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60% Dc: start in Young Justice / Chapter 16: Chap 15: Normal day in a new crazy universe

Capítulo 16: Chap 15: Normal day in a new crazy universe

A month passed since I have been here, and I can say it was kinda a productive month. I mainly did what I did in DC most of the time, visited cities and libraries, helped some people from explosions and shootings and stopped some robberies, geez crime here is like a Tuesday man.

I even met the Guardians couple of times while on the scene, and managed to copy War Woman powers she also has the same power as Immortal, I thought she might have something else but that was it, and true to her name she even suggested to visit so we can sparr sometimes I said sure why not, i do need to move my muscles after all I don't want to get rusty, not like that will ever happen.

But when i copied the Martian something extraordinary happened it was the second time i felt this way, i got like an evolution of some kind, i felt as if i got more powerful and my body control is off the charts now. I can even control myself to a molecular level even the copying process was fast, faster than it should be it normally take couple of minutes but it just happened in seconds and i felt my body lighter and... happier? That's new, it happened once before when i copied Amazo but the result was not that much visible on the outside and took more time, if i copied someone with adabtility will that happen too? so if the power is compatible with me I react differently? Food for thought.

But it oppened my eyes... and mind, those who says 'Know thy self' have no idea what i can do now, i even felt the Acausality power loosen a little but in no mean getting weaker, it's just that I gained control over something and that something is my body inside and outside. I am now sure, 100% sure no one could take anything from me, my body, my power and my mind I control all that and no one other than ME can.

You can take my blood but all you'll see is what i decide to, even my metagene can't be discovered nor sensed unless I allow it to. No cloning, no copying, no stealing, no controlling, no anything. I control what i want hahHAHAHAHA.

Huff... ok that was good adrenalin and excitement for one day, back to normal.

Well all that is what i believe, but there are always room for improvements and i don't doubt for a second that there are some bullshit powers or simply scientific devices out there that will just flip me the finger to all what i think is true or possible. That not to mention all the overpowered beings and concepts out there, i trust my Acausality but it's best to be ready and prepared for anything.

When Thanos said 'cursed with knowledge' he had no idea what he is thinking.

Where was i? Ah yes.

Red Rush like the Flash is a cool guy and i like his accent, we got along well after he figured out i can keep up with him. He told me he would introduce me to his girlfriend in the future if time allowed it. I doubt that. 'Speedsters'

Midnight city is a peculiar place to be honest, it's like the producer did his best to imitate Gotham, it litterally is cursed with a midnight all year long it's better to call it 'crime never sleep' city.

It's only criminals and no civilians, wouldn't it be better to turn this place to a prison or something? I met Darkwing there, figures like Batman he has eyes everywhere in this city, i told him about Gotham and how similar and dark both cities are. Unfortunately his sidekick Darkboy was not with him, i want to know if he really has a [shadow-verse] ability or not. Well he was tense the whole time with me as if afraid i will do anything to him or his city, i had to roll my eyes internally i reall want to put him beside Batman and smash their heads together.

I wish i can do the ancient one palm trick thing. Just send them on a spiritual journey through the multiverse and show them how insignificant their worries and preparations are in the big picture. I wonder if Batman will go mad or insane in knowing all this. Will he turn to the dark side?

There was this one version of him that wanted to destroy all universes upon knowing of them right? Honestly sometimes i really want to just eiteher kill him and be done with it or cripple or erase his memories at least. I don't hate the man but his potential danger level is too much.

Haahh...forget it.

You may think it's weird how i am meeting the all busy Guardians so frequently but it's so obvious that i am under watch, i can even see some undercover agent around from time to time too, i am having déja-vus. But it got less with time and i felt them behaving more genuinely with me the more we met so that's good. I suppose it's normal and takes time in these kind of situations.


The thing about this universe is... they don't care about the damage, nor they censor anything like litterally whenever there's a hero and a villain fight there will be damge, blood and gore lying around and death, too many death. I mean it's also the same back there but they do care more about the safety than here, it's like i am in the Boys but without the evil maniac heroes well if you don't count Omni-man and the Viltrumites. They aren't maniac per se, not all of them atleast.... maybe?

And i don't think they can be called villains either, they are more of crazy warriors like Goku but with more cruelty and they actually believe that what they do is the right thing, lives and destruction are just collateral damage or challenge to their authorities i think, nah forget it they are barbarian psychopaths.

Well they are not like the saiyans who enslave and destroy planets tho, more of rule and bring order with force. They are like free will is overrated and the Empire's will is the will.

Wait that's the same!!

Just forget it.

Speaking of Viltrumites I didn't see Omni-man yet and i don't know if he knows about me, hopes not i don't want to be under his radar and thought of as a threat need to be get rid of.

While i am not afraid of him and fighting him may be interesting and will make me much much poweful, even thought he probably is not that much stronger than Superman, what's make him dangerous is his experience, the guy is like thousand years old who knows how many battles did he fight in and how many planets did he conquers? So unless necessary i don't really want to fight him. There's a side of me that's telling me to man up you pussy and fight but i just brushed it off.

I am more of a pacifist who like to watch and not intervene much unless it is something realted or important to me than just jump in and fool around.

Ok there may be something wrong in that statement but still.


Today was a good day, I was having a nice lunchtime outside till I wasn't anymore, the roof was literally falling off on my head, while i could have just dodged and got away or phased or whatever i just had to sigh at the cliché first.

I just faster than anyone can notice or understand took everyone outside before they got buried and saw the Teen Team fighting some villains in lizards costumes and doing horribly at that, the boy is throwing explosives everywhere it's better if he played for the other team honestly, Dupli-kate is well duplicating before getting shot, Eve... haah so much potential and she's just making shields and shooting blasts and Robot just no one is listening to him.

I mean sure they have a really good teamwork i bet all because Robot instructions but still.

Man that really ruined my day, i was about to leave when i noticed Kate was about to get hit by a big boulder she couldn't avoid without getting seriously injured, i quickly changed to my suit with the mask on and flew above her and holded the boulder with a hand and put it down slowly while everyone looking at me wondering where i came from, I just sighed loud enough to be heard, set my gaze on the criminals and before Kate or anyone said anything I blitzed throught them all and put them to sleep then flew away not looking behind.


There are many Heroes in this planet but most if not all of them are free and do private work, there are some teams but each has his own country they operate in, but also they have their own villains.

For real tho there is a dragon in China and other monsters/kaijus around the world, I didn't hear about any Godzilla yet but i won't be surprised if there is one, not to mention the sea monsters there's really some freaky shit going on there, couldn't even enjoy the beach that one day without someting getting up from the water starting to eat people.

What can a man do to have some peace here!!

As for these heroes their powers are the normal Superstrenght, durability and invulnerability package stuff nothing special or eye catching, i don't know where the unique ones are yet even those that will come to the new Guardians recruitment later most of them are unknown, probably waited till then to show themselves i don't know yet i don't have information other than what is on the news or internet.


"So how are you finding our earth so far ?" asked War Woman while flying to their HQ.

"Well it's mostly the same but there are more freaky stuff here with the weird creatures coming out of the blue once in a while" I answered, I finally took her offer for a spar and we are going for a special training room they have designed for superpowered people.

"And here we are, what you think of our base?" She asks while leading me inside showing me around, she sure is talkative and despite her appearance very nice actually.

"It's impressive, reminds me of the cave that what i call our place, it's also hidden in a mountain but no snow more like sea." i answer while looking around, it is spacey enough with a large supercomputer and some stuff around." So where are the rest, duties and stuff?"

"Yeah who knows maybe there maybe in their rooms don't mind them come let's go to the training area" she rushed me with her and we started preparing, not that i have lot to prepare but she started to take her helmet, armor and mace off showing more skin, apparently it's kinda of a warrior custom to make the fight more physical and comfortable, meh who am i to judge not like i mind.

"Like what you see?" She asked me with a smirk after noticing my gaze, well figured a warrior like her won't get embarrassed or annoyed, good.

"Yeah pretty much, won't mind a little turn there" i answered with my own smirk while gesturing with my finger.

"Heh, if you satisfy me maybe i'll allow more" is it wrong that i find bold women hot?

"Well that's not misleading at all, but i'll make sure to do my best" I offer my best smile at her while making my suit shapeshift to show my upper bare body which make her smile widen.

"That's more like it" Immediately after the words settle in she dashes at me delivering a right hook that i block with my arm creating a loud bang, and i deliver my own punch that send her skidding backward till she readjust herself in a ready position.

"I advise you to give it your all just because you have a nice body doesn't mean i will go easy on you" i smirk and say.

She smiles at me back and says: " I want nothing more" and she flies fast at me delivering a spinning kick to my neck that I dodge by lowering my body and attempting a kick at her leg to make her fall but she dodges expertly by backflipping and making a distance then we both move forward at the same time each with our punches moving forward till meeting in the middle creating shockwaves around us.

Instead of doing a power play with her that i will definitly win I just take a step back making her stumble a bit forward then grab her arm and flip her karate style that bury her in the ground, she quickly flips up in an a show of acrobatic with a kick to my chest that manages to send me flying back for a distance but she's already in front of me ready to deliver a set of punches and kicks each strong enough to affect the air around us making me dodge and block and deliver my own moves, she notices that then she takes it up a notch and increases her speed and strength.

I have to say she has an impressive style of combat dangerous and precise, guess it's an Amazonian style i watch her more as she goes to deliver a punch to my shin that i sidestep and quickly catch her arm and flip it behind her back then tackle her to the ground to subdue her she's trying to struggle but i hold still and come close to her ear and say:"it's seems it's my win" and i blow a little at her ear and i can feel her shiver haha it's fun, and i laugh a little for her to hear.

That somehow gives her strength to get out of my hold and she flips me and now she's sitting on me with a big smirk her fist behind her back descending on my face but i tilt my head and dodge fast, the earth were my face was got destroyed "say again?"

" you don't like to lose heh?"

Before she can answer tho I lift my legs, get hold of her body and throw her, back first at the ground then quickly stand up hold her leg and send her flying to the roof stucking there for a second before she lands on her feet. "Guess i got excited for a second there" i smirk and we continue like that for a while more till we decide it's enough for today.

"We definitely have to do that again, everyone else is just delivering punches and kicks with no style but you, you know your moves" she says quite excitedly at that too, well it's true everyone forget techniques when they have raw power to compensate for it.

We conversed more and she insisted that we do that more while being more physical with me on the way, strong independent woman are really bold i like that.

We saw Darkwing doing something on the computer we greeted him and he just nodded in return, Martian man and Green Ghost were also around so we conversed a little and hanged out a bit.

These guys company is actually pleasant and enjoyable, I didn't feel anything like that from the League not that I met all of them maybe only Dinah and J'onn were nice but that only at the beginning and not anymore.

I wonder if I should save them from their death, or at least some of them?

The thing is I don't know the future of this universe, what if saving them and confronting Omni-man will have a negative implication on the whole planet? In the canonical show after he left nobody came to earth directly and just gave the task to Mark/Invincible after catching Nolan, but what if he were to die or be captured here and they sent someone or more to take over?

One Omni-man was capable of ending the most powerful team of earth what will two or three do? Even if I help and may not die and say we deal whith the newcomers then what? They will send others or maybe the whole Empire, i will probably be the only survivor and everyone else well dead, the whole planet will die. So is it worth it? I am not sure.

Their company is pleasant yes but that's it, we are not close enough for me to go out of my way to save them and make the problem bigger, I won't stay here for ever anyway so atleast I won't cause more problems before leaving.

As for War Woman, even thought she's beautiful and I like her open personality I am not here gathering potential lovers or wives or whatever you like to call them. I am not a pervert on a journey to make the perfect Harem or whatever I like for these stuff to happen on their own and not me making direct approach or chasing after them. Or else I would have chased around Wonder Woman or Dinah or whatever.

Though I prefer War Woman over Wonder Woman. No reasons other than the latter being more sought after and her personality and the way she dresses is not much to my liking.

A lot will hate me for that but call it a preference. But now that I mention these two there are some other interesting Amazonians and alternate versions of them. There is this aggressive one i have in mind, maybe when I visit that universe in the future I will see if she's to my liking maybe if I beat her enough or something she will just surrender to me if not just get rid of her she's evil anyway.

I will see in the future, but I really don't want a Harem or a big one atleast. That shit is too cliché for my taste.

*sigh* who am i kidding just let it be and what happens happens. I am not gonna linger on that stuff too much i am not a simp nor a dense protagonist idiot. And that doesn't mean i will just spit in the face of luck and chances.

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