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30% Can I survive as an SI-OC in COTE? / Chapter 2: Volume 1: Chapter 1

Capítulo 2: Volume 1: Chapter 1

What the Hell?!


This couldn't be real. A person doesn't just blink and find themselves stranded in a completely different location. This wasn't an anime... My heart began to race, my throat felt dry... I was on the verge of a panic attack.


I bit my tongue hard to make my mind focus on the pain rather than my chaotic thoughts.

I had to calm down... panicking wouldn't solve anything.


I started walking towards the door, then crossed it while looking around at the different students entering... I looked down and was amazed that my clothes had also been changed in the snap of a finger.


It was the same school uniform everyone was wearing.


Now, thinking with the little calm I had left... a few seconds ago, I was in my world, then after a blink, I found myself in the world of Classroom Of The Elite... Is this some kind of dream? I didn't really believe it; when I bit my tongue, I could feel pain, which meant my nervous system sent the message to my brain.


I touched the pockets of my pants and felt something in the right back pocket. I used my hand to pull out the object, and my eyes widened a bit when I saw it was a wallet.


I checked its contents; there wasn't much beyond a few yen... but what mattered most at the moment was the underage identification card... which had my date and place of birth, status, occupation, and most importantly, my name... Hiroki Nakatomi.


What kind of name is that? Also, what's up with the picture on the ID? It bears no resemblance to me... Wait, I feel like I'm missing something important like I've forgotten something.


I shook my head as I stored the ID and my wallet in my right back pocket again. I had to make a plan to orient myself.


I also checked the bag on my shoulder, but there was nothing important in it besides pencils and books. I didn't have a phone, so I didn't know what date it was. My situation in general is pretty bad.


Okay, let's think carefully. I'm in this school with the same uniform. That means I'll have three years to solve the mystery. I had to avoid expulsion at all costs; if I got expelled, I wouldn't have anywhere to go... so I'd live on the streets until I died of hunger for not having enough money, or I'd become a beggar begging for survival.


I refuse for that to happen.


1- I would have to find out what day and date it is... I need to know the year difference between my world and the world of Classroom of the Elite.


2- Find information about this world... in case there's a difference in the years of our worlds, that would mean their culture and history could be different... Damn! Now that I think about it, there was a Japanese culture class... I didn't know much about their culture, so I'd have to start reading from now on.


3- Avoid drawing attention for now... I can't act recklessly, while many would be dancing with joy and crying with happiness at being in a fictional world, that wasn't my case... I've watched anime and read manga and light novels, but that doesn't mean I wanted to go to any of those places.


I knew that the first volume of Classroom of the Elite was released on May 25, 2015, in Japan... I found out out of curiosity, and the date stuck in my memory... I also knew the anime premiered in 2017, but I wasn't sure of the exact date.


I vaguely remember that May 1st was when Chabashira-Sensei had announced to Class D that all the points they had earned on the first day were reduced to zero because of their misbehavior or, as she liked to say, because we lost all points for being trash, the worst of the worst.


Anyway, I had to check what year I was in. So, I approached the nearest student I had.


"Hello, excuse me," I called, managing to catch the attention of the female student. "Um, do you know what day it is today?" I asked, doing my best to be respectful. I didn't know much about the Japanese, but at least I could try with my anime and manga knowledge.


By the way, why do all the women look like beauty models? I mean, practically all the women I've seen in this school are beautiful. Not that I'm complaining, but I thought I would at least find a woman who doesn't show such beauty.


"It's Wednesday," she replied, tilting her head. I didn't know who I was talking to, so the only thing that made sense was that she was a secondary character.


"I know, but the date," It was a lie; I didn't know it was Wednesday, and I also didn't have a phone to find out the year I was in. I gave her a nervous smile as I awaited her response.


"April 1st?" She said it as a question, but it wasn't because she didn't know the date... it was because she was confused that I didn't know the current date.


"Thanks," I said with a somewhat forced smile as I bowed a little. I didn't know if I was doing it right or handling Japanese culture badly, but it didn't matter.


I quickly separated from the nameless woman to follow the other students to the building they were heading to. I sighed in frustration... I wanted to know what year I was currently in, but I couldn't just approach someone and say, "Hey, do you know what year it is?" No, definitely, I couldn't do that; I might look like a weirdo.


Besides, I've read several fanfictions about Classroom of the Elite; I knew the people in this world were very gossip-prone. My reputation could be affected if I did something stupid.

I have many things on my mind right now. If I could describe my mind with one word, it would be chaotic.


I snapped out of my thoughts when the auditorium came into view. Outside, there was a sign that said "Entrance Ceremony." Once I entered, there was no turning back; this would be my new life. I would officially be a student at this prestigious school.


What will happen once I enter? I had no idea, but there was only one way to find out.




Currently, I Was Bored.


Why do all entrance ceremonies have to be like this? Good heavens, someone, please rescue me from my suffering... I don't know who created entrance ceremonies, but if, by some twist of fate, I ever find them, they deserve a punch in the face for making it so dull... I sighed for what felt like the fourth time since entering the auditorium.


At first, I wanted to distract my chaotic mind with anything, so I thought the entrance ceremony could give me what I was looking for.


I was very wrong.


I looked around to see who I could recognize; there were so many people that I could only identify some from Class D, like Kushida Kikyō, Nene Mori, and Chiaki Matsushita... there were others I recognized from other classes, but I wouldn't mention them one by one.


Anyway, I tried to see if I could find Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. In the end, I couldn't find him among the sea of students at the ceremony.


Ayanokōji was one of my favorite characters in the anime world. Another character who was one of my favorites was Levi Ackerman. Now that I think about it... I thank any god who sent me here. At least I was in a peaceful world or at least similar to mine. If I had been sent to Attack on Titan, I doubted I would have survived for too long.


A pang of irritation hit me suddenly. What was up with all the people in this world? Most were attractive, and others looked athletic or muscular... This was a blow to my self-esteem. I didn't consider myself ugly; in fact, I was a bit above average... but these people left me far behind in looks.


Anyway, my appearance and body had also changed... I didn't even know what my face looked like... So, how did I know I looked different?


The answer is easier than many would believe. Because of my height.


As pathetic as the answer sounds, I wasn't very tall even at the age of nineteen; I barely had a height of 164 centimeters (5.4 feet)... It was a bit weird being taller than in my previous body, but it wasn't so bad.


So, how could I be so short?... I didn't know. Maybe it was because I never liked vegetables, but I guess I'll have to get used to eating them.


After a while, the boring ceremony had ended. Fortunately, we were given an hour's break so we could eat. I could see students starting to leave.


What should I do? Should I go to my room, or should I go eat? Honestly, I wanted to go to my room, but I didn't know where it was, and this place was huge. I could easily get lost.


I guess I'll eat something and wait until they hand out the school's cell phones.


I had to follow the students heading to the cafeteria. I could see that most were forming their groups of friends... I'm generally an antisocial person who prefers to keep things to myself, but when I make a friend, I act a bit differently.


When I arrived at the cafeteria, I had to queue up to buy my food. When I got to the front to order, a problem arose.


I didn't know the contents of each meal on the menu.


I had no idea what it had, although I was surprised that I could read Japanese too easily. So, I didn't pay much attention. It was one of life's mysteries that I would never be able to solve. I could only guess that it was due to divine power. Unfortunately, the menu didn't have any description of the content people were ordering, only the name of the dish.


I had to solve this problem.


So, I ordered the cheapest thing. We had to pay with yen because we still didn't have the points, which made sense. Once I finished paying and got my food, I turned around to find a place to sit.

I had another problem.


Where was I supposed to sit? When did it fill up so quickly? Damn it, most of the tables were occupied by a group of people or by a solitary person who hadn't made friends yet or liked to be alone.


After searching for a while, I found a table with no one sitting. It was located in the corner of the cafeteria. I sighed in relief as I sat in my seat.


I put my tray on the table and finally got to see what I had bought.


It was rice with some meat and vegetables. I didn't know what kind of meat it was, but it looked appetizing. Were these the legendary anime meals? When I saw the food in the anime I watched, it always made me hungry. Unfortunately, the meals I could eat in my world never looked or smelled that good.


This was something I had always wanted to say.


"Itadakimasu," I said aloud as I clasped my hands in a prayer.


I picked up the chopsticks that came with the plate.


Wait, how was I supposed to eat with these chopsticks?! Shit! What do I do now? Should I ask for forks? No, that would make me a weirdo or, worse, a laughingstock.


My eye twitched due to the situation I was in. I wanted to grab my head's hair while screaming in frustration, but I couldn't do it, at least not in such a crowded place like the cafeteria.


Speaking of crowds, I looked around... I knew something was missing. No one was wearing or had a mask. That should have been obvious to my mind, but I had gotten used to wearing it and looking at other people with it, so it felt a bit strange to look at people so carefree.


No matter; looking on the bright side, there was no pandemic in this world.


Anyway, this wasn't the reason I looked around, or at least not the whole reason... The reason I was watching other people was to see them use chopsticks.


Unfortunately for me, it didn't help at all.


I focused my gaze on my food again, then sighed in frustration. What should I do? I didn't have much time; we had barely been given an hour. I also didn't have a clock nearby, so I didn't know how much time had passed.


The best option would be to leave my food untouched; maybe someone from higher grades who had no points to afford to buy these meals would end up eating it. You never know; maybe they were lurking, watching who left their food. Hungry people could eat anything... Well, at least in my world.


I chuckled remembering a certain character nicknamed the potato girl better known as Sasha Blouse. She was the right person I needed for this situation.


I shook my head, pushing away any silly thoughts. I didn't know what to do; I was between a rock and a hard place.


You know what, screw it all.


I got up from my seat before starting to look for the cafeteria exit without having touched the food. I had to endure hunger at the moment. Later, I would take a look at YouTube-san; I was a hundred percent sure I could find a tutorial and practice at some point. In the meantime, I wouldn't eat in the cafeteria.


After a while, I found the classroom that belonged to me. According to the paper I had found in my wallet, which said, "You will be in Class D... I expect great things from you," then next to it, my real name was written.


I swallowed saliva, hoping not to attract too much attention.


Oh, friend, how wrong I was.




Once I entered the classroom, several classmates and characters I knew turned to see where I was, or more specifically, the person who had just opened the door a few moments ago.


My body tensed for a few seconds, due to nerves.


I heard, "Stop staring at me; you're making me nervous," is what I wanted to say, but I didn't. Instead, I smiled shyly as I looked for empty seats.


The class was almost full; I could count at least more than twenty seats, so it meant that I was in the world of Classroom of the Elite LN. I was worried that I was in the world of Classroom of the Elite anime because there were differences between the two.


I walked toward the empty seat located in the center, next to the window. How did I know this was my seat? Well, obviously, it had the identification plate with the name Hiroki Nakatomi.


I began to sit in my seat while placing my bag on the desk hook... This bag only had school supplies, like a notebook, pencils, etc.


Anyway, the person who had the seat in front of my seat was none other than Yōsuke Hirata... The popular Ikemen guy. As far as I knew, Hirata would start pretending to be in a relationship with Kei Karuizawa in the third week after the start of the school year.


The person behind my seat was Hideo Sotomura, or better known as a teacher... an otaku, just like me... Anyway, I didn't remember if Sotomura was important for later in the future, but I guess I don't care at the moment.


The person in the seat to the right was Chiaki Matsushita... As far as I knew, she didn't have too much appearance in the first year, although, in the last exam of the school year, which was a final event selection exam, she began to attract more attention from the light novel readers... I didn't know much about her other than that she was hiding her abilities because she didn't want to be envied. However, I think the main reason is that Matsushita didn't believe that Class D would reach Class A.


Damn it!! I was in a place where I could stand out too much. I didn't want to get too involved with Hirata; it was obvious that the guy would be very popular among girls in a few hours. Also, I knew that having too many girls around could be frustrating or, in my case, uncomfortable.


I'm sure he will look for at least one male company to accompany him. Unfortunately for him, the other guys would be too jealous of Hirata to accompany him.


Anyway, my body was very tense, so I had to calm down... I also had to stop looking at my female classmate from the corner of my eye... The girl on my right would probably notice if I kept being too obvious about it.


After a few minutes, the class had filled up, then the first bell rang.


Almost at the same time, a woman in a suit entered the classroom. I sighed tiredly; I knew what was coming next... if I put effort into it, I could even quote some phrases she was about to say to Class D.


"Ahem. Good morning to you, students. I am the Class D instructor. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Japanese history. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade, For the next three years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know a of you. It's a pleasure to meet you."


She made a brief pause to let the information sink in before continuing.


"After the main hall, you will be allowed to spend your time as you wish, as your classes will begin tomorrow. For now, I will distribute written materials with information about the special rules of this school. I will also hand out the admissions guide."


From the front, they passed out the pamphlets.


Once it reached my hand, I began to read it.


I didn't need to pay attention; I just had to pretend I was. Anyway, I knew everything she was going to say at the moment.


I knew that it was forbidden to contact anyone outside the school... Not that I was worried because I didn't have anyone to contact in this world... I didn't even know who had brought me here in the first place.


God... it's going to be a pain to memorize where each place is located. If my memory was correct, the school covered more than 600,000 square meters. Which, in my opinion, was too large... I had to walk to get from one place to another.


I sighed heavily.


"I will now briefly explain the S-System. As mentioned in your admissions guidelines, you will each receive a student ID card along with your phone that is provided by the school. The cards will allow you to access any of the campus facilities, purchase goods, etc. It acts like a credit card. The cell phones provided by the school can also function to purchase goods and also include the school's system along with the applications already installed".




Anyway, was this guy my current body? He had appeared twice. First on my personal identification and now on my student ID.


If the answer is yes... then I'm quite the charmer.


Also, the cell phone they gave me was quite impressive, to say the least. It came with a chip that prevented us from contacting the outside. Not that I had anyone to contact anyway. So, I'm not too concerned.


So, getting back to it, I knew that these identification cards replaced real money. I had an approximate value from yen to dollars. They were going to give us 100,000 points, which equated to one yen. So, it was roughly a little over 900 dollars.


It was too much money in my opinion. I'd be a blatant liar if I said I wasn't a bit excited to receive such a sum of money. I had never had so much money in my life at my fingertips. But I knew I couldn't spend too much money.


My goal would be to save as much money as I could until Class D started earning points again... Obviously, I wanted to buy a console so I wouldn't be bored or just spend all my time reading, but that would be after a few months. Right now, I have to focus on English and Japanese history subjects. In English, I only knew the basics, and I didn't know much about Japanese history beyond what they show in anime. My country was in Central America. It's a small country, but I still live a normal and peaceful life.


I snapped out of my thoughts when Chabashira-sensei paused for a moment to take a breath before uttering her next words.


"However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points you spend. At this school, you can use your points to purchase anything. Anything on the school premises is available for purchase. Your student cards can be used by simply swiping them through the machine's scanner. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first day of each month. Everyone should have received 100,000 points by now. Please note that one point is equivalent to one yen".


Upon the mention of receiving such a large amount of money, the whole class started murmuring. Most students began to show excitement; some were already discussing what they were going to spend those points on.


I frowned at how foolish my classmates were. Should I make a plan to tell them about this? I chuckled at the silly thought, which was caught unintentionally by my neighbor.


Even if I told them it was a trap, would they believe me? If we thought about it carefully, then the answer would be a resounding NO in capital letters. Maybe I couldn't tell the whole class directly, but some classmates were intelligent and could pick up on hints.


It wasn't a bad plan, but for it to work, the person catching the hint had to be popular with the class. Someone trustworthy or at least someone they could take at their word.


Two people came to mind. Yōsuke Hirata or Kushida Kikyō, but the problem was how to execute the action plan without needing to attract attention.


I sighed; this was becoming too troublesome.


My body tensed briefly when Chabashira-sensei smiled at the class's excitement. The smile on her face gave me bad vibes; it was a smile reserved for someone they looked down on.


"Surprised by the amounts you were given? This school evaluates the talents of its students. They have all passed the entrance exam, which speaks volumes about their value and potential. The amount you just received reflects the evaluation of your value. You can use your points without restrictions. However, keep in mind that after graduation, all your points go back to the school. Since it is impossible to redeem them for cash, there is no advantage in keeping them. In case you don't want to use your points, you can transfer them to someone else. However, extortion of other students will be dealt with harshly. The school monitors harassment very carefully."


Should I ask now? It was an opportunity for at least the smarter people to start suspecting the S-System. The only downside is that I'll attract a bit of attention, but if we can end the month with at least a few points, then it would be fine for me.


But I had a problem, what should I ask?


"Well, it doesn't seem like there are any ques—" Chabashira-sensei began, pulling me out of my thoughts.


Damn, it's now or never.


"Chabashira-sensei," I called out, raising my hand with embarrassment.


Everyone in the class turned to look in my direction, making me shrink in embarrassment.


I could feel nerves taking over my body. If I said something wrong, I would be the laughingstock of the class.


"Do you have any questions, Nakatomi?" Chabashira asked me, and I felt her eyes penetrating my soul, making me even more anxious.


I opened my mouth and closed it again; I felt my cheeks heating up with embarrassment.


Come on, you can do it, I thought, taking a deep breath before starting to speak.


"Just a confirmation, nothing more," I said, pausing before continuing, "The amount of points we got this month," I emphasized the last word just in case, "reflects our merit, right?"


The class was in an uncomfortable silence for a moment; Chabashira-sensei's smile had changed to an amused one.


"That's correct. As I mentioned earlier, the amount of points earned is what you deserve. So, you received 100,000 points to get through the month."


Chabashira-sensei, you're a cunning woman.


"Thank you, then," I said, doing my best to ignore the looks of my classmates.


"Well, then, it seems there are no more questions. I hope you enjoy your time here as students."


Although her voice was perfectly uniform, if you paid attention to the overall situation in Class D, you could sense a trace of disdain in the last sentence.


Having said her piece, Chabashira left the classroom.


I sighed, bracing myself for what would come next.

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