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45.45% Naruto : Sadistic Devil / Chapter 4: Graduation Part 1

Capítulo 4: Graduation Part 1

<Scene Break> 3rd POV

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the Senju Compound, Gin Ichimaru and Minato Namikaze prepared to take their leave.

Mito's expression shifted. A seriousness settled in her gaze, and she turned to Kushina with a question that held weight.

"Kushina, who is Gin Ichimaru?" Grandma Mito inquired, her voice now carrying a gravity that demanded honesty.

Kushina hesitated, sensing the shift in her grandma's tone. "He's a classmate from the academy, Grandma. Gin is… unique. Top of his class even though he barely attends it. Keeps to himself mostly, but he's skilled according to the rumours."

Grandma Mito, her gaze penetrating, pressed further. "There's more to him than that, isn't there?"

Kushina, feeling the weight of Grandma Mito's scrutiny, nodded slowly. "Yeah, there's something about him. He weirdly interacts with only a few people including me and Minato and the rest of them are just like ghosts to him. Even though he teases me or Minato he's never truly caused trouble."

Grandma Mito's eyes narrowed, a deep contemplation in her gaze. "I need you to tell me the truth, Kushina. Has Gin Ichimaru ever shown any hostility towards you or anyone else?"

"Why do you ask, Grandma? Is there something I should know?" Kushina inquired, sensing an undercurrent of concern.


Grandma Mito sighed, her gaze shifting to the horizon. "Gin Ichimaru is not an ordinary Kid. There's something you need to know, Kushina," Grandma Mito began, her tone somber. "Gin Ichimaru harboured a desire to kill me just before."

A chill ran down Kushina's spine. "Kill you? Why would he want to Kill you?"

Grandma Mito's eyes carried a mixture of sadness and warning. "I most likely crossed a line which he has with the probe. It's even crazy to think he detected my probe at his age when even most of the Elite Jonins in the village can barely manage this."

"From just the previous encounter I can tell you he sees the world as either Black or White. You're either with him or against him. Do you understand where I am going with this Kushina?"

Kushina, now feeling a sense of foreboding, nodded solemnly. "What should I do, Grandma?"

Grandma Mito's gaze turned back to her, stern yet caring. "Observe him closely. Trust your instincts. If you sense any hostility or danger, don't hesitate to seek help. I'm not saying don't be friends with him, People like Gin are unique and it's a boon to have someone so strong around you."

Kushina stood at the entrance, absorbing the weight of the warning.

As she contemplated the recent incident where a few classmates had attempted to bully her upon joining the academy, Kushina remembered how their bravado vanished when Gin entered the scene. Despite their initial aggression, all eyes turned to Gin, and an unspoken fear replaced their bravado.


<Scene Break Konoha> 3rd POV

Gin Ichimaru strolled through the bustling village streets. The murmur of the crowd, the scent of street food wafting through the air.

*Giggle* *Giggle* Gin recalled his talk with Kushina


"Gin!!! Ya Bastard!! Do you want to Kill my grandma?" Questioned Kushina looking at him suspiciously.

Gin just shrugged "I am training to be a killer Kushina…What do think Shinobi's do?"

<Flashback end>

"Hahahahaha the innocence. The will of fire just creates child soldiers and these kids don't even think about what a Shinobi has to do to survive" Gin muttered.

As he navigated the paths of Konoha, Gin sought out the location of the Hatake clan. From his memory, he knew they were skilled in Kenjutsu, a martial art involving the use of swords.

Approaching the Hatake territory, Gin noted the distinct architecture and disciplined atmosphere that surrounded the clan. As he neared the entrance, a vigilant guard scrutinized him.

"State your business," the guard demanded, eyeing the silver-haired Kid.

"I seek Sakumo Hatake. I wish to speak with him about training in Kenjutsu," Gin replied, his tone firm and respectful.

The guard raised an eyebrow, assessing the young shinobi's determination. "Sakumo-sama is not easily accessible. What makes you think he would entertain such a request?"

Gin's gaze remained unwavering. "I'm here to learn, to hone my skills in the way of the sword. If Sakumo-sama could spare a moment, I would be grateful."

After a brief consultation with a superior, the guard returned with a stern expression. "Sakumo-sama will see you. Follow me."

Gin found himself standing before the formidable figure of Sakumo Hatake. The veteran swordsman, with silver hair much like Gin's.

"What brings you here, Kid?" Sakumo inquired.

"I've heard of your reputation, Sakumo-sama. I wish to learn Kenjutsu, and I believe you are the best mentor for that," Gin stated respectfully.

Sakumo's expression remained impassive. "Many wish to learn, but not all possess the dedication required nor the skills. Why should I train you?"

"I am not one of the many Sakumo-Sama" replied Gin


Sakumo sighed, considering Gin's earnestness. "Training under me is not an easy endeavor. Are you prepared for the challenges that come with it?"

But before Gin could replay he was interrupted.

Sakumo, shook his head. "I have no intention of taking on a student at this time. The responsibilities are demanding, plus I cannot teach you our clan's style anyway since you're not a Hatake."

"Ohh well I tried, thanks for your time anyways ~Bye ~Bye" Gin replied as he started making his way back to the orphanage.

'Hmmm how can I learn Kenjustu…do I have to graduate to find the opportunity…? If only that fucker in my dream stopped telling me I'm not ready yet I'd be way stronger right now.' Contemplated Gin.


'But then again I am definitely making some crazy gains from the horrific training sessions. *Shiver* I just get PTSD thinking about arrows and how the fucker just keeps increasing the speed every time I get close to reacting to them.' Thinks Gin as sees the orphanage in the distance.


<Scene Break Dreamscape> 3rd POV

The mysterious figure, cloaked in shadows, awaited him as he stepped into the dreamlike arena.

The past two years spent in this alternate reality had been a journey of both physical and mental challenges, a surreal odyssey that pushed the boundaries of his abilities to borderline insanity.

As Gin stood before the cloaked figure, he couldn't shake the feeling that his progress had stagnated. The figure, seemingly aware of his thoughts, spoke in a voice that resonated within the dream.

"Gin Ichimaru, your growth has reached a plateau," the figure's voice resonated, echoing in the dream. "To progress, you must confront the stagnation within yourself."

Gin, though determined, felt a sense of frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

"No shit!! Sherlock." Snapped Gin.

The figure, attuned to his thoughts, gestured, and the dreamscape transformed into a dimly lit room, reminiscent of an ancient battleground. In the center stood someone Gin had not yet recognised.

"Your challenge lies before you. Defeat the Spectre, and only then can you transcend your current limits. The Spectre is stronger than you and every time you kill, it will come back stronger while covering the previous weakness" the figure instructed, its tone firm.

Across from Gin stood an identical figure – a spectral clone that mirrored him in every way. Yet, there was an unmistakable air of strength about the doppelgänger.

<1st POV>

In my hands materialized a short sword, The figure's gift, a weapon that blurred the lines between reality and illusion. I gripped the hilt, a mixture of determination and apprehension coursing through my veins.

*Swosh* *Swosh*

Both of us lunged at each other. *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

The initial exchanges were swift, the short sword in my grip slicing through the air with calculated precision. However, with each strike, it became evident that the spectral clone held a power that dwarfed my own.

Its movements were fluid, its attacks were as stupid as mine since I did not know any Kenjustu but with each of the intercepts with the sword I was being overpowered easily.

I gritted my teeth, trying to match the clone's relentless onslaught

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

The short sword, once a symbol of potential, felt like a burden in my hands. The spectral clone danced around me with its speed being twice mine and delivered a brutal vertical slice attack *SWIP* that cut off my dominant arm with the sword.


*tch* I'm done for this round. My mind is just conditioned to dying at this stage fuck my life.

To think I now casually shrug off a missing limb with no reaction…like it's all normal.

*SWIP* I just watch the Spectre behead me as my head rolls to the floor before my consciousness fades away.


"Daddy's back with a new head and arm Bitch!!" I yelled before lunging again at the Spectre full speed not even looking at his sword pointing towards me.

*Stab* "Ah..I messed up." I had run full speed right into the short sword he held up.

*Cricket* *Cricket* *Cricket*

"Hello…good sir can you please kill me now so I can reset..?" I asked

*Cricket* *Cricket* *Cricket*

"Ohh Come on!! I will give a free hit next round"

*Cricket* *Cricket* *Cricket*

*SWIP* *Huuumm*

"Daddy's back for real this time BITCH!!! LET'S GOOO!!!! Ohh and no free hit sorry ~Tehe"


<Scene Break Academy> Time Skip 6 months. 3rd POV

Under the shade of a large cherry blossom tree in the heart of the Ninja Academy courtyard, Gin Ichimaru found a moment of tranquillity during the lunch break.

Both Minato and Kushina had joined him under the shade, they had become inseparable at this stage.

As they unwrapped their lunches, Gin observed Minato and Kushina's animated discussion, finding a certain comfort in their company.

In the midst of their lunchtime banter, Minato looked at Gin and Kushina with a sparkle in his eyes. "Guess what, guys? I've made up my mind. I'm going to apply for graduation."

The announcement hung in the air, and Kushina's bright eyes widened with a mix of surprise and concern. "Graduation already, Minato? Are you sure about this? What if it's too early?"

Gin, though usually easygoing, raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Graduation, huh? You're in quite a hurry, Minato."

Minato chuckled, a trademark confidence radiating from him. "Well, I've been thinking about it for a while. I feel ready, you know? The academy has taught us a lot, and I want to see what's next."

Kushina's brows furrowed as she contemplated the idea of Minato leaving. "But what if it's dangerous out there? We've always stuck together, Minato. What if—"

Gin, usually very playful and mischievous, interjected with a calm assurance. "Kushina, Minato knows what he's doing. Graduation is a natural progression for a ninja. It's a path we all have to consider at some point."

Gin, ever the silent observer, listened to their conversation with a contemplative gaze. As Kushina's worry permeated the air, Minato reassured her, and Gin found himself reflecting on his own path. However, as the conversation progressed, an unexpected revelation unfolded.

"I've decided to apply for graduation as well," Gin stated casually as if revealing a mundane detail.

Minato and Kushina exchanged surprised glances. Kushina blinked, processing the unexpected announcement. "Wait, what? You too, Gin? But you're..." She paused, realization dawning. "You're younger than us!"

Gin shrugged nonchalantly. "I prefer actions to words. Age isn't a barrier; it's about capability. Plus, I need a teacher for Kenjutsu I will not get that if I just wait around in the academy."

As the realization sunk in, Kushina felt a twinge of unease. The prospect of being left behind, of not sharing this pivotal moment with her closest friends, tugged at her heart.

She hesitated, feeling a sense of exclusion as the prospect of graduating with her friends seemed to slip away. "But... I want to graduate too," she voiced her desire, albeit with a hint of uncertainty.

Gin, usually playful and calm, met her gaze with a firmness that bordered on severity. "Not everyone is ready for this step, Kushina. It's not something to rush into without careful consideration of your own abilities. This isn't a game."

Kushina, taken aback by Gin's stern response, felt a pang of rejection.

However, before she could fully express her desire, Gin cut her off with a cold and straightforward response, "You're not ready yet, Kushina. Stay behind, study, and get stronger."

Kushina, taken aback by the bluntness of Gin's words, felt a sense of rejection.

Her enthusiasm dampened, Kushina grappled with a sense of rejection. However, Gin's stern expression softened as he continued, "But let me ask you something. Do you honestly think you can beat both Minato and me in fights when we're serious?"

Kushina, caught off guard, hesitated before responding. Gin's question hung in the air. She had seen the occasional spars between them and both of them were in a league of their own, especially Gin. She had always deep down realised whenever they fought and faced her wrath they had purposefully gotten beaten up.

"Who will I hang out with in the academy if you guys leave?" Kushina's voice quivered, a hint of vulnerability breaking through her determined facade.

"Kushina," Minato spoke gently, "you're a talented kunoichi, and your time will come. Right now, focus on honing your skills. Find strength in your own journey, and when the time is right, you'll join us right?"

"Of course, Believe IT!!" Yelled Kushina with a newfound resolve.


<Scene Break Hokage's Office> 3rd POV

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in," Hiruzen called, his eyes lifting from the stack of papers.

The door creaked open, revealing an Academy instructor, a familiar face marked by the symbols of the leaf village. Bowing respectfully, the instructor approached the Hokage's desk, a scroll in hand.

"Hokage-sama, I bring the list of applicants for graduation," the instructor announced, holding out the scroll with an air of formality.

Hiruzen accepted the scroll, unrolling it to reveal a comprehensive list of young ninjas ready to take the next step in their shinobi journey. Names and achievements filled the parchment.

As the Third Hokage perused the list, his keen eyes stopped at two names that stood out amidst the others – Minato Namikaze and Gin Ichimaru. Both held a reputation that had rippled through the academy, leaving an indelible mark on their peers and instructors.

"Minato Namikaze, a prodigious talent with extraordinary skills in ninjutsu, shurikenjutsu, and taijutsu," the instructor began, providing a brief overview. "His strategic thinking is exceptional, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the glowing report on the young Namikaze. Minato's name had surfaced in discussions beyond the academy walls

The instructor then shifted his focus to the second notable name. "Gin Ichimaru, Hokage-sama. His report is more elusive. Gin is an enigma. Despite his playful nature, he has showcased an uncanny proficiency in the use of the taijustu and ninjitsu not much is known about his Shurikenjutsu. Strategic thinking seems to be one of his strengths. However, it's challenging to fully gauge his skills. His peers and instructors find him difficult to deal with and access due to his elusive demeanour."

Hiruzen's brow furrowed slightly as he considered the vague nature of Gin's report. A ninja shrouded in mystery was not uncommon, but it posed a unique challenge when evaluating readiness for graduation. The hidden leaf village required not only skill but also transparency and a clear understanding of a ninja's capabilities.

"Elaborate on Gin Ichimaru's evaluation," the Hokage requested, seeking more insight into the enigmatic young ninja.

The instructor hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Hokage-sama, Gin's abilities are not easily discernible. He operates with a level of secrecy and is very elusive, that has made it challenging for both peers and instructors to fully comprehend the extent of his skills. His potential is evident, but I'm embarrassed to say the specifics remain veiled."

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, his expression contemplative. Gin Ichimaru's case presented a unique challenge – an individual whose true capabilities were shrouded in mystery. As the Hokage, he needed to ensure that those graduating from the academy were not only skilled but also transparent in their abilities.

"Summon the examination committee," Hiruzen instructed. "For Gin Ichimaru, we need a more thorough assessment. Transparency is a crucial aspect of a ninja's readiness. We cannot afford uncertainty, especially when it comes to graduation."

The instructor bowed, acknowledging the Hokage's directive, and exited the room to carry out the orders. As the door closed behind him, Hiruzen looked towards the shadows. "Summon hound now"

"At once Hokage-Sama" An anbu operative appeared and disappeared as quickly.


An Anbu operative with a Sabre is kneeling in front of the Hokage. This particular Hound was none other than Sakumo Hatake, a seasoned and revered ninja in his own right.

Sakumo, bowing respectfully, acknowledged the Hokage's summons. "Hokage-sama, I am at your service."

"Hound," Hiruzen greeted. "I need your expertise for a special assignment."

Hiruzen gestured toward the seat opposite him. "Please, take a seat. We have an unusual matter to discuss."

"I have a young ninja under consideration for graduation – Gin Ichimaru," Hiruzen began.

Sakumo, though masked, remained impassive, giving nothing away. "Ichimaru... The name is not unfamiliar, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen continued, "Gin Ichimaru is an enigma. His skills are obscured, and even his instructors find it challenging to fully assess his capabilities. I need you, Sakumo, to oversee his evaluation during the graduation exams."

A subtle shift beneath Sakumo's mask betrayed a hint of surprise. The Third Hokage had just assigned him a task that hinted at the unconventional nature of the mission.

"Hokage-sama," Sakumo spoke, choosing his words carefully, "may I inquire about the specific expectations you have for Gin Ichimaru's evaluation since you're assigning me an Elite Jonin to assess his performance?"

Hiruzen's eyes gleamed with a shrewdness that spoke of a deeper understanding. "I need someone with your discerning eye to gauge his true potential. Observe him during the graduation exams, and report back with your insights. In one of the comments, I noticed he also is quite interested in Kenjutsu."

 Sakumo, known for his keen perception, realized the gravity of the assignment. His analytical skills and combat experience made him an ideal candidate for such a task.

"As you wish, Hokage-sama," Sakumo responded with a nod.

The Hokage handed Sakumo a sealed file containing Gin Ichimaru's detailed profile. "Take a thorough look at this. I want your honest assessment."

As Sakumo opened the file, scanning the information within, a flicker of recognition crossed his eyes. A memory stirred within him – a young child seeking guidance in the ways of the blade, inquiring about the Hatake clan.

"Hokage-sama," Sakumo's voice carried a tinge of recognition, "I've had a prior encounter with this young child. A few months ago, he approached me expressing a desire to learn Kenjutsu."

Hiruzen's eyebrows raised, intrigued by this unexpected connection. "Tell me more, Sakumo. What did you gather from that encounter?"

"I found him eager to learn, Hokage-sama," Sakumo admitted. "He displayed a unique determination, a hunger for knowledge that is rare among the young ones. But I was in between missions during that time and rejected his request to teach him Kenjutsu.

The Hokage leaned back, absorbing Sakumo's insights. The pieces of the puzzle began to align. 'How did he get information on Sakumo and specifically approached him…for Kenjutsu' Hiruzen's eyes narrowed.

"Observe him closely during the graduation exams, and report back to me. I trust your judgment in this matter," the Hokage instructed, emphasizing the importance of Sakumo's role.

The Anbu Hound bowed respectfully, acknowledging the gravity of the mission. As he left the Hokage Tower, file in hand.


<Scene Break Hokage's Office Evening> 3rd POV

*Knock* *Knock*

A discreet knock echoed through the room as Danzo entered, his gaze as piercing as ever behind the bandages that veiled his right eye.

"Hiruzen," Danzo greeted. "You summoned me?"

Hiruzen nodded gravely. "Indeed, Danzo. I wish to discuss an important matter concerning one of our young ninjas – Gin Ichimaru." As he started filling Danzo in on all the details.

Danzo's keen eye gleamed with a glint of interest. "Perhaps, Hiruzen, it's time to consider a different approach."

Hiruzen regarded Danzo with a wariness born of years of conflicting ideologies. "What do you propose, Danzo?"

"Let Root handle Gin Ichimaru. We will shape him, mold him into a weapon for Konoha. The village's interests demand such measures, and Root is well-equipped for the task. He seems more suited for darkness."

Hiruzen's expression tightened as he weighed the implications. Root, Danzo's clandestine organization, operated in the shadows with methods that often skirted the boundaries of morality. He had long been conflicted about involving the organization in the village's affairs but alas his indecisiveness made it so it needed to be involved.

"You propose using the boy as a tool," Hiruzen stated his tone a mixture of inquiry and scepticism.

Danzo nodded, unwavering. "A tool to protect Konoha from threats, both external and internal. Root has a proven track record of achieving results, even when the methods employed might be deemed unconventional."

The proposition hung in the air, the gravity of the decision palpable. Hiruzen, though hesitant, understood the practicality of Danzo's proposal. Konoha needed strength especially now that another war was looming over their heads.


Hiruzen sighed, his shoulders sagging under the weight of leadership. "Very well, Danzo. Handle it discreetly, but ensure that Gin retains some semblance of humanity."

Danzo's lips curled into a semblance of a smile. "I shall not disappoint, Hiruzen."

As Danzo left the room, the door closing behind him, Hiruzen was left alone with the burden of his decision. The village demanded sacrifices, and in this instance, the sacrifice was unfortunately young Gin Ichimaru.


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Zeroskii Zeroskii

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