side her neck,"Will you truly serve me above Phobos and devote yourself to only me?" He asked before biting down onto her neck

"Ah ahhh my yours...mind, body and heart!!!" she cried stranding her legs on his lap

Cedric smirked as he felt up her legs, "Would you follow my every order, debase, and humiliate yourself for my pleasure?" He asked giving her thigh a squeeze

"Ahhh Lord Cedric....i..." she blushed in embarrassment "I will do anything for you..." she added "I will kill myself and others if you order it"

"Anything huh?" Cedric repeated as he smirked up at her while rubbing and squeezing her legs through her dress, "Even if it meant treason against the Prince." He arched a brow as he asked in her in a serious tone, "Would you betray Phobos for me?"

That gave her a pause.

"Betray...the prince?" asked the girl "but...didnt you say he was our best option? arent you his closer ally?"

Cedric gave a momentary frown that he quickly hid at this indeed recalling this from the original Cedric's memories, "Indeed I did and true I am." He gave her a serious look gazing up at her eyes, "But with the viel weakening I have been considering that it might be best reconsider are options."

He narrowed his eyes, "And set some insurance for ourselves should Phobos fall, or not live up to our initial expectations."

Miranda thoguht on that.

that was true with the veil weakening it was obvious the lost princess was to she would like nothing more that end the one with the blood of her people´s torturers...but if Phobos was to fall.

" would we gain the favor of the princess?" she asked "she probably was trained to hate us like their parents before her"

Cedric however shot her a smug smirk, "Ah but that's the thing my dear~" He let out a chuckle, "The prince believes that his sister as additional protection she was kept ignorant to her true identity, heritage, and even Meridian."

Something he knew for a fact was all true though this move backfired on everyone in canon he thought as he flashed a evil smile, "Which means.." He trailed off waiting for Miranda to pick up on his train of thought

She blinked.

"Which means...she could be persuaded into taking OUR SIDE if we convince her to do so"

"Hehe precisely~" Cedric said with a slight hiss of pleasure with a wide smirk, "And just imagine the looks on the rebels faces if the Princess would not only try to help our kind, but honor the two of us as heroes~"

He said with a laugh at the image of horrified shock on Caleb face at such a scenario~

"That.....oh my" a dangerous smile grew on her face "that will be delightful" she purred

"Hehe quite~" Cedric said smirking while he resume rubbing her legs, "Which is why I intend to steadily gain not only her trust once she is found."

His grin widen, "But also the trust of the next generation of guardians." He said before giving out a snort, "After all with Kandrakar interference with putting up a viel i'd be surprised if they didn't send their tools against the prince."

" plan to get the guardians?" the black haired girl couldnt believe her ears "My lord...thats crazy...i mean i know you could but still..."

"Crazy perhaps." Cedric agreed with a nod before sending a smirk, "But just crazy enough to work~"

He said with a silent laugh, "Why just imagine what I could do if I gain the trust and backing not just the princess but the guardians of kandrakar."

A large grin grew on his face, "And perhaps even go beyond trust~" He said with a subtle note of desire as he squeeze Miranda leg as a certain guardian leader flashed through his mind

"Ummmmm" she held back a moan "What? What are you saying?" she asked with some fear and...jealousy? in her tone

"Oh nothing." Cedric with faux tone of innocence before sending a devious grin, "It' just if any of the Guardians are as fetching to the eye as you than."

He let out a devious chuckle, "Than love and desire would be a excellent path to gaining trust~"

"No!!!!" cried the girl pushing her face closer to his "You are mine you hear me mine!!!!" she cried before realizing what she just said

Cedric while amused at her reaction narrowed his eyes, "I think you've got the roles reversed my dear." He said before letting his hand fall hard onto the ass of the girl sitting on him SMACK, "You belong to me!"

He said with a lustful growl squeezing her ass through her dress

"Ahhhhhh!!! Lord....Lord Cedric?" she looked down in lust and confusion..did he mean...

"You are mine Miranda." Cedric repeated in a growl sending her a fang filled grin, "Mine to use as I see fit~" He said kneading her ass, "You have been my student and daughter but now."

He let loose a dark perverted laugh, "You will be my lover, my slut, my slave~" He said shooting her a grin, "And I am your master!" He said giving her ass another good hit as he started to lay down the law SMACK!

"Ahhhhh!!!" the girl moaned...could it be? Did her lord, her master, her hero...actually want her? He wanted her as his lover


His slave?

"Ahhhh Lord Cedric!!!!"

"And as your master Miranda." Cedric began to explain before hitting her ass again SMACK! "I'm very well within in my rights to claim other women if I desire!" He said with narrowed gaze and gleam SMACK!

"Ah...ah ...AHHHHH!!!!" Miranda cried and moaned with each hit

SMACK "Is that clear Miranda?" Cedric asked with narrowed gaze, "If I ask you to watch as I have my way with one of the guardians than order you to eat my seed from her pussy you.." He trailed off at the end awaiting her answer SMACK

"Ahhhhhh!!!! I...i do it..." she answered

SMACK "That's right~" Cedric said with a pleased hiss grinning at her, "And you love it~" SMACK

"Why you might even enjoy having harem sisters or sister wives around~" He added smirking at her, "you might even come to love them almost as much as me~"

"Ahhh ahhhh Lord Cedric ahhh!!!! she cried feeling her ass sting with each hit

"Hehe you are so cute when you cry my name~" Cedric said with a smirk before giving her ass a squeeze, "Why don't you take off that dress so I can see your lovely body Miranda~"

"My body...ummmm..." she blushed "this is just a human doesnt really have much" she added knowing her current form wasnt exactly appealing to males

"Hehe i'll be the judge of that~" Cedric said with a smirk, "And our human forms is as much as you and part of us as our other forms remember that my dear."

"Ummmm" she sat on his lap and brought his hands to the knocks on the front of her dress..undoing them one by one until the dress came undone and slipped down her arms showing her naked body

she wasnt wearing underwear under her dress

Cedric eyes gleamed as he examined her form and found himself licking his lips, "Beautiful~" He said raising his hand and giving her breast a squeeze, "And it's all mine~" He said with a dark purr

"Ummm ahhhh Lord Cedric" Miranda cried " not much...but...thanks for wanting it ahhh"

"How could I not want it?" Cedric asked with a grin giving her lips with a peck, "How could I not want to make a beautiful girl like you into my mewling slut and slave~" He said lowering his head and giving her breast a lick

"Uggg ahhh My master ahhh my lord" she said in delight

"That's right~" Cedric with a purr, "As of now you're my property to do with as I please~" He gave her a wide evil grin licking at her breast nipple, "Your first priority above all else will be my happiness and safety~

"Yes YES!!!" cried the girl "im yours yours forever!!!"

"And you want other women to learn the joy and experience the bliss that comes from being my property don't you?~" Cedric asked with a dark grin as he grabbed onto her right nipple and gave it a hard twist

"Kyyyaaaaa I...i want to serve you" said Miranda "if...if getting others make you happy....ahhhh"

"Hehe it will~" Cedric said grinning at her, "But worry i'll still have plenty of love to give you my sexy little spider~" He said giving her lips a kiss

"Ummm ummmm!!!" the girl moaned to his kiss trying to kiss back with all the love she had for the man

Cedric himself wrapped his arms around her deepening and savoring the kiss and the taste of Miranda as he rubbed her back

"Umm ummm" the girl couldnt help but try grind her pussy against his lap out of her lust

"Now my dear~" Cedric smirked at her, "What say I finish claiming you and making you mine?~"

"Claim me?" Miranda blushed "Yes...take me Lord Cedric!! make me yours and only yours!!!!"

"Hehe I will~" Cedric said with a purr, "But first lets get rid of the clothes shall we." He said looking down at his pants and Miranda own clothes which had pooled around her waist sides.

"Ummm yes master" said Miranda pushing her dress off and trowing it away leaving her naked on his lap "would...would you like help to do so?"

"Hehe why not~" Cedric said with a amused smirk, "Be a good little slut and remove your masters pants~"

"Umm yes...master" she said crawling back a bit and putting a hand on the waistband of his pants gulping as she pushed them down causing his cock to spring on her face "Kyaaa!!!"

At Miranda exclamation Cedric found himself laughing, "What's the matter my dear?" He smirked at her, "Bigger than you expected?"

"Its...big..." she said with stars on her eyes "big...and warm..." she couldnt help but touch it

"Hmm and it's so pleased to meet you my dear~" He said with a amused smirk, "Why don't you give it a little kiss~"

"Ummm" Miranda looked at the meat rod and gave it a peak in its tip

"Hmm that's it my dear~" Cedric smirked at her, "Kiss it, lick it, worship it." He hissed out, "Consider it your reason for living even~"

"Ummm" she licked up its length before putting in inside her mouth sucking with gusto

"Hmm yes..yes." Cedric let out in a pleased groan while internally wondering why the "real" Cedric never did something like this before oh well his loss my gain. He thought with a smirk as he ran his hand through Miranda hair, "Suck it my dear, suck it like you want it~"

"Umm ummm Lord Cedric ummmm" she moaned sucking up and down his cock

"Hmm Miranda~" Cedric said with his grunt as he started to buck his hips and face fuck her

"Umm umm ummm" The girl moaned as she kept sucking on his master cock...any dream she had before paled to this...her master...her lord...he wanted her.

her pussy began dripping because her excitement

"Hmm so eager~" Cedric said with a grunt as he held her head in place with his hand as he face fucked, "How long have you dreamt of this?" He asked aloud smirking down at her, "How many nights have you pleasured yourself thinking about me?"

"Umm ummmmm long...TOO LONG ummmmm" she said sucking harder "i just dreamed and prayed one day you will do this" she stroked his cock "Order me...take me...anything i dont yours my lord!!"

"Hmm and i'm going to order you to do so many things~" Cedric said with a grunt and pleased hum, "I might even fuck you on Phobos throne if we can manage it~" He said with a grin at the mental image of it though he might have to wait till Phobos is dealt with to have that fantasy happen

"Ummmm!!!" more juices dripped out at the idea "My king!!!" she purred in delight

"King.." Cedric mused with a grin at that, "The idea sounds promising~" He said with a chuckle before grinning down at her, "But honestly as long as i'm living in luxury surrounded by women like you I could care less about having power~"

He said running his hand through her hair

Miranda looked at him with love and lust in her eyes.

"I want you my king...i want you to take me" she added moving up and rubbing her wet snatch against his hard cock

"Hmm and how does my slut want her king to take her?" He asked with a dark amused smirk as he reached around and hit Miranda's ass SMACK followed by giving it a squeeze.

"Ahhh whatever he here to serve!!!" she cried in delight

"Than climb on the bed and show me your cute sexy butt~" Cedric said with a growl, "I think i'll deflower you like a dog~" He said giving the side of her neck a lick

The gril blushed but id as she was told falling on four on the bed.

" this my lord?" she added shaking her booty for him

SMACK! "Exactly like that my dear~" Cedric said with a hiss of pleasure as he hit her ass and rubbed his cock between her butt cheeks, "Now who does this ass belong to?" SMACK!

"Ahhh to you!!!!" cried the girl but not in pain but in delight

SMACK!" "That's right!" Cedric roared as he thrust his cock forward straight into Miranda pussy completely claiming her as his and his alone~

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Miranda cried at the sudden intrusion.

her insides felt like they were ripped open yet she just smiled...her lord...her king has claimed her as her mate...her dream come true!!!!

"Hmm so tight!" Cedric said with a groan and wide grin as he wasted no time in bucking his hips as fast as he could as he fucked her as hard as he could SMACK!

"Ah ah ah yes ah ah ah more my lord ah ah ah break me make me yours!!!!" the girl moaned

"Hmm yes i'll break you~" Cedric said with a lustful growl hitting her ass SMACK! "When i'm done with you all you'll be able to think of is my cock and seed filling you!" He roared increasing his pace fucking her harder like a wild animal caught in the lust of passion and desire

The gril´s moans grew more and more as her mind sunk into ecstasy and lust

"Urg yes~" Chase grunted out as he began to slam his cock faster and harder into Moon, "Do you feel that~" He asked with a wide grin, "That's the pleasure of being fucked by a real man!" He roared with lust smiling wide, "Of being conquered by a real warrior!"

SMACK! "As of now you're my slut!" SMACK! "My slave!" SMACK! "MY FUCK TOY!" SMACK!

"Ah ah ah ah YES!!! I AM FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU!!!" she cried in delight

SMACK! "That's right you are whore!" Cedric snapped with a wide grin, "And you're only the first of more sluts to follow!" SMACK!

He exclaimed with lustful desire after all like he told Miranda earlier if the guardians were attractive why not go the extra mile to ensure his future was safe and secured with a touch of seduction

And the image of Will Vandom on her knees perhaps with her mother next to her begging for his cock certainly was a exciting one


SMACK!" "That's right!" Cedric roared out, "And what I wish is...TO FUCK YOU LIKE THE SLUT YOU ARE"!" He rared gripping her ass cheeks in his hands as he bucked his hips as hard and fast as he could


SMACK! "FUCK!" Cedric yelled with a loud groan closing his eyes, "YOU LOVE THIS!" SMACK! "YOU LOVE GETTING FUCKED LIKE THE SLUT YOU ARE!" SMACK!

"YES!!!!! YEEESSS!!!!" Miranda cried in delight enjoying how hie was pummeling her womb with his cock "MORE!!!!"

SMACK! "FUCK I SHOULD FUCK YOU IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE KINGDOM!" Cedric roared feeling Miranda pussy tighten around his cock and also felt himself on the verge of his release, "SO THEY CAN ALL SEE WHAT A WHORE YOU ARE, AND WHO OWNS YOU!"


SMACK! "AND THEY CAN A REAL MAN KNOCK A SLUT UP!" He roared unable to hold back his release anymore as he shot his load deep into Miranda pussy.


"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Miranda moaned feeling his seed filling her making her cum too

SMACK! "HMM..FUCK!" Cedric groaned gripping Miranda ass hard to steady himself as he let out a groan, "Such a good fuck~" He said with a pleased smirk giving her ass another hit SMACK!

"Ah ah ah master" she said with lost tone her face falling on the mattress with a lost look

Hehe and don't you forget it~" Cedric said before he crawled forward and laid himself down by her side, "But while i'm tempted to fuck you all night long i think you've earned a rest."

He began to grow a devious smirk, "Tomorrow we can talk more about our potential options and plan the best course of action going forward regarding the lost princess~"

" lord" Miranda mumbled as slowly she fell asleep

Cedric himself leaned back closing his eyes unable to believe everything that had happen to him in past few days since waking up as Lord Cedric. But one thing he did know now was he was not only determined to survive and come out through the series events alive, but also thriving.

And he shot a smirk down at Miranda wrapping his arms around her, with as many girls he desired as possible~

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