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Chapter 12

— God —

I blinked several times while looking down at Hell. I wiped my eyes and cast away the sight. Those devils…they were some kinky motherfuckers. So much so to the point that I dare not look.

If it could be done sexually, they did it, but worse than that, it typically involved me, or at least my form/image in some way.

The specifics of such acts are…dirty.

'Oh, you dirty boy, God Almighty! I can't wait to defeat you! To drag you down here and make you my bitch!'

I rubbed my temples. That wasn't the first time I had received such a prayer from the devils. The wanting of me…sexually shared with all devils thanks to Lucifer and Lilith, has left them praying for…various acts.

Some are cleaner than others.

"Father, is something wrong?" Gabriel asked from my side, her hands behind her back as she leaned forward. My eyes drifted down to her dangling breasts for a fraction of a millisecond, so fast no one could dream of catching me.

"Yes, Gabriel, but it doesn't concern you," I said, quickly wincing at how dicky my words came out. Judging by her disappointed look, she seemed to feel the same way. "My apologies, Gabriel. My troubles lie in the devils; thus, you needn't waste your precious time with them."

That seemed to cheer the beautiful, voluptuous blonde-haired woman up as she gave me an understanding nod and a small, pristine smile. She, like all my angels, was content in basking in my presence beside me without saying anything more. A quiet reminder that she was at my beck and call should I need anything.

'God's light, my ass! I want that throne, you golden-feathered, rainbow-eyed, good-for-nothing sack of holy shit!' Again, another devil 'prayed' to me.

If you could even call it that.

As more and more prayers from various devils filled my head, I decided that enough was enough. They aren't even using the prayer system as I intended; they're just voicing their lewdest, most deranged thoughts directly into my mind, and while I found some of it incredibly hot, it was bothersome.

Even if I enjoyed hearing people like Runeas Gremory, Phena Phenex, Lilith, and the various other female progenitors/fallen devils, it was incredibly tedious because the men were just as loud.

Their thoughts ranged from wanting to prove themselves better men than me to outright desiring me sexually, and enough was enough.

— Zekram Bael —

The black-haired, violet-eyed devil sat back in his comfortable seat at the war table within the Lucifer castle.

Within the devil population, he held the title of general…for the time being. He loved his title, and more than that, he loved his creators; he believed their will, way, and goals were absolute.

He would see all of them fulfilled at the cost of his life, if necessary.

His drive to quickly fulfill their goals made him a favorite to the devil kings and Lilith. As such, he was promised even higher ranks in time, should-

When they defeat God and take his throne for themselves.

To see them succeed and be promoted for his servitude was all Zekram wanted in his existence, so it should be no surprise that he continuously prayed to God, speaking on their path to victory, as laid out by Runeas Gremory herself.

Mostly, he talks shit to The Almighty, but not so much that it would come to offend Lucifer and Lilith.

Unlike most other devils, Zekram knew of Lucifer and Lilith's…attraction towards God, in fact, he had more than once spent time in their bed, playing the role of God as they had ordered, all while they fantasized it was their father taking their holes.

It had left Zekram with a sort of respect for God, even if he had never met him, and this respect had morphed from a light spark to something much more sinister.

He wanted to be the one to fight and defeat God.

He wanted to challenge the Almighty to fight and win. He wanted to earn God's respect in turn.

So he shit-talked God, praying to him over and over whenever he had free time. Absolutely berating him with the worst possible insults, hoping he would come down and shut him up.

Because when that happened, Zekram would fight with all his might with the honor of Lucifer and Lilith on the line-

And he would win.

Zekram closed his eyes, picturing their battle. A battle so fierce it would not only shake the Underworld but Earth and Heaven as well. It would leave all creatures in existence marveling at the sheer power.

Child-like glee overcame him as he stood atop God's defeated form with a shit-eating grin. He would be victorious, then-

'[Ahem.]' A deep voice rumbled in his head. He opened his eyes to look around. He saw the other generals looking around just as confused, wondering who spoke. They knew it wasn't anyone at the table, the voice…it was much like Lucifers-

But stronger.

'[I wish I didn't have to make this announcement, but it seems like you devils wish to torment me with your sinful ways endlessly. As such, it has come to this.]'

The way they were addressed and the feeling they felt upon hearing the voice…they knew it could only be one being that could instill such a primal warmth/fear in their hearts.


'[I am closing off prayers to all devils. You had all been given a chance to seek repentance and salvation, but instead, you squandered that chance, taking advantage of my kindness to insult and harass me. Should you call my name, you will receive my light instead, and as you know, my light is deadly for your kind.]'

Just as quickly as the connection to God's voice came, it ended, leaving their minds with more questions than ever.

God…had rejected their prayers?

"Fucking coward!" The Devil King Asmodeus spat at the table. "Just because we wanted him to join the orgie, he has to go and throw a temper tantrum, truly a fearful being. He dares call himself-"

"Asmodeus." The cold voice of the Queen of Devils, Lilith, was heard throughout the room. On instinct, everyone's blood ran cold. Lilith was a Goddess to devils, one who could kill them as easily as she could create them, and that was entirely too clear as she glared at the lustful devil King. "This is your last chance, fuck up again, and I'll ensure you live the rest of your existence without a cock. Do I make myself clear?"

"...Y-Yes, my Queen," Asmodeus said through gritted teeth. Cold sweat on his forehead as he dropped to the ground in a deep bow. "N-Never again."

"This is why we can't have nice things." Lucifer scoffed. "Father is turning away from us; what the hell have all of you been asking of him?"

Zekram raised his eyebrow at the Leader of the Devils. Sure, Zekram insulted God on an hourly basis. Still, it was most likely more…bearable to sit through than anything Lucifer said to God, especially whenever he took on the female form and offered himself/herself to God.

The devils remained quiet at Lucifer's question, and they were all lucky that he wasn't actually looking for an answer; otherwise, he could have killed and replaced them with ease.

He had done it before, and he would do it again.

"Lilith, dear." Lucifer sighed, looking at his wife. "Start the creation of various branches to the pillars by splitting off pieces from the progenitor devils; we need to build a force, one capable of matching the might of Heaven, and more specifically, God. I will not go unnoticed by him!"

Lilith smiled, walking towards Lucifer with a sway to her hips. "Of course, Dear, we'll have him, as planned; I'll start the preparations now." She gave her husband a peck on the lips before turning to glare at all the devils present, making them all break out in a cold sweat before she took her time walking out of the door.

"Zekram," Lucifer called, the Bael Progenitor's eyes immediately locked onto his Lord as he dropped to the ground.

"Glorious Lord, Lucifer, what do you command of me?"

"Head to the unexplored regions of the Underworld and start carving out territories for each pillar. Take some minions with you, as many as you need. Dismissed."

"As you command, my Lord, it shall be done." Zekram stood up and gave Lucifer one last shallow bow before leaving the room. He had orders and intended to fulfill them with maximum efficiency.

Something told Zekram that Lucifer wasn't asking for him to do such a task because it would be more fitting for the devil pillars to live separately; no, it seems Lucifer was trying to take advantage of how spacious the Underworld was. He was preparing for something big, as evidenced by the order he gave Lilith.

Something big enough to need a force to rival God and Heaven.

A storm was brewing, and he was all for it!

— Chapter End —

Author's Note: I've been having severe writer's block recently, and I don't know why. It's been really bad, and even after taking a break, it's still been insufficient. I hope it'll clear up in time; if it doesn't, I'll have to force myself through it, but let us pray that in time things fix themselves.

I took some time away from this fic so that I could write clearer when I came back, and judging by how fast I managed to write the chapter, I can gladly say look forward to more updates for this fic.

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