Mark gritted his teeth in anger and looked away from Sozin's inquiring gaze. Mark knew that Sozin was right. This was Loki they were talking about. Loki would never want to lose, no matter what happened. He would always do things in a way where he either won or his opponent lost. That was the way mischievous bastards worked. And Mark had played right into his hands.
'This is bullshit.'
Mark cursed in his mind before he spoke up.
"So, I have to kill her?"
"Yes, you do. That is the only way you can preserve your own soul. You humans may see it as backhanded, but it is the law of the universe that every organism preserves its own existence regardless of the cost. I will not lose my champion for the sake of a random human I couldn't care less about. Kill her, Mark or I will rip her away from existence and use my celestial powers to eradicate her soul from this plane of reality."
Mark blinked in shock when he heard that. Could Sozin really do that?
Felt cold writing this chapter.
Really cold.
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