— Lilith POV —
"…we're slowly eating up shares from Harris Group as well as from unexplored markets," one of the executives in our video call reported as I looked down at my phone and messaged my husband.
'We're eating up your shares,' I grinned as I waited for his reply.
"…continuously number one across all segments we have business in…" he continued to report as my phone vibrated.
'I'm pretty sure the only eating I plan on doing is between your legs.' he replied making me lock my screen.
I was pretty sure I was blushing as Grandpa gave me a concerned look from across the table.
Lex, who sat next to me couldn't stop fidgeting.
He hadn't told me anything about the meeting he had gone to but I guess we hadn't had any time alone yet.
Even now we were in a room full of relatives while those that didn't know how I looked were attending via the video call where our video was switched off.