The next moment, when Mallory woke up, she felt a pain shoot up to her heart even though it wasn't beating as she was a vampire. A soft gasp escaped from her lips, and she met Hadeon's concerned eyes.
"Nightmare?" Hadeon inquired, to which Mallory shook her head.
"I am not sure. It felt too dark… you think it has something to do with the soul that's attached to me now?" Mallory asked, pulling herself to sit upright.
"As we chose a blank soul, it shouldn't be causing you any trouble," Hadeon responded, sitting up with her and leaning forward to take a look into her light red eyes. When a frown appeared on his face, she asked him,
"What is it?"
Hadeon pulled away from her face and replied, "You have black specks in your eyes. Something is causing a corruption in you."
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