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Capítulo 56: chapter 51

Chapter 18 Landing on the Island

Chapter 208 Landing on the Island

The light of the lighthouse is so obvious and warm in the dim environment, guiding the passenger ship into the port and about to berth at the pier.

The three-day sea journey from Damir Port to Olavi Island was a rare tranquility in Klein's life since he said goodbye to Tingen. There were no extraneous things during these three days, only the same vast sea and canned food.

Tristan Eugen, he turned out to be the V of the previous generation... Looking away from the crimson ripples hanging above the long bronze table, Klein grabbed the "Secret" holy book at hand and quickly looked through it. With the remaining memory, I found a page from "The Biography of the Saint".

This saint who is suspected to have been named by "Mystery" and inherited the name of a certain Knight of the Round Table on Earth is not only the same generation as Zaratul, whom Klein is familiar with, but also has a deep connection with the Abraham family, which is much silent in modern times. contact.

In addition to the inheritance based on blood relations within the family, the Abraham family also popularized the master-apprentice system. Tristan was an "apprentice" who once followed Abraham...

But Mr. "The Hanged Man" said that Tristan Eugen's ability is very similar to that of "Puppet Master", and he is also accompanied by a demigod who may be a "lawyer"... Rubbing his chin, Ke Ryan made a bold guess.

Between adjacent paths, limited exchanges can be made at the level of Sequence Four, which is the threshold for becoming a demigod.

Tristan Eugen claimed that he had just ended his three-hundred-year slumber before taking over the task of protecting Mr. "The Hanged Man", but he was relatively high in the ranking of "The Legend of the Saint", and other characters who appeared in the same period Almost all of them are powerful men who became famous in the early fifth era...

This shows that he had already become a demigod at the beginning of the Fifth Era. The three hundred years of sleeping, which happened to be the three hundred years when the codename V was cut off, should be the time for him to jump to the adjacent path and advance to the next sequence. Time spent...

What kind of ceremony could it take that takes so long?

If he really jumped to the "divineer" path, the "divineer" sequence three... Klein suddenly felt the urge to follow the example of his predecessor and change paths.

In three hundred years, when he becomes Sequence Three, even if he finds his way home, he may not be able to return to the era he was in.

However, the high-sequence rituals of "Apprentice" and "Stealer" won't be too easy... Klein's thoughts changed and his movements paused for a moment.

He didn't understand the "apprentice". The "Stealer" path was clearly controlled by Amon. Legend has it that this son of God was quite willful. After several epochs, the entire path was almost destroyed by him, leaving not much wild characteristics left.

I have no contact with Amon, so I don't know what his attitude towards me is... Since Tristan chose "divineer", it means that in his opinion, the promotion of "apprentice" and "thief" is even more difficult than that of "divineer" "Sequence Three, otherwise there is no reason to explain his choice..."

Klein raised his finger, and the solidified crimson ripples circulated again.

"Stay present, this is your chance."

He put his posture of sitting on the gray mist, nodding and speaking, into the stars that symbolized the "Hanged Man".

Immediately afterwards, he ignored how the "Hanged Man" reacted. After confirming through the "real vision" above the gray fog that Tristan had not done anything to the "Hanged Man", he dispersed the people in front of him. The ripples spread spiritually and touched another crimson star.

"Mr. Fool, recently a suspected member of the Psychological Alchemy Society is trying to contact me through certain noble channels."

"I tend to join them, but only if I can ensure my own safety."

"I'd like to hear your opinion on this."

Looking at the picture formed after the stars exploded, there was a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. Even if her appearance was blurred, it could not hide her beauty. Many thoughts flashed through Klein's mind.

He felt a little amused.

Why do two of them want to be 25 boys recently?

The Tarot Society is almost turning into a spy organization!

"If you think it's appropriate, you can do it."

"If you encounter difficulties, don't hesitate to seek help at a Tarot session."

The whistle roared, and a huge amount of steam sprayed upward from it, forming a large area of ​​milky white above the ship, reflecting the crimson moonlight.

As the steamer docked, the entire hull shook as the steam engine went out. Rosago finally saw the previously closed guest room door click open.

The stern-faced Gehrman Sparrow held a leather suitcase in one hand and clicked the civilized staff in his palm.

"Were you dressing her up just now?"

Noticing the "Pleasure Witch" whose appearance had changed quite a bit at first glance, Rosal folded her hands, held her chin and clicked her tongue in surprise.

"A very good idea."

"At sea, many people from the northern continent will buy several indigenous or southern continent women as mistresses. Balam-style robes and veils can indeed conceal the characteristics of witches to a certain extent. This kind of treatment will not appear at sea. Very strange."

He glanced at Klein and Marionette Giorgia approvingly, and then pointed to the corridor.

"Get off the boat first, we have things to do tonight."

When the two of them had just boarded the ship heading to Olave Island, Klein had handed over the power to arrange the subsequent itinerary to Rosago.

After all, he was not familiar with the Five Seas, and he had no idea about the distribution of forces among the islands. Rather than making a blind decision, it would be better to leave the choice to more professional people.

Entering the state of disguise, Rosago turned into a waiter who bowed under the skirt of a noble lady. The four of them blended into the crowd, followed the pace of the passengers in front, and walked slowly down the boat.

It wasn't until he got off the last gangway and walked out of the seaside flood embankment where a lot of luggage and goods were piled up. When he saw that the flow of people was dwindling, Rosago silently moved half a body forward and lowered his voice to communicate with Klein.

"This is Loen's military base, but it's not just Loen."

Rosago half-hidden his words, but Klein had no intention of passing it over in confusion.

He smelled the deeper entanglement hidden underneath, and motioned Rosago to continue with his eyes.

"Well, you don't know about things at sea."

Rosago smiled.

"Olavi Island, many of the Loen people living here are descendants of past prisoners."

"There are all kinds of crimes committed. Some of these prisoners are sentenced to life imprisonment, and some are only sentenced to ten or twenty years. When they are released from prison, they will still be legal citizens protected by the Loen government."

"In order to nourish the ever-expanding military base, when the Loen government developed Oravi Island, it eliminated most of the extraordinary creatures on it, and moved in batches after batches of extraordinary creatures from other surrounding islands and from the southern continent. The natives were used as slaves, opened plantations, formed labor teams, and transformed this place into a semi-military and semi-open colony like other colonial islands."

"Those Loen people who were released from prison were also absorbed by the navy stationed here and became the assistants of the Loen Navy in managing the indigenous people."

"But there are pros and cons to this decision, and prisoners, if they behaved themselves, would not be sent to a place like this."

On the salty road, Rosago looked at the Governor's Mansion in the distance.

"Like pirates, the restless hearts of these prisoners have attracted faiths other than the Church of Storms."

"Today on Olavi Island, there are the 'Life Sect' who believe in fate and the red moon, the 'Celestial Body Sect' who is secretly linked to the 'Rose School', and the Death God Faith who came with the indigenous slaves..."

He couldn't help but frown as he looked at the neat white row buildings that accommodated the colonial government and were incompatible with the surrounding dilapidated and backward environment. He looked in the direction of the larger naval base behind the official residence.

"What's even more terrible is that the Loen armored fleet plan has achieved considerable success. In addition to the demigod originally stationed here by the Loen military, that is, the 'Spellweaver' Emilius Levitt, another one has recently been transferred. The senior deacon of the Church of Storms is here."

"As you know, the Church of Storms is quite conservative internally, and it is difficult to penetrate into the top management. It is still unclear who will be sent here."

"From the most pessimistic point of view, it could be a Sequence 4 'Disaster Priest', or it could be an 'Ocean Singer' who has mastered a dangerous sealed artifact. There are many candidates who meet this standard."

In other words, in the worst case scenario, there will be two hostile demigods on Olavi Island... Klein nodded seriously and asked immediately.

"Fusac people, Olavi Island is the frontier of maritime friction between Fusac and Loen."

"Didn't Fusac take any corresponding action?"

According to the information in Rosago's hands, there are many beliefs on Olavi Island, and the navy of Rune can only barely control them. Otherwise, with the style of the "Storm Lord", he will never allow other gods to nourish him. territory.

Since other faiths can still exist on Olavi Island, it shows the instability here.

An unstable and strategically important colonial island, would the Fusac people have any other ideas?

"The Fusac people?" Rosago was stunned for a moment, "They are still building their own armored ships. In addition to challenging gang wars, the 'Warrior' path basically has no advantage against the believers of the storm at sea. How can there be any? action?"

This is a no-brainer!

When technology and extraordinary fell behind others, even the brutal and bellicose Fusac had to temporarily cease his activities.

Rosago's words convinced Klein, but when he thought about it, Klein remembered the rumors he heard from "Rat" in the Feiyu Bar that day, and he had other ideas.

Rumor has it that "Vice Admiral Twilight" and "Admiral Blood" had a lot of friction, which would reach an irreconcilable level, and the two sides fought many times.

"Vice Admiral Dusk" is supported by Fusac and the Church of God of War, and the "Mother Tree of Desire" believed by "Admiral of Blood" Senior is also involved in Oravi Island...

Moreover, isn't Will Auceptin the speaker of the "School of Life"?

How could his followers still have faith in the Red Moon in addition to destiny?

After completely stepping into the Aurora Society, Klein realized that in addition to the goddess of night who claimed to be the incarnation of the Red Moon, the "Mother Tree of Desire" or the "Primordial Moon" also had the authority of the Red Moon, just like the ancestor of the blood race.

Looking at the hotel getting closer and closer in front of him, he suddenly slowed down.

"Can I ask about the recent whereabouts of 'Vice Admiral Dusk' and 'Admiral Blood'?"

"What do you want to do?"

Rosago was startled by his question.

The "Secret Puppet Master" looked around vigilantly, and asked the secret puppet Minerva to switch to alert mode, and her low-pressure voice sounded a little more warning than before.

"Mr. Divine Envoy, I admit that you are my superior, but when it comes to the archipelago issue, I am more professional than you!"

"This is Roen's military base. Aren't we still going to Bayam's headquarters?"

"It was already very dangerous to act rashly on the Queen Matilda!"

Rosago didn't want to think too much, he just wanted to complete the task safely.

Compared with the descendants of the Zaratul family and the Antigonus family, he does not have too many ambitions. He is very satisfied with the current situation. He thinks that he can work like this for a few more years, apply to work in Trier, and go to Trenso. Whether it is in St. Petersburg, it is a good choice for retirement.

What to do when you have nothing to do?

Seeing Rosago's attitude, although he didn't want to admit it, Klein suddenly missed Jerry Zaratul.

At least that guy always agrees with my thoughts... His expression darkened.

"You don't need to be responsible. This is an additional task."

"Where is the contact point of the Life Council in Olavi?"

Moving his palms, the brown eyes under the lenses were faintly glowing with blood red, and Klein showed an irresistible dictatorship everywhere.

"I don't know." Rosago shook his head.

He suddenly became much more determined and repeated again.

"I don't know, sir."

"I won't tell you either."

Their eyes met. Klein stared at Rosago for a while, turned his head, and walked back to the hotel. Rosago also breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what the god's envoy thinks, his attitude is correct, and no matter what happens next, it will not harm him.

This is enough.

"Dear Mr. Azik."

"I have received your letter... The Aurora Society and Zaratul have agreed to introduce you and are willing to help you collect the legacy left by the God of Death... However, they said that before the true creator gives more specific instructions, They and you will only stay at the most basic mutual benefit, and deeper and more secret cooperation will all wait for that person's will..."

Replying to the previous teacher's reply, UU Reading Klein paused for a moment with the pen he was holding.

He hesitated for a moment and added another sentence after the text that was ready for signature.

"...I hope to get a messenger of my own and would like to ask you for some knowledge in this area..."

"Best wishes to your devoted student, Klein Moretti."

Blowing the cold and soft copper whistle, the Bone Messenger hung upside down and reorganized from the ceiling blocks, stretched out his palm and took the letter handed over by Klein.

The air in the hotel room suddenly became cold, and then quickly returned to normal.

However, Klein, who sent the letter, did not put away the pen and paper. He quickly took out a new piece of letter paper, spread it on the desk, and started writing again.

There was no header in this letter, no extra words of respect or euphemism, it was straight to the point.

"I need your assessment of each pirate general."

After writing, the flesh and blood in the palm of his right hand squirmed, and he spit out a black iron-colored badge.

Klein cut his finger and dripped blood on the badge. With a few awkward chants, the entire badge suddenly came to life.

Blackness surged on the metal surface, and the invisible shadow came to life, like flesh and blood. It straightened its body, opened its mouth, and swallowed the letter on the table in one gulp.


There was an obvious swallowing sound, and the iron badge turned into a dead thing again.

Klein, whose eyes were shining with spiritual light, shook his head, and many worms came out of his right hand again, covering the badge on the table.

He thought he could clearly see the messengers used by the Aurora Society.

Transition chapter...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 19 Details determine success or failure

Chapter 209 Details determine success or failure

In the dream, the night before dawn was quiet, and the workhouse that welcomed back its protector seemed to have returned to its original peace.

Kohler, who was on duty tonight, was holding an old lantern. The cracked glass cover reflected the light from the candle wick, lighting up the dark corridor.

He opened a door and saw the Tuvalu brother and sister cuddling on the same bed.

Although the conditions in the courtyard are difficult, the most basic gender differentiation has been made in the accommodation area. Kohler raised his arm and used the light from the lantern to illuminate the two sleeping brothers and sisters in turn. In the dream, I am still fighting against the cruel reality of life.

Praise the goddess, thank you for the blessing of the night and the earth... Kohler sighed, suppressed the sound made by his feet, and carefully stepped out without making any noise.

After the damn smog, he and his younger sister, Moura, among the Tuvalu brothers and sisters, received fairly good treatment thanks to subsidies from the church. The little girl, who had been sick all this time, barely escaped the pursuit of death and seemed to be still alive. I can survive another seven or eight years.

Maybe one or two?

Suddenly remembering the advice given by the handsome gentleman with a slightly feminine appearance and rare red eyes before leaving Harvest Church, Kohler felt a little unconfident.

Can this child really live another seven or eight years?

The husband finally escaped from prison, but the prince's subsidy was cut off. He only relied on the poor relief funds issued by the national government - huh, if the average person's coin is less than one sule, it has nothing to do with the care workers. The cessation of insults, abuse and beatings can be considered relief - adults are okay, children who are growing up, girls who are sick all year round... Judging from Kohler's experience, the average Tuvalu brother and sister are only thirteen years old. Without the shelter in the hospital, I have no ability to support myself.

"It would be great if His Royal Highness was still here..."

He had never met the noble prince, but he knew that when the prince was still alive, Mr. Aigron was always calm, had a straight face, and was cold to everyone in the courtyard.

But the stinky face of the veteran is an anchor of peace of mind for all the marginalized people who live in the walls of small courtyards, are disabled, disease-ridden, or old and frail.

The more serious his face was, the clearer it became to everyone in the courtyard that life was still smooth and troubles could still be dealt with; he was panicked and looked guilty to everyone. He no longer looked like a wooden statue, but bad things happened instead... …

It was as if he was in darkness, and the life that had been accompanied by death for a long time was about to envelope him again. Old Kohler, who saw this scene foreseeably, couldn't help but sigh heavily.

"It would be great if His Highness the Prince is still here."

"Old man..."

The weak light emitted from the glass cover almost disappeared. The uninvited guest in the corridor, a rather good-looking young gentleman with messy semi-long hair and beautiful green eyes, turned his head slightly and looked at the empty room. Air opened his mouth.

"Tell me, why does Sherlock Moriarty come to a place like this?"

In Leonard's view, although the workhouse was a welfare facility sponsored by Prince Edsac during his lifetime, there were hundreds of such charity sponsors for the prince. It was not really a good way to contact the prince.

Even if the manager here, Aegron Corosun, is an old acquaintance of the prince and is a trusted subordinate of the prince, this reason is a bit ridiculous.

Aiglon himself may not meet the prince once a month.

The wind squeezing through the cracks in the window brushed against Leonard's cheek, causing him pain, and he couldn't wait for any more noise.

He suddenly remembered that the old man was only a superficial parasite on him and would not follow him when his spiritual state was fluttering around in his dreams.

"Am I a little dependent on the old man?"

After teasing himself semi-embarrassingly, Leonard shook his head, suppressing the pity he felt when he just observed the old homeless man, and glanced sideways at the closed bedrooms.

These closed doors are not only a projection of reality, but also a symbol of the privacy of each person's dream.

Phew, Aegron Crosong is a "Dream Walker". Although he will not stop the investigation of church members, it is better not to conflict...

Leonard put his finger against the door of any room and knocked lightly.

From a utilitarian point of view, Old Kohler, who has the most intelligence contact with Sherlock Moriarty, is the best investigation target. However, since the old man did not sleep tonight, Leonard also gave up the idea of ​​forcing him to sleep.

After receiving a response from inside the house, Leonard used his palms to push open the door and walked into the house.

He took a casual look and found that the owner of the house was a little boy of eleven or twelve years old. He was fat and white, with a tough head and a tough head. He didn't look very smart.

"How much do you know about Sherlock Moriarty?"

"He's not a lucky guy."

On the single bed, the fat little boy closed his eyes and answered in a confused manner.

"good luck?"

Leonard smiled subconsciously, and then the corners of his mouth calmed down.

"Can you tell me more specifically why you think he is unlucky?"

The boy nodded.

"Because he was always getting into trouble, and a lot of it was avoidable for him."

Trouble that could have been avoided?

Leonard's hand holding the pen and paper froze. He carefully recalled the department's investigation of Sherlock Moriarty's movements and portraits. He hesitated for a few seconds, nodded slightly, and agreed with the little boy's statement.

But how does a child who has never been out of the workhouse know these things?

With doubts, Leonard kept asking the boy for details, but the answers he got were unsatisfactory, and there were only some useless content after going over and over.

He had no choice but to write down in his notebook that Sherlock Moriarty seemed to have a strong desire to share and would share insignificant information with ordinary people.

It fits the general characteristics of a "detective"... Leonard raised his head and showed a warm smile.

"Very well, one last question remains."

"Do you remember what Sherlock Moriarty looked like?"

Taking different impressions based on different people is also a way to complete the image of the suspect.

Under Leonard's guidance, a tall man with broad shoulders and glasses appeared next to the little boy, no different from the one on the official wanted poster.

There were more details than MI9 and the Heart of the Machine shared... Leonard looked from top to bottom, along the central axis of the detective's body.

From the gold-rimmed glasses that can be seen everywhere, to the light blue eyes with no warmth, to the brooch pinned to the black windbreaker, and a little prism yellow crystal hanging from the cuffs...

Yellow, crystal?

Leonard's eyes suddenly widened, and his green pupils could not maintain their usual calmness. They were trembling and turbulent, and there were so many emotions gushing out in one moment that they looked a little crazy.

You can't go wrong!

You can't go wrong!

You can't go wrong!

"Can you..."

Leonard spoke instinctively, and as soon as the words came out, he realized that he had lost his composure. He hurriedly took a few steps, and while the boy was confused and confused, he came to the side of the tall man, bent down, and looked deeper through the cuffs.

During this process, he did not even question why the phantom in the boy's dream that was restored only by subconscious instinct was so lifelike, and even such a small object could be restored so vividly.

As his gaze moved upward, the half-covered citrine pendulum fully revealed its true appearance. Leonard's feet softened and he continued to step back while making a sound with the floor.

He turned his neck sideways to avoid the dull dreamy shadow next to the boy, not daring to look at any more details.

It is true that the citrine worn by Sherlock Moriarty is just a common style on the market...but the silver chain on the crystal, and the mark on the silver chain belonging to the special supplies of the Nighthawks will not be fake.

Just as the church gives tarot cards to its auxiliaries with special silver frames, ritual items like pendulums have tiny markings on them.

Breathing heavily, Leonard couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or angry.

He escaped and ended his dream. When he opened his eyes again, he was back under the St. Samuel's Church.

The old questioning voice of "Cohabitant" was still in his ears, but for the first time, Leonard did not answer immediately.

He looked up at the empty ceiling and suddenly let out a chuckle.


In the hazy dream, Klein saw the broken citrine pendulum that became the main material for his promotion to "Secret Puppet Master". It floated silently in the void, surrounded by deathly blackness.

This scene immediately shattered, and Klein woke up again, standing in the dreamland from the beginning.

He frowned slightly and looked around warily.

He obviously wanted to communicate with Will Ascetin through dreams, so why did he see the pendulum?

As a "divineer", Klein attaches great importance to every dream, and this time is no exception.

For him, the citrine pendulum is not only a useful tool, a free promotion material, but also a symbol that connects him with the world. It is one of the few people who, as Klein Moretti, Items that were brought into later life.

Could it be that MI9 discovered my "true" identity while following Sherlock Moriarty's investigation?

Klein clenched his fists and suddenly felt a little irritable.

At this point, it doesn't matter even if "Klein" is really revealed. He is already the divine envoy of the Aurora Society, and his other identity is even more wanted, and he has become the murderer of Edsac Augustus. …

What he really cares about is "Klein"'s siblings.

Although there is not much emotion, Benson and Melissa are innocent. He has taken away their brother's body and made them suffer the pain of losing their siblings. He can no longer bring unreasonable disasters to two kind-hearted ordinary people. .

"Don't be impulsive. The more impulsive you are, the easier it is to expose your flaws and become more suspicious..."

Klein took a deep breath and prepared to pretend that he had not seen this scene. He would wait until he returned above the gray fog to divine and judge the possible future direction under the protection of the gray fog, and consider whether to take covert measures.

Maybe I'm overthinking... Looking forward, I watched the ruined tower and the sand slowly spread out. The silver-white snake embracing each other had distinct layers and emerged inch by inch. In the dream, Klein kept Gehrman. ·Sparrow looked quite cold and nodded slightly.

He looked at the giant snake coiled at the top of the tower and said deceitfully.

"There may be something wrong with your subordinates in Port Damir."

"Haha, you mean those people in the parliament who believe in the Red Moon?" The giant snake opened its blood-red mouth and made a rumbling sound, "They are not my subordinates. The Life Parliament you call is not a sect that believes in me. , not even my anchor, but a group of collaborators who share the same needs with me and help each other."


Klein didn't understand what Will Ascetin meant by the anchor, and he only had some guesses.

"Serpent of Mercury" places the believer and anchor in a progressive position, even using the word "more" for emphasis.

Could it be that anchor is what gods and angels call believers?

What does this mean?

"So you can't order them around."

Putting aside the association for the time being, Klein deliberately explored the affiliation between the two again.


Unfortunately, his attempt only resulted in Will Ascetin's helplessness.

"I always confuse you with Him, so when you say something really clumsy, it comes across really weird."

The giant snake turned its body, its blood-red eyes flashing with humanity.

"Damier Port is considered a relatively important stronghold of the Parliament on the sea."

"The Path of Destiny is not known for its head-on battles. Compared to more radical sects like the Spiritual Religion, we are similar to the Psychological Alchemy Society and the 'Rose School' that was dominated by temperance in the past."

"I know what you want to do, but it seems like you haven't given me the reward for your last attack."

Klein finally hit the point, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the tip rose.

He's not afraid of unsolicited help, but that doesn't mean he's not afraid of free help.

"What do you want? UU Reading"

Seeing Klein's response so simply, the entrenched giant snake lost interest.

He tightened his body and his tone was full of teasing.

"Although you are not as weak as most mid-sequences and have hidden mysterious powers, you don't have much that is useful to me, and you cannot exchange them with me, at least not yet."

"Instead of paying me for my help, you might as well help me continue to hide my traces and mislead Aurora away from my territory."

The giant snake raised its head and threw away Klein's question.

"What do you want from me?"

"I don't need your people for the resources, intelligence, and connections of the Life Parliament at sea." Klein explained without humility, "There are some recent rumors that have emerged at sea, some of which I am interested in, and I hope to use them." On your side, get more detailed information."

Rosago does not agree with his plan. Now he is going to the Rhoside Islands to use his identity as a divine envoy to force the Trunsoest Intelligence Department to cooperate with him. It will also take a certain amount of time to get used to it. If he goes back and forth, he may miss the key to intervention. period.

As a modern person from the information age, Klein is very aware of the importance of time difference.

Thinking of this, he simply stopped hiding it. Thinking that Will Ascetin would know about it sooner or later, he spoke out in anger.

"I hope to get the personal information of the pirate generals and the supporters behind them. This has nothing to do with the believers of the True Creator. It is my personal idea."

I'll go home tomorrow. I don't have anything to do tonight. It's early to go back to the hotel, so I'll catch up first.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly votes, please.

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Chapter 20 The God of Luck

Chapter 210 The God of Luck

"Why are you so anxious to attack them?"

The giant snake spit out the letter and looked at Klein with interest, trying to see through his eyes and see through his inner thoughts.

The so-called pirate generals are just a few of Sequence Five. Even those guys who call themselves the Four Kings are as insignificant as ants in front of real angels, not to mention Will Asceptin, who has occupied Sequence One for a long time.

If all countries and major churches had not tacitly agreed to give up absolute control of the sea, these scattered small groups would not have a place to survive.

"Because of an agreement." Klein spoke concisely.


Under the curious gaze of Will Auceptin, the young "Secret Puppet Master" said calmly.

"My teacher, he helped me a lot. I hope that within my ability, I can also help him a little."

"Azik Eggers?" Will Asceptin smiled, "Oh, it seems that Salinger's son doesn't care about anything."

"Well, since you want to repay your debt to him, why do you have to do it yourself? The Aurora Society has a lot of resources at sea, including your compatriots. As long as you are willing to reveal your identity, the elves will be happy to serve you. And they will take their contribution as a matter of course and will not ask you for any reward."

Compatriots from the past... elves... Ancient races with East Asian features flashed through Klein's mind, and he remembered the lady he had seen through the prayer light spot on the gray mist.

Suddenly he had an idea.

"You seem to know a lot about the past of the 'God of Mysteries'."

From the Second Age to the end of the Fourth Age, the "God of Mysteries" roamed the land of ruined civilization and ignorance for four thousand years. In the process, He became close friends with the Creator who shattered the bloody rule of the ancient gods. He transformed from one person to another. The terrifying existence that everyone fears has become another Lord in the mouths of believers, and has become a god superior to the eight angel kings.

Putting aside the three who have now betrayed, among the remaining five angel kings, only the "Red Angel" Medici and the "Angel of Destiny" Ouroleus have always been by the Creator's side, staying loyal and never leaving.

Since Ourolius was able to take over the papal crown when the "God of Mystery" disappeared and the true creator was half crazy, apart from the fact that he was stronger than the injured "Red Angel", it also explained from the side that he and the two A deep connection between the two gods.

So, how did Will Asceptin survive under such circumstances?

Klein vaguely remembered that when he first boarded the gray fog and held a Tarot gathering, the little "Sun" gave him a lot of information about the ancient gods and their descendants. One of them had a very special name. The resume is extremely vague, and it exactly matches the characteristics of a certain "child" at the moment.

Under Klein's purposeful inquiry, the giant snake's body slid, and incomplete mysterious patterns appeared on the surface of its smooth, scaleless body. These patterns interlocked and overlapped with each other, forming different cyclic patterns.

"Of course I understand Him." Will Auceptin said earnestly, "In his long life, He is the only one whose changes I cannot explain with the knowledge I have."

Memories of the past came flooding back, and the red eyes were no longer completely cold.

"Can you imagine?"

"One day, a compatriot who was supposed to be dead suddenly appeared in front of us. His appearance remained the same, but his inside had been completely changed. It was filled with frightening horror pollution, like a monster obtained by mixing several souls. "

"From then on, everything was no longer blessed by luck, and slowly began to slide towards danger and develop in a bad direction. Until I saw it, the glorious sun god stepped through the dusk and sky, boiling the sea and stepping on it. Coming to us with the corpses of the enemy..."

Will Auceptin suddenly sneered, his pure white tail whipped the air, his coiled body slid quickly, and his mountain-like head rushed straight down from the ruined tower that seemed to reach straight into the sky, carrying a wave of air. In front of Klein.

His eyes, like blood solidified, were staring at the "divineer's" eyes, as if he wanted to see something in them.

"He killed Suniya Thorem."

"The Sun God only evaporated Sunia's body, but He destroyed Sunia's soul."

"Fooling makes fate unable to escape, allowing the lucky ones with only one good life to get Sunia's inheritance..."

"How could I not understand such a compatriot who left such a deep impression on me?"

"Hey, the lady is back."

A rather frivolous voice sounded from inside the door, and as the door opened, an ordinary face with Sharon's familiar disgusting smile was revealed.

"Don't call me that."

Sharon, in a rare break from the command of moderation, said something useless.

She knew very well that such a warning was of no use to the man named Zarath in front of her, she just couldn't help it.

Fortunately, the unpleasant time is always short-lived, and the appearance of another companion quickly breaks the discomfort.

"Is there any result?"

Unlike Jerry Zaratul, who was dressed for traveling, Mr. A was still wearing a simple robe, which was incompatible with the surrounding environment, like an ascetic who had stepped out of a religious painting.

"Not yet." Sharon said simply.

They set sail from Pulitzer Port one day later than Klein, chose a different route, and were heading towards the West Balam region of the southern continent.

"There are many opportunities along the way." Unlike his partner who had begun to lose focus, Mr. A comforted Sharon, who could not see her specific emotions. "More than ten years have passed since the demise of Highland. Unlike you who were protected by His Highness Zaratul, you Those familiar members of the 'Temperance Sect' must beware of being pursued by both the 'Mother Tree of Desire' believers and the Northern Continent cultists, and they will definitely hide deeper."

Although the Second Empire of Trunsoest and the Highland Kingdom often fought to the death before the colonial era, and experienced a long history of hostility, killing important figures in each other, including the sister of the Emperor Trunsoest, but After the demise of the Highlands, Trunsoest, or the Church of the True Creator, put aside its past grievances and sent friendly signals to the members of the past "temperance sects", actively seeking and helping the fleeing "temperance sects", hoping that Gather more "different species" that have not been contaminated by the "Mother Tree of Desire".

Of course, just a dozen years can't make people who have suffered from war forget history. It is even more whimsical to want two peoples with blood feud to let go of their hatred just by relying on the power of faith. After more than ten years, the church's attitude towards " The plan to incorporate alien species has little benefit.

Mr. A glanced at Sharon, who was drifting into the room, with deep thoughts.

If His Highness Zaratul hadn't adopted Sharon and raised the students of the "Immortal Queen" of the Highlands as their own granddaughters, so that some highlanders who couldn't survive in the colonial occupied areas could see the hope of survival, I'm afraid the results would only be Smaller than now.

"Miss, you were less than ten years old when you left the Highlands, right?"

"The head of the family has always done a good job of keeping your identity secret. Even other people in the family don't know your origins very well. What's more, the 'Temperance Faction' hasn't seen you since the highland capital was breached?"

"Perhaps in their eyes, you are already dead, a dead person. Before there is no official and credible endorsement to announce your return, who would be so stupid as to risk being exposed to the pursuit and get close to you? "

Jerry Zaratul's analysis sounds quite annoying, but it is also very pertinent.

But before Sharon could show her approval through actions, this guy who seemed unable to read the atmosphere and other people's emotions jumped into the minefield again.

"Instead of trying to touch them one by one, why don't you name your teacher?"

"Jelly Zaratul!"

Mr. A's reprimand preceded Sharon's emotional outburst.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jerry Zaratul shrugged indifferently, "With our habits, killing angels or gods with heretical beliefs is worthy of updating the holy book and attaching it to the back of the Book of Revelation. It's a matter of opening a chapter."

"Since the church has not added new records until now, doesn't it mean that the 'Immortal Queen' has not fallen yet?"

As he spoke, Jerry Zaratul stared at Mr. A with an angry look that seemed to eat him alive, and then looked at Sharon, who had a delicate face and a cold face.

"After all these years, haven't you tried to find out about that person's whereabouts?"

"You should know His honorable name. The head of the family has invested far more energy in you than any other person of your age in the family. With the head of the family's preference for you, you have every chance to take advantage of your granddaughter and win something." A small privilege, isn't it?"

These words were so realistic and reasonable that the atmosphere in the room suddenly became strange and fell into an indescribable silence. Even Mr. A, who was originally angry, temporarily put away the idea of ​​​​beating and seriously considered his partner's question.

It is true that it is a bit blasphemous and arrogant to discuss the fate of an angel based on their status, but the plan proposed by Jerry Zaratul and the questioning of Sharon are indeed targeting them. The best way to advance the task at hand.

Gostars' escape back to the Southern Continent is basically certain. In the vast West Balam, the forces of various countries are complicated. There are local snakes like the "Rose School" who are "supported" by the indigenous people, and colonial groups with strong backing.

As the confrontation between the east and the west further consolidated, the Second Empire of Trunsoest lost its control over the West Balam region, and only had some influence on some of the lands of the past Kingdom of Pars.

At this time, if there is an angel, even if he is unable to move freely and can only provide name support, he will stand up to support them... With Sharon's special identity, once she obtains the "Immortal Queen" Renette Tinichole With their recognition, their activities in West Balam will be much smoother, and they can also gain more benefits for the empire and the church.

Noticing the change in Mr. A's attitude, Sharon's unchanging mask suddenly began to break.

She opened her mouth, instinctively wanting to argue, but she had no clue.

As the person involved, she knew very well that what Jerry Zaratul said was the truth. In all these years, she had never really thought about asking about the teacher's whereabouts, and she almost subconsciously believed that the teacher was dead.

After all, after all... before she was taken away from the old capital by Zaratul, she saw with her own eyes that her teacher's body was penetrated by the long sword of the "Red Angel", and her usually high head fell into the soil...

"I..." Sharon's voice was a little dry, "I can try."

After receiving the assurance, Jerry Zaratul nodded with satisfaction.

He ignored his partner's sullen eyes, looked unconcerned, continued his leisurely tone, and naturally turned the topic in another direction.

"Our divine envoy, Mr., another divine envoy, um, Mr. V, he just sent a letter."

Seeing that his words successfully attracted Sharon's attention, he avoided his partner's hand with ease and pulled out a folded letter from the inconspicuous pocket of his simple robe.

After reading the above content roughly, Jerry Zaratul said with a smile.

"Obviously, our old friend is restless even when he goes to sea. In just a few days, he has already targeted the pirate general."

As if she had understood the subtext of Jerry Zaratul, and seemed to be eager to stabilize her emotions and not break the commandment of "temperance", Sharon thought seriously for a moment, combined with the connection between the previous and previous topics, and thought:

"His target is Señor?"

When he was in Backlund, Sherlock Moriarty had already killed many believers of the "Mother Tree of Desire", indirectly severely injured Gostars, and was deeply entangled with the "Rose School". is his most likely target.

Sharon still remembered that Sherlock didn't have a suitable marionette after his promotion. He had always hoped to get a marionette with a balance of concealment and combat capabilities and no obvious weaknesses.

"No, more." Mr. A shook his head slightly.

The first moment he received the letter, he had a simple exchange with Klein through the messenger, which included advice and some advice from experienced people... For example, how to maximize the value of the hunting target... At this point , "Shepherd" and "Secret Puppet Master" are common. UU Reading

"He is now stranded on Olavi Island. I heard that there was a conflict between Bulatov Ivan and Senior. In recent days, there are signs of another large-scale naval battle. At the same time, Ludwell and Edwina also have A one-sided conflict, the objects Edwina picked up from the bottom of the sea are probably related to ancient Balam."

Having said this, Mr. A paused momentarily, and his eyes met with Jerry Zaratul's in the air.

Obviously, both of them thought of the "Death Archon" guarding the tomb of Klein Moretti.

"There is also Tracey Pellet. The Witch Cult to which she belongs is also one of the directions we need to investigate."

There were so many scattered things that Sharon's eyes almost jumped when she heard them. She didn't expect that in just a few days, Sherlock had already planned so many things to be dealt with for himself.

"Senior, he often works with demigods." Sharon frowned slightly and reminded him.

"So V needs our help, as well as the church's help."

Mr. A took back the letter in Jerry Zaratul's hand, separated the flesh and blood in his palm, opened his mouth, and bit the paper into pieces with a few bites.

"And the specific details of the operation still need to be discussed. There is a lot of room for maneuver." Jerry Zaratul continued what his partner had not finished, and his smile became even worse.

Although he has always disliked the new divine envoys who landed in the air, what Klein did this time was to his liking.

If nothing else, this is the necessary achievement for him on his way to promotion.

I'm exhausted. I slept all afternoon today and even lost my headphones in the car.

Apparently nothing happened in the past two years...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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