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10.71% CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound / Full Altered CYOA Part 1

Full Altered CYOA Part 1

This chapter is for those who want to play around with their own character builds or those who just want to read the whole CYOA without interruptions.


[Victory Conditions]

Regardless of difficulty or choices, you now have a permanent shard of the Root of Reality, and thus by surviving for five years without leaving your chosen reality (time manipulation not counting), something will change, and at any point after that (or when you die) you can reconnect to the kaleidoscope, and gain the permanent ability to journey throughout the myriad realities, within reason. This includes being able to return to your original time and place with all your powers and perks, if you wish to do so.

You can also instead choose to go to another world and survive another five years without leaving in order to gain an additional five to ten points towards gaining more powers. The amount of points you gain is determined by the difficulty you choose, with World Fodder giving the least and World Breaker giving the most. This can be done repeatedly. However, if the world you choose is determined to be too weak for your current strength, you will instead gain only 10-30% of the points. And if the world is one where no one can challenge you, you gain no points.

If you fail to survive in your first world, you will be brought back to your original time and place in the condition you left, without any powers, advantages, or memories. It will be as if the accident never happened.


[Power Level - Choose Your Difficulty Mode (Pick 1)]

World Fodder - You start with -5 points, can take up to 10 points from drawbacks, receive no points from the destination, and can only purchase Lesser powers. This is the hardcore difficulty.

World-Survivor - You start with 0 points, can take up to 10 points from drawbacks, receive halved points from the destination (rounded down), and can only purchase Lesser powers. This is the challenging difficulty.

World-Strider - You start with 10 points, can take up to 10 points from the destination and drawbacks, and can only purchase one Greater power while all other powers can only be Lesser. This is the standard difficulty.

World-Changer - You start with 15 points, can take up to 15 points from the destination and drawbacks, and can purchase any Lesser and Greater powers. This is the comfortable difficulty.

World-Breaker - You start with 20 points, can take up to 20 points from the destination and drawbacks, and can purchase any powers, including Supreme powers. This is the god-mode difficulty.


[Destination World - Depending on your chosen world's Tonal Alignment, Tech Level (Civilisation Development), Magic Level (Supernatural Presence), Cosmology (World Structure), as well as your Familiarity (World Understanding) and chosen method of Arrival (World Entry), points will be added or subtracted from the base number.]

[Tonal Alignment - Determines the general danger level and the balance between 'peace' and 'disaster'.]

Peaceful (-2) — A world without significant threats or large-scale disasters. Matches to the setting of most 'slice-of-life' style worlds. The problems are often interpersonal or personal ones, and the structure of society is comfortably safe and virtuous.

Noblebright (-1) — A world with some danger, but within which good will generally triumph over evil, and where peaceful intentions, heroics, and human decency can have lasting positive impact. True horrors and disasters are rare, if they exist at all. The line between good and evil is rarely, if ever, blurred, most people are decent, and society as a whole is positive and worth saving.

Neutral (0) — A world with no significant inclination for either good or ill. There will be both good and evil in equal measure, and danger will happen at random. Similar to your origin, Earth, virtue and honor are often unrewarded, and deception and cruelty aren't always punished. A world with no clear theme but varied possibilities, whose variance reflects reality in more ways than one.

Shaded (+2) — A world in which trauma, suffering, or death are presented as the norm and life is often uncaring and unforgiving. Terms such as 'dark', 'gray', or 'grim' are apt. Any significant good will often be linked to some sort of sacrifice or sorrow, good acts and intentions often have negative consequences, and morality is complex. Usually, people and society are corrupt or "bad" and in need of deep change.

Grimdark (+3) — A world that is actively undergoing some sort of widespread catastrophe. Alien invasion, nuclear war, natural disasters, and the like will be happening nigh-constantly, shattering what little status quo is able to form. Death, danger, corruption, and the like presses in from every direction, as things tend to just get worse regardless of effort. Very few verses are like this, and for good reason.


[Tech Level (Civilisation Development) - Determines the level of sophistication and technology that is available in this world. Note that with higher levels of magic (selected below), the technologies listed can be potentially based on the supernatural rather than science.]

Medieval (+2) — A world with a level of technology equivalent to, at most, the era of knights and castles. Swords, sailing ships, and horse riding are the maximum level of technology.

Pre-industrial/Industrial/Steampunk (+1) — A world with a level of technology just prior to, at, or is like the level of the industrial revolution. Steam engines, cannons, and the like are the general level of technology. Steampunk also applies to this category.

Modern (0) — A world that has a level of technology equivalent to modern-day earth.

Near Future (+1) — A world with a level of technology equivalent to predictions of the near future. One or more of the following likely exists in a practical form: cybernetic implants, artificial intelligence, holograms, hover cars, full-dive VR, or gene-mods.

Spacefaring (+2) — A world with a level of technology that would allow for travel to and colonization of distant planets. Does not strictly require spaceflight to be in use, but technology must be equivalent. One or more of the following likely exists in a practical form: matter teleportation, force fields, nano-printing, FTL travel.


[Magic Level (Supernatural Presence) - Determines the level of magic or other supernatural phenomena that are available in this world.]

None (0) — Magic and the supernatural are considered nothing more than myths. You will be one of, if not the only, source of supernatural power in this world.

Low (+1) — Magic and the supernatural tend to be subtle with fairly minor effects. Rituals to improve blacksmithing, for example. Any significant magical effects are usually ascribed to some distant period of high magic. With the World-Survivor option, your power will be significantly above the norm here.

Moderate (+2) — Magic and the supernatural are fairly commonplace. Levels of personal power will vary, but, as an example, a single well-trained war mage would be the equivalent of several dozen ordinary soldiers. With the World-Survivor option, your power will be above average, but extraordinary examples will exist that outshine you in one or more areas.

High (+3) — Magic and the supernatural are common, with significant powerful effects being widespread. Flying cities, mountain ranges turned into massive walls, conjuring armies of magical golems, etc., are presented as examples of semi-common feats. With the World-Survivor option, your power may not even be notable and will probably be overshadowed.


[Cosmology (World Structure) - Determines the general shape of the cosmos surrounding the world that you have entered. Higher point options can have aspects of lower options but only pick one.]

Planets and Stars (0) — A proper planet, orbiting around a star, with other planets and stars scattered around throughout space.

Side Realms (+1) — 'Planets & Stars', but with side realms / sub-dimensions added, such as physical afterlives, elemental realms, faerie worlds, heaven and hell, or other such realms.

Multiverse (+2) — 'Planets & Stars', but with an entire micro-multiverse, containing a finite number of alternate timelines or worlds, as well as spaces between them.

Xianxia Ladder (+3) — 'Planets & Stars', but contained within a 'ladder' of stronger and weaker realms or levels that can be ascended to or descended from. The levels of technology and magical power will reflect in the level you are initially within, but can be outstripped in higher levels or shrunk at lower levels.


[Arrival (World Entry) - Determines the circumstances of your arrival in this new world.]

Reincarnation (-1) — You will fuse with a version of yourself that existed in this world prior to your arrival, usually as a child but possibly older. That version of yourself will have memories and a past within this world, and their actions and choices will have reflected the same values and desires you currently have. This version of yourself may or may not look like you. For +1 point, you don't have the memories of this version of yourself if it's an older version.

Subtle (0) — You will arrive in the world as you are, possibly naked, possibly just out of the shower, or possibly with only the clothes you have and a few items you could gather before making the transition. Your arrival will be unheralded and unnoticed by any who weren't present to see it, in a discreet location, like an alleyway or in the woods.

Dramatic (+1) — You will arrive in the world in an extremely dramatic fashion, such as with a massive pillar of light shooting down from the sky, or a tremendous psychic shockwave echoing from your arrival point. Many significant entities will be aware of your arrival and the point where you emerged.


[Familiarity (World Understanding) - Determines how familiar you are with the world that you have appeared in.]

Recognised (-2) — The world is actually reflective of a work of fiction that you are familiar with. The general structure of the work may have been altered to match your other choices here, but enough of the pertinent details will remain the same to give you a fairly significant advantage. Any Verse presented by an author from your Earth, and then comprehensible by a substantial enough portion of the population, exists within your 'local' branch of reality.

Familiar (0) — The world will have many familiar elements, such as a history close to your own world or a language that matches the one you speak. The structure may also match stories and tropes you are familiar with, even if the actual details do not match any story you know.

Unfamiliar (+1) — The world will be unfamiliar to you in all but the most general aspects, with languages that you can't speak, customs that may seem strange, or a foreign history. If you have chosen to be reincarnated, there will be a disconnect between you and your new memories, and some of them will be scrambled.

Alien (+2) — The world will be completely foreign to you. At best, the beings inhabiting it may still be humanoid, but even that may not be true. The values, history, and general structure are all completely bizarre to you. Even if you reincarnated, your memories will be extremely jumbled, giving only a small bit of the 'common sense of your new world to you.


Your Example Destinations:

World [Base Points (Point Range depending on Free Choice Options)]

MCU [+5 (+3 to +7)] | World Nature: Neutral | Tech Level: Spacefaring | Magic Level: Moderate | Cosmology: Multiverse | Arrival: Free Choice | Familiarity: Recognised


[Drawbacks - Pick any number from each category, but unless otherwise stated, each can only be taken once, and doesn't expire until the Victory Condition.]

[Mutations - These alter your body and cannot be removed except by the victory condition.]

Mutation (+1 - +3) — You look non-human and there's no way to hide it. There are degrees of severity concerning mutations. You can take a maximum of two deformed or one monstrous. Deformed: (+1 point) Your mutations are minor, like glowing eyes or small horns on your head. There are always some external indicators and there is little to no physical benefit. Monstrous: (+3 points) Your mutations are major, either affecting your whole body, or most of it. Examples include a slug like the lower half, a missing head, or a torso made of wood. You can try to make yourself look human with powers, but the result is usually disturbing.

Danger Beacon (+2) — You will attract unwanted attention and dangerous entities wherever you go. As you unwillingly and unknowingly spark out random waves of energy that highly tuned instruments looking for these distortions, certain powers, anomalous monsters, powerful magi, and cosmic beings such as gods can detect. The ripples spike most when you enter a verse or fully use your powers. While these entities might not be able to track your position, they can sense your approximate area and will understand your potential danger.

Hibernation Curse (+2) — You are intermittently forced into a deep sleep during which you will be vulnerable and face nightmares. You cannot be woken up and will be unable to use your powers. The bouts of sleep will occur at least once every month, and the sleep lasts for at least two days. However, using your powers more intensively will increase their frequency and length of sleep while causing your sleep to be plagued with nightmares. You will only know when your sleep will occur a few hours before it begins.

Age Locked (+1) — You are aged or de-aged to a specific extreme and can't age yourself up or down with powers. You can only pick one of the following. Pint-sized: You're a kid, (6-10) years old. No one takes you seriously, and your normal physical abilities are quite-limited. Even Powers can only help so much. You'll grow up, eventually. Elderly: You're a senior citizen and you look the part (65+) years old. Regardless of your powers, you will feel the effects of your age as if you did not have powers, and your normal physical abilities are quite-limited.


[Restrictions - These are psychological limitations and action restrictions. Each of them will bind you for a length of time or until some action is complete. These cannot be removed except by the victory condition.]

Conflict Drive (+2) — This will cause your mind to desire for and pursue conflict. This usually results in you trying to solve things with direct confrontation or violence, even if there might be other safer or less direct ways of solving an issue. This does not have to be physical conflict, if you're the armchair general type, intense strategic planning where a miscalculation means death will satisfy you. This isn't overwhelming, but will influence things like your first instincts to be diplomatic or attack but also fight-or-flight responses. If you weren't told about it, you probably wouldn't notice. This is also something that cannot be mitigated simply with willpower or mind alteration. When you don't engage in conflict every once in a while by forcefully repressing yourself, you will begin to feel depressed, manic, and or agitated, and then your powers will begin to weaken and malfunction.


Geass (+2-+3 points (Can be taken multiple times to a maximum of +5 points)) — You are restricted by a simple code of conduct, consisting of two or three rules. This is either a psychological limitation you cannot overcome or you face intense pain, then injury, and eventual death for not following it. Minor Geasa that are rarely inconvenient give only +2 points, Major Geass that are completely life limiting and frequently affecting give +3 points.

Role Playing (+3): You must act, think, and look the part of a specific character, organization, or set of tropes such as 'Batman', 'Team Rocket', or 'The Mysterious, Powerful, and Wise Mentor'.

Still Tongue (+2): You are restricted from being able to speak. Alternatively, you can speak, but it causes intense pain in yourself and any others who hear it.

Truthspeaker (+2): You are forbidden from knowingly telling any falsehood for the duration of this mission. A 'technical truth' or a 'lie of omission' is permitted, so long as you do not actually speak a falsehood to set them up. This restriction extends to writing, sign language, telepathy, and any other direct form of communication.

Empty Hands (+2): You are restricted from using any tools or weapons that are not crafted with or generated by your powers.

Unwilling Hero (+2): "Do not harm the innocent or allow them to come to harm. "

Homebound (+2): "Do not leave a specific location or place such as a city, mountain, or town."

Law Abiding (+2): "Do not disobey lawful authority, and follow the laws of any place."

Compulsion (+2): You must attain and maintain something like popularity, a secret identity, or a large territory and respond hardly to any attempt on it or challenge to it.

Mystic Mentor (+2): "You must teach your discipline to others" there is a quota per year.

Absolute Fealty (+3) — You gain awareness of a random individual, most likely a total stranger, and you must obey any and all commands that this person gives you faithfully, and you cannot either harm them or allow them to come to harm via action or inaction. Some tasks they ask of you may be distasteful or degrading, but none can be intended to cause you direct, permanent harm. You will always be aware of the commands they give, even if you are separated from them, and they're both aware that you exist, that you have powers, and that you must obey their commands.


[Situations - These will restrict your choices or alter the parameters of your situation.]

Type-Lock or Spread Thin (Both +1) — Type-Lock: Choose body powers, discipline powers, or item powers. You can only select powers from that section. Spread Thin: Alternatively, you can only take a maximum of one power from each section.

Bravely Default (+1) — You cannot select any perks (for example mastery meditation or adaptation), nor can you select any of the optional modifiers within powers (for example -2 points to remove the kryptonite weakness of the Symbiote option)

Long Stay (+1 - +2) — You have to survive for longer before you gain the victory condition (50 years), and during that time you cannot leave the world in any way, alternatively you are required to survive longer (1000 years) for another +1 point.

Trigger Event (+2 - +4) — Initially, roughly half of your powers will be locked, and they will be gradually unlocked upon encountering or surviving sufficiently dangerous, traumatizing, or damaging experiences. Such moments cannot be manufactured. For another +2 point, all your powers are initially locked and will all be unlocked in this same way.

Without a Map (+1(Cannot take Subtle Arrival)) — Upon arrival, your placement is somewhere actively dangerous at one of the worst moments possible, such as an apocalyptic war zone of archmages or a maximum security prison for super powered individuals.

Unknown Self (+1) — You irrevocably forget who you were before the Verse crossing. Your memories, even your name, are lost. Only habits, languages, skills, and practical knowledge is retained. Items you bring with you are scrubbed of info about your past.

Unknown Choices (+1) — You forget all your choices, and will have to discover your destination, drawbacks, and what powers you have through accident or trial and error. You might not even be aware of the kaleidoscope.

Unknown World (+2 (Requires Recognised)) — All prior knowledge of the Verse is irrevocably destroyed. Any information about it in any other form you could take with you, such as items, is erased. Alternate means to gain information also fail.


[Body Powers - You gain the unique genetics/procedure/condition of your chosen powers listed below. Depending on the power, your abilities may or may not grow with time, study, practice, conflict, etc. Your power cannot be reproduced, reverse engineered, or copied, as others will lack the unique kaleidoscopic connection you have and also be unable to sense or affect this connection, let alone replicate it. Powers that are explicitly reliant on forces that are not present in worlds you journey to still work regularly, but will be somewhat susceptible to associated external influence. If you don't recognize a power, and or the description isn't enough, then feel free to gain more context on what the power can or cannot do by asking.]


Super Soldier Serum | Marvel | -2 points | Lesser |

You become a super soldier similar to Steve Rogers having undergone the Erskine Procedure, giving you an enhanced body and mind surpassing the perfected peak of your species, practically making you superhuman. The procedure cures any previous ailments you had and causes your physical appearance to be changed into the best possible version of yourself with an olympian physique fit for every sport. This lets you process information at blinding speeds, grants you an accelerated learning aptitude, enhances your reflexes, enhances metabolism, grants perfect resistance to toxins and pathogens, increases muscle and bone density, maximizes healing, alters your biology, and augments the effects of dopamine, testosterone, adrenaline, and various other endorphins and hormones to beyond the peak of human efficiency in order to further amplify physical and mental performance. You have no recovery period, meaning you can exert yourself at peak performance for hours without fatiguing. Altogether, you are capable of tossing large trees over your head, outpacing vehicles, running down motorbikes on foot, and more. The serum will not have any negative effects on your mind.


Spider Physiology | Spider-Man (Marvel) | -3 points | Lesser |

You gain the proportionate powers of a spider, including numerous mutagenic enhancements, such as their proportionate physical prowess, spider-sense, and wall-crawling. This grants superhuman strength, speed, durability, reflexes, agility, stamina, equilibrium, immune system, and healing. You now possess a set of enhanced and newfound senses that are so sharp and coordinate so well that they are effectively a precognitive danger sense which warns you of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of your skull, and links with your superhuman kinesthetics, enabling you to evade most any attack or accident. You can also stick to objects by controlling the flux of electrostatic force between molecular boundary layers with an upper limit of several tons per finger.

-1 | A pair of new spider traits like electro-shock and camouflage, or claws and organic webbing.

-1 | For innate science skill and understanding in regards to webbing, web-shooters, etc.


Heart Shaped Herb | Marvel | -2 points | Lesser |

You have consumed the vibranium-irradiated plant known as the Heart-shaped herb. Granting strength, agility, resilience, and endurance on par with other kinds of super soldiers, but uniquely granting vastly heightened awareness, coordination, reflexes, and balance far beyond Olympic athletes, gaining natural athletic instincts and reactions similar to the innate grace of a feline to, for example, always land on your feet. You can effortlessly lift a person with one hand, outrun a sprinting zebra, or survive most mundane explosions with minor injuries. Under special circumstances, you can commune with the astral plane and thereby the dead.

-1 | For the black panther suit, the Panther Habit, composed of vibranium that can absorb and release kinetic energy and can be retracted into a necklace.


Radioactively Enhanced Physiology and Daredevil Senses | Marvel | -2 points | Lesser |

Similar to the accident Matt Murdock experienced, your non-sight senses have been enhanced to superhuman levels. Granting you detailed sonar-like perception in a wide range and making you extremely alert to danger, nearly rivaling spider-man. Your hearing is now sharper than a bat, allowing you to detect lies, use echolocation, and clearly hear conversations, heartbeats, and breaths multiple meters away. Your smell can perfectly diagnose things like lung cancer, or track someone based on the smell of their blood. Your taste can detect traces of poisonous elements in the air. Your touch can feel the presence of those around you through vibrations, electroreception, temperature variation, and miniscule changes in air currents or density. Your physical prowess affected by your senses is also enhanced, such as granting superhuman reflexes, balance, direction, equilibrium, coordination, dexterity, and agility, resulting in high levels of acrobatic and gymnastic ability.

Actual Blindness is optional.


Burnstein Treatment | Marvel | -3 points | Lesser |

Similar to Luke Cage, you have undergone an experiment and come out with heightened physical prowess comparable to a supersoldier and truly superhuman strength and durability far beyond human physiology. You have extremely durable bulletproof skin, and to a slightly lesser extent, overall anatomy, allowing you to remain unharmed after a point-blank explosion from an M67 grenade, an entire building falling on you, falling from a height of ninety stories high, extreme temperatures and electrical shocks, and destructive energy attacks. Your skin has a tensile strength comparable to carbyne. Your strength allows you to, with little effort, lift and throw large bulldozers, carry trucks across multiple city blocks, punch through barriers as thick as 4-inch steel plates, break guns in your hands, and create thunderclaps. Your other traits are also enhanced to beyond human limits like a supersoldier, with enhanced speed, agility, jump height, stamina, reflexes and a healing factor that can heal internal injuries such as lethal brain damage in a few hours.


Pyrokinetic | Fire Force | -3 points | Lesser |

You become a Third Generation pyrokinetic, awakening the ability to generate flames, and use them in a unique way; while also sporting higher physical capabilities, being more resilient to damage, and a natural immunity to flames and being burned. However, unlike Second Generation pyrokinetics, you cannot manipulate already existing flames. An Ignition Ability is the unique way in which you use your ability to create flames, such as by generating flames from certain body parts, utilizing your flames in conjunction with a certain type of object, and/or utilizing special variants of fire.

Ignition Abilities partially fuel their abilities from the oxygen in the user's body. Once considerably used, you cannot use your Ignition Abilities until you've regathered more. When you overexert your Ignition Ability, it can cause overheating, being out of breath, and severe dehydration. On purchase, you gain an ignition ability of your own and the other pyrokinetic physical boosts.

-1 | You are both a third and second generation pyrokinetic.

-1 | For additional pyrokinetic skills such as Arthur's plasma blade, or heat induced magnetism. If you purchased both generations, then you can purchase skills like trajectory control.


Ajin | Ajin | -3 points | Lesser |

You become an Ajin, as such you generate endless IBM (Invisible Black Matter) within you, making you effectively immortal as upon death it rapidly replaces lost matter, tissue, and nutrients while reforming your body and mind and erasing any obstructions. You are unable to die under any circumstances, including being completely crushed, decapitated, or even due to malnutrition. An Ajin's body will always return to its original state, no matter the situation.

An Ajin's wounds begin healing immediately after a revival and it only takes a few seconds. However, they only begin to heal after dying, or "resetting", otherwise their injuries will not heal immediately and will only heal at a natural rate. An Ajin uses the largest piece of flesh as a base and collects the smaller pieces for regeneration; pieces that are too far away are not collected, but replaced. Ajin can also use a paralyzing scream that seizes the nervous system, paralyzing everyone in their immediate vicinity. On purchase, you gain the traits of an Ajin. For another point, you have a Black Ghost.

-1 | For a Black Ghost you can customize.


Conduit Gene | InFamous | -3 points | Lesser |

You become a "prime conduit", a sub-species of humans who possess superhuman abilities afforded to them by the presence of the "Conduit Gene". Conduit abilities provided by this are the elemental variant, which come in the form of the manipulation of certain forms of energy or matter such as electricity, ice, napalm, smoke, neon, concrete, glass, acid, vines, vibrations, etc. A given conduit power can be applied with extreme versatility in regards to its given element/ energy/matter, such as absorbing it, releasing it, controlling it, sensing it, becoming it, etc. Over time, you can develop more and more ingenious applications of your abilities. This is accelerated by active conflict similar to discipline powers.

Aside from the unique superhuman abilities granted, as a byproduct of the protein compound it releases throughout its host's body, prime conduits have an additional set of abilities as part of the molecular restructuring process they undergo. You have enhanced strength, speed, agility, durability, endurance, a healing factor, and basic contact limited particle charge manipulation to perform greater physical feats than the super soldier option. Some other possible enhancements include enhanced senses, or other physical and mental enhancements, depending on the given conduit.

-1 | One additional 'element'. Only one element at a time. Switch elements by absorbing energy from the relevant power source. For example, if you have napalm active but want to use concrete, you must absorb concrete to replace it.


Divine Visual Organs | Kekkai Sensen | -4 points | Lesser |

You gain a set of Divine Visual Organs, known as the All-Seeing Eyes of the Gods. You can see the 'The Truth' of the world, therefore you cannot be fooled by any kind of visual illusion, slight altering effect, disguise, stealth, or transformation, even if they are magical in origin or otherwise. You can see the 'auras of any being, to learn the true name of a being, track them, or assess their condition. You gain beyond exceptional eyesight, allowing you to see a person from great distances with perfect detail, lice on a baby's head, and fast movements normally impossible for human eyes to follow.

Other abilities you can develop include total control over the vision of those around you, despite the targets having no actual visual organs, including mechanical ones, like cameras; seeing what others are seeing, and witnessing past events that they have seen; switching the field of vision of two individuals, and creating powerful hallucinations/visual illusions, or causing an overload of information damaging the eyes of others. There might be other abilities for you to discover and develop, like x-ray vision or future sight. Overusing the Eyes' abilities will damage them, making them temporarily lose their abilities from the overheat and eventually crack. However, if left unused, the eyes will repair themselves. Over time, the limit will increase. On purchase, either you are implanted with these eyes or your current eyes gain their traits.


Shard Power | Worm & Ward | -3 points | Lesser |

You gain a corona pollentia, and a shard, as such you are a parahuman. You can select any 'average' canon parahuman powerset from a natural non 'aberrant' (No Ashbeast, Sleeper, Butcher etc) trigger that has not been second triggered. Examples include Laserdream for Blasters, Aegis for Brutes, and Techton for Tinkers. You also have none of the mental disadvantages parahumans usually suffer, lastly your shard has never-ending energy, but only within the limits of the original powerset.

Once bought, these powers cannot be changed and can only grow stronger within the parameters of the shard acknowledging its host in conflict and therefore easing restrictions, but this has a limit. If World-strider or higher you can use your singular greater power and for -3 you can either select a dead shard such as Path to Victory or Eidolon, alternatively for -3 you can select second triggered powers like Glastig Uaine. The only exception is Skitter's bug control and enhanced multitasking that you can purchase with the base option of -3 points.

[Greater] -3 | You can select eden shards, 'aberrant' triggers, or second trigger power sets.

[Greater] -3 | To "jailbreak" or second trigger a powerset modifying it or making it more powerful or remove the Tinker Blackbox.


EVO Nanites | Generator Rex | -3 points | Lesser |

Hyper-advanced Nanites bond with you on a molecular level, transforming you into an EVO (Exponentially Variegated Organism). You can control these nanites at will, resulting in no unwanted side effects, but they passively provide you with a healing factor that is adaptable, able to neutralize poisons, toxins, and disease. For example, restarting your heart. You can also use your nanites to communicate with, analyze, and control technology. This technopathy interfaces best on contact.

Your Nanites will not spread beyond your body, self-replicate only as needed to maintain your powers, adapt to counteract any foreign control or hacking, and will react explosively to any attempt to reverse engineer them. On purchase you have no other special nanite abilities, but with exposure to extreme physical stress and or advanced technology you can further enhance your physical capabilities eventually to superhuman strength, durability, speed, stamina, reflexes, and agility (slightly below the Super Soldier option) as well as minor resistance to various threats due to your nanites adapting you.

-1 | For the chance to develop a nanite based special ability that exhausts you physically to use, such as sonic blasts, or portal creation alternatively for the same price select Machine Manifestation like Rex Salazar.

-1 | On physical contact with a person, you can temporarily imbue your nanites to heal, revert, or optimize wounds, diseases, & mutations or fix malfunctioning biological/mechanical powers.


Symbiote | Marvel | -3 points | Lesser |

A Klyntar Symbiote is bonded to you, granting enhanced strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, senses, 360 degree senses, a healing factor, wall crawling, enhanced tracking, minor telepathic resistance, oxygen generation and filtration, and the ability to shapeshift into clothing a suit, tendrils, melee weapons, etc. Like all Symbiotes, yours will also boost and improve all bodily functions. There are other uses for a symbiote and it can potentially gain new powers tinder the right circumstances.

However, it has a psychological weakness of extreme noises and fire. It also needs a unique supply of food, being phenethylamine, adrenaline, and other hormones. Phenethylamine can be found in both chocolate and human brains. It will also need to consume other things, or you'll need to increase your caloric intake in order to produce the necessary biomass to create its tendrils and if it loses pieces of itself. They will never seek to leave your side or betray you, unless it is trying to protect you or you ask them to. You may choose what kind of personality your Symbiote has to best suit you or have it naturally develop based on your own.

-1 | Remove weakness to extreme noise and fire.

-1 | Remove the need to consume to maintain itself.

-1 | For enhanced/new traits like camouflage, Carnage's regeneration, Toxin's physical traits, or enhanced tendrils.


Devil Fruit | One Piece | -4 points | Lesser |

You have come into possession of a Devil Fruit. There can only be one of each kind, and even the weakest of powers granted are an incredible boon. There are three types that all fruits fit into, Paramecia, which are Super Powers, Zoans which are Animal Transformations, and Logias which are Elemental Body Transformations. Unfortunately, the price of eating one of these is the loss of your ability to swim as you grow weak when submerged in any body of water bigger than a bathtub and sink like a stone.

Only one may be safely consumed without instant death. With creativity, any fruit can become a massive asset and there is the rare potential to fully awaken the potential of any fruit. On purchase a random Devil Fruit will be given, and there is no special protection for the fruit like with Item powers, so it is recommended you instantly eat it. For another -1 point you can select any devil fruit of choice.

-1 | For a devil fruit of choice.

-1 | For no weakness of water or seastone.

-2 | For an instant awakening of your devil fruit.


Saiyan | Dragon Ball | -7 points | Greater |

You gain the physiology of a saiyan, including the natural affinity to utilize Ki, and martial arts. Saiyans are human-like except possessing the tail of a monkey, having innate physical prowess dozens of times a normal human, and larger appetites (at least four times). By the light of a full moon, unless the tail is cut, they transform into Great Apes. They have massive untapped power and great potential, able to rise even stronger each time they come close to death.

The power of Ki can be applied in boundless ways; basic usage allows them to fly, enhance their physical abilities, detect lifeforms, fire ki blasts, and use powerful techniques like the Kamehameha. As a saiyan, as long as you continue training, learning, experimenting, and confronting powerful opponents, your strength will never stop skyrocketing, to ridiculous levels and further beyond.

-1 | To be able to teach Ki and learn it more efficiently, similar to a discipline power.


Fanalis | Magi | -6 points | Greater |

You become a Fanalis, a tribe of hunters descended from a race of supernatural beasts, gaining their traits of natural senses and sheer physical prowess of dozens if not hundreds of times beyond that of the fittest human. With superhuman strength, speed, stamina, toughness, reflexes, and senses you can send giant monsters or whole groups of people fling with a single kick, break out of steel handcuffs with no effort, jump several stories into the air, and shatter whole cliff sides of solid rock or metal walls with your bare hands. You gain the durability to tank these feats. At your full speed, you could create shockwaves strong enough to create deep cuts on anyone close enough.

With training, you could react fast enough to dodge lightning bolts. Your sense of smell is strong enough for you to track people and detect traps by scent alone, and your touch and sight are similarly superior. You can also shout incredibly loudly to stun foes. With your superhuman senses, you can use this as a form of echolocation. You don't have the usual reduced magical capacity. The distinctive red hair and golden irises are optional.

-1 | Ability to temporarily transform into the Red Lion ancestral form, giving an immense boost to Fanalis physical strength and speed, (more than five times) and harder-than-steel like skin, limited duration due to the strain.

-2 (Can be purchased repeatedly) | Canon djinn metal vessel of choice.

-1 | Magoi manipulation proficiency.


Half-Ghost Shift | Danny Phantom | -5 points | Greater |

You gain a unique physiology as a half-ghost, you can transform between human and ghost at will. This manifests as white rings (transformation rings) extending from your waist, then sweeping across your body. Once transformed, you can use all your ghost powers, and you can switch back to human form at will, and can still access some of your powers like weak ghost rays enhanced durability and intangibility in human form. All ghost powers draw on the user's energy reserves, akin to an Ecto-Pool. Because ghosts are basically living ectoplasm, using too much energy can end with Half-ghosts reverting back into their human selves as they pass out.

In your ghost form you have the potential for superhuman strength, durability, stamina, speed, flight, invisibility, energy blasts or waves, energy constructs, energy infused blows, possession (overshadowing), interaction with other ghosts/incorporeal entities, duplicate creation, observing and influencing dreams, breathing underwater, resisting the vacuum of space, and having a healing factor. Initially, you will have only a few of these abilities, but with time, experience, and training you can gain them all and develop more, such as cryokinesis.


Servant Power | Type-Moon | -5 points | Greater |

You gain the skills, memories, physical prowess, magical abilities, and noble phantasms of a servant, and you can even look like the chosen servant. Servants that can use thaumaturgy can do so without taking such apprentice powers, however you can't teach anyone, nor can you advance your skills. On purchase, you can select, at maximum, "above average or High-tier" servants such as King Arthur, Iskandar, and Chu Chulainn. Top tier/unique servants such as Gilgamesh, Karna, or Emiya require an additional -2 points.

-2 | For top tier/unique servants.

-3 | To be able to learn and teach thaumaturgy like a discipline power.


Exaltation | Exalted | -5 points | Greater |

You are exalted, given an exaltation of whatever flavor you favor, without the great curse and without age limits (though your essence and charm loadout are still restricted by the usual character creation rules). Choose your caste, choose your initial handful of charms, distribute your skills and attributes if those you currently have are less than what the given exalt usually gets at character creation. You will be able to respire essence in any setting you go to, but some areas (such as the Warhammer 40K Warp) may result in reduced essence gain, much like being in a shadowland.

-2 | You start out with the equivalent of 20 additional xp per times this is bought (Can be Bought Multiple Times).


Asgardian | MCU | -5 points | Greater |

You are an Aesir, gaining strength to easily bend steel, durability making most human weapons ineffective, and regenerative healing to comfortably live for a few millennia and recover from intense battle without scars in a single night's sleep. Your bones, tissue, and skin are denser than humans, and your stamina, speed, agility, reflexes, and coordination are beyond two times peak human. Gain an affinity for languages, melee weaponry, and magic. With about 1 year of training and combat experience, your physical prowess will grow to be comparable to Valkyrie, Heimdall or Sif.

-2 | You are a royal asgardian. Your physical prowess is comparable to Thor or Hela, and you have power over a single fundamental domain, such as Thunder or Dealing Death.


Speed Force Conduit | DC (Post-Crisis) | -11 points | Supreme |

You've become a conduit to an extra-dimensional source of energy known as the Speed Force, which allows you to access various abilities, most natural among them immense super-speed. You are able to move at dozens of times the speed of sound, and this speed will only grow with time and practice. The speed-force lets you easily handle the rigors of speed; you can resist high-level friction, inertia, air pressure, reduced oxygen, & kinetic impact. This can be extended to others in contact. You have the reactions and agility to keep up with that speed, even when not moving at your full speed, and those combined with your speed allow you to run over water, walls or even the ceiling. Your incredible speed allows you to heal from wounds at a much faster rate, including fully healing bullet wounds in just hours.

When using the Speed Force, you'll be able to control your own momentum, allowing you to create vacuums and tornadoes, or generate incredibly powerful blows when moving at high speeds yet also being able to stop on a dime and avoid any negative side effects of moving at the speeds that you do. This momentum control is also accompanied by control over vibrations, which allows you to disrupt the molecular stability of yourself or other things to make yourself go intangible, among other uses. The speed force also allows you to generate electricity with your speed and while it will take practice, you can learn to utilize and even weaponise this electricity generating power. When you gain enough speed, you're able to pierce through the time barrier, space barrier, & dimensional barrier. You are also protected from certain time, space, and dimensional effects and attacks, such as the consequences of time travel.


Neo Planeswalker Spark | Magic: The Gathering | -12 points | Supreme |

You become a Planeswalker, capable of interdimensional travel (within bounds of the mission) and are now capable of, and have high talent and potential in, land magic whereby you bond to certain types of land to source colors of mana that can be applied and combined for various effects (Spells, summoning creatures you have a connection with etc). These colors being Black, White, Blue, Green, and Red each coming from certain lands and aligning with certain ideals, effects, and creatures. Passively, you also gain perfect language understanding & mundane disease resistance/transmission immunity.

-5 | Pre-mending Planeswalker Spark, your physical form is now a projection of will granting indefinite lifespan, near invincibility, vast shapeshifting, and instant regeneration. Perform Plane creation with intense effort. With time and research, you are capable of shaking universes and are stronger than most gods.


[Discipline Powers - You have the abilities of a beginner in one of the disciplines listed below. Your abilities increase slowly with experience, study, and practice, but using the ability to resolve problems and conflict can speed this growth. You can gain mastery of any discipline and its basic uses in roughly two decades if you study and practice while fully avoiding conflict and much sooner if you don't, or depending on the discipline.

You can teach others any discipline you know, and your abilities cannot be learned, reproduced, reverse engineered, or copied without your attention, teaching, and willingness. The time and difficulty to teach powers is roughly based on their point cost. Powers that are explicitly reliant on forces that are not present in worlds you journey to still work regularly, but will be somewhat susceptible to associated external influence. If you don't recognize a power, and or the description isn't enough, then feel free to gain more context on what the power can or cannot do by asking.]


Aura | RWBY | -2 points | Lesser |

Your "aura" is unlocked, as such you can manifest the light of your soul, your "aura" for a wide range of abilities, however the strength of an "aura" degrades with continual use. Common usage of aura is as a full-body protective shield, environmental protection, infusion into weapons, boosting striking power, enhancing physical strength and speed, minor healing, sharpened senses, activating and controlling dust, etc. The specific abilities and their strengths differ from individual to individual and are dependent on a number of factors, such as experience, training, and innate skill. Once purchased, you can develop an active power called a semblance, which is a personal expression of your soul in tangible power.

-1 | For expanded aura reserves rivalling Jaune.


The Force | Star Wars | -3 points | Lesser |

You are force-sensitive, have the mental discipline to use it, and are capable of wielding the Force for a variety of purposes through a conscious sense of it. Harness it, accessing various Force powers. Common force powers include various psychic abilities, such as telekinesis, and the ability to mind-trick, sedate, or induce sleep. Fast reflexes are the more immediate effects of Force-sensitive precognitive senses. Physical abilities include enhanced physical vitality, strength, mobility, and resilience augmented by the Force, allowing you to crush objects with your bare hands, jump great distances, levitate or survive injuries that would cripple and kill normal beings, and deflect blaster projectiles. You start at the padawan level and can improve through study and practice. No risk of the Force influencing you or events.

-1 | For a custom lightsaber.

-2 | For the sheer force talent of Anakin Skywalker.

-2 | Star Wars Legends versatility, possible techniques like Sith Alchemy, and potential raw power.


Alchemy | Fullmetal Alchemist | -2 points | Lesser |

You are capable of Alchemy, the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy. This act is known as "Transmutation" and it is limited by the laws of alchemy, which is firstly equivalent exchange. From there, one can comprehend, deconstruct, and reconstruct physical matter into different forms. There are many ways to apply alchemy, transmuting flame, ice, stone, metal, etc. If you purchase this, you gain an innate ability to comprehend chemistry, analyze materials, and learn or discover alchemical symbols and arrays. However, you require alchemical circles and arrays to transmute anything. For an additional 1 point, you can transmute with a motion like those who opened the Gate. For an additional 1 point you gain Alkhestry with the dragon's pulse.

-1 | For alchemy with only a clapping motion.

-1 | For the Dragon's Pulse and Alkhestry.


Breathing Style | Kimetsu no Yaiba | -2 points | Lesser |

Sword styles that make use of esoteric breathing techniques to allow for inhuman combat prowess, physics bending attacks, and limited self-biology control. They generally mimic a concept and replicate it with the user's techniques (5-16). Total Concentration Breathing is a technique where a user inhales the maximum amount of oxygen within a specific breath pattern to raise their physical and mental prowess to their utmost limits and even further beyond into superhuman strength and speed for a technique. (Attacks are also longer ranged shockwaves or air pressure). These techniques also allow for some focused breaths, providing minor utility like slowing circulation of poisons, clotting wounds, etc.

On purchase, you can select any style other than Breath of the Sun. You can learn total concentration: constant to maintain the enhanced combat prowess permanently, and from there you can awaken a demon slayer mark (without the lifespan deduction) and thereby access the transparent world.

-1 (Can be repeatedly purchased) | For every style after the first, including Sun breathing/Dance of the Fire God.

-1 | A physical mutation such as Tanjirou's (smell), Zenitsu (hearing), Tsuyuri (eyes), or Mitsuri (dense muscles), etc.


Haki | One Piece | -2 points | Lesser |

You gain access to a power dormant within each living individual, Haki, a power that allows the user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes. It can be used to sense people's spiritual energy and thereby predict their actions among other sensory powers (Busoshoku Observation Hak), to give the user a protective and offensive coating of spiritual energy (Kenbunshoku/Armament Haki), and, for a certain group of "chosen ones", overpower the willpower of others (Haoshoku/Conqueror's Haki).

Haki can be depleted from overuse, rendering the user unable to use it for a set period while it regenerates. On purchase you receive only either armament or observation initially, however after the first purchase the other types, including Conqueror's haki, can be purchased as well for 1 point. If you gain the physical potential, you can learn the Six Powers, the Sword Styles, and other bizarre physical skills.

-1 | For every other type after the first, including Conqueror's Haki.

-2 | For the physical potential of One Piece Natives.


Nen | Hunter x Hunter | -3 points | Lesser |

You gain aura nodes which are opened, as such you can sense and see your own and other's life energy, and thereby use Nen, which is a technique that allows a living being to harness and deploy their own life energy (known as aura). It has basic and advanced techniques that can be universally learned and applied for enhanced offensive, movement, defensive, utility, and sensory purposes. You can also discover your nen type and develop a hatsu that applies your aura in a unique and powerful way based on the nen types. Nen is derived from your lifeforce and so overuse of Nen will lead to exhaustion and unconsciousness. There are many intricacies to the Nen art form. For the base purchase, you have the same amount of talent as Gon and Killua, and you start already capable of maintaining Ten. For another point you can have a guardian spirit nen beast.

-1 | For a guardian spirit nen beast.

-1 | Unlocked physical potential to reach Hunter levels of speed, strength, perception, and stamina.

-2 | Gain sheer aura output, reserves, & talent of Meruem


Magecraft | Type-Moon | -3 points | Lesser |

You gain 20 magic circuits, each of the highest quality (similar to Blue Blood and Touko Aozaki's). These circuits are used to control both Od and Mana, internal and external magical energy, thereby prana, allowing the use of magecraft. Also, gain a rudimentary understanding of magecraft in Reinforcement, Gradation Air, Hypnosis, and Formalcraft.

-1 (Can be repeatably purchased) | Add another 30 circuits of identical quality.

-1 | For circuits on par with Aoko Aozaki in terms of extraordinary rotational speed, structural durability, quality of output, and fuel efficiency.

-1 (Can be repeatably purchased) | 'Average' specialties like Tohsaka Gem magic, etc.

-2 | For 'peak level/very unique' specialties such as alchemy, mystic eyes, runes, Wodime's astromancy, etc. or things like a family crest and or a reality marble.

[Greater] -5 | True Magic like Zeltretch's Kaleidoscope.

[Supreme] -8 | For Shiki Ryougi's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.


PSI | Psyren | -3 points | Lesser |

Through abnormal means, your mind has had its 'limiter' removed. As such, you can utilize and see PSI and are thus a psionist. PSI is the power of one's thoughts, released when all the cells in the brain are functioning at full capacity, overtaxing their mind to actualize PSI waves that result in various abilities. There are three different types of PSI waves, with a secret fourth type. Trance gives the user access to various mind and perception-based abilities, such as mind control, scanning areas, and mind reading. Burst is the ability to control one's surroundings, shaping them at will, typically matter or energy manipulation such as telekinesis. Rise focuses on enhancing one's physical capabilities, such as strength, speed, durability, senses, reflexes, coordination and healing ability.

In environments with moderate magic or higher, all PSI abilities experience an overall quintupling of effectiveness. With the base purchase, you will easily grasp basic telekinesis, basic telepathy, and limited self-reinforcement, but from there your Psi will define itself into one or two major expressions.

-1 | For Nova, the hidden fourth type that is a temporary transformation granting immense power.


Allomancy | Mistborn | -2 points | Lesser |

You become able to use one of the Metallic Arts, called Allomancy. Allomancers may consume specific kinds of metal, "burning" it to fuel a specific effect, such as physical and mental enhancements or other abilities, depending on the type of metal burned. Allomantic metals are destroyed when burned, forcing allomancers to replenish their metals regularly. For an additional burst of power, allomancers can burn their metal quicker (or "flare"), consuming it faster but also gaining far greater benefits in return.

There are sixteen metals Allomancers can use: 8 basic metals (4 base, 4 alloys) and 8 higher metals (4 base, 4 alloys); there are also God Metals that sit outside the main 16. The metals come in four groupings of four metals: physical, mental, temporal, and Enhancement. Each of these 4 groupings has 2 base metals and their corresponding alloys. Each metal produces an "Internal" or an "External"; a "Push" or a "Pull" All these metals must be pure when ingested, while the alloys need to be mixed in specific proportions; if the metals are impure or the alloys are mixed incorrectly, the Allomancer could become ill or even die. On purchase you are a Misting who can only burn a single metal, you may choose which kind.

-2 | To be Mistborn.

-2 | To be a Ferring of a single metal, if purchased with another.

-2 | You are a Full Feruchemist.

-3 [Greater] | For Hemalurgy.


Jujutsu Sorcery | Jujutsu Kaisen | -3 points | Lesser |

You become capable of seeing cursed energy (and other forms of magic) and controlling your own cursed energy, and thereby use jujutsu sorcery. Cursed energy is the manifestation of energy from the soul released as a result of negative emotions. Harnessing it is deploying one's own negativity. You can apply cursed energy in a variety of ways, enhancing physical attacks, protecting your body from physical and mystical damage, reinforcing weapons, enhancing strength and speed, interaction with incorporeal entities, healing wounds poisons and fatigue, defending the soul, binding vows, barrier techniques, controlling simple shikigami, etc. You can sense cursed energy to detect, track, and predict magical effects and entities. Cursed energy can be depleted with use. This does not grant a cursed technique.

-1 | For cursed energy reserves comparable to Yuta.

-1 (requires previous modifier) | For cursed energy reserves comparable to Sukuna

-1| For a random cursed technique.

-2| For a cursed technique of your choice or design. If it is Limitless, you will not have the Six Eyes unless you pay an additional point.


Mystic Arts | MCU | -4 points | Lesser |

You gain skill, knowledge and proficiency in the eldritch variant of magic taught at Kamar-Taj, whereby one draws energy from other dimensions to enact magic. Your prowess is equivalent to a full disciple, such as the initial Karl Mordo or head librarian Wong. You understand the language of the Mystic Arts, and have had the experiences and training to see beyond sight and channel these energies for various spells and practices which often require physical gestures, including astral projection; energy construct whips, swords, and shields; the manipulation of the mirror dimension; using conjuration to store small handheld objects, create simple objects like umbrella stands, or call eldritch monsters; transmutation to change outfits or refill drinks and more; telekinesis to pull, push, move, disassemble and assemble objects; and pyrokinesis to create small fires.

Depending on your further study and usage of mystic artifacts and relics, you may learn and access more spells such as portal creation with a Sling Ring.

-2 | Chaos Magic similar to Wanda. Initial abilities include telekinesis, telepathy, and energy blasts, but continued practice grants a vast boost to your sheer magic output in addition to limited reality warping.


Asgardian Sorcery (Loki Variant) | MCU | -3 points | Lesser |

You gain access to the mystical practices and insight of Asgardians such as Loki, and Frigga giving you access to useful, Witch based applications of magic, primarily over external and internal illusions, disguises, decoys, stealth, mental influence, but also minor conjuration, transmutation, and telekinesis. You can generate detailed images from outside yourself, which are perceptible in the external world, possibly projected across entire rooms, usually with a gesture. You can also alter your own or someone else's physical appearance, as well as voice and clothing, in order to resemble another person or animal and or appear to be missing a hand, for example.

You can also render yourself and others unseen and unheard to whomever you want. This effect could be achieved both through holographic illusions and affecting the target's mind. You can even mask your presence from enemies with farsight capabilities like Heimdall. You can create illusory decoys of yourself, to confuse others, or communicate from afar. With close contact, you can subtly influence the minds of others, and cause them to repeat your words and thoughts as if they were his own, or form vivid visions in the target's mind. Using Conjuration you can cause objects to appear or disappear according to your will, to store weapons like daggers and even infinity stones. You can influence objects and move matter with mere gestures and focus. Though your power output can at most move normal shelves and cabinets.

-3 [Greater] | You gain the tremendous sensory capabilities of Heimdall. To, at will, see and hear multiple locations at once over universal distances. This isn't disorienting.


Tao | Hell's Paradise | -3 points | Lesser |

You awaken Tao, the life force energy that can be found in every living and non-living thing, and as such can sense it, and apply your own for various abilities. It can be manifested and used to increase a given being's various abilities, giving them powers similar to that of gods once fully mastered. Example basic abilities include enhancing physical offensive and defensive ability, perceiving one's surroundings, suppressing one's presence. More advanced abilities include telekinetically manipulating inanimate objects, creating lightning, projecting illusions, walking on air, and forming Tao into invisible projectiles or armor. More techniques can be discovered or developed.

The usage of Tao acts as a double-edge sword. Since Tao is basically the user's life force, using too much of it can cause great strain to the user's body and improper usage can cause death. On purchase, you are a beginner with only Tao sensing, and reinforcement and therein can train your usage and improve your reserves through the five training methods.

-1 | For flower Tao.

-1 | For ninjutsu physical prowess, skills, training, and techniques such as Ascetic Blaze.


Bending | Avatar: The Last Airbender | -2 points | Lesser |

You gain the innate ability to control an element, becoming a bender of either fire, air, water, or earth with the potential to master the element and access its specialized and advanced techniques. You also gain 'Chi' within your body that facilitates your abilities. Through bending, you can move, shape, and sculpt that element with your body and will. Using Bending to its fullest requires the performance of specialized martial arts and spiritual awakening. Without extreme measures, psychic bending will elude you.

-1 | For chi-blocking skill and knowledge.

-1 | For every element after the first, you can only bend a single element at once.

[Requires Purchase of All Elements] -2 | To be a Pseudo Avatar, allowing you to bend multiple elements at once and use the Avatar state.

-1 [Requires Pseudo Avatar] | For Energybending, allowing you to grant and take away bending, or impart knowledge, but this is risky to one's soul.


Chakra | Naruto | -5 points | Greater |

You are capable of producing and applying chakra, the mental and physical energies of a person's body joined together into a unique form of energy that can be applied in a vast variety of ways. Through the use of chakra, basic abilities you will quickly master include sticking to surfaces, walking on water, performing superhuman physical feats (jumping between tree tops), wielding taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu, etc. Most genjutsu work despite the target lacking a chakra system.

On purchase you gain the chakra reserves and three basic jutsu of an average academy graduate.

-1 | For a Kekkei Genkai like the Byakugan, or Magnet release, or being a Senju, etc.

-2 | For the Sharingan (No risk of vision loss), -3 for the Rinnegan.

-2 | Become a Jinchuriki for an 'average' bijuu like Shikaku, Kurama is -3, The Juubi is -5. You choose their personality & have full control.

-1 [Multi] | Learn 2 'average' shinobi skills ie substitution or summoning, or learn a single 'exceptional' skill (Sage Mode, Fuinjutsu, Eight Gates, Shadow Clone)


Spellcasting | D&D 5e | -6 points | Greater |

You are a full caster of either arcane magic (wizard) or divine magic (cleric), and through natural progression can access greater spells and more spell slots. You cannot, however, select any of the other abilities or feats associated with your class. With arcane magic gain a spellbook with Item power traits to record your spells in. Your spells are limited to 9th level and below, and your spellcasting abilities cannot exceed those of an optimal 20th level character. While your skills will initially be limited, through study and practice, you can learn and invent new spells. -3 additional points to purchase both arcane and divine magic.

-2 | For access to epic spellcasting (arcane, divine, or both depending on which you know) along with the option to take epic levels past 20.

-1 | Use any official non-overpowered variant rules/mechanics such as 3.5e.

-5 [Partial-Greater] | Other class 'magics like Psionics or Artificer infusions/permanent magic item creation. [Discounted] to -2 with spellcasting purchased.


Spiral Energy | Gurren Lagann | -10 points | Supreme |

Become a Spiral lifeform with fully awakened Spiral energy, the boundless essence of evolution itself, it amplifies a person's potential without limit from a mere picosecond ago to an exponential degree, is endlessly renewable, infinitely increasing in both output and application; uncapping any aspect of an individual in terms of growth and upper potential. The only bottlenecks on it are your mindset/drive to apply it, your experience and experiments, & the dire stimulus you're exposed to. You start able to power, combine, create, fix, & upgrade technology to mountainous output and sizes, empower weaponry by magnitudes, raise your physical and mental abilities by hundreds of times, these abilities and more scale up to multiversal levels and beyond, dimensional tunnels, endless healthspan, backhanding gods, reviving the dead, omnipresence, probability manipulation, time travel, shooting black holes, rewriting universal laws, etc. No risk of destroying the universe.

On purchase, you begin with the same spiral access as simone during the first arc of the series.

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