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40% Can I survive as an SI-OC in COTE? / Chapter 3: Volume 1: Chapter 2.

Capítulo 3: Volume 1: Chapter 2.

The class was starting to fill with voices discussing what had just happened. Most were talking about what they were going to buy. Other classmates were silent, but they wore a satisfied expression for what had transpired.


As the discussion buzzed, I began to explore the school-provided cell phone. I didn't know how much storage capacity or RAM these school-provided phones had. At first glance, the phone seemed to have a mid-range Gamma system, but I wouldn't know for sure until I checked the general information in the phone's settings.


First things first, I needed to find out what year it was.


Wednesday, April 01st, 2015, 9:03 A.M... so, it was the first of April in the year two thousand fifteen, huh? In my world, it was 2021, so logically, this world would be six years behind ours.


After poking around a bit in the applications, I opened the one I was looking for. The app began to open, displaying at the top of the phone screen my student ID. Below this, it showed how many points I currently had.


100,000 PPt.


At the bottom of my phone screen, there was something I didn't understand too well, but there were several options we could access, such as showing us the transaction history we had made.


I tapped the option, but all that showed up in the history was that we had just received the 100,000 points. Which made sense since I hadn't spent any points yet, nor had I earned any.


I still wasn't used to reading Japanese characters as if it were my native language... It was as if my mind was translating the Japanese language into the language of my country, a bit strange if you ask me.


I felt someone looking at me, so I turned my head in their direction, meeting Chiaki Matsushita's gaze.


Odd, does she want to ask me something?


No matter, it was better to leave the classroom before Hirata started drawing everyone's attention... I was about to stand up to leave when a voice caught my attention.


"Everyone, can you hear me for a moment?"


Really? I always wonder if my bad luck is fate or just a God mocking my chaotic life.


"Starting today, we'll be in the same class for the next three years. So, it would be great if we could all introduce ourselves and become friends. We still have time until the entrance ceremony, what do you think?" Hirata proposed to his classmates, myself included.


Should I introduce myself? Or should I leave without caring about what they say? I didn't know which choice to make; each choice had its pros and cons.


Anyway, why do I worry so much about an introduction? In my previous schools, I had done several. I'll go with something simple, not too boring or too flashy.


I couldn't make an introduction as bad as Ayanokōji's, right?


"I agree! After all, we don't know each other's names, let alone anything about each other."


After the first person agreed, previously doubtful students expressed their support.


"My name is Yōsuke Hirata. In high school, they often called me by my first name, Yōsuke, feel free to use it. Although I like all sports, I particularly like soccer, and I also plan to play soccer at this school. Nice to meet you!"

I blinked several times at the presentation Hirata had just given. I was somewhat surprised, not because of the content of his presentation, but because he did it calmly and flawlessly... it could be said that it was somewhat refreshing... as expected from the popular guy in Class D.


I sighed; this was going to take a long time before it was my turn.


The class had started introducing themselves slowly, starting with the people in the front, Teruhiko Yukimura, and Satsuki Shinohara.


It was a bit strange to hear their introductions because, in light novels, they don't pay much attention to their presentation, with which I agree. No one wants to read a filler chapter just about class introductions.


When it was Inogashira Kokoro's turn, it happened the same way as in the light novel. She got too nervous to introduce herself, but after some words of encouragement from her classmates, she managed to introduce herself.


I didn't pay much attention to the people who were just background in Class D. I was a bit curious about how Kei Karuizawa was presenting herself; it was an interesting way... She hadn't mentioned anything about her high school, just her name, and her hobbies, and that was it.


After a while, it was Yamauchi Haruki's turn to introduce himself. He began by saying he was a baseball player whose team went to the inter-school championships, but now he was in rehabilitation. I wanted to laugh, but I restrained myself, covering my mouth with my right hand. It was much funnier witnessing his presentation than reading it in the light novel.


Next was Kushida Kikyō. I didn't have much to say about her; her presentation was a perfect performance. I suppose she deserves an Oscar for her great acting skills. But now that I thought about it carefully, was the cheerful Kushida just a personality she created to make people trust her completely? Or did something happen to her, and her mind created a double personality to cope with school life? Anyway, maybe most people dislike Kushida, but honestly, I don't dislike her... at least not yet.


I looked at the red-haired guy who stood up. The person who was glaring at Hirata with an angry expression was Ken Sudō.


"What, are we a bunch of little kids or something? I don't need to introduce myself. Those who want to can go ahead. Just leave me out of it."


What a way to ruin the nice atmosphere, Sudō. I sighed disappointedly, but I knew Ken Sudō's attitude was too impulsive; he got angry too quickly if someone provoked him. The delinquent look he had didn't help in his case.


His character wouldn't grow until later, but that was something I would leave to Horikita Suzune and Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. I didn't want to change the canon too much because I would lose my future knowledge.


Obviously, I wouldn't stay out of it. If I helped Class D from the shadows at the beginning of the year, then maybe before the first school year ended, we could move up to Class C or even Class B... I knew the current Class B had become Class C in the second year. The opposite had happened for Class C, moving up to Class B in the second year. In the second year, after the second Island exam, Class B (which was Class C in the first year) became Class D, and Class C (which was Class B in the first year) became Class B again. It was a bit confusing at the moment because it hadn't happened yet.


But if I managed to help Class D, the timeline destined by the light novel would be too distorted by the time I reached the second year. So I had to make the most of my knowledge.

Returning to the class situation, I could see how some of my classmates looked at Ken Sudō with distrust. It didn't seem to bother him anyway.


"I can't force you to introduce yourself, of course. However, I don't think getting along with your classmates is a bad thing. If I made you feel uncomfortable, I apologize."


Hirata bowed his head to show his sincerity. In a sense, this was the right thing for him. While Sudō didn't need to be angry about it and could have just left the classroom, Hirata was right to apologize since he couldn't impose his values on him.


However, it didn't seem like the others thought that way, as they immediately came to his defense.


"Isn't it okay to introduce yourself?"


"Yes, yes."


I felt a bit envious seeing how Hirata had won the hearts of the girls. They hadn't even met at this point, and they were already jumping to his side to defend him... I guess being popular has its advantages, huh?


"Shut up. I don't care. I didn't come here to make friends."


Ken Sudō stood up from his seat. At the same time, several students left the classroom. They probably had no intention of getting to know their classmates. I also noticed Horikita getting up from her seat.


Horikita looked in the direction where Ayanokōji was sitting, but when she realized he wasn't going to stand up, she began to leave the classroom.


"They're not a bad group. It's my fault. I was being selfish and made people do this."


Hirata seemed disappointed that people were leaving, with an ironic smile.


"No way. You did nothing wrong, Hirata-kun. Let's leave those guys alone, okay?"


The girls immediately denied that Hirata was to blame. However, Hirata didn't seem to take their words seriously, as he still had an ironic expression.


My eye twitched... Lucky bastard, he's getting all the girls, but don't proclaim victory yet; God Ayanokōji hasn't made his move Z.


On one hand, I was interested in having a romantic relationship. In my world, I hadn't been able to establish any romantic relationship... Press "F"... But even if I was interested in one, I couldn't. It wouldn't be fair to the other person.


What would happen when I could go back to my old world? Obviously, I had to say goodbye to all the relationships I could establish in the three years I would be trapped in this school... I still didn't know how I could return to my world, but I was determined to do whatever it took.


I wonder, what would my family think about my disappearance? Just thinking about how they were feeling made my fists unconsciously clench. A knot began to form in my stomach at the thought of my mother crying.


"Excuse me."


Why? Damn it, why couldn't they bring another person? Many people would be happy to start a new life or to have a second chance to start with a clean slate.


Many people were suffering in my world, either from chronic illnesses or other problems; having a second chance would make them feel happy.


I could feel someone touching my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked before looking at the person who had done it. It was Chiaki Matsushita.


"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a voice that sounded a bit concerned, I looked towards Inokashira Kokoro, the person who had asked.


Huh? I was a bit confused, was it my turn to introduce myself? I guess I had lost too much time in my thoughts. I put a reassuring smile on my face to dismiss her concern before speaking.


"Yeah, don't worry, I'm fine." I looked around, noticing that I had the attention of the remaining students who had stayed.


I made a small grimace at the twinge of pain that came from my palms. I discreetly looked at my hand. There was a thread of blood... When I stood up to make my presentation, I put both hands in my pants pockets.


"My name is Nakatomi Hiroki," I said, putting on a nervous smile. "My favorite hobby is reading, but I also like playing sports just for fun. Nice to meet you!"


When I finished my presentation, I quickly sat down.


"It's nice to meet you too, Nakatomi-kun. I hope we can get along. By the way, were you ever in the Athletics Club in high school?"


Hirata was the one who said that. I looked him in the eyes as I tilted my head slightly. Why the sudden interest in me? Did I say something wrong in the presentation... Damn! I was so trapped in my mind before the presentation that I didn't even realize what I had said. All because I rushed through it.


Come on, say something; staying silent would be rude.


"Honestly, no," I replied honestly. Anyway, in the schools I attended, no one joined any clubs because they didn't exist. "I'm actually an official member of the Go-Home Club, but I did some exercise from time to time."


It was a lie that I came up with on the spot. I had noticed that my new body had the shape of an athlete, there was even a six-pack... don't blame me for being curious about my new body... Anyway, I had to get used to it. That said, my classmates wouldn't question me even if they saw that I had an athletic body.


I was a bit excited to find out if I had more endurance than my previous body. I also wanted to know how strong my new body was, but I'll think about that later.


"I see." Hirata had a moment of contemplation before turning to address the next person who was going to introduce themselves.


The next person to introduce themselves was Ike Kanji. It happened exactly as his presentation did in the light novel. Stating that he loved girls, hated handsome guys, and was looking for a girlfriend. The girls started teasing him, calling him cute sarcastically. However, he didn't seem to notice and accepted the "compliments" he was getting.


The introductions continued, Sato Maya, Ichihashi Ruri, Kyōsuke Okitani, Mei-Yu Wang.


Until it was time for Rokusuke Koenji's presentation. The truth was a bit unsettling in the amount of confidence and superiority complex he had. I knew he was narcissistic, but as I had said before, reading about it is very different from witnessing it.


After a few presentations, it was the turn of the legendary Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. Even if I knew how he would make his presentation... I was paying too much attention just to see him fail miserably.


"Um... the next person... please introduce yourself," Hirata said while looking at Ayanokōji.




Pay attention, here it comes.


"Well... Um, my name is Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. Uh, there's nothing particular about me, I'll do my best to get along with everyone, um, nice to meet you."


Oh God, he had failed... When Ayanokōji buried his hands in his face. My body wanted to start laughing, but I bit my lip to prevent it from happening... He's a true master, haha.


"Nice to meet you, Ayanokōji-kun. I also want to get along with everyone, so let's do our best," Hirata said with a refreshing smile before turning to the rest of the students who had stayed.


"Well, I guess that's it for the introductions, everyone. We should probably leave now since I don't think the school wants us to stay here for no reason. Also, we should probably settle into the dorms."


Everyone agreed with Hirata and began to disperse.


"I'm looking forward to seeing how all this will turn out," I murmured to myself as I grabbed my bag to head straight to the dorms.


I was mentally exhausted.




As I was heading towards the dorms, a voice called me.


"Nakatomi-kun, do you have a moment?"


I didn't need to turn around to know who had stopped me. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Hirata accompanied by a group of girls.


Should I reject his offer and politely say that I'll be busy? Why did Hirata want to approach me of all people? No, it didn't make sense; the only reason I could think of for him to approach me was...


Oh... anyway, it's better not to keep him waiting too long. A small smile appeared on my face, remembering that when I was with my friends, I always liked to make harmless jokes to keep the atmosphere cheerful.


If my life were a book, I'd die laughing remembering all the funny moments I'd had. Getting back to the main topic...


"Well, well, well," I said with amusement in my voice. Don't blame me for being a bit immature. "So, what do I owe the honor, Casanova-kun?"


"Casanova-kun?" Hirata asked, blinking several times. I could also see some furrowed brows from several girls.


I chuckled while waving my right hand apologetically. "Sorry, sorry, couldn't help it," I said, stopping my laughter. "Joking aside, did you need something, Hirata?" I asked curiously.


"We're about to check out the shopping district complex. Would you like to come with us, Nakatomi-kun?"


Hirata made an interesting proposal. Honestly, I didn't feel like joining them, but it would be bad to refuse outright. The girls next to him didn't seem to want me to accept Hirata's invitation, but they might come to resent me if I rejected the kind offer.


I was tired, maybe not physically, but mentally I was a bit... mostly affected by the stress of the situation I was in. But I still didn't know this place, and this offer could bring me some benefits. The phones had a map of the school. I could also see my current location, but I think it wouldn't hurt to get a bit familiar with this place. Besides, I knew that Hirata was worried about the distance the guys were putting between them.


That was the reason he had invited me. Although I was a bit jealous because he was getting all the girls, I wasn't angry with Hirata, nor did I hold any grudges against him. In my world, I never bothered to establish a relationship with a woman. I'm not saying I didn't want to have a relationship, but I also didn't make it a priority. The few girls I was interested in already had a romantic relationship, and although they had confessed to me on occasion, I had rejected them as gently as possible.


I remember very well when the first girl confessed to me; it had been one of the most awkward moments of my life. I didn't dare to say no at the moment of her confession, so I asked her to give me time to think. After some advice, I rejected her.


"Sure, I have nothing to do anyway." It was a lie; I had to settle into the room, and after that, sleep. Anyway, after considering it, I decided to accept his offer, although I felt that it might be more than just a single invitation.


After accepting his offer, we began to walk towards the shopping district. I recognized some girls, Kei Karuizawa, Chiaki Matsushita, Maya Satō, and Satsuki Shinohara. There were also other girls I didn't recognize at all, but I knew some names, Nishimura Ryuko, Azuma Sana, Ishikura Kayoko, and Sonoda Chiyo.


Hirata had tried to communicate with me, but the girls always interrupted him. I had to slow down my pace because I was next to Hirata. Once I fell back due to the discomfort of being close to so many people, the girls started getting closer to Hirata to chat.


"Nakatomi-kun," a voice called me, making me look in the direction of where it came from.




"Hmm." The person who had called me was Chiaki Matsushita. I was a bit curious about what she wanted to talk to me about. "Matsushita, did you need something?" I asked curiously.


"I just wanted to meet my new neighbor," she commented, referring to us sitting next to each other. "So, since you accepted the invitation to join us, I decided to take advantage of it to get to know you."


"I see."


I guess her reasoning was natural. It would be strange if people sitting next to each other didn't know anything about each other. Even if you sat next to a person you hated, it was inevitable to learn something about that person.


"Understand, but I don't think anything is interesting about me," I told Matsushita. "As I said before in my presentation, I'm from the Go Home Club. So, there's not much to say other than I spend a lot of time reading."


"You also said you played various sports," she reminded me. "So, I was wondering if you were good at any of them."


"I wasn't particularly good at any sport," I said. It wasn't a lie; in my world, I only played sports for fun, but I wasn't good at any. My skill in the world of sports only reached the average. I wasn't good, nor was I bad. "Just played for fun anyway."


Now that I was thinking about it, should I ask her about what she thinks of the school? Maybe I won't get another chance... So I wanted to know if she had picked up on the meaning of my question to Chabashira-sensei.


I glanced at Matsushita from the corner of my eye; she seemed to be a bit lost in her thoughts as if she were evaluating something... Was she trying to figure something out about me? Or was she just curious about what kind of person I was? I wasn't sure; I wasn't a prodigy like Ayanokōji. Anyway, I wasn't the best person to compare myself to because Kiyopon was on another level... He was probably the smartest person in school.


The only advantage I had over Ayanokōji was that I knew about future events.


"This school is really huge," I muttered to myself, but the person next to me heard.


"It is, isn't it? I still can't believe they gave us 100,000 points," Matsushita commented. "What do you think about that?" she asked.


"About the school in general? Or the amount of money they gave us?" I asked.


"In general," she clarified.


"Well, I think the school puts a lot of emphasis on students' freedom."


Even though the school was one of the most prestigious... the things you could buy with private points had very wide freedom, there were many possibilities about what I could buy with the points... I knew many things about the S-System, but that didn't mean I knew everything, even in the light novel, they didn't clarify very well how it worked.


You could even transfer to another class if you managed to get 20,000,000 points. It was very difficult to achieve, but not impossible. Let's take Kohei Katsuragi as an example; he was transferred to Class B (currently C) due to his contract with Kakeru Ryūen.


"...Is that why you emphasized when you were asking?"


Matsushita took a little while to answer while involuntarily walking a bit slower... It seems she had realized the fact that I had emphasized some words, but it seemed as if she still lacked some pieces to fully understand the "subliminal message" (in quotation marks) I had made when I was asking.


I tilted my head in confusion. "Emphasize, what do you mean?" I wasn't going to give her the answer; it's more fun to see how people arrive at their conclusions... Anyway, I was sure she could figure it out in time; I just hope she doesn't spend all her points.


"You emphasized the words 'month' and 'value.'" She tried to jog my memory. "Did you have a reason for doing that?" Matsushita pressed for my response.


"I just wanted to make sure I heard correctly, nothing more, nothing less," I replied vaguely. "Anyway, we'd better catch up with the others." I changed the subject as I nodded toward the rest. "I don't want them to get angry with us."


I decided to quicken my pace... God, that was close! I didn't know if I could have kept my monotone face for much longer; my heart was beating a bit fast. I could still feel her gaze a bit, but I ignored it as I caught up with Hirata and his fan club.


When we were at the mall, the girls immediately went to places where they could buy women's clothing. The girls were chatting among themselves as they picked out their garments. Hirata was on my right as we both carried bags containing the clothes the girls had bought.


"Nakatomi-kun," a voice beside me called.


The only person standing on my right side was Hirata, so I didn't need to turn to see who was calling me; I also recognized her voice instantly.


"What's up?" I asked curiously.


"By any chance, have you thought about joining any clubs at school?"


That was an unexpected question. I knew about some clubs in the school, but I had no interest in joining any... I thought about the student council, but I would be rejected even if I applied... I didn't remember very well because I had read it a long time ago, and most fanfiction I had read hadn't reached that volume, or at least the ones I had read... Manabu Horikita had changed his mind, rejecting all first-year students because he didn't think anyone had the skills to defeat Miyabi Nagumo.


Except for Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, who had the skills to humiliate Nagumo, which was why Manabu Horikita had invited him to join the council directly.


"I haven't planned on joining any clubs," I answered honestly as I snapped out of my thoughts; fortunately, Hirata didn't comment on me taking a bit longer to answer.


"In that case, would you consider joining the soccer club?" Hirata asked a question that surprised me.


Was that the reason he had invited me earlier, or part of the reason? I couldn't help but wonder.


"The soccer club?" I said with an interrogative tone. "Wasn't that the club you were planning to join?"


I tried to make my tone as curious as possible. I knew he would join the soccer club, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.


"That's right. You said you played sports, and it seems like you have the right build. So, I was wondering if maybe you'd be interested in joining," Hirata explained kindly.


I didn't expect someone to make me an offer to join a club, so I didn't know what to say... Sure, I played soccer in my world, but as I said before, I wasn't too good or too bad... and it would bring a lot of attention that I didn't want.


I also didn't know what the maximum physical capacity of my new body was; joining a club that required physical skills might lead to a conclusion about how much my body could withstand. Unfortunately, if the hypothesis I had raised, that my new body had greatly improved my physical abilities, was correct, then I wanted to keep my new physical abilities hidden until the Sports Festival.


"I'll think about it," I said, making a little pause before continuing, "Although I hope you won't take it the wrong way if I end up rejecting your proposal."


"Of course not, Nakatomi-kun. It's just a selfish desire on my part."


I glanced at Hirata from the corner of my eye... sighed, I hope I'm not making a mistake with what I'm about to say.


"Well... Even if I don't join the soccer club, we could still be friends," I said with a small smile.


Hirata slightly opened his eyes before a refreshing smile appeared on his face. He adjusted the bag in his hand and then extended his hand to me.


"I hope we can get along, Nakatomi-kun."


I shook his hand and said, "You can call me Hiroki; you don't have to be formal."


"Then you can call me Yōsuke, Hiroki."


After our conversation, we continued our tour of the mall before heading back to the dorms so the girls could store the things they had bought. After that, they had planned to have lunch and invited me again, but I had to politely decline, explaining that I needed to arrange my room.


Besides, I still didn't know how to use those darn chopsticks.


I went to the receptionist, who was handing out a manual on room rules and an access card to each student's room. I then told her my student ID. She searched the school system to identify where I would be housed. When she found the results of my location, the receptionist handed me a manual and a card with room number 388.


After going up to the fourth floor, I found my room. I opened the door with the access card, then entered only to be surprised.


The room had everything necessary for a student to survive during the three years we would be at the school... still, it was truly impressive that every student in this school had a personal room.


I put my bag on the chair near the table I used for tasks or studying. On the table, I placed the things I had bought while at the mall.


I hadn't bought much, just the essentials: food, casual clothes, and necessities for my daily life.


I went straight to my bed to lie down.


"The air conditioning is the best." In my world, I was accustomed to heat, and to avoid sweating, we used fans. However, most of the time, when the sun's temperature was too strong, the air from the fans was hot. So, places felt like a sauna.


I took out my phone provided by the school to check how many points I had spent on my first day of class. If it could be called that, as they only provided information about the school... which I already knew.


94,873 PPs.


I had spent the most on clothes, buying two shirts, two pants, a pair of shoes, and socks. Still, I was satisfied with what I had left.


"Alright, alright, alright, I want to know what kind of information exists in this world, but before I start, I'll look for priority number one, which is a necessity for me.


Google-san, get ready because I'm going to search for the types of anime that exist in this world.


"It's time to de-stress," I said with a smile on my face.

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