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52.1% Persona: The Phantom Masquerade. / Chapter 59: The Art Class.

Capítulo 59: The Art Class.

The next day, after school, Ren arrived at the park slightly earlier. As he wandered around, he found an open park picnic table. The park was a canvas of vibrant greens and florals, the sun casting a gentle warmth over everything.

A few minutes later, approaching Ren with a smile, Shiho said. 

"Hey, I hope I'm not too late. Time just flew by."

Ren couldn't help but notice Shiho's transformation. Today, she radiated a different kind of energy, her usual reserved simplicity replaced by a subtle elegance. She had chosen a soft, flowing dress that complemented the spring day, and her makeup, though minimal, accentuated her features beautifully.

"No, not at all. I was just enjoying the view." Ren responded with a chuckle, his gaze subtly taking in her effort and the serene setting around them. 

As they walked towards the designated spot, the air was filled with the gentle rustle of leaves and distant sounds of laughter and play from other park-goers.

Sitting at the park' table, Ren opened the bento box to reveal an assortment of homemade delicacies. Each compartment was filled with carefully prepared food, each made with special attention and care.

Shiho's eyes lit up at the sight. 

"Ren, this is amazing! You made all of this?"

"Kind of. When Sojiro saw me cooking, he insisted on helping me, so I did get some help with it." Ren said with a chuckle as he thought about the past few hours.

Initially, he was going to go in one of his usual casual outfits, but the moment Sojrio asked him what the food was for, he sent Ren back up to the attic to choose a nicer outfit. After that, Sojiro stepped in and helped Ren cook up a better version of his usual curry.

Hearing his answer, Shiho let out a slight chuckle before thanking him for the food and starting to dig in.

The lunch unfolded into an easy conversation, laughter blending with the tastes of Ren's carefully prepared meal. 

"You know, the volleyball team asked me to join back. Apparently, the new coach is a former teacher named Yamauchi, but he is not putting any effort into the volleyball team and is only focusing on bringing back the track team... So they want us to try to join together and show him that we can still play, even after everything that happened." Shiho shared that she had taken a few bites of the food.

"Do you think you'll go back?" Ren asked.

"I don't know… I really like volleyball, but I would honestly rather just focus on trying out different things. Every time I step into the school gym, I become uncomfortable… The worst part is that as bad as Kamoshida was, he actually made all of us improve by force, so it would feel wrong to win because, technically, it was thanks to him." She admitted getting lost in thought.

Hearing her words, Ren went silent for a moment. He wasn't quite sure how to answer, but with the meaning of the Arcana still fresh on his mind, an idea appeared. He grabbed a few of the items he had brought and built a small tower. Placing the bento boxes on top of two chopsticks

"What are you doing?" Shiho asked as she snapped out of her sudden daze.

"Well… it's a bit hard to explain… But imagine this is what you learned from Kamoshida," he said before gently pushing the small tower he had built using his finger. The boxes rolled on the chopsticks until one of the chopsticks fell behind, causing the tower to collapse.

"With the crazy schedule and all of the abuse, he might have been able to build something, but it was bound to collapse at some point. Either from the stress or simply because your body is not able to keep up anymore." He said.

After which, he grabbed the boxes and placed them down first, placing the chopsticks at the top.

"Now you have the chance to build the tower yourself with whatever pieces you want. And this time, a bit more stable." he finished, tapping the bento box tower without it moving.

Looking up at Shiho, he saw her smiling before bursting out into a soft laugh.

"You're weird, but I get it," Shiho said with a smile as she pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

After talking for some more time, the two of them began making their way towards the museum.

Their arrival at the museum marked a transition from the natural beauty of the park to the curated elegance of art and history. The museum, an imposing structure of classical design, welcomed them into its halls, filled with the quiet murmur of visitors and the soft, diffused light illuminating the artworks. 

As a museum dedicated to Madarame's works, the walls were filled to the brim with intricate paintings. Since they still had some time before the class started, the two of them wandered around, taking a look at the paintings.

"It's impressive how Madarame can capture so many different art styles." Shiho muttered as she looked at one of the paintings.

Ren's golden eyes glowed slightly as his third eye activated, looking into each painting. Surprisingly, through his skill, he could see a few impressive things.

"Yeah… the brush patterns are completely different from painting to painting. If I didn't know better, I would assume they were done by different people." Ren said, his eyes wandering from painting to painting, unaware that his comment had caught the attention of their soon-to-be teacher.

As the two of them continued walking, their soon-to-be teacher began following them in the background until they eventually arrived at a recreation of the "Sayuri," Madarame's most famous painting. It had been stolen some time ago, so the best they could do was look at a copy that was created.

"So Ren, what do your artist's eyes see?" Shiho asked in a joking tone as she stood next to him.

His eyes narrowed for a moment, looking at the painting closely.

"It's probably because it's just a copy, but it looks incomplete. Honestly, I don't really know enough about art to understand what I am seeing." Ren said, deactivating his skill.

After wandering around the museum a bit longer, the two of them made their way to the class.

The art class was set in a spacious room with large windows offering views of the museum's manicured gardens. Canvases, paints, and brushes were neatly arranged at each station, inviting participants to unleash their creativity. 

Standing next to most canvases were groups of people of differing ages, all eagerly awaiting for the class to start, and just a few moments later, a young man with dark blue hair parted into bangs walked into the room. He was taller and skinnier than the average man, but judging by his appearance, he looked to be around the same age as Ren and Shiho. He wore a simple, clean, long-sleeve white shirt and black pants.

He wore a neutral expression on his face, yet Ren could slightly notice that he would much rather be anywhere else but here.

"Welcome to today's art class," the man began, his voice calm and reflective. "I am Yusuke Kitagawa, a pupil of Madarame. Today, we shall explore beyond mere imitation, seeking the soul that art embodies. Please find a canvas, and let us begin."

Ren and Shiho exchanged glances, their eyes a mixture of excitement and nervousness, before settling in front of a canvas. Yusuke walked among the students, his gaze keen and observant, offering insights and encouragement with a passion that belied his initial detachment.

"I think this is a more advanced class than what was advertised… Everyone here is way better than us." She said, holding back some laughter as she looked at the strange beginnings of her painting.

"Just go for it. I don't even know what to start with." Ren said as he looked at his empty canvas.

"Consider what moves you, what stirs your heart, and let that guide your hand," Yusuke instructed, pausing by Ren and Shiho's setup. "Remember, the beauty of art lies not in perfection but in expression. Let your canvas reflect your essence."

Ren and Shiho shared an uncertain glance, each holding a brush with a tentative grip. Encouraged by Yusuke's words, they turned to their canvases, ready to embark on their artistic journey.

Shiho decided to capture the essence of the park where they had lunch, her painting aiming to reflect the bright greens and the serene atmosphere. Her strokes were uneven, and the proportions somewhat skewed, but the joy and the warmth of that moment were palpable in her art.

Ren, on the other hand, was drawn to the image of a blue butterfly, slightly unsure as to why. The butterfly's wings, a vibrant azure against the white canvas, were not perfectly symmetrical, and the background was a series of hesitant, overlapping brush strokes that aimed to depict the sky but ended up as a somewhat muddled mix of blues and whites. 

Due to his newfound familiarity with the flower, he tried to depict the butterfly sitting on a simple poppy flower. However, that was easier said than done, as he struggled to make it look like anything more than a red blob.

Throughout the entire time both of them were painting, Ren was too focused to notice the constant curious glances Yusuke passed his way. Almost as if analyzing him for something.

Some time later, Yusuke, making his rounds, paused to observe their work. 

"Ah, a butterfly," he remarked, looking over Ren's shoulder. "A symbol of metamorphosis, of change and beauty emerging from struggle. And you," turning to Shiho, "have captured a sense of place, a memory. Both of you have shown admirable intent and emotion in your work."

Their paintings, clearly the work of novices, carried a raw, unrefined charm. The art class wasn't about mastering techniques in one afternoon but about exploring new ways of seeing and expressing oneself.

 As the session concluded, Ren and Shiho examined their paintings. Shiho's scene, though lacking in technical skill, was bright and cheerful, a fond memory captured in paint. Ren's butterfly, despite its asymmetrical wings and somewhat clumsy background, gave a strange yet familiar feeling.

"Thanks, Yusuke-sensei," Shiho said, a smile playing on her lips. "This was quite an experience."

Nodding, the blue-haired man responded with what sounded like a rehearsed answer.

"The journey in art, as in life, begins with a single step, or in this case, a single stroke. May you both continue to explore and express yourselves." Yusuke said reflexively. 

As they prepared to leave, Yusuke's voice cut through the murmur of the departing crowd, directed unmistakably at Ren. 

"Excuse me, may I know your name?"

"Ren Amamiya, why?" Ren answered, slightly confused.

"Amamiya-san, would you consider being the subject for my next artwork?" Yusuke inquired, his usual composed demeanor giving way to a noticeable intensity. He stepped closer, almost unconsciously, driven by a sudden inspiration.

Ren, taken aback, shared a hesitant look with Shiho, uncertainty mirrored in his eyes.


Yusuke's expression turned earnest, his plea laced with a fervor that bordered on desperation. 

"Forgive my abruptness. It's just that, after observing you and your interaction with the Sayuri, an idea struck me, a concept profoundly different from anything I've pursued before."

He paused, collecting his thoughts. 

"You see, the Sayuri represents an ethereal beauty, an essence of humanity that's captivating. I've always aspired to capture something of equal significance. Initially, I believed it required depicting another form of beauty. However, upon reflection, especially after observing you while painting, I've realized there's a contrasting path."

Yusuke's gaze fixed on Ren with an intensity that felt almost invasive. 

"In your presence, there's an... anomaly, a divergence from the norm that's subtle yet profound. If the Sayuri illuminates the beauty within humanity, I seek to explore its absence. You, Amamiya-san, embody this concept. There's a detachment in you, an otherness that defies easy definition."

Shiho's expression darkened, her protective instincts surfacing.

"What exactly are you suggesting?" she asked, her tone sharpening.

"It's nothing alarming," Yusuke hurried to clarify, his enthusiasm tempering into a more thoughtful expression. 

"It's not about casting shadows over one's character. Rather, it's about exploring the nuances of what makes us human and questioning the boundaries of that humanity. Amamiya-san's aura, especially the depth in his dark eyes, suggests a narrative far removed from the ordinary, almost as if he transcends the very essence of what we perceive as human."

Hearing his answer, Shiho turned to look at Ren, who was quietly looking back at Yusuke with a slightly unsure expression. The main reason was the almost transparent thread that was beginning to form between them.

He wasn't really interested in acting as a model again, yet the way Yusuke had phrased it had intrigued him somewhat. Judging by his use of 'dark eyes,' he wasn't able to see their true color, but that only made it more intriguing that he could tell that there was something different about him.

After a few moments of hesitation, Ren nodded his head with a sigh and said.

"Sure… I am a bit busy at the moment, but I am sure we can figure out a day for it."

"Excellent! I shall eagerly await when the day comes. Please send me a message when you have a moment. The painting is probably going to take a full day, if not slightly longer, but I will make sure to make the process as smooth as possible."

Numbers exchanged in a flurry of anticipation, Yusuke's demeanor softened, his earlier intensity giving way to respectful acknowledgment. With a nod, he allowed them to part ways, his mind already adrift in the sea of creative possibilities that Ren's unique presence had stirred.

Shiho, despite her initial annoyance at the interruption, couldn't help but smile as they left the museum. The day had been a rollercoaster of emotions, from the warmth of their dinner to the sudden request from Yusuke.

"It looks like our date got a bit more interesting towards the end, huh?" Shiho said absentmindedly as they began making their way home.

Ren chuckled at the comment as he answered.

"I never wanted to be a model, but somehow, I keep getting hired as one. But hey, if we ignore that last part, it was a good day—a pretty good day."

Their conversation meandered as they walked, touching on the day's events. Small laughter rang through the air from time to time as they got closer to the train station. As they reached the point where their paths diverged, a comfortable silence settled between them. 

"Today definitely had its surprises, but I loved every moment of it." Shiho reflected, her eyes bright with the day's memories.

"Same here," Ren grinned, the echo of his laughter transitioning into a warm, genuine smile. "We should definitely do this again. But let's skip the unexpected modeling offers next time."

"Hmmm…. I don't know. What if I start to get good at drawing and need a model?" Shiho teased, giving him a playful nudge.

"Oh? You want to draw me like one of your French boys?" Ren joked, adopting an overly dramatic pose for effect.

"Oui oui, monsieur," Shiho giggled, her laughter mingling with the evening air. Just as her train began to pull into the station, she leaned in with a conspiratorial whisper, "Ren, I've got a secret for you, come closer."

Intrigued and still smiling, Ren leaned in, drawn by her playful tone.

"What's the secret?"

As he did, Shiho gently cupped his cheek, pulling him slightly closer to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you for today," she murmured, her voice a mix of gratitude and affection. 

Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel, darting towards the train with a grace that left Ren momentarily stunned. She boarded just in time, the doors sliding shut behind her, but not before she cast one last, gleaming smile his way through the window.


Yusuke Kitagawa (The Emperor) Rank 1

Shiho Suzui (The Tower) Rank 6

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