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81.81% Naruto : Sadistic Devil / Chapter 8: Unleashed

Capítulo 8: Unleashed

The revelation added a layer of complexity to the situation. The element of surprise had been compromised, and the approaching shinobi were no strangers to the presence of Viper, Fox, and Hawk.

Amidst the preparations, Fox, his silver hair glinting in the moonlight, sported a maniacal grin behind his mask. His eyes, obscured by the mask, sparkled with an unsettling enthusiasm. The prospect of combat seemed to fuel a primal excitement within him….

As Hawk relayed information about the shinobi squad, Fox couldn't contain his anticipation. The mask concealed his expression, but the glint in his eyes betrayed a certain madness, a thirst for the thrill of battle. The notion of getting his first taste of blood in this new world ignited a spark of sadistic delight within him.

*Shiver* *Shiver* 'Ahhhhhhhh….finally'

Mistaking the shivers for fear, Hawk approached Fox with a reassuring tone.

"Fox, it seems we're in for a fight. Don't worry; we'll handle it together."

Viper, interpreting Fox's shivers as a sign of apprehension, added, "Stay close, Fox. We've faced tougher odds before. We've got your back."

Hawk quickly interrupts "Chakra signature seems to be of – one Jonin and three Chunin.!!"

Viper frowned when he heard Hawk.

Viper, assessed the situation with a glance. "Retreat. We're not equipped for this confrontation."

Hawk, ever watchful, nodded in agreement. "We need to regroup and assess our options."

But before any movement could be made, a sudden paralysis gripped both Viper and Hawk. The air became thick, and an oppressive force seemed to choke them. Breathing became an insurmountable task, as if an unseen hand had clamped down on their throats.


Viper's eyes widened in realization, and he struggled against the unseen force. Hawk, beside him, already on her knees shared the same struggle. Panic crept into their expressions as they grappled with the inexplicable paralysis.


In the midst of the surreal atmosphere, a sound emerged – a chilling laughter that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the desert night. It was Fox, his laughter echoing with a sadistic delight that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it.

As Fox continued to laugh, an oppressive bloodlust emanated from him, swirling around like an invisible maelstrom. The atmosphere itself seemed to bend to his will, becoming dense and foreboding. The moonlit desert became a stage for Fox's trance, his laughter and bloodlust drowning out the sounds.

Viper, still struggling for breath, turned his gaze towards Fox, a mixture of shock and realization in his eyes. Hawk, equally affected, attempted to speak but found her voice silenced by the oppressive force.

Fox, seemingly in a world of his own, remained oblivious to the plight of his comrades. The laughter continued, each note sending ripples through the air, and the bloodlust he exuded intensified with every passing moment.

"Fox, what are you doing?" Viper managed to choke out the words, his voice strained by the unseen force.

Fox's laughter continued, undeterred. "Having a bit of fun, Viper. ~You'll see."

As Fox revelled in his trance, a cold, chilling voice cut through the air, sending shivers down the spines of Viper and Hawk. "We are not retreating. If you become a hindrance to me, I will end you both myself."

The words, delivered with an unsettling calmness, seemed to materialize in the air like frozen whispers. Goosebumps crawled over Viper and Hawk's skin as they listened to Fox's chilling proclamation. The oppressive force binding them seemed to tighten, emphasizing the weight of Fox's words.

Viper, unable to move, met Fox's cold gaze and considered using the Spirit Transformation Technique on Fox. The maniacal grin that usually adorned Fox's face was replaced by an eerie calmness, leaving Viper unsettled. Hawk, equally affected, felt a shiver run down her spine as the realization of Fox's power sank in.

The oppressive force holding Viper and Hawk released its grip, allowing them to gasp for breath as the world phased back into focus.

*Gasp* *Wheeze* *Gasp*

Fox started making his way towards the shinobi, and an aura of chilling determination emanated from him. Viper and Hawk exchanged uneasy glances, silently questioning the course of action that had been set in motion. Regardless they followed him closely.

As they neared the Suna shinobi, Fox turned to Viper and Hawk with an air of commanding authority. His voice, cold and devoid of any warmth, cut through the night. "Take the three Chunin away. Leave the Jonin to me."

Viper and Hawk, sensing the weight of Fox's words, exchanged another glance. Without uttering a word, they nodded in acknowledgment and moved toward the three Chunin, who eyed the unfolding scene with a mix of apprehension and confusion.

Viper and Hawk, flanking the Chunin, led them away from the impending confrontation. The night seemed to hold its breath, as if aware that a significant moment was about to unfold beneath the watchful gaze of the moon.

Meanwhile, the standoff between Fox and the Suna Jonin intensified. The moonlight illuminated the battlefield, where the shifting sands seemed to mirror the ebb and flow of the impending clash.

Fox, his eyes narrowed and his posture poised, radiated an oppressive aura. The Jonin, equally poised, met Fox's gaze with a stoic resolve.

*Woosh* *Clank* *Clank*

The first strike came like a lightning bolt. Gin, with unnerving speed, closed the distance between them in an instant. His wakizashi sliced through the air with deadly precision, aiming for the Jonin's eyes. But the Jonin, equally swift, parried the strike with a fluid motion of his Kunai, the clash of steel ringing out into the night.

"Heh…when they sent me, I didn't think I'd be fighting a kid." Mocked the Suna Jonin.

With a swift motion, the Jonin unleashed his Wind Style - Great Infinite Sandblast Breakthrough.

"Wind Style - Great Infinite Sandblast Breakthrough"

 A colossal gust of wind erupted from his mouth, carrying with it the force of a tempest. The desert sands stirred, and the blast swept through the terrain, uprooting trees and sending a cascade of sand into the air.


Gin, faced with the relentless force of the wind, planted his wakizashi firmly into the ground. The blade sank into the ground, serving as an anchor against the ferocious gale. Sand swirled around Gin, as he maintained his ground against the tempest unleashed by the Suna Jonin.

Gin, gritting his teeth, surveyed the unfolding tempest with a calculating gaze. The Suna Jonin, confident in the power of his Jutsu, pressed on with a relentless assault, his eyes locked onto Gin.

As the blast of wind continued its onslaught, Gin seized the moment. With an agile leap, he propelled himself towards the Jonin, using the very wind that sought to hinder him. His movements were a dance of finesse and calculated precision, weaving through the currents of the raging tempest.

The Suna Jonin, caught off guard by Gin's audacious manoeuvre, attempted to recalibrate the trajectory of the wind blast. But Gin, with an acrobatic twirl, evaded the full force of the Jutsu and closed the distance between them.

In a swift motion, Gin retrieved his wakizashi from the sand and launched into a series of rapid strikes. The moonlit blades clashed with the Suna Jonin's kunai, their movements a blur of steel in the heart of the storm. Sand and wind intertwined, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

As the battle unfolded, Gin's cunning brilliance came to the fore. With a series of feints and rapid strikes, he lured the Jonin into overextending himself. Seizing the opportunity, Gin launched a brutal slice on the Jonin's tendons, targeting his legs with precision strikes that limited his mobility.

The Jonin, now hindered by the strategic strikes, gritted his teeth against the pain but refused to yield.

"FUCKING KID!!! Wait until I get a hold of you."

Gin, relentless in his pursuit, continued to exploit the openings he had created. His wakizashi sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, leaving the Suna Jonin with little room to counter. The once-stoic figure now moved with visible strain, the effects of Gin's strategic strikes taking their toll.

Gin saw his opening. With a calculated manoeuvre, he positioned himself for a lethal strike, aiming for the Jonin's jugular. The moonlight reflected off the gleaming blade as Gin prepared to deliver the finishing blow.

However, in a surprising turn of events, the Suna Jonin, despite his compromised state, displayed a surge of resilience. With a lightning-fast reaction, he caught Gin's striking hand in mid-air, preventing the wakizashi from reaching its intended target.

Gin's eyes widened in a moment of realization. The Jonin, though wounded and restricted in mobility, possessed a tenacity that surpassed expectations.

Gin grinned and let go of Wakizashi 'Got ya bitch'.

Used his knee to time and kick Wakizashi's hilt redirect the blade into the Jonin's chest. *Schecch*

*Ugh…Cough* The Jonin staggered and let go of Gin.

The sound of the flesh was music to Gin's ears. With the Jonin staggered and off-balance, Gin saw his chance to deliver a decisive blow.

Using the Jonins shoulder as a platform Gin launched himself into the air with breathtaking speed. The moonlight caught the glint of his wakizashi hilt as channelled his strength into a vertical heel kick.

*Booom* *Scleuch* *Clank*

The impact of Gin's vertical kick on Wakizashi's hilt was brutal and unforgiving. The Suna Jonin, caught off guard and unable to defend against the unexpected manoeuvre, took the full force of the blow and he crumpled to his knees.

Blood leaked out as his organs slowly slid out of the grotesque wound.

Gin, with his wakizashi at the ready, stood over the kneeling Jonin. ""

With a swift move, he beheaded the Jonin as he watched his consciousness fade away.


<Scene Break Viper and Hawk> 3rd POV

Viper and Hawk, two formidable shinobi, confronted three Chunins. The air was thick with the clash of Jutsu and the ring of steel meeting steel.

As Viper and Hawk engaged in combat, their movements were swift and precise. The Chunins, confident in their numbers, met the challenge head-on.

Amidst the chaos, a menacing figure emerged from the shadows. It was the young shinobi with a Fox mask that hinted at the depths of his cunning. In his grasp, he held the severed head of the Suna Jonin. The moonlight glinted off the Jonin's lifeless eyes, and a threatening aura surrounded Fox as he approached the battlefield.

Viper and Hawk, caught in the midst of their skirmish, turned their attention to Fox. The sight of him holding the Jonin's head sent a shiver down their spines. Even these seasoned warriors, who had faced countless adversaries, couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the unexpected turn of events.

Fox, with his trademark grin, walked deliberately towards the ongoing battle. The Chunins, initially confident in their numerical advantage, now faltered as their eyes locked onto the severed head in Fox's hand.

As the Chunins hesitated, paralysed by fear and uncertainty, Fox swung the severed head theatrically. The moonlight caught the bloodstains on his wakizashi, adding to the ghastly spectacle. The air itself seemed to thicken with the weight of the morbid display.


Fox, with a menacing grace, tossed the severed head towards the Chunins. The gruesome display served as a psychological weapon, instilling terror in the hearts of the adversaries. The head landed with a sickening thud, and the Chunins recoiled, momentarily paralysed by the horror of the spectacle.

Seizing the opportunity, Fox swiftly closed the distance between himself and the three Chunins. His wakizashi, unsheathed and glinting in the moonlight, became a lethal extension of his will.

Fox moved with an animalistic grace, his movements a blur as he closed in on his terrified prey.

The first Chunin, still recovering from the shock of the severed head, barely had time to react as Fox's wakizashi approached with deadly precision.

Desperation crept into the Chunins' eyes as he unleashed an earth style Jutsus in panic.

"Earth Style - Earth Prison Barrier!!"

Hoping to create a defence against the encroaching menace. Walls of stone rose from the sands, attempting to shield him from Fox's relentless assault. Fox's wakizashi struck with deadly precision through a small gap in the earth prison before it fully formed, ending the Chunin's resistance in a swift, fluid motion.

An eerie silence filled the area as the blade dripped with blood, leaving the first Chunin bleeding out on the ground while holding his neck.

"Such a feeble attempt to shield yourself. You can't escape fate, my friend….so just ~Let Go." Fox playfully whispers to the Chunin as his eyes lose the light and he passes away.

Hawk and Viper, witnessing Fox's ruthless efficiency, exchanged a sobering glance. They had severely underestimated Fox as he was moving at Jonin-level speeds and meticulously picking apart the enemies.


<Gin's POV>

The remaining two Chunins, now realizing the imminent threat I posed, began making desperate preparations to escape. However, fate had other plans for them. Viper and Hawk, tactical emerged to block their path, becoming the gatekeepers to their doomed fate.

I approached the trapped Chunins with a swagger, my wakizashi still dripping with the blood of their comrade. "Oh, trying to make a run for it? You should know, there's no escape from the likes of me," I taunted with a maniacal grin.

The Chunins, caught between the encroaching shadows of Viper and Hawk and the relentless force that was me, frantically assessed their dwindling options. "Now, now, no need to rush. Enjoy the show," I continued with a chilling playfulness, relishing the fear that danced in their eyes.

"P-Please, spare us!" one of the Chunins begged, desperation tainting his voice. The other echoed the plea, their eyes wide with terror. I revelled in their fear, savouring every moment.

"Spare you? Oh, my, I find your pleas rather amusing," I replied with a sadistic playfulness, my wakizashi twirling idly in my hand.

"Please, we have families! Spare us for their sake!" one of them implored, his words a last-ditch effort to tug at my non-existent heartstrings.

"Families, you say? ~How touching. I wonder if they'll weep for you when I'm done," I replied, the sadistic

The Chunins, grasping at straws, continued to beg for their lives. "We'll do anything! Just spare us!" the other one pleaded. I paused, savouring the desperation in their voices.

I let out a chilling laugh, relishing their futile attempts to escape the inevitable.


"Anything, you say? How about a little game?" I suggested, my voice dripping with sadistic glee. The moon bore witness to the unfolding madness, its pale light illuminating the terror etched on their faces.

"You see, I only need one of you alive," I announced, my eyes gleaming with a malicious glint. The Chunins exchanged terrified glances, their fate now hinging on a sadistic whimsy.

I gestured toward the remaining Chunins, a wicked smile playing on my lips. "Fight amongst yourselves. The survivor gets the pleasure of ~Staying alive," I declared, the madness in my eyes reflecting the chaos I had unleashed upon them.

With a manic chuckle, I stepped back, allowing the Chunins to grapple with the impending brutality. Viper and Hawk, silent witnesses to the depravity taking place.

The Chunins, torn between self-preservation and the grim reality of the choices before them, prepared to clash.



Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

Edge lord Gin is back. I understand some may think he's too much on the edginess but also note he hasn't made any meaningful bonds as of yet.

Hope you're enjoying the story. 

Constructive feedback is appreciated. 

Advance chapters are out on - ko-fi .com/zeroski 

The next update can be expected on Wednesday | Thursday.

Please leave some reviews and feedback :)

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